OCR Interpretation

The Comrade. (Winnfield, La.) 1890-1914, December 13, 1894, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064358/1894-12-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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"jý. ~~~~ ~ , ,J, r,, :7 r * er P.r-.F .^h "
*., `r' :~4 w a 3,n ..4°Y, ;ý'.trf' : L`` M ! ~ .?;: "
.r~~~~~~~A "{' ., ': 1 ,°WAýýk ' ý4 " '#
3 ý . ,g ri S PN , .ý +:.S My b.ý N :~
{. "Vu'9A ý, 'c.1>t r, 9.z.J i..'lS, r+3 . ?,'" ,"ý`
rý .A~y it -': 9ý'n ';~ ý? r ý ?,'`- ý `F' e. r W "'
,,~~~ y+....................................................^L..': '-..
ý,y .s, 54 ., Y J~. "," r-~,., 'r .-"'',ý.: "P, y' x
rt'' d"t' '?", ¼-1it .-'i,:.: " , , ;-.. s Ar.,,., I:.T4i- ,i w ,, , a- .tJ ,A -. . R '
"° ;a ir MY;;» ~PA3 .r W A "' ~ .ý, R ". ý S 'c'3 'rn '''ýý :ir..n,., ý C.,f
~KSyiwh.~2ýf'r' '?.,b -pý:T,4. -,+, . aý A-". Aý;".t *.AA Vz ^, . 'g ,j- r
c~ ". 1 `,s, .:r ,< ; +..'ý4 "".n c{kýý' ;ý'fl7,,..:'ý :5:"ý'4iSV:. ,
Jr!4 AA"r" .fý'iý'P ,,' "d. ' l" u -^ : ý"v A.d4'
..c .3- ra + A aPý ::, - :ýb i r, , 2 x. ,;
r wr : r " : ,' . ' + " . ~ ;,, k ý'' x: :: I I LA A ..r.. ýA~ ý " Y. . , . 3-,r , , '. r r t ý '
- 8.-6t, . Rg isý r.
lease F3 ARNEW OnlEtANS, IA <
, Not i"; e is hereby given that the to1
lowinnanied ettler hais $ filed notie
.of his retention to make final pIYroof In s
t' pport of his claim, and 'ta id poro
wid be nide befor'e T,.D Jopes. Ufrk
, ot4th Dir". Court, at Winfleld, La., on
'December 31t, 1894, v4z
- n 'N traine,
419 4
+?: . W .L M'lr. . +. " i
ý, :J isý : ý - . 4!.. ý-- , a -.-.--:- - ·-- 1 --- --; jM ; - fir.:
·, `t LAND; fOFI'I¢ 'I3ý', O
S, Hendmes the following witnesses to
':prov'e his contliaous residence upon n:d.
:cultivation of, sal4 land, vi :
+",": 1' , w .' B ot. B soy ^et , J. Sm th$ 1 R '. ,.
mith, a gnd J, W akes, all of N i:ne
iI.i2-6ti Register.
S, ttorne at-aw
5ay::; ".ý =1:.Y0LUMBiA, I ouISIANA,
S"Will attend promptly, all ithe regular
iterNsof the District oeurt of this par
tiacd psre in the courts of the State
Special atitention pad to. al. buoiness
entrusted to his catre.i i:
-She riff's Sales.
. Eo . Mosswife, ) Fourth Judicial Dist.
DVS. No. r, 3 C'ort, Parish of
SThomas deMo]st. alidwell, l. 1
Jf H. Williams, Fomu'th JidicianDist.
-VS,No. 900, .Court, Parish of
.. Thomas A. Moss. Winn, La.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of two wrlts of Ft.Fa. istied iut of the
:,proVe courts.In the above numbered and
t le s its antin tome directed I have
SThe following described pro.p4ty
t wlt:,
fOne hundred ad ifty beushels . corn
nmore or -less, ltwoi bales cottn; tive
thousand posiunds seed cott.u, 1more or
t-lls, one ,ld black mare, one black colt
about tWo yents old, ownl bay pony msare,
rnoe bltsck horse, ouridn.mouse colored
iule, and one WaSkll two horse wagon.
TI rnus of sale:-Qtish with benefti o)f
- appraisi, L t. G'h. the 1M h d;ay of
D-eceomber, 1894.
--J. B. . URAWFORD.,
. ..12-13-3t. herlf Winn P'sh. ia,
ilt po lal oh egla
Ltet aot si Cor ofts. par
ibtd •e, i wen . helatvoutsorrifrh. Tte
•·'i' , ,- . i  laeo br family n one mtulte.
