~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~9~~;: ,......... - .,.... . ..... .. . . . . . . .
We are Sole Agents for Celebrated
..... uick Meal Gasoline Stoves.....
See Our Complete Line of
Call and Examine our Goods.
Prices Away Down.
SPa M, oDa e s, i
WIBLSH,~ LA. The Leaderin Low Price
40o II
~O4If F
''fi CAaE
4r~z ~ ·a
4,` u~~
'New City Treasurer Elected and Mucd
Other Business Done.
Welsh, La., July 1, 1902.
Council met at the above place with the
`Bon. Mayor L. E. Robinson presiding.
Minute3 of last meeting read and ap
proved, matter of bills taken up and dis
posed of.
L.-Bamer, cemetery work........$ 5.00
iLabit Lumber Co....... ....... 2.74
R'ioe Belt Journal ................ 5.00
Welsh Furniture Co............ 1.50
W. W. Suydam, salary for 1 month
and street commissioner. ....... 50.00
Labit Lumber Co., lumber for bridges
and crossings $48.65, laid on table.
J. W. Rhorer, for map of town of
Welsh, $12.00, laid on table.
Moved and carried that the marshal
shall take charge of the cot purchased for
the Welsh Furniture Co. as town prop
Meoved that the bill of J. H. RhorF
for town plat laid on table.
Moved that a committee of three be ap
pointed to confer with the school director
and Prof. Hooper in regard to repairing
and seating school house and that they
be invested with full authority to make
all necessary repairs or changes for the
accommodation of the school. Carried.
Committee: Martin, Cooper and Powers.
The council proceeded to the election of
a treasurer. Alfred Martin was duly
elected treasurer of the town of Wels a to
fill the unexpired ten of former trrA:
Move that Ordinance No. 84 In regard
to sidewaks as read be adopted. Car'
Moved and seconded that the mayor
appoint a committee to investigate thi§
waterworks system and report at a spec.
lal or next regular meeting. Committee:
C. P. Martin and John H. Cooper.
Motion to adjourn c4rried.
Van Ness' oil burner Is reeommended
by the best people of the country for
economy, etc. It is the only one of four
recently tried that stood a perfect test.
See him
Iowa News Notes.
Dry, dusty weather still prevails.
Iowa farmers are suffering for rain.
Tom Jones and family have moved
out to their country farm during the
pumping season.
Some of the young people went to
Ikeville yesterday in buggies. Suppose
they had a good time.
L. L. Funk & Co., are still busy with a
new drug store and a new rice mill.
Iowa will be in the swim.
Dr. A. C Hundley preached a fine ser
mon last Sunday night to a good sized
audience at the school house
The new restau-ant is no longer a
fiction, the carpenters are rushing the
new building to completion.
A. Funk will erect a couple of resi
dences at once, one to be occupied by the
family of Dr. H. C. Hundley.
The Christian Endeavors expect to
give a social next Friday for the pur
pose of repairing the school house.
The C. E's held their monthly consecra
tion meeting Sunday evening, most of
the members being present and takin'
some part
Clebert Deronan and neice, Miss Hat
tie Gassett and Zenor Deronan left for
Lake Arthur camp meeting yesterday
morning, from the Lacasine.
Mr. Longenbaugh and wife were at
the train Monday to see the latter's
mother off, Mrs. Olgive who, after a
week's visit, returned to her home in
Say Boysl
If you want to be up-to-date, call at
Calcasieu Implement Company, Limited.
and get one of those up-to-date buggies.
As an appetizer our Beef Iron and
Wine has no egual. It is palatable and
invigorating. Fifty cents per bottle at
Cooper's Drug Store.
Heath-Milligan ready mixed paints
complete line at Daniel's.
Another Oil Company to Operate in the
Welsh Field.
