Ater Four Years of Discouraging
Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave
Up in Despair. Husband
Came to Rescue.
Catron, Ky.-ln an interesting letter
from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock
writes as follows: "1 suffered for four
years, with womanly troubles, and during
this time, 1 could only sit up for a little
while, and could not walk anywhere at
all. At times, I would have severe pains
in my left side.
The doctor was called in, and his treat
t relieved me for a while, but I was
confined to my bed again. After
othing seemed do me any good.
I had gotten so weak I could not stand,
and I gave up in despair.
At last, my husband got me a bottle of
Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com
menced taking it. From the very first
dose, I could tell it was helping me. I
can now walk two miles without its
tiring me, and am doing all my work."
If you are all run down from womanly
troubles, don't give up in despair. Try
Cardui, the woman'stonic. It has helped
more than a million women, in its 50
years of continuous success, and should
surely help you, too. Your druggist has
sold Cardul for years. He knows what
it will do. Ask him. He will recom
mend it. Begin taking Cardui today.
Write to: Chattanooga Meilclne Co.. dies'
Advlsory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for pedal
Jlntructions on your case and64-page book, Home
Treatment for Women." sent in plain wrapper. )a
S. I. Reymond Co., Ltd.,
Cor Main and Third Streets
Baton Rouge, La.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes Hats
Clothing, Hlousefurnishing, Etc.
Estimates Furnished on
Wire Doors and Screens
a Specialty.
Window and Door Frames,
Mantels, Etc.
Life, Fire, Steam Boiler, Tornado, Ac
cident and all other forms of
R. M. Leake. Office at Residence.
Phone 14.
St. Francisville, La.
There WILL BE light if you buy your electric
light bulbs from me. All sizes Interstate Electric **
" Company's Mazda and Carbon Lamps in stock.
" Orders taken for all kinds of electrical appliances. "
f. C. STORM.
St. Francisville, La.
Is Your Farm Remunerative?
Do You Wish to Do Better?
OF COURSE WE HAVE Rustproof Oats, and Les
pedeza Seed, and Hay, and Red Polled Grade Cattle for
sale, but the fact that we have had them for thirty years
proves that they have been profitable to us and that they
will remunerate you if you will handle them sufficiently
and properly. If you desire any information concerning
them we shall be glad to supply same on request.
Woodlawn Farm, Laurel nilI,La.
An ordinance to levy, collect, and en- An
force payment of an annual license
tax upon all persons, associations
of persons, or business firms and
corporations, pursuing any trade,
profession, vocation, calling or bus
iness in the Parish of West Felic
iana, Louisiana, except those that
are expressly excepted from such
license tax by Article 229 of theCon
stitution of the State of Louisiana:
Be it ordained by the Police Jury of
the Parish of West Feliciana in reg
ular session convened on this 4th day Bo
of November, Nineteen hundred and Fr.
fourteen (1914)- rel
Section 1. That there is hereby levied 101
an annual license tax for the year
Nineteen hundred and fifteen (1915), an
upon each person, association of per- Ni
sons, or business firms and corpora- up
Lions pursuing any trade, profession, so]
vocation, calling or business, conduct- pu
ed, pursued, carried on or operated or
within the limits of the Parish of West pu
Feliciana, La., which may be subject wi
to such license tax under Article 229 Fr
of the Constitution of the State of su
Louisiana. cle
Sec. 2. That on the 2nd day of Janu- St
ary, 1915, the tax collector shall begin
to collect and shall collect as fast as Ja
possible from each of the persons or be
business firms, associations of persons, fa
and corporations pursuing witnin the so
limits or said rarish any trade, profes- pe
sion, calling, vocation or business, a wi
license tax as herein provided. All a
licenses shall be due and collectible
during the first two months of the year
191 and all unpaid licenses shall be- bl
come delinquent on the .first day of ye
lMarch of said year, and all firms who be
commence business after that date M
shall become delinquent unless the cc
license is paid within ten days.
