OCR Interpretation

The Madison journal. (Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.) 1888-current, April 04, 1914, Image 4

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064430/1914-04-04/ed-1/seq-4/

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Orwrtc TanLRalONE NumEsa 7.
Officid JMdr of Madison Parws.
bfficial Journal Fifth District
Letee Board, School Board,
Eolice Jury and Town of
$1.50 Pan Awxux I ADvAkNCE.
]Enterid Jan. 10th, 1903 at Tallu
- l- La., as second-class mail
fa-tter, under Act of Congress
6f March 3, 1879.
? Th1 JOURNAL is not responsible for
b. views and opinions of correspondents
typarinig in its columns.
fmLULAU, LA., APRIL 4, 1914
The greatest menace to wild
fe of today comes from organ
destruction for profit. Many
44 the laws of Louisiana have
been framed to meet this par
*ular phase of the conservation
4{estion. While the law must
fail to curb the wanton de
yr, this is not so important
ate few men fail to recognize
folly of destruction merely I
amusement. There is usual
some financial inducement to
pt a wholesale destruction
t birds, game and fish or other
tural resources.
~tach destruction is worst when
'involves the killing or capture
ab, game, etc., under cireum
Sthat leave tlhm absolute
no chance of either escape or
'prodhction. 'The wastefulness
catching fish in their spawning
, e folly and greed of
itroying lbirds and game on
sair breeding grounds, at the
me wl en their future exist
d pends on their escape
all enemies, are often com
ly ignored by the, men who
d be most interested in the
tion sad increase of such
Aasiong the provisions of the
conservation laws that
s these practices is one
ibiting the use of explosives
of deleterious substances in
for the purpose of de
fish. Killing by these
not only means a reck
destriction of all fish-life,
'g innumerable small fish
__ soltely no value to man in
nelistant condition, but the
bance of the normal in
at of the fish to such an
that their replacement is
S retazud" or rendered im
s]d eot giil nets, yke nets,
tiSamel nets ii& very de
loo flish of all species
acertain size found in all
bodies of water, such as
small land-loeked bays,
ad is illegal 'in Louisiana
t~ b ve such nets iansoes
nMm add hoopuets, the use
wrbhi is permitted in fresh
in Louisiana under certain
tionsm, are much less de
tie to fish than the pre
kinds of nets. They may
emploed uas to cause the
'iair.y to thm fiAsh and the
gomads, and at the same
sectirA satisfactory results
thie srismran..; In beiaing, a
proportion of the sur.
d fish escape, usually the
activeand vigorous; through
tW plentiful reproduction
species is apt to be acobm
H. oop nets, which may
be mset in streams less than
feet wide, leave a compar
vely free way for.fish, so that
a reasonable per centage of
.thse in adjacent waters are
The catshing of fresh water
sh with seine. has been
i bited in'- lonisini for two
reasons. Game fish,
aerappie and the various
of hass and suan fish, are
Spsooiic as the less choice
tier and the capture of
emuber by meines would
thsi elarly destruction.
alk ea alM very fastidious
they bried, sad dis
4.e' 1 e ining would
.thosethat were not
The kind yon ought to use ad when
yoe ought to have it, that is when
joe really need it. We can fix yo
up in short order. Let your orders
come. We have a tall line of ote,
Letter, Bill ad Typewriter Heads,
ud ene!opes. . . . .
d ing is permitted, and in those
Iwaters where seining for fresh
y water common fish is permitted,
e and seiners are required to ob
serve certain regulations in
i tended to prevent disturbances
t of the water bottoms and the
- vegetation they support as far as
t possible. All species of game
e fish caught in fre'sh water seines
y must always be released.
In most of the fresh waters of
o Louisiana seining is entirely pro
n hibited. The law excepts cer
r tain waters in which seining for
common fish may be engaged" in
n under permih issued by the iln
e servation CommisSion and u er
- suitable rules and regulaticls.
Strengthens Weak and Tired Wmen
s I was under a great strain nursing a
g relative throngh three motnhse' sick
neas," writes airs. J. C. Van De Sande
n 6f Kirkland, I11., and "Electric Bitters
kept me from breaking down. I will
e ne'ei be without it." Do you feel tired
and worn out? No appetite' and food
e won't dige.t? It iasn' The spring wea
ther. You need Electric Bitters. Stdrt
a month's treatment to-day; nothing
better for stomach, liver and kidneyr.
