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OF MADISo0 PARISH OLICE JURY OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF MADISON PARISH SCHOOL BOARD 01 ICIAL JOURNAL OF FIFTH DIJTRICT LEVEE BOARD OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE VILLAGE OF I'ALLULA STALLULAH, MADISON PARUIH, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1920. NEW SERIES, VOLU U IS - -u am -u - - -- _ _ _ u_ i iun__ -i m n - . .. .... ... ... .. . t~LL H .A IS I .... . . ... . .... ... .. . . .. .. LO.-NA ....... Y HI RUR ....... q ....m - ! : . _/W _-IES VPUM S i I || l i BUT UVW Hey Met Thea de Iews Daim w. e.I H bus labor, in - made of remis Nm l pro *miefr any1 .*isr aa Bi~ orne( f S IVs SIIe ails. 1 l e. . 1 sriw a 'r~ I 1 b I *sJ It i: _ r met I. -I I~~n I -mjI( F; ii *sm 1 Iit urltm~j4 .4'-al o. Guis; are 'thhtir 0• . eB vis Pharmoeuticals Rmbb Goods yLawn .er Toilet Areles ToothPaste .. '.iZ tatc" Inspected pnd Passed" ofeomargarine to be eaten in the dairy States. Iowa buys "U. S. Inspected and Tesed"' oleomargarine for her own tables, an sels here uaninspected but. ter to the well-informed peoples, and therefore the les prosperohs peoples. The Commercial-Appeal recently had a striking editorial on "The High Cost of Living," in which it said: "The vulgar rich and the vulgar poor will not buy anything cheap." The best grades of olemargarine sell for abount three-fths the price of butter There are other wise people beside the dairymen of Iowa. The great dairy State of Michigan has nearly 12 times as many oleomargarine dealers as the ialkle State of Georgia. The Queen of ad es dairy States, Wis eonsin, ha naely 9 times as many oleobiargayine dealers as the great peanut and cotton-growirg State of Alabama, and Minnesota, the Crown Princess of the dairy States, comes along with nearly 9 times as many oleomargarine dealers as the grand old State of orth Carolinsa and New York, the biggest of all the dairy States, has 14 times as many oleo margarine dealers as Texas, the great es of all the peanut and cotton gsmewing States. Think of these things. Will the Federal Government for eve lay its restrltng head. upon them feeds which constitute the beet market for vegetable oils? "IMARTS OF THE TWORL" COMING "Hearts of the Weld," the D. W. Griffith production that required 18 maths in the making and which ir deashad to be te maerpleet thf i dramMtt gahs, -serpelr buth h' autih oW at ei astim d S atslerance." w be the attbnet e at the Lyric Theatre ln Thialsh on Februay U. That "Hearts of th World" bhi estabhed a new high record for ee a G i th p "roducton may be ieed from the fact that it be hem *hw is CMcegea New York, btenr. -padelphis sad other tios upwanr of mew than six hundred times e' SPriees. Tt t it s a moeet.naum vendt is evident ee be an esrent etlatnwi L)nd Gerde! 14 0 t ~r 1 ish a r***a r s Contrary to the o wrl epo:ion. thi latest of the Griffit work is not a war play. It is described 1t Mr. rf-flt himself as the "Hweetest loe stry ever told. It was writtes b aem de Telgne ad tramslated '--m the RFrn by Chpsta Victor arier. The ater Is in two parts. the et-rwewalin the Ie of an ordiney teh ifaity before the war and the pn-ot 'the experesees of tbeae on pfi uthe tho pre t eN iet reded In W"-.r her the saes. The a r e r of the eesmon in oefa et tho Wuet are eerihe4 - been remedesi by the wore's -e'l a t ists, heir basty and their wmsstd sbeehnr s eati rn that 1w eer before boe sbsemnted eve b the master Mad s ftite Indel tasL There hening to he aped sh -e te see f Tallulah Supply Co., Inc. "Everything for the Farm" Large Stock of Furniture, Stoves, Cut lery and Automobile Accessories at all times. Planters will