OCR Interpretation

The Madison journal. (Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.) 1888-current, August 09, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064430/1913-08-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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ate R o a dways that there will be cn- as exploted. There are six avision
n cttln roads roads from every parish seat of the national highways In Louisiana.
to every other parlsh meat. Also cross- They are:
country roadways are expected to be New Orleans-Bhreveport Road
Sbuilt to facilitate overland commerce About 400 miles in length, coming
E ge and planters. Into the state in the northwestern sec.
SThe entire proposed state road sy.- tioz., running through Shreveport and
tom is approximately 4.600 mlles in do c,, to Alexandria. Thence the road
will i.e continued to baton Rouge on
length and will make a perfect web- the ,.tst side of the river, and, cross
Parish Seat to Be Eventually Connected, and work over the state. This survey, ina t..e river at the capital, will come
which has been completed, han ad- to , w Orleans.
Ni a Orleans to Little Rock Road-
hered as nearly as possible to the gov. Thia road will be about 36t t nieo in
Forty-Five Hundred Miles of llighways to - rbabout 3,0 miles in
to ernment movement for a mattress length. woning down through ArmanSac
Form a Splendid Web. . o natibnai highway. The na- ann cutting the northern line of
lForm ional highways an proposed in Louisl- LoulcIana. wcai~nd through Ruston.
Joneiboro. end thence Into
ana will consist of 1,450 miles, 170 Alexandroia, oan from there throlrg
miles of which are not included in the Opetousas and Lafayette. From La
Ospanying map shows the webwork of roadways. and to that state survey. fayette it will be continued through
highways in the State of end they are gradually working, hay- The national highways, which are From 'rankln t will follow r the di
es adopted by the Highway inc established a standard for the becoming a very live topic through- rection of the Southern Pacific Rail
t of the State Engineerp. The roads. out the country, will be prominent In road Into New Orleank.
Sto fnally complete this one of the features of the pVicksburg to tihreveporte This road
Sto finally complete this One of the features of the proposed ouisiana if the system is carried out will be a raJc-state road In the north
ern portion of the state. ent.rin at
Delta and passing througlh Taliula
atid Rayville, runir' g Into Monroe.
Thence it will conti through tuston
and Arcadia into . tveport, ceatinu
In. to the state ifl.'
Baton Rouge to Austin-The froma
capital-to-capital road will be about
zlu miles long in Loulisana, going
from Jacksonvllie on the west, through
Lake Charles., Jennings, Crowley and
thence into Baton Rouge. From the
capital it will continue to Springville
* e MAP OF and thence to Hammond. where It wilU
}, - .connect with the New Orleans-to-Jack.
* STATE con highway.
New Orleans to Jackson-This na
HIGHWAY tional highway will be the shortest of
all of the national highway in
eighty miles within the border of the
state. It will have its beginning at La
E:ngineerm' branch, on the New Orleans-to-Bhreve
Plan for Mak- port road. running thence north be
tween Lake Pontchartrain and Lake
ing Louisiana Maurepas to Hammond. Thence It will
gLeado through Amite and north to the
a Leader in state line.
Highways, as Shreveport to Gulf-This highway
will be about 200 miles in length, run
S, in Other De- ning from Shreve ort to Mansfiel
thence through any. Leesville and
partments. De Rider. It will then go through
Lake Charles and meet t e gulf at
The state roads will qot be as wide
and high as the national roads. which
will probably be about ety thet in
width. But along the line of the pro
posed natonal highways the state
roads will be graded up to meet the
requirements of the national govern.
,... 3 . .
By coumtesy of the New Orleas Daily Pcayne.
-.. .. . .. ... .. II .......... .. .. . ....... I .... .
swespper Untes News servies
City.-Greeted by a seris of
evations all aloug the line,
a pecial," bearing dele
-ram twelve cities, reached
Ld ayette. thus adding fresh
to the booster movement inang
by the Lafayette Chamber of
d, which culminated in a
SMetltg at laeette to effect a
er.uaeaatlon of boosters
irteen perishes In southwest
re t train In the booster move.
o. ran some days ago from la.
