OCR Interpretation

Madison times. (Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.) 1884-1???, November 26, 1887, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064405/1887-11-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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a Chicago :-isry of the
'.ft--ranm the Hayuarket to
L ergM r Coesnte the Sentence
d lhlig sad S&hwab to Life Im
..im, but selines ta
o I ers
hig s Se*ational Quiciae - ast
NIMght in Prison-Sining lth
.'aMsslIeaisel and
\ AnaIe Laurie."
:l Ue~aMh-- '*e Lass Weds-Tlt
om Well as 11: as. a .
-n  l mnag of the 5th of May,
g ~twhle m wee shooked by
.e egthamt Mon the night previous, in
Vl imeLsin aynlsyarket Sqtsre in Chi
4 a smr aof polehe had been mes
aessm o0 A oOU,
. ,.fd ots ,at '
-edek and was addressed by men in
with thedoetrdnet o pi y.
mi-heitites and the lag -
wher the pileas appeared on
R r ~c
err. ,ý f
r t7 ý 1 ; ix / . ;
ýý' ,. ý X
jr e .
IUSW EG'ed.:iaufaif
..em one among the saarhueta,
lpr 1 bomb, that r I qL W4
*b sh d of Fwd pal @st
.d womitta and aiming of fifty
Ieid me On the morning of Nay
A a)Qhvab. Adolph
` ýw wisrt.dj
4isI Geore ngel were ar
& lags Ia de time the
- 3ty ot Cook omit teimd as
MDWJPIPM ! 10 duo
ass .......eor senDSeun
MAIL Dri r1, a" d~
r i Z Prai , who
- ~ -1U ewme" vn
~ 18ie 1!, and dWson 1
.Dam of som
--s~ ~b 3m7XQI b m
- lmaseg. sa. msi-rnaI. U
me inIpakia the bees .s
dare +r. e N owa..ed. A mt
-J -r and~h iL
a rial ap tok dthef
lli r .r ss s
aunnal for the efensp. nf": prew:!-ion.
went before the
rrPIeY r o' OUl'rc O-qa utID aT E~r,
lag thar a~ triet r g'
:sued h the ground that -'tfe Ir al a
been conduat.ed audr Laws or ruliags that
were ccntrarl to the C(onstitution of the
S' v tera carefaL hearing
h41b tu a bench. hal body dseed
that there was no cause for their interfer
ence, and as a consequence the writ could
not issue.
In the entire case from beginning to
end the condemned men had able counsel
who exhausted every means known to
the law to avert their fate, and as
friends of the prisoners began to p.r
pare petitions to the Governor for coz
Numerous documents of this character
fozientcrs s t abu o and e
forts to secure signatures, but the eon
ask for meaey; ,delIsrd they would not
a a oompstion td tBair msesueme
o this. es  u4stion all wemalas stdeed
fast ersept Fiedoe and Schwab, who, at
the stroeg elldtailo of their friad sad
Goversor *acknowledging their laddre
tioa in making inesadiary sypelemes To
this petition was joined a eter bi -
wa1r -eew-rs eeeds at the tril,
'lb. p1 .,.'.,fd"u
ml m-' -C- Gznrur uh-ll1
msmmiml t o amy. .Tb. G.m.
-- empot'ai t .smd.. w
Aftse i aataer u d si rtti
i- - Npi 36sae tw
by mm. %bn .upldaa a Adb
shell at sall
- - Chr
/pn >i.1w iý -P
Ie e.e:s t. go the at**
-b few bemb hed tee. fi to I4 r
l. Now they am. theft iscr 9uqSin
w..d. bmbmw1r ml uº
a~a *t a -be Lb.
of the Cov.·*r,-', aeeision without
eren v isidra and chwab manir sting
ni little if any atitudle at their e.&epe
tfrnm thz ictr'gman
The men who were to di' on the mur
row spent their
.ANN ortrr l n
t prison quietly, neariy all tnkin: ci
n farew1ll of their frcela., .~n ,va - a~
dently pr.par:n; for th.. or.iatl tt:ro- t
M sm@ ar iI
which theywere topas. Rev. Dr. B o-' L
visited etds of them but has reer.on .n
was not oodial though oour,'e u.t .i :t a
soon retired. Spies and Engel w"!; :a.k
ative; the former telling fuuny -t 'ries
but growing more serious as the hi'tr I
slipped by. Fischer was restle-i andi
talked but little bat sung in a
low voice the Marsedlai.jse Wymn. Parsons t
was wakefkl talked but little, and sang 0
a part of 4Annis Lear ie," but broke down a
and wept over past memories. Each man a,
not only denounced the injustice of his d
but predicted that but a few
years wold elapse before the world
so Lgard tl. Dlrtag the night, It
erect d Q L rmg tes ws .Ld S l.d the i
arrangements made for the execution. A
bag of snd weighing 140 Bonnds was
nsed for ds purpose ani it pyrovkatisr
factory. 'At 6 o'clock in
the me. wes szr *we and
dressed. At ,7, ths eslr arrived,
" OO ARD r
m Wtaktast was sent to sib
of wra they partook, with ap t
relish. lAter breakfast a touching fars
well was signed by Fielden and Bchwab,
aspw tdParsons, Engel and Pither.