find it to. their interest to get our prices on: Plows, Planters, Iiarrows, Discs, Wag ons, and Buggies Prices are Right fnd the Stock is Comr lete' The Oliver Far Implements N6 bettermade, both tractor and horse drawn Implements. Right in Stock, and can be ship d out promptly. SEE OUR SA IPLE ROOM Tallulah Supply Cnpany, Incorp'd. Agents for Ketly-Springfield Tres and Tubes; Edison and Columbia Phonographs and Records STORY AND CAST OF "AN AMATEUR WIDOW" sem bh, J.s*Ph VFauim , OsD.e alr Lp. ~ h A Nvmas a,,a5b Rhoda Caby-------- ea e Irving Maon----....--- H Dibma Jaims Per . -- .Jak Drsisr IStaley Potter---_--Wllim Bisck Aat Clhie......-Paliae Dempsey Avat Eliumbet.....Mary . Davis M . Ca -...Flreme Aahbrooke Jas---.---Charlss Bartly Jed------------...............Ca Aaett S3he U Canby ian ataciva eto ty Yeing ouirn. Her grain sasht Im ib dedging bar relatime. Rhode U I has eqphs. A-s tie rultivms who1 hr bar WI an bar At Zlis b as tstee a a-leoa i ON sad;' { Crasai Hapdbab wb has awdti!e srews sad Undo Slts. a fi, bald-;1 beaded a·id *as. Sbe* has as real WIs a coue of, b tri ad sm 'a Ibid. ml hsr ralativ a cluster mmmsad ml sake trb gs difficult for bar. Ibo Si th met of a rapad-i tie am Si a gah all th. thee. IvtSig Hsorn ba tlent rer writ b, sad Sia' b lidly douamd tewmrd,4 iii ui1'oit sh a r.. Be gab the fel Inaba hIor ira bin Urncl Jmm: : '?ta bs bv, : Tew Unrd Stan.ey Mdr hr- Ieldal Mt t leto *ae a uore* moem. Youba *wetAp Year _vhb s al gote! .iq*. lvInes tImds fistirr as >N~ saaa lef. lames up" LSLkd, wkqm a beis umq~t~ainosalmg wt blur ina hrakmr.wm Ford, whick1 he pembiod foir $1146 He blum r=oda bone sad A.o may ibt abo Sid. cm EWe Grny bi oaamlo i Rhede. snbulan d dt.p his f at S Doeh LsS sd 83 hobo.t witted In o theat bmmae 1mI-a Shah's rehdvoaat em her seem so me tft aba **t Awe (cIa sh. Si gabs i to maw, h,w learnt arse Whm aba ems Jina am I it qMW from -bete. Ari Chl.. Saba wUll go with Rhdad. Shed. my.i tbA. rO travl ski a ssaied r aad a geld. ri a hir " yellb, Mwg.o Hoer the sefbuii ab * gu ms; whe"A. hemi deaibog tCItah* at ied gam. as ih &I A" Ukeethmha &.s b b- tuea tiait id, I. oaik Vis. -.d ml tio sad 'Bll hoard the der j wsad* bb iw-mld 'nist af atea hbit. U h Sewob, i-si t .- a p - i tit 'r in the Boonvilke paper about Irvi Mason being a suicide, but the ane moas nothing to her and te doeesn't' know it is rving because no photo is publihed wit the article. The Item, however, gives Rhoda a good idea, and she tell the landlady of the Ibeardins huose that she is "Mr.. Irv g Mson." Irving's unles, hearing SRhoda's arrival," decide that al though they deon wuat any woman around their hose, they nms take eare ef her. Rhoda and Aunt Chloe go to the Petter home. Rhoda and Aunt Chloe an up the Potter hone and mrakq theme aaemftable. After wea e ofL but wek and total abtinesee Ir Mason feels moro alve than he ever did before. 'Be om bhom to Booeville. oe doesn't want to meot his aseie. Hoe mats Rhoda and smy he is peing to an old hunting shek near the viage to write. Rhoda tlls him that she has a Job in Pettes' asr. Bl6da tell him that the Pot'ten imhw, Irving In the tseallowi Irving woes hie own Note! *gggyme - i. selling a of s enq h sad akkes I Wrey i m '(siIemas ,n hi. aod `... ase, ,p. ..0 .im her anwer s - '.h - . ao o aid - hds .ile `es the PIr.u e lure. u. toen trn.o .