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IMES j Sib. o Prep. S* 2*1PB YEAR. TURDAY, MARCH 15. aUmUOCr TIC STATE TIClET. I beloea tono ria,esept that which ea iieled itseff arond your coast ketd > pe.thLm whrn it was to to pa. thrtugh the Il o.d seera. I belong to as monopoly, except the exclusive privi ege which I exercise of conluctig tlat LSate Government acconling to my own jdllmeat, while I amtslely lespoasillle nder the laws for it4 bqnefits or its wrongs. I belong to no lottery, except that whieh ahtb t prize Wh lich you have temdted m from the hearts of the eople.-(O.t. B. D. McEnery ia ac L I O~/esiaation. waa soassxos. .IIKUEL D. McEYERY, Of Oeachita. FSO Lg~YAmT-oOVesNO3, CLAY KJOBLOCII, Of Lefourche" WOR assI3Wasa3 EDWARD A. BURKE. Of Oerlns. Pon ATeOss -el ssA/., M. J. CUNTINGUAM, Of Natchitoches. ua 'ales WAYs, la o. i r o. O. B. STEELE, Of Umies. meew'T o ru I+c cOATlOnW, WARRENI EASTON, Of Orlea.e see manuer a , N.m se c L$ T. J.1LONY, f DMt Qroll. - . sI ! adorn, Ch'n. . I.DM - etrae with as feats ]ar Ue .oa eaCahn i an opiaion T.Io. This le ihm l on which lhe , Axi. M. Ls. tappeartes ma euty siI wea. be, so ass ad n opinion SThi a -r... A. . .... .6i..1 Oa pa4-jk U~ 3.~t- -rul Ni4d~ 4-flwr b FOR TE BA g OF RAssO 7. L I'he mass meeting was held on '~ Monday according to programure, i and a full report of the proceedings dl is given in another Jlace. Now in is an appropriate time to take a to calw r:view iof r' events ani to i look mnatter. sln.:a.r!y il thie flee. t0 The position assumed by the TIMES is this, (hat the opposition has not el accepted the verdict of the largest C mass meeting ever assembled in PI this parish sinee the war, and that h they have set themselves d. liber- a ately in opposition to the wishes t1 of the majority of the people of this I9 parish. Before going any further f it is necessary to put the matter In plainly. Both factions clabn to be ti ,McEncry pcn. The mass meet inag Monday claimed to be a Mc- i Enery meeting, at least its Chairman claimed that it was. Mc- ti Enery was cheered and the meet- a Ing endorsed the State ticket. tc There is consequently no Ogden sl faction.. There is, however, a very P decided and lively opposition to e the men who represent the Mc- C Enery side of the controversy, and fý the chief speakers and workers of b that opposition are headed by A. c W. Crandell and Hugh R, Lucas. ' It can ihere&to be propty desig nated- the Lncas-Crandell faction. t This faction have never recog- t nized the Executive Committee of which Mr. Gee. W. Montgomery I is Chairman, which Committee owes its existence to the mass f meeting of November 15, 1883. It ' was by resolution, adopted by that c mass meeting, empowered to con- t duct this lampaign and its autions I have been conservative and not I calculated to cause dissatisfaction. ' It is impossible to please every dne and some MeEnery men have I not been pleased with the action, or as they claim, lack of action, of the Executive Committee. Emissaries of the Lucas-Crandell party have talked mass meeting 1 around the parish until many of 6 the MeEnery men have been brought to believe that a mass meeting was wanted, wanted bad, and wanted right off; that only a mass meeting could bring i harmony, that a mass meeting would bring harmony, and nothing but a mass meeting would do it. How it was going to do it they did not explain, and the McEnery men --ome of them-swallowed that bait and began to hanker for a mass Smeeting. Just stop one moment, gentle amen, and reflect. The Lucas Crandell party have been howling for a mns meeting ever since the -a Daieus ofsugeOonventibn, and why? A mA s meeting in which they - would be defeted oeeld put them iia!eror position than ey al- 1 s ready occupied, while, if some of e Itsh ry men stayed away i and the Luss-Crandell party ac -lidetally bad a majority, why -* they Edld pset the existing