The greatslring sonic. Relief ormoney
back. 50e. and $1.00, at your druggist.
e Fr Arld Tern of Sth Distrst Cert
,1 Thd'followinagis the list of Jurors to
to compose the Grand and Petit Juries
for the ensuing term of term of the 9th
Judicial District Court for Madison Par
- ish, Louisiana, to begin on the first
", Monday of April, 1914:
1 The first twenty names compose the
n Grand Jury, as follows:
No. Name Ward
1 E. Smith...... ......................2
. 2 J. N. Harvey ......... ..................... 4
n 3 J. H. Alexander ........................3
is 4 A.J. Bloom........ ...................... 4
5 R. D. Newell..............-.............. 4
6 M. it. Coltharp ...........................4
7 G.-M. Long ............................ ...2
e" 8 Frank MCafrey ............... 4
e- 9 1. A. Moberly ........................ 4
es 10 Earl Evans ....... .........................5
.11 11 S. B. Bettis................................ ..... 2
12 A. R. Nieols .................. .....4
13 PF.O. Howee ........-...».......3
8" 14 A. L. Kel.. . .................... 2
A 16 G. P. Blair ..............................4
s. 16 F. L. Parker ................. ....4
17 A. N. Andrews 8.......................8
18 Leon Clark..................4
se 19 Dale Ellis ................... ......4
h 0 D. H. Allen........................4
in The folloerag 0 names eoipnee the
e. Petit Jury, s6eond weeh as follows:
e; I J. V. Sevier, Jr....... ..................4
.2 H. H. Irwin ..............2.... .. 2
S Me Walhington........-...... 2
4 Walter'Beshears.........................4
he 5 Williah Cornis .....................6'
se 6 Henry Hal ..... ........ 2
7 7 Geo. Ketehum .............................. 4
8 P.D . Nailor................................
9 E. J. 'hompson ........................2
r'r 10 0. W. Montgomery ...... 4.........
be it W. H.Wizon ................ .........
h I2 1 R. P. Games ..................... . . 4
S13 Geo. Towne................... ..........4
14 Scott Bettis ....... ... 7
- 15 C.D. Johnson ......... ..........7
'y 16 Phil Gaice..................... ..4
tn 17 Coleman Watkins .................3
r- 18 Stantoa Buekner ..................
at 19 GOeb. Turpin ................ ........
20 William Jenkl ............ .....
21 Hendrf Bartlett ................_3
re 22 RobertRmmy............... a
28 Grant Turner........................ .2
er 24 JoeDavis............... ......
2n 0 Zeke Whitteu ... ................ 2
2o 2 MaW yecht......................... .......2.....
27 Tom Taylor .... ........ 4
* 28 Ed RIie ................. .. .... 2
as 29 Peter Harris ........ 5
re 30 Jim Oooden .................. .....4
Id SkinIsles
Why ge through we emberrassed mad
disfagured with paimples,eruptions,blak.
Mbeansgdrorghdtintorsaeringl the or
- tsres of ecsein tahbtetter, salt rhebum,,
JId st ask yourdruggit for Dr. Hobeon's
nse Ointmen. Polio the simple
dEgestioss and your skia worries arre
wr-. MiM~Uthuug,feltive Eaesdea
for bebie end deicate, tender akln.
- a. -ahels. asse
Did you ever stop to thi nk that
you do four things, just four and
no more? You think; yoiu re
member; you imagine; you aft.
When you learn to think better,
remember better, imagine better,
or act better, you are increasing
your efficiency, and, therefore
yonr income. You may feel you
are very successful now. Sup
pose you are; it isn't a question
- of what you know, but of ho
r beneficial % practical business
education will be to you in addi
tion to what you already know.
r Did you ever stop to think that
eighty five per cent of the men
p of this country are only earning
S15 per week or less? That 92
) per oent fail in business between
the age of 40 and 50? That 05
. per cent have no money at the
11 age of 60? We have been very
d successful iii g6tthlg men our of
d the eighty-five, the neoety-two,
and the ninety-five per cent
classes. Why not let us help
you? We have been marveloutsl?
r successful in raising salaries, as
" is conclusively proven by the
letters in our catalogue from for
mer students. You will agree
r with us that to violate a part of
the la*s of btrsiness means par
tial failure, and to violate all the
, laws means complete failure, and
B to observe all the laws means
- complete success. Our aidn is to
it help you observe a higher per
cent of the laws of success, and
therefore, enable you to be near
d er the maximum of success. The
late Prof. James, of Harvard,
declares that the average man
only uses ten per cent of his brain
power. Suppose yod' are only
using twenty per cent of your
maximum possibilities. The pur
pose of our course is to produce
a'maximoum of profiency with a
dhinimum of effort. The busi
dles world wants thinkers and
doers. There's a famine of high
priced >ben today; there tre
thousands of men- worth a thou
sand dollars a year, but only a
few worth ten thousand a year.
