Newspaper Page Text
hc Ibcc rdclt ,ourni l . 1{. PlorNTRER ,I'ubi her. VI'EI 1[. - - LA.1 T'hirty-live hundred duzen goatskir-s are transformed into leather every day in Philadelphia, Mrs. Davis, the only sister of John 11,Ju Ilrown of Harper's Ferry fame, is still living at St. Johns, Mich. She was the youngest of a family of sixteen chil' I shol dren. &,.C,' r Herr Hauslian. a V.enese artisar, has arrived at Paris, wheeling in a the harrow his wife, a woman of 28, and his child, aged four. The journey has I' been accomplished In a month. Ie The lonely island of St. Kilda is to lis have a postofflce and other innova tions The postmaster, who is the pastor, the schoolmaster, doctor, etc., will not have a great additional amount of work, as the mails only II arrive at the islandt two or three timned 1. a year. S. The word "compound" which Is used l frequently in the war dispatches from ('lhina, means anI inclosur'. In that tountry and Japan it is custoniar"y t) build high brick talls around fact- l ries, business houses, banks and resi 4:enoes for protection, and these are \ the "compounds" mentioned. to Atgording to a statement made in thlie L glish p: rliament 91.000 horses have b ,n shipped to South Africa tI during t' e present war. The cost of '111 an English horse on arrival is front mI $350 to '6373, and that of an Argentine do horse c,nly $130. Altogeth(t: England N\ I mnust 'nave spent anywhere from $20.- gi 000,00(0 to $30,00U0,,00 on horses for I. Souta Africa. tic The deaths in 1898 in Havana num, IF red 21.252 among a population esti- gr 7.iated at 230,000. The rate of mortal- u iy was 85 per 1,000. In the first month i1' of American occupation. .January. ag 1899, this was reduced to sixty-seven. Ib and by December, 1899. to twenty-sev- i en per 1,000. The decrease continuedl lie until in April, 190(1, it was less than 22.4 per 1.000. li The every--day vehicle in which a 11 baby rides is variou.,ly named. In Phil- ol adelphia they are advertised as "baby " caches; " in the South they are often en called "baby Luggies." while in New til England and in most parts of the West in "baiby carriage" is the name. It is uoulbtless all the salme to the baby so long as he gets the open air and suno. light which the vehic!e affords. Russia is considering a new moldll I for !easing the oil landls owned bty tile \ rown in the district of B3aku. in or- 04 tier to reduce Itlie priie of coal oil, ji which within thei last f w 3ears has ut b1een raised exorbit:intly. It is pro- 1) Iposed that after 1900 the lessees shall tl pay to the Government 40 per ctent of N o.l prolluc el "in ,natir'a," so. that the Government can become a com yetitor in the sale of the article. Here tofore the lessees paid a certain tax f i in cash. it M. Ende has recently compared the I figures for the motive power used at the different expositions which hae(: bcen held in Paris. In 1567 the total horse power was 854, furnishe(d iy fi ty-two engines averaging 16 horse power each; in 1878 the total was II 2,5~3 horse-power. given iby fortv-one i engines of 62 horse-power average. Tlh figiure for 1889 is 5.,320 horse-pow cir: only thirty-two eungines were uised, withI a mnean of 16ti hor'.e-powver. In 191)0 the total ipower of the ellginei: antld (lyinanlos uised' to Siliply the iioi'- i gy is ,0;.(S5 hotirsi'-lpowe:'. sUltpli d by 1 thirty-seven mniachines, aiving a mnca; of 975 horse-power. Thi l"r'rencli s(', tion 111has eightee. mia.chines, with a t, tal of 14...435 horse-piwer. or ,02 p1 V ilnit. and the foreign sectio scti suilpli's i~ineteen macthiines, giing 21.65 ltorSe-pO\wV'i, or a itican (if 1,140 le" unlit. Prof. Ilerman '. liliprecht, thie 1 Babylonian explorer, who in tlie pring of this year went to the east. to superintend the excavations in As syria and Babylon in the name of the University of Pennsylvania. describes in a letter just recei'vedl the imporl'tanl results of his joMtrney. lie says: "T'he iresults of our i'esart lhes exceed e\ erything that has so far been known ablout Babylon. We found the great temnpie library and priest school ot Nippur, whiich had ibeen destroyed l1i the Elamites 228 l. ('. 