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S . MADISON TIMES. j. •---~ -- DEVO'rD 'lO THE WEXLFA OF MADI8ON PARIBH. O. L NO. S6. TALLULAH MADISON PARISH, LA., SATURbAY, AUGUST 9, 1884, TRS: $2.00 PER MMR. SWILPT U M W ANeMW.. Ibi S.. , i " .. " mi r, i A N m ; bsw e'm am*ad al , P"le awlr . o dasb pieep Iatale s b t fo a imen eeta tht wideb t dasa l,.- d I - pae bNed . ,imHyw.. te - bwe t, q thel a p, dr! a tHe was a tePr, st . hif a sathoy tl'iure " osly , o t - a iliM a .-rsi los ena bo nk" ate P meadt, boepht fo ' twshlaibers,!,- . . - . whca! mya ,in ý t mify I Mabim dw&' asia fed 0mnm e Iaz t that. vich I asI wentr Io~Wh a e b as a ae. s e..._ he. d am. a. ia - : mooney : a bi-out , "d 1Ia p~routies e o e w iat Se-l. - I m hto eiU r i leae. i aUii ile4 AO per -n atw dobbe d. Za~d eatimaupmoe* a" orOb. w * ammised t la ainr. wutosthe thtl i ar aU ttime; 'tM.Ithe b tnmle, "rhoin sadI rthepOaO' de t m es ? er fi o". Is a il m !L . s sMI iat Mm 1ob b " ds.aerb t.,...., ..ew son the patios or let as rest in lepy l[la g sc rob be d " seemyes L" es wlk was l d am~ Sad , a shu aged If 1..m In ymmEn~e. -:3.Lo~ ru ..J~r~~a~+~lP~·r, L·~~~~~~heie··········· hum-~l~~ .i ir ;-r i· n r~J ~he ~( :in·hem. lm he ~y ummin*Wai nT~l ~~s~~a5I wbI clYakrh Yim w~h him Y bll shebM huMiqp~b, himself at the hut lappoutt atthe I b strurb wallet contain d about *,Q ed I bum In notes of the- Bank of France, deterained to tIrut noone with the mes agfo the doctor but to o himsellf. Calling sab, he was driven to Rue 3 o. die.' bpt tbRla he visited evea bavme tia short street, he fond no such psan Dr.RBechicou4 Ve fodn. It hib that thelldr of a tvdkjh P1rts Nor did ot coaar the ntme'nw f Raalelehart. 80 1 l)amier's mind mige him fr a me- this auent' Then heq pid edt "Lave I not his npey here and my des' not has memory. have arsepd him amisit? tea I will take this doctor with .m iad hast- min en to the m lp' " ' mea The phyea, nothirng loath to riveYe a good foe, diem with Mese'er to the Rue Ba. L.. When s mlsrl ad the oot door opes e wadlPte aln t doctor had nott ots6 his to J1 I apbes d him. Afr-a mammhi " L ~otrgel d wenti. , 4ii t bhd of,. e Oneeese e-to hU i dois ,, an, beesW and aloin dediaed,. and en city erstains It wants, aoee ot a s r mi. S.erytLng. A, v I tW nab Ibonds, e doubtful value. ,The p g p- ha6 paclbn msimed hfm. Hastily prcuring dmu 'r &ih hb pooket apowei i rm e dt tid uiogund',me' ads * in the iliet. nae o pdmhanthle fr. lug Iam rotlbeal!" he cjnea; hame pn ato m the,6pr dthe alter dI ior hu ilu the doýe o '-- t -l "' ,cot : "" raijeee ·tt Ca'lk I am eae to you, twas . thd a .LE·m In i abnd I . toee rs .. #1 Iillen . o are Ise o el he asked pasoa the omn before tlt Iy en, nr pe who hhod al S his hoaitSty der the name Jd to dtht ae asaort time befea ny ride.l En hIsr thl t fLv yvtrpns Inh thed at neyes and mid a s ieat beauty. . S"Bowm 1 :st be ., In eouu-1 gt oo h m to legraep la wita a Imi eart t to' over tdswiwhloused ON yThes Macd se te aand webuty , h I iWteb i toheagrias i Usiha e 9k *u mnb I ia e sgubbhd or 'atd th I oRe ht is Ee Y d t ked DummY. ra h-ba ha I : we kos se - ema li ~sw bt~~ ~rl rJ Lbl I hewe w * hey as ' ad "You laws one oadrel f" eadlim at Dermy, fpot eseltaneat, "why r hate me, sir. WqNWBt I erd a", "The place o the Bre d6 Man. bemge imine, and 1 put a than nfatset who, I npp bd aense enough tode * " a _ * * * eda In July 18,a attept was made to Hon rob a bank meswr in broad day light bta on the laeo te. ioba near the wi Northern Railroad depot. The thiefand n accomplice wan captured, and the an i thieth bef, an old otndet. wan sentenc- te ed to tw ve years'"penal mervitude. were He admitted being engaged in many anyt : desperate games, abd lg others con Sfrmed to the rmbtm o Mener, the gene miser. Itwasalo ascertaned that for kept miansya aud up to1870, he had been look aeoaltiaie ai in the employ ofj MoIdeuar Denay. te a . s .a. c so ... C n * '" em Co Judge Blnkley, of Austin is not alto. IIOII apIpetic, . Se jois man I ia of. coprivial torD f miid,%pad not at all ayereq to aocjil gies. In his caps- evid4 di aty Unstibi of the Pe~, L negro s named Peter Jddes W as brought bebre Mon him tr A IAioaderly conduet, indeudtng elia Sdnmaes, and besting hi e@",a mend Ma "I dos't nee that the are msy mitigat ing .dcumntantcea," observed Jaudie o Bihtlet. bhaking hs head. the "No mitigatin' uarumsancea!" ex- gotI claimed the prisoner. "Why, Jedge, I ad just me um .ds euin :ivay, Hay wbarb T d been idr a whole yeas . "I i 1i e, ie h bai~ h '~eek 'ltcked hit up hl year for stealin' a shoat?" kno The J ed remaiad the psawper in 1 that his --."iand--- it-- were ylao e.P lan ~au I ] tdm a dwinan. ,a ...llr . mol m e oos your remia! '.-- to be head o,, , she, welt d * Tug 4; w d e td r e s h o b " rb ewY ep at b* iwe abe St.J " "..W - eI N g)b:a Ir r o oy ia, atinu. HRe' ht omt veyagme kafwt ia eh Ir d j k W , yg f the:ll bat, , Ta try at New York, waiting for the ., - i t -:,4~ d Iraa '.., e, t...... e .d dtie. Heti ast thub ,ýý O. tat.atowYorkwatno the a T easias 'not' l h% Y t V hdseatagl R oebqid too- e ~hphueesA ,e one j li hik aimewhen . ly$urapef, bes sea feey Sal:a In : Woaff a h%4 em M !Imat a en, 4is aBc s*th < l leseiui aiin istgetedbrS IlCin es P Ad i me ..a're t deposse ai is hime nw mad WaL - he Augmi . e IBE lAD FIvS aDUSSbaa. br Shad slrsrmuty Aboet te at Coste Mrs. exce uq..... , a s , *ofh N. Y.k n. are Among the litigants who have attract ed a good deal of attention in the Court tor House during the past three years has t bin a slim, aervous, taikative lady of 5 wlo always dressed in black and curried bia i an umbrella and Jemonstratively mani- this fested interest in various lawsuits which to I L were expected to determine if she was pth r anybody's wife, and if so, whose. She ena geneally carried a bundle of papers and Past r kept close to herlawyers, having a sharp gai i look out for interlocutory motions, ad f journments, orders, and hearings, and gaft being not at all backward in making et. uggestions to her counsel or even to the CourL. The name of thia noted litigant appesar ed in the pleadings ofone cae as Sara C. Tilby and in anotheras Mrs. Hayem. The Bibl evidence showed that at one time she was a Mrs. Deming. She became a Mrs. Morse after the death of Demiig 8he thi claimed that she had gota divorce from Morse in 1868 