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SUPPLEMHNT - TO THE MADISON TIMES State Tax SalesT -OF IUVIIALR PIOPRITY. •The State of Louisiana vs. n Delinquent Tax Debtors, q Parish of Madisoa. atrM" of the at vedin q me th Costibutto ad aws of the awsm of LoMalna, I will sel at the prim- a d l ront dear of the Court Homes in wl the C ir I[strict Court of said v peish bad withis the hours for e Judell &l~ a astfl o'elook a a. a., ABTU DAT, TH 1TH DAY o OF APRIL, A. D. 18, and continuing on each soedlng day natil aid salesare q eompleted, all the lmmovableop on wheih taxes are now due to ýi Sta of a Louisiana and Parish of Mui.som,to en- I force collecton of taxes asesed in the year 188, together wkith Interest thereon I from the 1Sat day of December, 1883, to- I getber with interest, penalties and costs: Aldrich, L D, Robertson tract, all of I section 34, north halfof section 33, south 1 half of section and northwest quarter of I section 28, south half of section 27,nvest I half of southwest quarter section 26;P township 18, N range 1l east, 1840 acres; Taxes of 1883, $41 25; Taxes of 1882, $44 75. Aldrich L D., Oden tract, west half of section, southwest quarter of section, 4 north half of southeast quarter of sec tion 24, southeast quarter of section, half of northeast quarter section 25, east half of cast half of section 26, west half of south half of section, northwest quarter 4 of section, west half of north east quarter of section 27, south . tractional half of fractional see tion 33, southeast quarter section 34, all of fractional section 38 and section 37, and west half of west half of section 36, township 15, N range 12 east, 2798 acres; Taxes of 1883, 162 60: Taxes of 1882, $38 75. Armstrong, Carter & Co., Judgment. No. 383; Taxes of 1883, $ 40. Bradfield Jno O,., south half of squire 65 and improvements thereon, containing six lots 60x120 feet; Taxes of 1883, $41 92; Taxes of 1882, $66 25. Bradfleld, estate of Mrs M E., Lot in Block 48 and improvements thereon; Taves of 1883, $7 70; Taxes of 1881, s 640. Boney, G L., Willow Glen; Fractional sections 6 and 7 and npper half of trac tional sections 8, township 16, N range 15 east and tractional section 26, town ship 15, N range 15 east,840 acres; Taxes of 1883,$284 00; Taxes of 1882, 1310 65. Barstow, W K., Kinderhook; southeast quarter of section and south half of north east quarter of section Il, southwest quarter and west half of southeast quar ter of section 10, nortwest quarter and west half of southeast quarter of north east quarter of section 17, township 15, N r 2an2- e east 777 acres; Taxes of 1883 153 45: Bender, W K., Two judgments; Taxes of 1883, $34 05. Bry, estate of H M., Lot 12 Block I1I and improvenments, Delta; Taxes of 1833, $14 31. Bry 6 Muir, estate of, Lots in Tallu lah; Tass 1888, $9 6. lradld, G. J., Lot 7 in block 7 and improvente , Delta; Taxes of 1883, $11 40; Ta of 188, 514 385. Castar, Manerva, &mall house In square I0, in Delta Taxes of 1883, 51 45. Cook. Alice, Small house in Delta; Taxes 1883, $1. sler,Addle and Joe, Willow Bayou; S9ctlon 27, north half of southeast quar ter sectin 6, northwest quarter section 2, and that portion of section *2 south of Willow Bayou and that portion of southeast quarter o section 22 north of Willow ayou, fractional soanthwest quarter and eat balf of northwnast qa ter, fraonal northwess t quarter of north east quarter of section 3, west half of southeast quarter section 14, township 17 N range 1s eat: Joes Bayou, a a und. half ol north half Of northwent quarter and north halfof northeest quar ter, and loas 1. 