Sto Lake Charles, and the ape
the victory of the form
1esetios at New Ibertia was an
At Jeaerette, where the train
S alates, the delegation was
by several of the town's
the boosters were eI
It the courthouse, where they
Ulesmed by Mayor Lanve.
Thomas H. Milling and Prof.
also spoke. Judge Milling's
aslag practical lines, showing
had not only a deep sympathy
movement, but that his advice
al founded.
tWe hours' visit In Prank.
were again on their way
eMtran City, stopping at Pat
to take o an addltional num
af boosters.
arrival at Morgan City would
asmore spectacular had the
trai been on schedule, but as
the train reached Morgan City
ahead of time, and as a
 e delegation at the depot was
large as It might have been.
Aged Woman Injured.
City.-Whlle Hiram Rabb and
aged and prominent citizens
perish, were returning in a
Pem Amite to their plantation
tiir horse became frightened
off an Iron suspension
where the railing had broken
Both shoulders of Mrs. Rabb
and she was conveyed tc
for treatment. Mr. Rabb
*. eart orseman escaped in.
id` 1 - " `"at
To Call Commission Meeting.
Baton Rouge.-Governor Hall has
given notice that when he returns to
Saton Rouge from the pleasure tri)
along the Louisiana coast, which he is
IN enjoying on the Game Commission's
boat, he will call a meeting of the
Speaiah-American War Commission
The meeting will be called to elect a
secretary of the 8panish War Com
misslon, effective August 1. Governor
I !all has formally notifiled J. St. Clair
of Favrot by letter that his services as
re, secretary of the commission will ex
pire beginning August 1.
bh Election Date Reset.
of Baton Rouge.-The ast Batoh
a Rouge Parts Pollee Jury heold a
a srecsal-all meeting and set September
6 an the date for holding a special elec
tio In the Fitrt Good Roads District
for the voting of a $15,000 bond issue
to gravel the model read between
re. Baton Rouge and Hope Villa, the lim
a' Its of the district. The Police Jury
* rearected the entire district and ez
- tended the limits so as to take in a
little more territory.
as o - ine Collide.
In Baton Rouge.-A Baton Rouge, Ham
a mond and Eastern freight train collid.
ed with a Louisiana Railroad and Navi
gation northbound passenger train.
SAnu engine and baggage car were turn
ey ed over and the freight train had two
'e. lumber cars derailed. No one was in
ju. Jred in the wreck.
° Woman Kills Husband.
by Shreveport.-Enraged by what she
ce declared to be personal cruelty and
family neglect, Mrs. Liasie Leopard.
-' clerk in a loc-l nevlty store, shot and
ay Instantly killed her husband, N. B.
t ("Crick") Leopard, railroad shop em
m- ployee, early at their home in Laurel
rtreet, adjoining the residence of De
ild puty Sheriff N. B. Tanner, who arrest
he ed the woman as she was calmly tele
as phoning the pollee about the tragedy.
t7 Mrs. Leopard's mother, Mrs. Fannie
a Odom, was a witness to the affair. The
as Leopards' tour little children were also
'" present
Want Old Structures Removed.
ad Shreveport.- Chief Deputy State
us 'lre Marshal A. 7. Marks spent a day
a in Shreveport conferring with City
on F:re Marshal Strebe McConnell regard
ed Ing fire hazards, especially regarding
r, ovement under way to have dilapt
Sdated structures demolished. Twi
b appeals from the city flte marshal's
bb instructions to owners to tear down
tc cld structures,. owing to risks, war(
bb considered, and the city marshal's ac
n- tion approved. Several old buildings
bave already been removed.
Cotton Seed Men Form Permanent
Body-Offlcers Chosen.
West,.n Newspaper Union News eIrvice
New Orlen-s.-J. W. VogIe, of Alex
andria, was elected president of the
new Louisiana Cottoeeseed Crushers'
Association at a statewide meeting.
Permanent organization was effected.
The association representing about 50
mills In the state. Other officers
were. W. P. Hayne, Boyee, La., vice
president, and Bryan Bell, New Or
leans, secretary-treasurer. Several
committees were named.
The prime object of the association
is to make the public better acquainted
with various cotton seed products, and
thereby enlarge the demand. It will
promote more friendly relations be
tween the state's crushers. It is the
association's intention to broaden the
farmer's education oa cottonseed meal
and other products sad Induce him to
use more of it for food and fertilizer.
