THE FORTYI~-81X T S& [ME K{LAHIOMA, "the Land of Now," (embracing Okla homa and Indian Terri tories), entered the union as a state on November 15 with a population of about 1,5o0,000. The government censis (four districts missing) shows a population of 1,40)S,00 . In addition to the persons residing in the four niiss Ing districts, a number of Indians not reached by the census takers are be lieved to have been omitted from the governiol' t: t census total. The Indian is passing out of the life of Ok!ahomn into its history. But he is still as much in evidence in Oklah:mna as the negro is in a number of northern states. Records believed to be ultra-conservative show that the new state of Oklahoma contains 72, 0W)0 Indians. Only about 10.000 of these, however, are more than three quarter blood. The wild Indians of Oklahoma exist only in history. The redman of the present is adjusting himserf to the white man's civiliza tion. "Oklahoma" is a Comanche Indian word, sigsilying the "Land of the Fair God." Surely the fair god could not select a more comfortable place for a home. For instance, everything good to eat which that distinguished per sonage might desire is obtainable from Oklahoma soil. Upon a single Oklahoma farm can be seen growing simultaneously the products that grow in all the states from Maine to California. Corn and cotton thrive side by side. Amazing Natural Resources. Within its borders Oklahoma is known to have vast stretches of coal lands; natural gas, also, is abundant, while the state's resources in salt, as phalt, oil, granite and marble, building atone, zinc, lead, copper, gold and tim ber, place it among the most desirable sections of the country for investors. Eighteen years ago this great new state was a cattle range and Indian hunting ground. The first rush into Oklahoma was on Monday, April 22, 1889. On the morfing of that day Oklahoma City, the present metropolis of the state, then known as Oklahoma Station, consisted of half a dozen small build ings, the Santa Fe station, section PROMINENT MEN OF NEW STATE. President of Constitutional Governor. Convention. house, United States quartermaster's house, stage office, and a small build ing used as a hotel. Between noon and sunset of that day Oklahoma Sta tion became a town of 6,000 people. Within a month 1,169 buildings, many of them ugly, temporary affairs, were erected. And so Oklahoma City has contin ued to grow until it now claims a pop ulation of 45,000, modern schools edu cating 9,484 children this year, as against 7,375 last year; buildings (in cluding ten-story skyscrapers) aggre gating in value $15,000,000; banks having an aggregate capital and sur plus of $1,060,834, and deposits aggre gating $6,549,000; post office receipts in 1906 aggregating $141,509, and freight tonnage into and out of Okla homa City in 1906, 1,228,246,902 tons. Factories are springing up. Oklahoma City this year has 2,347 factory em pl)oyes, a gain of 531 over last year; and 1,170 jobbing house enmployes, a gain of 230 for the year. State Is Democratic. Oklahoma will probably be Demo cratic in politics for some time to come. The governor-elect. C. M. Has ,kell, of Muskogee, received a majority of 27,000 votes. The state will cast approximately 250,000 votes, of which number from 10,000 to 15,000 are by negro voters. The majority for pro hibition was about 20,000. Of the 12 Republict ns in the constitutional con vention six came from each side of the new state. Gov. Haskell is one of the newer residents of the state, having gone there from Ohio. Other officers are: Lieutenant governor, George Bellamy, of El Reno; secretary of state, "Bill" Cross, of Oklahoma City, whose friends say he would not be recog nized if referred to as "William Cross;" treasurer, J. B. Menefee, of Anadarka; attorney general, Charles West, of Enid, and chairman of the commissioners of corporations, J. J. McAlister. The state in primaries has selected to reproeent her in the senate the tirst blind man who has ever sat in that body. He is '. I.P. Gore, who lost his sIight when a boy in Mississippi, where he was born. *IIe has served in the territorial legislature. Robert Lee Owen. who will be elected as the other senator, is a totally different type. Born in