Newspaper Page Text
MA l)IOS(N 'I i " SAT )AY, \( 2. l Ii, Time Table V., s. & P. Itniiro:ll. L.A.1ves for Ar. fi, ' ri 9 :1 )n'c . 1 S T . ..IO . .. : (tl , r ., , r i.k t::t)1 a. II. .......l , ltt ... .... I:( '.I - .11 111:::0 a. I11. ......Tam il .... :-,: " .I , btu 12:, 1p. Ill.' .. . ..l >!bt i ..... l'_.12U. ity,\ 1:5. p. In. . ...... , \i: i e...... ll:11n:1 .h \\ 2:17 p. in. . (;nla ....... 10::ia.ull t it! 9:21 a. m. .Eas.t.MMnre. \e':st 3:4-p.n T 8::37 a. ul. ..... (' ir... ... 4:: p.m e 8:17 a. i. ... Forksville. .... i:, 1 :1:'i a. Il.'...... (:.lhliut .. . 5:hli p. n 7:5) a. in. .......... \\ t rit ....... 5' pl I:l, T 7:25 a. i. ...... h. sl rant .... '11 4 p.1 ill ' 6:1. a. In. ...... ltin tn ...... 9:1(l .1nl I tI:3 it a. mI.'......A. llen reen'll .... 6;::5" ,.ll to r! 6:110 a. i.. .....Si 14th r ,..... fi:.i l n.m 5::1) a. In. ....New Arcaha .... ::. i I.n 31 Ica IMail. wa Mail frotn A.hwo.otd, New ('ar:th lg, $.U King an, Cap-', :arrivew.J ,,ln . l <. .\V .,I nesF.davy andl "riday , :it :I 7: :,il .. a: l 1 leaves at -2:.AI .m. "f :a' hi t, ,I, Mail fro,n Onm:tga anil Mililiens lI"l,"1 M;ahle day,. liy at 11,iii leaves at 2 put.m if a no days. T. lM. 1! l'il: I:1';. I. 31. Wit ANNOUNCEIMENTS ! FOR CLERK. I res,petfull annIt'C ' Ie i iv.lf "::1il- Inal:u dilate for C letik f tli, C('utit tfIr thi.s I al Dlistrict alul ex-utlii' Ii l.,,,rdr . (f] MaliPoi Pl arish, Su!,jt ,'t t,. thet ,Llcii,,n of lI)ewou rarti 'lap-, ..tiin_. FIt.ANCiS 1. I).AW()N. I hereby anntllmnle ny- .If :s :I tian-- ((n didate for theI nminit in of ('lik f the Court of this D)istrict at tihe enr ing Mass.Me..ting. 1(. (IIKE. JOSH (i. i " "i I hereby an n ll neP n viil as al :l edi date for Otie fli.ce f Clerk of thei Iis-. tIita trict Court of the Iuri.ih ,If Malin., subject to the iteloraor umentt if the ls- ea raeutabled. .1NOll T LAN FOR SHERIFF. I I announlCe mysellf a ia:lilalpte fur lShleritf o if Mailis;,il la':ilh uiilllctL I"t 1:l' tho decision of the i:aiiur'atic C "titi. twl eeting.II. 1 iill..11 S. ! : I hereby announce itysnf ait ntli- .asi date for Sheriffof Maiisison lr o ject to the endorasellent of the ll)cuii I cratr of this parish. " I JA.t. MC:I.".AN. T. POR DISTRICT JUDGE. Al To th vter of the voters of larislhes of Malld son and .East Carroll: I respectfully anniotlune itmyelf as a candidate for re-election as . itudge of the Eighth .nldicial I li.strim, stlljict ti 1i1 thI action of the einulcrat Dllistrict 1, Convention. Four years ao , without sliiita:tioln til Uloa asy part, las itolluated ll to lHis hoaor ale -,jsitiin Iv thel Ietc ii1r' Iy of Malison, which notliiiation Wits Sa ratidied by the leinoi'rats oif Fast ('ir roll. At the time this iloinatinl Wits made; the prmlospcts of an election was lh lontv indeedl, and tWhere at.pearit veIy i ittle, f any probability o sutcce'ss, but i'j einl a Idevoted t and ardent . Iolilo.rat and believing if the Inlu.neratic lrl }titi- Ia sation was kept iup i these parsllhes, au all true DecI.tnrats woulhl s:nld an work esartahntly together Ilhat lsvces it' would cilue siniuer or Ilater, I acel.te t the nomination (thlough it lhat ei(en irst tenderel to and refuied by lian present worthy o ponenlit,) Ui1l gavie mt li whole energy tot le ion test. Ily a h:rl fI and vigeruts striugglce pon the li part ofll It the I)eocrilry of i.datison I wasl elect ed. Feeling truly grateful for the high F honor which hail beeun conferred upon lI me, I determined that no act of mine should bring relgret to those who hald so t honorled ie, and I have endeavored totl perform all mivy oftticial duties firmly. faithfully n.lh! impartially to thte entld that the laws shoult i he enforcedil iianil gite gotvernmient prI Ivail t h lnughout mv district. I have tried to mete out equal atn exrly unttlret til irlr the lw ito all persons W use Interests it becamte 1a a sarnd . for ti iin ti 1 l' uiM , alr it Stho strnan d osti l utpioike as to mv pierigonal attachusentsz i have cutdea" ored never to nlliiw either the one (ir ithe o ther to inodfitctiome in lifthe least i i r personal friends or fo. If re-ult honorable position 1 now ht.I., I shall a rear it th profeiound satisfaction as approval .. . the. . - i-- --- ii.