The campaign to increase the demand
for cottonseed products will not be
confined to Iouisiana only, but will
extend abroad. Tentative plans to se
cure a bigger foreign trade have been
mapped out.
Crushers from all parts of the state
were in attendance at the meeting.
This organizsation has been in contem
plation for two or three years.
State Must Show Cause.
Shreveport.-Actlng upon petition of
attorneys for the Tensas Delta Land
Company, United States Judge Aleck
Boarman has issued a rule for the
Tensas Levee Board and 8tate Attor
ney General R 0. Pleasant to show
eause the first day of the October term
of the Federal Court at Monroe, Ia.,
why the famous suit against the Ten
sas Delta Land Company should not
be dismissed. The defendant company
urges the dismissal of the proceedings
on the ground that the case was re
cently compromised for $100,00'0. State
Attorney General Pleasant was served
with the papers whilh nere.
Repewt Crops Short.
Folsom.-Owing to the continuous
reins the farmers are looking for about
only a half crop. The appearance of
qome weevils about July 1 was of no
important consequence. Corn and
sweet potatoes will measure 90 per
Washington.-William H. Bennett
as nominated postmaster at Clinton,
La. The fo!lowing fourth-class Louisi.
.na postmasters were appolated: Alieee
wards, Murdock.
Bieber, elle Cass.
Baptists Commence Revival.
Prankllnton.-Baptists here have be.
t gun a series of revival meetings, in
ahich Rev. Dr. L. A. Moore, pastor of
Coliseum Place Baptists church, of
New Orleans, and G. W. Reynolds, a
x- noted singer, of Birmingham, Ala., and
ie the pastor, Rev. Leon 8loan, of Slidell,
a' are taking leading parts.
d. Ga Well Fire Out.
Shreveport.-Reports from De Soto
m Parish field state that the Buseb.ker
" ett gas well fire, whlich was caused by
Slghtan has een extlnguished. It s
al understood the steam method was sed
in smothering the flames. Besides gas
)n waste, estimated at 12,000,000 feet
ad daily, and derrick damages, the lose is
d comsdered slight.
ll .
Adventist Meeting Ends,
S Alesadrla.The Loabsmana Seventh
1e Day Adventists closed a sx day meet
aI lag here last week. Evangelist Parm
to lee was reelected president of the eon
r. ference; O. R. Godsmark, of New Or~
d lean4 treosuer: H. D. Leavill of
e Shreveport, field missionary secretary:
ill Miss Else Hollingsworth, eduaetlonal
e and Sabbath school secretary of the
n state. The following were electod to
serve with the presMident as an execeu
te tave committee: H. AD Iveis, Sharev
g. Tort; W. . aLowry, Smsboro; C. A.
a- Saxby, Lake Charles, and Charles
Lasat, Welsh.
Fixes Clock, Earns Clemency.
o Pranklinton.-A noved commutation
d of asentence has been allowed by Judge
;k Lanaster in the case of Frank Ses
1e rio, who had been convicted of an of.
tr- tense for which a fine of $500 has been
w Imposed. The accused, in speaking for
m himself, stated he was a firstelass
L, clockmaker. As the town clock has
n- ben silent as a timeplece for several
ot years, the thoughtful Judge declared
my that if 8esarlo would fix the clock to
Is run and keep good time the fine would
e- Fs rsduced to $50 abd .he prisoaer re
te leased after a short term, during which
d he was to regulate the clock. Thus far
the work is satisfactory.
Mn and Wife emrned.
is Alexandrla.-C. H. McMorrla and
s1 wife were severly burned by the ex.
of ploslon of a can of wood alcohol, which
ao they were aslng to fill an alcohol
ad stove. They are now In the sanita
er rium. Mr. MeMorris Is considered dan.
geroasly burned and may not survive.
n, Plaquemine.-One case of the book
dI worm was found by Dr. Adams, of the
ae Rockefeller Institute. His patient is
from Point Copee parish, and 1 badly
Secretary Hurries Executive Out of
Reach of Harm-Disturbance
Caused by Heat.