Spies era d br pea, tak and paper and
was soon busily engaged in writing. Rev.
Dr. Bolton ealled and was admitted to
the cell;ofo Paame, agel and ahwb.
He resdned but a few amlt About
9 e'elook the Mherif ofered the men stim
ulmants tt none aaeepted except KageL
Spies eesd writing longenaugh to light
a sigar. 'He finally bnished his letters
and ad4eesing thmu ga, hem to the
Sheri. P 'elsý deghler applied for
iasja to visit her father and it was
id. So also Mr. Psoe,' rs. Eam.
k IdaiMnsller, Mrs. Holmes ad other
lady frd were denied adaui ea to
the Jails add liers Paou -Aisg ean
effrt t reneh the jai enataey to the
order the guard, was r aeses sad
taken to the. station. At 9:40 o'cloek the
m 1m been dressed in suits prepard
Belo ths doses woe opeead, sash was
a glas of stimulnt, .amd a
Utae be1ore U o'clock ' the om11
took leave of thems. Sis
- rsading a paper and the mest
of the men walad up and down their
• ees after the doors were opeaned
4 r s ticket holders were admitted at
the onuer door. The representatives of
the presa Sad La ad teak hish plats
and the ohesl balsR nead the ames ot
the jurors and they took their meta on
stools tnt of the gallows. The p
domnn ma et therab to seki a
sad the Si reed the dath warrant to
ek aman. The shrouds were then put
upon them, the Sher took havte of
thm the cll doors opened and the pro
Sto Im oAraOLD
bega..n mrs It was headed bh tha
hbeih, followed by the jaler with one of
e-- sand depaty sheriffs with the re
The men marehed steadily and
ae, tel aa I
ef- at tUf; i em
speak sa WMA to. pe.: M.
Sa w Oh. the shamefubres
ia Ulinm .free peee1. I-" bu~t*
MiS nr stnie'y 11:5 o'eloek, sa
fSedte ifs'!
rie .. o in ,r Trruatcle anit iTs iur- I wt'l
Their l hartacrerthr't and 4 uN told
utm.. i:had 1
I wnt, uawsi',ued the other morning, hors.
Msay a letter frio Tr:xile, by the
chlliil -h VOice of utse of ourl pa39,elngers., you
a litt:e girl. a"ain; in it a isappointed dlowi
to),l,: "'.hiV. themain't lhotles; them's in a
boxes. I got up and found that we built
were lying at atrhor of the quaint dohn;
ou fa,l-a:hiio,..i townof T,ux 11 . forts
Th s little Spanish settlemeut s built abou
on an eminence hl is approached byva putt
ovry steep paved load at tie eastern they
nid of the town. The w,a.shore side
is crowdl.d with felt tictimis, very old
and dilapilated, aud as :t means of de- What
(en'- utterly uselessa&
The approaclhes from the interior of
ffruduras to Truxllle are mere w als Da
through the ouon.a us. The only wW,
means of transportttion is by pack- Wha
uules. The Aguas Navirat:on corn
pa:tly has been formed, in older to open Cu
up a new road to tue interour by the starr
rivers Agian and Roman. They are
,now at iors with t large dredge. cut- RW ,
tit:g a pasage thrwbgh from the Bay In -a
of l'ruix lo to theser vera. Thie have Tb
a l:rg. concession, anti th s will open
up a great mineral as well as fruit-pro
ducing region.
