Newspaper Page Text
" . of '44, ,te r e pa. oww A n le t mar>e Res nar.. wl Aymsveou r. r s~ your. ea ha, em tee looksout for work, stood in th "t esp nt, better come in an' let me toer hW wa'r. ' dee( its mighty long, bees." "That's where your depraved grasp for t gala guet the better of your judment. hf Xy hair has just been closely shingled" 0 "What maneIt a dn on yer a "It does not lie on my shoulders. To your vitiated sight it may seem to lieon a y bshoulders, but in reality it does not. n Did you ever study introspective philos- b u No, L ; h> TI meh ise $4 "Wll, that's the caseof your mistake. You have stood here in your door so long, watching people with long hair, until you think that the head of every man needs eingliny Your desire to e mFake money has the judg- I inent of yur eyesight. Men in your I t1rsiob have kept on in this way inl il they had to be taken to an asylum a whbe such asseses are treated. You t "Yas, teh." "And nsearly every man who passed had ong hair, didn't he?' "Yesn , sh, dot's a hek." "You have ss, en than wo men paons, haver' fyo "le'l eve I has, ash." "In hbet nearly everybody who passes is a msa." "Ya, ash." fo men the yar eagerness or work. resulting from that brs ha lludeslon born of a desire r gala, you have mistaken women for m.e and long hair for short. Haven't yeo bees Mrmbisd P' mind about "'hlak I has, boes." "Of omess. You are aseted by brain b" nsatmom. This is the direct work of he vlL You were a slave before O , and the devil is endeavo na is keqp you a slave. He is giving yema Abe h His sowing r e a f boss." anthe wu are. You have never iplsepive phiosophy, have Re i5 3 r r the dsy8. Be h beg to work on you my, fit etr s awhile he'll make yea s'ousmn bubles out of their bog de lawd mfrs me from dos lss," dped 6 barber with a rsat. M aaweawith shat hat a Ule* wBam sve itoma as e lam an lat. ap tdekseash." Ase I Isabcek on lureae .h1 I wi 1st you have - I ~ ; glmmede dooks daalr, sash as - 2em ;·Wt~· amel s m cracksman would asy, id -t of thp z~iroad eompsmn). His idea, h.qi . the at ofit. uoeIO koned withoutl hie e s \He twa stoat pieces egr op, whichbi to the axles of te arrIatA.lsi a noose at the and of each.-I toone noose he pat his legs, while inserted his shoulder into the ether. :In th i tion he hung when the train MtedW. Uche train was an ex pree ad l did dot stop until Crewe wsa iveale *WhMh'sl bout. 70 miles from hsa Livelel. 'b was rather uncomforta- WI wh~a tb train b tomove, but when , into full s~b be had real torture, ia he rahed Crewe he was th eurda4 lqýiifrtght. Here hIe was va kn iunto euit6d; To the magistrate fm w j ajdicamtdbb the ese he ihplained r that l aisUee o when swaing to and So L frowerd'so~th AWl. and the eo~fbet Sof the etLepes as tfu ruhej pUat him ap nlob d'him o reaon rnd he"as Ci 'rs that etky moment the rope would Shols hdsldersand hang bia_." ded veryh qutely, cr *j,1Eenoug m :t pa t* not bst tgz iment seat Sh" ahign Iil An .ezumsiom o on the >tic of a Congrove rocket ca the 'a I tail 6?'l;r1,ek > Wl b i6 none exciting o thah"s as net,mah. . 0. _____w. l _ , r -:- "' 5bespees5 sa . . s 7 ''tghiay t6 1'4ideye aubbin' in ed d diefy iea said, as he heSed sigh to g- like t,b.oh of Ack :hoa "My boy b ar 1 ,I P 1t J lQ ooks and things - i eout as a gololist. lie got ual m4 he could al~ of tr*tas and forms- i° n tisad belt and dips, end indica i"ddly he said to me. see in I~ t~. -a coal mine on our land.' w rd d'.yllrhaq'it P t mwedl m eted and found ind.La- b bons. That h bllis chuck fl ofu -o ý - hall'tater patch is full o Isold 3101ort~ f geology adt d| L 'teracz ad l1 'missed t. es ai nger with a squint to his P ep. alopg and offered me $800 fur uPji $arsy she went." o "W-W , 4h"le taken' half a milynn *h thtkl'6foasl t.o' that hill sad 'befl i "ed , middle yet. Dan' ti m was riht and I was a fle.' "An now?" ., ire oWaslmi'anin' a male team ir a For Ihe ihdieasehus Dapl kitt t o the effect that I otrter be sent tat I c Nallhae