'lThe library consists of 1i;.000\) volutlles. written (in stone, and covers the entire theologi 'al, astronomical, linguistic and rmath omatical knowledge of those days. We also unearthed a col!ection of letters and biographies, deciphered the in scriptions of many newly discovered tombstones and monuments, ant es pied, finally, best of all, 5,000 official documents of inestimalte value to the student of ancient history. The net result of our journey consists so far of 23,000 stone writings." The Salvation Army, however one may view its methods of arousing en thusiasm, must be creldited with much practical ability in well-doing. For instance, the shameful deeds of the "lce Trust" had no sooner been ex posed than the Army provided at least a partial remedy. Depots were at once established in New York and Chi cago where six pounds of ice may be bought for one cent, and the plan is to be extended to other cities. The man w'hose sick child has been relieved by this charity is not likely to object to the music of the cornet and bass drum, The work in connection with the G;lasgow Exhibition, to be held next year, is proceeding rapidly. The vari ous buildies are so far advanced, that many of them have already been roofed, and everything is taking on a ship-shape look. The space is nearly all taken up, and nobody but some foreign governments who have asked for an extension of time, can get an other foot. No less than IT5,00 square feet have been already allotted, but the committee have applicatalons Oor 229,000 feet. . .--. u--- - -------c LOUISIANA NEWS. TH The 1: ,.u'laie l l ilntatin, sit lt tl ull ;r s r e .14,, tnul I ,hl .ing to 1)r. 1\'. \. 11lln y and:1111 .Ioselhl l '.. .I1:t.1rg: A FC v N;- 1ld at ýh,'riff sale l',-t week. \ ', six hils above 'ral;kliton, a y tlg I nlllll. 1l't -lit'l Al g ee. \\V's S. th a \1'rely hurt1 )1 a falling trI'I, in :; ter mill ritl, wvinr st hrm. which .w\eplt very I'ro tling in its pahll, one dly 1\ last weet'k. John Spinix. who has ltlen sel'v'illg .1 LI I shor' .t 4e'lten ' in the t:iurish I,'ison at Ane I 'rankl:ntou, madele his stcape or PekA i6ight latt week Ity picking througll (disp the brick wall of ite I)risI . 1)ail: the The l)olic'e jury not I'.riday at 't\\' der: lberia and '(Ireated the New \ ,t'ria ul e yB:1you C'arlin draitlnage district. ':'his emb district inclutldes the city .f ',t\ew :te- Brt ria xl1 tiuns Nest 4ii'o )i01.II'. ur ,t 01a14 1'1 b1y the jury \\w ,re .le""lr. 4'"m n ", 000) 1. 11411 11' 1'Il I' `I;uu i . I1. ll.cll '1).. ', . li rll( ' ( ;:1 1)1 . 1h ~. \ \ !li'l ' . ''le'- " - .- ,,lllli. ioll el', \\ill rI'1 i,- i)lu ers ai', ,.-sr-. ':. ... lli\er 0111 :1 1t 1 Jlln l1 . \\':11t. ''h1 s' :li-trict 1 ai, izil 'I ie 'l r''1ti 'ler-1 ' 1111 l t 4 nI 111t at ", ' to I (tr ll l at !l' court' h:14 ,, l:1 \'''st . 1ek4 The ' i t'l in( itg i\\';I s l ord,111 r 1 '1I' the Mr. E.. 1. 5 lad41 ,1 . 1,1'\. ( Mr..l( tmison goo dleli\ter1'e, tlih ahlllres o tl' \\t-l.t'l te, to . hi,11h Pr) .11 -.. A. . l,11or.Ia . I,1te 1nl)ol, gist of the Louisiana state 'tniv-,rsity. , rt1spon lded. P'rof. FI . II h lrnl t t4te. hu r me tiu1lturist of' th, 11, tuii l 1i1a t 1ate 1'ni It \- r4 sity. the1 l 4 1 1 \e a it 1,14l4l'tu 1 4' (i ga'de1 t"w, gi inil,'. f.\l t'r 1 11i4$ n+ssin)ll of thih i 01o Itu- ject he Ineeting adjourned for dill- bl n1u1". The mee1ti ng 'a.1 ':lletl 'to (t rler of SIgal at 11::1' . In., aul P 'rof. 1). N. in1 .larr w\\, assi-taut Ilire' tor of the North liar 11 isi slita experimenl t sitation, ('Al- ant h11tli.uh. I.. aa e ha e1 i 1nteresting talk till ki. l'1t tiolln of t'tuot . .\ft14' tI i101o1r111 WO (1 th1'11 ' awi1 ve sulh jec1 t Prof. 1te 11. A .Mfrs'alal ,:I\-A. :1 a l ll't' on stll Wit of llthe ', lel4l, l i4 " illnet's (1of th4 , t1ate.1 the N1\hi: h 1was :14l sre','ated by :11l pre:- 1 o t'll. 