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I SUCHUOOL FlCTS 61EN BY HARRIS MANY TEACHERS QUIT, FEW RE CRUITED. STATE SUPERIN TENDENT SAYS. PEOPLE NEGLECT SCHOOLS Louisiana Needs To Invest as Soon as Possible At Least $20,000,000 For Additional School Buildings. New Orleans. - Citizens of Louisl ana can double their support for edu CaUon and never feel the burden, and maast do it it the children are to be educated by competent teachers, ac cording to T. H. Harris( State Supie Intendent of Education in an address Tuesday night at the Joint graduation exercises of the Normal School and the Prancis B. Nicholls Industrial: School, held at the Normal School in Calliope street. It is inconcelvable, said Mr. Harris, 1 that the people of Louisiana should neglect their public schools when they believe in education and know that gsogrance is the camse of everything that is backward and wrong. Super lateudent Harris said if Louisiana is to move forward economically, spir itually and othErwise, the schools mot be fostered and the schools must be supported liberally. m tIaUona faeilities have only bee provided for approximately )0, O childr while j300,00 are being aIeeted, the speaker asserted. ildusaa, eaccording to Superinten. daut Hanlr, needs to Invest tmme diuly, or as soon as labor and mate hs mm be assembled, at Ieut $20, 41.0 In additiesel school buildings I Welulbpmet, to ears for all the chll of)apa the stat. 4e sean sato ~'I haes em wemdaerfunl Improve wrbS resulted in the develop ef ar pubile schools and have ery grave situations very wisely saMd Superintendent Harris, i wish t ma that it is my view m fes right new the most erlti i sinti that has eve confronted 1es aeolts of Louisiana, and ais is true of the shools iers ates. I do not doubt our ito set the rses successfully. f have met. other situations wasLt but there is hard, pa !ere s mert ahead of a. ilte the enises and make in Isd yes wIN ad but few stu 9e aee attems themselves to t ho espet to become teseh rl mdmtes There bas been ia eNdmes o frem t u to a * las Normal Schools of There is hardly a ,day ha1t s 1 not reeive notice of art est teachers are e elmviagms ad sno et wemi, there are several stW atw s is the state at this -is emserrative to say that its i smd set have be beas they are Woodr -a s k war, ?he teaches a ambles a mte and they are o wr mt t eat pars batter. I uets mi ar propemrl for le wim uig is etese a e- s ij esmum aiss Its wltters Imuagst heas ether sum rIree w peopt are not en tageSe ah enyeis. e Our Scabl after belding git. J sr Chrekb a Mt. Me disamed twenty -Al ariar is In Wileudsmuns t.eet emat or gith, whsee when sever M save an a admire -Veary aev, Fater A. tllS yer rtraise the1 i- the ebut aMam by pmany frmers prior , ta sad Lt i feared they -4. OW eaesm, whe I ` $s r t' 3 U. at th I -his anb e was I alr ppaM by Gvearer **I*emlg operations I ;Il ndient in this eectio. -4I'heO rswlu, ilks have rhe gnIalen of a ocr- 1 Ist ra adu perate the' -*While th6 isnuasa APuireak havo teasesd is g preevw years. -tre deetrepu a L the )lntatios a Alex rkeam taaWng a lss tesis -e ae aitebe, ata aruut meet- I wig eg a Cham- a SMoree.-A new motion picture the ater will be established and operated here. It will be on Desiard street where the Endom Transfer Company property which was recently sold to Thomas E. Flournoy is located. Mon roe, with a population estimated at 20,000, has only one picture theater, except in summer when an open air theater is operated. Mandeville.--Green and Company has established a sawmill near here on a tract of timber which will re quire a year to cut over. An Okla homa City resident has purchased 2,400 acres of land near here from the St. Tammany-New Orleans Elec tric Railways through Richard & Riggs. Tallulah.-At a meeting of the American Cotton Association held in the courthouse in Tallulah, Grundy Cooper of Alexandria gave a talk on its history and purposes, and nearly everyone present enrolled for some f-'form of membership, giving evidence I that Madison can be depended on to again go over the top. Natchitoches. - Post Commander e Schaffer of the American Legion is ! chairman of the campaign for mem I bership ending February 15. The lo I: cal post has been named the Gordon Peters Post, No. 8, in honor of a Natchitoches man who was killed in action. Monroe.-Between two and three t thousand Monroe people would be di Srectly and indirectly effected should the strike of railway shopmen and maintenance of way employee take place as planned. Don Stroud of Mon roe has been named as one of the executive officers to conduct the strike should it occur. Monroe.