OCR Interpretation

Madison times. (Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.) 1884-1???, April 12, 1884, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064405/1884-04-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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.I ¶. ..d
. i ''" J
CU mo pet amm. dartina.
all me a bear
Who hreg to dmsrassto
Call m pet mm, dietlg.
anU r psi oS. wn".I
Co .m "ad pi@d"
After the LIegtry stylet
AnU rim be pur Gebbar-.
Psi ass% ososo ere
met demls. dm im e..
" Kas t nhe oibby
ai Us pet ds& derNa-
A dmetM puIae wl;
" nemu i ..e.sinem..
l. wee NI t wlls
w.hy dme hmds .
Il a lm lf w Ieel
, 8 ? Y b ,..e.blt
Pomp 'twas a bed -
".ws S.
"eiomes a uis?
*4 vault, "
Me wren N Wo OM.
The pus-as as M h
-0Sme-M"' . }
o ,, ~,.
mdlr ~ Idm.
" * -
WbIems I hm
*me s. emmýe nmem e 1
a%4k seggI ter mw
. "ils bur ar sen sume
_-. ; - Se h---- eas
as whedUr5rr S
emase sus mesas. *1
flew io lgt al es trs, ie
l m asbow eso easm beI e.
. Sa1r aerm aLNme.W
-t, dier t itl lls --,
se slmme sean,
imisa el - a b, e
*smoLr 4ml's s.
- i.
:. I
2 ra .T.W
C! ~ ~ ~ ~ asa Ma·*~~i~''~~ na
,*A1M .
SMeW el "" to
m8( "Sa.s , ,
Stoo mto e irs i l yr o ' .oet .'
SI su st lwe tap "a . .I
,i M t e gapt isp to , " -,
teosa ssoar loves; T
I.... lwm t m "-, lw
Asi s rl-s.s iSte r es. ,.
as andQIYI *kJii·L·was;
I' : xt ,t [ -o .-,.,
L # aeet'r btenesse tense th
a . Jsp'.Ma . .. ., . r .. . ,
trsneet ire ssr.' 9 , 06.. w
" l4 . t '( a r  , g r . , . . . . a !* .
. e) is ms ; . . ' ,.
PISi "1L ri , r I.'. ' ., 1' -
- as It u Iw s i , Iass a edig a -
aI Omeba , e
, l wet-hase atmefnw d.manl anotoe
soo i'rkb .g or srsla a pea *t
Oika o 1,60a y1ear.
% stlatge Il woid is aid to be
ldar i ouw!s so Teas did otI
she last Peseiisi"t eleti d
er was to ease the as Soa oid a
!hers hawle papaws wee tew r
:*s.- MAo
ason briekt awd *R o i aow in
jat h LgAAA, im boaI -
bp eassses, sad being% to him.
mý t Ihe n er sae lar.
-Iii ,les .w t ojeg s *1 1
$ThmW ateutm I to,
.ue M iethI m 9l htthe:
* 1jbe i ao o det so to eas
. L a to l s senro mI
mime spld uS omm ku . I
- & pa
* Aetmaih k il bm theta I
Ei - atte we te
e wmbe l ew mied. 1
h Wbcb tey kl lah
,w gtu.has ulpem
buted her dimted loekagbee. handy
took * at 1h . te palb 1t msbad ba " a
lck i.eght. ,hi.. 'A thoA o mma
amNes,' hors$ I (SItSio).
" 'WI you take a taj, Sandy? asked
the baker..
"Is*y e to ,dMy hi a maoment.
He was evidently a Ht stagred atthe
sckleai popo*ej . The it
fall on his pri d, oldCran
(bedwý mibekMy lat r o),, oeti
window'b tndtl thaiti's eyseamed of
t tpira the esd the b- as
road to seek sanme arm o ehis
hands pened bad·IkfloWy d
uaing his fve to look ap at Wais,
ttthe bak aerwred, T e r
1I Rcmder dd ndi thhink l
woatld-be'aees8ti be was to
apeoodattoo adt e a to weaken p
hipw. ro walked over to a sie tale, i
Sared, turied his name as the bow do
tomu, .ad s.id it over to y with the as
resark "es tthat a right ' a
' Sandy gase qtg 'All sioght, I
,' be muttered oet o?
