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Prominent Women in'D^' Camp for W&r Service y I I Mrs. Robert Lansing, wife of the Secretary of State, is among those who drill and learn at the National Service School. ☆ HE outstanding feature at the end of the first week of the women's prepared ness camp at Chevy Chase, near Washington, seemed to be blisters—blisters on the feet, says the Kansas City Star. And tan. The thousand young women in the train ing camp were as red faced us lobsters, always assuming lobsters to be red faced. It Is the tan of wind and sun and life in the open. The belles who tangoed in high heels all winter long, with never a hint of anguish, were nursing swollen, blis tered feet as a result of wearing stiff high service shoes. The khaki coats and skirts were had enough, they were so different from the soft, fluffy garments that the girls otherwise might have worn. It was tiie National Service School for Women, this training camp, con ducted by the woman's section »if the Navy league, of which Mrs. Coorge Dewey, wife of Admiral Dewey, is president. The thousand girls soon settled down to the business of learn ing how women may help in time of war. It was preparedness of tlie most practical sort being undertaken. Imagine a tented city, laid out in regular streets, with guards posted and military discipline prevailing. In each tent are live cots, occupied hy tour girls and a chaperon—-some matron who is enjoying tlie training camp just ns much as if she weren't mar ried, been use she, too, is a girl again. One of these matrons is Mrs. Robert Lansing, wife of the secretary of state, and she is drilling with tlie girls in her $10.00 khaki uniform just as though she had never known the so cial burdens of an otiiciai hostess in tiie national capital. There are five wash basins and five small mirrors in each tent also. Be cause it is convenient and cheap tiie tents are electrically lighted. And be cause it is further convenient, shower baths are provided for the girls In khaki. But these need not he regard ed as luxuries. They simply are mod ern necessities. Reveille at 6:30. Out of these tents, when reveille Is sounded at 0:30 o'clock in the morn ing, pour the "hoarding pupils" of the service school. Tiie "day pupils" live in Washington and come later. For half an hour there is marching and countermarching under tiie direction of three United States army officers, who are assigned to the camp as in structors. They pretend to dislike their job, these officers, hut in reality, they -wouldn't miss It for a good deal. The girls are so pretty, and despite their blistered feet they smile so be witchingly. At seven the mess tent calls. Break fast for one morning consists of eggs and bacon, prunes, baked potatoes and coffee. Another morning it Is or anges, bacon and hominy, bread and butter, green onions and coffee. The only difference between the fare of the woman's training camp and that of the United States Marine corps is that tiie girls are allowed butter three times a day and the marines only twice. But they thrive on it. Bless you, there was less need of rouge among these thousand 'girls last week than any week in all their lives. The unbreakable crockery and the camp "silver" are lent by tbe marine corps, by the way. Then comes the ceremony of the changing of the guard, which is an other regulation borrowed from the United States army. And after that there is a busy day. The one obligatory course Is that of Jted Cross first aid and surgical dress ing of wounds. No less than 3,600 yards of gauze is used In the classes in a week's time. A Bed Cross head nurse and 30 trained assistants are the instructors in these classes, of which there are five dally, each put ting in an hour. Girls Enjoy Signaling. Then the girls may tai: semaphore signaling lessons if they like, and nearly all of them do. "Wigwagging" is one of the most enjoyable of all the camp activities. The "pupils" learn the signal alphabet, finding some diffi culty with the letters beyond "N" and pronouncing "It" particularly hard, but they leurn It and can transmit dis patches by signal with some facility already, as well as "read" those sent There »re classes in wireless teleg '\7t Ï U Hr 4 - 3* 1 i — l i carzr c'afzzxaazz&zö raphy. A big tent serves ns the wire less station, and a very large number of the young women ure enrolled as students here. And classes in dietetic cookery for the wounded attract many others, while another important in struction tent is that where sewing for the wounded is taught und where many sewing machines are kept hum ming by apt pupils. But the hospital tent, after all, is the chief center of interest in the camp. One lesson, for instance, con sisted in demonstrations of how to muke a bandage and how to dress and bind an Injury, und how to use a broom in properly sweeping a floor— all being practical duties that fall to army nurses. Then there is drilling and more march, lunch and supper in due time, inspection of tents hy a regular army officer and inspection of personal equipment. Just as in the army. O. K. on Silk Pajamas. The Inspector who found pink bou doir slippers under the cots aud pale blue negligees and silken pajamas draped over the cots, and here and there a rainbow petticoat, merely smiled und put his official O. K. on it all. Finally comes tnps, at ten o'clock, and every light in the camp goes out, and the tired, footsore young women slip off Into