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, ! -. a ces for ýommTrcrial" W o r, { E .,· · .. .. . + ;:: :: c. · ·- ::- .: +: + ++ +++ .. . . . . . .. . " Official Journal of the Parish of Win. Official Journal of the TOwn . o i fid , , -.t ?. ""ýýR fleW Areses`; nd Ne L. & A. ý . " for T 4I NIL LO IIA A FFIA] JANUARYý 67,1910v +-VOL. X X+ .++:::,,+:.:,: . A.~". .. ..... --UISI'A'A ,FRID AY- ....... 9 , ', L. & A. Hn~~w6 L. & A. Hotel Burned. On New Years morning the alarm of fire was given about 7 o'clock and the L. & A. Hotel on Jones street twas discovered on fire. The hotel, a arge two-story structure, was owned y 'C. H. Elliott and occupied by S. . Smith. The fire originated from a l efective flue and was under good eadway when discovered. The fire Separtment responded but the long i stance to be traversed, the inade- C " ate apparatus add the headway.s aingd by the flames were too great handicap for the boys to overcomes ,~nd the best they could do was tc ave the ' adjbining buildings. Th: i ome of Ed Gallion was. badfl n orched, windows broken by t iat and furnishings badly damagel, f it the building was saved, ce A small building adjoining tie tel and occupied as a real est~e bli ce by Mr. Elliott was burned. ha T.he hotel was valued at 85000 i'd I sured for 84000. The furniture ch cWned by Mr. Smith was insured for foi 750 which will about cover the l]5. set iThe fire burned so rapidly tat th arrow escapes were made. One by Ubg lady had her hair scorehedind mn veral of the firemen were bliste'ed sit! y the heat. --- wh The. First Gun. Sity M.7Iarshal J. . Payne opensD ,the Winnfield Campaign with his announeement for re-election to the bi ofofc e he now holds. Elsewhere in anm .this'paper will be found his annoui c- s Snnt And what he stands for. Ir. sh Pyne has been marshal since 0 C. wil 'WMalley resigned, and has fa ith ully performed the duties o the flce so far as we have heard t the tisfdtibn of the people. His ar ter is above reproach an the Wu titer is glad to name him as er- dui nal friend, a citizen of moral eti- ing de and undoubted integrity if ear is elected th interests of th wn of 11 be carefully conserved his Sast Lynne at the Opera use ipg ht by. the Mabel Thorne q go i2. 'Coats a.d Cid o :::'dr eIsat ;n " AtaN On Hal COMIN ,ES T URSAY, JANUAYTH AN STHISw~ be the greatest opportunity the people of Alexandria and Rptislile buyino' ljrh class merchandise at less than the c03 to anufacture eti ryot-re Syck wt Ladies' Tailor Made Ladwl,. take .......... ' Coats and Children's C ý9 'o·cv·n::~i~i ! ~sI ; ;I " ES T URSDA , JANUARY 6TH AND TOW -tool ýV t A , r~ Tmsbe thae greatest, op ors nit the eo le o Ale. andria ar~: d ,Y i .,y :Ibyin~p · hclss arechandseat less tharn the cost to nanu act re1:;:ýa~~· car ~ty ap e ny minter, aeeeha ddise so 11 /je Ro o84~r e r l isses now P. ;·to:·, i :S aFk {ýNy n ý 1t ý , { ds ý Xt r }ý{ + F * **M¢~ re - .o u at sv - -a a a." u-m _ x s : . .a ---- . -- - - . .. ý _r ano 1 :adies' 'Hats Chldren' s ad Mses Coats. t00 Lades' t leaIance Sale price for.1 . $.50 o C oats, Ciearace Sale )price for............... $7.50 S- 00 Ladies' wit earance Sale price for 6.00 $i_ 30 Coats, Clerance Sale price for. - 6.25 lI' p1 6. .00 '10 00 Cmats, CYlearanr~ce ? le p"icei for - - - - - "5.0 .Mu0 1 0 L.adies' . 'H learance Sale price for ......... 500 0 Coats., Clearance se price for- ......... ......- 5?.Q 10001 adies',I hi 'le, rance Sale price for---------- 3.50 w 7i.0 C',,ats. Cleat'alnce Salt pýice for Ft 3 , . 00adies' H td llarance Sale price fori . - - 3.00 $ 5 00 Coats, Chairnee Sale ,rice for-----------. 