raslum." |-ýtt... , gin ------. erk nd . hatI bie N etai chlo- L le ou, oreammsoamlL .rhi M I1 'd"thae f 0A most of .the 'water c 1 Wfm pe,#t' has been evap !e' AýL tibei trnee ersswhen this is known. The elel got 27, 1 ver f]t6m the terrible Kraka- l eve beda eaisaled' have InIan Ocean at tthe tq Pee of 250 miles an hour. At the Hanurian National Exhibi on whi. wp May 188, thr e .b eo for all kinds of Im ý, ,s 1oes i which my be d y 'epresented. set . OppWeisridl to ezercie a beneiclal I CLthes 4e of those who I tee. ý ce of the vil- 1 ONO a b ats n overs I aweae leaer liven t betsg to the 8olo~am " umi ile a .r ihtr et-ade is usembwe. ertaia pr Eths nasautipoiama kpowuas sod@ 49 w.eieespeeeto the t A detelopati to such as o thdeim dagerees for _'- or otore out of eaasens k toe swith i warel afsutnasuincbas in rand dose to it ts a lszges qpnr e mi teesn. The motor thsweusterm. e ar. - 'Sau a s apindle ao iou thebackiboe and ok",, 49rpd dantains ages to two t i 'd 'e d. lam Psebs. .., alth mbs vms wt mi e .Ib SKM I.EL 8. the * . 1LLB &dId ens ",l TIID R01 g.," It. ooa*d sDad n Mmbe!r-- The Ie. mrable 3aperkmMs r a 01ese Oh mserer o ite Wrktmas Durinesg a Leag essides. at Washi-gton. Vorrespondenoe Rochester Democrat. No city upon the American continent has a larger lasting population than Washington. It is estimated that during the session of congress twenty-five thousand people, whose homes are in various parts of this and other countries, make this city their place of residence. Someoome here, attracted by the advanta gee the city offers for making theaequaint apoe of publuma ; others have various claims which they wish to present, while the great majority gather here, as the crows flock to the carrion, for the sole purpose of getting a morsel at the pablio c ib. The latter clas as general thing, originate the many schemes which ter miate' in vicious bill, all of which are neither directed at the public treasury, or toward that revenue which the black mailing of corporations or private enter prioes may bring. While walking down Pennsylvania evenue the other day I met Mr. William " . Ashley, formerly of your city, whose Slong residence here has made him unus ually well aqnasinted with the opera tions of the lobby. Having mnde my wants in thisepartic Sular directioi known, in answer to an -interrogative, Mr. Ashley said: "Yes, dtiing my residence here I have become well acquainted with the work Sin__ i th. -Third House,' as is is erited, and could tell you of numerous jobs, ' which, like the 'Heathen Chinee,' are peculiar." "You do not regard the lobby, as a body, vicious, do you?" fot neceeariy so, there are good and bad men comrising that body; yet there have been times when it must be admit ted that tae combined power of the 'Third House' has ovetrrddem the will of the is people. The bad influence of the lobby can be sben the numerous blood-bills that are introduced at every semon. "But bow can these be discovered?" "Easily enough, tothe person wh) has dmade the thing a study. I na detect them at a glance." "Tell me, to what bills do you refer?" "Well, tike anual gas tills, for in stance. They are introduced for the urpole of blin the Washington Gas it light com ny. They ailly result in an invesigating committee which never amounts to thing more than a draft upon the pueie tremasury for the expen see of the inveatigation. Another squesse is the abattoir bills, as they are called. Theseof cours are fought by 0- the lteheras and markt men. The Sfirst attempt to force a bill of this des er cription s in 1877, when a prominent p- Washington politidcian offered a fabulou rum for the franchise." S"Anything else in this line that you thldnk t Mr. Ashle·rt' "Yes, thre's the job to reclaim the SPoboaac flat, wicrlh had it become a law, would have resulted in an enormous ptel. -The work is now being dre by 7, Gote verament itsnef, rad will rid the S- 'of tUf t t 'matali armh s pe o Swhich we hear so much outside the se. Daring