state ei( .hi sad plaee themselves in .pwe. Ijht athiwas their iii~slb ildustal e action * L tbe mess meetlng of Monday SIlest. I. Them average ltise attends to i hisbi ess mand has mo time to at t-t.litopmialoschmems mad trielks. He lhs at time to investigate ey a e* e and plan pro#dposed. He S-lookielyat thece of the thing --ddoslnotel et hidden me times. IeW~m oe anthouises n lai 3 tive Caemittee tn coaduct vhe osain whose bmslness it is as lavestia these matters. The wise eiie will leave it with the Sten a sq ite ns\s ragea sinet ' -n _pUbmed b: ppoutes itrtglgted, bit it is the busi rit opponents to Injwe and ss In ey possibol way. dea1de by the hypesrt ti hae ees eld the e the Jilrrict officers annl further, theyi u, '-ointed a new Executive Conm imitt.e with plenary powers to con- l Th duct the carmpaign therely depos ing the present Executive Commit- Ali tee and pultting annther committece in it.= place, or r:ather, that is what th.ey intentl de ti do. Their actions are also inconsist- 101 lent. They refuse to rccognise our da Committee, and yet the time and en place fixed by our Committee for the holding the liiatrict COLAventiou is cal accepted by them as all right, and no the mass meeting appointed dele- ex Sgates to atten4it and make an effort tri for harmony, which is all bosh and na nothing but bosh. There is an en- nu tire lack of the commonest courtesy n towards your Executive Committee Jo in the entire proceedings of this A. whole business. If the people of i this parish desired a mass meeting, and no such desire was hinted even, Sc to the Executive Committee, they TI should in common decency have m presented a petition to their Exe- th cutive Committee asking them to le call a mass meeting, but they pre- ea I ferred to take their cue from men ty r bitterly opposed to the Committee gp chosen by the mass meeting of No- pi vember 15th, and now,- that they w; _ have been deceived and betrayed, sr they have no one but themselves el to blame. m f It is all very well to say "I *ant peace and harmony"' and "we b4 must not have two tickets in the a field," and "the people must have a t a chance in the selection of candi- G t dates," but who, wHo is making h - the second ticket, who insists on. je s having the dictation of the ticket,' w t and finally, does any man in the gm exercise of his untrammelledjudg- $ ment, presume to say that the peo- it e ple chose the ticket nominated on p ,t Monday last at the Lucas-Crandell t ,f tea party? Gentlemen, it is time U to dismiss all bosh and false senti- C ment. It is time to look the sit- it uation squarely in the face, and to realize that the motto of the Lucas- A, M Crandell party is emphatically and F unalterably "rule or ruin.". I You must by this time see that * Lt the crow-eaters have disappeared , from the face of the earth if they I ever existed, that talk is cheap and v unmeaning, that harmony is not a really wanted, except at the dic- A tates of a small minority, that sev- s enty.five men do not compose a fa it majority of this parish, and that ti Lucas, Crandell & Co., do not mean 'I to accept defeat in any shape, or ijl under any circumstances. Seeing ti this, it is your duty to stand by ii your colors. If they seek division I e it is not your fault, but theirs, atsd i n , I theirs be the blame. b 7 Sherman should ask Barnum e a to help him out in his outrage howl ti I- business by lending him the dead f cannibal to exhibit in the Senate 7 as a Danville riot victim.--Wash- e :-ington (D. C.) Gasette. o SThe Vicksbrg Herald Isassured e Sthat while there is some foundation, for the tni.