Most of the houses of Trurxillo are
Ionl. low-roofed, oie-storv dwell:ngs, Tih
built of stone and moatar, cool. and ei
well adaipted to the climate. Very
substaltial. I am told they are: indeed H
so.-eof them Iase.bea ataadiia hun- -a
,Ire t of .dears. T.iev are anythitng but IIdi
picturesque. looking totally ,morna- min
rente, on the oetside. It eemeuud to livh
me that all the houses lookedl alike: silk
in fact an air of sameness pervaded elei
the place. wll
The surroundiag scenery on the whi
other baud cowm,,unsates for the dull- anri
ness lad maitl b iNutifl frame for issu
a very plain pltlaea . t
Behind thetowi isa raqe of moen- y_
taius thickly wooded. with litle stream- the
hlts trickling down to the sea. In the n,
valleys on either side are Carib vil- b'n
li:ges--,,i'. the vill age ou the Ro lull
SC(rvstattt. e Mother on thie Bin Nerow belt
W'i v sited the Carib town on the Rio wrs
Crystallis and found it a muah larger wry
settlement then it appeared to be. la
These se-called Carbe are, properly iw
speaking, not Cak.bs. but tie decend- arc
slts of an African tribe. Yet they int
mostaecidedly object to being classed for
as negroes, and boast that they have bo.
never been slaves. They are quite thr
like the negro," with this eseptio. beth
that they ma scrupulously elean about mu
their persons.
As is common shong most peoples
of crude edtttion, the women are the or
drudge They are the hewers of in
wood and the drawers ,of water, and it tLg
Is not nncommon to see a mother pad
dling a dory-load of bananas, wth her ho
Infant squatting in the bottom of the a
"When a man among the Carib Y
wishes to take unto himself a wife he
pews hbimelf out a dory. and. with the
ass:stance of his freands and a Jig. of I
run. gathers together the whmermwidl
to buii his hlIn which consists of a Ilr
ew oohes, a pile of clay to form the i
foor ait to till in the wicker-work th:
sides of the house. and some leaem o. th
the cohune palm to thatch the roor
with. Hie the clears of a cateh of
groun ansd plants a few ears of cotrn, n
sad some ymr andl. eassava root. sh.
This be calls his plantation. lb is
then considered an eligible swain, and
Is in a position to choose :t partner
from among the dusky maidens. an
The plantation is entirely looked aw
ptter hl the woman. She gathers the
porn tO nale tortillas,a and dgs the
eassava otý to make her brad. I
visited a Cas bhomees sadi wateheod the
ocra s . dcasamp bread-ialU4i
Rheyv h ait the re.. then og if
on a poard studlied with small, sharp
pirticles of flitt to form a rough ur. a3l
acee; then strain it to eateet th.1 esari
plus juice. which is considered poison- tie
on. Their mode of stra miay is ex- th;
premely primitive. The a:rticle ustl as
h strainer s a long snake-like arrange- p
ment, made from a species of palmetto wi
pnass plaited to-gether, and looks ex- st
eny like IamuWs serpentt It a about
eight feet lonut and about three inclhes fr
in diameter, ad epeas at ea m. ad-
The stra:iner is "*u.pended o- a hook o:
from the rafters, tihe grated cassava is n
poured in. thit'i a neavy weight is at- ou
taehel to tie lower eln. Which eases
the strainer to conrnmet, and em ea-i
presee tise ju ce. After t is timonrouigh-'
Iv strained ii takei o,,t andl baked .
tte loarg* cflt akes, whteh form the m
dail food of the Carib.
These aptlianeas for makag the,
eassav breal. torerher with a taple th
of stools. a tabl. andt the Inr table
hammock, comlprise thin furnl shigs of "
the house i
While walk:ng throuth time ttown we i
bhappened in on the school. There
were abbout rift Carb boes. all orderly Ye
sad clean lok ntg. tnught by a young 5K
pa;nardl. The text broks arme all
tpanish. Ihe hidtorv and gehrapllv o0f
oolnurws bew-i'i the prtuc pal studikes
we iad :h. *liglhtf'l ride on Ioraseaek
pIengff the, waclm andi upthe Rio Crys'
Lallis, where we surprisel a: number
4 Carib wnmn who were washing
dtbhec in tim., strenam. T'smre ther .
Ctood. knee deep in thle water, ritin at nl
their clothe- antd puttalg them to.day W
on the stones. WlL e rldidg lip hill and I:
fordlng the riv,.r we gave the hoerses.
ete reins a!d allowed them to cheose i
their own palth. and to the utter eon- k
pernation of the washerwomen. the im
horses walked r ght over the spotlese i
clothes. e
This beentiful crystal stream finds its a
merce away up in the mountainsa and a
besid lesading a eharm to the eotar- d
andlag scenery furniehes the town of t
lo with driuklag water. Isie t
oht late towee by the Carib women a
a $,r whishl they hearge a half
b · as i ghIo wit these *
uuweem with a shawl. sometimes lc
of silk. throw. it
-hes hads -ad Ia
wilett I rentrk, ; t .* - I ,
told in the tcole-t p-i ,, , e i .." , -
had noth.n n to do , . ius t ,
hors.' did ,. work A.. I !.t 'to I
was&to sit at .
