WELSH, CLCSIE PRISH, OUISIANA, 1, 1905. We have just received over iO0 pairs of new fall pants and we can fit any man, slim or fat, $ These goods are the choice of ihis season's offerings and are the best ever offered for sale in this town. J. S. GERSON WELSH, J.OUSI.A QUARANTINE SITUATION. lemlentNo. 2, to Joint Circular No. 264. argan's Louisiana & Texas I. R., slana Western .I 11., Galveston, ton & Northern 11. H., Passen lepartment, Aug. 25. 1905. codnection and agents: ter today, all passengers entering amont, will be required to hold thcertificates showing they have been in Louisiana within the past lays, or any locality that is now, ,ay become hereafter infected with ow fever' These certificates must ssued by the regular constituted rd of health, or the county or city ith officer or their deputies. leases where it is not convenient eachthe aforesaid authorities, cer ates from the county or precinct ials, stating that they have been 1o infected district within the past days, will answer instead of regu health certificate. Agents will so rise all parties calling for tickets Beaumont, PPLEMENT NO. 3 TO JOINT CIRCU LAR NO. 254. Detention Camp, Aug. 25th 1905. cket Agents: Ibe following communication has om receiyed firon Dr. Geo. H. Tabor, asa state health olficer: "'Commencing the 27th of this month. Is department will be prepared to kcare of only fifty people at the oodetention camp, at the expense the state, and we will be compelled confie these to bona fide residents Texas; parties desiring to come to sir homes. Citizens from Louisiana and others om non-infected parishes will be rmiutted to enter the camp provided i- sustain themselves while there. Thy, of course, will be at the camp aaunder the observation and con ol of the officer in charge. Iregret very much to be forced to *tlls, but on account of lack of Welsh Machine Shops,[ I. B. VAN NESS, Proprietor. S1OKESTACKS & BREECHINGSI Any Size or Guage, and j ALL KINDS OF Oil and Irrigating Strainers, " MADE ON SHORT NOTICB. . ALL KINDS OF PIPE AND FITTINGS " . ,.two doors from Postoffice.. SDuring the harvesting and thresh ing season, remember we can sup ply you with the best grades of Castor, Machine and Cylinder Oils. : Also when in need of anything in the BOLT or -RIVET line, MACHINE OILERS and ITOOLS of any kind, give us a call. M lorse Hardwre Co., liaite, --THE RIGHT P.ACB. .GDealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Glassware, Queensware, Paints, Oils. -ooooooMo{oooooo 8 funds, we are compelled to reduce the number in detention at the expense of the state at all points. Dr. P. J. Shaver, the officer in charge, will keep your agent at Echo advised as to the number he can take at the expense of the state whenever you desire the information. After August27th, therefore, persons other than citizens of Texas, will be ticketed to Echo detention camp (Sa bine River) only upon the understand ing that they will pay their own ex penses during the detention period. Citizens of Texas will still be taken care of at the camp at state expense, but no tickets shall be sold from any Louisiana station to Sabine River without securing authority from the general p)assenger office. T. J. ANDERSON, JOS. HELLEN, GPA, T&NO, AGPA,T&NO, GH&SA, (;H&SA. GH&N. (H&N. F. E. BATTU:RS. GPA, ML&T, L & W. Bring your job work to the Joun NAL office. DECATUR'S QUARANTINE. Mississippi Louisiana and Tennessee Under Embargo. Montgomery, Alabama, Aug. 27. Decatur quarantined against Missis sippi, Louisiana and Tennessee on a straight line north of Corinth, Miss., on account of yellow fever. The quarantine went into effect at noon to day. No persons from the sections named will be permitted to stop in Decatur without a health certificate. Reading Notice. Every man owes it to himself and his family to master a trade or pro fession. Read the display advertise ment of the six Morse Schools of Telegrapy, in this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position. PEACE ENVOYS REACH AGREEMENT President Roosevelt Surprised and Russian Envoys Were Much xicited. Did Not Expect thalt u Agreemelnt H'ould be RIeached so Soon. Portsmouth, N. H., August -.'- The long and bloody war between Japan and Russia is ended. The terms of peace were settled by M. Witte and Baron Nomura at the session of the conference this morning, and this af ternoon preliminary arrangements for an armistice were concluded, and the actual work of framing the "treaty of Portsmouth" was by mutual agree ment turned over to Mr. I)e Martens, Russia,s great international lawyer, and Mr. Dennison, who for twenty-tire years has acted as the legal adviser of the Japanese foreign oflice. The treaty is expected to be com l)leted by the end of the week. This happy conclusion of the confer ence, which a week ago would have been shipwrecked had it not been for the heroic efforts of President Roose velt, was sudden and dramatic, For the sake of peace, Japan with the magnanimity of a victor at the last moment, yielded everything still at issue. Russia refused to budge from the ultimatum Emperor Nicholas had giv en to President IRoosevelt through Embassador Meyer. No indemnity under any guise, but an agreement to divide Sakhalin and reimburse Japan for the mantainance of the Russian prisoners were his last words. They had been rel)eatedly reiterated in the form of a written reply to the Japanese compromise of last Wednesday, they were delivered to Baron Komura this morning. OFFICIAL STATEMENT Jap, Concluded Peace for Humanilty's Sake. Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 2q.-The following statement was issued by Mr. Sate on behalf of the Japanese peni potentaries: "The question of the final disposi tion of Sakhalin and the reimburs ment to Japan of her war expenses, have from the first been issued on which an absolute vergancy of views existed. The difference of opinion up on these points, not one, but both, have frequently threatened the exist ence of the conference. But his maj esty. the emperor of Japan, resl)ond ing to the dictates of humanity and civilization, has in a spirit of perfect conciliation and in the interest of peace, authorized his penipotentaries to waive the question of reimburse ment of war expenses, and has con cented to a division of Sahkalin upon terms which are mutually acceptable, thus making it possible to bring the important work of the conference to a succeseful issue."' This official action of this after noon's session was given by Mr. Sato on his arrival at the hotel. It is as follows: "In the afternoon session of August 29, the conference discussed the de tails of the treaty of peace. It was decided to intrust the drafting of the clauses to Privy Councillor De Mar tens and Mr. Dennison, legal adviser of the foreign otfice of Japan, with in structions to finish the work as soon as possible." For First-class 1orse shoeing and Blacksmith ing take your work to Armstrong's. Cheap Homes. We have arranged with the North American Land and Timber Co. whereby we have secured the agency of about 18,000 acres of their landsi surrounding Welsh. We can sell you a farm from $10 to $15 per acre, one fourth cash and give you five years equal payments on the deferred pay ments. Now is the time to get a cheap home. Orif you want improv ed farmes we have them ranging in price from $25 to $40 per acre. Write or call on Robinson & Carr, Welsh, La. 'Get milk of the Welsh Dairy. They sell the best. Be it ordained by the Mayor and b6ard of Trustees of the Town of Welsh, La. That Section Two and Three of ordi nance Number 81 be amended so as to include Blocks Nos. 16, 21 and 42 in the provisions of said ordinance. C. E. Carr, yea; E. H. Boling, yes; E. C. Willard, yea: A. T. Jpnes, yea; Approved Aug. 1st, 1905. JOHN H. COOPER, MayOr. S. P. BRINGS SUIT To Prevent Railroad Commission From Reducing Rice Rates. In the declaration filed in the dis trict court at Baton lRouge by the Southern l'acific, in their suit against the Louisiana 1Railroad commission from making permanent its rates re cently promulgated on rough and clean rice. J. T. Kernon and Dene gre & Blair. attorneys for the plain tiff, recite the following eight reasons why the rates should not he made permanent: First--The radical changes propolsed are not justified by the conditions, that the existing rates are fair and reasonable to shippers. permit a free movement of the trattic and are not discriminating in favor of any local ity. In evidence they say the traIliic has grown from a mere trifle to 200. 000.000 pounds per year. Second--The rates are lower than those fixed by the Commission on oth er roads. Third--No complaint was made on rates on eclean rice, yet reduction on clean rice is gzreater than on rough. Fourth- -Tariff makes no allowance for unfavorable situation of the rail road company in having to deli ver to New Orleans by ferry boat. Fifth-Tariff violates the fundamen tal principle of rate making, in that it prescribes the same rate on branches as on the main line. Sixth-The tariff imposes on the road an annual loss of its revenue. Teventh-R-ates are unreasonable in that they discriminate in favor of every other commodity. Eighth-Rates are unrcasouable be cause they would not allow the road enough revenue to pay the cost of movement of rice. The secretary of the Louisiana Rail road Commission has been notified of the appeal of the Southern Pacific road in the rice rate case. Copies of the declaration of the railroad com pany, in which they claim to new tariff on rice shipments to New Orleans to be unjust, have been forwarded to the Attorney General at New Orleans. T. Marshal Miller has been select ed by the Commission to assist At torney General Guion on the prosecu tion of the case. W. M. Barrow, secretary of the Commission, will hold a conference as sood as possible with the two attorn eys. Mr. Barrow is now collecting data. Though the Commission purposes to push the matter, there is no possi bility of the case being heard before October, as court does not convene before that date and there is no possi bility of a decision being reached un til this year's cron has been hauled. -Baton Rouge Times. Fancy skirt and waist goods for fall and winter wear just in at Martin Bros. Jennings