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24'Ai.il .LA ~i :j .YewL~jl~iper, ~,l~l~'o tr ~l!pl (! lrr~,·a Li:Q;;!·!~
M ss :,nvRa t'i.k ', has -nfe to ILake
('haries t at s inet the duties of bolk
k,;eper fot the Lake C(haries (arriaze
anrid li:u:-lemient Co.
Albert l)uiiey hIas acceptedl the
p-isitin of porter in the dcelit at this
M;a-s Eva I lebert spent last week
among relatives in the Pi neyv,, Woos.
liR. E. .. \Wels filled a aappoint
oniit at the M. E. church Sunday night.
Itob ('raig spent Sunday in Jennings.
'Paul sluane was over foini Lake
Charles to attend the ehebert-lebhert
Miss Emma Fulton returned hlince
after a weeks stay amongui frienls in
Mrs. 11. A. D)avidson was shopping in
Jen ingii't; between trains Monday.
Al and lIkcter Mills of Fenton si ent
Satur, lay and, Ilnday with fremnt s in.
lRev. C. WV. Canpteii of (ro'.hy,
1leadeh d to a large an! al e:'at:v
c ,ni trgati)ton last Monlay i nti!.t
lev. A.. Wilkinson of Lake Chia:ic,
our MI. E. pastor, it suder:ng with a
severe cold.
Mr. Pmckreit spouent Sundlay with hi,.
family at Iowa.
A; Mel.Miian spent isundtioa' with his
wifei and babies at i{oanoke.
Mrs. F. L. Lewis returnedl fronm
Crowley last w'eek where site has been
visiting her son.
C. A' Saxt' was a pleasant caller at
The Journal otffice last Monday.
Mrs. M. and Miss Alida Guidry and
Miss (Caroline Chasson visited Mrs. N.
C. Davis last Sunday.
Mr. Bert Irons was up from the
Robinson plant Sunday.
Albert Gravell anl Calvert DesJour
dan transacted -business in our city
last Monday.
Albert Lognoin was a guest of the
Journal last Monday.
Ed. McCormick, of The Lake Charles
Press, spent Sunday in our city.
George Gravell acompanied by his sis
ter, Miss Lucy, \isited our town last
,,Mrs. . L. Si. laue and grandaughter,
i ala;, tiavP rattried tromin LatleTarles
where they have been visiting relatives.
Miss Belle Singleton, one of the most
accomplished young ladies in Welsh,
has accepted a position as clerk in the
post oflice.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs. 11.
F. Day, who has been on the sick list,
is improving.
Miss Nellie Moore is staying for a few
weeks with Mrs. H. F. Day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McAffery returned
home from Lake Charles Friday.
Mrs. Hail returned home from Iowa
F'riday, where she has beeni visiting
11. A. Day left Sunday evening for
the Robinson plant where he has a
position as chief engineer.
Mr. 8. .. Babcock called on The
Journal last Tuesday.
Mr. Austin Welsh, formerly of this
city, has accepted the position of
printer on The Journal.
Mrs. Winm. Martin returned from
Crowley Monday, where she has been
Mr, Lionel Bertrand was over from
Jinnings Sunday.
Rev. J. GC. Campbell of Lake Charles
rzived in our town last Thursday, to
takka part in the protracted meeting be
ing qeld here.
Lacasine Mourns.
The following letter was handed to us
with a request to publish and we com
ply with pleasure.
"Brother Paradis came among us
about eight years ago and preached to
unof Gotd's love to fallen man; as time
and oportunity has presented he has
visited us frequently since, ever eviu
cing interesting enegy and zeal to work
for the master. His visits to us have
been only of pleasantness, and instruc
tion thankfully received, his genial
greetings have cheered us, and his dec
larations of God's love and mercy have
encouraged us to increased faith, hope
and love.
We feel that in his death we experi
ence a loss irreparable and for which, in
sorrow, we humbly how in submis<ion to
tifs dispensation of :nil wise p)rovi-.
The writer being a personal and inti
mate friend kno-weth of his untiriug de
votion, his manly christian charact:er,
his noble generous Impulses, anrl his
frank anld wholesouled interest.elnes inl
the slpiritual wellfare of those to whi::)i
he muinistered, we cherish hiis ,wnm:.
as a Jrecio's legacy.
Ilis spirit has takes it's flight n!a!
}ow dwells witl) the just lmadtiie pI.rli. '.
Lacasine, I4. July ., 1900.
Make your.elf solid for a year*
good reading by ordering the
Jotpal - plt to Your addrges.
Your Mini d is '} elleved And
Memory Refreshed.
Claplihy Iognon went to Jennings last
Tuesday and signed a contract with
P. J. J[iktA! to run a canal through his
land and irrigate his rice farm hext year.
The bottom is ot of the tArno mar
ket. I have !ought a car load of niw
Mc('(trinick Twine and can quote low
prices. i:-serve your orders until youu
get tiy ph ice. F . L Lewis.
Our business i iii somewhat of a
tanlgl,, al, we are having considerable
ditticlitv in }.,tt inl it straightened out.
