Newspaper Page Text
CIL. . " - -.... .. . .. . . ....... . -- . i u. I,_ 1, _ I I I I I I I I I m u a m i n . e II l I. . . II . .. .n n... _ . l P - MADISON TIMES. SDiVOTED TO THE WELFARE OF MADISON PARISH. VOL. I. NO. 16. TALLULAH MADISON PARISH, LA., SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1884, TERMS: 2.tHI PER YEAR. .!! _ !...! ... i· In.__ -ll i mRm mu $ aug il i minim i m i ii em ii me mn i l a iliamminimi n i mil... 9 ggy my g I om m mm I- su n i l _i man-m- n. i- =..... . -..... CLBIVIBRu n 1K. A o0.* o COPly bhat Cal ald DmataI tpher a. Par as Vrmses... N. Y. aun. A handsome [Hotch colly dog in the 1 olee of Dr. J. C. Corlies, in Market and Mulberry streets, Newark, bha been trained by his owner, R. B. Willisas, Dr. Coliea's young lerk, to do things [ whi :h prove him to be an animal of m- 1 usual intelligence. He spells words, distinguishes colors, and performs arith- I metical calculations; or else he and his owner are among the most clever of liv ing practicer. o.tegerdemaln. Yeser day a reporter of The uBn called with a fri.ed at Dr. OUelie's dae to me thei dog. The friend's miseon was to assist the reporter in deteting say poadlle collsion between Mr. Willimu s ad coat, a large head, and dark, inteligent eyes. He is incheshigh and is ten months ol. "Dr. Oodlie ve Bos to me when be was three weeks old," said Mr. Williams. "It would take me a day to tll you how I taught him to spell and Igure. It 1161 be eaderr me to show you the results. Bo, get on the so." The collr Jumped upc.n a lounge and remained there while has owner sot erv eral blocks ina rowon the oor. Each block was peinteda dileemt color. "Nw call for colas," said Mr. WI. The reporter asked bos to pick out S green, and the dog walked slowly along I row ofblocksuntil be came to the 1 S oa eslled ir, when he lfted the block by a leather strap o the tp of t a .etit on side. In likemaner BUs earrently selected red, white, yelw, and black. The reporter observed that when making hdiaace of coloes, and, later of letters and Aures, the dog faced his owner. The vistors therehie watchl I e3 the latter to sstain if he gave Bos any algnals, bet were umble to detect1 S any communlatio between the two. Several times wbhe the dog was doing r his work Mr. WIllams tared his hae I away from the blocks and looked oue of a window. "Boa, match this book," said Mr. Wil- I lims pointing to a pink-overed tele The dog promptly picked up the pi MLeL. ainaly onlya dark-bume remain edms the nor. Mr. WillIam alled ar Udht-ble. Bo walked several tidmes rsaed the Mock ad, without dis eakue t, rettaed s his master to pig ry a barkt tther wa no light IaMseok. Blocks with lettem ea them e frMdst paeed o the ea~ r the epoter aed the dog to spe an. Bo. pcked up T and then bot A ad N. The elb la or alled fa the fnt letter In wts,madthe dog perseneed W. No he spelled his own name, and them, be. I asked for the ss atter of whthe S,pieked p D. 'Who is the blestsia d In theom? Sdingiired Mr. Wilaes esrr setbeheatos. When oly a Cdc noren d, the reporter asked ar tsusi tle dtlia the word orn, a orsthn w shethr us ar veredufphes.t Ste aspe . The dogq gnod and -stamtpC. lThis gi cllar on his neek Boe won,' raid Mr. Wiliam. "Mr. Edward COa oe the Mdissd wovrl Goods Oompany, 101 lemset t e New YTk, mid tae deg eeldn'pick ouat oels. aem these loeks were r '. Sobetried Bos w liems dIkau...u ad tae dog did . j sa well. Mr.m. ,abe a led r the lhlo fmsI n en hr all the ee es- i tbss eedw ws n su sed that he get the e soll sa . . b Bs. Nw ta t his memory. (V hr ,meral eel at L e .me.'" Th. eneruska bevi s ea nte back em the eer, the r r eId es, I .g ~ m-wts doVE the -a o u"' Mr. W il as hmd shr tasw h hl el - sh t e aa* she i thed baeser, whie the