'Th lls ettillg was 1quit4 a s.lltes 4s. 41 tl toe)1' hl 'sel4 1 I:li I 4 4 1 r1'a1 inlte1l'e t th1 1in the IIn hiIu s tlo i,1'- t: is'11 1,4'd. wi It) Il 11' \V'l 'I ' hI t'le :'o1n. d I h;L1 41_ V11 " 4 )I ile . (i :tt'd \" the fl' l ltr(ue t lial '11cl - lc tin4 ued rtinut sinl t-,. l ueW 1. Vields to \\ iic1h la, t .- asy,'I \t t iel' '114 1 ' 1141 ,-)o) 1 1 11)i - lY 1; it ' I tt' of1 lint 41utt 14l p14't': re I'' tan S not and11 will l_,t. 1ve11 ltllde( ' llost f:l\'I orablIle circl' stal n(es. .vield oviir half that aloul t; Whie hu hdre'ls :1d ti thu)tsla.l of il t n \\'ili't ntf have over, e ntral )ierimat It il ess t ha 1 q art1etr of 111 S lro il) 111:i herelW Iftre. Catel'lill s al' - aren nslw shleft -ing upIt i early I\lorl'y fiold' .Tan tt litls h cra. . e done ot aen-n.t te..'I alasl. Th s. ' have ietI gt'pd)i in. vas rotting al):ly in the tiehl.', whilt lt ot 11, 1'. lttuniplain that tit, he l xc, ss\' l n r' uinls haveelll e tlell thd their oursi f' m sll. filli t tt. ;llri the I'slllt c is 11111'11 : ]aao tl'tol" yi4'hla \'ill . fo) nt ugh it lti'\'lest ' i) lt '1' t an \'s O xpIItt'3 ' l i rt' th'lie an i i t11 " \et.te w is lwhl at Nytutrhih 'hurs dton? Wehll, oii'. l ther, Bbbyto cntin. knllllll g shell :ln.drivllllle' (. a ill .1.I a.\lii tlllllh nlnll was ith (.1 ban a 'a'si-. thment a To o1r. .n.eI e .Knstroinski on. elch t1'd sc re'l'1'tl1r' . ('alinlllllisioell r, ILt'(' ett the i l-junesta nd liybys onf teof l":tfl'lt'irs' iln.stitu'te d l lS() a ls'o : Id :1t tlell' and ikn:lso('ly I)ler n 1| "Soil town . prov m-t en(,llt." I rof. \V. 1 I. lhollsonll. (f i the |Itae' ; ' lllv' 'sity at liat(o lHonl.:.' .0 Jac-he Crops."bes wels fllowned hy td 'of, a' . ('. go :lt w llo f t n lt Sltrro Nmo e Olftl ,e ho( . in :In adyh'.ss, ,ntitly ut "The' l'ar ner' Lfibraryv." l was lil erally i plplaudhed, l r. H .'..I. a\inyer tlhun n h d li'(, rt'dI ;a IIs;IStlri fi adhreliss (Iol Ithe at "llgit 'n. iot" th llmn, and F \" 'olThin gn, I!,tle n ltll ih rly deluim trla.c 'td 1 1he1 inustlility o)f" h .tutln qualrm + tilnes an strvl '. .11". ];. T. 'o nist tlcllt, o ex .t- si'( 1 '( ,11 " )f lille s )t k in h- 'ar'oil )'lp rish. then followed lin nt rs iI hly instru tlliv' and w ,ell written in aier, entitleh "He f (' tll h i ltoli. ia in Inu (,nlighteninf n. At the he chlse of n'h :tnhhies, an intioestin et disCusion 'Is indulge1 in biy a lu no Sheriff B. W. Biley of Win pyar n ish, left Ahlexan dria iday morninl Sfor Jackson, La., with an Insane white She was taken there thre, years ago stand was rteleased soon ftier, but she i- ever before. Ilant,'rs ay they a'(e' mort: than will ext "What is a sanguine disposition, Un tion? Well, its your mother, Bobby, es '. THE MEN FOR PEKIN lg - --- lIern A FORCE OF 46,COO LEFT TIEN- York. TSIN LAST THURSDAY. ullon An Imperial D)eree ias Been sned Au- ae' thorizinlg the 1'eklu Ministers to ('om- li' S muntNcate tWith Their Gioverntiments and (Ie I'roviding an Es1:'iort to l'lentblln. i I I lini London. Angust 6.--'he British and i American forces began the advance on u0 k Pekin last Thursday. accordin,; to fitf110 dispatch dated from Tieni ''siu to the hoil Daily Express. "The main body o0 the allies." , oncludes the corresptlon- th dent, marched July 30. eneral ('hat- ill t fee ?'as delay"d b. difliculties of dis embarkation. General tol,ard, the lBritish cimmaniil , had no such oh ltacles :,nd his dt'lay is inexplicable. "rh other ttolign troop. are nlow half ,i way t Loa. ' :oIe t e iincludes 20. 000 .itit lest' t tleneratl Yal.itln t- I ihu'hi a I 1li.O 100 RussiansiiI . Tih i r'f's lBritish f'or( toul I is l000 "lid other t foreign troo s ar' 7ý .u. i , e w ieak :all 1i Ii I'y. 011 a'iris. 2.ilf 'i; . s h ll f, di'ctOtr 'c t raiiway.1 and t(`i'g'ailplhs, ias ju1st hIl:\ tffllll fni;l 'a d I't t lie con)lSýlS at Slih n ,i hal, a 'ording to ia pe.ritia displiatch to lthe Tempns. diated Atugust h. all ill- if il.prial deifree dated August . autthor- di izing the foreign ministers in 1'ekihi lhii to cmmulnicate without 'restriction I l with their 'overllnteiets aind ordlering t i. their departure for T'ien Tsia under ii Ii good escort. oi ' I S A Deadly Fuid. dai) Fl'armningtoin, Mo., August F.