Snie :hre or four yve t!, 1 "- '' :.
yoIu men fromi New ) , , tr
down to Trux Ilo. a:l ta)r el -t .store
in a ver¶ snfali war: row t: "} i,.i
built a large, tine : ni.! n_. ai! t."
doing a iourith ni itnsines--imi It-t
thel y ar1" i the roadl e to r k : i t ti.
fortune. Ti'h t:r tort l : '' .
about tw i montl ii aSo. al I iint, .t i o '
putting iu the proverbirl roit tree. ii
they hoiltelt the Americtan flag. n"
. The New tcaby. .
What strange littl man na this hte.
!o weird and so wissned and e.se!
What mystnel linls has he sew
Withthose wtde-open wnel a ia -e1 t.
What treasurete Itolt f "in wl't 'I 01d 1
Do this u f bahr 1i ers :n. . i "
What ,,rd it es h- bI r-' f r , "
This strailger so vyuug, yet suo ",,
Does be hr!ni as 'ome mre-sra Irern .-I, r"s
Lnhearl of, from w, rld, we ki. 'a nu: -
Sitarrv o"lultrite we dwell In,. ma:'o apI
As babIie,. and now Lave :, rgutt
Who ian 'l what be Cnwlws, wt:a' h- 0lltiu4s
He ia s ut a1 word, but he 1, os,,.
In a minute wore wisdom, I'll swear.
Than Is shu't n the blte'st "f "ok'.
--, i. rk Wrd.
The ( rlel WVords iPr pl,e.; to a
Ieggar and the Aneswer They
He was a handsome man. as tmen n o
-a iant in frame :utld -t a ,; as all
,inl ani, but slightly disligurd b. a pro- f
mintent foreground that sugy(,'t1., :..gh (1
living. His hat was of :i,. it n"st c.
silik. I s clothing fashion:atIs and
ele:ant, aad his umbrella ,old-iuandlcd.
while a binasing brllaunet I n .l n the n
lnut of his four-in-hand tie. Withi a t!
iirm truetd and haughty ecrringe he t
issued from the Twentv-fourtt street
entrac@ to the HolRman hostte last i
eveaing anti baited for a moment on
the granite steps. As lhe was about to '
Imve away a small witi.rei halan :and a '
bony wrist were thrust hefor. him in a It
mute appea; for ass -tance. T'lhe hand , -
betonued to a woman. or rather the
wreck of what had once been .a
wlaqstn. Site was bent and aged. 11
hagglrd and th.u. and her unkelne-s t
was barely idaldeni binu-ath her tattered t
garments. Her trr;v straggling hair
hung closely about her scrawny neck,.
for shite had not even a ragged ulha. The
bones of her face showed painfully
through the tightly drawn skin, and
her eves, faded and luster!ess. wer:
sunken deeply n the r soc.k.et. The'
picture of miserv touched not the heart
or s umpathles of the man of wealth.
SRaising hi umbrella with :a threaten
ing g stare. lie excla:med:
S"Be of. bergar: I've nothing for you.
t You ought to be at work earning Oan t
honest living instead of hanging
around here importuninrg tvervlody i
you meet for money. Be off, or 'll
turn you over to an otfic'r.'
SThese words we.re mi:iagieal in their I
Sefict. The por. .:'atttridtI form o)f
Sie supllplant woman straightened up to t
k1 full heiz.ht. rthe I ht,-rlr-, ryes I
arleamed brightly once more with theq
light of art nutterable ascorn. but the
thin lips quivrsred with th, pain that
the cruel word tad inl eted. 'here
gas no aeed for more [,Her very I
A nttitude. the expression upon her face. .
lhould ha've been rl*nke enough, but
she finally burst forth Into burninf,,
o saio speech, and this iwhat a
•r G*it oua yes dirthy blareard. Spake )
anither word it me aad Ot'll kiek the
red nes off yes faees"- ,er fYurs
I aSnday Thoughts.