Western Newspl,º-.r i "ion News Service i
Washington. - Like a giant flail, a i
cyclonic storm of wind. rain and hail e
whipped back and forth across the t
Nation's capital leaving death and ruin I
in its wake.
Three dead, scores injured and hun
dreds of thousands of 'dollars worth of 1
property destroyed was the toll record
ed in the hurried canvass made when I
the city aroused itself from half an t
hour of helplessness in the grasp oi 1
the elements.
Out of a blazing sky, under which
the city was sweltering with the temrn- I
perature at 100 degrees came the I
storm roaring from the north driving I
a mass of clouds that cast a mantle of t
darkness over the rity. The gale.
reaching a velocity of almost 70 miles I
an hour, swept the streets clear, un
rcofed houses, tore detached small a
structures from their foundations,
wrecked one office building, overturn
ed wagons and carriages in the streets I
and swept Washington's hundred
parks, tearing huge branches from 4
trees and even uprooting sturdy oldI
elms, landmakrs of a century.
As the wind wreaked its havoc, theI
rain came and in five minutes the tem
peratnre dropped from the 100 mark to
between 60 and 70. Then the rain
turned to hail and hail stones battered i
oe roofs and crashed through skylights 1
and windows.
Por a half hour the city cowered
under the beating of the storm, every
activity suspended. Trolley lines,
street traffic and telepheme sernvice
were halted and government depart
meats suspended operations.
The wind wrecked a three-story
trick office building occupied by the
B. 8. Saul company, real estate deal
era, and 16 persons were carried down
Is the crash. W. E. Hilton, vice pretl
dent of the real estate company, 1
Thomas B. Fealey, 65 years old, andc
an unidentified man who entered the
build4Mg to try to rescue those caught
in the wreck, were taken from the
ruins dead. Many were taken to hos
pitals seriously Injured.
The neatly kept lawns of the White a
House were devastated. Three huge l
elm trees uprooted by the wind were
th~rown bodily across the lawn and up 1
to the very portico of the building,
blocking the drives. President Wilson
was seated in the executive offices
when the wind crashed through sev
eral windows in the White House prop
er. Secretary Tumulty hurried the I
president and Representative Korblev
of Indiana, with whom he was con
ferring, to a sheltered inner room.
away from the searching lightning
The capitol, set high above the city c
caught the brunt of the wind and rain, I
hail and lightning. The Senate was c
in session when the hail swept down
with a deafening roar, beating on the
glass roof of the chamber. The tn
riult made further business impossi
ble, and hurrying to the vice presi
dent's desk, Senator Kern, megauhon
ed with his hands, a motion to recess.
The motion was put and although the
senators could hear nothing, the Sen-.
ate quit work for 15 minutes in con- I
Representive Flood of Virginia nar
rowly escaped death or serious injury
nhen, in the height of the storm, he
was driving in atsatomobile through
the White House grounds. A buge up
rooted elm was thrown bythe wird di- c
rectly in the path, just missing the I
Chester, 8. C.-lTwo persons wereP
killed and about 50 Injured when two
passenger coaches of a mixed freight
and passenger train of the Lancaster
and Chester railroad olonged through
a trestle and fell 50 feet Into Hooper's
creek, seven miles from here. t
New York.-Heirs of Col. John Ja
ccb Astor who perished on the Titanic
last year will pay Into the s'ate treas I
urv 93,309,917.02 as inheritance tar on
legacies from the estate. This sun was
divided by Surrogate Cohalan as fol
!ows: "Mrs. Maleline Fcrce-Astcr
!he widow, $290,455.84: William Vfn
sent Astor, $2.741.883.99: Jotn .aco'
Astor, the posthumous son. $10') 06
"S, and Muriel Astor, diughter by th
first marriage $177..30.31." Most o'
this tax has been paid to obtain the
fIve per cent discount allowed
Grasshoppers Stop Train.
Dodge City, Kan.--"Train 545, d d
layd forty minutes, stalled by gray
hoppers." This was the report at th a
kock Island s.ation here. rTh trai
.as coming cut of Ford when ,t struc f
t deep cut where "holyp rs" cover F
he rails. As the eng!n" whce!s ct J, i
d the insects, tihe rails bec3tm ~
lippery tunatfthe drivers spun 'oun
ad the train stopped. The crew wi t
bovels fina'ly secope*l the hoppzr
3ff the track and covered the rail
_W s e.
