Newspaper Page Text
, ADISON TIME S4bsbriFtion $2. . C. WEIGHTIAI, Editor & Prop. P. W. EIC=EET. - Publisher. SATURIDAY. JAN., 7, 1887. TERMX OF 8UBSCRIPTION. aR YEARs, - - - . $ 0( SZ tOXTr st, .. I 15 !Sass MO.TIa8 - 75 ember State Central Exeautive Com mittee. Joll B1. STo.s. District Executive Committee. J. B. STONE, of ,1alison, Ch'n. J. H. GILYOIL, of J. M. KEV.YvSE. of Carroll. Itterel as Second C.onida mtltc.r tl tIhe . .~a Ofice at lihdluah, Lodsi4i"w,. A blue pencil mark at this rsara graph indicates that your subserip tmi will expire in two weeks. 1 *A gblia pencil mark at this para, gIaph means that this is the last time I St paper wtil be sent to you unless ite subscription price is received be- I /eaf Hest issue. I The town of Houma, La., was a about half destroyed by fire last a week. r The TistE does not desire to :kep enmities alive, barn can't 'shat its eyes to the fact that they ea alive, and rampant. An collision occurred on the t4 Clnolenatti Southern Railway last si SBetlurday, by which four persons fl lIst their lives,, and a number of al Nher were injured. tt .The Picayune talks of the blood martyrs, alluding to Mealy, and of Claire's revolver having bought for him by certain ticians, which is bosh. 7here is a strike in progress tl g the Reading, (Penn.) rail. n but it is badly mixed. The sI was ordered by Knights of T , but the order is not gener-. ti ebeyed. w ew weeks ago, the Richland had something in it about . paternal and fraternal broth. t -whleh so tickled the Jackson that off the same ex- vI a last week. the year 1887 was the banner ie for railroad building, over 12,- ic mles having been built. This by i00 miles the largest ol us reeord-1882. st the St. Mary Review treated 0 subcribers to a copy of its is-. at Dec. 31, like the one the in got, they had a happy time it. It was so badly blurred very little of it could be made tr bte Item thinks the remarks of ht -l's. of last week, concerning cr . Waddill and Maxwell out an nte. Perhaps so, but it is as th to have such a state of aflfirs 01 (5 reeord. The case as stated to the TMlEs stands as a fact, and to seo humbug of the Item can't su It. la e Vicksburl Democrat comes p ha he front with about the same a It is abeautiful and instrue- L doctrine, that a fraud cannot remedied. A reporter from is eminently calculated of the fairness of a Madi. eMass Meeting. There may be a in Vicksburg who are well in- P about the affairs of thiu in , but no man connected withl p elper in that town has ever himself to be, and the record l 94 unbroken. m sh A 1 AND "1 iFARMER. b ' 4th YURAR. • M.I lndetstaIl and fri * of the Moutb. hn its soastltuaey theim La "* and substan. mr ofthis usction medium for the Ni faster -to i ser au arb's aolely " dlmjeudicully emper pa s ways re'imer. sit now be its, an The mrbes Mu asp~rp FOLLY. The Item of last week claims that the time to object to the cast ing of fraudulent votes was at the mass meeting, and not afterwards. I rep. This sounds very pretty at the first blush, but a sober second thought her. recognizes it as absolute fully. It is never to.) late to correct frauds, such a doctrine would never permit the punishment of criminals. It r. takes time to obtain evidence in 2 01) all cases, and especially such cases t5 as the kind at issue. There were 75 men at that meeting and quite a nuumberofth.em who were unknown to mie(. of large acquaintance in the parish, but there was no proof cc. at hand that thcy were not voters. Their niam,.s wtere s:ceu:red however and their n:tecec dt;ts inquired all. into. Then the liberal and whole sale character of the frauds began 1i to show up. It was found that some of the voters had been in the ra- parish but a few weeks, some only ip- a few days, and sonime only a few hours. All these men are now ra, known, but at the