3, and 4, of ection 3, townshiP 17, N rnm 10 eatt, 2106 acres, Taxes of 1883, *47 05. costOUMl Mary, Lands In town ship 15, 1 east, township 16,N ran 14 eas., 00 aeres; Taxes 1363, 6; Taxes 188,4 7 5; Taxes 1881, 12s 00. .o.eitateTJ B., Lot 5 of s etlotio , lot 1 of seodon a wshim p 17, NM ra randal A W., Laclde;..Fractional setds 15, 16, 17 , 18, 19,,1,2 ad iota 1 ad 2, sdctin 43, westhalf of south wesat quarter seton 44,lo0I, 4 and section 45, adoual sCtLon 46, ,lot 3,se don 47, lots 1,4 and S seedon 54, fraC tional sectlon 2,lot 3 section 3 _, m - vIdd half iot raction 2, townshiP 6N rage ISt east, contanintg 291 acres; Ta of Isss, s8oo 8 030. Cluk L L., Wl Lnds; East half of south quarter secdon 43, townhlp 17 N range 13 eat, northrst quar ter section 1 township 16 N range 18 east, 210 sores: Taxes of 1983, 15 75; Taxes of 1882 514 M; Taxes of 1881, Deos, Mrs O N., DeMos. Tract; ILt 7 seetionu l I ots a1d 3, setlon I I 3 tiol orthwest quarter of aectiona outh of nrur yBaeY , township). nM 1 s S; 1of 1863 s 85. Dunn, Mr, One semail hones near Mil liken's Dead; Taxes of l18a, o05. Dews estate of Geo P., nt 5 block4i Delta; Taxes of 1963, 51 2; Taze of 188, $4 .. . a V B., ILower Bank; IM ot secton 32, wesnt hf secton 31, fractional 'setioLea 4 aud 4,sotlm 0 and_-lets 1,, ,7 nd 4 8,seeion I, containing m ace* Tuaxes of 1S,8 15. Kls Warrs, Pert lens, th Ward, a. tart odfland s id by EC ad S W Mat to Wa~ur ' Ellis, as per deed No dikOu ,t 3a ad H,, co Salning 100 acra of 1888 $10 80; Taes of 1s $15 75 Friend vDa , 10 saes on Dun place; Ila.UC W. WWld land on Jon's a res; aesl of I1S, oa1. hilow c and ., Tyte Pypsr a*** wt uarter of seestin 23, hat hl of southeast qurter .t sestion ILntem half 111raL m i 'thereon; b of imgra¶:Td Gordon, estate W R, Lots 1, 2 and 7, qi square 17, lot 10 square 19, east half es square 97, squares 67, 95,106, 121, 223, qi 133, 31 shares Balance in Delta property; w Taxes of 1883, $74 45. qi Guspach John, Lots 8 and 9, block 13. r Delta; Taxesof 1883, $5 06. T Hogan Thomas, Old Lowery place and $ 40 acres of land; Taxes of 1883, $21 20. House, estate of G., Bayou aceon; st southwest quarter of section 96 and lots ti 4 and 5, section 16, township 15, N range 'I 10 east 33 acres; Taxes of 1883, $2 55: $ Taxes otf 1882, 45 00. 1 Hunt Mrs W., southeast quarter see tlon 14, southwest quarter section 13, q north half of ection, north half of south r ball of section 3, township 18, N range 'I 19 east, containing 800 acres; Taxes of I 1883, $18 3. Ldeling, J T., Goodrum tract; frae- 1 tlonl southest quarter section 17, frac as tsnal northeast quarter and northwest a quarter section 0, east half of northeast I quarter section 19, fractional west half of f northeast quarter of section I21, northeast a quarter of southwest quarter of section 1 b 14, township 17, N range 12 east, 6l1 Seres; Taxes ot 1883, $13 90. s Ladeling J T., Heater Lands; UndIt I vided two-thirds Interest in section 3, I r east half of section 4 south half of see k tios 5 and 6. east half and northwest r quarter of northwest quarter of section g 7 west half sad south half of southeast e quarter and northeast of northeast quar Ster section 8. secton 9, lots 1, 2.3 and 8 Ssecton 10, township 16, N range 11 east, 0- 006 acres; Taxes of 1883, $44 80. e LdielIng John T, Lots 11 and 12, a block I, lots 10,11 and 7, block 01, lots' S3, 7, 8, 9,10 and 12, in block 45, lbt 6 in b.oek 11, lots 1, , 3, 4,5 and O, block 59, If lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8 and 10, block 39, lots h 7 and 12, square 43, lots 11 awl 12, square ,f 17, blocks 117, 69, 125,139, 27, 333, 227, t 