- - - t- - i til Tuacts and sll ti n the as rin the perforiance of parilln of .lte litijis antd ricul merit at the exliratllion 'ofr of tie n a nttr. 1ilrtienlatrlit ntifll Ihatr teiliticail jiarty or faetiiOn itt life le a • , E. . I. L,, ' ,., A.JOHN B. 8LACKTONE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Taltulah, La. Praillcti cin the parisher of Madion e ofri the State. Particlarattenta, iolanid tate. d ccrrl. nlil-ly. .JOHN B. STOND. r E, VTallulh , Li. mnet-ly. . TWill ptractice his roftnn i-ttm.he and East Carroll. in.h.-ly. , DR. T. D. IENCH ' - " * AJS. A2O " , - 4 Thee urn sh s 1) It I Pl T . e S=elld any news f'rvlln your nuLigh- Th ' tee o, l).od d t the Till tr... Tlhe lHeavy rain ,ontlay night. a Pa Tlhe 17th of March was 6t. Pat- Br,,i i.k'.- :ritx-d '. Jhn Thlt mist lpo))ular d!nce- poker; a c,:,º tut the lnu-i' is exln. ice. waV \V,,hl,.-,ly:v was a c ,.at nice dly Ilaw v:itlh n,ºa itd. I ,. Tihc train netdte its last trip (n son: \''hd.,lnt ?'v. cmining througi 4"2 1-4 r" , . ' ptorts VWi, will buildl s,.:c residences RP in 'allulab? S'veral parties want Relt to rent a house'. centl Morganza, or Grand Levee, gave y! way March 14th at (;,p.m. It cost the $;7,00) to, build it. n .As-!tn lcv'ce. that s: mlany pro- thi ,ill'cit d w null1 break if th .re cainme a lig wat'r, is still all righlt. 1s "'To 1'(t Henry IB. Houes, I ho wIIuti put up a nig,'er and, run fi t :,_,ainst him." tl ()h harm,ony ! harnlmnyv ! how :hal I:ma11 wrolgs are c,,h0inlite'l in tlh. :ail nalnc.--IL. lam lt1.uil paralihas- stel (d. the The cattle disease, after causing t consideralble alarm through the mnitt country, is now said to he simply are f'lot rot. u That tried anwl true )emocrst. roll that celhebrated crow-eater, that (earne't seeker after harnom ny,tl l h tc O(' wt utld Iput'' up a nigger," to 1it-at tI( anith('r Deniocrat. of tl The damne, a week ago yester- g dayv. was a tinle h)ie'. The ylui lgt'st apt c('iuple onl thle floor was the' ,ltlt,.st. I ier ::nl they mae.l the young people i the 11ash:lamlie' of tht:use('lve'. cinl. King hat thpre rnte oic. th 'i' mi:s with several copies of the for Agricultural Report for '81 and '82. t ,llr Any one desiring a copy -'an get W. one by calling at the TnIMs oihice. lf Instca,! of sitting around and 1I mourning over the high water S. the E. Illum is gloin_ ahe ad and put- the ting ,,l his building like a man. ac. llon+,r to him. More mcn of the same kind are wanted hereabouts. foll In ordering goods from any of tee the advertisers in this paper, 'oU lia will confer a favor b1y mentioning Jol in the order that you saw the ad vertisellCntl in tlhe TlIE Th. Til' will not hurt vou any and will hell, Ii the Tumesl ai The parish printing has hereto- ! i I fore c(o-t the parish $1L01 per vyear. Kh ' It now cqits ont' dollar per year. I For this redluction of $S5), the tot . TIMES is to he credited. ('annot the Police .1 ury afi;brd to present the TIMES with a chronmo for this Ut service?' t The Repullican District Con vt 'entin met at lDelta on the 17th Sand adjourn:c to the 18th, when Gi they 3olrt with Frank Morey Chair- H i'l an, Milton Mc('oy Vice-l'reei- 1 Sdent, and W'. T. Jones e8'cretary. Bi nI Franlk Morcy was nominilated for SState Senator. It was resolved *i L'that ais thile candhlates for Judge ii ld Dlistrictt Atttrney haul not as f ' yet :Innoulloncd tlheir accept'n:lnce of al I the lnomllination fior tihe respective( r!ifficest', 1no actioln he taken in the il matter of these oilices. I A Pig's Tail. All clterly gentleman from W1is- h 'Cosin, weuriug a plug hat atdd a al gldl-hIcdlcdl c'ale, had been pros- r lpcting out in the vicinity of tnion Creek, cight mIiles friln Austin.o Hie ui't a halo gralnge'r, 11and1 the fol- i" lowinllg onversationl tHk Ilace: ! "Trihe soil is vcry rich llnd y ou Ie sCell to, have plenty of hak trees. I sishuuil thinlk t mightll raise hogs hlere to a great adivantage." 