OCR Interpretation

The Rice belt journal. (Welsh, Calcasieu Parish, La.) 1900-19??, June 13, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064402/1902-06-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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tic c~g ~y 4rii i
AH - AY, JUNEA A 13, 1902.
------------- ---- "" " 7 "
. .. v wry
ole Agents for Ce brated
Seal Gasoline Stoves.....
See Our Complete Line of
Call and Examine our Goods.
Prices Away Down.
he is
ip vexy
no 1r little ycster
all agent
t the riceing
dy a plh
king ph oper- 1'h
re . ho
was on tneir
4 one day up s
n Sunday i
e services aon
boys .are I'er
-e new rice ear
hool teach- e
1 to attend c
axles. I
n from Ike- opt
usiness and fr
Snday. lay
in on Meth- 'b
ear eva, Ala.'S
this place tl
he n, l. .it
e South
eg to go
else g which e
d ten days.
one , in the
on who has
S' Cove,
he~ danee at
$r which,
visit her
Sother ofI
aIo wn i
Se, whe
aLICK, ProprIetor.
s, Plants and Nursery
*ys on Hand.......
tres and plants of all kinds a*apted to this climate
wer tlan elewhbere For further particulars call
i -_
ug.. OILS.*
received a car load of Machine
pply your demands with any
-f tOls. Call and see us before
Yours for business,
'!'Ir dear
t tt Groceries
Ss, Cigars and Tobacco
c itd
wt· t-
Star to Be11 , "Co. for'" nice ni.hed by Crow.ley. " "'"-'-'"'"'"- "" ..
tIne.,. yiAH~ ......l ru uo uatrs e It - b o.
JWt8Cigars and T7obacco. Gentlemen, s° or low q km-s
S o atb R allro ad A v en u e , p a ir o f sp r ing h o e s , o. "'' .iY. e , "
. t nd seIt is a n a d v a n ta g e to g o w h e re th e h-o
goods you seek are properly dis- : o : -
1sarane anything in~~~~Ty anoud be seen to full advantage. ret t ,o - t
Sstplayed; -
.~'e l " klao r'-7, -,,,
you store rqet to call and look "at .
iently arranged so that our customes can ispect any piece of Furniture they want and see what they want before they purchase. Our stock is select
w a nt a nyt i n i n o r i e a t m p r e se n y o u m a y :sn f .. "t el elq.! = -
this section, and it is a cardinal point in our business to please and supply your wants o st an ko e m
eve ofere inthis town. Come and IERTO se them. Also ou
will bear inspection and you are requested to call an ou do not want anything in ou line at pesent you may
and then you will know where to go to get it. We have the most complete stock of RUGS erofer t
ae Alo lG._ Don't let the sun burn you Wout, or a Tew dollars invested n the cheapest, coolest and nearest awning known.
Sdropar.A stylesi marked way down low.
torn o SII . oF.JRNTURE...
tihe cen
9 ý. I ( 1'ý l;N L~ I ED
I~l g ' tl e tij ~ e i~ ir 1~ . r1 j ( On C (Il't ;: r o A , L a , .
b ry ? iaWill o e
et ou~ !cae l p l~j~ icei* 1~ o
kno uire( of me bch-tBalt nuptiae knt. mm i. r f the Ex a oits
/I Cmnom I i (li j 0th o! · , iU I6 r*..
-ý "., ~' h l"~ ° Sun.0 comm ou l
gig operatoruo fribth *9l td s i 11j !'e r/
,P, r be W. y Ue it 9uie l
r e~rw CU 1 QNew ]1r :.
Po It. A Si- I~,171. IGreat rBritai of1jý. ln 2
D~~~r f~~~~~l , chillE.M.Powrs Sa;C. . ll ye `' iw
18t marriage Btas tn of 1l' e º ý . IC -
rR811 t? a, ,on- J yip..':. . ,., ..R
is fow engaged, so we Ibarn,
zy successful series of meetings.
A Dr. Nelson, of Missouri, bought Deeeland
'su-iday near here from F. D. Willore, Degree
icn of E. F. RowsOn & Co.. with thic
it ent of settling himself as a panctee
eg physician here. We very much need Und
physician here, and wish him success.