&tliere is a t u Crandell party in this parish, there I is none whatever for the statement c that there is a Montgomery party. I · o sucneh party exists here. U. W. H. Vanderbilt said to a re. I le porter in New York the other day: e 'I believe I am the riehest man m the world. In England the Duke . of Westminister is maid to be worth " Pg00000,000, but is mostly in lands a sad nimWu . It does not yield him etS per cent. A year from now It Sshall be weath mre than 00,000, 000 sad will have so ineome equal e to d per cent on that amount." He a owns O,340 shares of railway I a- stook,valuedat8l,750,000*,his rail st webeonds amount to $58,350,420; hehboldr noa0o crnmot or entl id on.-T-D. "Gmalemsm of the ur" aid re a Irish lawyer "it will be for yon t. to say whether rthe denb* shal Sbe almed to conme into eourt with "_ mabl ig footatepos, with a cloak ---et bypocu la ais mouth, and e draw tea llocks out of uJy dl lleant's pocket with impunity." T4D. ~. ,Ihest svely·la Ner York af, pp san, wish i sId-aut aa sa - *f son e tion a lLe, s ma ~~b~ f~··i·Ry~rdii YehA 9k' THE MASS MEETING. DeI The Latest Improvements in the Way FiE of Brin ia About Harmony. .i Also the dern Version of How tot 1p' Eat Crew, Profusely Illustrated. Th Stat The mnss meetii:g called for tlhc ra 10th of March duly came offt on the day fixed, about seventy-five pres- the ent. Mr. F. L. Maxwell called nal the meetine to order and read the A. call which was "for the purpose uof r' nominating parish officers, and to Co express their preference for Dis- IIt trict officers." He also read the hiI names attached to the call, which pad numbered 149, although there ati were only 137 published in the Joul Journal. E. Ganier, on motion of no A. C. Gihbson, was elected Chair- Ical man, and tit] A. c MoNrETTE we Secretary on motion of A. L. Slack. The meeting went through the for- Mi mality of pledging its support to At the State ticket. Mr. Crandell Mi leading off with his usual patriotic Ti " expressions of support to the par- Vii I'ty, and Maj. Lucas in seconding oti gave a rehash of his previous op position to McEnery, but said it At was $he dutysof every Democratto Mi support the State ticket. After this mi ebulition of sentiment the Chair- pr man said, is there on t ANY BUSINES a I before the meeting. There was eti a considerable pause here, lasting tic e several minutes, when Maj. A. C. Iif - Gibson coming to the rescue with his usual gallantry, restated t1W oh- M j.,ect of the call,and said that was "all he we were called here to do," and sug- si e gested that there should be an ex- ar i- on of the views of the meet- de Si The meeting after some talk sa a proceeded to the nomination of I1 District offiers. Mr. J. R. Mc- of e Dowell offered a resolution that J. re C. Scale is the choice of this meet- M ing for in S DISTRIC'T JUDGE. Pi Maj. A. C. Gibson nominated F. bi J F. Montgomery, of East Carroll. di It was resolved to vote by ballot. C, t A. W. Crandhll moved that two pl iI ellers be appointed to take the to v Votes, and no one be allowed to g d vote who cannot qualify and vote 4 at the coming election. Carried. to A. W. Crandell moved as a time- T saving arrangement that the ballot c a for Judge, State Senator and Dis- A ± trict Attorney be taken together. 0 a The reporter never ascertained 0 r just what became of this resolu- F g tion. The subsequent proceed- bi y ings justify the supposition that it a 1 was lost. A. L. Slack was also n d nominated for Judge but withdrew his name. W. H. Zeigler nominat ed Hon. Hugh B. Lucas for Sena tor who d DECLT:F.: TITE NOMINATION in a neat speech, in which he claim ed that since he had been/resident 1 of Madison parish hA-md never desired office, and .sd that ncv d er again wored-b hold man office. -iA.