OCR Interpretation

The Rice belt journal. (Welsh, Calcasieu Parish, La.) 1900-19??, July 26, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064402/1918-07-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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Red Cross Notes
Mrs. W. E. Faught, Chatrluau
F. C. Seward, Chairman.
C. E. Carr, Vice-Chairman.
Miss Teresa Stewart, Recording
Miss Eldia Goodreau, Treasurer.
Mrs. Win. Fear, Miss Emma Law
son, members Executive committee.
Mrs. Anna Prentice, Chairman of
Woman's Work.
Mrs. C. E. Carr, Chairman Hospital
Mrs. Wm. Fear, Chairman Surgical
Miss Emma Lawson, Chairman of
Mrs. E. C. Willard, Chairman of
House committee.
Mesdames Martin and Peck and
Messrs. Estes and Miller, Packing
and Shipping committee.
The new allotment for the Welsh
Chapter arrived Saturday and con
sists of 30 helpless case bed shirts,
130 refugee aprons with all neces
sary accessories for finishing the gar
ments. The garments are all cut and
are to be assembled and given out
for making up; 33 pounds of sock
yarn was received which is the al
lotment for the knitters, out of
which we are expected to make 132
pairs of socks. These are to be fin
isheil and shipped August 15th.
The following is an extract from a
letter from the Gulf Division Super
intendent of the knitting department
ito the Welsh chapter
"I :am writing to ask you to give
it your personal attention and see
th:at wool is given only to the work
ers who will conform EXACTLY to
Itel Cross directions, and see that
only such work leaves your chapter.
Up to date, in case of socks, we have
had quite a bit of trouble with toes
that have been incorrectly joined.
Besides joining the toes these new
complaints have just been received
from Washington:
"l-1Socks are not all 10 1-2
inches long.
"2-50 per cent of both socks of
pairs not the same size,, which is
caused by not counting rows or
stretching in washing.
"'3.-Colored toes.
"41-Labels which should be sew
ed on cuffs, sewed on incorrectly,
binding the cuff. Cuff should be al
lowed to give.
The bandage situation is made
clear by this letter received from
headquarters, chairman of women's
"In reference to your July allot
ment, would advise that your chap
ter did not receive work in surgical
dressings as class was held after Mrs.
Moberly had made up her list of
chapters which were to receive this
type of work. However I have sub
mitted the name of your chapter to
Mrs. Moberly and feel sure that you
will be included in the surgical dress
ings for next month.
"Supt. of Surgical Dressings."
A letter thanking the chairman of
the refugee work for the shipment of I
refugee garments (4 knitted blank
ets) has been received and the work
passed upon as excellent. .
Knitters Notice! Send in and get ii
the new yarn as early as possible.
Drop work on all old and push thet
work with the new yarn that we may
make as good with the new work as
possible.--Miss Emma Lawson, chair- i
man. I
Cause of Despondency.
Despondency is often caused by in- i
digestion and constipation, and i
quickly disappears when Chamber- e
lain's Tablets are taken. These tab
lets strengthens the digestion and i
move the bowels.
.ee. The State Council of Defense has
of issued bulletin No. 49 on preventing
Liberty Loan bonds from being offer
ed in exchange for securities or mer
cal chandise. except in dire cases of ne
cessity or misfortune.
of Regarding the exchange of the
bonds for securities of merchandise
Secretary McAdoo has said that the
nd practice defeats the purpose of their
ng sale, discourages thrift and increases
expenditures,, thus depriving the
Liberty Loan bonds from being of
Ish fered in exchange for securities or
)"- merchandise, except in dire cases of
ts, necessity or misfortune.
es- government of labor and material
ar- needed for war purposes. In addition
nd bonds taken in exchange are usually
out sold immediately on the open mar- I
,ck ket, thus depressing the market
al- price.