11 n Tihe granger shouok his head and rt replied: i 'iHogs do well in dry weather, 1 h but as $oun as we ha'e a wet spell l Iy they all dlie off." X l ou don't say so. Ilow idoes the Swe'ather co,,me to aliect thc'em so fa taly? l' c it give thtem pliuro- I IoO bir, 1: don't thinlk their1 lungs a ate ti'cted by the dampaness. V ihlhoghu die of bleeltplueniess.' i , "blcrplcmnces, insomli;a?" [ " Yes, ,ir: they perish ,of insom-' ,nia, c Ited Iy the ricllless andli s ickiness ,f the soil." ' i e the alluv.i' fertility of the soil and St 1Le humidity of the atwsosphere: '.i,rtlluce illolllllia rlrODg the "There is a verv saimlie explan ation for it. Ytou see tihey lie dIwn l WAln it is mid-day, andt a lit-: S ntIll mud adherces to thile tuft of lhair, tat the cd of theirtails. TI~ mud' Scontinued to acanmulater' until a i i la c tw is formed, weighing, ,, i eahandred--Iay several pounds, m.i not several hundred tountm -" -- J roceed if you please. I am "in the ' ato the cuse slee'plessnsss amog the rwime." ." "hy t l'tuunderstand that' twe w ht Irbal aoheud pullhI A- thu I skim ao tigI &thathacean't sut seyes, and sIgcan'&gotoi " thout shulttin ,i he -5 - . ;.-*- Republican Parish Committee. the I tee met in Tallulaih hIst Saturtlay. unn1 The Commuittee resolved it.elf into n41111 : Parish (',onve.ntin with R. II. ULac Brown as (Chairmlan and \V. W. is ,l )hnson :So Seretary. ( II mtiotion " :1 lllllnitt,.e ,)f Ii\e n:1 reso' h:ltins " gra: was :,lpp intd.l, consisting of ( v. y brie IIawkin-, ('lairmia , Milton Me- Ir,) C . It. 11 . I . urw n , \V. W . J oh n - TI. 'on :a,1 .1. II. Wvyatt. I,0 1 After a: rec,'ss the cmllittee re- will port,.d the following resnlutin:, pub wh Ih were adlopted uanimou-ly" deer It( lv. e .1, That theC a:tit,n of the e'Zl" Relitullican State Convention re- war cently held at New Orleans is here- the by r approved aol endorsd. itss l4,e-,l ed, That candidiiates for the' }l1ouse of Retllresentatives be gre: n11:i1nated byv this Convention. l(' It u .led, ',T[hat the ['resideih'nt of can this c',nvtntion a1oint t a l'arish the 'onmmitte(, eonsi-tin,_ oft twomere- lat L(,rs ftolnut e, \\'ch I' :1,11i seven mn, l).ers. from the lparish ait large. car wlho shall st itut! tIChe Co)llluittee Gen for the next two years. lResol\cdt , T'lhat :i sl'eCial conI Mittee of live 1," oppl]),,int,"d wh ho shall be (.m", wcred to .ontsid,.r re, S:! 1 0,1 ,,tlt su 1a (ours,' asi p llay l v s5,41m t, 144 t t1,t. lhost interest of the Iarty in c'mipleting the ticket this lday l n mliiinat . d. Itcs(ol'ved, That ia sleial (, 111 il unittee .of five , ,he a.'Iinted whoi are authorized and directed to meet 111 a duly auth)1reize('d (nnllittee of four from the parish of East Iar- ( roill fr the lurlose of nominating 'im 4r endorsing .anulidiates for State 1n Senator, District .llJldie and 1)is trict Attorney, whic(h jint cnln(it Itee shall nmet at I)elta oil the ( It of thl ehlairmila of the commnittee from Madison. t1 Iltc,,ol'1, That the Chairman str am,,,int a committee of three len- 1e Ihs fron, each Ward who shall be ell the Parish amlpaign Committee. be Otn motion of J. II. WyVtt the1 following resolution was adopted: C Resolved, That the Republican C('onvention of Madison parish en It dIl'-t the lion. G. llawkins and W. . .Johnson for the lower Hlouse a of the Legislature of the State ofd lei Llouisiana. ke BI e it further resolved, That in l the event of their election we urge them toi stand )by Gov. Menl'ry's n levee policy. I The Chairman announced the fai following conunittCCees: f Senatorial and Judicial ('mnnit f tee-Frank Morev Chairman, (iov. t H awkins, Milton Murdock, W. W. i Johnson and 11'. T. Jones. ('omlnittee to complete or en- Itt dorse a Parrsh 'Ticket - Frank Morev Chairman. Bunk Hawkins, Milt on McCoy . Wt. \. Johnson iland (ov. Hlawkins. Parish Connmittee, 1st ward Richard McC'arty, Claiborne Mc Kee. 2,lL-ard-Milton Murdock, Mil toln McCoy. ,,(d ,ard-W\\. W\. Whitten, G. R. tI urchison. t 4th ward-R. II. Brown, Allen Rogers. 