--"our ulint r men killed and one fatally wounded 1Hu tl the ouitcomen of a shooting affair the- the n tween \\'illiam 1)ooley and his four det isons on one side and the four Ilarris er, brothers on t\he other. as the result fro r of a feud at I)oo Run. one of the min- N. . ing towns of St. Francis cominty. \Vil- to I liam Dooley. A. lHarris. Janmes larris, tli I andt John lioolev are the name of the thl i killed and Frank Harris was fatally hat li wounded. A young girl, Mary lIit- To f. troll. was stiruck just albove the ankle de I' with a rifle ball. A few days ago 1, e. the Harris bloys sent word to the ilt - l)ooleys that they would be at a - 1l( t s.ic ai t I)oc Rlun and intenlded to ruln st the 1)ooleys off the grounds. J1lst when the hiiooting begen is not clear, but once Ilegin it was deadly. All nl; tI h tie Harris (tic s except one were shot. s: .- (One was kille,. instantly. 'rthree of the lih f- )Dooley boys who wre unhurt tcame Iti Is to Fl'ar'tiiligtoi alId l gav' thet lst'lves Ill l) iup. They are in jail. nt ' - I (ii ct lrtikeni inll Wool Market. Ii S itti .\ngeilo. Tex ,ts, .\ul slt ti. The t ij S 1lllie, which leis pirev\ iled the entire in ,'. s latll ill lthe wo l i Irket w s ilsbrok ien it yesterdiy w thet a Salt Allitiflio htoie, _ l'l's i llli t 11' l t'Il 'tl 11'itiih1111 Itosoth i ith in. ti. 1i(MMi Iof pilh o~ f S limillits wool Il i fsid a:f1 0ll0 .(M) nlHt1itit 1i Uliilltlli,'it 14 tio ft fi 11; c'lif,5. Tlhe sfl:llt' is illfitftli;lly lillt' I; il l l ttil \'I uldhi fit lo t \t goitlt rt I ls ft ,11.~ i ll l iilp g il' prl'ic dui l'iiig thle ]ilip ilit :ial i ' lil'i"ii ilii oIf tfit' 11f't 1('\\" itili l, s. if 'l'Th,rf ,till rlifiiillhS ilimit !half al tuilt l ff inti tllflils llf Ohtl-. i H.ome. iguist l.--Thr city cotn 'il iof Mlonz;i :it; h codlil thle' I)lit of groutind nc-ifliliig tlie silot whii'ro Kinig 111uM i)( t ias a., si, ali d, to tie royl iniily" who \w ill i'e t nt chattel th re. it *1 Qf lelln illtgtierlfiti lhis comllohl)c d t a tilditr fpraily(fr in miOinory of her htiiis hilntld anlt hIs o0It;inl'ld piernmssiion from the arihbishop of (Crfolnfoid to .illiculate it aniong the faithifiul. Vic-i t1lt"or Etitantli irnd Queen telena w\iill t Irrive in Rome \Vdnetfday. The r, n iiaains of iiing Itiumlbrit will I,\e \lonza l the sanie day. reac:ihing the cityV iltt i a. mn. Ximenes. the Oelebraited (cllulptor., p)rolose R to ei'eit a nlontit Snment in honolr of Qfleeln Maigherital in the tarden of t'he Pinc(io. .1 Ilroollm Elnctory ti lv'if,. 11'11 i11'_" oil some very lht vork. Mr. I t('llllii tir \s iis fl l i t'.O l C. li' ; iitl is i!tii tt'i, gtit' l ill flitl hi:iy tilf i is n lt igllI ti f' hli lty i, akiV l lilt' h i:lkti' i iitllilS. :iitd il this way t.t'tps his i it' lorii il utrl'tliant' s wilth all tht' i r ins l tiht y ti e t'. lIesies lie fills ii gitri t mlnly orders fior oftier oinhIs. ZhIr. 4 otlits inteitds enlfirging his far l tory this fall is he Itlinds it a veryi 1-protitable business. A (.nthlnlg Oil Well. c(', Texats. Aigulst (t.--In 12 iollitil's Siiturtllty Clhyton oil well No. it 1 pr'odi'.cedtl sixty lbarrels of oil. Ex .citefnit is high here over the gthshler. ngo A Itnuliler of oil leases have 1been filed she for rI,·cord in the tounfty clerk's otfi::t lan to the :Southern (Oil cnomlalny from par ties in ltl wsofn nlilghlorhood. rht10r1 lhas iben net'Ot posplietin g for oil in i iae t lit sctioli aniid tde\'ttlop l'nIts on tlihs5i h 'nan leus s will le watchetl witih muuiih in wii ' erest, 1 the alefih t. 8uihling Telepione Line. Wharton. Texas. August 6.