your residence here have you Sexeeced the bad resalts of living in lthi cimate?' e "Well, while I have not at all times " eoyed good health. I am certain that which laid menup so lo was not :anis4 It wasmeTingth had troubled me for years. A sooti al stinging pain that at times attacked dir ho formet parts g my body. One day my il- ri ht arm adlt would torture me with a pain, there wld be great redness, beat in mad swelingof the parts; andprh ms theent dythe del arm and w-l ra be similarly a&cted. Then again it i would locate ina some particlarmt whih w ld weols ntih drive me frantic There would be wees t a time that would be ase ted with an intermitting I ind of .pain that would come on everj alternoo and leave me compaatively hr V bop IQspe dr ing i balance Sfthe tw stybro . -bo h. I woua Mve terrilbparmtJysaa of pCin cominl t, catay tLima dmPin the y nigh th whea I wtald be obllgd to lle upo a inhek t bomeas asd kep as mlloules in' asp paLThl., .Every tmeI atenpted u ma- moves eily smtatki would a e ovr tos my boy, r I wtald lnt o.shot imab is. es. I ewkeredo b 7eeusodl e oetrac i alon f the s aa aseremeso tm mlt bdek ad be ,end e m my eyetsl Lt beht md ad diead m aep e I bev p oe I bemaii d- toldr r Jehb. fLtba hdtenbiM _o _ ta I deepradeaL e od lt bO you ~ouinde d theoantor Yde. vtold mehad neualgua tismit whkic thmis soeuethat wi od be a tet4 gli ia and theg iwme slobe myashetata a r wfin IId Inat bsiness, but He avoile" ted h blend lpoong I r Mclipa who. beek. hen i Inota sdu aesa .e dudla bse sne&. B. woude men a. - hs ra mee o y asetvis has rAl ar bo y te ay eimanuse 1 0.4. a t5sd bI Ume Ino eehaedpad l __ m e eaelts"uwa o-te rg! 1IC, ae·kil d' out in their steals, their diusppearan I can be easily accounted for." C "What proportion of these blood-bills Ho are successful" Co. "A very small percentage, sir. Not- me withstanding the power and influence wh of the lobby, but few of these vicious (Ga measure; pass. Were they successful Oil it would be a sad commentary upon our for system of government and would vir- can tually annihilate one branch of it. The uni great majority of themn are either repor- p ted adversely ur smothered in committee by the watchfulness and loyalty of our congresnmen'" . E. D. str aut He ndns't. we Wall Street News. Referring to the system of beggary for practiced by churches, asylums, orders, aseociations and other bodies, an interior bei grocer was relating in a wholesale house bu here the other day that after he donated a barrel of crackers to a church fair, 50 lbs. of sugar to an asylum, half a chest of tea to an old woman's house, 100 lbs. of buttes to a hospital, and $0 in cash to a bible-class, a woman came in and asked ml him to give a lift to a helping-hand soci. by ety. 'tOh, certainly," he pleasantly replied. "Shan't I give you the entire contents of es the store?" sr "No, sir!" she replied, with a gooa t deal of digniiy. "You can reserve the barrels of molasses and the boxes of clothes-pins, as we have no use for them. If you want to give aus the balance of the re stock, and will kindly make out an in- , ventory and pay ialf the cartage, you g can rest assured of our heartfelt thanks. Always Htte 'em. Dhtroit Pree Press The other morning a citisen of Sprout or street who looked the very picture of uo health was waiting to take the car, and D whisteling as a man will when at peace witbhall the world, whela along came an a I aequaintinance who halted abruptly, gas ed at him in a doubtful way, and finally held out his hand with the remark: D "Well, well! Then I was mistaken!" "In what?" "Why, I thought I heard my wife w reading your death notice two weeks . ago, and knowing how bad your liver-." t "My death noticel Why, there isn't a healthier man in Detroit!" "And knowing how badly your liver ' - was affected," continueJ the ether, "I t e didn't wonder at it. You are terrible a Scareless man." n "Why, bow?" b r "In not taking more care of yourself. is ft The liver