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The True Democrat VOLUMS XXVIII 7T. PRANCIRVILLE. WEST FELICIANA PARISH, LOUISIANA.SATURDAY JUNE 28, 11t N1. 11 -l ilnimN i mi ·-W.·.)·IC-~-. ~ - - - - - - -- - - - - MAIL ORCERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION BATON ROUGE, LA. Entire stock of Spring and Early Summer Silk Dresses at Half Price Never such an ,IpIº,rtunity im~ lrfulr collection of thil Sewaofn's best designsl inl this tre'lmenolrti s sle t everlt. Truly a rare offering- -t his rlaiunific('ent (,lletction embraces the, latest expressions ,of the dressrnamker's artistry. (;race'fuil tunics, fascinating two-tone e'ffec'ts -designes embroidered in silk, wio t, eads, eorld and braids. The style diversity assures ready siatisfac't(ry cho'ice'. Such high grade gar ments are' not usually seen in sal'es at these remarkably low price'. See this njesrsrtment, you'll want one of None reserved. Made of Taffeta, F'eulrdls., ('relp MNeters., ('repe de ('hin', Silk lricolette and Printed ;,r#gtt4t. Values to $15; £ salues t) $54; sale price,,' .. .570U al' price. .$. p250UU Values t to $S"; $51250 ah.nue tu $75, $7 50 sale price ... . . le pri'e .... ..1. ADORAHI.BLE NEW 'EOl)(;tl'TTE WAISTS Not only the styles, but the tine materials and exquisite trimmings stamp thew, lovely (;erye'tte Waists as far above the average at these prices. Scores of new models- beaded. e'mbroidered, Iace trimrnmed and tailored. $3.95, $5.00 to $15.00 White Footwear. lot 120 Patetnt ('olonial l'unp I,(It G White Kid 1)ow Oxford, steel beded buckle, torn IolC, turn sole Louis heel. 50 Louts heel; $lon $75 ,, .171 R0prrd , #91 vrl ice lIeprlped . ..... I IAA Io? P141t (louisa: Pump l..t 14:1 Whilt Kid lsre Oxford, aurn vole lather l,o ti h'el w rit .olr n mlitary heel. 1 0 ,,10 04 value' $1'' 'I , ,ain. ltepr,c. d Heprlred . .$6.50 l., t White ('anvas Ia e ()Ox It 9$ IBru.s n Kid' Ulsflord. ftr. Ivory Rsl, and heel. mill Iur, ,l. l.$ui heel, 5 r0 ,ts heel, $3 95 $9 00 viluuer. `eprite'd .. ' aIu.N RIteprl'ed .. DAINTY WHITE AND COLORED WHITE SILK HOSE NECKWEAR We ,arrm the best makes of featurting a special *hIuo~ anrd f Silk ioutery I'heonlo . Etfoe t hle.e for Klia.~ r t-ild H red. ', 1 ' ' ete .I Ihohlr:: I'lah: arld l'a clry top Itn'n"l"g ntl u of Ip" rni: 'mt 2 'I b 25c ne, *rootsl ad,.rc ,tt , codlar, l°ri;r and sets. pique cullrs, and sets 11te1t ioe ollare and oset n KAYSER AND fbus. organdy ieat, lau NIAQARA MAID dered cullars. Ilater ritrura amid SILK GLOVEI HstloTr shapes 1 f r to $1 &i pair Sale of Underwear Heautifully Iclac trinmrmed. ruum', bridered and ribbor trimmed ('ree dle ('hint, Nain.sook and Muslin I'nderwear at excep tionally l,~it redurtions. You will delight in the different se lectijin i, ,an Iinlimited assembly ,f ode.signs. 1.'eur groups of (Gowns. I,,delies, Skirts (:Grset (Covers and ('hemiae, of extra quality material - $1.60 values,, f9 at. .............. .. . $t. vlue.. ...........s$.88 $4.00 values $2.88 $6.00 values at...... Silk Underwear ('rep. de Chine .00 Camisoles . Silk and lace50 ('amiol 's .................. ..... Heautifully embroidered and lac' trimmed Teddies. G;owns, Petticoats- $2.75 Crepe de C'hine caOii Teddies................................ V $6.76 valutes 50 at......... .. ......... .. ............ VISTS BATLEDEDS ON HOLIDY TIP rulel4 ill 'i% M t.. Mulir i1tic l to; i'. (t'1' " ~ 111n 1 1 ' ~ir rjei Iie.'a t tOii I' lta it''. d r i h" 111 a 1 he~rs' art' t viie Stte.rt' hi4d .1.11:~ - ii.! a ht( hoti da t ii. 1 1 It:.- 11 1 tetof '" w~t4,. 4., I hat it 94ctletd tlf iii I:ieti- :.1 5 . fu III I th ' lpiegt ltit) *eI4 t 1' 11'i t I h ui* ith aw 'R te 14 S I~.4it to .' lii i a "it ) 'lIe ~ f11 h S In ect4e Ili t 4e '4, I~' i 4i1ge' II he'r.' I (t II 11it 4:14 thII itI Itgi ++ it hic ti l ti .' i'ti 1.6.141 i . .t n !t, ..e t!$.1 in ief1"'.4 Ii ' tii lt * aicc Iirueiue lc'r nlIthe' 'cl tII'' l ! 11i, eit' it hi l it ic t a h itll tci!1'. liIi it tti,.i ,;t ll!'jc ui t 1,a' .I Ptee +h' riliiut i I"1 '"t 11 huh itt.a1 i'11 i'4'1 :'il (i itcelit' (10 1 c'hct iiittit 'tot! ' .I -t"tr itic !h'111!1 Mere' If *- I ii~tl 1'1 eie I ieirIt1 II 14h..'' Sam II 41 ia .1 I 't .1,t1er .' 1 Itiu ~tceil# fit th ' It aileh II- t tilº HI,( 1.4' t'l'ic94 i autc It(I~t thu I 111(t gIlt' fit.'I .Pi tt~ii' N it If ia s me, .1 111 lfit4 Mild to tepar~i~tr it the Argo. I io-i3 t4'ill ~thi tlj !I ItIIi94n l ~ull hili *t ithlt II (Ifk loute unl 'itii i ~t ! I.P 11i44 i1 :4( ((( 4 ir~e Me se c'' Miilfiii' t.i'l u~'l+'1 . f ir" ' tit t alike'.~l (4, (lol ilt( ; 1. hu1t'cctu i l~u 1 .11 4 1' I I "'"i . tIc f 14 11. t re' ns..r I still)p. 114,411'inp ;Pr.' ig I. i ' htitc'MriI tiihu'i IJei"'4c'et~t Vtiii' I4 uiii i u'li a 1 ii4,k rl jPimt ltttP('a I I ta Itt It.cidi i tiit i )1 ~t 'ih rcit I)I' t .." rt' Iticiia t . co e t \ liv i d# i e b ut kt4.; i lºe~1Ih't e 1 ~ it l"cl )th~i toe ii'I tre'r, alt(I sl ºe'it'ii the d, liii' ti4it Iutlal, 11'. 11'1$ 1i ()11univ this' 1 1,iri 4, 'ctilt' p rin' It( Phd a M teetittc 111IAisiel ºthocitg forii :thi'iiir, I' ictit it 14o.1tie' `tifhitiiu'i 14141're refi thuopc . wIt ''e 111iia h) +lP'1i cit 1t,1` au 4" ý iteIkp h'tt I4 rim I 111le., l i ii 141 'i I't il M II'ii 14i tir ~ic her e'ti Itir e ".14 it t" h it,.'i+11 ,.rr' tell .cir Ic, ah ie.ti A ofl cil~t I i' I 5 ilitiu 1to rIi~tih n uuiMlca~ It' lie cia ii halo - Ti JGWRMOANY MU TOLL SELF TRAT I 4i'h pllt -*a4º iiillc'tiete lii(41 s'iuittijutrt NI 1'tit lif Ilit4'.'hM ii h utdx and brother tip' g~tJri'iih tIltl+ ior cpiiiht4ir.ij Ut ii'IAtE'e'Ri M4 "' 1cr eta-i I ii1u "tic' .11 liec il' h i Ii' liii 5 ....... ci~ ic'clitci .i ....... .4.. A... .t _.' . a rd APPEAL IN BEHAFOF 1P FRENCH WAR ORPHANS 9. Ihli .' ith' thwrmit apalihlK of Ithe ti al'te'r tha' Si r ill pain II II a III J hliaunc'h Is :P 1t hIi iionlh, asking I or fti 04st4.r J r Ill fitsn for (titiMi llittl' war orphana ofi i Frlran".cr, tr p Wallt'f ir.t ,h later., aifte r i ,f itha. i l.inanun laaii 'o sul tI I 'hiealie 111 I('tint rmtaii of thi.' Ihin'ago s Ifor ' nlaitt ae' tl ainti Vii'e Prs il'h'tai I of Ihi Natlional ip 'olill t IPI' oflr Ihea' tl rlp I I hllireill it trf 'i"Mlii'l 't hl i a-1 