A special last Friday from Beaumont
says: It is understood here this evenin,
that the Heywood Oil company has closed
an extra large lease near Welsh and will
tomorrow ship a rig there for the purpose
'of boring for oil. They state that the sign,
there are everything in favor of striking
oil in as large quantities as at JenningEs
There is one hand-made well about four
feet square that was dug thirty feet and
now the gas comes with such profusion
that it was rather the appearance of a
tubulent toiling pot than of water com
ing from the earth. It is impossible to
drink or use the water at all and the gas
when comped up for a minute is so strong
as to overcome the experimenter if he
gives it any atitude whatever. The whole
earth is said to show gas ouL-croppin~s
land he oil isexpected at a shallow depth.
Up to Wednesday the outfit had not
arrived here and no definite information
could be obtained concerning large lease,
but it is generally surmised that the Hey
woods wil loperate in the Smith farin
where good indications ol oil are said to
Real Estate Wanted.
We have customers for good farms in
Calcasieu parish.
List us your property. We are in touch
with the best class of buyers.
Don't wait if you want to sell
Don't forget that the Davidson-Wesson
Implement Co., Ltd., have all kinds of
I bought' my belting before the rise
and will give you the bentfit of it.
Try U. S. Patent, the new brand of
flour, at Prentice & Powers'.
Gentlemen, go to Bell & Co. for a nice
pair of spring shoes, or low quarters.
Those Who Are Attending-The Worl
That Is Being Carried Out
- ther N:ws.
Special correedondence.
July 1.-Yesderday was the calm afte
the big storm. The big crowd of nice!i
dressed Sunday-comers, who overflow th
tabernacle and grounds on Sunday hai
left; but the religious snthuseastn, tan
good sermons were not lessened one iota
The Sunday -comers swell the crowd; bu
add little or nothing to the spiritual par
of the meeting, but as the evangelist m
on the lookout for these people, he di
aets his remarks at them, and very oftel
makes them wish they were in anotha
Yesterday morning Rev. R. P. Howel
filled the pulpit at 9 o'clock. He gave
a heart to heart talk from Judel: 9
His congregatiqp was blessed and en
corraged in their religious work. Ti
was a talk to religious people.
At 1 ! c'ock Rev. Hurey nreached tc
., good con.,regation. His text was taker
from I Thes, 3: 10. He landed with
both feet on the back of these whining
over-burdened, long-tongued,. back-bitinig
christians. Christ has promised to beai
the burdens of christians, and they have
no right to be anything but care-free and
'.he 3 p. m. service was conducted
very admirably by Rev. Turner. He used
as his text Eccl. 7: 14; and his congrega
tionr. enjoyed a real treat.
At 8 o'clock Rev. Harney again preach.
ed. His subject was "Remember K)w."
11ien cir is either a blessing or it is a
curse. The reason the christian meets
death with shouts of joy and victory
is because he remembers the day of his
conversion, and the consistency of his
life. The reason the sinner fights so
hard against death is because he or she
remembers the sins of his or her past life,
wasted opportunities, etc.
About twenty persons were convertid
and sanctified yesterday.
Among those camping are Ge. E. Fonte
not and family, T. J. Toler, Mrs. C. W.
Foreman, Miss Mayme Duson, Misses
Hattie and Helen Harman, Crowley; J.
W. Fate and family, Miss Barrett, P.
Ney and family, R. M. Walker and fam
ily, J. M. Hardee and family, A. J.
Cronk and family, Mrs. W. O. Quesenberv,
Gueydan; Mrs. N. A. McRae, F. S. Kirkc
land and family, E. Pratt and family,
Lake Arthur; D. G. Leslie and family,
Mr HBarper and family, E. Cronk and
family, C. Hagus and family, P. Woods
and family. Miss Carver, Jennings; Mrs.
C. E. Duller. Gueydan; Mrs. Harper, Mrs.
John Metcalf, Mrs. Fannie Metcalf, Mrs.
E. L. Wells and daughter, of Raymond,
La.: J. D. McClenny and family, of
Zwale; Mrs. Chas. Bradley, of Joplin;
C. McCoy, J. E. Wimberly, Mrs. Gosdale
and Howard Bruner.
