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STHE MADISON JOURNAL Right rrnal of Madison h Police Jury Official Journal of Madison Parish School Board Official Journal of Fifth District Levee Board Official Journal of the Villge of Ta ROUNTREE, Publisher. TALLULAH, MADISON PARISH, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919. NEW SERIES, VOI.UME 8. IENOS VAST EXTENSIONS N REPORT TO CON-I CALLS FOR WORK -IN LOUSIANA. COST AT $5,135,000 For Construction of 100 t Leee, ar.d Will Protect Aeree-Law of 1917 "ves Authority. D. C. - Construction ams 100 miles of levees in were recommended to Con SMtuuissisgipi R vcr !'#cm ad pvernment engineers as hasible plan to protect 99)0 of lad in tie basins of ihe! uad the Red rivers, and bItween Bayou Des Gliise' g river, from Missiasipp;/ waters. The cost of the estimated at $5.135,000. dt the Atchafalaya from was held to be unnee e*I the closing of the forum at its head, so the river ,gw iato the Mississippi was -a the ground that this plan add to the Mississippi river1 11 fall discharge of the Red ueosest flow from the Missis Io Atchafalaya.'" iee gas havo been under several years. by the commission, and oe government engineers declared the additional to the Southern lands can Seat ander the flood control . Appropriations from Con lawmere, would be necessary the work. New exted down both Alc ha~ laya river for for d .emealf miles, and pro - l3,40 acres," declared the l vews may be extended protec: an additional Se Atchbaalayn basis of saas, at an estimated .0. In the basin be De Olales and the Red aeres can be prdtete4 t_e w -lst y e I vees down the right ls ed sad down the Ateha amsect with the existing at Bayou Des Olal es, at an east ot $1,0.N . of the Red river is an area seres subject to overlow. about 272,00. acres west of River eai be protected by at at esimated east of $2,251. a total east of $6.131,7« abeet 942.0 acres. IN A FEW LINE. wIad. - Rev Mark tm-. Ba~Iat manlster, 77 years old 1 hsme sear here recently. Slative of Pike esea ty. Mi at was a Cemsderate vet "I was married October 172 NM 10 resetly celebrated. wr ne1 he W fty-fourth anal - r. i mmons was ordained Mllsy of the Baptist Church With the recent nta of water meters bohere the department has aif Oetober. a eaving of alpes of water, besides to Ms revnues from wa eer what wouald have tr te old flat rate sys -White educables in er 335,7.15. accordlns Srepalt adopted by the ot Uheatlm at a special at Baton Rouge. The - miJ negro educables rites of revival ser SClmreh oet God (Holl to egress at the Seventh r, to be eonducted , U. eauk o Bessemer, hee for the eoaduct eary b--d.s. The wu be knownasthe -miu er an unmopi to ieeee htimueU, S, l a hml iln es.... se d tenta the omee of aW, seriary of state, b tos fire depart Wesths to a state by te aby e Imlee ad m atly to roe ****~riP eman New Orleans. - Tihe anti-cister~ crdinance, adopted more than three years ago by the Sewer:ge and Water board, which met with much oppoal tUon from property holders, was held illegal by the Iouisiana Supreme Court in a decision handed down' by Chief Justice Monroe. The decision was based on a finding that the Act 270 of 1908, purporting to grant this authority to the board, was "incompo tent legislation." Abbeville. - November was usher ei in by a terrific thunder and rain Sstorm, lasting six hours. More than three inches of rain fell, flooding the ronds and fields. Coming as it did pupon the heels of the rainy season of the past month, this seriously dam aged rice threshing and the harvest ing of the cane crop. Considerable Etanding rice in the low-lying places has been abandoned. n Monroe. - The city of Monroe and Lf the entire parish of Ouachita is at u- fccted with oil fev.r. Long lists of a ol: and gas leases are filed with the is clerk of court daily, and it is said that I.