erther ~th - bemuelo ai a tefle hLmMU4 tosen Mm ospicked up 3, 2, and l It was 21 "If I eyou eight cents ad took w how many would yo bsve r lf" WMr. Williams. Bo jicked up a 0. "I haveghe quarts of oats for my hore's three meals to-day," the owner continued. "How many quarts rhall he is have r each mal?" K The dog arried a 6 to Mr. Williams. How may meals a day did I my the horse shbould hvle th A was promptly placed beside the 6 l Boswas irected to amy his prayers. He leaped into a chair, p d his fore aws on its back, and lid his nose on a his paws. His owner talked to him, but p not until be heard "Amen" didthedoeg I raise his head and leave the chair. The repd pated with the a hi ion that BO is an eeptionaly inclli- ' t doý but with the oonvlclioMnso a in his edumtion Mr. Wdliamls not W the lie fllowed by Sir John o =e a... a. Wailagem (iMo) Observr. Mr. L. Green, of Newpert, called at , this o e sad exhibited to as a four- t msee bottle, the ezietence of which is b clearly traced hack 148 years. It can g not properly be called a square or reund bottle, s the corners and edges hardly aeomis either. Evidently the proce hi SiowIag m lesa atthe time it was made ec was in its inepcy. The bottom was or doabtless intended to be fiat, but the cor ee and edges are not squarely and sm6ethly turned, and in the center of the bottom a daub of molten glass seems a tohavebeen ptonto stop up the hole i that was lek by reason of the dage ail- or lag to om gthe and close in the nater of the bottom. The shooiders at the top of the bottle, too, look a iftey were intended to be ar blown r but lnstead a this they e awkwr d ein toward the center. The neck of the bottle is short and c ealghtilhoutthe eu l rim at the I topadatthe bottom of the neck It 1 smeads out and is ppmrently molded le into the hele left at the top of the bot tie where the glass laps over fom the shouldrs. Up and down the body of the bottle in asort of ti shsape are Ilare but got un11 0 which* Sto pe on the outside, t upon the bottle they ar discovered to ai 'be lg lyindented on the outside t and mas be ether illde or running St through the inteor of the body of the tr This bottle was brought hom (ier mýy in 136 by John Baker (the Ger- t mn s waod tprblBybe oflled 01 Beeker), who ettlid in Phla iphia. i When he diedthebottle hli the heads of his son, Fred Baker, then into 84 the heads oflFred's son Karl, and then tc tethebeandsof Karl daughter. Bar - chel, who married Wm. Ramey and set- a tied in St. Louis County in 1880. Win. iasey was sl le of Mr. L. Green a who seumed the bottle from his unde's O wi. Mr. Gueen hs lived in this cou- T t for t _yea.,eill holds outto b eeti o we hiave he written ad s ao ath "documents." r ARA Arsue. I met the Rev. William Henry to yeterdsy. Ris rmer dra essyha was replacee by a demormiss plsh cap of yellow, his someme Pries Albert cost Sby a blus amy overek, buttomed with a wire, and his bee, which formerly were i a look of pea sand elm eigation, was ickiled oar with drops o dry whit t r "Hw yo abaadod preachig hr I Sthe whitewashb lde I Inagired. I S"N-m, sah, not 'sckly. Yd ses, sah, t d t die season o' ds y'arr s greater I all b' w'ewash da i apar'tooal la- t bh. I do bM etsh-bo - I Wl, Mr. whih pays the (WW~I h, in rhltouh' ,o kn to a psea I should mass? "By as mesas, _ab-byso means. I i '" de aerity labh ndah . 