-· "The bnke nodebd. Thitemblsa
at th ete  uppedln and a
duta u-t,neto see the re- es
Iae,,e deser, the seb b the plm
fsrdy turned up two--the asat was a of
queen, the second a nine Whchever
an re now would vi. ady pled
otham nWit eceh ae e Gacdy' spart.
edondy g'aveti, queen mis" r d ei
the aoom wN Uthe onm s n ,
,hs eri si*ed aMane sd
after athrd removed id not
ora fae cadbete owel o ,it.Te.. la..s CPC
n thin er of co-or sla d... g-it
mas be i L a n bat was it a queen, t
" 8i'd od ý, and 'h h.6&
terit, ijub, ofkhis poket p t
min:Isothn 19-m. **
datlka~ e y ar tae ols olr t e. a
eiiot : e l p'ar I °
s"os was' ts e ol thdoro 11 a
b" 'Thea e take I eviiersmn M
done it uw kh4eie hiLs pc t d
inanswer toMes se ,es , _
A~e te h.bos liedd" -sa
tIa lawdas " s do.=, i, nio~t let thil
dahm bl s ay ame " , . -i i
-bI it ppea- ,,akged rid o bea,:
#dor is ebn ber il Lsed thatl
that ate ther. "ea msd *.* h
•""' ..._ t .. = - -"  . ", .
SIDl,,t , iVuho l. q
hax a ,r d a n do not $ . tthe -
dine k'', w to n.y.'
ye iO-- n *Omto #t eý g ý t a
SW asiL er "Lt >'A
a to
a ata l . har r it
r ie7s to M
C "KE., OLUiN.
F•til Pi w ip Iae bab t p
with thue in tl
N" I(a-.i-gu iof wear, on cup
t bailesr, fear pas pcup o[pl wa
tr thi sadps iLto
Lieos Spoos-Ma-ilf cuap of batter, c .
on pT empol stchhop
water to tak e p of
aImp £e.-UllI psauad of pw is
rded s c _rter of apo#, uof
moans . bt. c';. `,
tour es, jtice ofone lemon. Drop
miurse unp add more our.. Make qa "
-ick vno
orn S rch Oak*.-On. cup o , i
One aad one *Sh of ta scup ofbm
Ibeedto dram; add twn oape all
cnjd ofcon starch1wo tinaylso baý or
***espofro m , _ .. , So(
*.bm M-.--Qad upIo, 0.
seesaw t a..-Oft 4t . . Clio, c°'
to eeake la ba , ,.. l .l"
Corrsi d atdslehc. Tintoa
bail mmar. lures.i
Chicken stew.-Boil a dc ne l
adeeWpd tt 1 hspu1 of i
aoaee with a cmt.¢!aet. ]as
easoua k
oapu ta*hk= md= n with 000
wu ofas ib ineu one saW
cwater. Wsta and e gi ath ; mn.
with iuserbere!pat tar p - ten
Slstatg wo kt wr
=__bwe hahaim
6 ha
si M *.aae, I l b e
whI tbU se-, ' --3 e
.pod- " r o tera " ii 'hoto ii
tannr ea *site^..reslot
r the eshiptithe *
US-iiý. en'lt
40 Or
To another who desir s to know when
the awaollohomeward fv, oar marine
epost, he Acnl big c(osd, ays he
was ih the Towdey House be room lem
aturdiayy eening atd aw fifty awallows
baoward fly aside of thirty minutes,
at tqgest at.
l, aother'wosays:y 'Who seeth the I
lr'wt we wold my that on Mr
t jorlrq~rqsrer~ a one fei from a
tre aid Thonmmat nw hi Hsllanc an
and in two minutes t was stowed away poi
in the place here Addle stringe aboun i tak
te.mnlag .. ia'5 Whb i Nrea. m.. d a
0140 whe. sUpfehtr Iar.u of ]
4emes le ti the aeveds Leaes. the
SKing Humabesrt is quito nervous in am
manner, and takes ed his it a though n
doubtihl whether to tos it to the crowd,ill
throw it oq the fi'or of the caniage or
keeip it bn hibd. I think the last wb
woohll ait bibn be. He smiles, of im
met; tLhbl semsdoetaeh, smll el
It is the meret tlag .up o. the ceram e
of the moath and .sees to say: "Com
'oad the mob! I'm tired,l I am a kn, be
sId wal·n ot fbruk my ne.k noddgL. vio
The Q n is dty itse.L Her man- id
, nrer my idea
U ,eaJi' ,UM*achvr ed ThO
Sa ee her p.0m. -6h11 at al rP7
' debag , ganurahy in black i irk
or mauwkith aalkn ame'ue and' seal
wkia brva m .. hat. b· :
goes, .h just like every other womsan rs
in c3 m table ircmtaners. Iadeed, foil
abe makes ne elwt te diýemt. Her e
have made me a qoeen, bt, after all, I
am only a woman-o wore nor better m
than you." How ditreanfomhe good di.