and married a Mr. Rowe, In 1866 she got a decree of divorce from.a Rowe in Indiana, but Bowe c get the decree set aside. Never theless, she married a Mr. Albree, and got a divorce from him in Masmachustt& a 1 The filth husband was Agstus J. Hayes, whom she married in Jes7y City in 1874,nud'without beingdivorced from d hufen she married James Tilby, a sll- vn known butcher of Washington Mastet, no 1 r in1879. ': e 8e livek with Mr. Tilby as his rif Qw until October 1881 when he dled;,'t thd od SI sgof 72,(eaving a fortune of about *00,` ask OO6', all ot which he de t' 1,EM, ma 7 iagher hik sole heir, andr c6iig o " mr y and Hieorg H. T167y hi» the sons by a former wife. This will she 1r ited I 9ffered fot probate, pd the the P onshavebeu iJi;x eg - , ed.that the 1w wad by undue thi uinfence that . Tilby was nevr Bit , the wife of iti feth>er, and 'could 'rot A hoaebeen his wife, became all the time she was livinbi~ i ha , she was the wife of AemutmJ. Haes.a In osd tt to be Sresksad tbersw of Mribrl,al b. - n ima8S wnte she Was tvbn with pallr alil ,m i iimL with hit -- Cse iSrs that tehep - e Seisnauitlei.raastI had lals' ,I Iai tma Hyes.M hs" tat G1O .-was win'e , . r _bah Mr. T.ub7 w, deelpy `l in I "e ct a e s nt be.e._i, tlbri . ..,l . <ber ',he sanjir Wwll send Mlp a he, Mas. rtin og eiastibna le (re hot awaakýaised oink lr aoenr gsIo uIakVtai3d sa ad tlet emmsiu 'la Oem4 h I tPe abstea ruda O tha . wkst. a fbrm conditions. Out of these 38 half had been previously ingeulated, the eth er half not. The latter without a single exception, died with unmistakable signs yb of hydrophobia, wh~yeq. the 19 others are about and .well as ever. They will be watched for a year by veterinary doe- chi tore to see whether the inoculation holds in good :permanetly or only temporarily. be, M.Pastear' theory is that hydropho- l bia isproduced solely by the bite and if this is correct a aw compelling ali doeg to be inoculated would in the end extir- Pis pate hydrophobia entirely, *hereas if the diseae arises pntIeoaly such an h enactment would be lees effectual. M. I Pasteur's theory, however, seemi to be p gaining aceeptance and his experiments, he whether they lead to the exttrpation or ke merelyo the dimination of this forti of s ffernng, must be watched with inter Be S A sample Prehlem. d aobt. J. Bardettb. on S"Young Freethinker' writes to say to that "in many inskices the wqrdsofthe ai e Bible are untrue as applied to our own co times," and he esys; "Take the passage, ye 'Are not two sparrows sold for a far- d thing?' I say they are. not." Oh ,weli en I agree with .Young Friqtil ~ejr tht at the plpsaie quoted may not apply to this generation. . But that is the sa fault of the geeration; the Bible is all riaht It is only we who are wrong. Two lo sparrows weresold for a farthing then, u sad I d' a'tmappose iaspilation itself be could fosssesthstin tae year 1884, ia a the United States of Amgia , a. racaeqf a Wuman beia-rma star Sing nei r a.7tar 4 usg1 diclen to , no r th a robin, or $2 for a red e a n af.AWbT shea, ahd t b1old sell a eie Sper F e i -a to iquart basket, ahdwow make tter b Sofd seMbd t tais tbheir ehildienb 1 .