5th ward-C. J'. Johnson, W. W. Johltnson. ( ith ward-John Selmler. h 7th ward-A. M. Gregoire, W.W. i ;ilbbonls. At Large-Frank Morey, Guy. \VW att, Iete Hill, T. II. Baily, - Bunk HAwkins. . r The Convention then adjourned a A sort of go as you ploase mass 15 meeting then occurred. No. chair of man was elected or proposed, but IlR. lI. Brown rontinued in the chair e u untiil he wantel to say something, when hei i took the floor and read a resolution pledging the Repulbli c'ani otf Madison to support l)r. Y.Wln. Kele y for Sheriff. In the i attempt to biind the umeceting to -such a proceeding he was stronigly opposed, the sentiment of the " meeting being that luch action was] lr 1emature and out of l che. SCev eu ra'peechesi were made, one of the. speakers n iving for a reason for op jposing such a reuiution, that i)r. h1 Kelly had gone before a mass meeting of hc . own party as a can er, didate for Sheriff and got "badly| l left." Without acting on the res e olution ilthe meeting adjourned. ro- A Dangerous Counterfeit Di8sovered. Thie secret service division ofthe .r Treau.ry Department reports that it is believed certain counterfeiters 'are concerting measures to siaul- m- taneously pa.s upon the public, un especially in tie cities of the th)uth on i and West, couhterfeit $20 silver A.; certificates. nd A sample of same has just been ,re: received at the ofilee o[ the Secret' the tRetice division. Whe lieu. is a *1- series of 188, signed Jas. (iifiihan, lie Tr ser of the United States. lit r tlg, greaynd stiff la 4skmrter than the 3enuiue. There _- is no distributed Abhe or parallel da, 'silk threads in the plper as in the genuipe. The words "silver certi inn-iestea" appear in "panels twice in ',l the upper borider. On the face of that!the note itl a p~l to the left in hl i the e the letters R. T. an, T t wor4 certillcte are engro v4rg sid. up. In th, d - -la t .ei.itisa ls.K. r lhe lower left cornerl. The che:ck 1' is without thle am:',anyiug I i ' nu,mber, and in the name (;ilfillan on i1 ,nilV the first I is hdotted. On the ipo1e' Lack of the note the word "titxes" tied is plainly spelt "taris." and the chc' wurid "'engravedl is ''"en- ed;: ravrid." The colr of the seal is of tl brick red. I should be verging on fron br'wn. i henr The foregoing are the salient thl i points which, if carefully notedo, E will, for the present, protect the h1i.I public, while the noteI should nt Sto: deceive careful handl:rs of :oney, F especiallyv when the goietric lathe "2tI work is examinel,. Yet, among Si the hurriendand careless, because of i T its fair appearance, it might work T:Jo great damage. 7th, Country editors are particularly S enutioned to he (,n the look out for 1(1 the above counterfeit. As they i15 handle so many $20 bills they get careless. 17t11 4zdilto5 17 Gen. King Secures Aid for Holding the Levees. E W\'.tssuINe... hartch 1.--'ep recintative King :has been uninent Iv sui-.cessfUl in his mission to the [iis-sipli River (',niunis-.icn in New York. lie submitted to i'res ident Comstock, of the li\vr (t 'i1 mission, that the Secretary ,f \V:, r (T 4 had agreed to furnishl :al1 ,l ,,u,, N uecessary ft "raising an,! strnithl cning tIh l-es called fi,r by th 1'nitedl Statcs Engineers, and at ar K ing's solicitation, Comstock tele g. aphed the Engineers in charge of the thel' river work at Vickslurg, and Ti1 o,ther points to a:id authorities in strengthening levees, and that all11 t lltllney n.cess.try for prompt and it elieicient sork in this direction will 1"i he allowed.-Vick.