dreamland, where there are no regulations of any sort. For, while there may be cases of leniency and an occasional overlook ing of some minor Infraction of the camp rules, it Is no pink tea affair, af ter all. Penalties are imposed for such breaches of the regulations as absence from classes, absence from if < GOOD TIMES THAT ARE GONE Wealthy Citizen Moralizes Over Things That Were, as He Recalls with Joyous Recollections. Talk to Uncle Zenas and you will learn that to find Arcadia it is not enough to leave New York and come to Bloomfield Center. They aren't as neighborly even there as they once were. There is not the frank democ racy that used to lie in his young days. Too much of what he scornfully calls "codfish aristocracy" has come in and split the happy united village Into what he calls "clicks." They don't have the good times nowadays like they did when they got up upp!c-cut tlngs and corn-huskings, barn-raisings, and all the devices by which what was hard labor for one lone family was turned into a frolic for the whole settlement Everybody knew every body, and winter nights a whole parcel of 'em would pile into sleds and come bu'stln' In on some family. Maybe they were getting ready for bed, bat YO'ZUGiJlDY JÏOOKZ5& a taps, unauthorized absence from catnp. insubordination and lack of personal neatness or neatness of quarters, the penalties running from reprimand to dismissal. As in a regular army camp, there is no trifling permitted. Every afternoon and evening there are lectures, dealing with prepared ness in some form. F. D. Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the navy, talked on "National l 'repu redness" at one of these lectures. At another Mine. Slnvko Grouitch, a refugee, described the horrors of tiie Serbian situation and told "Iiow Women Can Help in Preparing." John Barrett, Pan-Amer ican authority, told of our relations with Central and South American na tions, and wlmt may be expected of them in the event this nation becomes involved in war. And so on. Experts In various phases of national defense tell tiie thousand young women at Chevy Chase till about the many sides of preparedness and how women can help in times of stress. .Many widely-known women an swered to first roll call at the Service school. Missouri was represented hy Mrs. Genevieve Clark Thompson, daughter of Speaker Champ Clark. Mrs. Frank G. Odenheimer of Mary land, president general of the United Daughters of tiie Confederacy, was there too. Every section of the coun try was represented, as a matter of fact, although the largest delegations enme from New York. When tiie president, in his address to tiie students of tiie Service school, said, "God forbid that we should be drawn into war," and then added that if war came America would he found ready to defend its honor and in tegrity, tiie young women of Chevy Chase camp felt a patriotic thrill like that which must have animated the mothers of the Revolution and the he roic women of Civil war times. Miss Elizabeth Elliott Poe, the com mandant, and Mrs. Vella Poe Wilson, the adjutnnt of the camp, headed the list of officers, which included those of the two battalions and the two com panies which compose each battalion. The camp was a complete success at the end of the first week—so success ful that already plans are under way for holding similar service schools at Philadelphia, Savannah, Ga. ; San Di ego, Cal., and San Francisco. At San Francisco the school will be open for three months and one thousand wom en will he instructed each month. The < 'bevy Chase camp. It may be predict ed, is only the beginning of a great national woman's movement for na tional defense. the old man'd get up and put his pants on and take down tiie fiddle, and they'd move the chairs and things out and linve a dance; stay up till ull hours, and get home about time to feed tiie stock. Ah, dear I they were neighbors in those days ! "And. even so, that didn't come up to what he'd heard tell about of the heroic period of tills country, the ro mantic age, tiie log-cabin days, when they were all poor and struggling, but happy in their poverty, when the Intchstring was always out, and they would share their last pint of corn meal with tiie wayfarer, not knowing where the next was to come from, but sure they would make out somehow." Uncle Zenas shakes his head; doesn't know what the country's coming to. One wonders who could have listen ed to the old-time circuit-riders when they cnlled not righteous, but sinners, to repentance. Seemingly we have lost something—something very pre cious.—Eugene Wood in the Centonr. MAN'S STRENGTH A rlo ! In Reality He Has Weake- C " tion and Is Less Resistant to Enemies of Life. dm \\ I It i<j customary t<> sp.1, < I stronger than woman, tl. half true, half false ; foi ai; ! ■ \ stronger of fram«* and ; 1 ; more active lie is of a mnr'.o-d ! constitution, less re-istaut t< ; ml es of life. An I ] seems native and intrinsic, i I externals or to tiie chain'. merits of society : for it Iren fancy tiie man-child is nior, the attack of mortal disons» 100 girl babies die in the first year of I lift', our census shows that there die about 1"0 boys. ; In tiie sense organs there is a differ ence closer to what we know of mind, and whieli is not wholly in accord with ! the common thought Hint women arc ! more sensitive, than men. They are more delicate of touch, and can per ceive certain tastes, notably sweet, at n low degree that escapes tiie