- v ry little land in the parish remains ie unleased. Prom $1 to $2 cash per id -re and one-eighth royalty is being to paid for oil rigrts, while a lump sumn p/ of $200 usually is paid for gas rights. Winnfield. - There is much activ I !ty in Winn parish in procuring oil c- leases. Speculators from various l. larts of the country are leasing the tr lands, and Senator S. J. Harper is is: warning the citizens against leasing ,n the mineral rights on their lands without sufficient consideration and Sguarantee that their lands will be drilled upon for oil at an early date. Roseland. - While out hunting west of Roseland, Murray Shawkey d met with an accident which cost him his left hand. He put his automatic al gun down on the ground to put in I o,me shells when the gun went off, D1 tearing his left hand. He was at once brought into town, physicians were called and his hand was taken off above the wrist. h Estherwood. - George K. Bradford, r' urveyor, and the police Juries of Acadia and Lafayette parishes, have ie decided "No Man's Land," a short bstetch of the Old Spanish Trail near al Dason, belong to Acadia parish, an-I the later to have the road built so as to complete the Old Spanish Trail at once. d Estherwood.-The young sao of T. Mad My arrowly am"s at" receat y I, ebe ell of a hore which was it stretu by a large farm tractor. Adam SLesune stopping th heavy machine ig with the wheel oply six inches from i the bos head. .The horse was fatal ly injured. ea . Colax.-rand pariah exhibitors at of the State .hir this year scored high. by Farm Demostrator Sloan. -who at. 1. tended the fair, being In euarge of I the Grand parish eahbits, mreurmed orme with thrty-seven ribboas 1r :bhe premiums waors by the ehlbiys from this parish. Bats Rouge. - The new pavilion, of the Community Club located "'i victory Park was opened with a dance. The pavlion and a large nat atoerim as well as several other park improvementa were built by suabcrip tos of ninety prominenat citiszes. SGrand Isle.-The opening of the t,- Uapplag and hunting seasen and the a prevailing goad datches of sea food eL for the New Orleans market is giv ing this place an unusual boom nla business. Both ducks and forbearting le rnimals are reported plentiful. S Thibodeaux.-No other candidataes of for the State Lesgialature from La. fourche announced and there will be a- no opposttion to Dr. J. L Dreder and re J. W. McClelland. A. V. Smith, of -- Laekport, has withdrawn from the race. In Arcadia.l - The Blenville police SJaury accspted the i4 of the Interstate ne hank sad Trust Company for the $1, 1 C00,000 bond ise. With this larlge e road fuad Imenville should become 0. a model highway parih, say the ar tnoritles. ILake Charles. - John Ulhtaer, Si ylrs old, a retired hnrer ilg rear Iowa with his roea, Fred Ught' Pet, is dead. He moved to this see tie several years age from Paasyl Ct Monroe. - Divisonal headquartes ' of the Vkeaburg, Shreveport ad 1s se ue reway, wioa were in feree Sfor the pat foarteen monaths, will, at ler Neomber 15, ho Vickabg. It lraayette. - The curew is bala . enfareod at this pawse. This m ns ,tat chtlr y16 mears old and yosmg o r will aot be permitted a the streets after o'elock. IAke Charles.-The suit of the lty tof Lake Charles vs. A. W. Coere. of a:d the Royal Indemaiy COmpany, "- resalted in a deolsiem by Judge Ovu tee awarSa the cty U.53.45 S Natchiteahs - Architect J. W. r 8mMh, oft Moare, wasu bhre ma Sfereee with Superteadeat Ia K Raude rbelative tq the bricek shool I teda o tg o i bult to relac L the presenrt woodm straure mod fr the Camptl High ShooL o -Tk ee e m - sed me sell Ser esestlee bj .railm r the page l * - the mid seen e .s s seias lb A. F. OF L UPHOLDOS STRIKING MINERS LABOR OFFICIALS DECLARE THE WORKERS JUSTIFIED IN MOVE' - AND PROMISE SUPPORT. a ATTACK GOVERNMENT ACTION Executive Council of Federation Says Court Order "Staggeringly Auto cratic" and Is An Injustice Against All