50 2.50 ,,.,. ,.,c '. :: ,. , •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 , . . ... 0 Ladies'I o earance Sale price for .......... 2.50 4, 00 Co(ats, learance Sale p'rice for-- ..- ------- . 2 00 0. Lad es 0 L r learhaince Sale price for.......... 2.00 $s o0 C(ats, Clearance Sale jrirce for ............. - 1..50 mIe ----- $ -- -Coats. ý_r -le. d ie s ' D r e s s e s . . . . .co.. .o, C learance ,_i, rrie ,o< . ., ............ . I.o o es.1 n00 res e' ante Sale price for.......... $25. 00 Ladies' Coats. - 4000 Jieses. shed li.ce Sale price for......... 20.00 $30 00 Coats leir;ce Sale7t price for ............. $15.00 , it o ue Sale price for........... 1750 $2_ 00 Coats (cleaince Sale price for --.. ..... .12.50 0.r. anee Sale price for.......... 15.00 817 50 Coat, icearne Sale price for ...875 e g u 'ue Sale price for...... 12.50 $15 00 Coat le ce Sale pice for .. ac u0al Cane 8ale pi1rice for".... . 10,00 . t0 a .hpee Saile price for.... ....... 7.50 810 O0 Coat, nce Sale Pice for . 6.25 15 I 0 Co, a t. Sale p4ice for .. - ;.ev' xaa, kc fo .clia Sate prce r-1.0 ~~---.----- W yl e ` JeGC4~i price for....... ke yor anc6Salc price for.:..... .. 6.25 $ 7 J0 Coals, " ears te for ........ ~ ~ -~ the de )1 !a quek any of the above ..t . -. -cheeks -oen tha ho 'ase charge bI tired eye *f i ZN -s L !h1 1S Ln 4 'R rý'1: yt Pý4r rY +t- ( Sier--Loing. t1slar Pis 'tis love! 'tis love! and That n the world go round." treet -DICKSON. el, a We nes• afternoon; January 5, wned at 5 p! , at the First Baptist y S. Chr Winnfield, Miss Zelma om a Loti, Mr. Thomas J. Frazier good - ve q ly united in holy wedlock, fire Re! Edwards officiating. long thyoung couple entered the ade- cch rs. E. R. Cooper, who pre dway saed the organ, rendered the read grandly impressive wedding march of me4 Mendilsohn, which filled the church 3 I with melody. During the ceremony T1 the :Sweet strains of Rubenstein's. Idcn melody was played. t Only the family of the bride and a ofetw friends were present at the ceremony. tie Miss Zelma, the bride, wore a i:e blue brdadcloth tailored suit and a handsome fui turban. Her costume 1d was very becoming and lent great ore charm t') her pretty face and graceful for form. She was very popular in her ss. set and always wVon the hearts of ,at those with whom she came in contact, ne by her charming personality, gracious ad manner and lovabld, sunny dispo ed sition. Mr. Friazier has won a rare flower, who willibe "'A guardin angel o'er his life presiding, Doubling his pleasures, his cares dividing.', - --RociGs. is Mr. Frazier is a progressive young le business :man of admirable qualities in and has many friends. W- ' We are glad to learn that after a ,r. short wedding tour the ytioung people will return and make Winnfield their future home. ie Beautiful Snow. le After raining steadily all day r- Wednesday, the temperature dropped ie during the night and Thursday morn e- ing it began snowing and at noon the i- earth was covered with a thin blanket if of the beautiful. Shortly after noon rn the clouds broke, the sun appeared s and befoire night the snow had dis appeared.. The tempe*rature is hover e ing around the freezing point as we go to press. The The ofs M. BERNST E e wees Oldest Newest Store ESTABLISHED 1852. Prices *Sp A the Week from e 1 l Now until Jan. 15 (Prices will Change. Watch this Space.) ........... . . . .. . -·- ---... ... . .. ........ ~ _._ - ... :.... . . . . W HEN YOU ARE IN NEED of Flour, Meal, Bacon,, Hay, Grain and Feedstuffs of all kinds remember we carry a full line at all times and our prices are right as you will read below: Special Offer on Sugar this week 18 lbs. Standard Granulated Sugar.. $1. 