OCR Interpretation

Madison times. (Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.) 1884-1???, October 22, 1887, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064405/1887-10-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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" O.u' ,, . .,f', . . , ,
V. HICZEY, - Pub!issr.
: AT UltDAY. , " _-"- .  ,
WOSTII5 - - - - - 1
* LnateC'.
__ . KENNEDY. of E:i.t Carroll.
bluer tacril trarl at this jro -
h indicates thl n ,,oir subscrij'
will erpie ut two Irrek. .
esb ecripti O!iC i. ILsTOC. e b
- ezt iExu.tive
, B.Sro's.:. of :",1 ii.-,)n, C'h 'n.
HMr. . IGiF.., ,f
.o . Ker.,n,. of EM.4t Carroll.
to the cta,li marl at this ,1 ar,
I is ndicLates tht ur sbscrip.
Ometicha sCtii to have juli,,ti
n. !
paper icholls bec:It is to d toh ~,c"
ring out.
John:Ellis is oa; t afr ,n c·io
the Bid Four.
veteran Co'. liattIf is fnow
editor of the Shtreveport 'imes.
Congressa.n 1li:ano:srd dMit it
he isa ceaprida ta f.r t e. U.
toe i week. Any how it ti
ithe eain.nt have Judge \ it.i:
eround with the Michoil t
the Baltimore and Ohio Te
e eteran Union.
e TES is under oiShreert times.
;Senator Eustis for valuable U. b
The TInEs is in receip Judt f a fai
nv aittion to attend the faihor il
rBaltimon reNovember 8 to 12.ee
SCo., has been transferredorms, ut it is torn
balest ern Union.ed at uton
ee. A num under olf ls wationere
bGatr Eu stis fDlhir valuable pubeek
le vitatioden to attend thbroe thefair a
hra stoppedn November at inn8 to 12.
The cotton crop was cut entionsr
te, bythat the worms, but it is turn-t
little better than was exwpectr
.sb oingy tmanyn on
be ar loads of ctton-a.out
lThere was aere burned at Rustonrt
heburned at Delhi last week.
M inden barbecue broke tin he,
ols circus all uprn. For Nich
he Times-erd tnocrat mentions
-ctythat the saints have not.
articlhed a list of newsrict pers
forly, Choing how they stand ontr
ch Governior question. Tand
bthe loosinig grouni.,
Se at Chaverltn, ('., lastke
k, and the wires going to reorn
h consinderal e alarm. For ake
riTg. Thnrt's boTut thesir
iWhat are they going to re
for Congressma : .\not her
Victory woul he Ruin Pecr
-.Ia Journal.
'so, but te indertes will tako
ethe ruin,
s Its have been asked
iaken th;
-., . . . "
I . 'O ,, , . , ' 11', '
.: h : .: . + ' : ..,
{;, · , .r1 , r: ,,l v ` .-'. . It' 1.,.:i 1 , :i t l"
11 "li ' t 1 ('1':t:1" 1" L . h
,,t--, !n i ;, : " -- t o. iu i nly,
the att ( l' , s " f thl ' ca : l l :ts,. :ic li; 1
.ieioir.lizfedtilln , Itha tthe 1i-:',k .
C V(1d , roke into pic1 C1, at ICi:d .t,
land are l,)iO se ly (i ftli:,. Ifl
thely over t-t np e! .u·i1 "..:.: to .,
.i toI ur't'V , a:i tl, er . t!:' ' m tI;.
sin: :w'- lio(,'u t aa,: " , h.(' ;(
' :4. ' tthln t :tt It a tnl I. !i
cull .I t t i what. 11.'11i U::] "1 I. l.`
the nll ': t:ti+:l t": tl, . u ! -
jtilt, aid :,t'e la:tttl i 1,:n:. :t , .
ioutlni ina, . ,: 1d : rL .,.11',, -it.
SONi OF YOURt iIdt 1Tyl.
