Newspaper Page Text
- - THE MADISON JOURNAL SJernal of Madison Parish Police Jury Nificial Journal of Madison Parish School Ibard Official Journal of Fifth District Levee Board Official Journal of the Village of Tallulah UNTREE, Publisher. TALLULAH, MADISON PARISH, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919. NEW SEIES, VOLUME 7. NO. 52. MENT PAYS NCE CLAIMS OF WHAT U. 8. GOV SIS DOING FOR THOSE VED BY THE WAR. IES NUMBER 2,135 E fI69,900 Being Paid To 714 Claims Under .i tlen and Will Be guered Up Soon. Olsnas.-Lousiana families pIM $18,659.900 in war risk edatms by Uncle Sam. He restitution to those whose -asbauds died in the service e 2135 insurance claims be e Louislana through the Bu War Risk lusarance to bene saied at the time applica urance was made by sol anad marines, now dead.' policy carried by these was $8740. solMiers, as well as widows and dependent parents aho have died, are being by the government' Spkyng 1022 compensation r lesideOts of Louisiana. to the insurance an' claims now being paid there are 741 of both of claims under investl them cases, however, arJ blng adjuted following an' by bureau reprerenta mib of War Risk Insurance giBdldters these affairs. has by the government t Institution in recog-i th services veterans of the rundered their country. PARAGRAPHS. - More than 200 ename th parish and thirty for inauree will be required to here beginia g Jan to H. N. Thompson. tr' this distrct. Estimates population of Monroe, In Monroe. between 18,000 -The rank of mon honor bestowed upon few the archdiocese of New been conferred by Pope XV gn the Very Rev. Leslie ugh, pastor of Our Lady of Church. for his signal ser a vicar general or army and durting the war. -Assessor Stafford Her an effort to have cer of this parish, whose almost a total failure this from taxation under of Act a of 1884, and has 0 letter to Attorney General caft t) ascertain If this - The Homer field add it the growing list of - U produecin in north *l teritory when the Eabt. well, in Section 30, 3, long, ,. came in as an SUSarel producer the la epth of 2So0 feet. - The Vermillion Par -Executive Co here recently and on eleetio throughout Shea1 oRedals. Jaauar . 5m N. Thomas, o th laouilana HBoo I` we is Pneviule, ox relative to the e Water on a portion of ils due to the resent '--The community fhir hiOe gieU Demonstratioe * aenems. The farmers ports of the parish iredcts in great nuam .-The arbnual fanl 1 that in spite of ad the recelpts during the $5.000. the lartgest of the asociatlor. 1 The present Rapides M Senate and House of ' Will stand for re. 4 Smaide formal sa. agres of revival services 4 M 1he Metbodist Church Wt the pastor, Dr. El- I I. P. Jones. sheritf r reelectioln, and 'B. sherif also candt- I Sat the coming 1 d a Jeotat state. ern the contest. u Par rem thCigge klo New Oleans.-L-uIsiana is slowly forging to the front as a wool pro ducting state, according to an estimate just made by the United States De l.artraent of Agricu!ture. Wool pro suction in Louisiana during the last year was 612,000 pounds, the largest in the hittory of th, state. The crop is said to have brought an estimated total value of $361,000 to the wool growers. Esther.-Live wir" rice farmers ar greatly interested in procuring some of the grain dry kilns which dry the sheaf rice and grain quickly for the thresher. Thousands of dollars' worth of rice is lost yearly because of rains and excessive moisture, and the United States Lepartrrent of Ag t iculture has been called upon to fur at once approved plans of the cry kilns. Lake Charles. - At a meeting of ti te W. E. Williamson post of the American Legion at the city hall, the e charter was presented to the club. e constitution and by-laws adopted, and a the following officers elected: B. W. Lddy. post commander: T. S. Porter, vice commander; David W. Eddy, post adjutant, and Gordon Lake, treasurer. I- ILesville.