19 lbs. Y. C. Sugar ........ $1. 20 lbs. Prime Sugar.... . .............$1 New Syrup, qt. cans,...............15C i1 Pare Yellow Chops $1.50 New Syrup, j-gal. caus....... 30c \\ heat a ...... $1.40 New Syrup, 1. gal. cans....... 50c $1.50 Ii iglh Patent Flour bbl..$7,00 C.Ot tonseedl Meal. 100 lb sk $1.70 High Pat. Flour 241t sack 90c 10 ll, C. S. U.lnils ............... 75C Cream Meal 241i Sack..... 55c Pearl. Meal 2'lh Sack.... 50c 'o.2 White (ats 4 bu sek $3. W rapped Bacon .................... 17c Choice _Altalfa I1ay bale 75 ; Bacon, Extra Clear Sides 16c Choice 'Prarie Ilay btale 45" Dry Salt Bellies ...................... 16 Choice Tillmothy ay....... 85 . Gold Brand Hams............ 18aC C(hloice Bermlluda Hauy..... 700 Orders - P Terms: hilled Spot SPromptly Gash r ý:czmi\_^ý -: . -·/~ra'L _CW\t a MIYrs ý -~ : oL, Mr. and Mrs. H. I Bria eiterta.iied. a largei party of friends and latives at their autiful home in :terda ; gLa, in honor of their charming daughter, Miss Celeste, who was spending:. the i olidhys at` hme from school. "`k Mano y o1i:u!nvited guemt .nwierei frdiom Winnfield.i and arrived on the early morning train. . A light breakfast was: served the guests on arrival,' and the :young folks attendedh Sunday. School and siniging eeriss at the i church. 'Ater fteservices, the `party returned withi':raveniousphetites :to thih hos pitable . mansion ::o. thehosts ' d a most. delicious t.urkeyi dinner was served.' The 'table was tastefully :deforated with fern8s -and hot ýhoise flowers, and ma4 albeautifuil pictire. After enjoying the dinnerthe party spent I he' afternooxi strollfig anout the' pretty village 'and . retured or a cold luncheoni to foftifytliemn onitheir homeward trip, and , e'ere adcom panied to the traini by 1 'Mis Clara :Alm.a Brian and a 'number; ffriends.: The .guests were overywhelmed with dourtesy and? profuse in' thanks fr oneof lhe pleasantest days i their lives. Oit of town gests were Mr. and Mirs: W ' F `ickerson, Mr d M=sr .J R Hall, Me danmes4 B. W ailey an Ferrand; Mises Cawford Shaw, Bailey and Dickerson, Messrs Wyatt, Wrght,'Terral JenkinsIotg Robinso m FPredan Arthtr c eiu`` and illis d rid RobertHal Home uts: . 'Mrs.,Harris,. Miss Showers, Messr:i ar is `Baser and '.:perfect day of enjoynenti'-was spet by', all. -d ,~~~~['ection.v h The dia4ten ho diirhes ri Sgtifusnidd a'i o u'ldr riý yn anoine .; I :.:ý : 3" ~thee( 6# orn m ingw nouemnen at on "Iy waigtyanoneetua ~a ,democratic }addt fo"h fleo a i tlii~iefx.t e'fie:o: : eity marshal tike" ttv otii:i .`fled: o I d 'wth ther beftsta d qualified to fill-the Qoffli. -;to whi h _ 1spire ad f e. requ resthe `attention'o a mau *w, experience alon the ine of dibgx:gY with the criminal elementhat ome times `floods our btherwise e tru little cy or dimy dtr a Isit theame asi piow t -... ill - - ins °`.`am willOng' o or teohe~p 'POPl)9: ; aolely n tupnhe .rsoord, I a a t as an officer T uMla :p. e i3 maniy favorse that have; eef w me by the. people of innfield an the entire: parish, , nd ;xi greater deire:: to repay. themn isa n servin4;. the to .my' bestý'abi iiy. I ha a no other .platform to pfter the popt Vhfn yn : rord °y "M ltcate0 victionsa are too weU nown o ` brought into explanat n ti, nfleldy' V f:the .atown at heartan w i:.iestly 'for the moral ared' tionalupbuilding oft etn e ' thanking you in aaiee for e favors that you h e nhe a 5 coming eleection;," : be S tr Yours; to.ýere is "«Another ah> te :leu hands,, a 4 a sand d afe fcordit` ii,, "to the ay o actio . ' e to onpar. oitdn ieht Swi iaarshal ~ ~ ~ Wll Y'Ti'.' ect mis r les adim` uineal( tbeyic h ic ~as 4