Sec. J. That the annual parochial li
cense hereby levied is declared to be
the same as, and to be graduated in
accordance with, the Constitution and th
laws of the State of Louisiana now in cc
force, and is hereby declared to be the LL
same as to graduation, and in amount to
as the license laws of the State of tt
Louisblaa now in force provide for ar
State purposes, and are to be deter- of
wined in accordance therewith, to-wit: to
Act No. 1 1 of the General Assembly of to
the State of Louisiana of the session of to
1898, and the subsequent acts of the
General Assembly of Louisiana amenda- ol
tory thbreof. It is hereby declared to 11
be the intention of this body to herein G
levy the same license tax for parochial L
purposes, both as to graduation and
amount as is now imposed by the Gen- ti
eral Assembly for State purposes, to s'
which laws special reference is hereby p,
made as being part hereof for the pur- ai
pose aforesaid, provided that this re- A
striction shall not apply to dealers in la
distiulled alcoholic and malt liquors, ai
the license for the carrying on of ls
which business shall be as hereinafter 61
provided in this ordinance. a
Sec. 4. That the procedure in the f,
collection of parochial licenses herein a
levied, and that to ascertain the amount n
due for same by the tax collector, shall
be the same as is now provided by law ti
for State purposes, and particularly in li
Act No. 111 of the General Assembly d
of Louisiana of the session of 1898, as I
amended by subsequent acts of the b
General Assembly and at subsequent ti
sessions; and the penalties imposed A
upon, and interest and costs to be col- tl
lected from delinquents, are declared
to be the same and to be collected in
the same manner as provided by said a
act of the General Assembly(as amend- f
ed by subsequent acts) for State pur- s
Sec. 5. That for every business or 1
dealer in distilled, alcoholic or malt
liquors, whether selling by wholesale
or retail, the parochial license is here
by levied, graduated and determined 0
as follows, in this Parish: When the c
gross annual receipts of said business "
are Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or !
more, the license shall be One thousand [
five hundred dollars ($1,500) per year, d
or for any part thereof.
When the gross annual receipts of t
said business are Thirty-seven thous
and dollars ($37,000) and less than r
Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) the (
license shall be One thousand four
hundred dollars ($1,400) per year or
for any part thereof. r
When the gross annual receipts of
said business are Twenty-five thousand
dollars ($25,000) or more, and less
than Thirty-seven thousand dollars
($37,000) the license shall be Thirteen
hundred dollars ($1,300) per year or
for any part thereo.
When the gross annual receipts of
Ssaid business are less than Twenty-five
thousand dollars ($25,000) the license
shall be One thousand dollars ($1,000)
Sper year, or for any part thereof.
Sec. 6. That the annual license tax
for parochial purposes, on the sale of
Spistols, or pistol cartridges, and rifles
or rifle cartridges, blank pistols and
Sblank cartridges hereby levied, shall be
Sthe same as to graduation and amount
as now provided for State purposes by
SAct No. 65 of the regular session of the
SGeneral Assembly of the State of Lou
isiana of the year 1904, to which act
special reference is hereby made for
Sthe purpose aforesaid and for identifi
cation herewith; and said license shall
be collected by the tax collector in the
same manner and at the same time as
are collected other license taxes.
Sec. 7. That any person, firm, corpo
) ration or company having more than 1
one place of business in said parish,
' shall pay a separate license for each
. place of business in said parish.
Sec. 8. That incorporated municipal-*
ities exempt by the Constitution and
laws of this State, particularly under
Act No. 142 of the General Assembly
of the session of 1904 of the State of
Louisiana, situated in this parish, are
hereby declared to be exempt from the
provisions of this ordinance.
Sec. 9. That the parochial licenses
which are herein levied are declared
to be for the purposes which may be1
required by the Constitution and laws
of this State, for parochial purposes.
President of the Police Jury of West
Feliciana Parish.
Secretary of the Police Jury of the
Parish of West Feliciana.