- .' el attento ahe, rid nl anld l ie b tues
enitdtt wottin the haud. :hYi c
•  -,,. X v the F uttoh , theuaicihledle
-VS. to. 3r, . o it. Parlhl islhed dtie,
,. hod mashehM wo.e . Na o seldol.
of owrit~bsno i Fa ~heisl.asmur. Cheap,
b cur durable.wirrteb d.C lrculbr tra
V SA · TWURa . Dc.- 2e. 189, Columbu, O
l undirstood ? nd asi mii, er saly
a:ceptedas the science <aof math
.i 4 . .Y, ..., - ..
the great, throjiie ofiomnnere assure
u ý,':, -- ,,ý , .,: ,-- ..
establisti:h i lik hiws of values" in
accoranc with her ownimperia
Smandates .as the Picayuie rwould
have the peasie t elievehthese sahem
iated by i ts e number of u.iik of'
the pouad sterling.don standing on
These are thnfie octors in the a n
inerlale worldithat regulate prices
havd of thpopglbel.metropolis, s or
Sven aitu f ted e kingdom ike Gd reat
ritain cast no do it. i'
-It isr ,aw asiunchangable as the
Tem ofaoietraction sof the c oirrenay
th eX3`. ` _t '`.. oudc , o. ý[ý,
prices itnvariably go down, 'labor is
ihrown Olut of etrploYment, iansk
ruptcy, and gerrythel nisined faiuren
fo llows a la n inevki table rsult.i
hile uliqm the' other hand: a con
stantly iotetsing o irculating medi-an
uim, other thuings remaining equal,
the general level of prices will rise
in the raoe ratio, the wheels 'of
ieratively em rlo ed; -trikes al ..
bor riots wil be unheard of ; alpros-i
erity .and ,happliness will again
aight the forlorn faces of the mill-e
ons ofi toilers; afamine and barek
r'uptey ~i thing of uthe pas.
In ihe same article the Picyune
contintues in the •samia strain:
Sh ould the-silver standard be foro
.ed u.in wthe. Unitedt States, as is not
at all unmikely, the prevalence of. a
depreciated silver otrrmency will make
'tihe dtmahd o f the yellow metal all
the mohe imperative.' - .'
I'hey ars of thle Picayune' shlotild
-silver be: m'mqnetize l of this: ecurreu
cy dlepre6iatig anid the demanid for
the yellow Imetal bhcoming more im
perative are entirely without foulinda
the.governmentis plae:.i
•whe+re is he: flood arsilver
co'n from noe tv,"i tiently.
We. wishti cal! the .attenon. lof
_departmen_ to th .an N .
nake it the best;, nost rdable pa
er in the oiy. The fraud and
earthed and: eposed' by its- Wash
ain t every hnet m. Its
im igOp i
eeathinry andu fihr less: editor iSe
Stek'i'or to evil doers.. Eve .vi
ot otrheadei'sgwlo wishes th0 es
o .the whiWhe iopr dlisaLemaet
,.4rýi: of .oinmodtlies' con
pe: rince $1th00. a, yearot th ::-a
rect to Indi- h n elis,.:olidv. uii
Trot out e the ionest p oe
c e fro. n , .... ' t ientl
alWe wish tboxe he a6th of @vof
opr If hedis to be isto d, e . a
department, t tehm c nNt:i
to Psee lis face. We'llve a premay
tium fcor espondsqire look s an hie
irce Blaton, ARuge Advocate sde
per iandsn the ostigtionry of e fr auds n
rmainsalty (wined at an oyster abos
the Deocratsi pn Louisia-a.
.here n epwould od eby siderably
more fingohity wo. patlios disehayed
if the Advoarr e s would puriick the
last atession of congress n a'eve-r
artent toevil doers.: ·EVeiy ,None
optakes the jipojms q out some fp
f ng r having a, mote 'in his
lo  iils
the -ii bitiinsoive g r
en : ep f i: o it: . ite
r 4 4eingeree. at d , re deb,
:iti eve r if ot fei by.s edeinabiy
a to "1 f:ote lhso lsna of
-It ipi.rhe l ropeg y within ahe bor-.
fn :oh ' t
terest bearing notesi at a premtm
n t ~inarketshen he offers themi
iir saIe. r '
r . be , en .
his ..same :- property. whl,·i itS.