' ,e'hi, ,'lo rk :i t '.ih, l ut :. 1, i: -
t:,rs ,"+ L ... (T'lh t';1, a, Nt A ll i tit
:lil; -a\ Le nli,.ll ;, 1 .!l o, , a ri:ll
Vltilt r for i .for ,atic n l Il 1 ,t l.l 'i.r'i i
the K . t' d:,-a t r a..: Iti a -
cidele t i. lone ,o t , :' i i l .. s
u in s, a tlit none olI tii ' it 'ii 'e'
utisiltes. This tclrk 1h! e iiii
is u ,nfr to::.Catebi, I t gi n, \aSV.fl
of (, ti'c. ,.t'i -; under iltr i,: boln
lro.a: I:- .,. 1. :r,. V.ery .Vt re
f,.e. : v i a\ t , e 'ni onld l t e .sub
ject bO t l(i.wre hctl :ti ii:tl t ve (e l all
u... i G -!.- l i ll 1 't riý P iU llt Ol
S e a - " e:tit is A `tl m IO S. It
-c, .: 1,'((!,1'. !I,' -li t' . the :l-l >-t
'e tlr (v li( 1 L , 1'i: l and it i.
lpre-eni e1in~nly ti- ir l ,;I 'w.s 5 to
k,1ow the c.u:tse5t that lioi 'ieath
ai+ '. Ui '!ter ,t -loIly au thcre!
lo:a oCf ilt, but a ]o:s iof lift in ia
lnO:t h 0orrile shaei. The cari
s .o)'.re wt" %I on hulnd, :iAnl the coal
oil ianipj, a," I.. sCt o" theo Uie lost
was I"y iire. 1'he ,oor unfortun
ates wre hi fasct by broken tim
hers, and were ,lowly hturned to
say it's Hone of the lieoi,"'s busi
hess. The newspaperis should make
it.the pleoplt'f ituiness, oid ful1
ventilrte the w litlt itoy.. Al if tic
railway coaip tany- was to I;bnle.
place thi l]ame n here it lcoiings,
and burn it in, wi:h hot n oul
Wall Ihtrcet h:a,- blen tryinIP t,
get up a Iauic aglainu, but it ould
not work.
Every tine an old coal barge
sinks the coal dealers think the
price of coal should be advanced.
Senator Gibson's speech at
Shreveport, is said by the sinners,
tto have been. chiety, a , a lot
of the life and services of lRanIall
Lee Gison.
Thte Iit:Z" ,-,f New (rhl..Em ex'!,.ri,'n.V'd
alt Ix:'.l taIl::!y :-I ' v rir Ftermll hlist
T!llle tday n;,.:hi. The high wli' , W i eW
thit- wattr frolln th, lttkt itt to the cr-ia I.,
an. broke l ht hli e1e1tt alkne the ,lt
ctte blowltu r the ;'4 V:lltl, at.
Mr. Culev( elai, tickle 1 th. len
phi1 ltittll the other day ,.:1,,
this: There hitiws pa-t your cit.
our natiui's grt-atu .t riv'r, whiih
you rightly r'ard -., the ml1o-t im
hiorlailt facttr in your pr setlt and
future wellarc. and which I believe
is universallv recogni,-d aI a prop
oerohj-i'c.t fto2verninenItalp jrotectih.n
In vic, ,f the }t,,ck"t veto of the
River and Harbor bill, this is rc
The New York \Vorld sent a
young wt Ialln wile a" h:er na:ellle
us Neilio Brown, u:: - nis.ion uI"
skill and danger. It was to prc
tend insanity itOnd guii admilliSSionl
to the Blac.:weXl3's -lnnd Iant
Asylum. This she lid tooling )a
Ijudge, .0ome 10oliceicn, .s everal re
porters, a number of doccurs and
the nurses in the Asylum1,. After
g out ahe wroto for the World
. , ant of her exploit.
* .
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45th YEARt.
º{I l ii h: 1i 1 :i I
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Itl it r . I , '!I. 1'. ' hi'.-ta.. ."'l "
:n€ il, : - , a', ..r hi '.. 1 '1 : -11 1 .! tI
'"I:-rt ., ' .. t. 'l T ' .M .