Americans. Washington. - Holding that the ao tion of the government in the injunc f tion proceedings against s'riking bi g tuminous coal miners to be "so auto t cr;tic as to stagget" the human mind." the Executive Council of the Ameri r can Federation of Labo: declared in a statement issued after a four hour t meeting that the utiners' walkout vas jurtifled, promised for the strike th.: entire support of organized labor. and as:ked aid and endorsement for it from 1 thf general public. s The Lever act. under which the % government acted in the court pro s ceedings, never was enacted to apply g to workers, the council assetted, and s its use against the miners was class 1 ed as "an injustic- not only to work era, but to all liberty-loving Ameoi cans." The action was taken witlout the i participation of William Green; gea Y eral secretary of the mine wvrker3. I who is a member, but all the fttMain 0 Ing principal of the Amer:tan a Federation of Labor were present. r, The council was hastily summoned a together, and the statement which for a mulated its action was carefully re ! vised and rewritten by Samuel Goutm pers, and Frank Morrison, preiaent and secretary, respectively, of the I. federation. f The council in its statement pre sented at length the history of the t negcaiatlons which led upato and pte l cipitited the coal strike, declaring al I most in the first sentence that the "offieers of the United Mine Work I era did everything in their power to avert this great industrial struggle." It reserved its bitterest words for late comment on governmental a Government Diaeburement Decrease. Washington. - bisbursements . of 567.IU49,205 by the government Ia October were the lowest in say mouth since June. 1917, Seeretary Olass announced. The net current deficit for the motth wwas $21,-23. L 450 the lowest for any month stince April. 1917, excluding mouths in which income and profit taxes wetsr lyable. 'Vice President Visits Conference. Washinsta. - -Vice President *W arshall visited the International La a her Conference, maklng a short ad a dress and shaking hands with the t. delegates. The visit a sur Sprice, at a moment when the labor ) delegates were puttingl forward amendments to the convention on hours of work. e Airplane Passenger Burned To Death. Kansas City, Mo.-H. O. Eviston, a ! passenger in a biplane, was burned to a death here when the plane fell -80 4 feet and was destroyed by fire. Strapped to his peat. Eviston, who was makLing the flight at the invlta tion of the pilot, a cmmedecal avia tor; was unable to free himself. Plantero Suggest lSugar Prices. New York. - The price for this seeson's yellow clarlfed sugar was fixed at 17 cents a pound at a meet * lag here of autatans planters. The . price 1s subject to the approval o Attorney General Palmer. An addi Stonoal eant a pound for choelee plants Stbon ranuslated wuas set. Allese To * Discharged First. Boston. - No citisedas o( the United 3 Fmtes are to be removed from their U jobs at navy yards ibecase ot Isek of 1- work or lack of funds for naval con - sturaction until all aliens hay. been I ,bcharged. Tpus Is the substance of an order by Secretary DIntels recetv ea here. F our Die I Atlanta Fire. Atlanta. U - Pour eme e dad. ome probably fatai burned. and see eal others are aeoriesly InJured a the resutl o at are which partially de ptryed the Wilson Hote, ti the heart eof the basmnesa distrlet here. The AmsertI -e usu .ndl. S. adapest.-Thi derlscs commas I sloqin tcharge of the chIldren's, relief F. In mrue began wa'k here. n ss"tint I it hospitals ad St other iastituatin S Mia n sts Beas Law hld. SMIaneapols. Msa. -- Cpostituttlo Sstlty of the ate soldier bones law, Sjaged at the last rmsaou et the tes Slatur w uepheld byv Distriet Jedge IJ Kell o. MUs a d kll" *llg a test ee. spSays Bur Memhe Us PreensCted. Wlo Orlsans.--sSa pdeeerm ad ea... tln .m.