h rlar4 (e of h' ilP~ f lII 'l it I ih of thi' i'liitpailll tI 'I,, atll ib.' noilb'rt r countrip ' raat( I) Mrs al IItr' hte)r he)l ' I',ll t' Il lll),' )li S itihl'hi'id Mild 'a'ar'e a'It It hlipi' t tilh a Pl'-e aflf Therp I,. hal ia bride' hlat hj|8 r tol f Ill . ' hie h' ih alIt 0ia ll ' iI,' lltllshnk i i~ tl' iv 'hoallki ag Still Ihei peoplel of the i o th tli e tl h'i'l d'IpI a'PIioh atl'Il they i hati n n Ni'i it tiii litte ii' hit t' litI i 1'I'I 11 pti 1i t"tll't P-'hitti'tIpl'llt 41'1't th1i4 caIl' frinlg ° 'tha, t r'.t' crl'tuill h (nk I I~til t' I Ihte-' Ia' rriha1' 14t4 #t .as 1.4)i a sa I14 at air allttd ' r'4hu' bring th.'ir ,pa,, i'+' I i'Olis llt Iheºui In Io wia 't ing bag s, i 'laapllrlt luPo Ilhly |it' th bhitta' 'ioull gh to II fill Ird 'oltIon Iabld t'lol h klott'l'l at r Ihi' i'ornp'rs Toi ('atnhrita, |1.4* 1 out ae' it ia pr' .cu ar 5p.aiilllatIan tof 2?!l8'H4n hiat a r''turln-d Thi,' II'" I, 'II ltal, I s '|lt' in a rim in, dull 11 i slpta ( oft i sae i ftan s halt ' it i lia rataifi n' "For tio daiS'a ' w i otorala alter this 41 Ii arthlpa'rn pp i atiary ipituore' t"' pwpit it i, it ta 'hih'keni or a horsu' ''h. a''a Intr y in "a sirupMi'd 1,8ie' air aet 'rt thiatg that malakc'" g if lif 144ab1 ' .\a uon rill' lhrolhatt it ipto r I l l(i ii I(n l 1ii Il f l h ' 'Iti illl ' Ir f "'e li~n to |;Ia'rd a ll'h1r111 T ra, ar' ll'' t atal,'I, tal ut) i il'l ola h r4t, i($l, hr"a' s Ii alu1l . S II htre'ra 4 lra' fe( l ii ' fai 'h, plt'aant tl i a Itrge., Iort'st'l and rcl iarIds Alokit it g i r,'arajlhnh, far i, ahl , l h it Its iae''. lire t heaps o at d pal. no suig ofu lift' that itaº, I I pi rotl it' of I-I llop'l iit 'i Ill' ai "ll'ere a'tnd there, i' a whllr sonlie oldier. kl1Ud InI the last diays of I the' 1ghbilng. ast'ularied { a ''lhoise W ht died sn thoe friahtftlI S l'n'r ol llr the, 'itrlatir lei lie oi ta whk'r' lwialIen i athat aful lheap of deitr All along lhib srip of di'adl io'riiiilr area soldiers' graes, asil in the' idtaidl' r of p hloed fledy III groups h"ricg the rausulu, or 1'8 after rota tp saona' field rnll"4I'rv 'The fatlhter ir 1 111,11\ ofli tllhe lIlte' c hildrpen for whIom t e ari , '1IIrk I'K to (I 4' atI ' hTpfll h t (it 'a Iai I'a iid P a url ' Shatv' left nno Itraee.' " t I nder the plan orf lhca ca'ptlll al iA-II anig itndertaken. f'achl Anp'rtran fopte t' ;putrant Ipledges ten untip i a da) which 44k11, 1t( 1:1 $ a 4 tli40 th, or 131 11II a year, atail 1ith added Ia a tit alloaa una'' ofp ,grtL1, a i taa la'nretc h rhila, itlla lagt II hat atiall ri a r iI ill tus Ie aiallntrryi hut i s ith ha iialia al d aid n tha.r ninteaaal It' Ia I lstit ltloutlol ha ra'l 1h " h hrokiti renllililantl of the lit tlh n alr famil ehs keplt lo.glhr r Kath fiptir l.hl ner Ilr s puil in dira-st lath itIh hu' child for Shim ilh, si' pltedleld the' naia'i.a'ary SlrcIv c mi dI), ali)d silh ilot talhr iiift riiit a ii lito .tliapa A iiy l*a'al. Mt Fraia.'iallla. Ia. ('hlraiiman fair West TO ALL DISABLED SOLDIERS; SAILORS AND MARINES. Iiarnhbled mIetn' Now Il. lh . tie'l Ii aiilj ta lith, na, a'Nt oifia f