-,::i ,f" i .. 1-11.. i
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4.th Yt . A. -
i. t _iitfl l -- lk,. " i ,'. ii.' ;i i
S- '"i n n , tn . ', , . .. . j I '. a 'a .-t . " .r,.
I. t - +" !iti ",:t ' in ' its l- t itn ' i ll s
• i' t .l ...it. [-a . . . . a". , , . .:tn
,'lrM .en, iL lt "- Ct. Ir, t i pI t r a t
li::,i anits a ·li t: t::+ n -1 . l',; l' e l t lr
S.ablirnn(: -,ieth w lnsw.Lar. Alant,:
Aila.: f th. err , ,l u nt g hni.lg , !.
i)van h f,T G.. illhr Wol l,
. L.< ii L't'b Lt. wi c' n.. - mit l an iute
• :io:.u er tr: -l!. ! ri,, i' . ; ie'
w anenb r . I o .l;t- l aty, re i  g.'l 'n i
T'if f~¢ !illl On IiS INt'1. Rl ',IPT hION. 
MC.*':: It Pll skli, CO.. Phr'pt't,' , { * -
1sew~l.  O'',, ie ,sus. ,1' ,V J.l4
lil 7*%i l+t *-. *'lt *''i Settli'ngupa!
ltd -;~1O~ ~~~~IOT-..C* -'~r.rj`=).I··b-·(-" -·r.` -· ~Pi·L
ý:t ti:r .L1 l '1
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----A AN)
:'rl'.1d h t. , r'1'- rtrlid ` i i1 tar I
(: V "tnt 1h.'> t .1. J. 1 -:n; i It: ý1 ±L . L'.rc i LA !:1 ':r
G!.UNSc~b, fl . U I~ahilG " SPO 'i HG. \U@ ' HRYI.~ .it ~t:
XiKBUG - M ;i{'
a j~ '· ·~! u·
*JN . flu. jI. rit I:v , ( . l:. k, \ ii \lu 1 ;m a, I). 11 : u i1'r
1 rc.' idv ; :4 I:-.11 I' I _ ke rt
e~. Vt itIIt·tl . J i.;~, W .Vtrtri .4.~
DW IK1~~LI N (~~ n~ lg''C A L IH I1 I
WE W ,ErLY IETROIT EFR IELS i u:lcier its pe(rnl
<5-r ý, "; ' ýi L )T712 ALI )NTI1t*4 I'()1
'*. C1~7]G-'P.- ar"e mi:,%ing! 'Three to F'ivre
T"O I) ,!!r. per n:,y with ve.' little et:ort. W . wA :t
pu. t!,, t,. relpre..,en1t u" 1,+ :.l. thc (ochtr, :u,,l : i.:trict
Iý 11 , Fairs, at'm in every town in the t"nit, :,: ....
,y. , t S,.-,! ,,: ,-,-,dent!, d. -: .,1 r, l , ,t ' o, ,i t t ,, . . "'.,,
' lh .:':1 (o ,f-isi'ns andl ca. priz .'- rl:)1' h:r e- . ,i- .-.
, , v, THE W1,.FE.LY IP.EE PRESS .- , t, th. :"
, r, -,)tdr,-- ", 'r Trial for 1; t' . ,\,ire.c
A1) I)+.+. 'PE -,Ez 1tL S CO.. Detrolt, MJfzii.
i$ a, ,n. nj: 1 r (iIa it S " ui. . " '
Roofing, Gattering etc., at Lowcst
Cash Ratcs.
Country Work Soli4ited.
On Very Favorable Terms.
r \l1 Iine c,,tt,1. lantatin- nal
fr,:l ct ol:n .1i si-o, ip,,i 1:tver, l,,l' 1,:i1
!,.lw % i lhkeus ;te'nd, i1: lMaI;:, l
P it:'i-!r, 1,:r., mt e ii! ;.. ... i. .
tmal'i1,. Tlhl wlht,:or c, ta .": ait' "1.i
J .*41t :i(r(., nl.:r!: :! ! iq :Ir,..
l.'I . *, tra c't ,: ,nt; . ·r e: *I . tt 1.