~uri the Womar Allibis 0. Fooo VT ` INES A OM\ 1 \ ,Ieu~S CHARGE WASTE IN BUILDING CAMP CONTRACTOR SAYS SICK SOL. DIERS SUFFERED BECAUSE STEAM FITTERS GAMBLED. Camp Sherman, O.-Charges that wilful negligence on the part of the sleamfitters emplo.ed in the con Struction of the hospital .Lt Camp Sherman re 'ulted in exposurl icr weeks to the zero weather, preva. l·nt late in October and all of Novem Iler, 1917. of sick roldier4 confined there, were. among the disclosures made before the (ongres.ional suo committee by Joseph Poole, Chilli cothe contractor. " The evidence given by Poole will hb followed up, to Ox the responsi bility for the suffering of the men4 ic cording to Chairman John C. 3lcken. t4e and Chief Examiner Roscoe C. McCulloch of se cemmittee. While sick sedlers were pincbed and actually blue to their finmer tips with the bitter cold. steamfitters sup. posedly equipping the hospital wards , a Ith steam het. were gambling and' warming themselve 4ner their gaso tine torches, oele the qommit tee. Ag--e-- - - was as ae atMee were their furt when they eluded the sick. sad the doctors wore their. shaskI limed coats, while the patients had a& beat hatever..,. Games of chaste Velr worked among the men. the witnesse dclaed. Two or three days every eek some body weould cor ar d anad have the men buy chances on automobiles, wrist watches and other thirngs, he said. "That was a raft worked by smem body," he declared. Other witneeses, corroborating Poole's testimony as to the idling o(. the men and the wastage of material generally agreed that the work could have been done more satisfactorily and in quieker time by from tw thlrds to noe-lplf the number of men on a given job. Taylor Thornburg, a Chillicothe laborer, told the com mittee that his foreman told his Sang It "hide tn the cornfield" and that from 19 to 20 of tnam spent from a week to 10 daysin the corn. He said he drew pay from the Y. M. C. A. aaqd from the I-. vernment for the same work and that he did not dare say anything about it "because they weren't allowed to. ' Charges Against Camp Contractor. Camp Sherman, Chlllicothe. O.-So many carpenters were employed in the construetion of Camp Sherman that when they had nothing else to 'lo they were put to- taking screen doors off and then putting them db again, eteording to testimony given to a congressional saubcommittee here by W. B. McCorkle of Chillicothe, who was employed as a carpenter during the construction of the cariton meat. Army Air Race Ends. Mineol, N. Y.-Co Harold I. Bartaey, in a German "'okker,'* an Lieut. Ralph B. Baby, in a DeHavil land, landed at Roosevelt lFeld, Aa ltdshg in the army's transconttaental esr race. Gever meat Instruet Operatr' New York. - The United State goveranmeat opened a bar-bas fobot rails and everythnig-lt the custom house. Here. federal agents are n astrted s gaes.lo ethi SBerne. Swts.da '- Embr-old rtes to the value t four tm illon francs were enorted ts Ast M moth, ma~- with me e tame ort tin September. 11.L SNew Yak.--Mn. Dora Mlits,,wheo Plyagcians atteading her repubte* h(et*s is growag waker ad that ane ue abs I held or her msrd free the aseetag srlahse.' gug Lte r *e r o e* aSee. Sm d.-Ass * es .es s. ... ngn e sep adwu hemrs. PLANS TO RETURN ROADS IN JANUARY PRESIDENT REPORTED TO BE DETERMINED TO END GOVERN MENT CONTROL VERY SOON. Washington. - A new program to deal with the railroad situation has been arrangd tentatively by con gressional leaders. It involves proba lie pa-sage of temporary emergency legslataion to prot. ct railroad and pubiic interests, sh3uld the carriers b' returned by the president to pr; ,at0. control on January 1, as Mr. W'ilon has announced his intention. Although House. leaders plan to p ss permanent railroad legislation on their side of the capitol, the Sen ate Interstate Commerce Committee, at a saecial meeting, agreed that final 4r.acttment by Congress of the perma Pent legislation. .r