t Ihe l"'.d i.t;a iltuard ratl catolanal klduat'il)lnI fl, lira'ntilig Ita thlI lInt' If sork which iali r di anh hillt c lparmlt .tti ha, alit 'l'hc alliotiioirit'nt Is Irinl li pl y ilt deIItI ift ariatllltlda' lei thass who hiate d' fa'rnd0c d I in ating hIbis, lh gaitI'I'irI tic,''I is a 1II I Its i lo pit tmlt Il a'hio l. a'la a oIlt . ,ra in a shol . f tir a pirtl traill hIu thli-h ailli ii apl fair a pa)inag p Mtati'i' ror allta' tea (uorea' An htiitir bl'la' dit'h'araga arnal a tPlt l('r i'a'nt dcIa alhlitl Nre'. the' aul' qtliltllIolIhtnaI Nap filitr', Inailiiarrt'iarval ' Is ratPQlreud orf + .' a'' tI uolla'gah atir s(chta tiullt on a-d 7 It a mollth w hile learuiliCg lala'r i thii Ptl lrll'll lt tlalls a jIh for you i ,i',l',ral Ikaard of \'catitltnhal ldalil I luta .?alhiaiit lalrnche Ainn'tzr NW' OIr lll July fIlrst thi nold plottagi ralia o(f t Catlhents for letter, and oe fari pa,tal c'ards will go back into leffect, sio the uara of stanipa Ifr Itr s Irgtal(d to buy no sore mtamps than can be Iuied by th date., WEST FEUCIANA GIRL SWRIES F ANTfENLFE iP )ijoni Prrance Sta l a plain Ietter froIa "the fron " /I e'aeti rc.e'nvmtwrl r if we, have done any. tlhling 'spcIil" since I rote last or olti We 'oeItitiie lto have large crowds of l dle~we're who "platlroni " our can a!s leni ia usual The nmost fun we' have I' lw is with ihlie Military Pnlice or M 1e '0 a Ithe.y are "unelo lngly") called by i toge t1V t\ l I in law y withoult lealso* and oetbher %roung dclcr'res These iliah i nli)w are r'lc'alj fthe eoil caue'r toutlside eof the' labor battallon and c.onvyi) iIot'I wht, arte dlitig llany work,. sld they 4 lc;v ' it hard and regularl) S4, in the e ae'llil'ell ay art' aiwarV ice'n to thenm, "like' wrillg doutghntsi. making egg eHacdl iw 'he'. e ho'oh.aitaw e e'ake and other I i*¢od thnlillg The other to)'e say If tioil t iant it tw pIopulair oul hatte toa et alat lt" You knts the treotep Ir;tilns. aileel Ic IIC'ine Ithreough ablit the o1ilcld tlgin' to )ell "Weho wown (Ilc t'aer Then the rest woutild answer "M P' ' Then the-y wouldd whoop. l '+l h haihelped thert out" or "who back i hI thenm uip'" the ansIwer eould come lt Chlaruia 'Y M (' A' I tHat now it it- ;( e o r tf altl ia( l offunlla' let e enl in tlaiae't aIns who t e on the' Mar ()One of lthe' ilggi l flat fig hts I hal e' .ea r wit wea.-e'. l hatck pltace',, tol I ts' stationl plat furni while .i t e' -l servitng a I rlesp ',I .ceI ofl Ue cit beel Iliet n alo Jc ust be e tu's ;c leeee. fall T'se;eeseeati inquired ofl it laru . leai gri t icM laking %l M 1. 'a " ho \ l o lIe theI war." the l holes forcet' resent *id Ilte qtsi' st,'lil asol enigaged iII a pitch eel a I rtle'h InI lith Iatlantline' lihe It T' II tit llroad rtirlis\nl rtlationl t ina or td-redt Ihce Itraii to pull ount se they all ehade tee runll to make It The scene ,tu. a eie (t Ilite'iiee' itter'tl niU d Ilvelli It", fetr lihe tijtle heing Friends from Home. Three men from Louisaana came in to the' c'anteen a few days ago. One froam hrceteport. en., Whit Reed fromt Now O)rle'ann. sporting editor of