Virginia, he is one eighth Cherokee Indian, and is looked upon as an extreme conservative. lie distingulshed himself as a lawyer by earning a fee of $150,000 in a single case. Both these men have been chosen by the Democratic primaries, which is equivalent to their election by the legislature. Of the representa tives Bird S. McGuire, for some years territorial delegate from Oklahoma, in congress, is the only Republican of the five elected. Others are E. L. Ful ton, a brother of Senator Fulton, of Oregon, Second district; James S. Davenport, Third district; Charles D. Carter, Fourth district, and Scott Fairns, Fifth district. Metropolis of New State. The largest city on the Oklahoma side is Oklahoma City, with a popula tion of 30,000 and 10 miles of asphalt pavements. Muskogee, in the Indian Territory has a population of 25,000, which represents a growth from 3,500 people in 1900. The new state will have 700 banks, of which 275 are na tional, the latter with deposits of $50. 000,000; 23 cottonseed oil mills, more than a hundred flour mills, 50 daily papers and more than 400 issued weekly. Oklahoma alone had in 1906 86,908 families, of which more than 60,000 owned their homes, and of these 50, 000 were free from mortgages. The average price for Oklahoma land in 1906 was $18.25 per acre, an increase of $3.25 from the previous year. The new state has thousands of acres of unappropriatsd public domain, coal lands of wonderful capacity, oil wells. asphalt beds of great worth, and all of these 'practically undeveloped, to say nothing of the vastness of her op portunities to the tiller of the soil. The story of the rise of two dozen other Oklahoma cities with popula tions exceeding 10,000 is almost synonymous with that of the rise of the metropolis. Such cities as Guth rie (the state capital), with 25,000 population; Tulsa (in the center of the oil fields), with 20,000 population; Muskogee, Ardmore, Lawton, Shaw nee, Enid, South McAlester, Vinita and El Reno are battling enthusiasti cally for commercial supremacy, and present indications are that all these cities will grow and prosper, each supported mainly by those farm lands for which it is the natdlral outlet to market. The casual reader may won der how so many large cities can be supported by mere farms. The fact is that Oklahoma has 250,000 farms, most of them worked by their owners, for hundreds of thousands of Ameri cans have invested their small sav ings in Oklahoma land and are getting rich with the state by tilling the soil. Six out of every ten farmers in Okla homa own their own homes. ,Most of them live upon the land them home steaded. Landlords are rare in Okla homa. Drawn from All States. Probably not more than 200,000 of Oklahoma's 1,500,000 residents are na tive Oklahomans. This new state is not typical of any particular section of the United States so far as its pop ulatlon is concerned any more than it is as far as its agricultural products are concerned. Northerners, south erners, easterners and westerners mingle harmoniously there, all grow ing prosperous together. Every state in the union is rel)resented by at least 500 natives. A substantial evidence of the intel lectual worth Iof Oklahomans g'enerally is the number of modern daily news papers which they suo1p)orl. Further more, they have good schools, libra ries and churches. Oklahoma has a modern public school system supported. by the in come from a $35,000,000 public school fund and local taxation. The "35,000, 000 fund" consists of 3.101i,S75 acres of land, valued at $30,000,000, the in conme from the rental of which amounts to about $600,000 per year; and $5,000,000 paid into the school fund by Indian Territory in lieu of land, all of the 3,100.875 acres being in the former Oklahoma territory. The original act opening Oklahoma territory to settlement reserved in all that section of the territory then thrown open sections 16 and ,6 in every township for the benefit of the public schools of the future state. Each successive act providled for simi lar reservations and the statehood en abling act made additional grants to the higher educational institutions, re sulting in the big total aove(' named. Tilhe state will decide whether the school lands shall be sold. All pro ceeds