Newspaper Page Text
THE + ON y . · i LES, Editork and .Prop. ., WINNFIELDI - LOUISI . LIKEDL THE 1141 ISin . j§rr, - a hais -cuouanlrtbe Entr-anted y i.'-.. k".7.: 1'.artialor lt ltimve;rouo.-... 'There was a I itf hose` m 'light of us al`butlke many.othernls ad a sunconiquabledisli to be caught My fatierhad'so truhnedlii)o to obedience th he gave er little troauble; a whiste d a wave of ti hand and Robert would come: to:r e sads'a. d ed.` a.T t if left to _o"uraoldgardey aleru =Wlly, hse would lead hit ahae,.ge-a orally;;;'ending in defeath One very hot: mer dayoiwas iting. at workmin the garden,3; when illy appeared, mream g.with.persp'ato"" ":' 'm , ýIn.theS , u res "yt w.he '.nti;-:: -` ;*r. ' 1§as iry sorry ee but Sdid nt. clearly, see .how- o tat't thhe., Odelinquenth. : could, well tbelieve- h was'. aughingi at our ,iolds friend, for he' . was.a curious angimal. "Well, Willy, what will .dI o e. won't letame cawtc y iin; You know.'. "Ay but, miss,. if you will only just o in and begin a toon n othe peanner, Scooksay i wleiomeutip to the fence, andoharke " to you, for he is always a-doing that;and, may beI can slipup behind and cotchhim" I went hin a once, not expecting :. strategem to succeed. But ina ':few mlinutes the siaucy creature was stand "Seots wha hae wi' Wallace bled." The he w w 'to owbe harnessed. quites happy! aid'conteniited. n m . There was a great peculiarity about soon observed this. If Iplayed "Sots wha' hae," le 'wourld 1satOen, well expressiont , tplayeingtheshamerir ralnt wi ivel as for instanceO in' t "LandV ' 10 he eal," he would rt s hisheade d d walk away, as sag:"That'Li sort to of music." Changnt to shomething pl Si anmartia, he would return arid listen tdo i me. tb eIn this respect he entirely differed from a woniderful cow, we -had. She, hA aarenali fl temper. OlWilly uased' it "to say: "She is, the most N cotilrariest lo beast under the ysun." If she were;in N Son. e her 111-humors it was with the 'a greatest difficulty she could be milked. ii She, lnever would go with the other. cow atmnilking time. Nancy be milked }a with them! That was a't thing not to be p thoughite of She rliked :the cook, ,'and, d when not too buisy cook would manage a: 'Miss Nanecy. Bittif she were not very au careful up would go Miss Nancy's foot, V and over would go the a milknt all and. troiible tiand r'soult reuniy iitl i" ' Sceased. A.long asI playhedainroo any'sweeto tender' `air the iseemed-en=' tranced. I have tried her, and ohanged a I was ;.ittingg in the drawing-room: t one eveing, singing to mamma l :It was a doiblerooai adith folding adors. She was in one where there was a lamip. IIn i my. room, which, was unlighted, the window was open, and close to theI winidow wasastand for- tiusi& When j I ceased, plaeying heard a peouliar 1 sound, and was conscious there was something in the room. I called for a light. There, sitting on the stand, vas a large white owl He looked far less surprised than we did. In a minute o.1 two he stepped quietly out of the win-. dow and flew away.. After ithis werdid notleave the lower sashD open; but the owl still dcine and sat' upon the stone outsidel1stening.'