-Excessive rains during 1. October besides doing considerable . miscellaneous damage to crops, ser iously cut down attendance at the s Vernon Parish Fair, the big event of s the year in this parish. Notwithstand gl ing roads which were bad, a fairly t good attendance is reported, with n visitors from all portions of the par Ish and adjoining parishes. Shreveport.--The last we -k ha v'itnessod a decidkd awakening in Interest in parish policies and in place cf the dearth of candidates for va D rious ofliccs. particularly for repre se-ntative from ('addo,there are now twenty-five candidates for office in Sr.hich Shreveport is particularly In terested and eight candidates for the tl wer House of the Legislature. Alexandrla.-Plans are rapidly be inag formulated for the big Armistice Day celebration to take place here November 11, at which it is expected that returned soldiers will be present from Rapides and surrounding par Ishes. Preparations are being made to entertain the largest crowd ever r seen in Alexandria. V Cooper.-Henry Redman. a wealthy , Kansan, is putting up a sawmill east s of Cooper and expects to get out - truch hardwood timber. He is much 0 impressed with the live stock and agricultural possib!lities of this par .sl and believes many Northern men * will come in when good roads are as s sured. e Natchitoches. - Continuous ramids e and c.mblned with the warm weather i Irf making cotton seed sprout in the r- ft:ds. Nearly all seed has been sold i as soon as the cotton has been gCnned and as seed in the fields now will be unfit for planting, may will be com Syelled to buy peed for next year's crop. s Baton Rouge.-H. E. Estarge of r Opelousas has filed nomination pa s pers for state treasurer. He is the I second man to enter the race for that Srfice. Howell Morgan of Baton Rouge entering several days ago. A. V. Coco, attorney general, also aled his papers tfor re-election. S Alfalfa.-More than five Inches of . ell here in one day after much rain fall for two weeks. What litle cotton Swas made is rotting In the bolls. Cow . peas and sweet potatoes also are spoiling in the fields. Lafayette. - The school board has set November 20 as the date for the calling of a special election to vote t I*,OO of bonds with which to erect r nd equip a brick school in Young ' ie. Washtigton, D. C. - The United S:ates Railroad Adminlstrtion, I hrough Its agricultural sectlon, has Issued an illustrated booklet abou: SLouisiana. to te sent to home seek ta s who have made inquiries about the exceptional farlming opportunities -I that state. Washington, D. t.-Oppousition by the Louisiana producers to the Itcens ing of sugar may e withdrawn as a result of the proposal of the Sugar Fquallratiow Board to pay a higher I-rice for Louisamna sugars than will Sbe allowed the producers of bet s gar. SSt. Benedict.--The warmest Octo. ber weather in tweuty-five years was treistered In St. Denedict. J. Koi lock. a local farmer. lost a big mule j hich was prostrated by heat while doing some light p'owing. tlammonid.-Emmett A. Herring, secretary of the Hammond Chamber ct Commerce, has been appointed parish chrirman of the Rooevelt Me n:orlal Fund Campaign to start hero SBaton Rouge.--Fred J. Grace, egts .trar of the State Land oace, has his ·nomlnation papers with James J. Ealley, secretary of state, for reeole Oak Orove.--ralan has ceaused - vCre damage to thi cotton and meorn Icroep in this section, and both are srrouting in the feld, due to the xa e.ot -m I e~. +. • t APPEAL FOR AID FOR RED CROSS Response Is Urged by President Wilson in Message Dictated Before Illness. TO BROADEN WELFARE WORK Plan to Assist Peoples in Eastern Eu rope; Campaign to Increase Mem bership Opens November 2d, Closing November 11th. Washington, D. C.