is a great vital orga, and no o - man showing the symptoms you do has u r any right to neglect searchin for a rem re edj" ý My liver! I'll bet you $50 that my - "Never mind! If you want to be obsti it nate that's your lookout and not mine. SI simply promise to be one of the pall bearers. Good morning!" o' It was wonderful how the smile fad ed and the whitling ceased. Instead of 10 taking the car the mat. h~ed down a town at a slow pace, a halfared look oan hi face, and at was only by a great y effort that he passed the first drug store. e Whein he Cane to the second he walked o in, and without even referring to the e weather he said: 'Doc, my liver is a trifle out of ordr,. on and I guess I' a bottle of invigora In tor." He got it and hurried o5 anxioui to reach the ofice and get down a dose, and no man will see a smile on his face ig again until he calls upon some doctor 1 at and learns that his liver is working Saway like a two-horse engine and shows I no signs of skipping a co. . SI lve beene a severe sufferer from Catarrh at for thepast Atteen years, with distressing pain over my eyes. Gradually the disease worked down upon my lungs. About ayearanda half oI commenced using Ely's Cream Balm. it most gratirinsults, and am today of apparently cu r C.WAmaa,. Rutland, Vt. My Daughter s myself, eat sufferers tram Cfutr.k hve beenourea dy my s am I. Balm. My sense of smell restored and health vreatly Imipved.--C. M. sAn.aY, Merhant. Itnes, N. Y. ilesy to use. Price SO cents.) The newest cottons are sphyrs, orlta I ginahams, woven fl-a-f1 in blue with d white, rown. blaek, ray, red, or green t The baste ohealtu sad oseetag prop ae de&ssriesa Ipasrr are sometbieg O "My brather aged , had ts from hbis or Ilafasey, 8ssmwidee .ire eour.d him." ,-I A. W. Carts, Osaki, Mian. $1..'0 st e- Druggists. ls India shbawls are formed into gri'eful ly springmuaties by umsse ofbilver or gift e backU1es, uwd to hold tl: folds iln place. Wha ya y vt or ense BOw Yerm , shite GranidnmralDp • egtrooms, 'I tseduprataet i fS s, rute jc Ins. Horse oars, s-:es eleated ail-l roads to epets. Fapla em live betr for less ua at the b asNum VEe HoT. r- a o a ot ertr tirt-clas bhotealhate t . ar Cam white and sky blue cashmares will be worn under transparent embroid d oir oa white not, or nader white lace. I pumi m ne as r s tar.r s S ns ahr eles eaptse or vgea a t e i- seoad t~"a ore att toae m a re tshm e tsem Ich se rn tin or velvet ntle. ~Eahe 3sae~uismr NI is As Imeldeat Ia VIrglas. Our old friend, Mr. Wm. Claughton, of jeatheville, sheriff of Northumberland 'o., Va., rays: "We have many ood medicines In our parts, but nothing rhich equals St. Jacobs Oil, the Great -erman Remedy. My family keep the )il in the house at all times and use it or almost everything that a medicine an be used for. They claim that it is inequaled for rheumatism and all bodily ' sains.-Tappahannock, (Va.,)Tide Water eI ndex. Cc ee A pretty new walking hat of Milan 01 straw is called the "7-20.8," after the b well-known play. Public speakers and singers use Plso's Cure for hoarseness and weak lungs. Jerseys that are a mass of jet beads are being imported. They are handsome, but heavy. - Occasional doses Dr. Sanford's Liver In vigorator will keep the liver in good order. Sure. Coquelicot red bonnets,. with trim mings of red maple wings, are to worn by pale ladies of fair complexion. If there ever was a secific for any one complaint then C:.-t.'1'- i.ttl r Liver Pills - ere a specific f.r Headache, and every woman s!i ai,, this. They are not only as , , but a sure preventive iftak: i the approach is felt. Carter's L.:; .i ,x'r Pills actdi rectly on the liver .ln.l h.;e, and in this way remove the cause of disease without rait making you sick by a weakening . try them you will et be It is now the fashion for brides to wear only one glove, and that on the right naud. DON'T DIE IN THE HOUns. "'Rough on ia." eeleam out rats, sie , es, raches, bed-bogs. Iae. B-piri sd GenalI Debity n their v loes; als uas a preventive gaiL t laer msad tAus.aad oter lntrmittent Fevers, the leer Elxitr of Cafayma, maod I b alhe behs tonic; and hr patls5m re Jros Fever or other ackasai, it hM so ustuaL. READ Tnis.