Oil-Field News. The Crowley Oil & Mineral Co. have decided to drill andther well in theJennings field. According to plans the new hole will be put down in the neighborhood of the company's earth en tanks which is northeast of any wells in the field. It will be practi cally a wildcat well and if it proves good, will open up new territory, as it will be twenty-five feet east of the other well. J. B. Tierce has started drilling on his well No. 0. Will Brown is day driller and Mr. Tierce handles the job at night. Work has been started on a 150,000 barrel tank for the Sterling Oil Co., at the Jehnings oil field. This is the first of a series of tanks I which will be built by the company. Upon the completion of this one now being constructed, work will be imme diately commenced on another and so on until five tanks of about the same capacity have been built. Brooks & Wood wortb have the contract for the work. They are being put Ul) on the McFarlain property. Another good well was added to the J.ennings field when the West Virginia Co's. well No. 2, was brought in last Friday night. It started off at about 4,000 barrels per day and was turned directly into a large pit from which the oil will be pumped into storage tanks. The Hoo Hloo to Portland. The Santa Fe will run a personally conducted excursion to Portland, Ore gon, leaving Houston September 3, for the Hoo Hoo national meeting Traveling Passenger Agent Kendig, of the Santa Fe, will be in charge of the train. Joe Greenhill, the local passenger official, anticipates a con siderable movement of the Black Cat Tribes from Texas. DR. LEACH RETURNS. Resolutions of Thanks to Preshlent Iloosvelt and of Pledge toin Support the Federal Auithorities. l)r. I:eginald M. Leach, of St. Paul, Minn., who caine down to New (h)rlans a week or .so ago for the purpose of making tests of the arccnic theory for the prevention of yellow fever, an' nounced last iight that owing to cer tain circumstances over which he had no control. he had been unable to make the tests he desired, and that therefore he would return to his home Saturday. The announcement was made at a meeting of Dr. Leach's fol lowers in this city, at the St. Charles 1hotel. There were about .100 persons present, including a number of ladies. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Sidney Story and l)r. Leach was the first speaker. He explained at length the purpose of his visit here, and referring to the letter of Surgeon J. H. White, printed yesterday. he made an explanation of the various statements made against his theory. Dr. Leach told again of his efforts to have the federal authorities test the arcenic theory, all of which were un successful, although the matter had been tested in Brazil with favorable results. Replying to the statement that sev eral persons who had taken the arcen ic tablets were now ill with yellow fev er, Dr. Leach said he had never stat ed that the tablets were a positive pre ventative of the fever, but that in most cases they served such purposes, and in all cases persons who had taken them suffered only a mild attack of the fever. Louis P. Bryant spoke at length of the efforts made by many citizens to have Dr. Leach's theory tested here, and with the opposition met with on the part of the Marine Hospital Ser vice and the Orleans Parish Medical Society. Mr. Bryant read the follow ing resovutions which were adopted: lie it resolved, That whilst we de plore the confession of the state and city boards of health of their inability to control the yellow fever in our midst, that we hereby tender our ever lasting thanks and appreciation to the President of the United States for hav ing so readily come to our rescue. Further resolved: Wehereby pledge ourselves to support the federal health otficers sent here by the President to take charge of the yellow fever situa tion, so that the very best results may be obtained in their efforts in behalf or our city and state from danger that may otherwise be a menace. We ask the people of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana, regardless of na tionality, to follow the directions emi nating through orders and control of Dr. White, of the Marine Hospital Service. We implore the people of New Orleans, who have not yet com plied with the mosquito ordinance and all other sanitary conditions, to double their efforts in obedience there of. We condem the men who show any disobedience to the laws of the city or the suggestions and work of the U'nited States Marine Hospital Service. Be it further resolved, That the mo tive of the people who assembled to petition the Medical Society of the parish of Orleans to lend assistanceto the trial of the arteenization theory of I)r. Itego Cezar, and advocated by Dr. I. B. Leach was solely to bring the matter to a conclusive test and settle same once for all in the same manner of trial that miade a fact of the mosquito theory. That the people herein assembled never ment or mean now to disregard the fact that the mosquito is a trans mitter of yellow fever, but were and are of the opinion that the trial of ar Scenization can be resorted to in con junction with other precautionary measures accepted and taken against the stegomyia fasciata. A vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Leach and the meeting adjourned af ter adopting a resolution to the effect that the authorities be requested to rush to complletion the building of the waterworks and sewerage systems, in the construction of which. the reso lution stated, there had been too much delay already.