-Mr. Carr. who has the contract for putting Un ! in the 'ptone line for the Cane Belt posi- railway betreen this point and Bonus. bby says work hae progressed this side of nana Glen Flora. or within five miles of the comjletion of the first division to this point. The work has been kept So back iby excessivt e rIliny weather 1and nn? his hands being sick. The line will t he follow the road as fast as steel is laid on- o the secoo~d ivisialon to Bay City. Fl Paso,' rowth. AL El Paso Texas , 1u\l4gu4st -.-TI1. T. Ilighnllothain, re 1' Ill ,ting ithe S n IBern-Perris, malt l 1p:iy oif N\w' York. w'hi,' h tfurlt' nm'1i 1 11118 and 4l:1 :1 IE. iase tillished ini\ Lalion t,14d l1re litp red h5is ri rt ,1 , ( correI14o4t'n1' i T. out 1h18 said.' In Ml4y, I,. us, t\wo \ at1 ' :ii . " t'hint I h , I, l't'\ r i. e tlit '11;II1 of 1: 1 .:Iso, a;ll t 14)l t\V I .ort4 li l ih:t 1 ;( h 1! Ih t lillt I I rs : I 1\ 4'll'. . I il i Ih i'41Y: il ) 'I'ltl 4441 ' v ilhI I in:\ huiltliints Ila e b e ell,411k.11. 11101 wcith ill hi ti) I n ts if this city. l i \' Il 11111 .l1 i ' d 4 vitholl t aI iarll I 1 114 'ii lla l lI I\o'le tl'h o'r ýoI lth rl'll .itis. 1 ! I shritl. Il i S 'I's as, Aro h i stn th last I.'o ' 11'(0 il t el· '.4v t yearS' 5 tt'1. 'l4'. 'ild ilI . II \\ ll ill the pnit' ntir, .u h it t' fOl sl' for' n l:\r hl'44' _ to n",1 _ .. .. \ Isa t S tci' the I ttn',r for. l :l'(.lll'1. ( i lrpow l :1\;·i01;:,. '' is. .\ lli lst I. -. '' f Qd th1 e j1:.'11' alll, ( ma1(:l' 1 {hir S1et': I" " 111 111. 1 4rih of ,1 .,,l't 1\hil t ! mld non , 5" It, ti '" lll.' it l m her, li ' int at i It 1 l l 'l , ll r ilho th i 'ollnt ility. w 'I'he j :il r.''.it t' u;I t .i: re .1 url' I l t11l ll i N 1 hr ,ntrso. lhd goil lI t i t :hb' jail 4il' ,'i ' ttall el, t'\ttl4Nlill the', ca(:ll s :1114 11401 ' th ill. Te fir tt ani rly nt hid I ,ri . i e" lit''l)l iil '5. 'h ei S nll er'''so n 1i 1 n hi sI4 l l lll l l acik tll rnct il int 11 il fl4: '1 11111 11101 T' n1 14' it- . o llht , m ade at hin w1ith a knif. Th 1 Ille e St1gII gle folilllot '0 d a ndl r. IAu- (1 'le t was aIltiro d an' i " is 11141) ll' I g'- d ' , . 11 ln1 Toll:tt I (110 :astlarg . Texas August 6. - 'atur day evening about .30 .lohn T'ollett. Iwli r nde' twelv lvtu t er' e te e 1114 ' 111l d H11 ob 1 Id i. unt, u Inchr a two year,' sentei c in d I (:Ii," e- the penitentiary, tit fornt r for ml ur r dr the latter for liurglary . overpow It frol the . llount. juill. The jai't r. T.. - N. Antlrsont . had gme p in th; jaili Ia I 144 11-1 I i t' I 1144:11 --1 '-.- llli ll ' lIli-li s. the nigtl . Tolletast and unt hid in he the r"'riders. numhef Anrson had his lan ly back turned Hunt Jmbped on him anlil t- 'ollet made at hie wi th a knife. A(' le d ep atle struggle ollo'wed, and A -111 , o person came out vith a lame arnm. 1111 1 fi iu l i n r a' t o \\F c at re a n l t'I t iLsl s I t' int sie. lii. ing atig SprngAulus sion .tie the 11t o tthien Al Trealt iu th Indiar en l l )r l it4. 11 0 ( i s socet elg nst t r. -,l. Fisall of i 11 ni' the fuMlirod, T.. edi n nhro hK n na he h' tin silTwes aen opf poised gt e t ill t mllccll bsirn i s n ett a i$.s Affra re (s bl 1iak s t llld g. i t. aiud in t uranti I I' tt'a S m i a 1 It rei ty ios tlh 4 k ni tf i e M ,ll, lreds Iit l tak nces t ithle ' s tliede r of s c t hll d. to which thre is dll id' d ol jet di g, erlsoin1, u .eet in a1uslk ge ,n a.\ugum t a be, " o2 . 1 n.llsidr tlw l t ion. Pf ,'li.~ ot~ rllOiau llll i olll ll ll rat n tl .orks . N . . August l.a g he tIltlo hd. :cd inliied by a terrific ha k ll t u i n im: 1r t i Ia,., ls ('it . soi. lll it ,.l 1 t ake i ti 4o ' arng, s tl ty Oe. r Bo ylempson N. 1).. ( i ll 1 o'h 'k thin ulli..s n ('liat to sh ne !to s l it. , lo lh\11 y no ttl roulta h t ' rich f;Irsl)iv - s'\ e li t. tlllr t 1111'a11 o ih i il gf Itt illl ae S int e l, f nu il l l t l l,e old i hll I'ur sel' i 1e ltion . r A s teu lr i of tlh e hiii e l'yi lne f l'onl eiof ht ond 1an e.1 in o ianlls h:,f e s ide o tbhiesl 1he ws in tusk ere in thethir ('c0 es or fti 1 wirnanufltclr of onI tcl ofi h gold and niver. but every. yes kep era I nvasons.toT ee prsn seilk S nai 1', i hen h a in ,et re abolut the ea r Ir sla , uen rte o te r lie caehif s ie. lititty,. \\i t',' " r e .1. e. Thled .h I lls 118, fal I. tr vel ong (W Il w il oe \'thes hly s, b ill aemed I S' p o' Ih. lre- l I i. Pa e i nin ! l itti . have the facdy ad tol the dmarch it sevf, roo ifeng, for the T osterahg yfstray Tun. ALLIES LOST 1200o ,, it itl ii t 1';if al 1- iEA Y' i'.' t NGAGEMEI'rt . ' E- It ,,it PORTED rN EAR TtEiNTblr . I tt; linl -l f ~toit I It , ,I 4~ 1)4 i r I i rn,I ,, t Ii,'t lllul't' 'l Il!ia lll' iI i 'hiiil'i"e ,t oldi'r,.'