sadhos.I, Qacue .ofEaglead, whio , or
slipr laks a be, by .roc .i
- , h im queenroi , the ia iately .
better than any one ele, even the mern wil
be hedr famiy. bhi
Aj I"tS hi
SiHeam about O80,00 tiam of be
_,hest for expo t. Ia
" A Tes zapsp has been sold I
h Englland 'br be
* p bl -e-·c. osl o S. O mutdi6
hTw. in- us
The sec tbo pels l tie m0
_= ,,e~& tpels. dWe'  meini..e >1i-ý
-1 %e b -- ba.tter eosi -e erms "
tweean sesuagkll end She Je ar*. of
m o ve Oe madieb aPim f
mans o bne pf tyetr se ' twed as
hmdes of m eamths ense in An- Us
ether bas esevessd fe
r momthe . tAl b atb an
snat eigiii s '
H ~ beese uer W
rei=rwk l4f ti
cist he'rs hash b
ta b-eatukUw at
a seue lte s Whidfs kam
Mr...... as 'leek sshe
b * e r *,4 s1 uiun t!
j r a ~ i·,v' ~'DLt
me: Ibaasa of December, 16800, s the
tib Auebasua or Jamuary. at. 1 l itt1
Advance Sheets of Blame's Book. and
In final analysis and true eatimate of the
Mr. Buchanan's conduct in the first Att
stages of the revolt. the condition of the dive
popular mind as just described must be He
taken into account. The same ind - e.
ences and expectations that wrought en
upon the people were working also upon
him. There wre indeed two dr. B ever
ehanans in the closing months of the wh
administration. The first Mr.Buchanan erto
of November and December, angered by "I
the decision of the Presidential election r
and more than wilting that the North, r
including his own state, shonM be died- "'
plined by fright to more conservative "A
views. and to a stricter observanqe of aque
what he considered solemn oblitptiop4 n(
imposed by the Constitutiou. If the TI
smthern threat of resistance to the an- ll
thority of the tion had gasueo fiathr he'
than this, Mr. Buchanan would lave ses
been readily reconciled to Its tempoeary like
violence and would probably have eon- day
idered it a natoual bleminr in dislgulet. h
The second was Mr. Buchanan of Janu- es a
ry asnd February,appalledby surround- pi
ig and increasing perils, grleded by the
donddet of Southern men whom he had ,
implicitly trusted, overwhelmd by the Ic
ealisatlon of evils which had obviouly eyes
followed his offcial declaratioans4bpilg coulop
earpeutly for, thefety ofthe Uilon, 14to
yet more dsturlsed and harrowed in his ad
mind tl.an the mass of loyil peole wbd ger,
did not stand so near the danger as he
or so accurtelv maded ito alarming
,growth. The President of Desanr
with Jotib and Floyd and Thompson in.
his Cabinet, and the President of Jamp
ary with Dix sad Stanton agd Ho~ r
his coundlors, were radieally didbent
men. No true e tIn ate of iMr. Bachnan
in the o f hbi publc sreer cal' eer who
beo eacbl ihe this vital dismiacncta thotl
It was M.- Behbaaa misrtsue to wh
bescalled to act in an emrgency whlah,
deemanded will, fortitude and moral was
cour . In thes qualities he was del- o
dent. ae did noit pies the ,ezedeuI e bir
ehauti. ' Mi li. baldeea n'tn , PUi A
devated to ue: petiL s of law in n n
mt .pab*lt of emmeualt and to,
,ryesa lugslatiw, bodies where he a
dom.Heba H ad abbees 4S515b&t a hs
. d -its had not te.e ~ l
catioum s sad eomssrvadvre to
ol timidlty. " wit
-tr di ate w da,
eeauwiehmdvs pe,'. His ervice of lc
ta years I tha om ad a. al .