There are two large schooners lying
at anchor in the lake. They both have
camping people on them.
Among the preachers here are W. ..
Harney, evangelist, of Kentucky; J. R.
Morris, chorister, of Texas; Martin He
bert. of New Iberia; Rev. Wells, of Ray
mond; Rev. Bernard, of Gueydan; A. B.
Wilkinson. of Gueydan; C. Cronk, of
Gueydan; RP. Howell, of Houghton.
People are still coming in and no doubt
will continue to come all this week. A
great many improvements have been
made on the grounds and it is now more
delightful than ever to be a camper here.
Belts! Belts!
The largest stock ever brought to
Welsh, both rubber and genuine gandy,
all sizes. Also a complete line of brass
goods and steam fittings, packing, oils,
Buggies. Buggles.
Dvidon-Wesson Implement Co carr,
in stock an extra large line of the best
makes of buggies, which are sold at the
lowest possible price. Remember that
with every buggy sold is given a free
I have a quantity of first class rubber
belt which I am closing out at cost. Call
and see me at my office in the rear of
Furniture ! Furniture i
At prices to meet competition.
WHEN YOU GO TO BUY is an advantage to go wherethe
VVA bIN YOu 1 0 1 U O goods you. seek are properly dis
..~-.**.*.. :***. @******************- * ****m ******·. *...."*.. played; and be seen to full advantage.
Our stock is conveniently arranged so that our customers can inspect any piece of Furniture they want and see what they want before they purchase. Our stock is select
ed especially for this section, and it is a cardinal point in our business to please and supply your wants. Every article sold is guaranteed and our prices will compare with
any other Furniture house. Our stock will bear inspection and you are requested to call and look at same. If you do not want anything in our line at present you may
before long and then you will know where to go to get it. We have the most complete stock of RUGS ever offered in this town. Come and see them. Also our
BAMBOO PORCH AWNINGS. Don't let the sun burn you out, for a few dollars'invested in the cheapest, coolest and neatest awning known. REFRIGERATORS,
all sizes and styles, marked 'way down low.
-- L- --------II
Martin Bros.
Elegant Intrnument.
If you intend purchasing a piano anc
want something good, then see the WEG
MAN PIANO, positively the finest in,
strument on the market. Catalogue fur.
nished by CHARLES GRAY,
Union Sunday School.
Sessions are held in Congregationas
Church every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. A
cordial welcome is extended to all.
Mus. C. M. FELn,
Phroso ice cream freezers at Daniel's,
For 8ale.
One 50- horse power boiler and lt.
Menge pump for sale cheap. Hnsky'
Coverdals Welsh, Ia.
Office Miller Building, bor. Elmr an
South Its.
Frank J. Locke, watchmaker N.0
tician, has returned and can
at his old tand sear the RacJet Stoar.'-''
Call and see th- chak-pion at
Roar aoNi & DAIr-..
Get your wife a New Home Be~,
Rice Lands! Oil 1and
Remember you prospective buyers of Farms, Rice
Lands or Oil Lands, we can surely save you money.
SVe have a large list of Louisiana and Texas rice
lands we can sell from $5.00oo to $40.oo per acre. We
do not own the earth but are agents for a good sized '
slice of its surface, and with our long experience and
personal knowledge of rice lands are competent to,
help you make your selections either in Louisiana or
Texas lands. We invite you to call or write us for any
information. Will gladly furnish same on short notice.
Ottfloes at Welsh, La. and amatdo, Texas
Prentice & Powers,
Successors to Hf. A. Davidson.
Welsh, - - - - Louisiana.
Hardware, Shoes, Groceries Etc.
We Meet Competion at all times.
Our line of
Will be constantly replenished, thereby giv
Ing our customers fresh goods at all times.
Call and be convinced.
Prentice & Powers,
Masonic Temple- Welsh, La.