May Be Test of Legal Rights-Con
stitution Acts as Bar in Some
W-estorn New',ea:., r 1'ntor News Service.
Baton Rouge. \ persistent and ap
parently well-authenticated report is
current that State Auditor Capdeville.
before Issuing a warrant for Commis
sioner E. O. Bruner's salary upon the
end of the current month, would apply
to Attorney (;eneral Pleasant for a rul
ing as to whether or not Mr. Bruner's
conviction for slander and imprison
ment in the parish prison of East
Baton Rouge rendered him ineligible
to draw pay for the time since he en
tered upon his sentence. The audi
tor's office wouldn't discuss the report.
If the ruling is against Mr. Bruner U
' ould mean that his office is vacant.
Following the suggestion from va
rious parts of Louisiana that he re
sign, Commissioner E. O. Bruner Is
now faced with the possiblity that
there now may be a test of his legal
right to hold his office longer. The
State Constitution declares that no
man is eligible to hold office who,
among other things, is imprisoned in
any prison.
The parish places of incarceration
are variously termed "jails" and "pris
ons." Whether only the State Peni
tentiary or whether the parish jails
are also meant in this clause of the
constitution, is the point at issue. The
plea Is being made in Mr. Bruner's be.
half that, as he was convicted not of
a crime or felony, but merely of a mis
demeanor, and as he Is In Jail and
not in "prison," he is not debarred
from holding office.
Experts Deliver Leatures at Mindon.
Dr. Dodeon Could not Attend.
Western Newsosner Unles Ne.s Servesd
Minden.-E. L. Jordan, professor of
animal industry in the louisiana State
University, and W. H. Dalrymaple, pro
tessor of veterinary science in the
same institution, delivered Interesting
lectures to a gathering of farmers and
others here at the courthouse. A
large number of farmers of this parish
came to Minden, expecting to hear
Dr. Dodson, E. 8. Richards and other
sleak, as they were scheduled to ad
dress a meeting which had been widely
advertised, but these gentlemen wired
late in the day that they had been sum
moned to Washington, and could not
be present. Many left for their homes
and did not hear Profs. Jordan and
Mr. Jordan, who is organizing live
stock shipping clubs, perfected an or
ganization of one here, with R. C. (al
loway, president; W. G. Stewart, vice
president, and B. F. Griffith, secretary
and treasurer. Fifteen or twenty mem.
bers were secured. He will spend
about a week In this parish organizing
other clubs of the kind. The addresses
of these two gentlemen were highly
Instructive, and much interest *as
evidenced in the discussion.
Suffrage Organization Formed,
Alexandria.-Mrs. Royden Douglas,
of New Orleans, who has been visltlng
relatives here for some time, organiz
ed a woman's suffrage league for Rapi.
des parish, with Mrs. William Polk
as president, Mrs. M. I. Johnston, vice
pmresident, and Mrs. F. E. Russell as
secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Douglass lef!
tor New Orieans.
Charged WIth Killing Bird.
Thlbodaux.--R. Sterling, state game
Ianspector, arrived here for the purpoer
of making affidavits against Albert
Kraemer and Leonduas, of this parish
having in their possesion an aIrette.
chargikag them with killing the bird
T'his is the first affidavit made for
violation under the new law by a state
officer in this parish.
New Highway Completed.
Houmat.-The new road connnecting
the Bayou Blue country with Houms
-,as completed last week and the first
t1am drove into the city by the new
thoroughfare. The road was built b)
private subscripltions of citizens of
Houma and vicinity, labor contributed
Iy people of Bayou Blue. To C. A.
Celestln, of Ilouma, is due the credit
of taking the initiative in this work
and through his co-operatiorn with citi
r.ens of Bayou Blue and Houma the
wcrk was begun and completed. The
read will be the first link in the con
templated automobile roadway from
Houma to New Orleans.
Louisiana Party Leaves.
Baton Rouge.-Dr. W. R. Dodson,
dean and director of the Experiment
Etation; E. 8. Richardson, directing
agent of the Boys and Girls' Club
work; Mason Snowden, state agent
farm demonstration work, and W. H
Bayliss left last week for Washington,
D. C. Prof. Dodson has been called
irto council with the heads of the
Agricultural Department at Washing
top to discuss some agricultural prob
ens peeumlar to LIsias.