from sale of the school lands must be turned into the school fund and forever remain intact. Fine State University. The head of the plublic school sys tem of Oklahoma is the state univer sity, located at Norman, open to fe - • 1/ i/ f I XLAHOPA CITY male as well as male students, and comprising a college of arts and sci ences, a school of medicine, a school of applied science, a school of pharm acy, a school of mines, a school of fine arts, and a preparatory school. The campus, consisting of 60 acres, lies at a slight elevation, overlooking the South Canadian river. University hall was built five years ago at d cost of $70,000. Science ball is a new building, 63 by 125 feet, of gray pressed brick. The university is also provided with a library building given by Andrew Carnegie, and a gymnasi um, 55 by 100 feet.' There are four other buildings, two of wood, devoted to engineering work, and two devoted to the anatomical laboratory. The other advanced public educa tional institutions of Oklahoma are an agricultural and mechanical college, three state normal schools, a univer sity preparatory school, a colored agricultural and normal university, and a school at Chilocco, on a reser vatiQn containing 8,900 acres of agri cultural land, for the education of In dian boys and girls in the higher branches of learning. Color Line Drawn. The supervision of instruction is vested in a board of education, of which the state superintendent of pub lic instruction is president and the governor, secretary of state and at torney general are members ex-offlcio. A color line is drawn on negroes in Oklahoma, separate schools being pro vided for negro children, but with the same accommodations as the schools for white children. Education is com pulsory. The Chilocco Indian school is one of the most interesting educational in stitutions in Oklahoma. About 3,000 of its 8,960 acres are in cultivation, the rest being in meadow or pasture land. This school has 700 to 800 stu dents. 70 instructors, more than 40 buildings, and is known as the best institution in the Indian service for imparting practical agricultural knowledge to Indians. In addition to agriculture, stock raising, dairying, etc., all other lines of industry are taught at Chilocco. Oklahoma has more than 1,200 manufacturing plants, representing in vestments aggregating $25,000,000, and giving employment to 10,000 wage tarners. These plants Include fnlmt mills, oil mills, cotton gins, broom factories, brick and tile works, salt works, cement factories, woodenware and carriage works. Oil Fields.Are Rich. Some of the ri(chest oil fields in America are in Oklahoma. The (;lenn iPool :il district, So-)nth of Tulsa, 1h' I wee'n Red Fork and Mounds, has hbe weenn 15') and 500 producing oil wells, with a total capacity of 100,1)00 bar rels a day. The first of these wells was sunk in December, 1905. Pipe lines have been constructed for the transportation of this oil to the Texas seaboard and to the refineries at Whit ing, Ind. More than $10,000,000 has been invested in tanks, pumping sta tions, and pipe lines in Tulsa county. Eastern Oklahoma, which is not so uniformly even as the western portion of the state, produces more than 3,000,000 tons of coal a year, for which its mines receive about $6,000, 000. The coal field extends from the vicinity of Tulsa on the north to the Texas line on the south, and is more than 100 miles broad. The state con tains about 150 coal mines, employing about 10,000 operators. The principal rivers of Oklahomg, all of which flow toward the south east, are, naming them from north to south, Arkansas, Salt Fork, Ciniarron, North Canadian, South Canadian, \Vwchita and Red. The government acquired what is now Oklahoma more than a centuiry ago under the termnis of the Louisiana Purchase. Early in the centcury the governmenti set this land apart for the segregation of the various Indian tribes, then being driven west by the advance of white settlers. Hence, while Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Ne braska, Colorado and other Louisiana Purchase states were being populated, Oklahoma remained for 80 years a wild Indian camping ground. Passing of the Indian. As recently as 35 years ago the American people generally knew