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S7 MIADISON TIMEsS. DEVOTED TO THE WELFARE OF MADISON PARISH. VOL I. NO. 18. TALLULAR MADISON PARISH, LA., SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1884, TERMS: *.00 PRYInR 'L . vy awzm1rm 6* 4 I halfa year ! poand twe world, ead 4W - ' .'k Isado we have tine Now we're where the Inuth I. - ut n h irb aloof Her the ehickens chee , boyse. hall And the hen with p e o teseinst6 u n lh lun Hear the cattle moo. S ,ooklg nut at det Serthe hAMIk bhyo . yo orandly ass. O 1 th p sway e e', The coiteran hadn in somet sver 1'st tho world erund aend wide. at L a bni o in the utm, boys he e B~a e, w oubee t ian fa Ps s sa ery littlme g~ you can s oft pe .ltwas a gentleman to whom ew eveati had, in mente Blksaker continuedo a, ad abundant illraton of about~ths city. By athe It I ISake who becamr e hfama aot oar~ of this re t:, g;.ra ear before owar? the tatlekan hce dosed. « ¶k nwqu itean intlntsre sting incid ent Y ases. eyou don't mind I ircey 14, b rthe geoe -V0a0 wife rieo ther s wher n Ict i-a isbrtr that yourse I ntedrd and Wepl, ad e omaked, anotherlpart of the geroom. lie aever did like to hear that paeseati firteofa is till i ap through die I dool a teaehin i st, bt l ve goes.I" . wmow et a M et'thers i a kind Idasuhuigl estallhment that , e t h affa ir that aouriased sevared with deice, at the other lg. and the cuastmer. dtanding be baaes tr,...6.. ten . .. csr hii.iir .. d oenY loosin r aot 1b-he sI i' br iul. Tines. tse lre'dljq. most of it goes to mother to help keep us a ~gPItih.· f|he was worse last night, and-" !hapr Venirverig pow. reevi "Who is Nellie?" put in the other. . Jelie? Oh, Nellie is my slster,;r my half sister. She has a trouble something -' " d she a ( ly sit in the chair. Well, I thought that like .ougj Nelie-she d~t we. very much, you know, and can't have very much to a -~ t might be eq e sie r omething morrow. he was very ich worse pale, and I could net tit i is always something coming into my thiil, and I oehiidn'tr eiJaui very irwl. Some way I didn't do very much to-day. buy very much wih that,uo Ih l I would get all I beuld for it." came by here and heard them tell t the gold watch that was put up. SI ked in at them spikes, and then at ,r thataa- l a didn't looariud Lbi)/wt' #W for Nellie what a splendid thing it wld be, and I put down ten cents. S-I've qo*g t#3ktsyU Of ni had Bl~WBake's eye. eIt t have been a cinder, and he was very hard to get it out. Ble, Jack," don't cry. I hate g. a t Wel, Jack; 4l P lend it y a dollar. Miset eb you, not I g it to you, and you can pay use in-" I will pay you right away, I will " it youn or a v Jr ' ac, s eýi htfig 4bM nn* a ymd, b Sie'm3 your saidr. Ecusea me, Jack, your hands ate at * ]'utlf- I-,tl. .5 r-t :..1 .*.. mwose m: saUDioU look. A wamen d sad bo eret wqtcbing the heavy am~rappedJai*,'"inldsthe wor d ead go to tti Vloir, mother. andtel e- m acb~at ck iamenow? . ertoih himN. e- P aew ' mo 'esotebnin; he I with S L about ~ier that "w wish s ia.! ~l'lea ah isa Dotor. woman looked at them doabdtl I butope d aher. i rh" 'it's too late. i rs his ntaman ,s S. He isa frienD,- td 4 r mu- wi . ~laee'ht do 'vo' I him ..frwe·te me in a momth's time oa d lmdolt, hke. o p - bmt her I e acaa h he had chapin of Mr sad is is sather a lbug S goIrtotmkealoe, ya "I ti iaboa soame-d I have abomti oaloj Nee Kohl." ,"inld the ether *br UkL~~Yfll "A trouble," eeatinued the Doctor, "foe By which youalonecapneulsk the remady. Sit down Blake and let me tell you." i : I don't understand