135,143, 11, 1 141, 25, 223 and 31 shares 6; balance of Delta property and improve e; ments thereon: Taxes of 1883 $89 56. t, Morancy Mrs E J, Inglesfeld lots or fractional sections 8, 9,10, and 11, 26, .f east hilf southeast quarter section 25. n, east half of northeast quarter sction 30, e- alf of Barlum tract, lot 13, township 17 If N range 13 east, 1295 acre?: Taxes of if 1883,1342 60. if Morancy, estate F E., Stockland; All tr of section 36, north half section 35,south r- half of section 25, southeast quarter of tt section 26, township 18, N range 12 east, 1- 1520 acres; Taxes 1883, $64 40. 4, Morrison, estate H R., Lots 8, 0 and 10, on block 47, in Delta,each lot 60x120; Taxes in 'of 1883, 87 25. 18 Maux Dr T Oliver, Mike Noland tract, of Lot 18, township 18, N range 13 east, 170 acres; Taxes of 1883, $23 86. it. Maxwell & Goodman, Lots 4 and 5 in square 61, lots 1 and 2 in square 49, lot 3 re in square 10, lots 1 and 2. in square ag 10, lot 8 In square 49, and the i, Brown dwelling near the Courthouse,the lots each 60x120 feet in Delta; Taxes in of 1883 $0. a; Marshall Mrs Vina, House and lot 8 in It, square 53, Delta; Taxes of 1883, $8 10; Taxes of 1882, $13 85; Taxes of 1881 al $17 50. c- Maher Ed and Phil, Ftractional section ge 37, township 18, N range 13 east, 100 n- acres; Taxes 1883 89 20. es Montgomery Mrs Kate,Waverly ; Low i5. er half of section 38, township 15, N iat range 13 .east, 345 acres; Taxes of 1883, th $81 25; Taxes of 1882, $108 50: Taxes st of 1881 $127 85. ir- Maher Chas, Shop and stock in Milli nd ken's Bend; Taxes of 1883 $4 70. h- McDowell Jas R., Tallulah property; 15, 3 houses and lots 163.188 and 189; Taxes 83 1883 $34 0. MecDowell Jas H., Joe's Bayou place, ;es South half of northeast quarter and northwest quarter and lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 11 of section 93, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and 33, northeast quarterof northeast quarter of southeast quarter of northeast quarter Lu- and northeast quarter of. southwest quarter and northwest quarter of nd southeast quarter of section 33, 83, township 18 North range 10 east; lots 9 and 10 In section 30. northwest quarter of ire northwest quarter and lots 1 and 2 of section 31, township 18 range 11 east; ; lot I, 7 and 8, being southeast quarter of section , townshp 18, N range 10 u; east; Taxes of 1883, $37 00. ir- O'Brlen Dennis, aections 23 and 28, Ion townshlq 13, N range 15 east, 100' acres; iti Taxes of 1888, $ 05. of O,Brlen Denals,houe and lots 5 and 6, of each 00x1S0, with improvements, Delta; eat Taxes 188L, 73 08. S O'Maley estate of, Part of Island 100, th iota 3,4,,7, 12 and 13, section 34, tof wnklp 1 N1 range 14 east, eontainIg 17 llsacres; Taxes of 1883, 00. nal Porterdeld Mrs M A,lot 8 square 50, at lot 00x3 feet ln Delta; Taxes of 1883, ar- $80. a, Plttman Alred B., Vinson; All of es, west half section 2, lyag north of Joe's Bayog, township 17, N range 10 east, 297 ra seres; Taxes of 85. age Pl na Alfred B,,northwest quarter of a; twest quarter setio 5, townshrip 17, N range 11 east, 40 acres; Taxes of 1888, e Pittman Alfred B, lots 4 and 5 in see thon S, township 15, N range 9estw-est sl balf of outhwest quarter and suho and quarter of souathwest quarter of section uh S2, southwest quarter of northeast quarter i oadeast halfof.aouthwest quarter of see # tion 11, southeast quarter andi soithwest c- quarter of nrtheast quarter section 10, d. rorthwequarter and athwest quarter N of southwest quarter of uectonesst hail re; of no thasat quarter northwest qur of eat qrter ud that porton of ' of n Tese l , oothwewt