Be the latter kind of a man; you
ear'tf you will. We know that
a mran is worth $2.00 a day from
the ohin down, selling muscle,
bLtt as high up as a hundred
thousand dollirs a year from the
chin up, selling brains. Be a
obin upper and sell the higher
type of brains; you dan't afford
to be aphin downer; there's no
room for such a man ih the high
salaried class. Take our thorough
practijal'course of bookkeeping,
business administration ahd fi
nefnce, shorthand or telegraphy.
learn to think; to imagine and to
act. Our large catalogue is' free
for the asking, if you fill in and
mall the folowing blank, giving
your name and address.-Tyleu
Conoimerotial College, Tyler Tex,
Name ...... . .............. ........
Address .... .............. ...
Thawlg frost and April rains chili
yeou to the marrow, you eatch cold
- Head and lungs stufed-You are fever.
ish-Coagh ontinually and feel miser.
able-You seed Dr. King's New Di
i cobvery. Itsoothee inflamedt and -rri
Btatnd throat and lungs, mtops sogh,
-. jou head leats up, fever leaves, snd
,. you feel fine. Mr. J. T. Davis, of Stidk
. nelyCorner,- M., 'Was cared of a
e dreadful cold after doctot's treatment
S(and all other remedle'failed. Relief or
-_ mossy bck. Pseant-Childrma lae
SG. et a bottle to-day. ib.. sa $1.00
,a year t dreplet.
.. Itaklss' AsM.sve er - rs.
S Adolf Rose B. W. Grlffth R. Griffith
SPresident Vice.-President Secretary-Treasurer
Statement of the
Vicksburg, Mississippi, February 28th, 1914
Resources Liabilities
Bills receivable ........................$ 704,378.20 Capital Stock ............ $ 5o,ooo000.00
Stocks & Bonds........................ 278,046.98 Surplus ............................................ 5o,ooo.oo
Real Estate ............................ 35,100.38 Undivided Profits.................. 23,625.37
Cash on hand ............ 87,475.78 DEP 0 SITS .............................. 981,375.97
$I,105,oo00.34 $x,xo5.ooI.34
Largest Savings Bank in the State. An institution for savings only.
We do no Commercial Business; take no Commercial risks.
All Savings Deposits intrusted to us are invested in First Mortgage
Bonds and First Mortgages on Real Estate
All our Officers and Directors are active and in constant touch with
the Alffairs of the Bank.
This Bank is under suprvision of National Bank Examiners; Examinations at
the same time and by the same Examiner as First National Bank.
4I Per Cent Interest Per Annum
++++. ..* + + ++.... 4 ..*+ 4+++.++ * "+++4 -
S$tte of Louisiana, Parish of I[ta'ison,
Ninth Judicial Distrist Court.
A. A .Kell
vs No S19S
Succession of Green Philips
By virtue of a Writ of Seilure and
I ale to me directed from the Hodorable
Ninth Judicial District Court for the
Parish of Mabison aturesaid, in the above
I entitled cause, I will proceed to sell, at
I public auction, at the door of the Court
House in the town of Talluiah, in Mlad
ison Parish, Louisiana, qn the third
Sauturday 18 day of 'Apii A.D. 1914.
'between the hours prescribed by law,
t allthe right, title and interest of Sue
a cession of Green Philips in and to the
folowing descrtied property, to-wit;
A tract of land as folloics: Comn
mencing at a point where the boundry
1 line between fractional se"tlons 77 and
j 78 in Towrlhip 15 N. R. 13 East inter
sects the ba~tk of Rounpaway Bayou,
and running North 7.25edegrees, 140.50
chafns to the back line or east boundry
of fractional section j7, thence south
7.90 chains to the t.. E. corner of fac
,t tional section 76, thence south 35 dq
grees, east 5.49 chains, thence south
,7.25 degrees west t.,the bank of Roin.
daway Itayou, thene. wish the mean
deriag of said Bayou to the point of
beginning and eontainihg two hundred
a acres of land' and. being composed
,r of all Section seven ty-seven
a and part of Sections 75 and 76 in Town
ship 15, N., R. 13 East, in the Parish
of Madibon, Louisiana, together with
b all the buildings and improvements
h thereon, belonging, or in any manner
, appertaining t q th e Succession of
- Green Philips, seized in the above
Terms of Sale: Cash.
o A. J. SEVIER, 3J.,
0 Sheriff.
d Sheriff's Oed, Tallulah, La.,
Maieh 14th, 1914.
Money To Loan.
On Highly improved Plan
tation property in Madison
Parish: 5 to to years time.