TImes Piti) lllne. lanld onei (;teneral (lordon frent lt Landry' parish A member of his facili. Inarried Mis Sa lie' Irvine of Itace, Marl and he scemed qulite happy to muml't two girl. from "home"' ta he, expressed at lie is statloned aear here' and Is going to ttake us all otwl Ito hia 'slmp for a party soon We are' making nlmore Intense plans for our tacat'titi thic'h is due the first of May We', wil have I6 dave in which to itriv.el W plan to go to Verdun and thice ither piaces of interest on Ihe I front Then ,we have applied for a ameI to vlsil Italy, and I think we will g't it The boys that are ceatl, mcg rack from Italy are sMt crazy hatlt theira trip u t il that IN all they can talk ael ital If 1 I tell Youec aNcet eeneral Per Icontlaod on tast page.) *-_-I __I,_..,,; 1 'OIEMONSTRATIONS IN PE CAN TREE BUD E Mr II tymonaltk. 'Pecran Specialilt from the Imouiliana Stateh 'nlversity, and the Parish Agent will gIvel demon ratoatll ll iie i htaldtudal and topworllng Ipea'.lli Oil lJly IMt ands :til On 'rTfedu.ay, July il in the foru lincll. we aill tie in St i'raniati teIle, at lPr Suldlit I'o,'ll'. eaw1I at Mr John F Ir! itn a tiii 'l'il.edali) Juil\ l0t ill the after slcal at ill lt' at the tiesdence of Missl t Mlwl.. Jars i:1 ,iacr Whitman station til WY'edniesda). Juik nrd in the fore s1I'Nll, iAP will t~w silt the faIuu eat Judge Thns Hutler (ipn W\V'dnelsdiay, Julk .:iad ain the after. mle'Eele 4!.' Y4l be a ithll EI D)amel & "eron at star H11il N\ tl arlt' liin'lte.a to tic prres.Letit at aully oale of the.,e dlutestratallr oe As saillI f sa reaeIdllI wem' it a ll be Ilapo. aille for the I' aIfah Aiigent to deo ladi S)htdail 'ork fir tlferimer tl the lPariah Thenrfore we are calling thee 'ce'ntral antetingls. and hope that all of the people Interated 'aill cnome out to onie ofi these mnoeltinn and learn the "iork for hlniwilf For further irfatlrmarltiol iet R i1entoo 4- - BEAUTIFUL CLOVER FIILD tile. eof the' pr.ll.llet iglhts he haI lover win it the' 't acre field of red cIloser e the' le liantallonI of Dr 3a . eta West Fe'lellatua pariah, RI H I!tllentll farm dsUlleaunatrationll saeeti, re l11r4t "At a ecanervateve estlpate thlll c'lr wAt yield ltc ten lons to the acre'." tilv Mr ll'iiteei "t ls uU land thait waa ie coltton' last h e'ar 'his land Ilha hlad lio speculal trntlltaient other tlaill ail aplicatlion iof a thoulland lnaintles of tin. Ii ta lhe acre three years ago The crop I o as goed as any I haIe ever etlen in the, Middle Western ftates One rat all eat or spell 4 bushels of Irain a year It cotsa ts or $3 a year to feed a rat on youlrplare MultIply this b) iw) or even Isn. anld see what rat gleasts coat. Quick Auto Service Day or Night IMals Treins .-Co( ry Drives Telehone Isl S. O. RICHARIDSION St. PFrecdrth. La. Most Motorist Have Motor Troubles! While we do not delight in seeing Motorists have motor troubles with their motor cars, we do delight in being afforded the opportu nity of smoothing them out when they occur. MOTOR TROUBLES ARE OUR SPECIALTY ! Feliciana Motor Co. "Serice with a Smile" St. Franciaville, La.