1 De'se au ieter d ea t r d q it bwers'h bereh t ageds i n am lve mis' by t'flkl a' dthin' elsa , k eny'eyby reil' now*' dei. at < a I i am 1ito Wet - 'petg tea chiawi obim diserd was et amases e s the < peawmo eabemm the gale SA~w si wubeweak & eausaelthe Wbat dues go a mean?" asi a Meeteneses e~1mes. iL ;-'1b II 4 kLib i aL A I0DOO 1BUrIA. do or hi The Desa, Os.qlo sad Crem s. th t Keshab ChaMber Sea. Caloftt Cor. omaha Herald. f When I left America several friends W mid to me, "Don't forget to call upon Heshub Chunder Sen while you are in Caleutta." It was little thought of then that the Oriental patriarch would be no longer numbered with the living when I reached Calcutta. The old proverb tlat a prophet is never without honor save in his own country is partly exem plified in the present case, for while the t late Minister of the Brahma-Som j has his warmest native friends in India, I P Snd that the knowledge concerning this ye ir flower of the Orient is·acarely as L universal among the masses in cuatts of otthese who speak Eglish as it is in i It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon when h the company of apostles and mourners arraaged themselves in order, took up the Bowery bedstesd with its precious n burden and started for the cremation d ghat in Nimtollah. a suburb to the north, p on the bank of the Hooghly. Many to hundreds of grief-stricken people follow ed, their eyes downcast, their feet with- d out shoes, and their hair dishevelled. a There was much difficulty at the outset to preserve order and to form a line, as each was eager to have a glimpse of the benignant smile which still played up on that beautiful face, cold in death though it was. The housetops were fil of gazing men and women, who frequently took up the chorus of Jai Sachchidananda Hari in be uomaoe. piteous lamest. Europeans, Mohammedans, and aindIos all con- do spired to render homage to the dead a leader of the New Dispensation. el Well, it was just dust as the earthly remains an4 the lowery cot upon which H they reposed were laid upon a pile of sandal wood there. The hand rested io upon the heart, outside 'of the winding thi sheet. As the body lay upon the pyre, , the vast assemblage shouted: "As the be true, the intelligent, the infinite, and the er blissful. He manifests himself He is the peacoul sad merciful God. He is to one withouta second. He is holy and hi sinlees.' m Th chiecf mourner Karna Chunder tr Sen. the eldest son olthe decemed, then a took a torch in his right hand and applied it to the pyresayin: "In the h name of GodI wrythis holyfre to the ni deceased. The mortal shall barn away I and perish, but the immortal shall live. O Imrd,the deprtd sou is roeing inp Thee, in Thy i . e body began to born the multitude again b chanted ehb baaorise tm "Glo- & rnto the Redeemer, who is do Joy." The remation last edAbt ve he ns, and at a quter past 11 o'eloek the ias were adoeed Sa anurand ruht back to the IAl ' Cottee by the i wouns sand spes ties odthe New Diaspmto a. In eply to my question about Keshub Chundar 8n's anceam, my guide mid: "Mr. Meaomar thinks that the mantle of ou deprted leader should a upon e hinmaad even with independent power oi to set in atras of urda adsminimha tio. Thee are some who think him the ntumal masesmor of Mr. lsn, and many who do notso that two bious Shave pown up. ' place hae not been a ware a y however. It is my view o that Ood will rae up a naral leader n timhe, and periaps it lIlbe Mr.ob a sroosdar. I ihnkheruae work firt, d however, until the force of dreumstnn as deals.. himim muquesiaobly our k of our ata e d tome theauthorof k the Oriantal Christ, and the probable a ,meesmo of Keehub (urnder Sea. So I d illowed my apostolic inbrsant out of builto the European plan, and into a yard bearing theb Jasmt insuiplion a We waenere into te tredy I gas saouthie ifn aulrt at welaorlled bookahelve, a bie d, and study i -r. o handsome t wal-frmed agtmcham inr the am i- aof. Hiisas.t o am la beard ,ea Iiar w lst e thi'eiis f reined anu Ae i . h . th mud iemtowh e ',e edSkmheldtha a tespeial I latle a IE t i _if_ Iarrs t la i wh *ad sed 5o5A h i (uoh l ~r aubent ia a man Si-al me. Yao knew Jsrpla Jrh tha adween ltag etn s with m leal.I -I - S u '-U"-.i- thyats 5, ag guaguete a wtho i 4. 