. J(pt and rational principles of relig
!igrB hould till up that room in the
'itdis of men. which dangerous fanat
acism will otherw:se user~a
r, Fame floats on the breath of multi
1. tlde; honer rests on the jtpgmnt of thoe
c- thmking.
- Genuine virtue has a Iajiage that
'- apeak to ovW heart toaXrl heut the
o world. It is a luaguoge w hich is utqder
I- stoodbyall.
t Mmanliness ad sensibility are so far
a- from being imcompatble, that the truly
i beave are for the most part genernus
k and humane; whie the soft sad efesli
is ate amre hardly capable of any vigor.
o- ne exertion of asectioin.
Nmevr delay till to-morrow what reu
s. a andi co0nin0e0 tsll \t ou ught to tI
Sperformed to-day. To-morrow is not
Syours; and thoh yon should live and
•e enjoy it, you mast not overload it with
a burdea not its own
' Futurty is time great object on which
the immaginatio of men are employed;
Sfor the sake f which the pust isO forgot
ten and the psa t too oftea neglct
re L ot IeyIr ipections from the
iy yers that are to oome raise too high;
agd your disappointmeas will be fewer
, and more esily sapported.--ticU i
of I Suadusy .1ufonsa.
jk l Weth~ iJY .Ome or
S There was a hast in the Dsiok ma'sl
er h ember, broken only b: the whisper
ed instructions of the physicia to she
I nurse and the surpresed sobhe of 'the
y wife nud children, who felt that u.s a
ad few short boure pr-ap in a few
as momets, they would be widow and
s I orphans. Everstidng shat medical
e kmowledge aw! professional skil could
te ds had beeadenae and the doet r had
as said lhe cmulti d, no more "K-.'o hi I
eomfortable." b'e said. ithat is all we '
its en do for him now." Snddn~liy there
ad mine a shois ritronghl the opeln win
ir- dow. Immediately a 1ercetibleI
of tremor iaseed over the dfv!g ma,.
*i Another shout 'rhe : tk miln urm e·!l
em he eves. He I etneuaL Agasl tantie
ai that vo.ce (fr-om tire strt. It w's a
Ie sboy crying hisb wares. *.Ho! 'z
re e lIsled the pnaele tirowia bac'k he
es dleths.n japinCg ot of b ' l and tlrn-I
i a dees bnclhk-eomers,~llt. "Dbo't
-ye. hear hi..? he e'laim,'l. -'He
tAtomr. G y*e
VI intake a hr
1.. . . . . . - a-- I
• _..". . ., A .,.
t ' r ' - •.t h,
3,. r . 1 ' '
, r IIIr '
t,.ith' , , - , s "' 3" r ' " 1 'it
,aI,:'- .. ! , , j.! - , r" . : 3r , 3i.
Stln' nI
4111!:" , • .. ., l::.. ,r.':l'u I, t9 I w ar t'.
,. . . . , i . . . ": 111 ' 3' 3
W en
I. : ' : t ' 1 ," . Il 1, 3 . .i .
e., - . . , ' 41 .
3l. - 3" . . ',,1,4 4'3 Is Its I tli,33 ('3 " "
,I :t', t: : ii ui n :v" F ' l" '· o - : e '.''
I ,l :.. . ' -1, m .11 t' ll,'l Il- itlct e Ih u
,"  h. .i . 3 J .1 A &' . ' (- l , , * 3(L , ' - ,.1
: ' 1 lr" ' ,i " . I.;-n ., ', ''' 3. th.r p.r
h 01f r 3,,r for -t1 " a: tit' i f 11,-e:". 1
ke1't i'*1 :l _ t ,1 :11't-(r' IIl ',-t"! '1 : lhoio lannd
-- i.:l 1 \vI.1 t.' 'n 111z i o 1I ,'. '.l ' I,.,, ;'  13t11"
havl' -sI,, eOno h to ;hw L;,)w ."n:tly an
liti 1.. .Il:,t liar :ni*,s i h1 , ,3 1ortunli
ties.-- I."31 ,. L 'a"/ : 3,,
l;tr- Soxtn;.