yon, C sby." "I'want to make myself n fa h very tlearly, and I am at a lood to know hoi to do st. I st you willhelp me. hi That girl knows, that while medical skill lo hpved her, it is to yae she owes her res toration and her life. Her sese of obli- al gaton hang. over her terribly, *hem she te sees you. and she has seenoo a good - many. $ies since her retrs. The other flusheI hotly, but made is reply. • When she sees you," continued the Ise Doctor, "she canot help but be opprese edby the burden ot her debt. It is weighing her down beypnd all powep of my words to teli y . This is what I wantt14 see you about. The otter smoked in silence for somrn mibases. At last hearose paidd up and li, down the floor everal times, them, turn- K ipy ,mroby, h h, sid: "Yon are rhl.. I oht to have seen it beore. Some way, don't know how, t I hare beeat Iterested in the gSt bansg 191a . h , a desprea ting geptulm, :an4 ' hip.fie . ,"a . ; . " acasb I"would g'ie my' tiM.' lroTh .cau unader youar direadob. '!ell Swhat I shall do, sad I willU do it." Pmori gossed she- wqoin tq wlaoe o th wnlersqod~aad took lshai d - hIa d in Inhi own. like a mwa Blake. 'I alwdyd ~w you we* noble fellowo. My a a s presad tn-Sold now.". s t what caI d," said the ot. li Wel,lBlake, don't .wan`'to • e Ieitpbr a , . AWCs 4rKJ, y lsh ydnaethe d lsdeam ' seieAsl w tesjnmh q, .el r tiw a 8 e4i. Sltaen sp Oflts ang ona.lsua•mpear * . t , adet the d theiton' m fa enr ia.west.-e-- ng I'eed! a' la thel eeeach fir tt esmlers.el t thMsr wMaestpheya .md e'. home ak eMmee the a ey pqnul jfebubi aaIebeli os.a k 'IIebdai·Yd'sn iintlm hb m8, wbie h ý abu hia end e.. "Yes, t lraser," the little fellow a oe n the boy's voice arrested b down very near him. tI a"Colonel Blakeaiied is Colonel - " Blake?" (pi ow; this e daeewi Ele renhth a, n strm e," mid to h _e li ta W ll down say nea hit amea libf is only a ae f teas e win, trn and los at bet. hou're 0t,9 lr.Blke, 0 a stble that *beis . The~oa_ t down byUM )byg. tI 'ouanad egaginhis wonhdvaprqten "Oit's S bfoel thhat bal did l the- P a oer, wont A Ttb galU the Uad ad IIVad taell nbbqitr -a her f Ar s pewd w tot g I uptton hini, puade am ed d a oou ek SThea pru ee.sed. H. h s to kamoy, and at wo* eisek**adIaI I)g ast the eardage. we W-emmp*Ea symmthiaed with him. My wife wit them t oth of tihe ry. She knew and mthi with him, too."w n I glaced at the lhdy who replied "Y, the General is right. I knew him an I mpat;.ised with him, and o loved l.u--and I love him now." She placed her hand up the Gener al's arm in a way hI 4&ml not mis take. 0., - t .o. ,rro . "s Ir L oaNg. b Its Pewer 0*( as Proved by J Newr Yte 3m. "Attending the ~] deaths that so regaently follow the handling of nitro glycerine in the i11 regiemi," said Myron e K.Paige, brmerly eail rator in Pen Ias panled cesdUi oerwystion nd b nly, and I do mot.kb tp-d ty flat an d atiutorayexpoL I nbetgiren This sat r feedure isthe almost mpt a los oft matter, espe dly of the Menan be4, which in a rnJity of cafes um f irom a fatal h explosion ofbi ly-fegm1 d.o I tae noticed it f any instanees, and the w] n Wle laefled tokep1aistli t64 article I readtaiti"he1,&,n" the -L1r day abqut tle fltdina of human L Aj) s ermea i inn olVte poi S'ofd the oi ýegionis and the abse.e of t4a1 9e qa r otyer remqiu . That oh, by the way, was.dubtlqus.a tat Iin qu e to piany who s $t, put t apy oe wihotaer lived in he oil country it. wa s qilupy the tqlling of tLhe old tdpey y eim. h*oAA . .. m .m4.,*M. . `- he ]f o e ,}ltbl w 4s" 1i anltedglpsie toe aaP lwhe e: tan