--Daily States. ORDERED TO HURRY UP. Krupp Receives Rush Order for Jap anese Armor Plaute. Berlin, Aug. 24.--Contrary to cus tom, but doubtless on account of, and in accordance with the Japanese gov ernment's desire, the Krupps announce that an urgent request was received yesterday to hurry the Japanese or ders for armor plate and guns costing $811,'250,000. The request was received after the Russian Government had openly declared it would never pay a kopek of indemnity. THE S. P. BID IS ACCEPTED. Genteral P'a'senrver Agents Will Visit at lHouslon anid i ahestoi on ', Their Trip to Me'xico iftl. \,W ' i ha , 6.,1 rc 'i ved that tihe rgen'eal asin esi ngr a.r'nt,' t tintel' _ is to he l (l1 at M\lex io ('It% in U-ttoer, as prei: iously pl:antind. lF'r some weeks th(lrt' hal li.et 1lti - IT)tt. I pondene on the slubje'. a motion having Y'nt made: that the lirt tiag he held elsewhere, owing to the ,geograp h ieal rten'_teness of the ancient .Mexican I capital. The sights to be seen in the old eity and the assurance of the won derfully interesting trip to and frotu it, won a majority of the general passen get' agents, andt it has been decided that the meetirg lhall be held there, as originally planned. In this connection it will bfe of inter est to South Texas to learn that a ma jority of the general passenger agents have accepted invitations of the South ern Pacific passenger department to be its guest and to visit Houston and Galveston on the down trip. General PIassenger Agent Anderson has for the last month been agitating high passenger cireles throuhitout the country with billet doux to the )as senger chiefs. asking them to travel the Sunset Route as his guests and to stop off in louston a day and take a side trip to Galveston. An ateceptance from one of the big passenger nmin of the country was re ceived toda'. It is from the hand of George H. Daniels, general passenger agent of the New York Central and Hudson liver railway, tie is the guiding spirit of the passenger end of the four track system. Conditions in New Orleans.might in terfere with the plans. it is admitted, but withe assumption tnat the nor mal will be reached by that time, it is assured that the body of bright minds -perhaps unexcelled by any other of its numbers in the country, will be visitors at Houston and South Texas for one day.---Houston Chronicle. Why Not Everybody I Mr. H. A. Davidson has purchased of the International Harvester Com pany one car of thirty thousand pounds of Sisal Binder Twine. which he is now disposing of at a very low price to the farmers for cash. This is the best quality of Sisal twine on the mar ket, made in the deering factory. Why not place your order with him before it is too late? The Cane Crop. During the past fortnight, climatic conditions in the sugar country were highly propitious to rapid develop ment of the cane crop, and the growth during August shows all the 'progress that could have been hoped for. In fact, the crop may be said to have now attained such size, generally speaking, as to leave no doubt that the backward condition noted in the spring and early summer will have all bheen effaced before it comes time for harvesting. i At (reat Russian Victory. Although M. Witie is not a diplo mat, they declare that be has outman euvered the Japanese, yielding one by , ooe to the conditions until he forced them into a cornet' on the main issue of indenmity, and left them no escape iexcept surrender or to convert the war into a war to collect tribute. The Russians declared that diplomatically the Japanese made their colossal blunder when they agreed to consider the conditions seriatim. TheJapanese correspondents, though they said little, plainly showed their dissatisfa'tio with the terms during the afternom. They stood aloof, si et in the nt,st if the general jubila ton. MUST PAY BOARD New rl,-ans Anng. 7.- -The Sobjhd ern 'acli, ' andi the Texas and P roads were notitied of a new re tion by the Texas authorities, wh I is to the effect that the camps on the border will be free only to Texas resi dents returning home. All others who use them must pay daily board. Three McCormick second-hand bind ers at a bargain at Welsh Carriage and I nllement C(,'s. Eight Hlotr conventtion. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 2~.-Members of the Typographical Unions of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Ala bama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tenne see, Kentucky, Virginia and Florida met here today to consider a plan of organizing into a central body with a view of demanding the adoption of an eight hour day and enforcing the de mend beginning with the first of next year.