-ln a message prepared before his present illness President Wilson makes an appial for a generous response to the Third Rled Cross Roll ('all. The president's mes sage reads as follows: As president of the L'nited States and as president of the American Red Cross I recommend and urge a gen erous response to the Third Red Cross Roll Call, which opens on November the second with the observance of Red Cross Sunday and appropriately closes on November the eleventh, the first anniversary of the signing of the ar mistice. Twenty million adults joined the Red Cross during the war, prompted by a patriotic desire to render service to their country and to the cause for which the United States was eugaged in war. Our patriotism should stand the test of peace as well as the test of war. and It is an intelligently patriotic program which the Red Cross pro poses, a continuance of service to our soldiers and sailors, who look to it for many things, and a transference to the problems of peace at home of the ex perience and methods which it ac quired during the war. Stress on Membership. It is on membership more than money contributions that the stress of the present campaign is laid, for the Red Cross seeks to *associate the people in welfare work throughout the land. especially in those communitIes where neither official nor unofficial provision has been made for adequate public health and social service. It is In the spirit of democracy that the people should undertake their own welfare activities, and the National Red Cross wisely intends to exert upon community action a stimulating and co-ordinating influence and to place the energies of the organization be hind all sound public health and wel fare agencies. The American Red Cross does not purpose indefinite prolongation of its relief work abroad, a policy which would lay an unjust bunden upon our own people and tend to undermine the self-reliance of the peoples relieved, but there is a necessary work of com pletion to be performed before the American Red Cross can honorably withdraw from Europe. The congress of the United States has Imposed upon the Red Cress a continuing responsi bility abroad by authorizing the secre tary of war to transfer to the Ameri can Red Cross such surplus army med Ical supplies and supplementary and dietary foodstuffs now in Europe as shall not be required by the army. to be used by the Red Cross to relieve the distress which continues In certain countries of Europe as a -result of the war. Program Deserves Support. To finance these operations. to con lude work which was begun during the war, and to calry out some com paratively inexpensive constructive plans for assisting peoples in eastern Europe to develop their own welfare organisations, the American Red Cross requires, In additlon to membership tees, a sum of money small In compar taon with the gifts poured Into its treasnry by our generous people daur nlag the war. Both the greater enduring domatie program and the Jessaer temporary for elgn program of the Red Cross de serve enthusiastle mspiort, and I van toure to hope that Its peace-time mem bershlp will exceed rather than fall below its Impressive war memberablp. WOODROW WILSON. Unladylike iehavier. Berniee was In the habit of Calling her father on the telephone. On one partieular occasion bshe had lifted ap the receiver and had asked for the number wanted. After waiting about a minute the operator told her to hang up because the line was busy. After she hung up she exelaimed to her mother, standing close by: "Oh. mamma, the lady chased me ol the phone." Excuse Recalled. Robert had finisalhed the evqnlng meal sad had politely asked to be excused. As he started to play his moths, began serving those still at the table with watermeleos. Realisaing be had left too soo, Robert ran to his place and as he climbed up In h!s chair said: "I'd for gotten the watermelon, so excuse me back." A Mild Call. "I don't mind you writing gash let ters tin olce hours." explained her employer, "but the management of the building complains that yoa put so mueb love In them that they bleek up the mail ebuate." Norwegi bMuldrs have deveoped a method ofe astrutloa fr temps. mary struca tte mwhicr aeatg ad. oe wesm reb Ila behad e th t a eights, br tind - t Sht b Ib -rrr WI.'