44gitual 4'. tW k~w-~rnr h dog and obeys only I jnmistres. Not even the Preeiaent hsa any control over him, for only a day or wo ago Mr. Ar thur was bitten while endeavoring to carem him. The weand was only a slight abrasion of the n. "`Tot" is. in fact, the most privileged animal in the White House. A sIaeNGuLAR "i R. etc th The Jl. mnarkble Vew el a Remerr.efl ed lover, mad Its i Obseraase. an The Sondon cable correspondent of pe the St. Louis Globe-Democrat relates this W strange story: th The famous deaf and dumb knicknack wi peddler, who during the pest fourteen th years attracted so mach attention on r London Bridge, is deadnd the subject qu of the latest sensation. He died at South- fo wark Work Hoe, n the soutir end of the brtdge Dss 'Ad s 1nfl jis, he managed to support himself by his smallales, and securing official and po- mt lice favor by the gentleness of his de meanor and the intelligence of his con duct, he was allowed to occupy thesame post on the great thoroughfare from year to year. t Before his death the peddler beckon- th ed to his cot one of the hospital attend ants and terrified him by speaking to him. When the attendant recovered from his astonishment the beggar con femed that his desfnes and dumbness had been feigned. He said he was a hi Swis gentleman of fortune, and belong- li ed to one of the best families in the re public. When in youth he was betrothed to a M beautiful and accomplished girl. He was ke possemed with the most violent temper, pe and in alovers' quarrel over a trifle one pc day he sn wounded the girl by the bitter- in ness of his invectives that she fell ilL The reproaches of his friends for his cru- qt el conduct stung him so he became mel ancholy from remorse and left home. ( He then resolved to punish himsel: - He vowed to become a voluntary exile for twenty Tears and earn his own liv- d( ing, leave his fortune untouched, keep ta his relatives and friends inorant of his whereabouts, and go barehanded and i barefooted in all weathers during the d( entire time, and to listen to no one and de tospeak to no human being during the ti last ten years of his exile. If he lived w to complete his vow he meant to return i home and use his fortune and the re mainder of his days in making his be- « trothed happy. proviled she were alive a and unmarried ti He had rigidly kept his vow. '-But" a I he cried before he expired, "my time is at not quite up, and I must die before it is. I have been punished as I deserved." Investigation, so far as it has gone, has proven that the peddler's story is entire slv true, and his family in lwitserland bave been made acquainted with isa T death. A SKgLITON IN ABMOI. 0 The sisTar T amrsarlsd aw masegsrs asa smembiP. a N. Y. Jrmal. A passenger on the just arrived steam Serom Australia says that on the sae- g r ond day out from Melbourne the pssme- o gers were amased to behold a little swarthy-eed, black-eyed man emerge d Sfrom hb ateromsna fll jockey coe tame-boots, whips opr,, ilk jacket and 0 Sall. Inthisatte he solmenly paedp a and down the deck for an ho br and then The next morning the same party ap- 1, r peed attired in the half armorof a I I knight of the Middle Ages, and the same afternoon emerged in a gorgeous ose I dials dress and continued his dignified c Spromenade without speking a word to say one. The fact that all these costumes were s a ;orld too large for the wearer made . this msosueading the more grotesque, ad the mswatchedeach trana- I formation with" merriment na- I I til it was suddenly whispered around I thatL thell wm a madman who h Sagle~i himulfaato a perpetual