Newspaper Page Text
IIADISON ' tjI , i. C GTrAt.. Editor & Prop S. CEY, - - Publ!isher. SATLR AY, ."1 . '+. I . Omw 0o SUBSCRIPTION. 5th District, J0H S. STON. I DIFT. - The King of payin' is not Gen. Weare not needing rain partic slaily just now. That Morehouse Clarion, is c r taily a good patwer. The jail contractors are :t work. The kiln is being prepared. This was a good duck week, but s hard on young chickens. Who wants to buy an account s__t the Satanta Medicine Co., h"r/ i The June rains arrivedl on time, d all last week and this were c A cave at Delta Puint just al.ov2 te railroad incline, is threatening 1st work. The umbrella trade ought to be pod, but there is nothing doing in The railroad people do not seem telein any hurry about settling! up. They ought to be prodded. There are rumors of a branch Suad from Tallulah, down Round my and Vidal to St. Joseph, in Tas. Parish. When this weather does clear, gse will be a "nip and tuck"4 Ses with the grass, with a good am for "tuck" getting it. he King Congressional Coin-t -·iMearetomect at Rayville, July: 16L. Both committees ough~t to, getagether, and issue the call. New York, while opposing Misi bidp River appropriations, has niemitation in asking for $1.i0). tetdepen the water over Sandy wik ber. Galveston was visited by a ter Ialaorm on June 14, which didj I--- damage to buildings rail wae ad telegraph wires. The iledwas cut off from the main I d far a time. P. M. Doherty has with ia from the firm of Dohert v & Gilaspie, Insurance Agents, i ine rg, Xise., and Mr. Gillas I"wifl carry on the business of de les arm. The great duel between tlhe Vhhmg editors did not come off. t was ell advertised, and of easmila ·eials on both sides of thesi~Wea on the lookout. Who t Mi eat? Ih the the V., S. & P., raised * high water and-some decent ihtrates furnished, the Vicks l merchants ought to control e neeiess along the line of this sland. Liberal advertising is Ue Irit step. The Jury law proposed to the Isture, does not exempt the h.s from jury duty. This is nmg. The Press should have Idedthe list of exemptions. Can -t- some enterpriosing legislator have insmerted in the bill, after the wreda rsaying who shall be exempt, "eitors, printers, and all others gP d in the publishing of news While the Legislature is in a ~Uiss mood, it would be a pious _5tS repeal the law requiringl ts ttakee out a license. The 1Iwh idiot who proposed that e. tought to be disfranchised. -. dtr does more good to his s: ilis in a week, than the legisla Sblea in a term. Such a law is Iae to the State. e Grand Jury report contains mig of interest, except that it her retlects on the Police Jury -met making the parish officials poer new bondsmen in lieu of e "notoriously insufficient and ' inaolvent.'' The report i states "There is a feeling of among the citizens of i_'nnwenarity ~who feel that the provided for them by e, either ignored or at made light of. sa t*jlfts ? A ?.E SANT FECEEATION. I.t ( - to C ,.n "o n, ..-.. l'ari -l. Lake, rt. tf ' . i v Captain of the .-tWli r IL. ii. go it to he assilt. ,l the g'lluint Captainu Ge . c t l , tt l.. , . .iv:en :on Thursday. lOth inst. It was in tended to run in tih lBTa'ou as far as "Point Clear'" pl;ant:ation, th,'re t ) take on Board :1:1 in that setion,. but the water falling so fast pre vent d, tl;at, : " I the -teas :i r lay at New Carthage. at " o'clock p. i0. for those in this sectin. Thi' :ir:-t arrival was a "coach and :. ur with out driver. from "St!eia'" plantatinn, in whil' cante Mr. P. W. Smith, with Miss Nita Comi. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Stanwwo',1. ani:, Stanwood Allnutt, Mtrs. E. W. Smith and Maule 0. Smiuth, Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Ireson caine up a: same time in their ;uggy-otlhers followed in quick suecession, Mr. 1'. P. Bruce anit Miss Tahor M.ur row, Mr. E. C. lBeneliell and Mi-4s Lou Morrow, Mr. Julius l;ettis with his two sister-. Mrs. Slih rrill liil Miss Emm:ia Ilarvyy..- i i-tlem.l :e on horseback. u M.ssrs. Scott andl G. C. Bettis, T. P. B1ai.' u, R' . B. Htalford, WV. E. To!!, Lane :Harvey and T. S. (''on, Jr. Getting ,n hoard fouin :i:av ya ready there, Capt. Mitchell. Mrs. IIaysnor and son, MrN. Anderson, Mrs. ('ro-ier anti two dl:iu,,hter , Mr. 8. D. lHollins., Mr. W. D. !,. lins anl nice Mi-s Annie Me Caleb, Mr. J. S. Wl.kinson, nith er and sister. We were met by Mrs. Sargent, who had with her, a Vick.bhr lady, Miss Travis and Capt. Epe. SMoon we were steaming down the L~ ake. At "'Su-::erset'" it, tatito. MIr. O'Kelly antd chiillrea. Dr. and Mrs. McMtlian, ulaug;.ter and :is ter, Dr, Gurthrie arrd Miss Lewis. Mr. andti Mrs. .. X kin:,r, Mr. C. B. Muir, l's -ister Mrs. Vaughn. ant her chil nr'nMessrs.Ariie awi Isett. D _ugt ::i ; cani :b I i t. i. al niaking a go).!y c,, pan'2.. An'! to the owner and Captains two, w-e return thanks for a oniht of .r, at enjoyment sel;'n 'giv:n, 1aT, I know all 1arti,'ipa:ts will ",:' ',, in wi-hiing tthelii success and ert,. properity. LWhat with t ll. hearty welcnlc, and good cheer in lt' 'i variety and qtuantily, none oulld help but he pleasedl. Not until '.ayilight were we re mindled it was time to return hon,', where all arrived safely and in fine spirits. J. * ý FARRAR & JAMIES, E. D., -- ;o:-- - . J.I.s. Vicksburg, Miss. Tailul.aL, La Notice To Teacherm. By order of the Board of School Directors the public schools of Madison Parish will he closed on Friday, the 25th dai qf June. All applicants for positiors as teachers in the above schools for the next session will please file their applications wtth the Secre tary of the Board on or about the lst day of July. A. C. MOsETTE, Secretary. Tallulah, La. June 2nd, 18SM-4t. II. [. HI aIKZ, House, Sign and Ornamental PAINTING. PAPER HANGING - NEATLY DONE. - TALLULAL II.....................T..l F, B, & W, S. HULL, Architect., - Jackson, Ml.s.". I, PE(I.L attcntion gih'n t, i planin,.. and eonstructint_ Churhes. Court-h. uses and .1.,ils. t .Xg'. t- t; r SNr'.x1 Co',s ielebratedi stt,,l (lad .Saw and File proof jail cells. Send to us for tian~ ail C F. B. & W. S. HLL, ' Mar. 13-lyr. Jackson, Miss. ISUBS IPTION $2 A YEM 1 .' : . . . .. -- - 'I - 1, M.':'., ' " E "" . \ 1ii . E It 'r .. . n . ' ,1 l:' . t . , ":' . .:..". . . t ';o"zbI -' t . .. . in " Il, ,. f " . . ? . ! . . ~.i. ! ii , I,.' \ . i : I \ . T , i.triv , 4u.tLr . . ! 1, I . • 'II Iti. I te 1 LIt. , L, u '..4 , . it- I ' ....... :· ··;, · ·. ,1 I. ' . t ' i , .' t UR N TI.