An ordinance to levy, collect and en- buy
force payment of an annual license I
tax upon all persons, associations wb
of persons or business firms, cor- to
porations pursuing any trade, pro- re(
fession, vocation, calling or busi- of
ness in the town of St. Francis- Pu
ville, Louisiana, except those that
are expressly excepted from such
license tax by Article 229 of the
Constitution of the State of Lou- G.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and of
Board of Aldermen of the Town of St. Mi
Francisville, State of Louisiana, in
regular session convened on this the
10th day of November, 1914. St
Section 1. That there is hereby levied
an annual license tax for the year
Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen (1915)
upon each person, association of per
sons, or business firms, or corporations
pursuing any trade, profession, calling tO
or business or vocation, conducted, 24
pursued, or carried on or operated 1'a
within the limits of the Town of St. se
Francisville, Louisiana, which may be hi
subject to such license tax under Arti- C
cle 229 of the Constitution of the Co
State of Louisiana. a.
Sec. 2. That on the second day of th
January, 1915, the tax collector shall
begin to collect and shall collect as
fast as possible from each of the per
sons or business firms, associations of N
persons, and corporations pursuing it,
within the limits of said Municipality, hi
a license as herein provided.
All licenses shall be due and collecti- 8
ble during the first two months of the ij
year 1915, and all unpaid licenses shall ce
become delinquent on the first day of ac
March of said year; and all firms who ce
commence business after that date ai
shall become delinquent unless the et
license be paid within ten days.
Sec. 3. That the annual Municipal Si
license hereby levied is declared to be si
the sajne as and to be granted in ac- ,d
cordance with the Constitution and b;
Laws of the State of Louisiana now in B
force, and is hereby declared to be S;
the same as to graduation and in in
amount as the license laws of the State w
of Louisiana, now in force, provided m
for State purposes; and are to be de- tl
termined in accordance therewith, M
to-wit: P
Act No. 171 of the General Assembly r4
of the State of Louisiana of the year P
1898, and the subsequent acts of the n
General Assembly of the State of sJ
1 Louisiana amendatory thereof. ii
It is here declared to be the inten
tion of this body to herein levy the
same license tax for Municipal pur
poses,both as to graduation and amount
as is now imposed by the General
Assembly for State purposes to which
1 laws special reference is hereby made
as a part hereof for the purpose afore
f said; provided that this restriction
r shall not apply to dealers in distilled,
alcoholic and malt liquors, the license
e for the carrying on of which shall be
a as hereinafter provided in this ordi
Sec. 4. That the procedure in collec
tion of the Municipal licenses herein o
levied, and that to ascertain the amount
due for same, by the tax collector, ,
shall be the same as is now provided
by law for State purposes, and par
t ticularly in Act No. 171 of the General
Assembly of the State of Louisiana, of
d the session of 1898, as amended by sub
sequent acts of the subsequent ses
s lions, and the penalties imposed upon,
d and interest and costs to be collected,
for delinquents, are declared to be the
same, and to be collected in the same
manner as provided by said Act of the
General Assembly(as amended by sub
A sequent acts) for State purposes.
S Sec. 5. That upon the business oft
d operating a barroom, cabaret, cafe, 3
, coffee house, beer saloon, grog shop,
, beer house, beer garden, or other
r places where spirituous, vinous, or
d malt liquors are sold, directly or in- 1
, directly, license shall be based on the
annual gross receipts of said business,
as follows, to-wit:
SFirst class. When said gross annual
Sreceipts are Fifty Thousand Dollars
S($50,000) or more, the license shall be
Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).
SSecond class. When the gross anuual
receipts are Forty Thousand Dollars
t ($40,000) or more, and less than Fifty
d ThOusand Dollars ($50,000), the license
, shall be Eighteen Hundred Dollars
a $(1,800).
Third class. When said gross annual
. receipts are Thirty Thousand Dollars
($30,000) or more, and less than Forty
Thousand Dollars ($40,000), the license
shall be Sixteen Hundred Dollars
e ($1,600).
Fourth class. When said gross annual
) receipts are less than Thirty Thousand 1
Dollars ($30,000), the license shall be
SOne Thousand Dollars ($1,000).