msries ' me ked balsadi tiht any oppolditien a to his deluion would provoke bim to nerves of the eapny very much the nb as s s wt? lBedoin - -Ar, s a w ls a t. m ,arylng a l a, the women and childrn l err _themslves in their st urci , wh'le a eommittee of ama hmted pte ae aptaIn and lied an ligat prat aaiL al a owlagthe ania tosreina at lale. "Masjee be aowled the sail- 4 - DoI s y that Dvi donll rn1 aiN I i di iI S"Why thlis s body erant. HeIs1 sslin*a la- ...erb wardrobe to ia w i Ms.ass mIs~m. I A lis here hesa nerkable rossi S baah. riilng thelast thar yaea and 4ls j.uig psaessetlm oer*athee . sad bds a re pA i ifr s Se nu banche- .ms Isa y i he had of the vales dethis vies F7 when we sats tie thee hiral * jbl soldd ithe wlater a 1smar b thousaged bobd em be eoued the 7 vine. Itistelleved t wth s two - whhthenhi' di rsain. *t Aeshaulfl beeimhg le eamelat. Iiac1amsg ci~ h fin, Jn1U PI5~e "- *~- " -' CUETIN AND McOLUe I. new a mew was Mislaterpreed as a ee lllhaal no 1si. g. Washnagton Ratehet. S One of the heat old-time unpublished eigl stories on ex-Governor and Congresman tics Curtin, of Pennsylvania, occurred during but the war. Governor Curtin was designat- he I ed in a convention to make a speech, eil and desired to make a strong, hot, and littl pertinent attack on the Cameron faction. as I What bothered him was how to make mo the sesault mostpositive. Aleck McClure wel who was in with Curtin, suggested that tha the best plan would be to have some rep- J resentative man in the audience ask a ing question and thus afford an opportunity Die for an answer covering the project. Mc- doe Clure selected a well known sporting the man and "rounder" of Philadelphis, but "Bufkey" Neale by name. "Buckey" was the much elated by the honor and prospec- Thi tive importance of his position, and prios wit to the calling of the convention attired oft himself in his best suit of clothes, par- se chased a tall silk hat, and located him- t self in the most prominent portion of cal the hall. The signal for him to make to the inquiry was preconcerted-it wass a when Aleck McClure would wipe his shi fce with has handkerchief. Governor tar Curtin commenced his speech, continu- i ed,and was frequently warmly applaud ed, the audience being enthusiastically o his friends. "Buckey" was buried in ob- ba livion to all things except Aleck Me Clare, upon whom he had his eye fat- ise ened intensely as those of an Ancient we Mariner. At the fitting time the hand kerchief came out and Aleck mop ped his face. Up jumped "Buckey" and A pointing his finger Burke-like to Curtin, m ringing tones called out: "Governor Curtin. can I ask you a question?" "Certainly, sir," was thegratied reply. cal "Certainly, sir, as many as you like and wa n trI "You blank, blank, blank!" howled a dozen voices. Wateher mean by trying ens ta, break up th meetin'" ale And before "Buckey" could explain, a toe mob was on him. He was knocked down, the floor swept up with him, and despite his prayers and protestations that "Aleck McClure told him to do it" she was slugged, kicked, and fired out of the for hall amidst a most tumultuous uproar. Several hours later "Buckey," hatless, fo costless, and covered with blood, mud, and rase was seen skirmishing around the Continental hotel looking "for that it sucker Aleck Mick-Lure which put up such a snide job on me!" A DAnIIam col T rm DemT. a at LThe aD etam Jda e Tne t NlUrs t e a t bdr e(y. Atlanta Ocstitutiou. "I ee dev hab tu'ned Sam loose," said one negro to another. A "Yam, dey had to let 'im go, knee no ase could be made outen de charge." "How was dat? Tell me all 'bout it." "Well, de way de trouble ris, a white pC gemmen seed Sam wid one of his -hirts he on."" "Yas, an"rested him fIrstealin', didn't