-California interests are now preparing to drill for oil within a quarter of a mile of the corporate limits of West Monroe, it is said here. Timber for the derrick is on the ground, piping is on cars on a siding and machinery for the well will be unloaded in a few days. Donaldsonvill. - The St. Emma Plantation, three miles from this city, was adjudicated to U. C. Barton at an administrator's sale here for the sum of $60,000. The place comprises about sixteen hundred acres of land, with a sugar house. Hsmmond.-Hammond Council, No. IM20, Knights of Columbus, which was inaugurated here last November, will have a second initiation of candidates March 14, when about 50 from various potints in the parish will be admitted to the order. Arcadia.-astbound train No. 12 from Shreveport ot Atlanta, H. J. Hood, conductor and S. J. Watts engi seer, left the track near the depot. The engine tank turned over and the mail car and three others were de railed, but no persons were injured. Hammond.--A meeting will be held here to fqrm a Tangipabho Parish Dame AsLsation, the objects being a permanent .organisation of Duroc breeders for pushing this class of beg ad holding sales and swine Marksvillle-Wade Normand and Siaaul Moreau, attorneysat4aw, are propective candidates for district at temoy, to sueeed 0. L Porterie, die trict attorney, who is out for United States cogressman to succeed J. B. Aswell. Marksville.-Ile 8anders, arrested l ebruary for stealing fur hides from A. . Brenltte, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a term of not less than two ears nor more than ave years in the state penitentiary. Marksvflle.-Rata has interrupted the tfarmers' work of preparln for the 13n crop. rarmers, busineas and p~reelsesnl men of Avoyelles are manlfestli enthusiastle interest into the Amera n Cotton Assoiation. 1 Crowley.-The appropriation to bld a terry across Bayou de Canes that would be a short ueat to eoneae- the oil Seld via Mermenta n sand the gravel read to Crowley wasu ttesd down. Batherwood.-Active operations in drillir for oil on the Kutch ufarm, ear here, mae to be started soon. A large area of lead has been leased and ladicatioans for oil and gas are Tallulah.-The Commrcial Hotel I has agaia Eheged lands, beias bought by Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of Vicksaburs. Mrs. Pollard, who has managed the hotel for Mr. GoR in the past, will assist the new owners. Natehlteek.-Cenanary met Nor. mel ia two $nmes oa the Normsal be ket ball court February 14, and Pla vilel and Normal will meet in two gmea on the Norm!a court. Natchitchea.-Prof. A. W. Burrs of Belot College, Wisconsin, spent the I week at the Normal school, deliver lag a seles of lectures on the sub. jects of teaching latia and Bastgish. t stbewed. - A large eoncrete bridge is kbl constructed over a "coulee' to Snish the old 8paalsh Trail between Jeaaninps and the west bank of the Mermentau river. t Baton Rtosue-Plan for the Lous a lana tarm boys' tour of the Middle t West are progremsi well, according to T. H. Harris, superintendent of education. Marksvlle.--A new mlliaery store L is being opred in Marksvrtle, La., by t MahAs. M. Bettvy and J. P. Moreau. Natchttochea-awuece monds, 21 yerer old, nght watehman at the Teas and Plelse depot, was lately malded we then boler of an eglane which s ha trted to I zloed. h bMotrebu--A Lrceem atmler wa gttenresntlty bp Mbs PateUs, a sgre ud s Mr. Stmley, besan both t New Terk. TaJish. - omentmus sma bas E Ihasma Se itrs la (be Smns a ,setp "', •es Cotha . SOMPERS OPPOSES LABOR PARTY PLAN SAYS SUCCESS MUST BE WON THROUGH THE OLD OR. GANIZATIONS. WILL FIG H T INJUNCTION Day of Reckoning is at Hand For Those Opposing Cause-Chal. lenges Indiana Men To Prove Federation Impractical. Washington. - Samuel Gompers president of the American Federation of Labor, directed a withering blast at the movement to organize an inde pendent labor party, whose candi dates, he says, would be doomed to failure and whose appearance in the presidential and congressioLal elec tion campaign would serve "to defeat our friends and to elect our enemies." The federation president is intent ly pursuing his plan to defeat anti labor candidates for Congress in both parties, and political developments of the first magnitude are expected when Mr. Gompers goes before the Republi can and Democratic