Ihe Misses Murrell and Faith u-,by u
vho left here last wee k in company with to
neir aunt, Ilrc. Cox, f Iowa, wl take dery
p school life in their new s urr, t din in th
they will be missed hereb e scho ol nigt
vish them much success n their Ahooln lgex
Mrs. Jones stll continues to spek t ra
the pleasant ist paid r last wrsek yr y Us
,ler friend of these pastyears, F u bad- wer
car Fulton, of Welh. rs. Fulh' .hi- d weinr
,. her her littLe Fu.nd dugh Shr in t
1ey Davidson, a smart, bright, rollicking May
Ichdaild. s Geol
child. eein some practical de'el- erts
ow is seeincrg somre comin to the nin!
opmentr Farmers' caal now rwaters A
front. Theof our little zati
"burg."land to the "vera e" lant has eust cei'
burgcompleted their new" canal to some few pla
miles of town-will water 800 acres just Di
south of town. la day here with the ju
Sunday school; it was childrens dayad II.
S the school house was crowded with vies- Sa
itors and friends of the children. Every- .
ito, rs ad frto enjoy the little ones suc-'
one seemed to enjoy wel1 rendered
success. The pices webeen well rendered i
h and showed that they had been well drill
Sed by experienced ands. uThe desupervein-s f
Stendent, Mr. Fred Pontous, deerve
Sgreat credit for the interest and timealso for
stowed tpo e consummation. e
Sstowed upon theschool and also o 'a
s the successful and happy Findlay, two
e Misses Jessie and Mary Fidlay, o
, er uch missed on
at moving spirits, are very muh  are
n" such occin O when away. They are
er. in o ndance at the normal in ses
ner I now in n
sion at Lake Charles. REX.
of ________________________
mI bought my before the re
nd wI bought yo the bentt of it.
and will g A. DAvIDsoN
NEW COMM.ANDERY ORGl 1' M- "The stockI
days and el,
Degree of Knight Templars Conferred at new firm wi
MasomC Hall ondall Night. act r. Kaugee
First Natiol
Under a special dispensation granted i well and
by M. E. G. Commander, j. J. ar of the Fire
to Welsh Commandery, U. D., a comman- Charles an
dery of Knights Templar was organized Cwhile a :
in the Masonic Hall in this city Monday that cit
1 night by Rev. Herman C. Duncan, of Anew tbank
Alexandria, La., special deputy for the er as we
grand commandery. He was assisted by alone shou
ythe following Knights Templar, who age. The
i were here -for the purpose of assisting the moral
· in the organization : D. F. Crockett, C. Bank of
ig Mayo, Thos. T. Taylor; C. AMcCoy and under ver
George 0. Elms, Lake Charles; H. C. Rob
1e- ertson, Crowley, and G. W. Remage, Jen- BORI
he nings. a nd organt
irs After the regular opening and organi
le zation, the following candidates were re- New Oil'
ist ceived and the degree of night Teaul -
ew plar was conferred on them: Paulo
SDaniela Mark L. Prentice, Frank Cotton,
tJohn H Cooper, John Robinson, Onear Surve3
the TFulton, Win. P. Russell, Jr., S. W. Day, company
and 11. A. Davison, C. P. Martin, N L. KellWelsh
vis- Samuel Blaekford, Jesse V. Kelly andL. and W.
'ry- E. Robinson.
c' At midnight a banquet was served atfa
ered the Eureka Hotel, to which the members farm, tl
frill- and candidates attended insand dwc
grin- The new commandeiy begins with the
rves following officers: . M. Powers, generm- ol well
ebe- nent commander; L.. Robinson gener- let to
for alissimo; H. A. Davidson, captain gen- of Beaa
to. al; J H. Cooper, prelate, Paul W. Dan- he put
two iels, senior . arden; Frank Cotton, iu- aband
d o nior ardenior; Mark L. Prentice, secretary; forced
are Onear Fulton, treasurer; Jesse W. Kelly, oil in
are Onear FUlton, C P , -rtin , sword eight
sea- standard bearer; C. artin, sword Samue gh
bearer; John Robinson, warder; S and Saband
tEX. Blackford, sentinel; N. L. Kelly and S T
,W. ay, guards. Templarick
e are The commandaery of Knights Tamplarthe v
it. is a degree seldom attained by or con- now
SO. ferred on members of lodges in towns Fiv
the size of Walsh, and the fact that the hund
local order now as a lodge of K. T. Ma- feet
sons is commendable and eviences the pipe
enterprise of the Masonic members. aiv
l Welsh Lodge, No. 232, F. & A. M., isfo
in a rosperous condition and has a large gin
mem rrship. soon
!j Died. of o
imate Mrs. Amilla Bertrand, aged about fiftyand
's call six years, died at her home one and one
fourth miles south of Welsh Friday .
morning, after a two weeks' illness of t
L A. typhoid fever. Her remains were buried and
in Roanoke cemetery Saturday at noon.
Deceased was born in this state and lived or
here continuously all her life. She was c
ý a member of the Congregational church mw
-of this city, at w-hich place her funeral
will be preached in the near future. She
leaves eight children, two daughters and
Ssix sons, two of whom, Theo. and Chris
reside in Welsh, and to whom we extend
sympathy _ ._ -
For Sale.