at dey?" "Dat's hit, hut 'w'en dey cam for trile pe de Jedge'desred dat sar wa'n't no groin' . for de plaint, ater te'd heerd de testi- o Smayn ob Sam's madder." to "What got him out?" o "De simple he' dat Sam's madder was o washin' for de gemmen an' do Jege d long es de man was lucky'nogh toit t Shis dose on Sat'day he didn't habmo t room to growl 'bout do washber oman's A e w'arin"m 'm de balance ob de week." "Dat Jedge got sense," answered the a I other, as they parted. JI A E gle asugaur Osap. ti Detroit iee Press SOne of the fiest maple mar eamps hi Sin the West is ituated right here in s Detroit. The comp, whleh, when first started, occupied one room in Ihe base Sment, has now extended over the entire Sunderground Soor of a lrge buidiag.~ f A reporter, on vlidthl this iaple grove, fod the oray-haaded irers hard at work suLreig oE~ Great harn of the poorest sort of Cuba gr, damp c -dark, audlamy, stood a the cellar d Slkeseudtrhedpubaswtth their head SoE Shallow opper tak immored over eal ar. I "Yes," aid the bronsed agrictariSt, S4~i burloy season. We mue up sevesal badrels of muovan a.da I- day. We damp the sugagetatetnas a aadtlr irt up with her S. Thee b woaddthesnd adarond M~ d a l Stwig"- - * "I dont twig." said thb. reperar. 'What groudlel fdoy uar sts why?' "Oh, we get maple haves ad break b 'em ap. Nothing pleasse a man s ach s togada bit ofuapl laer a smp b Spsielr wi in his lamp oaple eager." d Aned thO ." I. OIaw el l tsomed m chrep enoqbl ad haipa Mabsig . passot esD * Feid * '...aen ell hn toft la thea a ....ha t mtd pmi s r' 1 en sd THE SECRETARY'S SMART SON. in - ita nittle Jas Llneoln a reat a F~ rite with the Marines. w Washington Cr. Philadelphia Reeord tri Secretary Lincoln's bitgest boy, aged pr eight or nine, is already a skillful poli. sn tician. His name is said to be Abraham fei but at the Washinaton Navy Yard, where he spends meet of his time, he is univer- ho sally Balled lack. He is a jolly, sturdy a little fellow, who makes friends as easily as his grandfather did, and very much he more easily than his father, and heis as well known in the Navy Yard asthe beU en that tolls the hour. sh Justat present Jack Lincoln is devo' ing himself to the United States steamer en Dispatch. He goes at it phrewdly. He 9 does not waste time on the officers, al- q though be is a great favorite amongthem but is concentrating his atiimpa the crew. He has won all their hears already. He is counted as one of them. They have chipped in and bought him, v' with the contents ofa hat which no one of them neglected as it passed, a complete seaman's ontft. Standing on the deck in his neatly fit ting rig, complete from the jaunty little te cap labelled "U. S. 8. Dispatch" down ye tothe bottom of his regulation shoes, he clI is a perfect ricture of Gilbert'sjolly mid- l shipmite. The other day the Tallapoosa was preparing to take his father, Secre tary Chandler and other public men au d, wn to Fortress Monroe. so "Well, Jack," said one of the officers m on the the Dispatch, "I suppose you'll leave us, now that the Taulapooa has been fitted op for you?" to "No, sir,"said little Jack, "the Dispatch d( is a better boat than the Tallapoosa. I to wont go." HAPPY MOMEN E Ow A Miss, J A Pretty PrFrea e Played with Pra - sen asd ses. a Detroit Free Press. She stood on the corner waiting fora is car. She had French-heeled shoes, and g was laced to break her ribs, and she had fr two plumes on her hat, and looked sweet li enough to eat. When the car came along she danced up and down on her t toes, gyrated her parasol at the driver Ib and brought him to a dead halt. C Then she toe-toed out to the car. Then she toe-toed up the steps, danced around is for a moment and sat down. n It was a succese. She