qurter esuthw Mp ofd nor theast quarter of section hb alf of section , west half ol SI quarter of setion 6, townshiU p ; I10 ,east, wes half of north ,ofseethl 7 township 1s N rmage 11 east, 140 sres; Taxes of 1883. Lot 5s315. , llagerlMr M Nr estate ofJ H. a Crawbrd,lot Il rsdS, block8, lots 1I Ssad 12, blok , wit% h ipbvements iota O0lx a i eltn ; Taxes of 1;88 S?18 10; Taes of 188a~, 291 0; Taxes ol 36sS,5e 5. i l oy Wa, lota I a in lblock 63·ad ; vemen In Delta; Taxes of 1883, S r Sle J C lots and 8 sqware 9, lots l, mal , 4, sa 4 ,1t s ISt 1Udimprolv ls met tbheeae, in Delt; Taxes of 188l $o 180 15; Taesof 1889, 195 e0. Seale JC., iell Piae E;ast half ol SanotIpast qurr nd rttwest quarte m of or quarter ad a11 of sothwsl No quarter of noret geter section 3 mn- lylag north ofdP I s ouake rtesetmdna W asrth of Panther Lak ie; ailodu lthet rter of a-sees iS, tow eshIp 11 east,onCt_l i's lag ras.;Tawe of 183, 5 65 . Tase of 1883 $10 9: Taxes of 1881 fo Sln Js M .b, SilyTraat; sathea Lf quetr samuon W, outhwest qast I _ m. quarter and southwest quarter of south east quarter of section 30, northwest quarter of northeast quarter and north west quarter and north half of southwest quarter of section 31, township 16, N range 11 east, containing 1938 acres; Taxes of 1883, $43 46; Taxes of 1882, $11 33; Taxes of 1881, 689 50. Seale James M., northeast quarter of southeast quarter and lots I and 2 in sec tion 10, township 17 N range 11 east. Tensas lands, 140 acres* Taxes of 1883. $3 40; Taxes of 1882, i2 40; Taxes of 1881t,ie 8. 1eale Jas M., MecNamee; northwest quater of seation 8, township 17, N range 11 east, containing 158 acres; Taxes of 1883, $3 86; Taxes of 1882, 2 95; Taxes of 1881. $8 95. Seale Jas M., McCoy; Fractional west half of northeast quarter section 36 town p 16 N range 12 east, east section 31 da stripcontainialng 47 scres taken from east side of southwest quarter see tion 31 township 17 N range 12 east, A1 sret; Taxes of 1883, $12 55; Taste of 1885, $7 15; Taxes of 1881, $19 15. Neale Jas M., Raney place; wet half section 33, northeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 33, township 16, N range 11,northwest quar ter of northwest quarter bf section 3 and north half of northeast quarter section 4, township T17 N range 11 east, containing 766bcres; Taxes of 1883, 17 45; Taxes of 188, 130 95; Taxes of 1881, $87 85. Seale J C., lot 3 square 9, in Delta; Taxes of 1883, $2 76. Smith Jerry, Wells place; west half of section 12, township 17 N range 12 east. i except 10 acres in southwest corner, and half interest in southeast quarter of northeast quarter of section Il, township 17 N range 12 east, containing 330 acres; Taxes of 1883, $8 70: Taxes of 1882, $12 75; Taxes of 1881, $14 70 Street W R., Maher place; northwest quarter of section 59, township 18, N range 13 east and north half section 23, r northeast quarter section 26. township 18 N range 12 east, containing 640 aere-: Taxes of 1883, $21 90. , Stevens, estate W H., Ellendale; Smo!thi wI est quarter and north half of southeast f quarter section 24, southeast quarter .ee tion 23, east half -ection 32. west half 1 section 31, township 17 N range 13 east. I containing 1 040acres: Taxi 1s::,$44 Jo. f Towne E B.,Willerne-s: Lots 1,2 and .1 :, in township 15 N range 15 e:cat, contain ing 300 n:res; Taxes of 1.8:3, $64 K5 : I, Taxes of 182. $9s; :15: 'Taxes of IS1s. 5 $64 50. Towne E B., Bridges place; Sc.tionl 2.