of In order to prevent the sale of the
32 bonds ,the State Council has recom
in- mended the following course of pro- l
ceedure to the Parish Councils:
(1) That you instruct the Com
Sa munity councils to locate and to fol
er- low up all specific cases;
nt (2) That, if you find that the t
abuse in your parish is so extensive ,
ve as to warrant it, yo u get a general i
ee warning before the public by means t
.k- of bulletin boards and in the news- l
to papers. c
at (8) That you report all serious
er. cases to this office in order that the
ve matter may be taken up with the
es War Loan organization.
ud. f
-2 Government Endorses Sugar Per. i
mite for Preserving. b
of : a
is The Louisiana Food Administrator
or says: "Louisiana has made her usual i
r proud record in the conservation of Ii
About the only hitch that has oc
i curred is in connection with sugar f
al- permits for preserving purposes. The c
Government encourages preserving, r
so as to prevent fruits and vegeta- e
bles from going to waste. Applica- t'
de tions endorsed by. the Food Officials o
m, entitle holders to purchase up to t
's twenty-five pounds of sugar at a
time. With figs plentiful and
i peaches pouring in ,there has been a
P-l strong demand for sugar. Many of n
al the dealers, thrown into early panic, tl
rs. have been rushing requests for more u
of supar'to replace the sales. The i'
is Food Administration has ruled that n
b- the allotments were designed to meet
to normal requirements, which include F
,u the ordinary sales for preserving puar
s- poses, and that unless such sales a
greatly exceed the normal no extra si
allowance is in order. 10 per cent or It
over is the proportion mentioned as tl
of entitling dealers to seek extra quan- c.
of tity.
k- Floor is still the greatest war food .
rk need, and none of the flour rules ,
have been relaxed. With the bounti- h
et faul crop in sight it is expected that tl
e. the restriction will be slightly modi- tl
he fled. However, the Food Adminis- a
Stration is commited to the policy of io
as not only sending abroad enough food g
i- for the American forces and the Al- ti
lies, but building up a Three months sl
reserve in the warehouse and cold t
storage facilities being erected in
France. In the meantime, the Amer- ei
n- ican consumers have been educated E
ud in the use of substitutes. Many new
r- enterprises are based upon the man- an
ufacture of the other cereals into t
d food preparations, and the diet of the
people will be permanently varied. el
AN ORDINANCE creating a High
way Department for the Parish of
Jefferson Davis, State of 'Louis
iana, and providing regulations for
the conduct of same.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the
Police Jury of the Parish of Jeffer
son Davis, State of Louisiana, that
there be and there is hereby created
a permanent Highway Department
for the Parish of Jefferson Davis,
Section 2. But it further ordained,
etc., That a Parish Highway Engi
neer be employed at a salary not to
exceed the sum of $2100.00 per an
num, payable annually, the said sal
ary to include all expenses; provided
however that the Parish shall furn
ish an automobile for the said engi
neer and shall furnish gasoline and
a cost of repairs on said automobile
and shall also pay all the necessary
expenses incurred by the engineer on
trips outside of the Parish in con
nection with his duties as Parish
- Highway engineer.
Section 3. Be it further ordained
etc., That the said Parish Highway
Engineer shall be employed by the
1 year subject however to dismissal at
I any time, provided however that one
month's notice shall be given, or in
lieu of notice, one month's salary;
and the duties of the said Parish
Highway Engineer shall be as fol
lows: He shall be given general su
pervision over all road work in the
Parish; he shall make a monthly
written report to the Police Jury at
each regular meeting of the work
performed in the various Wards and
also an estimate of the work needed
to be done during the succeeding
month, describing the location of the
proposed work as nearly as possi
ble on each road; he shall not be al
lowed to employ any assistance, ex
cept from the authority of the Po
lice .Jfryv at a legally convened meet
Section 4. Be it further ordained
etc., That the expenditure of the
funds for highway improvement be:
regulated as follows:
(a) Goed Roads Bond Issue Fund:
This fund shall be used in construct
ing hard surfaced roads as provided
by the original ordinance heretofore
adopted authorizing the issuance of
$500,000.00 Good Roads Bonds and
in accordance with all acts and reso
lutions of this body pertaining
(b) Maintainance Fund: This
furd- shall he used in keenine in good
condition all roads and bridges al
ready built out of the above mention.
ed Good Roads Bond issue fund and
those which are yet to be built out
of the same. Not more than one
twelfth (1-12) of the total amount
of funds appropriated for such pur
pose shall be expended for the main
tainance of these roads in any one
month. Any balance left over at
the end of any fiscal year may be
used by the Police Jury in extend
ing any highways that may be desig
nated by the said Police Jury.