Th1 ,,. ,, 0 i.h to be :I -t.ttl'.' ever, ity
St,I . , '.'.3r " ' pulln .hitnl ti*l: pI)a;LcI'I ,', " 1'Il
Al !' 1 h .r :In t ili,': oin of blow o Ith lie
lie:t1 ; . ;"t ('O mImll,' I iII falin :;(' :tIu*
1ein3'i . f :i fr or -," i.. A. re., t n-1 1
vasl t::thI ,f -t, , ':tl I.r',  t'«"ret,.lh trail
ti:V-, , '''::3s3, of .or:ol- I in ,rv l to .it- w n
d 3l't 1 . '1:11 '"Ii l n i I " J o r -1  ' " i1 .l
ti Ihl , : --'1 , - ,ill. '' ":-4 il -l ' .1 I, 11 - i li it
ftl33qit 3' 33 :.It t:ftt l :'3:t. . '1.* at
31433' 333. ':I3. :. .t. It 'V.1l't be en- thv:
HIIIt ii III _.!: (' ',3'le ) -' 1111"'"14l 3r11 e in Ltoo
g.V i,1 iOt 3,',P 4f tilt' :11 :1,:1 pIe:. l ht. e'
hlr'3.1',,I t..,' Il3 '\3 l'*'i  :.1l1l e rt l'r i:3'3S
,'. 1,,:3r'i 4 11 i.4 i 1. , 1,, ' i".. 'r . a , byI 1 '
I in 1trtii':. I, I" .I '' I h. Ill 31:Iv to
lchid oll --  i "l in-ll'1i b' " -,:it :i~lt vier
Ilholr3 ti h11 da, in erls:n rea our. uof .s
cvr " ity. (ýýG.s.g'tt Er".
"AIni!'i. -
W hen I "t:1 a be-' : ,'1b ,t,
.1u I )ted in.4rellar d44(am1
I 3,'tl' 111 '1.a3t1 . 'l'1 5)' 1 :1',, 111;
Hut I ual1l Al'L '"3 1 inp: . r
1 When I o3iiJ aul.i sr tp "ir 'Il. th
I ha.l tire ',3uu0lU h Z l 3 ' ,r 3,3,
.tul' . ', tv + . f ; I t* f , ;1.
1_ I ':1: c t-Iles ill S3 1 .ll::.,
bite Ibee fbove roled tll : w1 rnigh º El
I , : m4 3e1 33n.1 : ' .' at ' .I , th e
l1.3 I' ," ,u3 my 1,1.)1; .Itl -liver bright to
, 'i""- a :,t th.Lt IS Tll:e-' 64 more. .g
f.Ior , 3,3 n I,, ,WL,' 3a.1 5 "' in S~paI.a . . 4
Y!only an Object. t I
K.!,':,r ,,f :a \ est,.:'n in~t,¢::'y w 'eekly al
(,, . ,un,_r -rqma --*"*YoIu" :art! ee i- ex- 8
.3i 3,,.t. i'.. a3d wVi' Shal 1)e glad to
. ueaii man-"Thlank'i. :thbot o1·W Ti
n3311, i.4 it worth to rout ?"
•"*14 . we onll't; p:aV f,1'r COIIlr.iU- l
"'O)h" (after :3 moi'n" tlhouh' ). r
W,lij. I w ,l s,,e m1' hi,,dlr'l to-u ,.ht. r
and thI,' but,'i4'r .1n7 r, ic.r. andl i I ioi
'1i1 lU:mlke :" ;Trratn·fr-lmlti w th Llos Ot
r,.nll,.e: l by whi'i I canl pOcure
rent, ueat sni pro)v1sious w LLoUl 1t Le
unpl-:ua- t for': a.lt : of i,,) ing f,,r
thlie~. I thillnI oil anl 1 can .tahbli .h sur
flter'tt'v reli, U., sir. 1hat will prrve I
Iam*''. W I'. 3.131 P '- nIl E tP:!. a313
• "\V'2t'4 thl4e ,aft3.,, eat themtu?"
sa.ti: t:,ll wmlanf with : deteraamem
eve 61. ' pIt,. Im,.it1 :W& pl w'1.l at 1o
~ |l'i3LN L' a I1 3t ! 1,* 'ITI."> W113 'hi fr'el it;n ' .i
exCIIi .... i *, . ,i x F i-. tl
• "Afli, an. 3ti m." r3l., eItite t a n i,
"- whfl , ;lti-elored t.W e ,r ing 'froll 'Uw
Afr,' :. * 113 ll t u ." c.Ollninll:Cff "l Jr
itIet,' tan.l 134t e .' I .' ,n'110. "'Arni , -'
that I •,. 1 till3. t' , .r m i h v3i
taxar- !, , f ,.Tn,, 4  , ..:1 n i n - h*
hum,,,.d e3,v ' t ,.,,3.. \ ihe, . I pa 3ifty ab
c ·ent'- c4h3 f r 3.4 '.: .3 i" L'V 1e , - I:'
I iv"' tar th" e Co 3 ''i "" 1 " ': ! w:tni ' 3)
53.$' m ', .443u3 " 0,.-h mm er- art ,.4 -1 . ' /tir
rtlbinei o0. 1 'rrll'm r litnl spot'' You
just Oil 'eO w31: 1 a'I. --iDak3e. AI
i !"