¶ , and north italtfectionl 30. orthea-t quar 0 ter section :32 township Is X range 19 east, 1120 acres: Taxes of 1883 I $2 235: Taxes of 1802, 818 70: Taxes of 3 1881, $35 W0. e Towne E B., Boggs place: Lots 6 and 7 e and east half of southeast quarter section e :13 and lot 4 section 34 township 17 N s range 10 east, containing 224 acres: Taxes of 1883, 05 20; Taxes of 1882. n $4 35: Taxes of 1881,$8 25. Towne E B., LotaG, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and i improvements, in Delta; Taxes of 1883, $19 20; Taxes of 1882, $26 10: Taxes of a 1881, $187 00. 0 Thompson C J., Loc 11 and west half of lot 1" in block 47 and improvements - thereon, hl Delta; Taxes of 1883,$86 20. N Telegraph Company, Lake Providence; 3, 17 miles of single telegraph in running P3 order; Taxes of 1883,$27 05. Walker, estate R H., lot 7 in block 10 I- and improvements, in Delta : Taxes of 1883, $19 00. ; Williams, W. A., Lot 4, see esltion i, fractional east half section 10, section 11, less 60 acres off west side of Tensas,section 12. township 14 N range 10 east, containing 1538 6 acres; Taxes of 1883, $34 60. td Withers Mrs Martha 8, Astoria; Lots 7, of 8 and 9, section 17, north half and lots I er and S in section 20, section 21, north half st of northwest quarter sad west half of of southwest quarter and southeast quarter 5, of northwest quarter section 22, north 9 half of northwest quarter section 27, of north half section 28, township 15 N of range 11 east, 1761 acres; Taxes of 1883 t; $39 51. ar Wooden & Palmer, 3 lots in Old Rich 10 mond; Taxes of 1883,$3 70. Young & Bowman, Southeast quarter 16, of southwest quarter section 32,township s; I1 N range 11 east, west half ofsection 5, north half southwest quarter of north 6, west enuarter section 9,east half section 5, a; northeast quarter section 8, northwest quarter lots 1 and 3 and southeast quar 0, ter section 8, southwest quarter and north 4, east quarter, except lot Sand lot4, south ag eats quarter of northWest quarlter section 9, south half of northeast quarter and 0, west half of southeast quarter section 4, i3, all of that portion of sections 7 and 17 east of Tgpsas, township 15 N range 11 of east, 280~eres; Taxes of 1883, 25 70; 's Taxes of 1882, $16 10. 97 Young DrJ W., West half of seetion 17, south halfofsection 18, township 18 ofN range I east, contalding 640 acres; 7, Taxes of 1883, 57 50; Taxes of 1882, 8, $15 75; Taxes 1881,$19 40. Armstrong, Carter & Co.; Judgment eC No 883; Taxes of 1881,3 55. Bender W K; Jundgments; Taxes of st 1883, ~32 85. Distilling Co. Adler; Judgment No 8 318; Taxes of 1888,8 9L eatof %, , JudgoI ment No 389; Taxes 1 Dodd, Brown & Co.; Judgment No. S357 Taxes of 188, 121 70. ]aiham 6 Co.: Jundgment No. D858* taer of 18U,7 40. of olobwa Chau* Jdgment No 336; on F F; Judgment No 336; Taxes of oflS3 54 05. ip Iarsrace Co. Merchauts' and Traders, J dgmnt n o 3; Txea of 183,110 5 N Ioag rea h* Judgment No 30; STaxes of 1M,$112 15. Loeb & Blm; Judgment No 387; H. Taxes of 1888,14 95. 1 MeSte s Ndoa; Judgment No. 339: STaxes of 188,1S 95. S Roeseathal Co; 2 Judgments; Taxes of of 1883,511 10. gimoson Hardware Co; Judgment No at 0; Taxes a, St 45. S Strraus J & o; Judgment No 403; Taxes of 2863, . S Impo Andersoa, in liiudation; n- dgm t b 400; Taxes of 186, l 5. Ttt DG G Co; 2 Judgments; Taxes of 1888,68 36. of Watlkns J T& C; JudgmentNo44; Taxes of 188, 80. S Wear J W Borgu £ Co; Judgment , No380; Taxes o.88624 45. On asld day of .le I wil selp such por thus of sMi pperty as ech debtor will spoint oa, ud i e the debter will no t In point out Iudeat w It[ will at ; ues andr w .ith ilhtsry sel the *I, lsmtq ti o aM promt of my debu whleh uay bisddr -'l bY r g the amount of tao , interest sad oe(s r dae mat 4hter. The erle will be so t. Sh3el6a6