exulted over it it for a moment and then drew out her n portemonnie, took from it a $20 bill, and e: danced up to the front door and handed a it to the driver. ti "No change for anything above $2," he a said, as he turned to his horse. Then she danced half way down the d aisle, rang the bell at the front end ad U at the back, and as both ends came to a " stand-still she toe-toed out, nipped and tucked down the steps and danced to the curb stone. She had shown oE She b was happy. .. LOT=n YT ress cATH t] A clareae asks that Ia said to boemmi meegh in Werasme. ci N. Y. Sn.d "There is a curious sight," said a lady, pointing out of the parlor window of her home i Morrisania one day last week; p "but it is a common enough one in this neighborhood." The reporter looked, and saw a ish - peddler flirting with a servant giI across the road. He was evidently aprosper ons peddler, anad the servant i seemed to appreciate the fact. But t was neith er t peddler ncr the girl who comti tated the uricus eht alluded to. The wages, with the thoulhtfl horse be tween the shadts, stood in the middle of a the road. A tarpaulin covered the fsh, d and at three poi, about equidistant, three ats' tail were visible above the - cloth, sad the vibratory motion of each I indicated that the objct at the other c end was enjoying itsl. "It is a mast extraordinary thia," mid the Morriaaisa lady, "but each sh ped- dler is ollowed by his own particular cats. They seem to know the sound of his horn, and trot out of their homes as v sooniashe blows it Each wagon has I usually about three cate following it. I don't think any alatio. for the peddler influnences their selection, or, i it does, there is no rIdproclty ofthe Lt for, whie the cat love the peddle i the 1pdler invarislh athe cat r am ineid to thinkt the attractnion es in the qualty of the bsh. I facy f thatherringisthe faorite Ash tthe d I at (lhtrs are lo fobad ofdabd, bit thda dislikethe bones. That wr.e h~a I inait Befsethre weeas oame by a the case wil look with coutslpt upon I I shad and olow the mackerel wagoa. Isethareisa buth tail stickhag up above the tarpula." 3 There was, and the peddlr saw it too. HUje a ad nd tohLa oumtshlp, ad, aasw , toward his waeon, elsed satlld i out a catwitha shad d I it mo-uth. at wa made the e lws tw sWimiarh trae td. h Iome had aesnvanetio with aharm i ' lag, hlgheste awaiian girl, while we Swatched usgather the psfornmeae oa bad bhl-hulau girls. The ast time! yea s a hulsi-hul. dance in comansy I with ladies yo.will nd out just bo I much do aofmetal strain ye an endaie without Mlatam. I a mast coe ' wiated state caia, ad did not dare i to Gallde to the specte 14re . he. whilch Iltarned my ey jriosly to •J .I .o.mro o edy that s she-I as though at was a lamcawu ie the at attracted hr. I strove to take the ri vsematioa far away fro the same fore as as poible, and so directed it to br neent visit to Ems. banddss a i _ tooL ... eathu . o atofmy Sbody srtinr, with genne indigna A tlnthtshe b Eopsand tbo'ght Sthe art gallery dreaLdflly indeet be sd of the display, in marble ad on earas, of nade b.res. " Iative Mmim letaem-I deapl 4 avssttobe obliged to intn ymauy ii dew asfthini, se r a sa btes labs in the presence of that charming s.nor its were very rude. American Visitor-You shock me! What did I do? I ssure you that I tried my best to make a favorable im pression on that lovely girl. In fact, I am in love with her, and would not of fend her for the world." Mexican-I fear you have dashed your hopes, then. She now considers you an ignorant boor, too beastly selfish to be trusted with any woman's happines. American--Oh! it cannot be; it cannot be. What have I done? Mexican-You lit a cigar in her prea en.e - American-But she