Provided further, that no license
Sshall be charged for selling refresh
d ments for charitable or religious pur
t Prvided further, that nothing in this
y ordilance shall be construed so as to
e exempt druggists who sell alcohol,
U vinous, or malt liquors, or other in- i
Ct toxicating beverages on the prescrip
Stion of a physician or otherwise, from
the payment of - the license herein
ll imposed.
SProvided further, that this ordinance
a shall not apply to the sale by druggists
of tinctures or compounds in the prep
-laration of which such liquors and in
n toxicating beverages are used and sold
h, on the prescription of a physician or
1 otherwise, and which tinctures and
compounds are not intoxicating bev
li- erages prepared in the evasion of this
id ordinance.
er Sec. 6. That the wholesale license
ly herein levied for the sale of spirituous,
of ivinous, or malt liquors is hereby de
e dclared to be the same as that provided
te for retailing liquors in section five (5)
of this act and graduated accordingly.
s Sec. 7. That the license for the sale
3d of intoxicating liquors shall be just
be the same for any part of the year 1915
vs as for the entire year.
5. Sec. 8. That the annual license tax
for Municipal purposes on the sale of
at pistols, pistol cartridges and rifle or
rifle cartridges, blank pistols, and blank
pistol cartridges, hereby levied, shall
te be the same as to graduation and as to
amount as now provided for State pur
Sposes by Act No. 65 of the regular ses
sion of the General Assembly of the
State of Louisiana of the year 1904, or
acts amendatory thereof, special refer
ence being made to said act for the
id purposes aforesaid, and for identifica
tion herewith; and said license shall
- be collected in the same manner and
id althe same time as are collected other
U- licenses.
Sec. 9. That any firm, corporation or
company having more than one place
of bstiness in said town shall pay a
separate license for each place of
business in said town.
Sec. 10. That the Municipal licenses
which are herein levied are declared th
to be for the purposes which may be "I
required by the Constitution and Laws m
of the State of Louisiana for Municipal ac
purposes. pr
Mayor of the Town of
St. Francisville, Louisiana.
G. L. PLETTINGER, Clerk. ai
Ordinance passed on the tenth day pl
of November, 1914. Recorded in pe
Minute Book "4," pages--. Li
State of Louisiana, Parish of West
Feliciana, 24th Judicial District -
Court-Feliciana Bank and Trust
Co., in Liquidation, vs. No.- '
A. D. Percy. p'
By virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias P
to theSheriff directed by the Hon. the w
24th Judicial District Court, for the LZ
Parish of West Feliciana, La., I have lt
seized and will ofler for sale to the
highest bidder at the front door of the -
Court House in the town of St. Fran
cisville, La., at the hour of 11 o'clock R
a. m. on
Saturday, December 12, 1914,
the following described property of
defendant, situated in the Parish of
V est Feliciana, La, to-wit:
The Turnbull tract, being Section
Ninety (90) in Township One(1) South
Range Three(3) West, containing Five
hundred and eighty-five and 97-100
(585.91) acres. The Bell place, being
Section Ninety-one (91), Township One
(1) South Range Three (3) West, ex- c
cepting One hundred and fifty (150)
acres now owned by Charles Smothers,
containing Three hundred and three
and 54-100 (303.54) acres, both situat
ed in the Eighth Ward.
Also the Doherty tract containing
Seventy-five (75) acres and being the a
same land entered from the State by i
Mrs. Sarah B. Doherty and purchased L
by Chas. E. Percy, in the suit of Sarah
13. Doherty against her creditors at t
Sheriff's sale on July 6, 1867, recorded I
in Notarial Record "O" page 556, to
which reference is hereby made for a
more specific description, and being
the same land which was conveyed by
Mrs. Catherine B. Gay to Anthony D. 1
Percy, January 4, 1904, which deed is I
recorded in Notarial Record book "X"
page 689, to which reference is also
made for a more accurate description,
situated in the 7th ward; containing
in all Nine hundred and sixty-seven
and 51-100 (967.51) acres, more or less,
together with all buildings and im
provements thereon.