-. I., Vl Pa tel oFo lslt of tthi LxI4 . nb t n t t , a. b .] ., ,: ot.i Bo el. ' a , e',e . "l . " (, m "muu c i , I ,tz) " Usis--. t, ,s I' L o ' A I ,: Bee , d h . e l ,.a ,h1 !lldatI . to L U., • . t" : . I: E , elzem . tomt r y ht2 lt i:, cola,. " t a'iitely low. B..',les. Irnof he 31S L BLOd. , i ,n. IA V nA d A BE t. IOl . F. SITAD I -E pr opre1 tor _tIL of T oilul , -inL h ,ilmio Pr i - tlrmrr ln} i bi r~eL rII b i fU ,th id, tia, b h>-. I r. hi.r" T ,i . t ,,, %Vrtf v len , l :. Lcb o ts I Ctin . ra i cthrtun, r on .,t itr, ,th May. r - .t. W er ne .a01t v , r ti, ,,- l "t: , , 1 - . r ;w , n i t. 1 . .. . I. . .. . :1. . . - - - ti - I - .' '. ' - W .I - .1 . ! , (r( . list'* hi 5I - 1 , t " 1. 11 . F ,; . 1 l: . 1 I '. ., 1. , e t r "' H e,:1 " I . .. - 1' T ' i ' . •\ ". r _, . J , _, ! - . 2'. - c . .. - - - 'i I I - . II ''. 1 _ II , - (1 . 1 ' ',. ! 5 lth i. ,,:.t iI : l !,, in .t p ,, ii a l 'il 1. .- the l,.:,..i r L n- * 1 ,: ! ti aas i.I1 : .k :2 4 . . . h • -, , '[ " . . . . . . " . , , --, d A - 't , , - I ,A. :r" ,. : 'i i I . .. , . *r C'1 - -~ - 'rT * · ' .· . , .' · .~ · ,·1 .1. - · · · · ~ if~~ l . ~~lj ' ,V .-;-+,'" .'. . .. iU :1 I' D0 IC wr r . 0 >,:, .,, e., -- 4V X!I ~ · C-··lr C~ 5 TF'.. ' " , "... 1I - *' * " ... . '" 1, . ' --- ----- -"---- -it--- -. -+ - .# ! . : . " . :," ::,.- 1 ' : . . . - - V.' ')ug. M i: . . In- . D . Iol hi j 22 22 I . *:..1-* : :28 12 2.2 2. . l' 1:132 I+"+ b lg Ps a fll g Aputa chiur r zpar rnt :) u~j m l hll v . ... 1 :. I *..: I . * l ' the Hi; .. :.: r ! . :: a : j :'V. I '' ( i , . : '. _ .c '. '. l i' -1 .. 4. I'4~ W. 1UTill ' D. Ill T41LT)NO SW. HUTHESN &Ci tO.,t T l.iholalt and Iletil 1)nl"CS in 110 & 112 Wadirgton Street, S:,iL ~ 2 -, .* (iN H•PXIRLG HONE. ·\" i'" ·· .!t 'V,',l !, 'I ',i ,+ t;·) ... . ': i," l" ·'. tiEO. %'. U i-l.L'IIury",Ali-. . II't's.iN -- it t Eu -; :.:-- t. : , , ? Ott~r;+ iqior .,i+ · \ · ·· . Ik e iinio . Thi O. a6d \'cl Kiowi los , ic t". l, " ....... s "e st r 'e st r (Ti iP Il_ ,. l~fOPi~T),'I.!., Ci:ii flI3."-' ,ii lU,,' , iII - ;J Ul."' Irc'a IL JL" +' t%.n l '+tjr -) J. H1. GGZL:EBY. Pes. La Nat Bank. J. W. IL .LTH. :.tatue N it. Bak. " ALUW!N. Pres. N.O. Nat Bank. Ct ) 1 N . I 444 . I 4" ai " " :in t N ma, mbe-r. i . - . , . . ,, . . I ": , , , . . , I : I ", I '. "- . " . , . . 1-., , 1 . 1 . , k a t GP.RAD M"NTHLY DRAWING. TU :-DAY, JULY 1:. 188(1. . . - . _ 4k., ' i !'IlTI 1 - 117.E n 1 , '1 - - ' 1 ,1 1"." t -:1. 1 . i t i ,1 t l'. I :1 41 , b - ." I i, . . .i.r ('4 1 |o , .,,1. . 1144 1 .1 rI. ; \ I I. 1. ;. Make P. 0. Money Orders payable r: atc:'ess Registered Letters to New 1,!rl ans Natolnal Bank, c ;al1 . I I. S .' i . \4 ! .-, . w (artr h:.,u , 1: '. . ", .'t' rI i . 1 . I . :i1 ; n ., ai I'd 1,: - .: . : I - ..., " . , ..414 " ," . , .4' :14t41 F ri S., ha:l~. - !It 2 lj.I . o) -.1 41. '._ . J. . T1. 11' 1:LT'. I' M. .J44, I . I, ::I . .\ 1. .11\ ItYr ,' S'T'ONE & MIRPHY, ; -ktorn\1v-at-la w. , FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS OflICES: S ,11::.. :, A. L. SLACK, .TI'TORIN:EY-AT-LAW Tl',,lah, Li. Frn-tice In the Courts of b'sdso as !wcll a in Wet Carrell, Iheklad. krankir fra i Ousahita aitrisheg wh~ he has a.sIitaace of Competemt le._l rt.e ourt t he t, sa orl onurts. L]'.I. hit lA.Jkli-N & ('O. SI .1V ITT II \ i !.\ \I. I E I FIL)L S1) I 1.fB -r3 STREET, , S - , t ,,l. h , 11 Ila- lN F11~E \PIAZZiAE \TIPROPIETOR. 4i.1 E 4: ) i i. r 1 ItI, I 'l 111, 4 . t, i. .i: . '1 ia in t ue tir all 44 4 .4 . 1i ,, - l4n r I4 ni.- hi. a1 ,