-Ghamber' s'ournal. A RELICOF SLAVERY. The Bond Required Before Negroes Could Travel on Rallroads. It may .not be generally known top those who came on the stage, of exist ence subsequent to the war that slaves were transported on the railroads sub ject to such conditions as appear in the following document, which .was pre served by Robert Moriris, of Kentucky. As a relic of ante-bellum days it will i be interesting alike to old and young: "Whereas, The president and directors of tile Louisville & Nashville 'railroad on the 1st day of August, 1860, passed the following resolution: 'The trans portation of persons of colori over 'the: road and the; liability incurred being under consideration; resolved, that no person of color be taken li.the cars for the compiny harmless, and the super intendent prinit forins, to be kept at the different depots, and give full 'in structions to the agents.and conductors and have this resolution fully carried into effect.' Now this instrimentiwit nesseth that the undersigned obligate themselves to pay the Louisvifle &, Nashville Railroad Company all cost& and damages which said company shall incurr.for taking at our instance the following slave (colored person) over their road, to-wit: A negro girlnamed Milly, about fourteen years old, the property of Craig Middleton, of Henry. county, Kentucky., As witness our hands this.24th day of December, 1860. : ;· "OsslIAN A. DRANE, Principal. "I'John Neely, Surety." -N. Y. Advertiser. -Zoologists say that all known spe cies of wild animals are gradually di minishing in hize. A" J'N "·· ri ":i il~ ~3i 1 s n.(;i W h' A ` 1 Ya e1*. - .~'Z7LC 1 > r " '- p- i ..til I ~~ 4i -.;i i·f4 '4 -` .ie r. ,n ý 'ý , " ýý: -ý'"ý' f ' { `: °£r.' ' it"ýfý' . ""Fd.. ý - B> '_t: ` ' s is: ·..ý a,:' 'e 'Al i. ' ti. B IMII3 p f 7- 7 SA S:HOW R ING: ý" - :'can;>ýhe:=;.s ta - .f~ The.: Fatmr.=gaatrie·;ý,.'ll~~a~ . POINTS ;lFOR ; th E. PEOPLE. -iTe spavertntal io; '| f th~etrevosi in- teer` tionOfr abor p ofthe A'em e iaan. . , will behel wit Denver, ch - -cembe .i io: '.they .ight: .propr ty? ., he peg- io. thirtyyearshaveigflOniedhuiman rigts,, -AndersonI.grnd.)Pe0ple's Paper:; ef -Mr. ]?ebs says: :"There wilbe a lontg. wllb attheballot boxw"l a, 'and we are withi you'till: the', last'dla eci iii the afterindoA. I issAgitator.',;n4 T-he finaieial'poiey Which enriches in .a few unpr,-ductive drones, a the:' e... i::' 'pease of the `great hive !of human in-b dustryis Rotoiil unjiustbut cr iminal:, ba and surely fat to; national progress Iand" even ,atoni,1j life National 0 Watchmi'an:' a"' " in 'The lab eadr "w m the ed ·articles, butrdo t r ;hem.ana m id to isuit, dits enas; :s did thee pag~ d Stion...' : . .. . ;; S--It behopves usto remember at a poqwer.: is always stealineg from totiie Snmaiy 'to 'the. .fewY ad that eternal tE !" vigilance: is theb'piice of librt :. E E as Specially no~ and min our owi cauntry . is it important thad the;. ple6o; should r be on their guard.-National Watch- n n - m an. - .., .. S--The wage systein pays the oirker t 3 enoughl t~ ke:'ep himn whe.n'tlimes: are e I good and- profits 'are maide, butrthe iI profits go to t e e p eoyei; thein, whien r times are lhad, there are nib i~ages andtc d the 'worie sit eim,pt si themployker f, e lives -on -the profits stored up in good e times.