Terms of sale-Cash, with benefit
of appraisement.
J. H. CLACK, Sheriff.
Authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to
issue certificate of indebtedness to
H. H. Shackelford Co., contractors,
and to pledge part of the revenues
of 1916 in payment thereof.
First. Be it ordained by the Mayor
and Board of Aldermen of the Town
of St. Francisville, Louisiana, that, in
accordance with the contract made
with H. H. Shackelford Company, and
in accordance with Act No. 32 of the
General Assembly of the Stats of Lou
isiana, the Mayor and Clerk be and
they are hereby authorized and em
powered to issue certificate of indebt
edness of said Town to H. H. Shackel
ford Co., contractors, for the construc
tion of a reservoir, as follows, to-wit:
Certificate number two bearing 5 per
cent interest per annum from date
until paid at maturity, .April 1, 1916.
Second. Be it further ordained, That
for the prompt and punctual payment
of said certificate in principal and in
terest and in accordance with Act No.
32 of the Legislature as aforesaid, the
sum of $1,810.57 out of the license
revenues of the Town for the year
1916 be and the same is hereby special
-ly set apart and dedicated to the pay
ment of said indebtedness certificate
number two.
Be it further ordained, etc., That
the ordinance take effect immediately
after its passage.
A. B. BRIANT, Mayor.
DECEASED. No. 120.
SState of Louisiana, Parish of West
Feliciana, 24th Judicial District
, Notice of Filing of Final Account
a Notice is hereby given to all whom
9 it doth or may concern, to show cause
1 within ten days from the present noti
i fication, if any they have or can, why
3 the Final Account of Kemp C. Smith,
Administrator, filed heroin, should not
ebe approved and homologated and
.made the judgment of the Court.
Witijess the Honorable Jos. L. Gol
san, Judge of the 24th Judicial District
of Louisiana, this 27th day of Novem
. ber, 1914.
Clerk of said Court.
e Silence is golden. There are a lot
5 of true things which should not be
Alex. Enochs,
Successor to E. Enochs, dealer and
manufacturer of Sarcophagus Monu
ments and Headstones. Marble and
Granite of best quality. Workman
ship at lowest rates.
1 have taken over my shop, and am
preparing to take care of all work in
the blacksmith and machinery repair
ing line. I will appreciate your pat
My brand in a spad&. The public is
warned against buying cattle with this
brand, without my consent.
We claim hat brand on either I
side. We will esteem it a favor
if any one having cattle with this brand
on their premises, will notify us at
Wilcox, La.
By A. L Bowman. Prns.
I will appreciate any information
leading to the recovery of cattle brand
ed N. 5. that may have strayed from
the pastures near Plettenberg.
P. 8. PERCY, Agent,
Plettenbers, 1a.
All hunting with dog or gun, or driving
through or off of any cattle, on the
"Rosale" plantation without special per
mission, is positively prohibited. All such
acts will be regarded as trespassing and
prosecuted as such.
From and after this date all hunting o01
any kind on Ambrosia and Independence
plantation is positively prohibited under
penalty of trespassing. Any one found on
these places without permission will be
considered trespassing, and prosecuted to
the full extent of the law.
From and after this date all hunting oe
any kind on the Greenwood plantation is
positively prohibited under penalty of tres
passing. Any one round on this place
without permission will be considereti
trespassing and prosecuted to the full ex
tent of the law.
We regret we have to forbid all tres
passing of 3vry kind passing
through Woodlawn Farm.
All parties are hereby notitied not to
trespassa on the following places: the
Green Oak, and the Tanglewild places,
with dog, rod or gun. AU permissions
neretofore granted are heresy revoked.
Hunting of any iund, cattl Ut.1 g us
dshing on Mr. Vernon plauitauctn is posI
uvely prohibited under penalty of W.*
iaw of trespass. No exceptions.
vrom and aiter this date 611 hunting 01
any Kind on ktosuown, ii zlewood anua
itheritance plantationa is yp usvely pro
ilitnted under penalty ot tre.passing.