of Oklahoma only as a haunt of Inudians and a hunting ground for big game. Early in the eighties white settlers, who had overrun Kansas and the new middle west states, began to investi gate Oklahoma. They found the new territory rich and appealed to the government for the opening of it to settlement. The government did not readily act upon the request, and many of these whites, becoming impa tient, entered the reservation forcibly and set up their homes. They were driven out, but repeatedly renewed their efforts, and many clashes with soldiers occurred. But these pioneers, then looked upon by the government as outuas, finally persuaded congress to open Oklahoma to settlement. Hence, the names of these same "outlaws" have been immortalized in Oklahoma his tory. At the time of the opening all of Oklahoma, except that portion taken from Texas in the Greer county bound ary dispute and the narrow strip be tween Kansas and Texas, extending to the Colorado and New Mexico lines, was included in the Indian Territory. Oklahoma territory, which was held by the government for the use of the Indians, but had never been assigned td any tribe, consequently consisted in those days of only about'2,000,000 acres. There occurred the first great rush for homes, which brought into existence Oklahoma City. From time to time the government transferred other portions of land from the Indian Territory to Oklahoma territory for settlement by whites, until, when the Oklahoma-Indian Territory statehood bill passed, all that remained of In dian Territory were the reservations of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Chero kee, Creek, Seminole and Quapaw tribes. Above Sea Level. The mean height of land above sea level, according to the most scientific geographers, is 2,500 feet. The mean depth of the ocean is 12,480 feet. FACTS ABOUT OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma is larger in area than Indiana and Ohio combined. Oklahoma will be the twenty-third state in the union in polot of population. Oklahoma has 5,500 miles of railroads, 700 banks and 50 daily qews papers. Oklahoma's metropolis, Oklahoma City, has forty miles of asphalt pavements. Oklahoma's constitution is the biggest in the unign, being mrade up of sixty thousand words. State wide prohibition is provided in the constitution. The "initiative and referendum" are in the state constituti li and extend also to municipalities. Oklahoma has 24,669 full blooded Indians and 50,670 part 7lans. Many of them are highly civilized. Oklahoma is a "corn state," raising 150,000,000 bushels las ear. LOUISIANA NEWSU Crescent City News Notes. Ncw Orlim : St. (G'.or,e's ('lhnrth ulnveiled w\ nlodo s t(1 1.(V. .ohln \1'. .1o',re', Iisholp Sl.sumlns tJ!i('ilatilw. Ar('lhd':I(eon Stl'k iof Alaska slpoke S( oral Y l ;ll ] ,'is el, l chr('] ' h', '. Is ', ,. t rian ' inh ist(r' ;l',londinl v 'Alrs 1l ir ,(i'd [h,(';I! cI dIi i , .Ijoll T. ilock, i Ioitr I'rio -id'nt of Ar' y of iNo'ii'ern \i'-irkinia, died. Steas( 'tllJol ,)osf-ph \anw'.aro c;"lll m lln Ticted hi wireh'ss over 7o miles away. ..1 ube Lintd.ey left, bit will return in 1lay to address legislature, lie spoke to ivboys at Rlayne Mnemorial melltin , and visitd Waifs" Io11i1n. (t'" illss of Miss itessi' ('mlltoll of Alexandria prevenlted allmed rt obber a success in Ottavia street homie. ItolUrni backed outl of match with Adams at St. iernard Athletic ('lub, and money was r'efunlded toi sl,lecatoirs. \World TIunlI erane Sunday was oh sir'.ved by rallies in Protestant Sluilay schools. Nationatl officer J arritve'd to settle Palint('-s' t llnio trioliubl . To Extend Atchafalaya Levee. .;at it g ltlin, La t.: t o eetilln of Ithe ilizl'lle s i tllel lest'd ill the e(xtensiA n of the Ate h;;falaya h º(we was hld hIl'p the ri.'1o 'l of t1"he iollll itti t has t was a1;iat ihuted at l Ipr' i(ie s t tati11g, ! it ;ac collplan>y 111' engineer 1' l con( l littel from tit,' Achiafalaya Lev'( lioarild tol n o ell llp t Ilie . ( 1-; till" ' 'lpro los a le SGreat int,( res. t is l inii manifeste'd in this lewee, alld the Ine(,iTh was lare ly atentllded by the taxpayers in the district, who, will be benefitted and lprotlrted liy the levee,. August F. Fisher was called to the hair and ilonu. ,. V'. La