' iw tha w e tass h b it c
iMthMaf e Itba. tas kems tit pie
S g. mae i ama d by In, a 
• . asan scol rnt be .
A nrd er r p inw or
theaseg amesaet a h Menta *dp "
ee a , *b*e Wleut h 1
i:'theekbi wnumui mdt g j, l
a hisbt mr sI df i
TTIL u hsd powd aG wak e ser
uhainm s of.. Jiee hasr ' he ClV
1 toil ek w b .S a t-h
a newags asher MM h
.....*e4ky***e~aad se namea' n
r. When I went in I eaatsed
im as the do temer.. He bhad r
changed his ftsares, and stpped osi of
the offic fbr th perpses d ,_taldk up
the tiebet he sold a meUnlsaelbre'A A
little later, with his halt thbdwn beekr;
and his countenance enetheuted he was
the bland but dignified JIu ry on the
other curiosities of th' aab lNi~~ d t. .
Alter be was done with that part of his
diversified roe, had a tWal with hin.
He said that he was not gettin* the e
men's wages fer doing three men's work,
but he was tolerably satisfied with the
'You used to have a new story to tell
every time you came around," said I
"what's the latest"
"Haven't the heur'to keep p 'a rep
ertory," he replied.
"1'11 bet you haven't lost the ability to
personate the charActers of an anecdote.
sry it. Have you ever seen Jo.' How
ird, and heard him speak?"
"Yes, I remember him."
"And you can wrinkle your face, and
squeaken your voice, for fossilised old
"I guess I haven't forgotten how."
Then I told him an ainciist Ia the
waile, trial at New haven, Howard
sent there to to th€ ýou'6ane tort
-he Herald. The pMkh8a U e was
ancient and conventional. He did not
like the free pen of Howard, and cne
day scolded him.
"You have no right te comment on
the evidence, or to citicise the witnes
e and lawyers," said his heaos in a
p:ping tone,.that ae high Wih 1hbls in
~iation. "Wbhy, s'. yog .have pub
ihsed most objectionat le descriptiens of
MJ Ioked [e. excited CA'd2b i 'A atlib
eyes, and aid: "I wish t14 heaven I
could print zonrvolce."
Likewl,-l ai afn ' t 't I' cai t
i yto type th imzsn oýbP ý( la'd
and the New Havenjýadp lij th -
ger, as he reharsed st Jo hr
The man t as Ts sue***a**s*t d
aBTEfls isaTi.bAa rIIPI.
she d a Me tthmeeabkqS sieira t'e
*The Pn a et , r l' M h Batm as .
when he iL not t,
little room in bM nothawO corner of
the second story of s- WUhr Harms,
whw hbe a nh wring.4rb &0 alV)**
easy china. TTbseis iivisary lamm
was originally intenddd it a8 dinBg
roomdihak ometeIsd with ^e dtise
bet he ecaaples. T1 a din desk
can ML r I i pgs ri a .i
to Lbaby Pr k, d . ah iie.oa
up that beoade4 r anoekea as Ml
tead n+rlelro taksaa lLoazah,
desk aee
a b taket atof dth bVA.o as
him. At ome oranr hi.aSehl
der baee standard, waio. han
ike " lampe.ress, a wi,•e ad,
with a legend amo. thV iap :ai
And a r In la - -te a -e- - t .
tors. asappoas s te ou
-il.:.s, hi"s- IS.. 
it on this ad, c~whth ý A a tihe w
th a the Presidemo t,$ a s about
ia the morsning, takds a ola thhavbir,
drinks a up of cosat, an esw or a
piaece of toest and then hae t.e es-*
Iesta dhauber to M. w
ral oDes or oth r we to
qli aa ýamedi wraisew a se
uneta th at 3, 'a
l andn be nob
Mir. room the k a
dgar, writmr M
the btsck doaor of t l1 l
six Arwleot i
d mk nd
he'' i1-. C TP
we dY~ l~~drl
,~~Lo~CI"?,. I~lrP

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