H Write
. LL. Gladney,
2000 Pd ml Ave.
- OrSee
D~ir' M. Evr's, Att'y.,
Tallulah. La mch-31
Did you know that Calomle
d is Mercury, and that its mer
,cunrious effects will raiin the
a system, while GRIGBY'S
LIV-VER-LAX is purely
e vegetable and cani e used
• with pefectsafety. A
Tallulah Drug Co.-adir.
o - . .. .M ;
T I- E
In Stock ~fr Immediate Sflpment
Boiler Tubes, Reinforcing Steel Bars, Stack Paint, Guy Wire, Tube Expanders,
Copper Ferrules, Fusible Plugs, Steel Plates. Thin Sheets, Rivets, Angle Ars,
Beamts, Patch Bolts, Stay Bolts, Machine Bolts,- Threaded Steel Flanges Valves
and Fittings.
Repair Work and Satisfying Service Our Long Suit
VickSburg PHONE 765 Missis
United Conederate.
Jacksonrille, Fa., lay 68, i"
Dates of sale May 2 to 5, inclusive.
Good for return until May 15, wilB
privilege of extension to June 4.
Ancient Arabic Order,
Atlanta, Ga. $15.80
Dates of sale May 2 to 11, good foi
return until May 20 privilege of exten
sion to March 20.
For further particulars, call on, of
address R. B. OWEN,
oir .Ticket Agent.
F. M. D6NOH6E, D. P. A.,
Vicksburg, Miss.
Gray hir Meils orieib i cihler.
Clip this notice--lt worth ee0.
If your hair is gray, et eked with gray,
whit.,fd. ed brittle, falling out, itchin
sealp or danadrff, apply Q-Ban hair color re
sotrer to gray Jsr and scalp. Not a dye,
btt it brings to the hair surface the original
color nature wve your hair. Makes gray
hair brown, black, auburnm, or its original
color o 17 or 18 years of age. Never fails.
Perfectly harmless. delightful to use. -Ban
makes hair soft, fall of life, bealtiful. Stqps
dandruf. itching scalp and falling hair. Com
plete directions for home treatment of the
hair with each bottle. oe by parcel post, or
return this notice and $1.00 and we will de
liver you three bottles. If not satisfed by
its use we will give back $1.0. Address:
Hessig-Ells Drug Co., Memphis, Tens.
novt Iv
and liver trobs can be
awed by usin. GRIGSBV'S
tUV-VI'4LA. Ask Tdabh
that delicious liver syrupy has
displaced calomel in niady
every home. Good for gr wn
ups and children alike. Ask
Tallulah Drug (.o
Tallulah, La., March 9, 1914.
In aecoydance with Article "V" of
the Constitution and By-Laws, you are
hereby notified that the regular annual
meeting of the members and stockhold
ers will be held at the Court House in
Tallulahb La., Tuesday, April 14, 1914,
at 11 o.clock, a. m., for the purpose of
electing officers and transacting such
other business as may come before the
Please take notice that fii accordance
with Article One (1) of the Act of In
corporatio~ of the Club, ]~-Laws and
Rules governing the operation and con
duct of the 6lub will be adoptid at this
You are urged to be present at the
meeting, kut if this is impossible,
lease sendproxy, authorizing the Pres
Ident, Secretarv, Treasurer or some
memb.r who will attend the meeting,
to represent you, so that we will have a
quorum, and be able to transact the
business of the Club, and adopt the By
Laws and Rules that will be submitted.
If the Annual Dues are not in the
hands of our Treasurer, Dr. H. P.
Birdsong, Edwards, Miss., by April 1,
1914, your membership ant stock will
forfeited to the Club.
Very truly yours,
m -P. L. DAVIS,
mzh21-90d Secretary.
BY'S UV-VER-LA. Try a'
bottle today. Stisfa tio.
g.mraateed. AskIble Talui
.Drr~·o ~ ~ ·
Any Doctor
will tell you a fellow's
constitution wont lait
forever--and in therwe
strenuous times it neerra
a good overhauling as
Mineral Wells
is the Hunan Re
Shop. Two or thne
weeks there will make"
you look and feel liket
Batter go before it is to IW
Ask any T. & P. Ra. A .
Asst. Gen. Pass. General PaasIw
Agent AneUe
Dallas, Tex. Dallas, TO.
No. Six-Sixty-S
Thuh is rapwida prcar d .ptio
Fin or .ls doa wll kbreak "t a'
if takmes teo a ic the Fewe r
rC-aer It dos .bt gi liver be&
cli.oe..ia does aM ip r
sad disordr thaat (ake life _
Take Chesberlhis's tomabk asp
ou -.--*k -rl

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