The Proper LUay to Travel Morgan's Louisiana & Texas It. It. & s. S. C'o$f La. Western li. K. No matter where you wish to <^o Free Chair Cars Splendid Equipment F». California, the West, Ne», y *\ e Quickest to ' » °rk, The East, d 10 cents in stamps Im a copy <>l tin* 80,™, COOK HOOK, containing 2 -.rCP almost anywhere in Ooi .l •'rn In-darn., Sa r.e n Il-incfj, Kentucky. T'or:v':;cc, ■ ll'-nU..-:; i and LV/.-5 err i « an in yede and < •.nmunicaf^i-. v;i;.h •'•'* « poo;, c;f tills fyroat section of i.«e country. Wo solicit your patronage. Bator, reason able. Equipments and facilities unsur passed. I <4MES E. CALDWELL, I.ELAND HUME, T. D. WEBB President & Gen'i Manaerr. Sw'y A Ass't Len'l Mgr Treasurer, Tulane University OF LOUISIANA. New Orleans. I EDWIN A. ALDERMAN, LL. D., President. Full courses in Languages, Sciences, Engineering, Law, Medicine. Pharmacy. Art. Seven separate depie tinents six teen buildings Extensive libraries, la boratories and workshops. Splendid de partment for -women in the Newcomb College. Tulane makes leaders in all vocations. Its facilities for instruction art unsur passed in the South. 86 instructors and 1,223 students last session. Many schol arships in the academic department open f s. Expenses of scholar- 1 ^students S175;for session. Hoard and lodging in dormitories at low 5 . OppotUtilities afforded academic 'ents are self-help. In the academic | Ages, no boy, if properly prepared college work, will tie turned away inability to pay tuition. Next ses begiuiug October 1st. ud for Catalogue. Address, R. K. «RUFF, Secretary. 1 | NOTICE—I am applying fora pai'il.ui CEO. WASHINGTON. S O I T 1^10 commkhcia: COLLEGE, New Orleans, Li. 44 years renow ned as a lead •r. No false premises made. Ko hnmbnjc^ing practiced Over luOtiold and Stirer Med als. Diplomas, etc. awarded os by American and European Exposition» Commercial Course includes Expert Ac. counting und Anditing, and la Guaranteed Higher and Superior to any other in the South. Uneqnalled facilities. Unexcelled Faculty . Thorough Business Practice and office routine. I Complete college bank and wholesale offices Graduate» bold leading positions all orer the country Instruction all personal Having numerous burines» connections anr. being universally and reputably known, we have superior advantages fn aiding atndenta to secure situations. WA store ia connected with Sonl6 College Id which students do aetcal business with i real goods and actnaV money, and stndents ! keep the books In the latest labor earing forms. - Stndents enter at any time. English, Aca demic, Shorthand and Business schools. All j separat« faculties. Bend for Catalogne. Bnalncsa Hob supplied with competent i be'ekkaepers and Shorthand writers. Address 610. IOCÙ * 80» j • III •ROCKY MOUNTAINS." $4750 ai 1" l am i.-ci Of Los Ange cs ami r* t r . July 28, Aug I to inclusive, linal I, mul 8cpt 30 XG I'nrÜa: d, Tac hum, S-al *-'*•*■ |! t . |, 1 II I I'. J my 10 III L'O, incllislvt*. I 1 ' ' I j ;| 1 llliill Septem In t J I a. Ann nn Denver, Colorado OJO'JU return.....* 84ÎI.HO G len wood Springs and and return. Iicketsj )n ■v. n (la\ All Tickets first class with stop "Vi r privileges. Train leaves New Orleans 0:10 i. m, ami 7:3u p. ui., ik-p.,1 loot (J i p u „„ y 1 1 el, «Mill sis MjUaia s be low Southern l'aeitic .leimt 2.1 Clwrlr. NK'vu'i&AV'!" H "" 1 - I. \ Cumin rliiml phone LUCIEN RoLLAnP^V T n F. E.GUEDft>; i) ; III even Hung tiler.- Ts ;tl wTyTT Rest Tune titnl the Public lusVe proven the 8ingi i is Rest. 1 he Singer >jfo. Co , .vew Iberia, L i. Queen and Orescent lioute The Best Tine to New Y oi k, B iliiumre, Ci ne in n ut i, Hi ruling hu in, Pliii.-nl. Ip|ii:i,U :isliIngtoii C U.'ill amu >o :i I, ni i other points Non li ami E ist. Through Pullman Sleenor New Orleans tr» <'iiieinn.-tii and New Orleans to New York via Chattanooga, Bristol,' Lyneh l)urg and VYasliiiigton, Dining Car Services tin both Cincinnati and New ^ Y ork Lines Servingall meals Coolest, Cle intsi, and m i-t I'ie llire-qtle. Definite information furnished "'bh pleasure—on application. Geo. II. 8mitii, Gen. Pass. Agi. R. J. Anderson, Act. (f. P. A New Orleans, La.