F l'N d ti .-ad , *fl a'i-'a . La.,
fr, :tini ,,n the Lak:, near New Car
tha"'.e, containin: 1:;ta a,'re;s.
for further pa~rticulars a;,ply to
. I7.1ZoI5.5 V ai rI. L ON,
3mos. VickeLburg, Mlsi
TALL L.\F, L..1
ALrr X 21~AON.
WVathil,:ingn,, D. C.
I01 1 f'
Toliegn a te InCtt'7 .te
"N ,,t ' s:' - ': , .ilt- w. !',,, , S.:'. '
jltic, I itllformationi ubtaii.'i ,y r lhj -
t'.ti, lr to
WV. II. N. M:An:',,,, I. L D.
j o J. B3. 3.ti.1HRc E . M.
1*- cihai.
.. . A
+ 8 "T,
,-+R 1ý I:,'.i' :.'. . ,, 13..1 ',.
" """ . "" I ' i, f " 1 e| In ti o
S t"Le . 0ulu Tonic.
+ . >t .ýJ r.... ." p n .
, l i.. +"; P,, 1 .:13 !: ,. I . t;:"11 11l.: , ,1" " ",-• -
'. . . . ... ..1 , . . . ... . . . . . . . .. ', · ? 1i.' 1 , i ., , tlI . l l l lr u ! l .- e ne o f
\"v-t , 1 . 1 1 tu . ik -. 11 ini o0 1
I' te 3i . uOt iPrt, a Ii : apo ry Ie a inable tDrib fo ,
A ~. ... :j'' A I,! y r ( 'I ,Pdefy comipIetition.
l-, . - iT.t. , i t . .. t " , ei. , t r .. : .t, is , a .
'I'.lr. ' ". I lbu t el er ini
S. : CT. ytf "adU.. , L a , ' , O
_J Y _i Ia) 1.k S I . U;,d 1, Z;
!at the hs"test ntice, a.i; c:on most reaso Tna,.ble terms tr earr.
1" :, ,..',1 :',, i:ý !t::"" (T - .1... :' 1' +Y'Si ' . . . .Mt . S H INGLES.
fir, ,.", t~d'.: i
I V a . Tet I Ma rnK
.'' . -l,,Tallulal. Parsh of I+ _dison. L.
S."r. ' t 4 r . z boýrd ROTHEeERSd
W. EL L( a-.1:
C I Ta, S.ESu a::d ..UBEt R GOODS,
No .59 W ~In !);Jlt', 11t F:ilt i lr:'. s Tiaken mad
" :L.. F_ R 0,r R"tv 2,50
It is the LefI tling Ftho in the city.
Na.il Ord-- I W t h Te C-rcatest Care.
1w .
--])cen lcr In
WVARRj d t,,N MIll,[,S,
1OTTON" Se -c d 1 nlt, lulls a d Ashi'is Ir fertlizia'l rat
fowl t feed.
No ..5 Wa*hingt.n Street. Vic,_.*urr·t. Missisipyi.
Booll-=seler & Stationer.
Agent for the Improved
.v-"Order:; by 31n!i will reco.lve lPromnpt Attentionh*-'
A. MI. PAXTO, &0 10.
---E; s in Stcek a,+,:d for Sale-
Cotton Seed and Corn I.,1s, Steam and Jet Pumps,
Gardener Gov'ern.rs, Coantnu Presse, Inspirators,
ll()iIO .·= P V()IV l-:tfI4 'TI,:I,:L , AND 1LtON,
aLcP Con;t:y': Grdcrs, Solicited I.d Prompt Attention Guaranteed.
.1. 'I C I ldN & 00
', "".e ,g 't:11iy 'ou t ) G * M n Il Store. a dl a great nvy that
ii't; i1o)t. "
Spe:ial Clothing De:partment
l're.itl, id t.
Fira t:i~ms (mooi, which :. i, .; ,, f," <,I.8 :- hep as tley cas

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