-' S What's All This Commotion About? AW. Lo0K it COMfORTER .is ~I >r" d K 'S 1` VOTES TO CREATE A BUDGET BUREAU HOUSE FAVORS BY LARGE MA JORITY MEASURE CREATING NEW DEPARTMENT. VWashington. - E1y a vote of 2S1 • v 2, the House pas:cd a bill (reatin.' ;, uldget Bur.eau. .aving jurisdictioa -".r all department estimates, anl' ent thec measure ht) the Senate. RlFpr,-s.ntathies 'oon. Tennessee, and I;lackmon. AlaLnama, Democrats, olted against the bi1. The measure will reach the S-nate i; practically the same form as it was sprted by a spe.ial committee ap lointed during the summer to tranme such legislation. The important change in the present method of esti-. raJting departmnental appropriations as embodied In the bill are: All depsrtments must submit estl mates to the r.udget Bureau for ap I roval before being sent tq Congress; an independent audit of all depart wnnt accomits is provided with a Scmptrolk r and assistaMt comptrol I ler. appointed by the to cen Sduet the twtpl'-" abolTbent of" the present auditore and consolida tion of their work under the comp troller. King Albert Honors Lincoln. Springfield, Ill.-Albert of the Bel glans placed a simple wreath upon the sarcophagus of Lincoln recently. With face grave and lips sternly set, the king uncovered as he steppedl within the shadow of white chrysan themums. He bowed thre timesrand crossed himself as he stepp*ed over the threshold and laid the flowers up on the marble slab. German Colonization in Mexico. Mexico City. - Concrete evidence of German co!onization plans for SMexico was revealed here with the teuouncement of in enterprise for the irrigation of 200.000 hecares of lnd in the Fuerte river valley, in the isate of Slnaola. where thousands of German tmigrents are expected to 1 uy snmall parcels of land on a 20-year payment plan. Prince Says He Will Not Submit. Geneva.-Prince Rupprecht of $a varla, who commanded the German forces in Northern France and Bel glum, learned at Davers, where he Lad been staying, that he is included in the French list of £00 or more wanted by the allies for trial for crimes against international law. He 1 became furious and said he would1 never give himself up. Texas Crop Loss Heavy. San Antoslo. - The total crop lose t for the 15 counties in the San An- I tonto district will reach approximate- 1 ly 75 per cent. according to R. W. 1 Persons, district agant of the United States Department of Agriculture, who was here after a trip over his territory. Old Clothes osletles. Formed. Iondon.--Fashionable London tail ors are said to be somewhat perturb ed over the reported popularity of a c;othes conservation "movement" atliang from the United States which is being enthusiastically acclaimed by lnglishmen wearied of long con t;nued high clothing costs. Steps Taken To Control Sugar Price. New York. - Steps to prevent an rbnormnl inrease in the price of sr tar because of the existing shortage were takel by the Department of Jus Viscant Astor Is Dead. London. -- Viscount Actor of Hever 1 COn-tle died of heart disease. He had , bLeen failing in health for a year. Coel. House is Recovering. New York. - Co'. E. M. House, who has been in bed at his residence here with grippe since his arrival t from gurope, has recovered so much that he Is able to walk around the I i-lock. Sthaneer is Beached. New Yot. - The British felghter ,t:eag City was beachebd to prevst - .ks a.ter s e5ism with the aamer Gemee 3. Jeams a the e w -1 LABOR WITHDRAWS FROM CONfERENCE VOTED DOWN RESOLUTION FOR RECOGNITION OF COLLEC TIVE BARGAINING. W'ta-htln4on. - OrganizeJ labor. throutigh its le.ader. 'amu.Il (;onlpfrs. "'nntounced its w~it;;,rawal from the ra,:tional industrial conference. whichl la.. he"n in s'--sioil here t inc' Octo tti 6. to .:tablish .a new rela:ionship tI; ,veen 'capital an.' labor. 