(c) Special Ward Road and Bridge
Fund: The Police Juror of any
Ward having a Special Ward Road
and Bridge Fund shall make requi
sition to the Police Jury at regular
meetings of said Jury for any moneys
that may be needed during the suc
ceeding month for repairing or con
structing roads or bridges in his
ward and the Police Juror making
such requisition shall submit with
his said recquisition ian outline of
the proposed work to be done-with
the said funds; provided however,
any necessary repair work may be
ordered by the Police Juror or En
gineer without making above men
tioned requisition. But all workt
shall be let out and supervised by
the Highway Engineer.
Section 5. Be it further ordained
etc., That-the salary of the Highway
Engineer, his expenses as herein pro
vided, and salaries and. wages of his I
assistants le paid out of the Main-t
tainance Fund. C
Section 6. Be it further ordainedt
etc., That all statements for labor,
material, expenses, etc., De thorough- t
ly itemized and approved by the
Highway Engineer; provided further
that when any accounts are to be -
paid out of any Special Ward Road
and Bridge fund the statement for
nme shall also be carefully examir.
ed and approved by the Police Jur
or of the Word in which the work is
Section 7. Be it further ordained
etc, That the Parish Highway Engi
neer be required to furnish a good
and sufficient bond in favor of the
Pdrish for the faithful performance
of his duties in the sum of $5,000.00. Ih
J .8. TREME, a
President Police Jury.
('!erk of Police JUry. i
Yeas Eight
Nays, None.
Absent, One.
Adopted July 5, 1918. h
July 12-6t.j ,
AN ORD I CE cresting a Road
DisMrictnder the name of The a
Pelican Road Distict Number Orie
(1) of the Parish of Jeferson
Davi, State of Loaban, and de. a
" ignating ?M4 recoaumandtiong tb
appointment of a Board of Super
visors for the same.
Section ;' Be it ordamed by the
Police Jury of the Pirish of Jefer -
son Davis, State of iLouiosiana, sl
regular sesasion convened, That
whereas as apetitioe siagnl by
~n~we tban~tii*4, i p~ snt (t
the territory hereinafter described
All of Sections Nineteen (19),
r Twenty (20), Twenty-one (21),
f Twenty Two (22)), Twenty Seven
- (27), Twenty eight (28), Twenty
r nine (29), Thirty (30), Thirty one
(31), Thirty two (32), Thirty three
e (33), and Thirty four (34), in Town
ship Seven (7) South, Range Five I
t (5) West of the Louisiana Meridian.
d All of Sections Two (2), Three
t (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), 1
I Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9),
Ten (10), Eleven (11), Fourteen
, (14) Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16),
. Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18),
D Nineteen (19), Twenty (20), Twenty
one (21), Twenty two (22), Twenty
three (23), Twenty ;ix (26), Twen
I ty seven (27), Twenty eight (28),
- streams and ditching of the said
- roads whether the said ditches are
I to he constructed along the said road t
a or through adjacent property; and
7 generally to perform any and all du
2 ties that may be necessary' to carry
out the objects and purposes for
a which the said Road District is cre
ated, and the said Road District is
I hereby invested with all the powers,
rights and privileges conferred by
Act Number 30 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of the State of s
Louisaian for the year 1917, and 'all
other laws on the same subject.