assured me that she did not object to it. Mexican-And you smoked it to the end without - American-Without what? Tell Iw quickly. Mexican-Without offering her one. RAWr NI AEI OIL. es .deiaes and thelr Varloes Vii Philadelphia Times. A handsome, well-dressed woman eln tered a Chestnut street apothicary shop yesterday and asked of the pvescription clerk, in a stage whisper: "Do you keep rattlesnake oil?" "No," replied the compounder, in an audible toe ; "you will have to go to some druggist in the slums for that com modity." "That's the fourth call we have had for some one of the various voo. doo medicines," said the clerk turning to a reporter, "and that means just four dollars out of the boss's pocket. I ask ed him the other day to let me mix up some of the stuff, but he wouldn't have it. and stamped out, muttering something about being an 'honest man' and running a 'reputable business.' " "But what is rattlesnake oil and what is it used for?" asked the reporter. "The ingredients can be most any thing, but the compound is usually made from lard, goose grease sad sometimes a little olive oil, and it is generally used for rheumatism, fits or for exercising devils. Of course therein really no such thing as rattlesnake oil, but to meet the heavy demand for it a great many drug gists keep a harmle compound which they sell as rattlesnake oiL It is used as an ointment sad under this name it is almost invariably callel for by the negroes, although as you havejust seen, it is occasionally asked for by white wo men who look intelligent. I can only explain this on the ground that they be come imbued with the superstition from talking over their ailments with their ored rvants." "But rattlesake oil," continued the clerk. becoming interested in his subject, "is only one of7a scue of these voodoo medicines and olntmeats. There is al so agreat demand among the negroes for dog's fat, cat's fat, 'pomum oil, rab bit at ad in abot,f tbrthet and oil of almost every a11e ad rep lee s can imagine. I often have alel fom the iorant Germas and HHnuerini for 'devils' sweat' and 'bei TahMOa; ·deThe iRgnorant oamost ery ty have diseraat peeigs fobr diseases. The nroes take the pm, however, in the number sad vr their charmed meditaee. Many 'Id keepa bottle d iated with a eom pound such as I desribed to ye, frho which all alis br these vare ious i and fats are su , and the dr s in the slam make e good deal from their oamle." __ _ ms vase s eas is ius w Um. Ulm washaasee latter in at courlserss.ra Agentleman callig on the Prsidat fa w days ag said to bhl: "r. Eed dent, I uaderstad y unlde n ad letter announcing your **rETir withdraw from the list of Preadetlal c andidates" Mr. Arthltr d led. "I hope it is not trse," conatinued the caller. Mr. Arthur still smiled. S"If you should withdr now," the viitor rattled ea, it would lsurao E lale'sm nominatiaon." Mr. Arthur looked boied. He tak ,,ootaperdnad bepa salpun it. Sl to a wiadow. eron mm to be i reallyheres tlast. L you m am the chulch sleeilea AImd o sri l the dista-se. A me die eter thday;t..e l , mobsmout te de - R otrsabI ' ~old ed Ihas ls ad osI a I theo meafldgb. le hev plI0otpeeed hi. eye to _e tale n sayt,"ledmtian Id M. Ast. r-I a w tn d ie vei bou o -eas; te isis are hacked m a d rtk up ser, thowork o relBlhsats I r"And teally yo wst eds sa," m Mr. Ar as thop se man ro e to gs "I sal te i os aii s rl: * erills ib 7gd . Ar. - e. The trsadwow a smh'e was lurklng smound his amati. SA sooieed - saled ata bouse o. SI' dis awula7'f e Ple weawy pse and retarn . ednahw to m atessad sd: dhireo I. 4ad a bit of am stahe. W Haso an ole brlack woi ws' welu' ··r "tm, thab' her urns." "Dmr Pd lk. to spoktoher. Idea fargosat s s a ashwweman em Mum. dsuam a eld ladde odder gin d