-- I hr - tthine'i : %it' in Ii'r I 'I ,'' I Ihrre to 'ane to th.' \lt . bi ut Il rt t4 . t'] 'li 111' t J. orsd i+ )i t 'et it. 1".lJ[' 'l f 'it i ( . .. l l " " , " t ith m illli :to:11 tr l'ab l:*r 11 ; r ; 11 1 I orll'I:1 1, 0'(t(' t ' g tl Ill 'II t I '1 1 " III 1 l: l'1 1di t l.1 i 'l 1', i ! I 111i; Ulleman at \;ll atonl' illiey I i ' t I a r ll I'11 i ll>: 111 1 I 11 Io'1 llO 1 1,, 'lIr 1l j11 1 l it. '1i i a , nll' i t -i l '' 'liit h-; v i I' s--: lI I. t 'l I l't i t ) 4 '11 1_"'i 1 11111 I b - f - ei h l tlh li Itt . t1 h I l i . l ll i, {o ill II" 4 S ,mlin. e r Io thn . i'. ,,in a lt-, a i t ii d . Ib' e tirst o is-:ll i ii (111 1;:i1ai l t ,. t s l, , d t llt li'he' l'. t" i' t li . 4; 1" it - -tl ' eel'. i tt l ' l 11 tt'l I.'l i til' l al l ti i fl- l i on, i t 1 i 1 'ti : tn o II toI \d l ' l, it 1 1tic hili iat 01ango a st1 . Thi s i n 1114 1 i 11i e at1 " l i thii , nth t1i'il 1if0.ot't a lo nt \,"- 1'it i i ll II 1' il '' " th I t Id Ir i t t tt 'i,' n I' 1 I is tllf lle ll it i u I otii s a ' ct a 1) ll, asl ;i l oitlh .- i x. , bth , r ri t - 1 1t"Ill h T' L' a S " i ' ,ti t io g ilting.' hIl" t the Shan (It' S'l 1i I'tlaut i \ll iielt 0 tie lhithl ai t, I. l ,ii h:le 1 i'a ll p i t h Su nday'.: it, its mll ' . in re lie t h it i' ti i 'I ll ltht t h Ie it t-4 ti ltfe ll ali ilhe :iv ll h t' lse al it' "e i 1, - anl af te r e li t' f ighting to ,l 1 t 1 e I 41i\ i 111111 i ll n liot t h i's i i' a lnrit Iii is 't t il 0 o1te hell ils of ' ,o it 41t. I .. lt nrtl y a' , d.iz o , nlit iilit l ,all,,!. T ' " i r-· i ga- tiing th!Iis p i i i nuillgit\i tat it ' l Sill c pe o t lu t" hatld tlt' itilt' Id lt isih gill Il t l t1111{ : att iai y i s tim et ot t 11 st ti' lgi IIi 'Is lie t c i'i'lttlt ; 1 al toiI t tic,1 44:11 HT 111 :l l !:1lt r i llli ll't" . h ' 'l ll " r11 O or n 4t ht'unt of frciions u o lt to (1`dini o ue of si " .1. 1 :n 1 1 ti tl l i ltthi b 1' \ fo ri \ it itlls . I, up , i ts elf. -cale the rit __ onsu at____ Tien i t i ie llt I . i' l at .ll,,ic' t. " oltl hi ,,ln ,t ol n pe -l i n - nlal I lill iuitt r 1t t ilt. , t hii h o. ; 1 11 h"n ge C iva illi. tII ,~l..orloln t ot' tI ill :11 ill 4I,' i 1- f \,l ite fSa tll l ls , 1 t it ' wt i Tr e11' i t h t',a Il.d to Ihtli al td1 i : pily 't ti s t'l' I tt "S l- i-r asllo l t' fhl'(- i lt l lt it 4. 'i'gtl - ie an 1'it . 1 Vera tlt'h « Ir t ' i lh tlhn I' tt . 1 ti s ito n iv ,t illhedo -t.l iand .inl nt 'i ll ifi 111111 c 1y' ar hchd ` ing ,nIf I' 1'I :nga \ nlt 1 :i\t1'n te T orefthCla Ar gust .he adTeas, A iot 7e sines" Mr. Bor wasishot 10 "instantl no11 t oen hor n. he Is ervce was rs ted kt i tnit the a rlgiti consul t . doet ot l f nis teielirst ll visit thigs t o the Sh btl hal real lolt. e nt tlelay i ;1 id the a to ivePn Iato pted as t 11 11 "ultl i' fa i 'h that the d ico all doid r not - PP 'ha:lrn+ fl eot '.o ' , t iplprcci!. '1;111 2:Il 'I t . I. l '\n . A lt. t I 'h, ff1' to I ulltl'r'.'l t .2r2 tl t', I. 11rli1' \2 t t; 1I t 1 '' 2 t" t n In21 11'11 1 '-:1 '-il i i'.Iii ! iy ' '1I~ f t e li l'llr ' t ..l i tI;1 \l l . 1 112 2 ' 11 l l' ,' '1 ,"1 .1!1").1 'i '.\i i\ ' t\")li 1212 ,12. lt l II' r1 i l '' I .2221 :l2 l \' .l2 ill' \\1 :,I 2h i, ' +, ' 1, 1 Irl'- L' 1 t\ ,'" :jI ! t " ! ,) t11 2 ' I. Ii2 1l till ,' 'i'- ! r o, v "l I ,,, ll. ' 2"'h I . it! ' It: Il l ' 1 'l.ll i ll' 11 1 1 1. t I. "-I . " :1111 l \ 'I I'I'I a! i I' l I I l 'rhI 1 1 ' II :' l " I 1 'l '' it, h 'h :il 2 'lit '' l',1. , ,. t, 1 2 ' :;I "' I' I ' ti llti 11 1 '\ i' '1 + 2, I I2 i,!' t i .ht'l ,'i i't . - S 11h i ', . . .'i;' i "t " \\ lit: ' l' ' / " 11 ' 1 t"i ' L 12 ,'12' h 1.2r2 1 222: i. l;r 'o' 2 ". 