S Eiorne Editors Have To.
I vdto;rl rinu do T
HEt AND TrRE. r .
,· ". #, ; marmia.- L ntlde n. 3 "I-., ý"
A- t tnve ' 1. rnn rct.ed tin Vera Crus, 4
\ .. I Iar-wa. tllet re .
t A, - i11 n'I,|-, : r . 1 : r: cntl
S..a 1- ., tt r ca.ll a l. l: t: da",.
i- . , . , ,e tlihat hi e
I - rt" 'l I ' t ' ."v YI" rk next
Al *I lit a teiep rqit.w 1,,", mine, frnta
"\ , . ., _\*. f 'e sald,. furms the
lear -tii
yI :,V i1r. ,1 wathmrlb l a a4 ltours 11 the
4,,. ,r " , r ' anl f ton alfalfa i 1
,,, - .v. :  . It. , wl: i;. .t ch Ltf.
I iu f 4r nir lti.tu'. A'a. is 11o1t 1O
tn tn !' , " Pi ,i' tio akSe S
waVI tr vet' ..." .1 A r r . i
thi tw~ ar-.., rur,- uin- t 'ih' wrIwM
atr, . :.: u r. ( . . -t 'I .1 tunt )elae '
:ir ta , i ,1.je a. i it 4 dr a:r i'-.
'I rli im Ie ai at:' t r teart wis dimco& t ta
'r ". , - ' a ,i l: Iantld ltprictaitu
,ti : I , ...., nI ,, .t :nt hMant a
.\ ,;.,,: .t ,h nth ti -,' tLy ,li.'wu.e'I the tº«.
b,· ", I /..LI t -" l'tat tolacc ller Ya
" ,,:·1, ,", 'I ", I:!:'" 1: '.s l]eet tc4' t at '1 3 L
P. c,, ci~ t t 1 4 -r 'I tbee Wfinsor i leal
I i.r! : .: tiar:tlnd are n etierce thish oonUlh that
in,- "ul"ie ar. warlned aiatnt apprnc.'ing '
t r-tiwn hr p tl.
., -t t' A that tl, "smkestack Mftr -Ae
S: p . t ".,r nA- ill. '27 fueet lt wit,:
w'.en tim rs. rthe ' ,bft atl ta, i ae InMtd
f,)r #00 i,. '"" en r.lt-od by popo'ata s -b
. , rat A r,.t , U.. f,,r thi bene nt
Le, -ulerees o. the Irecent terrib: btloer a r. ,
xtPn ..,er o laeBit ta W m1r, are at -
,I i t ,onti,', st thl. militury i rlso at am&, I -
t tit lattelolcaOr. waItit t halIs r ettlst. mo
4 it 'nt,"il :. " V -
Sl utput ,of tle mines. furnames, eaii. l ,
V t, vr"t the Birmldehum, Ala., I ttlet. Hete
h,~ r alllnlll -.
I' is 1,1o' stated th~at the (iR aMl P
Slandt capte will !,Ml ine lally settled, ma .
I t:rtl the dtts of Oh the riIaI ests will be
I. i:nt~ lt 1ned.
\ G. rmtan -.uetti. :n New York ila tto Wl
wh.elt  he said h, was sorry to, trouble hs l t
ud', Ihu; :;he weather iompell d hillt 1a "
hit -,elf itnalr.S . ed
FP <1 "Curt, a young giant of Westrille, Vtr
r h v.:r' old aud we.ghs 1: pounlds. He ai .
,1. n n: as an Ox nd eCa easy! shea MeqtW. -
suIh t mor. te.
jThe.re aE s , l l.yard, f oot-race at I ek
Mont:tni , thf other dliay bet. twe3 trle. hl -t
of l'ttnlIdelphinia. :,and Billy arker, an A
w- ,:, 9M]; 9 sertna. Tea theea ,-is
11 c:.:t,"t ' I hands.
i. \ ieranna yInyician, io a artlid&L1 t -i
azte nf. L.,u,cn'tck, says bfis tneth t -
u=.:,d srin the lnast War Pwih trases, a* .