The public is warneu adu cnst buying
tire woos, post or timber iro.n tenants on
ktosedownl, 'exar, kiasiewoot, and nherl
Lance plantations.
jAS., Y. HuOW MAN.
No trespassing with gun o ntog or pass
ing ttucugn my place loca Le between
Layson and Flower Hill piantatolu is
uereby prohibited under ptnalty of the
.aw 'against trespass.
r roni and after this date all hunting
anud nehing on the Cottage plantation
are positively prohibited under penalty of
trespassing. Any one found on this place
without permission will be considerew
trespassing and prosecuted to the full ez
cent of the law.
Crossmi the rear of property below
T'rue lie icrat oltice in St. Franci idle
is hereby prohibited under penalty of
'respass. Parsons found crossing these
Spremises or damaging the fences will he
prosecuted. All permisaions heretofore
r given are hereby revokeo.
B iuuting and nstung are strictly prohib
d ited, unner penalty of trespass, on the
B iollowing -named places: Afton Villa, Oak
L Grove, Laysoih, Maxwell. Flower ~il and
i shirley.
i- The Bellevue Farms Co., atd.,
A. S. BOWMAN, President.
. All trespassing is prohibited on Hill ant
Slaughter, Lake-Breese, Grayfield, and
r Glass-place plantations such as hunting.
e pecan gathering, etc., rill be prosecuted
, to tull extent of the law.
Per S. L. Doherty, Agent;
L Smithiand Ldg. and P. O., La.
SNo passing through my Lin'wood tract,
Belmont and Rudmnond plantations is am
t owed. Trespassers-regardlees of color
. will be prosecuted ee the law directs.
e My place is hereby posted agammst al
iorms of trespassing; hunting, fishing.
agents of all descriptions, and all cattl
All trespassing of any description tiS
hereby prohibited, under penalty of the
I, law, on Alandale plantation (forkner;
Phillips place.)
t The public is hereby warned that the
Island and Forest plantations are posted
Sagainst hunting, fishing, wood-cutting
and all other forms of trespass, agents of
every description included.
All cattle driving and other trespassing
Y of amy kild are forbidden on Forest plan
1, ration, under penalty of the law.
it J. W. McQUEEN.
i The public is hereby warned against
buying wood, posts and timber of any
description from tenants on the Oakley,
SOgden and Downs plantations. All hunt
it ng, cattle-driving and fence-cutting la
1 positively prohibited, and these places awe
closed against agents of all kinds.
i The Flower and Magnolia places mae
hereby posted against all hunting, under
penalty of trespass. No exceptions.
SThe public is hereby notifiled that hunt
ing on, crossing over, or any other form
of trespass is prohibited on a piece of
ground west of the Y. & M. V. Railroad
beginning at the north boundary of B. H
[ Stirling and extending to Whitman plat
form, on the property of Mrs. 8. T. Al
lain. Also on all property of Mrs. C. H.
Lewis, Mrs. J. A. Mhoon, and R. H. Stir
ling. R.H. STIRLING. Agent
Hunting, fishing and any form of tres
passing on Solitude, Frogmoor or Beau
vals tracts prohibited. No exceptions.
All parties are hereby notified not to
is trespass on any property of the Feliclana
SBank and Trust Company, in Liquidation,
under penalty of the law.
O. B. STEELE. Speelal Agent.
No hunting or trespassing of any kind
allowed on Parker Stock Farm, under
L penalty of the law.
t Hunting, driving cattle or trespassing
of any kind whatever on Como Plantation,
Brandon, La., is prohibited under penalty
. of the law. J.D. WOOD, Mgr.
Hunting, fishing,. loitering or tree.
n passing in any form on LaurelHill
d- Farm is hereby prohibited under pen
m alty of the law.
HY. M. 8TIWART, Manager.
- Sa.turday, December 12, 1914.