man, id though for salt and sour and bitter, a' well as for smell in general, the evi 1 dence is not so clear. In Miss Nelson's j experiments in California, says George Malcolm Stratton in the Century, the men were able to hear fainter tones, and for all but one of several pure col ; ors of the spectrum the men. contrary to the popular belief, detected the color at a lower Intensity than did tin* women. But besides this difference in llie senses when they' are normal, serious defects of eye and ear come far more often to tiie man arid to tiie man-child. Colpr blindness, which Is usually in nate and is therefore not to be ascribed to the manner in which man lives and works, is about tenfold more frequent among men than among women. Blind ness pure and simple is also more fre quent among men. Of the number reported totally blind in our country, about "0,000 are male and 15,500 are female. As proof that this great excess of the male blind is not dm* entirely to the greater danger In men's work, there is a great excess of males among those blind at birth. Tin* most serious defects of bearing also occur offener among men ; for of those reported in oiir census as totally deaf there are thousands more males tliau there are females. Youngsters Get Lessons in Sailing. The youngsters in several of tiie New York schools have developed a new sport which not only gives pleas ure to them lint interests a large num ber of spectators. They are forming ! yacht clubs for the sailing of toy boats in tiie lake in Central park. Tiie toy boats are constructed in manual train ing schoolrooms and contain as many features ns possible of the large ves sels from which they are copied. The j races for these miniature craft are conducted with due regard to the reg ulations governing the large yacht races, which have become so import ant a sport umong American million aires. A number of miniature yacht rnces are already scheduled as a part of tiie Fourth of July celebration of , severul public schools. Man's Preference. If women only listened to men in ; (heir choice of clothes, they would al- I ways be "tailored" on the street and In public places In the afternoon. There ; is no uniform in which they appear that so pleases the masculine eye; but the trouble Is that the American worn- | an yields to the vagaries of fashions that are set for tiie French woman, and very often, und in great muss, loses her Identity. Bright Steel on Range. If the steel portions of the cooking range are allowed to become dark they spoil the trim neatness of the kitchen. Powdered pumice stone, or bathbrick, moistened with kerosene, make good cleansers for the steel, as a rule, when well rubbed In; though they will not be effective if the metal has actually become oxidized. Another Ultimatum. Edith—So your father told you he was opposed to your marrying Jack. What did you sny? Willful Winnie—I told papa that In tervention would mean war.—Boston Evening Transcript. His Known Handicap. Mabel—Do you know anything about Tom HigsbyT Arthur—Why, Hlgsby Is my first cousin ! Mabel—I know that, but is he ull right otherwise? The Sort. "What kind of a game Is that child starting with its yelling?" "It sounds like it might be a bawl game." Out of Date. Grandma—"He'd make you a model husband." Elsie—"Last year's model, grandma."—Judge. We are to be thankful not for what makes life easy, but for what makes It great ! j , ; I ; | Every Kind of Lameness Rub hin, I PO« . Tt »oroughi y F or Cuts, Burnt, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, » Chilblains,LameBack, i 0 1 d Sores, Open Woundi l and all External Inju^ Made Since 1846. Prie« 25 «, 50 c and * & All Dealers wïïî For iy Week», Sentimental Miss-Do yoo b leim- engagements? The Man-Uertalnly: I, a ' tor itostor. .Transcript, COVETED BY but possessed by few-» heud of hair. If yours it ltrei JJS gray, or is harsh and »tiff, j 0a J, store it to Its former beiutynj! ter by using "La Creole" Hitt lag. Price $1.00— Adr U hen the meek Inherit the «ui "he t liât they won't make the n>l s get off. ■ Important to Mothon j Examine carefully every boftJ UASTORIA, a safe and sureremedyM infants and children, ana see Odd Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Viiy man can marry an heirs a novel. Necessity is a good schnei. Year ihrer is ÜM SaSiyMl neat o! year My. Yhai IM wrong year whole tyttaa kaail poisoned aadyoar vitality it mkal| Th« best renedy b Dr. Timber's Um| and Blood Synp A purely vegetable com pound. lu>*M and tonic in affect« It cImoi body, end puts energy ISto your aWb I muscles. Wo rocommond this wadi I* 1^ cause we know from many yttn*alb 1^^ ence th«t it it effective. | Keep « bottle In yow homo. B»»WJ •t your dealer'*. THACHER MEDICINE CM CHATTANOOGA, TEW- 1 vne ANTISEPTICPOffiT FOR PERSONAL Dieeolredinwat«r !«***£ pelvic catarA,uk»^» L "Ji »nation. Recomajoadad W v*,, Pinkham Med. Co. for A healing wonder for tore throatandoore H., rrySndii usäsSII I. n w-P f lc e *. b«h. l*T£l nectsM Oil. Writelor bookletV?»«pk«.»£5Hfrl<5 _ 50-doie tu. **MEti£**£ t Tf- ,-ip^to.ur •>< Cu T^7is-n A*» onlŸ°' Insist 1 ®" CUTT**'*' " * or' 1 er direct. ___ The Cutttr tifcr«*?: ECZEMA! •• Ifnnt 's (Sir»" lx U*rrin-din«. H *■ i.jAx.l for thatDorpo** your Dion**y will r -~i refund ,-d vrilhoot qoeot iptiy < tloB If Huntx Ctir« fell* •retWr. KInsWono sny ether hk.D disease tue bei For »al« by ull drug »to"* or l.y mall from tbe »I..H M chards Medicine A. 8. Ric W. N. U HOUSTON, NO.