time they could me not be known. Is it too late to eae show this ? The Mass Meeting be. was for the purpose of deciding who was the choice of the peolle o of Madison paribha for its officers, ras and their voice is entitled to rec ast ognition, but the voice of the peo ple of Madison was drowned in the hoarse accents of unknown t voices, that were never heard be at fore in public atlaire, and that will i ey not be again. The owners of these l strange voices have "folded their f he tents like Arabs and as silently 1 ist stolen away," but they have left " ns their record behind them and that of cannot be stolen away. It is not f too late to show this and it will be b shown. ad _ _ ad LET THEN GO. aIt appears, that in the parish of Rapides, the Parish Executive Committee passed a resalution, as that only white democrats who did il. not vote for Blaine or Stevenson, he should participate in the primaries. of The Alexandria Town Talk laments )r-. this resolution, and says many white men in that parish "would not support Sam McEnery four years ago, and voted for Stevenson instead." It further claims that . thisresolution willtakeagreatmany votes from the party, and that many of these men will on account of being excluded from the primar er ies perhaps be lost to the democrat 1,. ic party forever. is Now instead of this being a case at of lamentation, it should be the subject of loud rejoicing. It is far better to have such men to fight openly, that to have them disturb ing the party councils, and head e ing bolts. You know where to d find an open enemy, and how to treat him but a man who defies the m Sparty when it suits his convenience, and votes for a" republican, has no of business in the meetings of demo ig crats. lHis place is on the outside it and he can do far less damage there as than lhe can within tile ranks. s Of course a man has a perfect right d to vote for whom he pleases, but id to have any party rights hlie must t subscribe to party rules and regu lations. The loss of such men is party gain. If you are going to e have a party at all have it right, and draw the lines, but if a man can break loose at will, and vote St the opposition ticket, and still be given full fellowship, why the N d TIM*nS is in favor of throwing party to the dogs and having a free rough and tumble race, right along. A party that will tolerate such men Sin it, and then pretend to demand I party allegiance, has more free and easy impudence than the law r allows. By all means let such men go, or shut uip your old party shop, and "bay the moon." PAT EALY KILL.ED Pat Mealy, one of the celebrated "Big Four" of New Orleans, was killed inn bar room in New Orleans, about one o'clock New Years morning. He, with a party of Sfriends were in the saloon, when e Louis Claire and some friends camne in. There were cheers for SNicholls from Mealy's party, and Icheers for McEnrey from Claires I - party. There appears to have g been some words between Mealy * %and Claire and then the shooting k began. Mealy was shot in the stomach just above the navel, one Sof his party, by the name of Walsh ' I was shot in two places, the wounds m being considered fatal and Markey M mother Mo of Mealy's lrty was shot in the month, (not dangerous). M Mileey died attwo o'clock of the 2 sme day. The New Orleas p. pe wi the ecepelo of the PIc ape my It was.a row, but the '" Plrayn aekesitonat an as:assination, and the deed was I m ,premeditated. O(f cCui.rse the re forzac' w~ll enr~c lv,,r to make po She litical c:plital out ,f it, but when e. 1a .I"lcEuery man John i'. Neil was rt br;uta:lv nmurdered by James D)oran, t thre wLas very little said ,v the hreran press. Now i sten: and hear ttho!ut -lout. nit TYE ELETIC:I. It News from New Oriaeans is con ni flicting. One account says that see the result is -13 to 4S and