1 .i: - I 1 ;l 2 ,l2 ' . \ %I ' : 2 1 Id r :1' 1 1 _ 2 22'; d l \ :i I' ; .I ' 222 , I , ' I I1 . 2/2 2 \';:1 \\., 1, t tl itn 'Ial'"l;s t ,' , < . S . .!i: l "2 i 1 t I " 1 1' , S1 ':1' I t "1 l 11. ' 1 2 22 :I2ll ,\\, I Wiili d le. ' I 'n :1 i lln I \ ,1' k . blI , 1 .l iii 1111 11. I · t II" . II ' l i. -- - il ' i l\ S t.. ll. T' t'.. , . . , l . ' " '. . " 11.i1 ('. N. !titIhI stated .. ,'t't d. n v altt'. ! noon that +"' h tad ,!,,'idle l to "',<t+i'i 1 t7 l ii %1+21 12 1 t1 .* , Ii 2 2 -2 I' 2 " w it2 a 2i"\• 1, ..iakitn it a .ii ilie. it 1 22 2." Iias \'a"1,. Th' ' 1,2 l21i t'"1 ' ilc t1. of !th sIuIr \'1 is atlolt - 'l2 iii. " . It ,il ,h i be r-eln:(ti.2 e r2 ti t he ,It' e 2 ra222 s t' iv( Il"' I 311221(1 1n 222'. ' 2f 2patl ~ ' 2 v 140 " 2221 it -' ii. ti' l \on ll' 2 ti . ti l 1.,,t y !' i hi "e is S \11. 'i.h 'Colonel i.. 1' o 2er2 thl2 spokes- lin 1. o 1n i f' t2ile ,oll' 1 itt ,+'. `2 t 1o1'th 1 1eo ',i + ast'nl w'hy th'1 smll ,ey shouhlll b" ve h1, tal2de. "'ii. I2l2i2bers O1 i 'wh.2 nit2te s 21:' . +2 y \ .1'" con0d1lP.i. .ha .111' 1ir10 2'. H"1. 2o1 ll' I. ' 11:1 2f ' if ' 2apll ait i y121 oul' 'l `. o 1't' ih yll 1nl i, 1l '' th 1 \\'+,r. also tat :.11 istl'd that t!h fcasibili y o: iakini 11,' 1 ' 1 1' , tii al ha\ o, ablI : . ..11 1 . ilent Jr i I .2 ! t\ , 'l t' ' ' 2' 1, 1 f 1 . . : 1 1,'il i t o lt2 2e ill , 2 ''2ri ;v d t+'1 aL t'1a2 "tll2 '2"'l' ('ou1'20 es 'r ' h i Ilt1 a.. -. (il ihso1 if s eXpll, 't0 d he, per Stod"v t'o coult w'ith 2'1i,1( 2Lit'he 21 ,. ,l .,+i'i g ' h' ' ' nitt i r tion -,_ -- grip i ,llr2ro s. ' i.i: t :t 1 n g l . lill- i cata I. ;;c og1 doch2+s. '. "Txa. igulst 7 -. easil 111t1 t isit to thilie' I" .)own of 11int inlgtoll. i cure 0e onil the Texas and Nw (Orleans r1ail- 'j' 2r2 0oad ,extelnsion, shows con.sidh+rable im- 1'ot - lirov'emenit. ''Tw, telephone' lini's have not 122 lately br2en complleted. NMr. .. .1. Iay'- cur ter is puttiing in a fine steamli gin and22 ma:1 J. W. Oates of Il anllot. Angeiinltl col0in- othe t)'. has 1 clltr2i'cted to 2rlect a: nic2 e ho- it fw tel buiilding alt 1 .2ce. which is greatly you nge 12 (ed(( . N '. L. C. Baird is lltting trea to- I up a handsome r' .-2'h2lnce, and four remi ll g'entlemen plurchased locations1112 p or plat his i ouses i1the d(iy this correpllondent - le visitred the place., ''The railroad 2 1ii11 ev'e ing crew \will (,begin on thile depot a1 building netxt 'week, and two oil mill lnot companies lhae contrancted, for,Ithe S (r'ec.tiOn 0 lf .2e'1 holl0se1S. 'lIx:as Nat ionalil IHllnkr. ' " i2 22o4diliol ol i1111 ,i tilh4:11 I:11i : g to le ptr-,d to Ih , i.n pii li i r of Ile .' - 22'] 2lhi " 222 1'! I ( nt'22li. :l"'lili' :2:2.:2' I'2 ' "iral 1 our .\ I'il ". . I,, m d sli 'iulta 22':.I 2. , 21 '.2'TF 22,12to .l s ' i 12 22'1111' ,""ttle .''e i .t0411.1:I to n. il. ,11 li l 1.7 . I 1' il' ll' II2 . 22 '.s. - \ . . I 1 2 '1 2 ,1112' I " i L'ni h t! ofl, tildI tlr i, Ilil lit d 8lliv,4 1th.i'1 x l ibl il | ir li fi.. .e 's in'2 T''' xa. 222 l lts; t 1 . -h 22 l7.7 al. 1 .'mision yesteid2 y af'teri2 oon and 2sk1, " T1xai'b1lllr k 2 01 4, rlent I' ,duli' l ion 2 '4te T i22 ' A2 inlo 1ff22)1t. whii2.h i7. Aulgist .2. i and exteil 'd2'' th1 ti.2 to 1 1~2llte1il' r 1. 11This 'as dol t in 12r122 er t(1 o 2 i2 t. e I he tll I o2 "cI(r' 10 anff lioth 2 r o121 ti l 11ity .o bhoiw t. , vhy it shobllp not goi ino 1 di' 12 ari2 .2 . 1' 1%' 2s1t 1 ' ?.- 1"1 T , 1 i'n.h cton 1i ' SI. .1l lt ('ha g 1i ig t'e!o~gir alp i ·un' d r 2 It ' 1t 1 at o(f AuigIt :I 1ha1 the sitiai 1)22 is 2ro ill ! 'o.o ing 1 2' 'ire 2 'rious 222 211 2iip1 'r 22o 222- '' Yang 1T ,' Kiang. T1h12 Eiiglishl '0on ' iiy . 2.ul. 1e 22112's. 1111.2 l oft 2'ith thE' '2 2.2to2m . 'i.i hotl.