One 50- horse pow r'iler and 4-nch
enge pump for sale cheap. Huskey &
Coverdale .elsh, La. Cor Elm and
Office Miller Building, Cor. Elm and
* South Sts.
I have a quantity of first class rubber
belt which I am closing out at cost. Call
and see me at my office in thiq rear ofI
es an. H. A. .VrDaOa.
CO. Gentlemen, go to Bell & Co. for n
ad Avenue. pair of spring shoes, or low qurte
Welsh National Bank to Succeed Calkin,
Spaldinl & Co.
An important deal was consummated
in Welsh commercial circles this week
whereby the banking firm of Calkin
Spalding & Co. was purchased by a num
ber of Welsh and Lake Charles parties
and the name of the new bank will be MA
the Welsh National Bank. Included in
the deal, in addition to the good will and
business, was the elegant two-story bank
building and fixtures and the lot on which
the banking house stands.
The stock holders of the new institution
are among the prominent representative
business men of both Welsh and Lak
Charles, among whom are the following
L. K.aufman, Capt. uLoke, A. P Puj
Lake Charles, and Oscar Fulton, N Pr
tice, A. R. Miller, F. .. Lewis,. 11 Co
ner, Cleopha Benoit, A. E. Bell, Paul
Billon, Phil Coverdale, C. J. Huskey, .
ceneaux, Dr. R. R. Arceneaux, T. J. Wal
ker, Ed Scharff, and H. . Wesson.
Others wishing to subseribe stock n iy do
so as stock subscription is open t
D. for a short time. meet in a few
The stockholders will meet ihich a fe
days and elect cer fter which then
d at new firm will take charge and will trans
act a general banking business.
Mr. Kaufman is vicepreident the
First National Bank of Lake Charles and
nted is well and prominently known in locrl
financial circles. Capt. Knott is prei Ne
man- of the First National Bank of ike New Ma
Charles and a leading lumber dealer,
nied while ujo is a leading attorneY of
nhy that cit , A charter
of A the sh parties interested in the clerk's office
r t new bank e wn to most of our read c o
Ser as well `O business men, whig e ct company to
d alone sho rit an extensivei tron' chine and
who age. The National Bank will- corpof tion
isting the moral t of the st National 000, divide
ett, C. Bank of La ares and starts out ndred ar
y and under very p sing conditions hundred a
Rob- . -. At th
e, Jen- BORING TO BEGIN ONDAY. of officers
organ- rJennings,
ae re New Oil Well Will Be Sunk on the E. S ing, of th
STem- oos Farm. The obj
'aul W. o-.-- e operate a
Cotton, manufact
near Surveyors were here Monday and in machiner;
N. Day, company with L. E. Robinson, f the il, irrig
L Kella Welsh Oil and Land Development Co.. and to
and W. T. Hutcheson, went over the coin- pany wil
erred at pany's land on the celebrated Woods al kinde
members farm, three and a half miles from town, Land
Sthe and decided on a lotin for the new Deniels
era, ems- oil well, the contract for which has been compani
,n, gner- let to the Jones Development Company, will
ain ge- f Beaumont, Texas. The new well will ter will
W. Dan- he put down about 100 feet from the one and thn
itton, ju- abandoned on account of gravel being
secretary; forced up in the pipe. This well showed This
W . Kelly, oil in good quantities continuously from Welsh
in, sword eight hundred feet down until it wasmsive
r; Samuel abandoned interes
ly and S. The lumber for the erection thede r
rick was hauled to grounds t is Phr
s Templar the week and the work of building is
by or con- now being rapidly pushed. Han
Sin ton Fiv ndred feet of twelve inch, eleven
ct that the hundred feet of 10 inch, two thousand
K. T. Ma- feet of 6 inch and 2000 feet of 4 inch
inences the pipe have been received. The apparatusoin
mbers. arrived this week and Mr. Robinson win
& A. M., is forms us that the work of boring will be
has a large gin not later than Monday and possibly I
- The first well a year ago had a spout
of oil and gas at 1020 feet, wrecking the
derrick and destroying a rice field near
I about fifty- it to a distance of sixten hundred feet
aboutatay- and was finally lost when down 1466 feet
ne and one- by the pipe telescoping. In this, asinthe
elsh Friday other well, an abundance of oil was found
s illness of and a steady pressure of gas.