e as t wadd .f )br , th. Huak atmdlngJn the i St s ha'm i i da' of ervsdea oses easin a waea. wam he ta w uabYggs t" romthe tI enouhleft of than toom th' jt bott= ath we thaa as bu there woulde'tbe I en.ugh left of them t co vet the bottom a of a snouf box, but they hae the daring to take the chantes. "No one knew what caused it, and no 1 oe waould everhave known who it was teat was wiped out, except from the faet tbht'te knew who it was tbhat would be comiig that way with nitglycerine < jusbout that tme, and fromeen neor two t we aund - but when we heard the explmmo wthat I we aid. That's HO~l' hlast trip P The plycerine had ex od about a quarter of mile from the SWr walked down there. There I war the am l elhm that a few anit of the f aways:d a wheo it emo ue agaslot of imber felledThree h red fet e tot thriýht the road S woo we andwaptireWe rm IWe $undfthe d'f we hre, and asportion of theody of another.- . Ina etherg bat I of the woods a asae knee was up, aapd, rthffeM K . d o, as r any Mt tbhewrek to havb thrown that was bit we found, ez00 Hakr' aen eoA pb gbthe ie of the 1 Ids imd abis-wb bgban en the limb f ci tree. "Aathoroihly as that does nitro y-. iidoIts wotr. All who have mp1t 40-o w ith ft in the oll pion. Thep l;. aIs e nevr s Geoseq. D as, nhe he shth8 the marba st w-s pertoC ome foot Daugeme Daams, at are UsIt IgaIte " wIm Astibela 3ee.t N "Flour look. innocent enough." n overseer remarked, while watching the m, the removal of some barrels of flour and his other grin tem a large *arehouse. "That depends upon how it it cooked," f the reporter spggested. "Just so. It is dangerous ip that way; tha but I was thinking of it as an explosive. Just look acrosa the room. You see, when the sna's rays come in, the air is ' loaded with a fine grain dust, and if you were provided with microscopic eyes you would see yourself fairly surrounded .with smam atens of grain of all kinds. the N9w, ~pppose you take a dried ear of Do corn and fire it. It burns ver ldlowly, 4. and the chans a'rti'i" 't iti lgo'"ý Shed it; or take the=' krn elnl t roIit' The burns raueh q*siBern ol). brmwe we grind.the maest wl- iw~ * ick,1, my in a mipte; but X y gjuaverhp it redtoe it tR der or duaaid Ipndae yoi i i goes o lke a lash, and top ° p e svq power. That jsjqst the, casebu here. I the DotIs bied otchitrgea Sithtd tind dbttild; b: tfIt goes, blow fh the ,lIobOrr0 Ti,e e the seovbýe, q a' n tPHwp 4 whea cl the Ws ,l T h th 'i r, kiew an out Vello 1hgaldi by er think hen did '!he vlp'4if ail.per k f,-'i Uhe windows, hurled pbwmmgh the alt, w •nd th e Dwalls ggij g e' letely to emolished by a man's lighting im aih b i abig hresta. : -i ki "A cMeharocidean qpepbg ed b , Sootland in a large house. A aok ot ed in witha ciaga his ntI, ipa: k thid thep rbbietse bemtoo hfrie - rith, See ad ounert o e "areh, --* ddhite f r idri theaid o WISte 'iedptea'o l adosidaeods pIson uaw bht, bbs ma udiCi tth9 9umehd.. sivanreath me tJae ampostol in lwhen thed abeht aspilyfdeelpo ap ornorughto hurl a boldug. w t al "s the explosive poer osit to let e t dusths eer besd determiied" e Pek, the chemistes some e perimnts that demostritd" e te' i,d pohe of mswmt, adms Sobrt s iarcans4drhn ofarledind gmop ofd wnt intendedo to repwesent a room. Wh eu it threw a boxweghlo g A " tix explosnv oert luthe ir. Yos "o pet ht dm Wmmterial ' lethewohpotr oflor vapios., WhenfosT burced it goes ak aindsh. Ine of ho the exmperentshein taogk ohr sto lia satule the wJaertadapas aydit a smt in the air tined it to dest ma Whom l ed thiew a e dus