~ ,pa eorbr wo thu i of s Sl ainn ddoid i ind a doten Id " hom theemet c .-, e , . w a., d , ipe ."fob. vea l" , i ha ts the pa is markets, and would rax split tb i1 Pdelhnhe elb fod smi44n the Ibe ar, I 'lfyan. that. to. . - I Q itneSnm e, ot 3do,. 91 h . • isa,.t eo l .et YM - - .hakeoýl d aend .e i inM ae the -ImIna hastemer nendi.. ' &r Spos'siesba, oahbe ped o 'Dy s. Qtra Itaproý shsa Ve ti ox dInk a wIefvar wid k s&iohlsb -i, u .p . n-i,, t eY ,'¶* ' L. a pe to lavenpqti yoney fr a,. r 'whbO teia ddebzly sue , Sas yo ll kno whl& mlenedvies nI s det 4aPat ia***add thy Mr It hitt pa by the ferns and grasses that wa above it,.. l- ne feat e high won mal e for you d r mene ro . No i o td, W 4%M .Wt wIM y, y qiia flout..' - Le ld d . Ysh m na tt _ RI- k ac twept r to. w a yet 1rY 10'fl to . ý. • d -id 3d ' :!st g , .b b t t o d so ~. ! 110 a'$18.. ... , . ast. tenishloS.tst',. a'Af . # ei fue Tbs lghi@Bei id ipso bus, *tththraLgtnetWS igl theY)s ad Iho i c e.S 4pa as hs .a.. tohidwa t taeedot "WPa5 seb~Itbe5Ue helt hih* o I U te room to abowQ rl~tred Uw belliua~oe I Si m l 21M5 P eny the .nd' #thek wa,.h d Ho FLAGB RI THliR 'CAIPAtIN LThe atwmal ainmmr Maeh Wanted a*l,..I .?rmad*t Is" ,kb .eaa. A sound of tile,whirr o sewing. Psi and chines ilJqI$the loft over a liqugr ,store 'the in New Yorkand in front of a lond mot bench runningthe entih length of the ohal ,loft a bald-headetnd mtdaed loibg' Mias trips of red and whit.e fs mendlie pose pieces of cloth. .hol "The season for the Amerien flag way has begun," be said, straightenin hipl-. Iul self up from his task and mopping his det4 head with a red, white, and blue hand- the kerc1Eiet "Is the lbasness in American O a as good now as it used to be? Not was nerly-so good, exepting in Presides. Son al ampaign ypr. WhyNbv, speaking of foul dull ti , last year I ate my own hqad pici off. It was the worst year fot thre in etuntry' bitr sw, aad I am the oldest eon ahEia f -' diag- awii~ctrer' in the birt comay, and o t to know. This pIl year,,tkotu, I 4m sliahing away alli Het d4y, ad pm s ,tired, at night that I J1 ean't sleep. As for eatingI don't eat of at all." ' ve "Then yod considdi thait' jtrfol asae the sda hr tn they ob *t?"' : " ' "I do, I s."yemnp. y .e, p4 he 1 Thepn I end gs toailU partofthe Un lon. I" te idah the atolonsl flag i usd almost aiv eally sted. of the fai banners which city politicians stretch he screm the 8treet. Pot Sidil} loga aPd12 wade nd. 25 fad rIg o asselsr40&" '" eitirely on a. -e sac mF e~Y ot' iC white" 're doi based upnthe Wee" area Mia hs C iAoWm*.Ad c *l them 'toh tonae woma in Giee mn hibes ten Sthbe.iece an she epo m F rbco S.OntCbd inL a tw -foty , 4 cent. Fdr st he gi e a ueati' " uth e try 1086 strips are e oef compeesn the yet t se r tl re deme - m o tP oet to-morrosa rd with," .. e S-,els eS1 MP ,,t ipq-eq. t. • . M, .s, 'U , . haleof the German ChcI Sthat, "the pealiaritte ii ie Opa be badierlasse .odield detaEithde biai rtybe @oe t.nhad tWbb1 l 'be ·AIi1isbdAfteit dbim -.hIbry sIt d pe ctlpaai , l si ladikge-anu es .. ,asp"-i ion r " .iieaii- s l o .b'wlh. .a.b b. iy ...