-The Army and Navy Liniment will positively take the soreness out of Sparn. Rlngbone Splint, or Curb, and stops their growth. bee advertisement. iUCHUI.IAIBA. Quk. cMplete cure, all sa -Newa's Bronehial Troehes for Coughs and Colds: "I do not see how it is possible for a public man to be himself in winter without this admirable ald."-Rer. R .. Derema Ibear at, Mars. Everybody is pleaed with the Improved Car bollne adeodorized extract of petroleum. It is s efear and limpid as spring water, and was originally Intended by nature as a panacea for all diseases of the scalp ando skin, and Is a namt ural hair renewer. "SOUG ON COrlr lea. Ask for it. Completc care, hard or soft core, warty, bea.nos. arn Am is t MA T. runA A.EM Ag Al& graU ge PAINA A .e AtW. SS, IsVp arias eja1 * ,~usmraf a ,ass3M. ~is 5er aaes m eb at S msse. ASe**a ..i*****Ue Be an Uvu rm as ise a a . mams brasi es*asees) .lbe^asea U s ieeno d r.--- mi s ass, umseressuspe s otepe eases in e aar sese aads fb a easieaisseibMissadwam a'e Sl5***8U, As aU kaa agerr - .ukr B mssageou as&ge s emr mes msa g~aU s * . ... . eabrs..b a-t y -· a -by··IwSt 5errr m m m ml I~ 7 q.r,- Cmm 14 .T yr.~B~ ia L' iHIir * U~t~rntl? WIIBOB'S COPOUND OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. ., u..n smp taoa . M ani haw e k -r - a W..o y to ve theirtemoy faorf the use of ti "' R's'lam's Pyre id-Uer Oil mad Lme." Experi ence has proved it to be a valuable remedY for Consumption, Asthma Diphtheria, and all dis eases of the Throt and Lungs. Manufactured only by A. B. WILORo, Chemist. Boston. Sold by all drubl gits. o ise, ypasms and Csvllseise C CCRED BY THE CSE OF Aaeemlrple will be sent bt mall on t on suelrinl from the. terrible misdi t upopsplation. Alsoafreeoy of samil ecelptBook soud fournslcontsiin a oo"sedluab E ectipt and sllUmoalset perssoa who haves ema rdiN1w1. i. anPICK. Wnhelesl Drmgia. . Adrn. N ltlll i t ,l. m tlo be.wI whil th pll lam omep e e t ul y aindd a , adical cu. s OC~hf~lru a iaenlea Sis O.,t h namil. st. and Ap pdr ,ean are d to al r fe " tie ld rlthelrhen thema retu-n aga I' me alre0" obted oan ma bellows fota se orf ntr, preit o br ng spinkled ablfe-lougstudy. It nerr fals Agen t cuan ke moetbsey in It. oe r et salo by Rlcoardson fCo.r nMol es c .ngalre id - St. Lou Mo.; and b all retalngsts, Scentsa per box; bollw 2 cents. Eithere or HOW A. G GITCHIeLL, at ole itor tl:. Elm ISttreet. t. aSui a Mo 80 DAYS' TRIAL. m LE I OLTAIC BELT and other I movihc APrreaC lare ent o 30 days Trial MEN ONLY, YOUNG or OLD, who are suf fering from NIavOta ExufAoTIfo. Loer VI TAIrry, WArING WEAN sl castt, tand all disea ss of a kindred natur. resultang from what ever oluses. Speedy relief asnd nonpeett restoration to ionALT, IR put anup MwANOOD GUAtAwints . Send at once for that rated Agentscan make money --y -li It. For sl bybloron & Co..holesale )ar St. PILLS r-, - " Coe. Yasesmtl ApentseBue, ee, St.ev. Mo.and by all retsi fmptatsrie Sree , Age, on r. pt SPearllm Stet. Io. Y. TE% ONLT TRUE IRON TONIC i"ahii lt me ent on 30 drys' ml M EsN ONLY YO~rle or Os. uho us are i we asIlmndred wOatur resulti . BomesL ever scasa. Sevesy rem ies and eomp le t Athe s. I Send s t once frIa Iwer. Pamltnree. Address Fev. eir an en B rll. emSsat W Mi Ti'nel8 Sam'W for Cattle,4heep CQeweuw.M heIIbC~ .11 s* gaW9S FARAS AMd STOCK ER ll ss, a to ue Ushis am'm C toitis Pow sre*r, s-- tase sad i to * li; e riesk 1e P e ask bepais O Ititiosm t, sa tp t bW ,aysla mewthsedg sauie. msth "ns. ZILCOH Oas -sae bP I eA by the -si rW M i ist hs Ik IMeamuthese asl i. -r w b smniesa ft os is seed Ms asi sisMs ois ft be aced apo oo k o EMM T PROPRIETARY CO., - - - CHICAGO, ILL. e-- Z. Daim'sr ru e o ha~wP.. OC)AKa ON ALL PLANT EERI, It k the lnd with e Dealer sad the Farmess, wh bab a uaenaimous verdict that It Is mthe eds eepew r . 