+ were buried The location of the new well was ad
day at noon. mirably chosen and the officers of the
ate and lived company and the people of Welsh are
ifs. She was more confident than ever that this field
tional church will be opened up. - The Jones people
a her funeral will have their bestoutfit to furnish their
-fuure. S most capable drillers.
o. and Chris- Estray Notice.
om we extend
Two ponies, one bay gelding
branded, and one mouse colored
stallion, branded, have been tak
eaer and -n en up on my farm 1 1-2 miles
ap. n uskey & northeast of Welsh. Owner can
p ue obtain same by proving property
Cor r Elm and and paying for care, feed and cost of
this notice. J. S. D.
Elegant Instrument.
If you intend purchasing a pi~no an.
in tbi rear Q w somethin good, then see eWG-'
A . - y pINO positively the finest ,
. . ,.
Martin Bros.
)f the
rs and
New Machine Company Organized.
SA charter has been filed in the district Methc
clerk's office in Lake Charles for a new a go4
company to be known as the Welsh Ma- lotwi
chine and Well Works company. The who
corporKtion has a capital stock of $25,- ed ve
t 000, divided into and.represented by two Th
hundred and fifty shares of $100 each. So
At the meeting the following board Sc
of officers was elected: W. H. Lanz, of mar
Lake Charles, president; F. B. Caffall, of S
Jennings, vice-president, and E. B. BoI- R
S" ing, of this city, secretary and treasurer.
The object of the new company is to S
operate a machine shop for the general cla.
in manufacture and repair of all kinds of
ie machinery; to bore wells for minerals, Ir
e oil, irrigation and any other purposes,
0.. and to own and operate same. The corn- ca
n- pany will buy and sell implements andn
od- all kinds of machinery and conduct a
>, general mercantile business. Paul W
wn, Land has been purchased of Paul W.
iew Diels near the Aeu ce Milling
peen compani es plantear hich a large build
ny, ing vilIl' , and which will be
willthe h foi· ' e new 'company. The char
one ter will perhaps be published next week
one and the work of building will begin at
Sonhis is another new enterprise for n
from Welsh and, another evidence of. the prog- d
was ressive spirit of Welsh citizens and those r
der- interested in the welfare of our city. t
et of Phroso ice cream freezers at Daniel's.
Heath-Milligan ready mixed paints
aleven complete line at Daniel's.
acarc ity r ` th..e ·i~
Prentice & Powers,
Successors to H. A. Davidson. . , tht, , ,he ! o*,
Welsi hen to pI
Welsh, . . - - - Lousliaa e
DEALERS IN e .two a
Hardware, Shoes, Groceries Etc. } on kn
S . :. mgaY hlo t, a.
We Meet Competion at all times. arnd to
..ir '. " tt e r $
Ire Bedford
Our line of
e Will be constantly replenished, thereby glv-rere
ca g our customers fresh goods t all times. on a
ea a t Cy as Bc ~lbrouht
Call and be convinced. 'id e tdered to
ie n co ,,t
D prente & Powers,
and entCe er " eae -
it in- Masonic Temple- ýýf H Poa p
" "ann uhe ane -
a fur- j .ed the g .
SeJ · and Under t
Chiidress' Day *rdM""
Children's day exercises were Isel
Methodist church Sunday afte
a good sized crowd was in 
notwithstanding the intense heat,
who participated in the servioes
ed very creditably.
The following program was
Song,^ congregation, No. 70Q:
' re ding, "Beatited-P'
d Scripture reading, atd
A mary class.
SPrayer, Rev. Wilkinson op
Solo, Mrs. T. J. West. the wr te faA
Recit-tion, James E BBaey:;
to Recitation, Floyd Davis. oa ra o .
to Song, "Do W hat You C ,enfth f ol, for
rcla- . , ouldte- tYaoU t .n .
rklas. •b Molle' h " ma"
la, Duet, Mabel Mller and Ruth W 9.1C ace g a g rnleae b -
ies, Motion Bible exeroc , l ,l WOnea r cre. ..wiI
tnd Song by congregation,r o. b ye. o m ~ tf
.a ReryMation s Mh s Edna TryF. 'tao n t gria
Song, No. 288, Junior OeateRa "he aon tallo teZ
W y Colectir l b unev . l ed i reat tbu i h a
e o ewords e-fun a F. Wt then
One ec irek mare, four or five' eu grp pt .
for no brand. Estrayed from my p1 i uld be f o l.t y
prog- day morning, June 8. I wf g`w dI ' i* to.u tne 0 me er, ht td
those reward for information headinkto the 3n-o OeBl c. . ile . -
y. overy of the animal. F. HoLWUI i" see" I trll-ig b ,
.tWes ri b.fori tr ..tn. .b
ints- tician, has returned and can be . to. fiha
at his old stand nest the rtLet re.- lie 11 I

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