-Freeland. . . S-The niational 15iaI&s' `schemel fo6r. t more :money is, only adnothbr li'nk in-:. tended to, be placed in the chain that: I will hopelessly bind, industry; another' act in the villainoui 'plot, oiutlined by tO the lHazzaid: :circular, in; which a gang of iheartlessBpirates boast that thecon trol of ,tie money, edntirols labor. - Chic .g Express.' . S,-We'-ll' ge it ,up; facts compel , us eto admit, that the repiblican party is Sthe "gret" w'9iingian'i party of ll America. There's AnAdrew' Carnegie g: with "savings" of $45,000,000, George rs Pullman wiith "savings" of $25,000,000, - Russell Sage with' savings", of 75,000, 000,- and :a whole ,lot, o. the "horny_ handed sons of toil" Zvih '.avinggy of .ie pseodo;odo Ofr' b ocouoddb. asln' they`a-l r belong' td the repl uliC9alParYi 4 , That'' no .teslt "' " o3are:n i The census .of l gvesthe mort tae woinletedness ofetherpeople of the of United States, and it makes. an aver-, eage of '$96'pei caita: 'That iould be dan average of $480 to each family of Ar- five persons. Of coufrse all thea people at are'not in debt, but that s"howse thate in- ' nthe bi'rdenn i' j? Iou.h heavier for rs those who hre.i In Nebraskad the per ed capita real estate;i, ortgage indebtedi ness is about $105, oir $52 per family :of five, or $1;050oeir family Iiortgaged Sif eonlyvasfl these fadmilies are sort s gao.ed.-Exchange. ' al - ;ati organti'iations' vote to bceasii he work, and the president of the organi rer ntioproclaionflhe worder tod the world, led f6;.whichUe'ihrresd ,teugair kings, he iailroad ings, and other robber kings ey. lribe ]igist tifi1"·s %ii 'congress, form ,ur gigantic" trusts5tp4 eputrol prices is 50 open, violajion of 'laws. and when the people quiestior;'hemn on their doiflgs they sa: !The' people'be d----d." They are never a~rested, though they violate the law terv day. I. is such d. inju~tice -Is this that is leading the people to despise the judiiary.-Pe' pie's Adlvocate. ~R'ti~inion 'ily~S Inion `a Their Being loand countedshv out;, .In mioiGeo iac Mr. ua lte a hen aombinedu G effort iby sgthi t o ro s I test of cong.esshon estycididates w; t are icountd h out in:the oputhl ato thie selection, aR d such a, public pressurefori 1 Jus.tedti t; ani demoeaitcyiselwen=a esnot w vithstand. If p eopulsm .. -~ I m. ajoyeity i ghe southI its candidte b 3outi be gnom a olile iedrihate s o oe lection. Such a course wouldbe ho-r st and in accord ithn t1he hreat prinlo - . Gles- ofa elf- ines~ s."Any eother 'c:u -wui, "if$hiopersisted pin,esap o the oii dations ,o our ee institutis. 1:Let ~ ithe well-meaning, espectiI honothrable en of the sluth in a whitlQ: .e . . in-rThe southersA et ohhathrwp°ut and Iu `wee ;ielyii i ~ S e" the . .. }s ini f the: soerno ae ld .es i'fatem .o_ incGeombinei effort THines .was firasul.i , . astroul tovren b lldozer and ba r test of" congressional s iadiadte ats \ho , re alotised out ie the outh ivet .oundi ) 6e edienti ooin suoha t prssurefoei Y - ustcr theit nee rotemocaltgcitself; it wa not witheonstand. Ifpopulismsis l. , il ajrity in the southo its cgreatet feto pn litclies thati he as etverbefore .been, ~geitlin south. Atrotgh aholaite eleseion 'in erthe democratic nomin iees."t. , leCauasian retorts: . Selectirdn. Srtyilly course woaulde ie ol-s et estd people votedsi that tiket,itnc fol loe ofro eoernt thsam..reasoni othat the Sudemocrwatic,' partysistenow ithe negro r nfouwthsdationsdo f ou is"free instuti}on. t d aty.' Ifthel-me singuccess, of the respublicati honorable en ` of the deithof whertic party Sier Alreabama(acc rdi see t democr it tat aic testimony) means ther Alabama isosuf s tion.'