2tb ha w Cest 5r the momeat InarerVMU ae*EA FARA4 AnZD £TRAIN ON Thf£ PRBAMe e Mcetioa on-4te pulleys. and making a wies aibs dr set mas. the machne outwear esv eW l that d eruss. CISAUUS* KUN. IMS, CS.. K. 1.l5she Wsatsacturers. LECITLE. ILLS. Wagier UUmW INa S or a Or<i' net Vuas T3S i& wO& IAy as i P 2'l" Riag that .Ic.; no ,r- e '.1afT .sph Ie ssits. ap pssla / l the maes e. N harp rIwnts in the Areh ito kep It swe. mIMM I, gillS jm 5. bs e. wasi hsimnetw . m*istctiW t u. 'I .. stirS Iamllsgene aud Excesses. Whether over eating or drinking a's madebarmlee by lusiug Hop Bitters free. !, giving elegant appetite ani exii-tyment a using them before and removing all dullness, pains and distress afterwarls, leaving the head clear, nerves steady.and all the feelings buoyant, elastic and more happy than before. The pleasing effe. ts of a Christian or sumptuous dinner con tinuing days afterwt rds. Eminent Testimony. N. Y. Witness, Aug. 15, 1880. "I find that in addition to the pure spir its contained in their composition, they contain the extracts of hops and other well known and highly approved med icinal roots, leaves and tinctures in quan-. tities suffcient to render the article what the makers claim it to be, to wit a medicinal preparation and not a bever age-unfit and unsafe to be used except as a medicine. "From a careful analysis of their for mula-which was attested under oath 1 find that in every wine-nlasgqfil of Hop Bitters, the active medicinal properties aside from theb distilled spirits are equal to a full dose for an adult, which fact in pjy opinion. subjects it to an internal revenue tax as a medicinal bitter." Gma r B. R.Irx. U. F. Com. In. Rev. Hardrueed Liver. Five years ago I broke down with kid ney and livercomplaint and rheumatism. Since then I have been unable to be about at all. Myliver became hard like wood ; my limbs were puffed up and filled with water. All the best physi cians agreedl that nothinig could cureme. I resolved to try llHp Bitters; I have used seven bottles; the hardness has all gone from my liver, the swelling from my limbs. and it has worked a miracle in my case; otherwise I would have been now in my grave. J. W. MlotIrx. Buffalo, Oct. 1, '81. Poverty and stffering. "1 was dragged down with debt, pvcerty and suffering for years. caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring. I was oompete. ly discouraged, until one year ago, by the ad vice of my pastor, I commenced using Hop Bitters. and In one month we were all well. and none of us have seen a sick day since, and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doctor's visit will cost. I know It." A WORINWOMAi. w Me aorn ly ¢o st. 8 Itus, MA Lemrn TELEGRAPHY;'ý":" ` ; ;;;usuess.; share r S. r.1 i. \"1'.1 S 1) : " " " f1"l's. li . fsitive bure.--Dr.h.C CANCER _INA W'AO npye Mrmhalltown. I& ill WALTEiD For the lB. ant irs Ya m Iarlal Book.; & Bilbles. Fres ed Ger NAut. Pui.Uimo Co..t. ILta.Mo, tob ake I l tegy pt es h . O n'se'aer ..n lees to a I E U BArd, . ,at R2500. REWARD! We will pay the sb.v reward for am e es .beum tram or Neuralgia we canesot cure. It will relieve say rs d Dipbtseria or Croup instatly. Army ad Nas Liatiat will reievie pain sad soreoam ad remove y aaatsul growth of bone or muscle on mars or bea. rr perbok. lrg. 0 S.-all Me Will retm. the mor ..lurea hA ms.h Asa.hicsngo g Co.. WbleletrBru.l. 8,. Lou, o. Mo.. sts _ist Aeertalneur. Not eupeadwe. T o {!safest in ea packase. oeea ma lath ised, Eedchke. DIohaein Hay Fo. *c. A IOe riIesad bulse, n as pess mOw mrseery trL dyamite and t. iant s t mosa ustheeldesadrd powdersus Ie ao e.zploded .er, Sby n. ds bes pped I two parts, (neither of w SRn- bo eapsd. d a red bot iro ), at merehaad rams - a Miss at E iae o d e seed e fto sot ,kr - Odmrr I &irflpsr"sntd.ises"re - At mmer aei w ,,rr irdlm& pa l ,t eatsMI cirat ca &b1 ig, wt. ; c - D= FOOTE OEINAL 0118OD OmLD.s. u FOwrO, I&,N.Y.Csm,