eight ,re delegates contested. Another ac ea count gives Nicholls 60 delegates. Fyn ... in The champion ranter and gore )of, hunter (with some body else to do rs. the hunting is, Col. J. C. Wickliflb C1", District Attorney of Grant Parish. ed in a speech at the Washington Ar le- tillery Hall in New Orle:ns Tues n day night s'caking of Pat Mealy hat Ihe said; ie Ile fills a bloody grave solely by ly reasons of his political opinions. I say if Pat Mealy had not been a " supporter of Gen. Nicholls, to-day )w he would be alive. While you Id hear talk throughout the city to wreaking physical vengeance to wreak a political vengeance upon the instigators. "g There was no man who was Ic greater or nobler in every degree .v, than Patrick Mealev. If he could e- afford to lay down his life on ac count of his political opinions, I °- say let there be no recreant coward in who refrain on the 5th of January rn from taking part in the election. c- Why not take your ballot in one II hand on the 5th of January, if you have to take your fife in the other I se hand, and put it in the box. A ! ir free man dead is better than a y living coward. On the 5th of Jan ft uary go to the poles. no matter what may be this risk, and even at peril of your life present a solid )t front and dropl your ballot in the Pe box, and let the answer of the as sassin's bullet be the ballot of a free man. Ihe calls this moderation. d tr n it t I e eC r AXE? A A A DColg - at • -In-titut --OF tI -:0: Home Boardin 8cehool for bovys. Stud·vns prepare for any grade in the best College, or for Professional or BuIsynese purposes. Next Session Begins Oct. 5, 188 T~axs RDUDrcm:-C-irculars with all I needel information obtained by appli- - cation to W. H. N. MAGRUDER, L. I,. D. on J. . M aGRUDER, A. M. ---3m. AURA Tll _ Ir d ' b si-s..Ifa . ap Sw g le~s Iss e lla de edhiT DarL STADICEI'S AURANTII 0. STeAOoE, Prelst. r Men. FuelT s., Pigioemr, pp -----~ ~ ~ ~ -- - .-. .-.--*--.h ----Iu = sa amu a npm_ ..-~. - - wa1. Ij mes, leailer in Shoes lien W$s We arm the age.ats for the We ketpa fall stock of ran, J EANS JAMES MEANS Shoes the $4 SHOE and !i fill any order in UCents iear .dw tah or Boys. A SHI O . -.Jis"o have the lar,. est stock of ,.lhr(t.:tyliCh. ItMtr lierA iNSISWIK Ml{YI) 6I4I I . vl as kitknlg_. anl R Q I)Er s ,i con- of, aw aty.Ilach. It t ik.i 'PUBBER OVER SHOES S ' " ItIILARIKINl ! iC"Db . Sthat _ ' porfectrysy e fir t time it igt c , \ i ,W, . . t. AI of all description, and 8 - ; SiHOii ab, lutFly the -U OfsýOýMrracar b.cs RUBBHR HUR ING O3 T1 es. 44,o o nr Ithe rierhle'ht . d 4'C Alzit c' h durabhilty oa is con,&rred 4aere I^ war1 do A _k-t-eamc r eet ;; 3 sr sse 4 U -d .i V . o ri s to__ MIeans 112 she for Boys ler seesI (L td tr oe 0 . or n. Lbg. sb(Aet "ish. Ii() WAIES , 4sII(>E :T OILE , Ar- EIVE SESTR:ET, - . - - VICKS1lUIR MISS. OmI TION______ F Iis day AD ISO 7jV r ES you city to --AND THE- pLon [)--l Was SM I--- u}dr.:il " y. ,I aril on. eote Pii' iarit istory of ol i ta , for $2.15 to; -4 Only Cash Will Briy hI hern. - > litl . , } JACOB SCHAFF1E & Co., -D1EALEU IN GUNS AMMIIUNITION SPORTING GOODS HARDWARE c. Gun REPAIRING Done VICKSBURG. - - MISS. THE IISSISSIPPI 11011 INSlJIR E COIPNY, OF VICKlISUIIG, nII88. CAPITAL $100.000.00, OF C£EHS : Jso. B. MArTTsloNG, GEo. W. IICTCaEIsO,, WALTER D. WELLBOUtI, (N I' reid ent. Vice- resi dent. Secrte DIRECTORS: Jno. 8. Mattingly, Sam'l Fel, P.P. Williams, F. M. Andrews, W. M. Voaburg, T. M. S'edea, G. . WIright, Julius lHoerner, Geo. S. Irving, W. H. Fitzhugh, H. 11. Hienenharm, W. 11. Bru.W r G. W. lutcheson, J.J. Mulligan, W. O. Worrell, E. C. Carroll, 11. C .McCaie, M. l)abnev, . Piazza, W. L. Truwbridge, Jas,. 1'. itch, lt. F. Beck, Vincent Piazzta, A. Wrnter. 