tore January 1 prsctically was, hopeless, and steps ere taken toward passing a tempo rary bill continuing the railroads' fIderal compensation until the final legislation is completed. Trans'er of the railroads from Icvernment to private control Janu ary 1, the leaders were advised, has b en de lded on nually sad unalter ably by PG aMt Wamw sad Dves tor General Hines. Senate and House kaders. In conference, agreed that every effort should be made by Con grss to enact the permanent legla tiSo before January 1, but with almost certain prospects of failure, the Sea ate leaders arranged to care for the ma".sD -s ncating the temporary legislartion, probably in Decemaber. Leouhsanian Attacks Republicans. Washblnton.-An attack on the Re pebllca leadership of the House, hawJe drtlng debate by Repre rentative Aswell, Democrat, of Louis iana, was followed by a two-hour par. tisa politisal fight centering about a parliamentary effort to expoge the r -marks. After denying the state meats of the Democratic member, Representative Mondell of Wyoming. tpublicana floor I.-ader, withdrew his motkion to eliminate the objee tionable remarks. President is Still Improving. Washington. - President Wilson transacted some minor executive bus ness, signing bills and pardon war rants. Dr. Grayson said his patient was progressing nlely and regaining his strength as rapidly as could be s pected. It will &s some time, how ever, Dr. Grayson said, before the president will be a6e to take a me tor ride. Strike Riot in V ungstown. Ycungstown, O.-Riotl g broke out at the plant of the Younvstown Shet •ap, Tube Company recently. Fifty remen attacked the sheriff and his deputles when the off'cers tried to keep them from preventing workmen fr '.entering the Fla t. Red pepper pas thrown into the eyes of the of f crs as the women tried to seise their revolvers. Makes Lea Non-Step Flight. Houston. Tex. - After making the longest nonstop light in America, dyfng 115 hours without overhauling and wtth oaly one mlshap, a Martin bombe under the command of Col. R . UHartz, landed at Ellington Field and eoapteted two-thirds of its Jour ney around the rim of the United States. Ceaferee May Adjeurn Seen. Farls.-The chaducs are that the t;reae ocaterence wi' end by the irst -of beeumber, with Polk, White adn ieb;s retrindg- to Amerier, l.svine Ambasadeor WallaUe to reprmnt the Unlted as a l the Trtbi eomn fereseo is ceied. pares as eSet Iherte Pa.-4set has beam added to the at s t hileakn in France. clties is deded ie i the chlef Sasgin Paesra Ol C-Ommlssten. washlnste.--e ea• Nerenee w '.e.h t ,hp-the prewar ra.ui is persr of the nlte.sne co ssse Coeasu a was sea. THE Vicksburg Boiler & Iron Works Manufacturers of Boilers, Smokestacks, Breechings and Tanks In Stock for Immediate Shipment Boiler Tubes, Reinforcing Steel Bars, Stack Paint, Guy Wire, Tube Expanders, Copper Ferrules, Fusible Plugs, Steel Plates, Thin Sheets, Rivets, Angle Bars, Stay Belts, Beams, Patch Bolts, Machine Bolts, Threaded Steel Flanges, Valves and Fittings. "Repair Work aid Satlsfylng Service our Lout Suit" Phone 765 VICKSBURG, . * . MISSISSIPPI -J Monroe Furniture Company MONROE, - - - LOUISIANA WnHOLESALE FURNITURE, RUGS, TRUNKS, COMPORTS, 7 BLANKETS, UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES ASK YOUR LOCAL DEALER TO SHOW YOU OUR COMPLETE CATALOGUE. F ' UIU 0 iISE COLE l NEW ORLUA A. Let Us Be Your Waiter We meer time of hepia thersb wb the adk Sgaped job prim6. We ca tickle the ma *a-tn t-p EFII appete pl was have parlma at e eceeat sesries -m ck SIr ammm serviq. Our pmesare meet eassmemle, eml yae can sops s pn eai as -ivieg orer eaemset prem amd muMdlsteemo. Cal a this ase amd leek ova our esmplie If Yoa Want to 8dl Year Ami Make the alt Prim 3g W. WsEITOSRl, St. Jse,m, IL. Ca ad It mure lboly th ea a a dit Iyourwtlf, as the only buainess he has i tra dra rll mn atntsubml tka hI pra$sme mammM.B