$ the b tr h d a ksshein into tho hs r. to y s a sand M a meek 4 tr. Pe0 y she INS Mer laisher eat o u ntJo !f she is oate. - Th i> jah . . A ches 3 p 6is to -wo t ae lb r stdd n let str b4.g ent ato cI r mu iil hgitened. Ms gat Amt (al. to send tbLs telegram hem tr bar at onee: UPles come for m at enes and bring lot of mesy as I" owe for a burned store. Don't fersgt this is my important brthday." Rhoda's rtid as cosme ad and -seae that dshe Se hr atentir fet. tune. This Irving. H feels that Rbhed eas e n, eve his I since she has mey and he has nose. I REods comes to him and sas that be I is trying to back eat of th marriage I because he dosea's-waat o many e- I atives. He laughs and draws ber to I him and says: "It might be woer, dear. After all, there he't as e mother-in-hIw in the nWle buaeh. "An Amstear Widow" featuert Sea. eefe and Hugh Dbilsan, wil be presented at th Lyrl Theatre Friday February I2, I20. rmlsos FOR IsAVUIG FARJ Retrm from questiouare suent tr the Lelsisas hib scholsb by the Gatcer Asri lthri t coes Asro sties show that ut of a total of the i2 papa rs led i 24 school. al eaIiseo a desire to take up any agrias al prralt. Th fitllowiag tWes Ieutr again and again as their tiiYitle r forvsay tbhe No seadnalmases. lb ready aebr. Werk ib't. herd. Cot astblage et life. SFatr life shres ia attrasties. Toe ioSlated. No diveraoem ef say kid. can age an as dodetabmt as yen eas In town. Thasw rater A vewwy detrly the ae.1 iy Joe a s .tdo oeatIenl al itratl sae~s. Our a. be 6 the ephind eem4ntie of ram wee in bMo.w deeosped ag nishanral sates; i aeefri ert tt'e, ft heme ted mad; b re smog devises sr-b hore and ems; and the stlal s.ely to be sMbd fet em eeblet fis d feied i.t sy be aasOM tqr IE rte.alhdr p d. Cd-I ther -te a *e as. to al teachers in Louisiana have beenI trained in the colleges of other states; many of our boys who desire to study agriculture select some other state college and not infrequently they fail to return to Louisiana; remaining, to help build up their adopted state. More than fifty per cent of the Lou isiana soldier boys taking industrial training by government aid select ai college outside of the State. Why is this the case? With every natural advantage why shculd we not havei one of the best Agricultural Colleges in the country and make our rural districts the show places and pride of Louisiana. BUSINESS BEFORE PLEASURE Nothing is so susceptible to t~-a vesty as that frenzied traffic in shad:ows and gestures called the mo tion-picture business; and no char acters are more capable of extract ing the essence of mad mirth from 'its manias than our old acquain'ances of the clock and suit trade, Potashi and Perlmutter in "Business Before Pleasure" which will be the attraction at the Lyric Theatre, Wednesday, February 18. Abe and Mawruss have exchanged ready made garments for the canned drama, and are involved' in feats of desperate finance in the nightmare hand of the f!lumq. The result is a proper sequel to the I earlier adventures of the H' *'-ic' partners an amusement of an a!a.ost ecstatic character. The JeTwi-h of humor, when directed towa "h foibles and race traits of the chosen people, has a special quality that fls admirably into the comic purnnml of the theatre and these characters Pot ash and Perimutter. "Business Before Pleasure" has a vampire and a villain whose function in the plot is to keep Abe and Maw russ on the anxious seat of comedy. The vampire is purely professional in her seduetions; she is really a pure woman; but that does not grevent Mrs. Potash from becoming unduaij suspletous of her heetric influence upon the senior partner. The villian, who is also beacker of the P. & P. Company, has designs on the Vampire, but his base intentions are thwarted by AbE and Mawruss, whe rise to - great height of ideal ism when they descover the taint of Spe earrupaoea in their enterprise. . also beeme mlodranatie and h4 beath4sed bahte wi*e the. burly wer of the Vampire,' whboe Mawrss tlays low by heeting him ear the had with Aledger, a