°thanulk s II, ulk, eu eumwtance 1oWs d l
HIt I'e:- sow ;,,imees their limbS I 6u 1 o j f
41 ttoo, eldc-l, te (otors of tshe up 0
L have sulr1Uttaldt.
, Saysr The .1feakptiat 5t4ihdtrd* a ., ,
ti 'i-f thrjearhiallsttl emWgle cwbo
a vteirN'uit at The tswlard thre hbs
t.,, tI ti{[k wsem emIfnedly 'b1Ieia ad&
to arofltg* 12t bJtr pgi sr w Iicps the
It ears ; btilt:aleult botvines than to wrti a
,f as;,rathli3 ~n j,,uralrJlic ethics. -
el 4ta1 witehAs ui h lr os
of ~tboA.t wl onW. weEir ed
The i'di,of & aju eiwscal setapart f,..I
a0 ns.tte f il tWc&Tt I'dir mseu..
ItL itbservasea w$4 at. ra1 Cullleel to rI
T,.r state, but one state alter aOtbsi
talu it " : n.:'
Iw.uor Twip lhii, of yTh M. aikn (Ma)
.in 4t!inie. +Atti 'shi blv his-rsed
spflttdug-whLel, ftr it lks a prelt&l i
E$the-tive year attgo GranlatltIer Ta4
then . talab.lrt '(ntt ros,. Westo gariM.
t to ,t lt a wife. Ile role one bargt t
apatbern When be went I, tIe. tan tbhe
horie rode Graudmther Tbllcld Mi.t
ab AaenialydM lot rmas. ssal fast gp( th
. enlle it-hantl her wami .. thshMlmJel S ..
..,e .I,um if Phuladelphia. makes a
Li te rtitattrat for reed Ias hilk
Slly dl e at night ir early Ia lbsto l h
iutils tip chIlir ies. anI other f~re
ltn, and ,,cverirnl lafre epate stm -
to iae" ra, tidlekeuid wIth a net, Lte-hpis
isu' ttr stir u; tile vines with a eg I1
STh'fl -p.rrw. flutter blitndlt into'the ns ai"
Jjew finthbe slringt Le labs i a
40 liz- ,i a -tllt le aIhbL ..
if ,tautd I t,' manufacture gf andppss..,
I )r.idliv iulveriztled by heat·noglt i it
I done in an 'Dira Wiar' t y a M the q
e o it;fferent-usitet meshes, the poiv'
e r:alte info VrioUs ermelg A k l
muintllIs Sashed 4ge 4q p1s quGS ·
o tesotil ase o0 fl~e. the surface < ei
Itr ' tAtlrl gln a, and when theglatIgsd
iil surphi, * las s athakl Ielnd lr l"rwheL *r
It h.t ibeen iIasvrerd byh a French
Sarn, twert ute w :u msnrchan.ts ,lih'o as% Sig
eet. 1t i.li4 alni itlt irtti.l foItned hfIbi '
ti1' ,1 ti Ue gFI·ss :dlt4itr:nted and tihe h
titf w r. " it LItbt it a ii pmfitl 1* s
"4 iserrr of ginit w'n, ,tin 'hoietthert e. .Mg
' t ali. that ,rto ltr-et ferril noti ls ae " -
Ifr ,b 113. ard pun tnhe ei, a u t
IeC~,i:;in :Intwre):tteI with mceltc '-s ag
)IU Vitlat nt. Moat 3i·eat hirittA ha 4
S,,n -re t,.. wertlr gO t :inc..
N t ia lia iti li'thtr' 'tICsmporetsd at
!ii,. ;,,, - I ,ce at 1.,* . ,lntle.. Cral. a i
.v-, . t,.,,"v- , l.. *nlypelwtmtowhmhe
wga ;n,,iin t)i it ib.'nan whIe blesd him, the
- chierf oltl-e.  4 It e r, it: rireutl., d;nUiedl .
. iif l5l(Ut hLose. Atter n' fiC ilmttitLd· he
t . ~1aeratgll tat thL*, 7 In t , nt dS. ll 1.e -
poet , i~ately the I::., tt ,.,:.1 ,, him at nd
0At1 teb thevb adgo nrs h to ei thcem Npd
f, a.olios the raf I a. • r st" k bI Ia,
qpt he was seiss ul a ;,i!reema,$ taew
'wt,tly to asotai or IhUe ' a _-.
ms t to thet " gxiySa"l t.

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