weigding of six nigedo tw sot i the a on q~eo the ir Hoec pr fae h withtn 1. n amdriatl iAleurals ossoth tyoUtwsuhe overm a dtosad pa b eaprd tan ent aioi fotree mleos., l"p e oets um the 'hat bwe o da the R ustoffir e ?hMols.t When th+ burned it dosof ,' he. One of b e thea combits is w is - U L ed aw hmea aulmneatit gi'iS)o. we luues wbna th wI dlaenstb t f e r e. ua i r afhe athe atlt w ates R rbii aet: rPsB atiser iy sher I'~~btiit·~c oi'ie8h II ii i~ny -~riCt)mtlr~~~l 'Ibw u h p~d i~~ hir somebody's sine, las night?" "Why, Adam, Johnny--" "What's the maler With Adam?" "Thesre nothing the matter with him, butwhat L was gong toay is, that be cane of the sin of Adam, the father of mankind, dating the tddi fruit, his childre all are pushed." . "'Well, then, according totthat, * my hc pap aaoes somethingma I ought to be f lcked for it, eh?" "That'll do, sir, now. Hurry out ter that cosL" ', : nrmro o rt nom. t'. er The Peeamar gn eK * eeor Davis Is a Z atsekg lrua oes.e. d4 Hector Ddlis lives in the hills a long ridefe im here. ' Abrmipiltedd' to the spot. We knoed at the or atie l Davis ebia sad the fhat. hing that C St ck y 47 a4etion upon, etegrlag T a middle-aged man sitting polt aprig tb and ppof by a rode amp perularly E ,cha" efi, meýot~k. I it 0W " et ai.ed hlj tolle " .eamofI iantelIgence, I and malr to te all about Ihtl in a raoiee t a ý Nws selu s er. own, ,, I. mmeprd b+ r s a I m l e d i bul a-l d Mrs , rol t ' a tbPe ~thdtsd:mash to mb, Way ,me et tlan ghing hold of limbs they j the pressure until they oly i p diation oione hwas o s wbch, 9alts pliable' W , kmsll ascy f iM ý e pborr It wot'h b ydb hbiehe wode its Ito othe n is w lad also tiedN I learn from his ol aiuperfemed theiral p!ep nc. t7o rm w -- . r .a. othe ý a U ewe W s1 mias tei nob i e. is..o e'' a --y "Oh, darlng, mut 1 ilve thel o eadi, .a lah.di , e Se er t elville's Chicago countenance. ba shapyL e I leln rfo ltedi pe6o Ave-rear old,. taying her ba4 shis ot and l an 4s herud n she beeed had w line to a her apse "I mSh see a romas sm ae t we whnl uhiml, and atSighe the .g altng quteosade 8 to S'mD . a Atfa ttta Ooasdtia ` a o'Vb What Weored a Lat el OCtLes.. Wh aned t * Mathlas t Do. * Hartero iýmes Scenei Grove street. , . " '" ,Coloral man at top o( ladder holding hoe Dim.. at or w ter toward tpos ) ý Pedestrian stops and loot/ up. An other oames alaoesad leokse atthe look es-up. The Luet isrepferved by anoth er and another. "I itta dsriousAire?" asks one. "Guess it is ; but t all seems to be un. der the toot." "Why don't he cut a hole in the roof?" "He ought to cut offsome of the clap boards." "The house will arn aown unless he eshls tbq 'reF DepartmenL" " l"W'eet is the'fr now!" was asked of the colored pipen , "Well, boss, dsata oe in de kitclhen otnge rop',on do ack ide. I'm ou!. wshin'j dtsere sid fr tOr 4 . in'." T-hen the crowd withdrew to find a i .rstome: • ... A e 5.;X1.o.., q s. . ,. ... i' re ied the t 'rt. on " 9 1 once, bur ybe I at glw'1sta ses aiisch. ai tha h pa. Iam willui to do A ith would t4h. t " -te ý, Irus Ask"__-suk. 'L1-A oThe ha sosrokes byith auy o sort ,iloo but would ta tsMe in Nuets ever given in the Uniteh. ttu.. . - pea!c ly deMrted.alit,.l hiri 2' "baners. At tsat tqe lII rl i',,ir .t paser had a orlp .- all r ae sseso minh ekWfrtdf artdo ? bo s1pee46, he rh s-moeb aLgeat "to tport .verbiatim bit ; ica l ueto ever givn in the Uniteb 7tek . the Pmmense-hy i fI '- 4 g a• , se tnrmme -, mb8sl ed.eae6 aledbw t "Mad I at t t 'ane . . -- t "T"pe .ejl$ ---m for '_ f a _ t i ." - t _ o - 4