deadly weapos characteristie of the tribe of Prmuttear. Bankruptcr threaes the paraera i thn last act, and Mrs. Ptash is ready to me for direiee. But the; pre vampire eeme to their reuese for she loves them like a daa hbter, and when the ertain falls they are about to make the proverbial motion Ptaru fortune. CAUIouN To BE HUNG SOON Malvia Calhoun, the negro who was cevicted dof the murder ofet Mr. H. M. Arnold near Tarclh some time ago, is to he ag in Tallulsh soon but the ofatflel notice fixIn the day has not yet arived I. the bands of thel Sherifft. The safftold has been built in the fail yard and everythIngt is in readias. The eneation wm.iut Se publc, but the seaffold will be mr rmnded iwith eanvass to ehoruet the view of the strept. T elulah mat I Telephone No. 18 IF YOt WA.T A.T3A, ROAST, rOK CIOPS, HAM, ETC., P US-N. -. - We Have a REAL Met- IF YOU WANT aAD,. ROLLS., CABS, PIEa, ETC., UL-N. I- We Have a REAL ass r. rOlEs msum 3E (HOMU KUsm) .AKED LOAFJ. UTTER. EGGS, CHEESE. HA ACONr AND coMOUND,. WE RAVE TE ur. sT. "We Deliver the Goods"> The Talulah Meat Mi r t ' 3Ar. T. , o epaSer NO POISON IN SOUND FOOD OFFICIALS WARN CONSUMER TO WATCH FOR SPOILAGE Food Showing Slightest Evideaee of Decomposition be Immediately Discardded Botulirus poisrning, which reeently killed six in one family in New York, is caused by eating spoiled food in fected with the bacillus botulinus, say the officials of the Bureau of Chemis try, United Qtates Department of Ag riculture, ~io have investigated this and other poisoning cases in connec tion with the- enforcement of the Food and Drug Act. In the New York case death was caused by botulinus poison in ripe olives. The olives re maining in the bottle in this ease had an offensive odor. The same condi tion was found in the food in other casce investigatte by the department All spoiled food does not contain this poison, but any spoiled food, evte through the spoilage be slight. may contain it, and for this reason, my the officials, all food showing even the slightest unnatural odor, un natural color, swelling of the eon tainer, signs of gas, or sny evidence of decomposition whatsoeve. shoMd be discarded. Dangerous Feeds Seised. The Department of Agriculture has used every possible eot sa d ge , to the limit of its lega atheaYty tb remove all dangerous foods freei tI market by seizure under the to and d drugs act, may the officials Eae the when botulias poisonlng has ewae. rd food Ialpectors have tle " through the channels of eo e the batch from which the pe "aa ,t, food came and have used all 84 under the law to remove it from us market. Samples from all. eth' brands put oat by the peker hais been examined. Sinee the liw law orass wseiure in such eases nIp 6SIN the foods are aetually iU d to be decomposed or to coa meek K lngredlaets, sne l only a im pekage In mmlliu eis isebi wmlk beclems boetaulin, sad dae It b phie-al. pos. ible to eps a .ui 6 amime lt a empaseatlv l, e "' --~tae mUns.ei sos ae gl b, Power of the Iauthriies b the blic emetoes l t. l hPer i t'sh they emphasie the a(eesut !sta, poies aem ea the sppt at Myr opesak and serving fmode it fi end arspthl b wee r is spsed. kn preaeb niet obviorl speo st i there Is so doubt in the of the eder prpe to to thereashit ,r wn rme ,; sihity. of dager from betdltmia 1 t' spoilage is apparent, doeteaede . « reeememded by the -J· 's e'l Cae----u-li smioi n ,hetulines s - ile may s. sd I tfeeood. It has hbean ambd ia estM put tup is the hem by th eO e housewife and in gseds seee f preseat .l a fra peeatags g : any let. Tieso is us mtsied. t daL say, by wmuk the home emuses eas sems by emma! mozau tice befere that ped-e doee pt (C!eatisued us paep