-burg Commer- he cial Herald. tit Water Mews. lee, At the l:our of going to press n" e adil news concerning our parish a1 levees had lbeen received. Milli- l ken's liend may he considered safe. y" BlIukhorn is the danugerous place pI now, but with good weather and no ti: wind, the chances are greatly in u favor of going through without any i further diister. ( - lyi The TIMFr. is not a believer in ' the dtIctrine a man has to pay for a paper sent him that he did not or- it tier. al TUESDAY. to . APRIL 22, 1884. " 'hi IS TIlE DAY FOR THE ELECTION. VOTERS See the Rlegistratitn notice, andil not only see, but heed. IBe on hand d on the day set for your ward andt reg ister sure. One vote may decide who is elected. Let not your's liel r- the vote that is lacking. t , I ir Latest Water New.. , Cairo, 45 feet, ('incuhes; rise 1) i- ('hattanoogn, S18 feet 1 inch; r. rise 12 inhes. I 'e Cincinqati, 43 feet 11 inches; f:all I to 28 inches. Y Little Rock, 7 feet 11 inches; fall Le 0 inches. as Louisville, 23 feet 10 inches ; rise ' 0 inches. Le Menphis, 31 feet 11 inches ; rise P 2 inches. r. Nalhville, 41 feet 11 incles; fall 15 28 inches. n- New Orleans,0 feet 3 inches; fall li 2 inches. LP' 'ittsburg, 12' feet 11 inches; rise :35 inches. Shreveport, 22 feet 1 inches; fall 6 inches. he St. Louis, 16 feet 1 inches; rise at 21 fnches. Vrs Vicksburg, 48 feet linches; rise ul- 9 inches. lie, The Mississippi will rise slowly ith about Vicksburg. ver TO ADVEITISRES. The attention of all w'ho have any cn thing to sell is calel to the uluinally ret good medium offered by the Tili,. al The whole outfit of this paper is en an i tirely new, typs and all, and a clear and ' I readable imopretion is ,ore probable t. than if the material was old tand worn. tiff. The Tise Is auredl of an exteniive ach circulation in Madison parish aull it rec will alsto have itso aders in the parish 1 ges adjoialag. HoIue calling the he,l bhsines houses that do not t want custom, are not expected to adver rti- tise, bt all ttrms and individuall whro in really have anything to dispose of are c of corldially invited to lay the matter be in r the readers of the Mmausuos Txas. et I hereby announmce rmn.witbdraw t .eal as candidate for Clerk of th. .- I ,* LFARlLiD. - N()'ICE a I will be at the' following ,luees on the dl:ays designiated for the l ,ur- :;,,or pose of ret gitering all those enti- S.cret tied ito vote at the ensuing April eltction who are not now registcr- Sip' t ed; an: d al-to to change rcgi-tratitn of tlhose who lmayV have ret'tovel ('hif from the wards in whichl they have .\sstc heretotfre voted te, co rrletaplnd witlh , their present rtsihtnce:'. Fourth Ward, T.hlhllah. Court- (Clerk llou-e-February 15th to 2.,. S.eonl, \Ward, el.ta, Floy''s 1. 1. Store-2lth :ani 27th. L. First Ward, old Court-lhouse- rl 2"tlh and t.lth- nt Sixth \Vart. \Vnverlv. lIeichian'si W. 1 . Store-M- archi :;d and 4th. N. '. Third Ward, Milliken's Bend- J. Fit .Toe \Vithercw's Store--6th and •E T. Ith. C rI c Seventh Ward, White Church- Jlut i 10th and I th. Fifth Ward, (Omega-14th and a nt 15h.. Ditl At Tallulah C(ourt-house front 17th Marchh until registration closes aoe n onil the 1th Apr\,il. n*;a .1. It. (ILFOIL, in Ja Ex -)lOflicilReg. P'ariah cf .Maditson. Mon Legal Advertisemnents. i --. E.J. Ii lliE RIF'.t4 NAI!. J. it. 11. . 1 State of Is,olutislaia. I'atrie.h of Madison, 14th I)istitt Court, hot r('ITzass litN % F i- l . i .-I\ t V . .El I itL 1 a n I. I at t t' ., actual pot,-iesc )r--- , t .1 V No.. .17 Ttit 1) Y virtue ,f a writ of seizure anel sale ('cro ) tilt el directlt'el froitl the Honorable Asse the 8th Juslic'ial l)istrict (Court for the t atrish of 1'lad:l son llforesaid in thU alhve entitleidl causet', I will lrectcect to War sell, at public ailctilon, alt thet dtor of lthe t'ourt-hlnse in the town of Tallu rht, in M:adis'"i parish, leuisiana. ten t T'lhe First )aturday, therith Day ,, of April, A. I). 