Section 2. Be it further ordained
1 etc., That the lands to be embraced
and included within the limits of the
- said Road District are hereby de
clared to be as follows, to-wit:
has been presented to this body ask
t ing for the creation of a Road Dis
trict in said territory under the Act
Number 30 of the Acts of the Gei
leral Acsemnbly of the St te of Louis
inna for the year 1917:
Be it therefore ordained, That a
Rrad Distiict under the name of Th:e
Pelican Road District Number One A
(1) of 'he Parish of Jefferscn Pavia,
State of Louisiana, be and the same
ir. lhe-'eby creat * t for t' e .)urpos, of
constructine public hirl wa.s ir,
said Road District, and in construct
ing the same, to do all acts neces
sary therein such as the bridging of ,j
Twenty nine (29), Thirty (30),
Thirty one (31), Thirty two (32),
Thirty three (33), Thirty four (34),
and Thirty five (35), in Township
Eight (8) South, Range Five (5)
West of Louisiana Meridian. J
All of Sections Four (4), Five t'
(5), -Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), 1
Nine (9), Sixteen (16), Seventeen to
(17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), r
Twenty (20), and the North 3-4
of Sections Twenty nine (29), Thir
ty (30), in Township Nine (9)
South, Range Five (5) West of b
Louisiana Meridian.
All of Sections Twenty one (21), b
Twenty two (22), Twenty three N
(23), Twenty four (24), Twenty F
five (25) Twenty six (26), Twenty t4
seven (27), Twenty eight (28), j
Thirty three (33), Thirty four (34),
Thirty five (35), and Thirty six r
(36) in Township Seven (7) South, p
Range Six (6) West of Louisiana ri
All of Sections One (1), Two (2), q
Three (3), Four (4), Nine (9), Ten b
(10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), H
Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fif
teen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen ts
(17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), al
Twenty (20), Twenty one (21), ti
Twenty two (22), Twenty three i
(.3), Twenty four (24), Twenty a]
five (25), Twenty six (28), Twenty
seven (27), Twenty eight (28), J4
Twenty nine (29), Thirty (30), pl
Thirty one (31), Thirty two (32),
Thirty three (33), Thirty four (34),
Thirty Afive (35), and Thirty six
(36) in Township Eight (8) South, ,s
Range Six (6) West of the Louis- d(
tana Meridian.
Ah of Sections One (1), Two (2),
Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six
(6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine
(9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve
(12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14),
Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), Seven
teen (17), Eighteen (18), Twenty
one (21), Twenty two (22), Twenty
three (23), Twenty four (24), and
the North three fourths (3-4) of See
tions Twenity five (25), Twenty sir
(26), Twenty seven (27) and Twen
ty eight (28), in Township Nine
.... W.8.S.- - ...
Save your hair! Make it
thick, wavy and beau
tiful-try this!
Thin, brittte, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dndruffP-that afuirl scurf.
There is nothing so destructive, to
the hair as dandrauff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish
ness and itching of the scalp, which
if not remedied causes tbe hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die--then the
hair falls out fast. A little Dander
ine tonight--now--.any time-will
surely save your hair.
Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter, and after the first ap.
plication yoor hair will take on new
life, lIastre and, hixrlance which is
so beautiful It will become wavy
and fluffy and hiyp the appearance
of abundance, an incomparable
gleos ad sftnesa; biur what will
pase yOU most will be after just
A few week use when you wiUl ac
fally see a lot of le, downy hair
--new. hair-grwing all averthC
(9) South, Range Six (6), Went of
Louisiana Meridian.
All of said lands being situated in
the Parish of Jefferson Davis, State
of Louisiana.
Section 3. Be it further ordained (
etc., That whereas a petition signed
by more than fifty per cent (50) of
the property owners resident in the
said Road District has been present- I
ed to this body requesting the ap-I
pointment of W. M. Fenton, George D.
Deaton Jr., Oscar Miller, M. Sharp
and J. T. Hebert, resident property
owners in said Road District, as mem
bers of the Board of Supervisors of
said Road District as provided in
Section Four (4) of said Act Num
ber Thirty (30) of the General As- t
sembly of 1917;
Be it ordained therefore That the
said resident property owners be and
they are hereby appointed as the
Board of Supervisors of the said
Road District as provided in thi,
said Section Four (4), of the said
Act No. Thirty (30) of the Genieral
Assembly of Louisiana for the year
1917, and they are hereby invested
with all the powers, rights and priv
ileges conferred by the said Act of
the Genera, Assembly, and shall
serve until their successors shall have
been appointed.