FROM $25,000.000 TO $50.004000 TO
Bond and Commercial Paper to Be
Tdhn as Security-Loans Must -
Be Returned in Short Time.
Wesatfn Newspaper Unlnn :Jews Rarvies
Washington.-From $25,000.0)0 to
$-0.000,000t, of government funds will
be deposited in the national banks of
the soluth mi d west at once by Secre
tary lMcAdoo to faciliatate the move
ment of crops. Federal, state and mu
nicipal bonlds and prime comm. reial
paper will be accepted as security for
the money, upon which the banks will
pay two per cent interest.
The motive of Secretary McAdoo in
establishing this new policy is to an
ticipate the money stringency in the
late summer and fall, which invariably
secompanies the marketing and move.
neent of crops, especially when the
crops are unusually large, as the bar
vest now beginning forecasts. Ie In
tends to take time by the forelock and
prevent or minimnlize the usual tight
ness of money.
In a statement the secretary made
the significant answer that govern
arent bonds would be accepted at pas
as security for new deposits, and that
the additional money woul4 be placed
only with banks which have taken out
at least 40 per cent of their authorized
United Slates two per cent bonds,
serving as tecurity for most of the
national bank circulation, have been
depressed rfoently to new low market
records, dropplng to 95 3-4 during the
past few days. The secretary's willint
neass to accept these bonds at par as
security for the $25,000,000 to $50.00.0
000 of promised deposits, and the in
dusement to the national banks to ln
crease their circulation up to the 40
per cent limit. is expected to belp in
restoring the parity of the deprese',
twos by creating a new ma rkt is
Por the first time in history the gow.
e nment will accept prime commerelat
saper as security for deposits. This
orivilege will be granted, ansorUaes
the secretary, In order to make these
special deposits available to the banks
on securities seedily within their
"The commercial paper submitted,"
added Mr. MeAdoo, "shall first be pass,
ed upon and a'"rovrd by the clearing
house committees of the cities tn
which the banks offering such paper
may be located. All commercial pa
per hand bonds must finally be passed
upon and accepted by the secretary."
Approved commercial paper will be
aoepted as security for the deposits
at 65 per cent of its face value, and
high class state, municipal and other
bonds, at 75 per cent of their market
The additional deposits will be pla
ed with the national banks in the two
or three principal cities in each of the
states where harvesting now is in
progress and where the demand for
money for moving the crops most eon
veinently can be met. The secretary
said it would not be practicable to
scatter the deposits among the smaller
cities, especially In view of the char.
acter of securities necesmsary.
The bads will be required to return
the money to the public treuury whea
the croem have been moved.
The present suggestion is, Mr. Me
Adoo said, that 15 per cent be paid in
December, 30 per cent in January, 30
per cent in February uad 25 per cent
In March nest.
Alabama's First Bale.
Moatgomery, Ala.-The first bale of
1913 cotton raised and ginnled ia Al
bama was sold at publle auct!:mn here
for 15 cents per pound. The bale
weighed 350 pounds and was raised
three miles tuom this city. Oinn;ng
o" this cotton started July 30 and was
completed recently, seven days ahead
ot the filt bale last year.
Leaves Money to Religion.
New York.--Twelve jegacies of $3,
C00 each to children and grandehildrea,
the income of which is to be devoted
to "promoting the cause of the Re
d emer," are contained in the will of
Anson Phelps Stokes, who died on
June 25, leaving an est'te worth $750,
600. The bulk of the estate goes to the
widow and nine children. Five thous
and dollars each is left to two grand
children and another $5 000 to Helen
Ironsides 8tokes, adopted daughter ot
the testator's son.
Germany to Study Methods.
Berlin.-It is reported that a commit
tea of German athletic authorities huas
a-ranged to sail for the United States
soon to study the athletic methods
there with n view to helplang Germany
win the Olympic games in Berlin in
1916. The committee plans to rimain
for some time in New York rthen
tour the western states, visitllg all
the leading unilversities. A special in
vestigatioa will be made of the meth
ods In vesoe at the army sad navy

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