.The iterrifie ,,democracy de Lt nounced and abusedlfhe colred seter, bu nowrthe terrfied democracyy refersin 4t him psteier 'colored brothe. cso f refe ,ballot ,hea,;fair otunt. , reguar-s E rf ,alt he workingmen, of thatis country. S'have the"world by the bailooand a dow The lill pulls .if theytit' sethe eough to ko i aDemn oico. us onfh ascthey thinka of themoref te political boss than they do two of their wives and h bildrn they Wben. he siolaves.-AM indhen aeouie oundit 1e, `exedient totheunt::'for, the. democra ticn e ; wtic hict t hee-ne Qo}vbldsboroug'h it was. er aiore d epeople 'votedtatticket. it is 3d-low from hsae reasonng yt the ed paty;' qI f ant sess of th he partythme asouth. eg' thdomiat ion,'in be the democratic nominees.'o. pa ile iCaucabamn retorts:ii to dmcai ni- tesrortim y simeanstht becamse the sol` 3d1 - lorisg from they samel1ason i ng thiat - the. re buratic, party: t is .now the rnegrs . party' Ifthe success of the republlicano - oandO usyers .....' o thithe s e au "Q , riene ii -s e e ui e s- n githiae .on e ehefic ay B rom atle-fa tr- in i ':lo he o ns oste , g and? th na j :a s adi~ ene ... . . .ýshoreR, ;"inte:l ei t h s ere ad .:.. >.i y tu rn tO o o netwe aF n rehins mne ,er: aliht ;. . mak.=.on thei ei aana Thelan ' s een. n 1h1wM he aPendofas1yea Snd strising anf erf. i5n rdf,. ýthef er i :cty of the gake h as 1 oddaenes giiaua twene flowstre liruid bla ei chi arter ei g- cohe bldlaverbten in red. di::;pretf belt i res fo s Ohdf-sir i n-thi Mg, wd,|sto h ; s a h resiioti.e gs pig onve, ob Yheuigedng", lonothely n ovbeltus ol of~ee, gulith that itpo la thi brati`he" o :ueeeo atdars 'han beade verslyto hehadeliatl. a"Thneg ts dg p e` kht so: thma ny:d kiof oha ,An o e'f oe turin pato . : &°"e :n:e pe r ao ighutd o a i the en d , o , la n t. u-- . ol ahthherngmtoneiet a oi f e4 le o illed'r h husbes,' o chinh tha i t reetb'4 i as , a ndthe alf'e lesr surroi keee L moroiv'er t halt sihse ol a --" xn ird 'e; e ly fo ew :his and appeh el frorts en ri and ha d ye tuatled y budeii antilaet isoeon ad teui with o he pa tio h tm beudenver seestlicotel theeadng t14 eatfirh withmane mah diih of ;the =- do l ioef o i armt The uan raftl lea ps r ica-s ·of mher owdl =:' t he ,.tra w l abwit-fea csl y C iro th e. a3 '9 -le S f ort two of them t retu on tha othei two me n rli; tu g ha tht at n without; '' ates; the <.atirequhe ired b o its ca rti t&1e the senger bsiinegs: in=conaect leo with the ions, world'bs fa-ir tso theat he state dwas- ahe directn = nef;ci fromthe-al a faniri in ithis :rhicrsp. e det. forsts "` ze en aker-alog th e new eglnd cod astand:that an.- has passaingu onesof oft rged, lonely en f ,, ded the sokthee sufate of theiese a = -the; clitio the, hr d soan. erril " ee 'said Bl;s urZoh ":trenes Some' foln' silors ~""loinr hatth ptre;, o Mother Carey's t t eer r, but are always on 2the, wiang. nt wsag e th ,eor' se; -theird " ee s' An -;, men';w thin ac}tone's:.; tiiio ' of hi,'anes° acitor has utderg es this yel ar appars n the h wy ano area of of T 2,500' feetg. longby e 20 N. C.) GIeean- widet tel more tha 50 eet n on .tr hidi6 oun o e h e >,e~~etrainn aFeiei i mrv. n"ice or Lei :. rvrii re Frei . t to: haiuberaala , ofer e =.Te ? aen piartii of the:Amest cate o; ;, : Dib1atocfety'a.YS T~otghmry .amon th : e olbirtsolie reb sey edoteminarye ofo theEa wi utein thanve1 geali T:. .a?