11414, 1 .t t ween the hours Iprescribed by law, Cler tl.. followii, dehscrilbed, proyrertV, to d nit: A , lanttatictn, tigethter with the 1 buiildings anid illllprtcvet'lnent tlreolt, A a . all the allpurtenances theretunto ...1 r- Ie',uaging, or in anywiise ap:tpertaining, liar ,: tutetd in the plar.ish offlvalishln, iu tI is State. which iwas f.orilnil of tlhe W parish of 'arrell, hack from tlh m.isis-i sippi river at laout three gmiles in milli. kepn's Bend, having an area of fourteen , lhuntdlred sland thirty-six 4-100 (14:hiW) , h actre monure or less, the whole aceordingli to a plant annexedt'l to an act of sale hv WI- Wilhan. S. Parhaln to the said I'. c~. (ianier and otlher, parsed ie- - fore Adolph noudounusnie, Notary cc'Public, in the city of New lOrcanus, in I 1 this State, on tte stle Jannary, Ititi, 1 said plan drawn hy Elie.. A. i.e fireton, frier iii surveyr, in June, 1511, whereon said aof iclantattion has Iween enclosed within aila tle lines ldesignalted by the letters. Ai, , Bge (', I, E, F, . (, II, I, J., said plantation lying in twnshiii (17) lt, vekteeu, r:ange o 1illn n er (l:t) thirteen east, ald coin i posed of the following tracts, t(t-wit ; a Int. A tlet Ihing the east half of 4r- the southeast quarter of section innn I )r (:.t) thirty, .onitaining Ievently-nine anlld 8-14l1 (71i S4-ll)) anrrs. 2,1. A tract being the west half of the souathetast qularter of section nlstn- ( hIer (a:)) thirty, containuing venty-nine anld 84-1W0 (71 4-Il1U ) acres. :a1. A tract being the northwest quar-, ter, the southwest lquarter aind thewest t half of the nortlheast quarter ofatection the nunmbcr (:) thirty, containing thr the hunlrel ani ninety-nine :lt'2-I0 (.'i9 !- t 0 111 ac res. sc 4th. .\ tract heing the ounthwost the quarter and the west half of the south- lal east quarter of section linunl'er ( I2 TI twnllty-tfive, colntaining two hiundrI e andl t h'irty-nini. .i-lt ('2:5):.-l(m1) acres. 1l 5th. Auid a tract eing the eset half all ,f southeast quarterof section numtber 3M. 24 (twenty-fiur) cantailing sevenlty- , nine and g7i-11K (79! 87-100) acres of land•. Said tracts of landl were at one tjime sit owned by l'hilil) xaher, and are duly an dtehecrilcti in a diagram or Ilat thereof el :alnnexed to an act before Theo dor. Seht.lerrs, Notarv in New Orleans, Louisiana, on the 11th Febriaari, i8l:t, n il and they were afterwardls plurchasedl by thi W1S.. Plitrhaml at a public nsale uf tile no l roperty ehlotngingo the succetiona of to' Tholgeu Fit: Williams, deeasedl, made Ie ,n thie Ath )enemlwr, 1853, hy JaIne sa ide L. Crandell, Sheriff of Madison parlee, all b Louisiman, undler order oft hie 10th Judi- th cal District ('court of this State, dated the llth o,)f ()ctha.w, I. 1l. tlith. And the following tracts, to-wit: , Tilhe north half of section ntimiJer (21) n twenty-fenr. and the nortlhwestt quarter to ofaunt thle wen.t half of the northeast or quarter of seCtien lanlair (2:) twenty taie, cntaining live hunldretld and fftv h. niie, 2.-I (,Vat *5-It) acres ail 'tra'ts of ;lanI, purch;aad by W. S. Par haum froim Gcorge (0. Noand, by act, fpaissee icfonr J. Whitt rMiller, ltcord er of the iarishl of Tenians, on the 0th of Felbrnary, Icrl, together with the ! fl two hnundred and foirty-three shares of at nilert ged steic,' now reduced ttc two ni hunnlrl auld "lwentv-seven m s are 1:1 lethereto attcalhed, and ti ,rtt.'en head of ai i nales, se.ired in the almve mait. Ternes of late-- This havingrieea fpnl - lished the deconl and last time, the to the hligIeet bidder on aid ft day tid tf .A ril, 1414 for what it will bring on , fll t were ontnIes crevdit. The purehaer t to fllrniiil a stock note for the saltll of seren hundrtedl ald twenty-aine l72900) fdll dollars, falling dlue on the 1st day of a Ihtemnier, l)4., arnd renewable accornl- e imng to the chatrter of the Citizentla Bank rise of liisiana. Purchalncr teo aitnnie all o the ebeligations ana resnsesihilities of a 5tattkholder in the Vitiaens Bank of fall Louiiaia, up to the lanoinit of two atnd forty-three (243) shareano anl the stewk liote s fumrnishe d lall I rie ie identifiedl with the two aets ofnaort-! gages by Philip Ialer and wife, in fa vor.of the said Citizenms Bank of Louis rise iana, pas~ls Iwfntre Theldee $eghers,. Notary Public', in the eitv of New Or leans,'in this State, one cn the 12th of .