1) W 1iLLINGS ESPECIýALLY DESIRED. Agents who are now soliciting subscriptions to the TIREE WEEKLY DETROIT P]EE PRESS under its special offer of FOIJR IMONTHIS I'()Ilt `2= CENTS, are making Three to Five TO Dollars per day with very little effort. We want E agents to represent us at all the County and District Fairs, and in every town in the United States. Send for credentials and agents' outfit at once. VeryT liberal commissions and cash prizes for largest lists. DOLLARS 1)ONI, ' T F'OR IET that any one can have THE WEEKLY FREE PRE88 sent to fltheir ad dress Four Months on Trial for .25 Cents. Address A DAY. THE FREE PRESS CO., Detroit, licEh. Monre Oil Comnpany, MONROE, LOUISIANA, I. D. MoLAIN, Prasidont. W Iill pay cash for cotton seed, at highest market prices: or ezchange cottoI or seed meal for seed .deal delvered on board of boat or cars, at .Newr Oeans THE SEST KNIFE IN THE WORLD. T'R-Y'S BKEB~E WX-EE Belti Evtin <Times Job Office.), All KIinds of Ordinary Job Work IDone Wrk in The Verl' Neatest lanner begi (Phil ......... .. -----' . SFULTON M. MCRAE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUCCIST, s3r Importer in l Dlte i P 1g Ft DitE eo ng Linseed Oil, Lard O1,Labrieatin Oil, Gnat Oil, Turpeatime, Wh le ll Mixed Palnts and G;lassware, P TERFUIlERY, HAIR BRUStiHE. TOILET AhTIPLES OF EVERY DEESCIp~I Sole J'ronlrietor oof the (;}cat and inly ini ll . ('Cur, for ('lill, ansld Fer. The Australi an Eucayptus Globulus Tonic. I particularly call the attcntiuon of'tters. to For imnediate usl , suchL a Pfiills, Pr:tlegorie, ,aulanumn, Essence of P'lt rinriit, ~vprit Nitre, .. tor (o)il, in 'Idl size bottles urnine iq any i ,. l.,: ,' Linimcts, ConghPrepara'ton anl every Imaoinable Drag Kinow. As far as prices art concerned. I sin.ily defy competition. No. M1UM WVhiuagtoon Str Vlekaberg, Misa. -- - - -----. .L~ IdKE ONE SAW iiLL, -I am prepared to deliver on board the cars, every descriptia eS. CYPRESS LUMBER at the shortest notice, and upon most reasonable terms ter asl ALSO TIlE FINEST QUALITY OF CYPIIESS SHINGOLT. 5 Address J. VISa, ON, mech 1-ly. Tallulah. Parish of Madison. La. S-LEWI8 BROTHERS1 BIG SHOE STORE. , Wholesale and Retail Dealers il e eat Every Variety of Hand-Sewed and Custom-Made S BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBU GOODS, In Ditlicult Fits Mieasures Taken and _ Guaranteed. 'Ott . CALL FOR OUR 2.50 -.edf1O BUTTON l0OES FOR LADIllB.. It is the Leading Shoe in the ity. Mail Old) WPill d W th TPhe Greatest Care. W. 0. WORRELL, --Dealer In he HAY AND IallA , LIIB, cIa h, PLASTI Rt . "nt - Agents f-or ict ýWARREN MILLS, t. O NSeed Meal, Hulls and Ashes for fcrtlltslag aum A.C.Tillman Book-seller & Stationer. Agent for the Improved AMERICAN NO 7 8EWINGl MACEINE VICKSBURG - - - MISS. JDOrders by Mall will reeeive Prompt'Attentionla A. M. PAXTOR & CO. FIOUNDERS AND MACIIINIST$. MANUFACAURERS' AGENTS, VICKSBTURG _ - MiSS. --Rave in Btock and for Sale--- GIN STANDS. NAGLE PORTABLEE~STATIONARY ENGINES Cotton Seed and Corn Mills, Steam and Jet Pumps, Gardener Gorenors, Cottaon Presses, lasplrators, IIOR E POWEIIS T:T'EL AND IRON, Belting, Hroe and Packing Whistle Stneamn andt Water (;nadee t 'sivcs, CekIs and every kinU, of Jlra~' nd Iron. Eine and r'ipe -.ittin,;. . ad Drove Well Mlterial. airCountry Orders Solicited and Prompt Attention Guarateed Ettimnates -lade and workmen senlt out on alllication.L-Q J.- T--- M-ILBL1J CO. DIl GDoo Gocries. C1etb Ul 1 Geural Irlr lia Everything usually found in a General Store, and a great many that are not. Special Clothing Department has been fitted up and fully stocked with Clothing, from the low pade Working Suit, to the fine one, suitable for ear when calling mon the President. First Claqs Goods, which will be sold for cash as cheap uas they e be purchased elsewhere. Come and see. Agents for WrANMAKElt & -BdOW?S] (Philadelphia) Clothing, ready made, and to Order.