**h :he ,in. htqIL.p9qhrC y~Al tff", r . aitsc, mhal y " th . :is• 4odi in t o t of tho i an I 'st ba 'I -e.ede ecI' e, u th.e ruk I r j hyi ac-'e a ee :bp n i4 *ssuL wlahmh.netsowa by Jlt"toh AlgBse f which s, m mby d on e6,e l ti 'ee .tons se ,, !e p as%, etm IS do. I d 'W atsd thlp'b a as a auw wane fpes rdalt h'ns- .Pay. In , bed noplaep*lw es0asb.O'hi, sS mt s r Ughtrnn II ' teIg It dra paidiy *n ome alaee . ."o hrla th',lve r get. I aqpses etth ter t'm flfm o w I bfer" repaied the oungh teI no ase lypi oaia diw e tatey mslha" vos it e cuesiwo, eO, eas alagu , a y byy, all 5.. A aell olstrSnMh Sr" TING WOR SWETr REVI.N(E.. r , -. f.,a,. r Respifat a Pairutlt '. . I I.t, - ! 3t." , ,th.:'. 'u ferlt ,r. tý and Junp - ,u ( re the two children' u, . 'd moorning had acarcely pawru \ I le oahel Shamoliek turned his eve unpos, dg Miss Comoski. He wooed and won. To m .pos sth state now became his un holy ambition. The widow stoodl in the Ig way of successful accon plishnment of his i-. bul object. He ineditated and finally is determined to resort to feul means frn a- the removal of his obstacle. An One morning the little Polish village . it was excited as it had never been hefire. a, Some one during the hour of sleep had of foully murdered Widow C(omoeki. 8um id picion at once attached itself to the son is In-law. Pursued by the law and a tuilty at eonscience, he fled from the land of his ie birth, crossed the odtn and aund em is plioymeat in the mines of Pennesylvania. ll; Here he considered himself secure. I Jokeph OCmoskl, Jr., though hut a boy at of fourteen years, svore solenhniy to avengs his mnotler's death, evesn ehold ae the murderer .eek the most distant spot r on eath. In lltdiahon of this resolve' 4d he bade a tender adieu to his betnrd . @ sister sad sailed for America. Fortune Ie favored the brave youth and after a time h he discovered his mother's murderer inr Pottsville. He at once made kown his ioavery to the. ýgials,1i 1 ;t 10 Yoek and acquaimtedltm wth, ý . 25 feelsa ia.the case. The sympat y of . pfficial was enlisted in the 's helf d he promised his assistance. The bo kept a ptcb, over the g turderer's ie d tracing him froni town to town. e ile e a in commmanon pf a tb II- and sent tethe Ahiladelplhi Peni us tentiy fora threeyears The SConl in tht' -n 'lhd *witten to 'or eland Et te a e1r te of Srd it ion papers, gnd the boy came to S: trymen remae,- to work w the ti years were passing. He rd shlloy hipoent tth-l O t sn a aa s ao o m e me i, ,r : i n d s s t r b i s h e b t a he guped tinae boses and ýw e feslftr rckd'D d'1 aca pee 'tion which he now r l . The eoa n _msa is tt' ly 4 (ý f unrJ front Iwr mlflt ea tk tl rear !} ta of theToe .- Thsoung man l l ey•w Ol rael Na itos his I no-t FlAditho -mat bllus ok r () mell aNwi le 4 "e!A'" ;A ln t rmelNeu ls t,.'2 i. wai·t eve · Mweapolate,:@wleshooseve ..:1 The mnhardethispu4aedGiSe sitae d i 3 threat a ip rq dt athed nitesdres !lair aartte i tobei w t(A4Vr t ¶oithO S iý. say and sonnthes, . f M emtthe 91 i DLsPe UksEasl r 'TrWha w 'nSdh' "i t oskit a b ims , ,"r .," -v.t bN .analeS rth saor dISP :a o ,oats in r } t is h tt , l aBetter ~ hen 1Y· , hu, aal hI -Ts h set P wM thes t or setwllb hea4qik wloth a thee wiin h 4th s* GsdsT 1a wfed** '*t*l": *'h ·a