Section 4. Be it further ordained
etc., That all the provisions of the
said Act No. 30 of the General As
sembly of 1917 relating to the cre
ation, organization and conduct of
Road Districts be and the same are
hereby enacted for the governmen'
of the said Road District.
Section 5.-Be it further ordained
etc., That this ordinance be and the
same shall be in full force and ef- s
feet from and after its adoption and
J. S. TREME, i
President Police .Jury.
Attest: ti
Clerk Police Jury.
Yeas, Eight.
Nays, None.
Absent One.
Adopted July 5, 1918.
July 12-6t.
The Police Jury of the Parish of I
Jefferson Davis will receive bids up 1
to 10 o'clock a .m., Thursday, August
1, 1918, for the operation and main
tainance of the Mermentau Toll Fer- fo
ry across the Mermentau river on the
Jennings-Mermentau Public high- in
way. cll
All bids must be sealed and must C"
bear the inscription of the following i
words on the envelope containing the m
bid ,viz: "Bid for the operation and ('
Maintainance of the Mermentau ti(
Ferry." The bids must be addressed in
to the President of the Police Jury, tr
Jennings, Louisiana. T.
Bids will be opened at 10 o'clock a. Tt
m. Thursday, August 1, 1918, the hIe
Police Jury reserving the right to
reject any or all bids.
Successful bidder will be re
quired to execute a good and solvent
bond in the sum of not less than Five L
Hundred Dollars, ($500.00), for the
This Ferry being a joint ferry be- ,
tween the Parish of Jefferson Davis,
and the Parish of Acadia, any con-,
tract awarded will be subject to the 4
faithful performance of his duties.
approval of the Police Jury of Acadia +
J. S .TREME, President. .
JOWN T. HOOD, Clerk Police Jury.
Five head of cattle for sale-~wil
sell all or part. Phone 57, O. B. San- +
ders, Welsh, La. * Jul ttfe -
Give it when feverish, cross,
bilious, for bad breath
or sour stomach.
T.oiol: it tIhe tlngue. Mother! If
ttlat ld, it is a sure sign that your
1.1:I1, one's stomach, liver and bow
(Is teed a g'entle, thorough cleans
Whet, peevish. cross, listless, pale,
(doesn't sleel), doesn't eat or act nat
urdaly, (I is feeverish, stomach s)ur,
bre( tin t:ll; has stomach-ache, sorte
tli,,:.t, diarrhoea, full of cold. .give
a; t't'aspoun1llT(l of "t'uliforni:t S rul
)of l'i:ls." ' lt inL a few hours all the
fo41. tie-! ipated wa:lste, undigested
food ::,Il .t o1r b'ih' :_:enily moves out
fi' its li I I ( v els without g'ilinug,
a1" t , have a well. playful child
You neednId 't coax sick children to
take this harmless "fruit laxative;"
they love its delicious taste, and it
always makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"('alifornia Syrup of Figs" which has
dilrections for babies, children of all
ages and for grow!n-Ups plainly on
the bottle. Beware of counterfeits
sold here. To be sure you get t he
genuine, ask to see that it is made
Refuse any other kind with con
by "C('alifornia Fiig Syrup Company."
Volunteers are needed for types
shown below
Snecial service in engineer corps,
white men only. 1918 registrants
may he accepted and listed for this
work Iroyvihed they waive all claiuits,
tiii:e lianit.s, etc. listing is not indue
lii,or. but no volunteer hereunler is
It I' released to navy or marine
c,'rp.s or lermitted to withdraw his
n!;tle prior to August 1.
The engineer corps is in need of
certain skilled men. Only men qual
ified for general military service may I
be accepted. No man needed to fill
calls already announced should be al
lowed to volunteer for this service.