'The r:eason w, rt fer to ourselves as we,
us anal ours bso much this week i~lbe
rabet we want the patrons of ounlbe
i ate,1 pIalter to get the impression that
tc ,? 1t l1o nany to lick.
hn iii! that passed the Louisiana
it., ýliature which escaped, general at
,ti;,OO was .i act pro(hib:iting the sale
lbaiter:, or exchange of tobacco, ciga
ettles, or ciarette paper to minors.
ucih ta.e is male a misulemeanor and
s.!,jects the ,n.-rchant to a fine of from
$'2 to, i(> or (i da a imprisonmient, or
bothi.--( e;,'elousas Courier.
The newspaper best suited to your wants
is The New Orleans Picayune. It has all
the war, political and general news of
each day, and its Market Reports are
strictly impartial and trustworthy. Daily
Edition, $3 for 3 months. Twice-a.Week
Edition (issued Mondays and Thursdays),
$ a year. Give The Picayune a trial
We had occasion to visit Lacasine
last week, and to say we had a good
time does not half express it. We left
there more thorough!y convinced of a
fact we already knew; that Lacasine
has the prettiest girls, the nicest young
men and the most hospitable older ones
to be found anywhere. Everywhere we
went we were asked to come back again,
and it you have got a lot of money vyo
want to risk on t sure thing, and dont
want to give it to The Journal, you can
bet it all, dollars to doughnuts, that we
will !o it.
Wanted-ten thousand men. women
and children to know that Martin Bros'"
will sell them the best t'hoo in the
world--t'w celebrated and unequaled
i-tuti,'h:d r. u sho,- "
While visiting on the Hayes pasture
last week we had occasion to stop at
the home of Mr. Toliver Haves and
while there we had the pleasure of
meeting Mr. Weber, the well man, of
the Andrews Artesian Well Co Mr.
Weber informed us that he was puttine
down a well for Mr. Hayes that will
insure Mr. Hiyves an abundant supply
of good water. Weber is all right and
so are his wells.
We have been a little bit slow this
week, because we can not keep from
looking out of the window and longing
for money enough to buy a house so we
can hire Renfro and IHall to paint it
just like the masonic hall.
There will be preaching tonight at
the M. E.Church. Subject: Confession
and Pardon, or Forgiveness. The Pre
siding Elder will preach on Sunday
morning and at night. At 11 a. m.
there will be an exposition of the 23rd
Psalm. Subject at 8 p. m.: God our
All are cordially invited.
Itatistlcs show That He Is Past IB
tering the Paths of tiv
That the Indian is leaving his native
trail for the "white man's path" is
well evidenced by statistics gathered
from the annual reports of the aUnited
"ta'es Indian agents, says Youth's
Companion. A greatly increasing
aumber of Indians on the reservations,
or what have lately been reservations,
can read, Nearly a hundred thousand
of them have completely adopted the
white men's dress. Almost all of them
have discarded the original dress of the
people of their tribes.
Eleven hundred dwelling houses
were built by Indians last year, and:
the iudians on the reservations now
possess more than 25,0( dwelling
houses. They are, as a rule, no longer
nomadic, no longer dwellers ia wiy
wamrns. Externally, at least, they are
rapidly adopting the ways of civiliza
Are they at the same time "'becoming
civilized" in the true sense? It is trot
possible to an',wer yes with confidence.
They are learning to rend, to like in
houses, and to wear white ;men's
clothes; yet unfortunately, in some
cases at least, the vices of ci.illztion
seem likely to overpower some of the
native virtues of the race. On sonme
reservations in.temperance has in
creased almost exactly in proportion
to the disappearance of the character
istics of the aboriginal red nman.