dr) acted as setr tay pro t eni. Knights of Columbus. Lafayette, La.: A fine lodge of Cath olic Knitihts of Colilumbus was organ ized here Saturday evening at the Jef ferson Theatre, over sixty members being initiated by'State l)Deputy (George W. Youtng, (if New Orleans. The New Orleans and Chicago teams arrived Sunday morning oin their private ucar and assisted in the em'elloies of inl itrlitioll. S inday noriing Fath r (ir irailt of Platolivil!e, Sial t (hapilain, anization. The visiting knights were rle lly liv l'rta'nd(' at a h a;;ln et at Ithlle irown N\ews u hotel, where fllow 4shipt and unod (chtr reig,!iod suprem i uti i e dep(.artitre of the gu-sts at a laite hour. Antg those inst irumental int oranliziuz the Lafayette -Iteam may lie titnitioned lRev. .1. W. Teurlings, May'or C. O. Martin. F. G. Martin, Pierre (Gerae and others. Frank Sonnler. 17 years old, living six miles south of Lafayette, in the Second ward, accidentally shot and killed himselt with a double-barrel shotgun Sunday. Sonnier was hunting with two companions when he began to play with the weapon. The entire charge entered the youth's chest, pro ducing almost instant death. He was the son of Joseph Sonnier, a farmer. Sugar Industry Revived. Crowley, La.: Five cars of cane were shipped from here to the Segura Sugar Refinery this week, making the first shipment to the refinery since the bounty was removed. At that time thea industry was beginning to gain a foot hold in the parish, but was smothered by the removal of the bounty. The cropt following the encetment of the Wilson hill was partially left to rot in the fields owing to the fact that the price received from the cane at the mills was insufficient to even pay the freight charges of transportation. W. W. Duson of this city is the first to argain venture into the cultivation of cane, and this year lanted eighteen acres as a test of the os'bilitie.s of making the raising of cane In this piar is ha profitable venture.. George Douglas. a negro, wa,r a tenced Saturday to one year in the penitentiary for horse setaling, and Albert Source, a negro, got one year for shooting with intent to kill. The mill and property of the Union Rice Milling Company of this city was sold at sheriff's sale Saturday to sat isfy a judgment. The property was bid in by the Crowley State Bank, hold. ers of the first-mortgage on the prop The Parish School Board has re ceived three publlic -school transfers, making eight in use. Ex-Slave Had 44 Children. Lettsworth, La.: James Hartford, a negro ex-slave, is dead at his home here with a record of being the father of ort-y-four children end 172 gra',dch!l dren and great-garndchildren. He was in his seventy-ninth year and wis a native of Clarksville, Tenn. In 1.50 he moved to hadley coun.y, Ark., aud after emancipation came to Louisiana. In 1852 he was given a w!fe by his owner, and by this union sixteen pick a nlinnis developed. Wife No. 2, also a slave gift, became the mother of eleven, and the third wife, n'w living, hore seventeen babies. The man's progeny populates almost an entire town. In 1874 Hartford was magis trate in the Second ward of Pointe ('oupee Parish and continued in office four years. His oldest child is 5(i years and his youngest8 years. Since 1i55 he had ben a negro preacher. Released on Bond. Napoleonvlle, La.: At the prelimin ary hearing Saturday Judge Leche Burl Forgey, charged with killing Thomas H. Holloway, was released on $250 bond. WAS WILLING TO FORGET. Young Man Bore No Grudge Against Proposed Father-in-Law. That the young fllow had grit was evident Irum the fact that his busi ness, froll nothinr, had in a few years begun to bring in a fairish income. lie nade 1ll his mind to gt llmarrited. The the dathe ..... of a I' mpnts coulntry rj. idt, lt- --reed with hint; but the father did not see things in the same light. "\\hat' You?" he yelled, angrily. "You want to marry my daughter! Why, it is only a few years since you were caddying for me." "That's true!" interrupted the young man, "but I don't intend to let that stand in the way. The language you then used was certainly a trifle-say blue-tinted; but then you were under the influence of disapplintment. After all, you know, a very had golfer may make a very