-pril, lt~t4, and the otlhwr on thi. 4th of 11, al, nd with the therllf'a ,lel of sale in tlhis Canae. and far the . hbala'ce of the price hid the punrhas'er; ,hall furnish hia bonid with agod and . ny aitnltciet seC-uritg, hlaraln* interest at' alir thie rate of ten p~er cent frtim date II r*, antd see'iail n peta Uon the •E) pr:rp rty radd nmtillama jalgut. Theai il uni relmeor sholl dedlct from tha r and i aout oa'li bid and sbali py. ~ ots: of time aulvertisement oJe ir a " of the Shritf oc, about one bnndrld ra. and fty dal , and moreover the mnive taxes of the ltate anl oftthe parish up la it o o the uidl property, the amruounat o: ri which is not yet known. arish- i E. W1. DENNIS, ,heriff, tewU' By. W. H. MclaL..sus, Dp'y. o not 5'herri OBce, Tallnlh, mar 3, 18.. mluer- - whoLke One gwr Mill. er be- I am preparedn taed.iver on boar.l the Tlxe. ears, every daseriptiot of CYPRESS LUMBER If the at the wwte, notie ud up. . most reYInoualcci~r 6,r cash-. Amwlrttc S. acht" Tallutlahl. La. Omcial tire"retory. ____ le State (tilferre. (;sverncr. ........ ..S... D. NiEnervy Scretars f St'fate... ... Will A. Stronm .\ Iltit, l'ldic .\cc'unts... Alle .It u I'r. rr ......... .1. Burke .-Sup it I'n lic, E titatin ...... F. 11. Fay .\ttorrey-( ;etn'ral........ ....J. C. Egan .txprt'me Coutrt. . C'hicef Justice ........ Edward Btermudt .1\sssciate Justice... ..Felix P. P.che . ........... It. Todd a ' ........ T C. Manning S ." ......Chan. . F. Fenner (:lurk.......... ........t. J. Wilson U. S. $cnators. RI. F. J,anat ................New Orleasl T It. i.. Gibsi,, .............. New Orleans - Mcmbcrs of Congress. I'Carlton lltint......... ...l. t District F. John Ellis............lnd " "W. P. Kell gg.............rd " N. (. Ilancnrl............. 4th " -J. Floyd King.............5th " i E. T. Lewis " Ctnrt nf Appceals-Serond Circuit. - Judtne..T. P. Clinton and A. A. Gunby Cler ........ .... . . ... . .. . It. olmwes Madi,,n-Fourth Mondays in March iiaud Octtol'r. District Court---Sth Judicial District Compnosed of the parishes of Madison and Efast Carroll. Terms of Court: Mladison-Jury Termn-lst Mondays in January and Jnte. Civil term-lat M.,ndays in April and November. SFast C:arrnll--Jury term--Iet Mondays in July and Ih)ceinlier. Civil term-let Mondatys in May and October. E. J. Ihlonv......... ..........Judge J. II. Stone".......... District Attorney .11. . IHolmns .................Clerk . P'rish of .ri1a,.s,,. Iel.prcslentativ s............ . . I ; ;it,5on S ....... I. Mclouawell ('h tk . .... .. . .. I. olmel ' s -. etý,f . !. S. ieunils "rt'at l,'n ..,,, . " Trcte\ ,:ut le Coroncr ....... ... . .:. K1.l l Assessor ...... .......J. 11. ilfoil SP'olice Jiury. SWard 1 ................(co. M. ledford ..f .. ..... .......... M. L. Itg " 3................. .Jseh Witlerow S 4...4ei. WK . snlotgunutlerY, l'res't . ....................MI. P. Erwin t " i. .................T. C. Flowers . " 7.................... . G. lucas , Clerk...................ndrew T. Lane Parish Sdeo,,l Board. ii, A. L. Slack, 'rs.ident; W. . Eing, to .1..1. Sevier, A. C. Monette and W. H. g, Ilarvey. I " Justics of the Peace. In Word 1 ................ . L. Carpenter " s ............. . . . P. Dangertleld n 4 .................T. W. Watts " 5................W. W. Johnson 446" 7 ....................Scott Bett in MILLO MAIZE. iiT TI.\VE one barrel of the seed of %s, I ".Millo Maize." Alny of my planting n, frietnds can get s'une of thelse. see free, idii ',f cost. I would like to Mee Millo sin 31aize planted largely. It has proven a It, guud thing with me. ion JAR. A. fSTONE. Iu- Legal Advertisements. of SHERIFF HALE. i.. . ---..... ine sate of laWlsiana, Parih h of Mals',ua S lth District c'ourt. n y- I '.lrcrutsus & Co. vs. Go. M. K.mst.