To civilize means to endlow with the
proper qualities of a citizen; •n' so
fnr as the reading and holsp-.w:I iig
Indian lacks these qualities, hli trans
flrm.,tion into the outward semblance
of a white man fails in its dhief pur
pose. The dluty of the white people
toward the Indian is far from being
ended with imposing upon him the
superficial marks of their civilization. I
There is no harm in a man being in
advance of his age providing he has
money enough to live og until bis ags
ctches up with hbir
It w ulc . be a gý, 1 I'A , toi have the
fau;t.-lin.din' of the woi!i done bv dIle
gation or by committee. Take the
most powerful "'tear" out of Wall Street
and let him In t the r'roaing for all the
broker>. 'ITake sim n ecclesi atic, who
hadt swallow',i his reh'ion crosswise
andl gut it stranglingly fast in his wint
p;pe, to hunt dowvn all the heresey, real
or faneCl. Get some one newspaper to
d,, afl the work cf nialini reputation:,
prtin, divo.rc, asc et one femalenaI
"alahount.," gathering all the gossip,
put it ut, in bottles properly labeled
antl' pedd Ile it about from Iouse to
house in small vials for those who
could stan't only a little, or in large
b,ttle.s, as it may be reliiired. Let her
bt known as the chalnpioness of tittle
tattle. Sc men anti women might
delegate to one or more the disagree
ables of the world. And, as at different
times America and England have dis
p.u]ted with each other for supremacy
with yacht, and hat, and rifle, let the
champion American growler go forth to
dispute with the champion English
growler for the bdlt of the world. Let
the da" be chosen for the contest be a
commingling of Scotch mist and English
cloudiness and American dizzle.' Let
them go at each other with threats and
annoyances and recriminations. Let
all fa:ult-finders the world over stand
round the ring, watchi n,' the fat( of the
two natiins. The lhl_^ishmn:an nigiht
draw the idrst bhitl, ' it the Anelin'a
will pr:ovtyi fufl natch for JLimn t ; t. la
The streitl, may be lon, ean fe 'a:rfulI
and the excilement sur :iPs that of
Creedmoor shotine ani. Ascot anl
I)erby races, but I think neither would
gain the victory. Indeed, i would like
Io see them both go down together in
contest and both slain. Then would
perish from the earth the bickerings
and the suspicions, the snarlings and
the backbitings of the world,
Bury the two champions in the same
grave, their clubs with them, covering
them up with a bank of nettles. Head
for their funeral service the report of
the stock market just after some great
failure. Plant at the head of it a little
nightshade, and at the foot of it a little
nux vomica. For epitaph: "'1-Hre lies
complaint and hypercriticism. Itorn in
the year 1; died in the year h11't. May
the resurrection trumpt,. that blows
others up into the light, blow these
miscreants deeper down into obtlivion.
-Christian Herld.
Paint, WaL if "t'ib rr - -i rri, Io
Renfro & Hlall have in stock, and they
know just how to put it on. hall is not
only a fine house and scenic painter,
but an artistic designer and decorator.
Frank Suydanm, Prop.
--- - --,4 -
'Meals at all hours. lable
furnished with every thing the
market affords. Service first
Try Our M~5e Dinner.
Local Surgeon for the &omthern
'acific Railway Company.
n4. , c G ý Ifý
3 !
The QnI` Mach" Lýtj %r týc a~c sH f'{n:ý~
b J 1~ LI'4 kVJ\,IF . ii
"i Ih JjIp H. \ I
Established in 1894.
iOOR i.iIRO11 s I,.SS, .
Ai (IfiRIi OILS, S1,il IITh 1 RFD LEAD,
STAC'' iK, PINE ''.TAR, E'TC. *
Fý.A..,L ý1'VI .L1,E TS" .
T VAV' (;(N S.
Miss ,. E. Plum),$ iButfalo, ,.ew
York, a thorough U)r4nieke.qftw;elve
Vyars experience, atnounces to the
ladies of Welsh and ieinity that she
has openedl up a Dres.I aking Estab
lishmnent at her home ý Adam, street,
one door south of tlt Journal office.
\'Wrk done in the late st:yle~snd up
to-date fashions
The Rlacksmith.
.\rnnrlmreep to thc lmllie tlhnt he iR Still
'Init.1 IbI~i!~,49 at t he saiae old
tand, 4a tint h Adamlas sitreet.
Catll and ~ee him for all kinds of re
pair wvnrk.
-AN 1
.Medwial Examiner New York
Life, .iutual Life of New York,
Fidelity Mutual and Washing
ton life Insurance Companies.
President Board of llealthi and Health
Olicer oft Welsh, La,
v ,oo11
R. L. CRAIG, Proprietor.
I .wish to announce to th" public pit I ha., opened a flst
class Salooq oiq south Ao. M stock .vi: be comp!Dte in
all liqes. Fire Wines ,lqd Liquors F,. medicinal purpos
es a specialty. Cigars of the hich.:st ;. qi . Politoe t
tontion and the best of ordo obse.,,. Call .rtd ra
yourself at glorrje.
lespeel t ailly!
THE c25217' f the ,e Fr"
OO-.0-0 0-0 -O-O.0- O-O- .-O -o -. -O- 1' -0 - -o--i -ýi- ,-, -- .,, -.I
contemplating -uyjpi this season, to examije the Qeering an
,All the Lands of the North .
Company - -
Prices not materially changed.
proIe'Ieelts tha~t piace it far ahesad ,,f it, ijc(ll~ltjtors. i i . " -
contemplatig IuL ti All reports eton, th e cont rary ig
onrinr:ei, if they s lnott prhejnd in fhvo, of s e othjir, they
thinkI as I do . TL e i)·,jri.l h no I on r sah !,Uv
IC , K LEiY , LsA.
Q *"' L..OWA. ------- - ______
A 11 the Lands of the North i -.'
A merican Land end Timber
Company are still - - 1i
1'rices not materially changeul .
All repoarte to the contrary
I L ! L(;. 1I,,RNITIRE,
I)R Y (;)O!0, 'LlJRI)IA IP,
ROOTS ANI.*' ,i'.,. 1U (S, A.'IV MA TTI\'€
1-. ( 11N iI )( i( ) \'ip.c YouJ of
1 L 'I TE gT(O L TI.