Volunteers may be accepted from the
11 18 class, provided the registrant
waives all time limits for classifica
lion( and exa:mimation.
For types of men needed, see list
folowing: -
Auto repairmen. Horseshoers, Axe
men, Lithographers, Blacksmiths, Ma
chinists, Boatmen, Buglers, Bridge
Carpenters, Photographers, Cabinet
:Makers, Plumbers, Calkers, Powder
men, Concrete Foremen, Quarrymen,
Concrete Workers, Riggers, Construe
tion Foremen, Saddlers, Cooks, Shoe
makers Draftsmen, Surveyors, Elec
tricians. Tailors, Gas Enginemen,
Teamsters, Stationary Engineers,
Telephone Operators, Ferriers, Lum
hermen, T'ypographers.
iFor Sale.-One 40 horse power
Robinson engine. Enquire of C. A.
Lantz, Welsh. La.
If they cash allowance chee
his discharge.
Don't Cnoh t: allowance e
the sollier nRw, made the all
hais been d1ircradr(,l from the
warns the fl'nrn S.rvice d de
of the RTied ro
Return it at once to the
ment. It isr' yours, and if
spend it you'll vtot into trounb
Several instances have besa
ported b, fell ;ccretaries o
Gulf Div:isis. lo,,me Service
of the IR,! ( rs in which e'
of dischl;r,, <odliers have
cheek, that were sent by mirat
N, di, 'ha r 'e soldier's fa
entitled to r'ce"ive more than
moInth': :,lhwance after the n
left Ih, ServicP. eeaouse o
cie rnilOrºs nunber of chee
out at Washinnrton, it
happens that cheeks are r
second or third month afte
soldier's discharge.
Persons who cash the -
sent by mistake will be e
guilty of fraud, and they 'pb
ble to a fine of $2,000 or i
ment for a year, or both.
The citizens of Fenton ad
roundin, country held their Fp
defense :tý;ed them to. Aft
of July celebration as the cound
exlenses were paid the balanced,
fnuds. 827..00, was turned to the
Cross. Also a dance given byl
youni' men turned in $16.70 ove
penses, to the led Cross.
:Fenlton turned to the Red Crowa
$2l1.8 andl to the Fenton j
Red ('ross :21.85, nmaking a told
$41:.70 raised for the good
.Another snall contribution
the .lJunior Red Cross of
imnakes themn a total of $23.55.
Strayed.-One white mare
one v. v:n mare mule, 8 yeah
--H. White, Jennings, La.
Cincinnati authority tells how th
up any corn or callus soil
lifts right out.
Your corn-pestered men and
en need suffer no longer. Wen
shoes that nearly killed you
says this Cincinnati authorit,
cause a few drops of freezoe
plied directly on a tender,
corn loosens so it can be lifted
root and all. without a bit of
A quarter of an ounce of
zone costs very little at any
store, but is sufficient to tiake
ery hard or soft corn or callhu.
should be tried, as it is ine
and is said not to inflame or
ritate the surrounding tissue ar
If your wife wears high
will be glad to know of this.
0 0
Jersey 0
8 "
3 Milch Cows!
3Some Fresh
0 Some Springers
p Gentle. well-bred stock 0
lick free and tubercular tested
Also registered Heifers o
f and Bulls, yearlings 0
and two-year oldds
f 0
O They are going fast. 2
0 0
I O. M. Hammil
Welsh Livery and Sale Stable
**@***** )
+ Srits Made to Order-FIT Guaranteed
Up-to-date Cleaning, Pressing
Hats Cleaned and Reblocked
SPromptness Work Called
Our Motto and Delive~
" PHONE NO. 178
+ + + + + +
-- li
Better Oil Tractors Are Buil
TheM Small Kerosene Burning i'i r that
Stock of re air parts for Waterloo Ro now on
For Sale In Jefferson Davis and Calaudeu Parishes by "
T.1_. VanNess
'?·! 2! 3 411"
'ý.ý" i'!ý ýý'ý.ar s ?ýa°

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