good father-In-law. Any how, I'm going to give you a chance." BABY ITCHED TERRIBLY. Face and Neck Covered with Inflamed Skin-Doctors No Avail-Cured by Cuticura Remedies. "My baby's face and neck were cov ered with itching skin similar to ecze ma, and she suffered terribly for over a year. I took her to a number of doc tors, and also to, diffierent calleges, to no avail. Then ('uticura Remedies were reconnell)(ded to ne by Miss G-. I (lid not use it at first, as I had tried so many other renmedies without any favorable results. At last I tried Cuti cura Soap. ('uticura Gintment and Cuticura Resolvent Piis, and to my surprise noticed an improvement. After using three boxes of the Cuti cura Ointment, together with the Soap and Pills, I am pleased to say she is altogether a different child and the picture of healtth. Mrs. A. C. Brestlin, 171 N. Lincoln St., Chicago, Ill., Oct. 20 and 30, 1906." Women Workers of Great Britain. Women of Great Britain are well rep resented in the professions and trades. and about 4,500,000 earn their own living. There are 124,000 who teach; 10,000 are bookkeepers: over 3,000 are printers and nearly 500 act as editors and compilers; 1,300 are engaged in photography; civil service clerks num ber nearly 2,300; 3.S00 are engaged In medical work and nursing and 350 women are blacksmiths. Beware of Ointments for Catarrb that Contain Mercury, as Mereurrv w  iur'ly d&-troy the senle of sDeW sliod imp,.etly d'rarore the whole system whle eaterhi.g It throl,:h the I':COus surfaces. Sac nrt, ll,, b ~o luld never he ured except on presaclp tliuo'rn recl'Ll -C.e physhe!'l:3. .u the damage hse illI do I t.ln fold to thle gojd you can pouslbly de rive frou the:n. 11ll'ti t'atarrb ture. manufactu te b)y F. J. Cheney & Co.. Tiedo, to.. cuntaina no ma cury. and Is t,ien Internaily. acting directly usp the il,od and nmuontls surfaces of the system. I buyi:g lull' C'ratrrh Cure be sure you set the geuulne. it Is taken Internally and made If Toldb Ohblo, Ly F. J Cheney & Cu. Testimonials ftes. Sold by Irugel ta. I'rPee. c. per bottle. Take all's Family Ptlls for consutpaetiq. A Girl'u Giggle. Samuel Shadwell, a touchy old mals living In an Indiana village, had a pane of glass broken in his house onO night not long ago and next day be had a ten-year-old girl named Dayton arrested for it. When the case was called In woat' be was asked how he knew it was Minnie. He admitted that he didb see her, but heard her giggle. asked if her giggle was different fraQl that of any other girl he said It but be couldn't tell why. Neithe could he imitate the giggle, sad lost his case. We all know what a girl's giggle but if any of us were asked to give imitation of it we'd probably faiL boy may titter, but when it comes giggling only a girl can do that Ingenious, But Unavailing. " Wilton, the five-year-ol son0 Lackaye,.the actor, has inherited brilliant mind for which his father distinguished. Not long ago Mr. and Mrs. who spent the summer at Island Heights, were invited to a card party and the young soon anxious to accompany them. His mother Insisted that he remain at home with Mary, his erness, but Wilton persisted sad os final argument he said: "Mamma,'I think Mary is a tian Scientist, and I might be sick in the night." The argument was not etectiv. WHAT WAS IT The Woman Feared? What a comfort to find It is not awful thing" feared, but only indigestion, which pl per food as leve. A woman in Ohio says: b '"I was troubled for years with gestlon and chronic consUtlpatio. times I would have such a in my stomach that I actutally I had a-I dislike to write or think of what I feared. "Seeing an account of Grape-N I decided to try it. After a short I was satisfied the trouble was the awful thing I feared but was bad enough. However, I was of a bad case of dyspepsia by c ing from improper food to Grape-N "Since that time my bowels been as regular as a clock. I bad noticed before I began to eat Nuts that I was becoming fo where I put little things about house, which was very annoylag. "'But since the digestive organ become strong from eating Nuts, my memory is good U: mind as clear as when I was and I am thankful." Name Postum Co., Battle Creek, M the Httle booklet. 'The o 0 ,me," In packages. -FIieeS~