~he~' 03 Ge~t hr e .'feW&13im lthB1a of-terf 4{ pof9$n the''~~ m u `teey ve rte'" oppe 'iiha x i1Ii ntoelo~1pt earten had. teeo' y s feitdke sec t'~ =edo r;fzh 5~iblth~esfry; y are bu hoawdOn gvex opeI~n.2r_ he tda, ex ta;i~ m noth Aii R ' ina t 'thY raneac a ' B '·:;: ;. ai"".-" ? ý: · "` mest^ n oap b awliich the to r ae 'ar'chnrcA'a 'g8 :'< a' esl~notic e ,.." bi , ive,oCo A pet tiThe>hurc t n ý, dernýty'ceibsaC3s andAbeiefluld adI-t91'to` t cptiitr4whith avle" 'Me otzi N _e 1i~io~6niiit o ecaId ~ th !rotlko i hh ; th" ude''rsto "a1tb aid ture is e silewh for i, tdzealous; atzt/i th ol Epimaecoia en"curh dýýrean0rderoý clia t his . s .,a~eit s 3, ofa > W]a~ep etY. ch°r xgi~ for. Tviter rise" nsMaud'-I ee er `~l i sa-x~ 'hv'g rý but h 01 a oeaot~, 'aein l-onri , ani :wihtf'r" ba ti r it ap- ~tmbhng ofe ~the irc, ug& oChicago othe e8 l stov lironnt a see lis:' tat osluin 'in' t, a jrte hr a '~ u nevn beoflt9, 'ýat "O th it was .:"allr ,thn yo Igt t~e r , of he iireh> of.; p M;·- g theupi~o ad tendurngtheic .digd the Iou. k ',ane; abitwou kn o :.,ý rS 1uisý:d7.'; ·;:;iCdl3j ,<,; -=The-. .'ohe:, dap·~;~~~~~i: ·uii~~~~~ ": _ ^k i :ir - - fi Jý ,. s.+ ":";ij" or s ew4Yrk Xrcebe"'tie'vi to ro ,ur "' made +fo t y .1Tý s :with a.-view] b fount. , KNOWLEDGE Erings comfort and improvement and tends to :personal: enjoyment when rightly used. :The:Ihany who live bet tor thaiin others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the's best products to the needs of physical being, will- attest: the valie to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. <I ts excellence is due to s presentng It hasv vec satisfa tion o iion d met with the approval of the medical profession, because it- ats' on the Kid nets, Liver and Bowels without weak. ening them and it is perfectly free fromr every objedtionable substance. Syrupnof Figs is for sale :by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, butt isman ufaciured by the California Fig Syrupl Co. only, whose name is printedon every .: package, also, the name, Syrup ofUFigs, al:I b weiniwe'i edln owill not accept any substitute iffred. dO FOR GENERAL BLACKING 8 Ql LLED H SAN ANNUALSALE OF 3 ONS. i TOUCH UP SPOTS T A OTt f AES NO DUST, IN 5&IO NTTIN BOXES is ONLY PeRF P CT T Morse BrosYRoes. ONiMA~s Ar .'~f '. "4'" ` Ir' r'' I k"yj4· ..ntf'II4 'f -4, r wUi'r `ni, s='~ ,1' -' ' I - ° > 1 ' ;ý;u-.?ttO w: t ; K ' ~ ~ ~ 4 '4 -d.Icre~ ' " rliee AI4 wj o~ 46 - `` ''x ll dnt "ý : =_.ý 944 ?e a:&.4. 4v r.444 . ·4?4"94' '. Sd" .k'ý.:. n 'l: -.ytj IV- I,.OU BOOb] 3WOWLOAlR ~t4' '~PIO,te5Oourea g4'44~~4... .. 4 ýý.-Cit ý bilii e ºgodý. .,,, _ I1.r ,Z 4-,4t ý,-%. 't`'ýw;-':''-``ý- ý!..',=ý n 4Yt ' :;ý :: :St j: ;w }}: irao4ý {ýd ~P~rdrdr il-1' 4' ·OE tt'r got'. rcpnil~a· 4 . W11 ~91~U Piaub out' .PlumC~l a, a 'nkd 4·.L Oil wll . to tl4'4.tles,;t.Ourexoel~Tc. - ew Styl ;T.~·; · LWrt'efdiqjpart~cl arU.. Sod n i'Es pymntPtf~o:R~ ~to~'t WA. D I 4'DS 4'd; .I.pUc~RE: ORADE 1Oiid thn~AtrOi? fO hd;tlE.·;ess-'~;~ BIBHEt~hAW~:c D8~f 4L ri~i-i(rly be <2 cri~imr ccccnp hxl . 4 ID~~r·a~ ~ ·~ERi~P!vriii~ 4'4 ' 4 4'ru 4' 4 4 4~ljGOqRC~)l~~ ead gion~rii andcoetB ?.aat--wt oneE centuci' Rosd*:' Ha di e.qu OXESS; i·--ntima B~db