;ut ins: t ead . `make t em in a g v b litytte
themimoney, cir .oila ing amoig" th
ieoe - t t bogeir e to say
othig of .the savinglaushe ti
-optihe,1tsuask to have there bainkest
tende n Ie tei ist rl 6y da' al-eg t -
ver iig th a extent thinte itolerable
burdents of-ta .hebt "eurfed t.ople,=
ti s teadheit ,oellrg within to Jew Bal
kers fothis ae r peopni le to pay ile
terest notes a pupr eiun
i -w the mnarkets- pyh he offers them
fir sale, .t ;
hiSay neig bor Advocaterty wd, we iwat
youto tell us , kere Uncle Sam' s
Thes onissued y talrte lft Treaim,"
-s. that ii s have to Uon(ior
butijiastd buy morem in a lterest sel
dioeret (ds and buy more interest a
shell mne circus atid uy more ing
ueoiSleay lottk heir fae vrewill to hisay
liisig stop: nohowz ? " '
The fur the savit ge he laugger t
ogetsuitil k tohaly itall rinlw w upise
thewhlle country, and all it con
tais, is ur way of reasoning over
n nroupt ositioz. aton -
tlerest upon
Sa: n eigovbor Ad vocate, we wan
yu ,to tell us. inrte Unhle Sam is
goitgto get this d bse,;erest?
The only h alirnati, lteft thim,
froin you"r standploitt of re.k asing
t s tnmet ite ibllghate to sell gore
mbomds hnd buyfmore interes;. sell
Smore hond san buy more interest;
sell mre bohe ndes is uy more in
Bte rest.
ITh f.urtherit goes the boiger it
dgets, until linaly iel illtswallow up
Sthae wbole country- pan all it., con
tairs, isuri wy oef aesoniug p ovemr
Sthe~ propositioC.
M i;l
thergoir in- trhea :S' hade,;ý .
amotderiesistii, atnd brotherso' when
.i~: h ert athesdof
casires they !spira h e tio  o odma
.imtlherundirjthe othearlit to rfe..:lo -
Oshates uornothewl b deat~-but
ohexare utin is krei-ret-io and he:
-tloap orngnio liý o e one ' Uof hir
h agratheis .onstlr the entimefmilyt
ri eliyrt gei'it andothn ther'ate,
" evolu w pdurobelyem oh tineahiae t
stoeurld ithesreat, one t :theart
h e' rtheis tc, theat gge
;ath e ihe rt odter entier -famiy
ie-unfrien tidly wld line cot aun
efahr osed th other bea th er r:mate al
eated won -the ui b ` ife leso YB r1
of eteniwher'e iMiist iiorth.la e
bhesrint e es-u ow unck'i ' Wir in.e
a ,in t .... he" ea"
and t hsroiguetand the nd rahe -
Denthis only the rgd oent oofn :rta-n
orniione froh ior.0ait0 r o thd stheu"
f immortlity, and we a`ter all wdat
dpandure oj ovel aones: Ba after
all there ito4 doubt therkng inathe:
the trees the hreurton of akitheri,
mother, .sister, and brothers
cais wes thesuri of life tgins to co
elin ip in ther wesart tor tvertlowe
0,ite ahow aioiirrowfilit will assth rt
Ihow beautiful isresrdeed tion and thei
icket strasightper, th then areis o3
est wheath eid istenet otton to giayd
fnther andthe o thaerb,0 bondtherrel
have ye riFn ak , a"
'-. ,re. Mache""n,ý WalerShck
S dneer rl t fd ofG 1
zý'".i"" er 3i-i iy 4Ynarr. a c' -iageý E ¢.Z J. Gam ,
WWalown J. "'Vii: Qt eiv er J.< O
oter in r4' Natchiiches
if E. . illi,"ronJ E ulad, J
by.-fraud- egiress ra . qte
Greený,, JT, . T. Wy str J.ý S"J.ýL."ý4 ,T
'h tn1t` x< .r:ýt =ae';:
elected b "` i
O.S. Peny W .x to4. i.hroeder,
Bt _ ra n hs i nt Red ; 'no y WrSiBer. x
aiisnd l hesti t on .s .ienic .
H~2 George A
.Hii (e of theis ~iityS1 ddo.
ThJ~~ Itn uh.is h r e li
handligethl~tdte wbosyA~oestae
er etL&Jnds evrrbofhs i
mixnd Jofl ~ hoe t 11r
have n uolt e ber t l entito fll I wl e
preck s ors .l i
Sines il Vla is h3 ý
ly t~~af;:nisdt~ee in tl e on 4 to.
. trien at'e lsitL
Jndbe[: Machen, WterRhack-;f
>'e, " . _ ;. itj ,,.: S. P,ý";aine,ý 8
E. C 'Dillon J.. `D . Glard; J.
bla 'I .. C Oalis rand gte;
a- numer of_ othes lnabine
=tL =.': I.tJt I§Z n A. ' K ' t A, .th
bh e
`T A.~
G My i1. r ° J: T i -W ster a.d .e Dic
a uberof· oth~ersjhie. so
GreeutJ: at. Wobst~;.,i J.J. Bice
an tIer ~Li ~ndin Dc~oto. I~
0.S eny RP Shodr
Sa Pi~u,~ok~aiin .G

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