- V randell then, in a enlogis a tic speech nominated J. Tyson !e Lane for Senatof. Mr. Lane de t clined with thanks. Mr. R. K. . Boney theu arose and nominated in North Loasian," Hon. J. W. a Montgomery. Mr. Locas see r: onded the nomination. Maj. Gib n son them nominated Capt. J. G. e Hawkes for Distrie Attorney. Mr. J. T. McClellan moved that while n we express Ou preference for Dis. I trict officers, East Carroll shall e for the place allowed them on the District ticket. Messrs. Mont gomery and Hawke were nomi nated b aectan tioa. On motion Sthe Chair appointed four tellers to . reeeive the ballots for District Judge, namely: John. G. Law,a Thoe. Watts, Thes. Adams and A. L. Saek. Mr. Watts d an.AUN 1o naonm ,. n however, sethe ether three had all l the work to do. The ballot re Ssuited, 40, Montnmnery 29, Sscattering ; a totalm 75. The ay ominatilc of Judge Seal. was - then made nanaamous. The mrgmrmnarn cnasnse Shen ers uws rhld there appeared' Stohbe a dibreso e opih boot oe oing itntothe nominatsn of parish P ofrs. Mr. MeDowell moved that anothe minae meeting be' called two weeks from Wednesday . the 12th for nominating parish offi e cers, whlkh mbtion was secondedi the ec.ea to get oi anotther Sspeeh iawhled he said the peo p heald asiellde amd have a - " am shdd 5BY ..m ne]ht D1emocratic flag is run up let every Cra Dimocrat rally to it." Mr. A. L. felt Fischel proposed ward meetings. Mr. Dundas opposed any post- soI ponement as did Mr. D. W'. Fell. oft The motion was finally laid on the Ms table. Mr. A. W\. Crandc!l was the rcady with the ANOTHER MOTION, that the meeting go into the nomi nation of parish officers. Carried. 1 A. C. Gibson nominated for Rep- lo resentative I. K. Boney. A. S. Po C'olth:irp n-oiated I). George To IiHu,hrlys. It was asked, was Mir. Innmlpr,,y. a r'eilent of Madison pp pari-lh, anl :anw"ered in the affim- ex ative. 'r. McDIowell nominated ad John G. Lucas, who declined the of nomination. There being only two to, candidates, and Madison being en- 12 titled to two Representatives, they ex were nominated un BY AC('LAMATION. re Mr. R. K. Boney then nominated hil Andrew T. Lane for Clerk. Mr. se McDowell nominated A. J. Sevier. re The ballot resulted, Lane 46 Se- er vier 26, Dawson 2, Clarke 1; An- t, other of TOTAL OF SEVENTY-FIVE. i: At this stage of the proceedings th Mr. J. R. McDowell arose and C moved a reconsideration of the C proceedings. lie said: "If we go th on, the other faction will nominate in a ticket and we will have two tick- i, ets. He wanted harmony and one ar ticket. Mr. John G. Lucas asked of if Mr. McDowell proposed to nA o DOWN. pl _ Mr. McDowell said he did not, but th 1 he wanted only one ticket. Con- se - siderable talk now took place, se - among the talkers, being Mr. Cran- si - dell, as usual, who took occasion to L C say that he would not be the th SUBSERVIENT TOOL J of any Committee. The motion to re reconsider was lost. At this time se Mr. Crandell's turn to speak hav- w ing arrived, he moved that the proceedings be suspended to ena- fo ble the Chair to appoint twelve ni delegates to attend the District gi ('onvention at l)elta March 11, ex- v Splaining that the train was about a to leave, and they would have to o go on Te AT TRAIN li I. to be aide to attend the Convention. The Chair appointed John G. Lu t cas, J. J. Dundas, A. W. Crandell, A. L. Fischel, R. A. Inge, M. Van C Os, C. H. Lueac , J. G. Boney, E. I G. Peale, F. L. Maxwell, A. T. Felt and W.II. Zeigler. Proceedings - 1- being resumed, J. Tyson Lane, in I ita highly eulogistic speech nomi 0 nated J. T. McClellan FOR SHERIFF. W. P. Stanwood nominated R. A. Inge, A. L. Fisehel nominated Dr. Win. Kelley. The ballot resulted, McClellan 44, Dr. Kelley 36, Inge 1, Demoss 1; total 82. The MEETING IHAD GROWN from seventy-five to eighty-two. Mr. Crandcell not having had a chance to say anything for a long time, now arose and regretted that both candidates could not have been elected, and nominated Dr. Win. Kelley for Coroner, which nomination was carried by acclam ation. J. Tyson Lane then arose r and said he had not understood Sthat this meeting was called by a few politicians to antagonize the . existing organization of the Democ racy. He attended it in the in terests of harmony. If the Execu Stire Committee had called this meeting it