'lhe industlial conference vote.1 down labor's resolueion for recogni trun of the right of 'ollhective bargain hug -a re:olution w";ih Mr Gon'per., leader. had charact.rized as "the last S'.l" on the subject. ".'e emplot ers' ai-oup. by a major i,. ,f one,. ccided to opposef the rna ciu;lon and although the public and Inlor delega:ins vot,'d for the propo •..I. the conference rules pro v:ding for unanimous approval, the declaration was lo::t. Mr. Goumpers thanked the chairman and gaemmbrs of the public group for hle courtesies shown labor by that wiins of the conference, but said thit s'nce the rignt of collective bargain ing had ben voted down three times, :once after President Wflson had ap peraled to the conference to stay in assion, labor felt it had no objects to gain in continuing the delibera tions. Consul Held For Ransom. Hanford. Cal. - William O. Jen kins, American consular agent at Puebla. Mexico. has written his -p that the bandits who captured him and are holding him for $150.000 ran bom. want no money from him or the United States government, but wish the Carranza government to pay the ransom. Americans To Control Food. Vienna.-The state government has turned over to Dr. Heerwand Geist ot the American Relief Administra tion, the entire control of public feed ing for the winter. The lack of fuel for cooking will necesaltate feeding about 1,000,000 persons at .pubUe kitchens this winter. President Commutes Sentences. Washington.-Death sentences In posed by court-martial at Camp Trav is, Tex., on Privates Sam H. Williams and Daniel M. Evans, who were con victed of murder In connection with the shooting of Dudley White, have been commuted to life imprisonment by President Wilson. El pect Stored Sugar To Be Released. Washington. - Concurrence of pro Gucers reipresentinl 90 per cent of the beet sugar output into this country has been received by Attorney General Palmer in reply to his suggestion that 10 cents a pound to wholesalers was a fair price for the new crop. Would Restrict Immigration. Washington. - 4 b:ll extending war-time restrietions on assporta for Sne veer so as to exclude from the country radicals and other undestra alc aliens was passed by the Senate without a record vote and rent to con erence. Activities og Red Cross. Washington. - Dnring the war the American Red Cgoes received $4), (00.00 In contributions and spent N- 3.000.000 in relief work, it was atated In the first i.'tallment of a re eort to the Anmeric~n people on the clganization's war work. New York. - Four persons were killed and several injured when a .hird Avenne elevated train erashed lato another train at 175th street. Says Gasolimne Will Cheaper. Chicago. - Gauaoue will be lower raither than higher priced, 0. L Swe ney of Peoria, l., president f the In d~ependent Oil Me's. A.ociatiom. iredlcted at the opentg session of the eleventh annual meetln of the o asutimon. Aleged Plans.u For Revolt. saI - Plans fir a revolt in AS ees to take plOae Kvember have baeen ise ro t tr asuaurg m eaghms to the e dse has Vicksburg Boiler & Iron Works Manufacturers of Boilers, Smokestacks, Breechings and Tanks In Stock for Immediate Shipment Boiler Tubes, Reinforcing Steel Bars, Stack Paint, Guy Wire, Tube Expanders, Copper Ferrule~, Fusible Plugs. Steel Plates, Thin Sheets, Rivets, Angle Bars, Stay Bolts, Beams, Patch Bolts, Machine Bults, Threaded Steel Flanges, Valves and Fittings. "Repair Work and Satisfylnt Service our Lont Suit" Phone 765 VICKSBURG, - - * * MISSISSIPPI Monroe Furniture Company MONROE, . - * LOUISIANA WHOLESA LEI FURNITURE, RUGS, TRUNKS, COMFORTS, BLANKETS, UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES ASK YOUR LOCAL DEALER TO SHOW YOU OUR COMPLETE CATALOGUE. 363661 80F OIUn YY'VLE CAOIJYJE. NEW ORLIEANIs LA. Let Us Be Your Waiter We never tire of bhelping others whenbm they a for good job priting. We can tickle the moot enacting typographic appetite. People warn hbare partakpn of our excellent servk come back for a seaed serving. Our prices are thde most reasonable, too and you can always do ped oas gm ivim your orders the mot prompt nd eareful attention. Call at this oi and hook over our mamplea. If Tea Want to S. Your LOUIS1ANA PLANTATION And Makue the Right Prices sad Terms PEdgar W. WHrITEMORE, St. Joseph, IL. Cam ur it more quickly than you can sell it yorself, as the only business he has is iing Loeisiana Flaitatilons He gIes all bumines entrust to him prompt, careM ad nisat attetum; mhas pOpctve land Iaer; auel AH7Mtmi,...., -. t S