- mne "No. 500. ar- tYvirtle of a writ of deri faeia to est J e sdiretettl from the lonorable ion the Eighth Jndicial D)istrict Court for ree the parish of Madison aforesaid in the. J Suh. above entitlel cause, I will proceed to tsell, at public auction, at the door ofi osct the Court-house in the town of Tallu ith-. lah, in Madison parish, Louisiana, on 25)i The Flrat naturdav, the 8th d)ay red T " of April A. D., 184. ret. between the hoursn prearribed by law, allf all the right, title and interest lof Go. hier 3. Klein in anli to the following do - cribed proplrty, to-wit: ind t. The tarnes Station tract of land nlme aitnated on the Vickshburg, Shreveport Inly and Pacifle Railroad, about 4} milen reof east of Tallulah, in this palab and . - particularly dtesriled as the soutlset T us, Iof section number 3; all of section I Snumbelr 10, east and souathwest of th the ssutlhenst asnd southwest o f tie smouthwest of sectimn number9, lla n of township nunmber 14, north rasge mum Iasi Ier It east, containint about em thou. inca sand acres, more or les, together with lIhi all tile buildings and lmpsveimnts mis- there.on ated 2d. The Moore & Crump pall tiat titnatedl on and near the uii t wt: river, in thi u pish, lna me e. () arls descriled Ias I, 1, 3,4 , 7, rter8 and 9, in iaerties n Uuldlwr 27, ls I eartor fractional wrrtions numbers 7,--d - 9, all in townihip numler 14 nath i range, number 14oeast,contaigtilrteel Ihunuirqi and eleven 81-100 ars by P:ar original U. . 1urr', toC her with alb t the buildinll and improIlents there -ns- :l·. Judgments in suits and 4, all 0th the right, title, Interest ad el of the ( , . Klei n in d to elimr, rilhteofd I r action, ldemanld ad j ll - .lt I uit two nnmler IIt ont thue et ofthelk It lre 13th I)istrict C'ourt. nd also numbere d of r7, on the docket of the th IsetrIct ('onrt for the perish of Madiln, State pub. of Louisiana, and strled W. -. ipencr t .e vs Sloodnan, lrasIleldl, et Ila. Also ad all the right, title, intesrt, right of a day tion ansl jntIuetnt and .dm *rg a on in a certain other anit sa Jldmeut aeer thereon numbered 4 of thedkt of n'of e 8th.'DistriLrt Court foar the Slae of iv of stvlehl (ieo. . Klein vs. bievllru corl- ctala. seized in time habove sit. ank Tenus of sale--4'ah with the bemet uc allof appraitneient. e ofi E. S. DENhIS, Sharil. nP of Pr W. II. s'PAsLq Dy, Pp' Stwo Sheriffs Office. Tallulahb. mach 1. . ares - - . - - - - - - - - shall I EERI SALE. ina- ate f of l em P arise I o !hel, ttlis Min. MAS iVusoin Wav., ., vs. A. 1. 4th of laLCW.-M-. 14. cr.r i Y -irt.ue of a writ qft .a..j_ ir the i D sale to me directed fo thedu hasers; wabhk, E. J. .1t2', Jnl. of t.the a! and l)Istricet Conrt lr of Esl - rat at "ron afarmanid I the above ntitled ate f i cane, 1 will pnceed to ,sut, at rutle in the i auction, at thedoor of the ourt-hom.l •. The in the town of TalIalab, in Medium a the parish, LIwinuns, on rests The First aturdlay, the 11h d1 Sand ! of Apr1, l. A ., D, , rrthie between the hours ~ribed by law, sh aup_ all the right, title and Iateet t A. N. snt of Slpencuter an ad to the oltwlag S scribed perty, Aled wro.L ik·d int the towaof • at half of block oe udd and three (Ie!), havin a fent ofe b u1n. ,,d n,-d ,.ur,, and ,.. e,-t -C.. ear en sad threer hundr.ed I a t on r.l the Third street as shows by plat deald town,uasdeby J. W. ree, together with a1 the butidinsr and Ipuae 3E1R meas thrron, med I f~e s I of ssie.-('ak with the benmit Smoat of seene. . , I Per W. W.J slI D·.' h.La. . imherta Olks &ta~h. Is) XbreIlseainms A T II MADISON TIMES! rdaBe4 d. *ry HATUIRDAY -AT '1' ALLULAH. Suie "' -(*--*-- _ $2.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVAIMB. SJon i1 Nr.T.~ w OF ALL ZINM. r. THM rt iT TIES-IEMSSIAT - .. Ssse Starlasaes..,********* iAs mouthe......******·· ** Stg MGth****** 8: **** ~I ann~mamA