(2 , 1taff and the FrI'ii(.h .o21l2221 in I uh '1r t'12l2ds to leave with2 his h1i .pane1 e (o'0 0 12'1122. lea'gugtrs. The 211ail sVi2'he has beca S'l1' sto0p1 (d. I, llh- i"u ni"ii , I. tlllliE F- all4 y I I Iur l. c: l 'i t'i on122:i . 'l1'Xl1s A\.li lsl 7.- -' ill It. N2o ii.h1' , 2 y ilil li2 lln li\'i' i thlrl'r , 2 i11 2 ' i1tn 2 .oulh of 21i i~ i . whil, 2l i ro22l2 2 l0222 1 o i. co :l I F lol'.ck thi s l r iln \ i. ril| iovrl -witell b " ll us 1 l.2to. "1s l T,2x2ai I' all42 rI " tai'h g f'i1 21 iraiii 121 is hi21d so la~lily 'e1i ,.'ll, id i2 i, lii o, e sol r hhrii 1 fr S-2' h t'' io Al.rjidentlli Killetd. La m l 221' ,2i hi2 2 1\ilhe ', T e xA s . A.l usti sit 7. ''o n' tr I'l- ven-yliro' ' 22i 22 f II I l.' ge ' ia liki'. :1 t Ul'ned 'romihi~,ln f:trli'r of ii2 221212V,. r,-' 2.'e (1'' d:iy 222: i. nn ng 221211 with :iii 2ll 1 ii( po k'.l 't 1.i2if1+ in his h11112: 1 i1, fell 22it 2h2' kni2f', 1222 1 he 2 Ib ll' 'iit2i'2' d hi' , 11 i' ,2 i,2t. 121'1 d7h2 Ii f Vollid fro i \hi.h Uw did stantly Former Gore'nor William Marvin of t. coun- Florida. now a resident of Now York ho was state, has sent his portrait to 'Talla. papers hassee. where it is now displayed in esisted the executive ('hamber. He is 92 yPars old. He writes to Governor Bloxham of Florida: "I am the sole survivor of the sixty or seventy delegates that s Ihool (tomposed the first constitutional con he 18thI vention of Florida. held at St. Joseph in 1838." |1" n i, m , I' n .| j. . i I ,, rtt , rti ,i .,c : "r t , i tl', it i , L " f ii' " 1 .1 ain lih, .\Tu r e,. atil a,. ,rk ,'ý tIaRI. '! ht, 0 , 1 1,1. !th1'ty 'a ta:lL t 1113 " li< '.-r:it* I h f lu ' ( nh .i n > ;i I , -. ,'' 'r ' S (I.rII - , f t! r'ý iý to 't1N. ,ds)p '<'l. l ," "l h 1 i{:tthit sr , r 'llt ,' ,n , ti itOil . .11 d giýe ' till 1111 t `'\sits TIIAmlT'i".. i t lit .oll thii y ihl b " \y h ' . h n Like the Deadl9 Under=:(.urren :, tcl ...asps one without warning, hc nucous membrane which lines :ht 'nire bodxy suddenly becomes weakened in some spot and diease is established. It may be of the ungs, he head, throat, stomach, 1 bowels, o: any other organ. Where " ever it is, and whatever it seems, it P1' prings from the same cause CATARRH rt r inflammation of this delicate pink iembrane. The system is weakened in win ,er. The delicate lining is more he usceptible to irritation or inflamma tion, and thus we have pneumoria. grip, colds, coughs. fevers, etc., all catarrhal conditions which may easily be checked by one catarrh ,n. cure-Pe-ru-na. il- That's the only way out of it. i"- You may dose forever-you will (vP not be well until you try the true S-lcure and that is Pe-ru-na. You n 1,t may think your trouble is some In- I other disease and not catarrh. Call ho- it what you will. one thing is sure, tly your system is affected and must bt ing treated, and Pc-ru-na is the only our remedy which reaches the right for place and does cure. ABSOLUTE SECURITT ' Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac.Slmile Wrapper Below. Verr .man and as eas7 to take as ugar. cART iCS RDAlit. 1TLE FOR BILZIMES.3 IVTLE FOR TQRPID LIVER. PILLS. FCR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLElION is ci 'rrt P o e V eta W. " . _ CURE SICK HEADACHE. SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be fooled with a mackintoch or rubber coat. If you wantacourt that will ketep you dry in the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker. If notfor sale In your towni write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. l i p s 1" 1 1 Superior to All TASTELESS TONICS. , Cure Guaranteed. (IMPROVED) PRICE,. 50 CENTS. OPIUM WHISKY sandl ther 1ruc: habit s cursd l 3) das. 11n1 atulhil t ,atm.pnt. U Ilmk and part I'.ulart FREE. B. M. •WOOLEY. M. L.. Atlanta. Ga. ADIES! \htn dl tdra and othlier fall Ito f lilveyou,tr I N. f. .l:.. "tu -ý trfnl, ., |I X frre, l. r .R.L ,.R hwaen.M l au -ere.W h. W. ,. U. HOUSTON. NO. 32. 190,U When Answering Advertiscments Kindl) Mention This Paper. SyR Lrup. T e. FoouL. Use ILotiao. Sold dna 0 * 0