would have been all right, but they did noteall it. Here e Mr. Crandell feeling it to be time - for him to say something cried PUT 'M OUT. n Mr. Lane brought his remarks to ' ecle, and Mr. Crandenll prompt ly arose and moved "that the ' Chairman be authorized to appoint an. Lseetive Committee of seven members with 1tnLIAY 3oWE 0 to repteet'the Democratle party g of this parish." Considerable dis ea ssioan now took place and the Smotion was withdrawn. Maj. L- a thenum aroe ad laid down the law, saying that this meetig has asd right todo whateierit wants. t He claimed that a massr meeting h ean be ealled by any one at Any ,4 time; one man ea call a ma be meeting, and asked'if we were to have aman foisted urpon usagainst Sour wishes, and insinuated that ad such auaettempt was being made, |la would be made, and moved the r.dptio o1 M. Cmandell's rsol .u-, wbeh was arried. ' Mr. J. a Tysom Le te esasi me abjectl to such proceedings and respeaul ; ly withdvew from the metnsg, a t T hi cdma appdated as the 14 Kzamrtl CommiUP 1*. 1. Mh - weall, C. U. WI& sasiall, LC~ ,A.S.q·3NLy ' - ~'Mr..: Crandell having had quite a rest, felt it incumbont on him to Ga Bsy soUrrINS;:, so be moved that the proceedings of the meeting be published in the DMlison Journal- pause, and the Madison TlMEs. On motion D the meeting adjourned. Nxposition Circular. The Governor has issued the fol lowing circular to the Presidents of Police Juries: To the Presid of the Police Jury of the parish of----: Dear Sir-Your attention is re spectfully called to the following extract from the plan of work adopted by the Board of Managers of the World's Industrial and Cot ton Centennial Exposition, June 12, 1883: There shall be a special exhibit for thq State of Louisiana, under the same general rules and regulations that apply to other ex hibitors, and for the purpose of securing the utmost possible rep resentation.from the State the Gov - ernor shall be.requested to consti tute a Louisiana State Commission, of which he shall be ex-officio chair man, the commission to include s the Governor, Secretary of State, Commissioner of Agriculture and a Commissioner from each parish in the State, in addition to the'Com- S e missioner and alternate Commis sioner appointed by the Governor e and commissioned by the President d of the United States. In accordance with the foregoing plan I have the honor to request it that the Police Jury of your parish select a capable and energetic citi z zen to be appointed and commis - sioned by me as member of the said 0 Louisiana State Commission. If the regular meeting of your Police Jury is not ;near at hand you are 0 requested, as President thereof, to e select a Commissioner, and to for ward his name to this department. e Circulars of instructions will be º- forwarded to members of the Com e mission at an early'day. With t great respect, your obedient ser vant, S. D. McExERY, it Governor of Louisiana. .o 0 The "Revcmned" Joe Cook de livered his new lecture'last week. There is no word in it of less than six syllables. He destroyed four 1, dictionaries in compiling it. lie calls it "The Incomprehensible. Washington (D. C. Gazette. 1. Vleksburg Advertisements. FULTON M. M'RAE, I :Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST, at Importer and Dealer in Keeps always on hand a complete a *- smtmunt of F I)rTrasU Dse.s WHITE LEAD, he tat In IJaSEED OIL, he TUIIPENTINE, SWINDOW GLASS, ny to NXEDn PAIS, ast le, he ptr AND £WUA ict PATERfT MEDICIU, It. k,. a 6·.si~ L Vicksburg Advertisements. O2o. WI. I1i ra:,~Ex i... aLLUs. Q, I . W a ON & CO, COTTON FACTORS D--, e Whbolesal mand Retail Dealers in le a in .8 Or nt Ig tee GROCERIES, Li s id If ce 110 and 112 Wauhlagltce re to Ir it. Viok beagr. MI.ese.I ppI. II Ic ur SThe largest sad mst eeraplsteie of domestic sad impted sar, pIeasess Is the city. E "L" R IW I. I portes sad dsealmrs a. - -4 gI)iE oL ein .