conventions seek ing the endorsement of his labor plat form planks. Mr. Gompers is particularly intent upon obtaining a plank in each plat form declaring against the use of the injunction process against strikes. A row over this is expected in the Dem ocratic convention, which could not dopt such a plan without repud'at .ng the Wilson administration's advo cation of the injunction process to break the coal miners' strike. The attack of the federation's chief upon the labor party movement was called forth by a telegram from Wil liam Mitchell of Terre Haute, Ind., representing the Indiana State Labor Party, opposing the political program of the federation, pronouncing it im practical and absolutely unsuccessful and declaring that only a labor party can adequately protect the interests of the workers. Mr. Gompers challenged the India na men to prove that the federation has been unpractical and unsuccess ful, inquired on what experience they could base the claim for greater suc cess by a labor party, and added: "Of this one thing you may rest assured, that the day of reckoning is at hand for all of those who are in antagonism to the cause of labor, and for those who are subtle and equally guilty, even though they clothe their actions in the robes of pretended friendship. Kerensky Still in London. London.-Reports that Alexander Kerensky, the Russian revolutionary I premier, whose regime was over thrown by the Bolsheviki in Not em ber, 1917, has been imprisoned in the Caucasus were speedily shown to be , untrue when inquiry revealed that Kerensky is still in England. Typhus Rages In Galicla. London.-Typhus is raging in epi demic form in Eastern Galicia, ac cording to a wireless dispatch from Moscow quoting advices from Smo lenask. It is said in some villages the disease has been so virulent the in habitants have bken annihilated. Hard Fighting is Reported. Berne.-Hard fighting aglanst the Bolsheviki continues in Ukrania, a eording to reports received by the Ukranian delegation here, and it is an nouanced some successes against the soviet forces have been won in the neiShborhood of Tiraspot. Camp Salveging is Delayed. Washlngton. - By a agreement resehed by the Senaste and House canferes on the military camp bill the salvaglag of Camps Euastl, Va.; or- 1 do, Ga., ad Taylor, Ky., would be delayed until June 30, 192I1. Ior00 Fl At Miami. Miami, Ila.-Fire which threatened several buildings in the business dis trlet here was extinlaished after hav S 4destroyed a trame buildsng valued at 30,000. Reports of possible loss of life proved Inaorrect. Mexian Fasties Fight. Wasfngtca. - BSupporters of Oena eral Obreg~oan, a cadidate for the Mexl oa presidency, and authorlities at San LIls Potosi clashed recently in a pitched bettle in which a number of the Obregoanistas were hilled. ProvleMnal Sovernment Fallen. Rome.-Klamil El Bassan, a Al bnsla leader, and the bishop of Sen tal have proclaimed bhe fall of the provislomal government and declared d themselve resents of the Albanalan throne, according to the Tempo. To Pretect Preperty. San Jan, P. R.-Jose K Benedleto, acting governor, iassued a proclam~ d ton asserting property would be pro I tctted and peae maintained through- O out the present strike of workers in g the snugar case feids Ouaseline Causes Death, Chariottesville, Ve.-Mistakling a an of gasoline for one clntainnlag kerosene cansed the death of Mrs. Nora A. Lanaman, wife of a farmer residing near here. Why Ceal Be Ga cOstiy. asbrlastm.g-Ierease in the cost o coal to the commer since the war have been caused by advaed operat Smasts dm to advances nla was, stbs, Urmittnt car seply and smhdd ovgead easens. Lamss Mlk-A p atlm. plas the ams t d amut Uaee a te a Dn. es beus o ba ei mld n to subrary AgieW was zseas tr 1 J1 .Cleaning House / I wN- r i1-·1-· RAILROAD BILL IS READY FOR ACTIOi CONFERENCE REPORT ON MEAS URE 18 SENT TO BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS. Washington. - The conference re port on the railroad bill. reorganizinj the transportation system of the coun try and designed to usher in a new era of railroad development and pri vate ownership and operation, was re ported to both houses of Congress. Federation of Labor officials and leaders of the railway unions. whict ar opposed to the bill, particularl" the labor sections providing for com pulsory investigation of wage disputer went into conferecene as soon as the text of the conference was available They will swing all their influence to ward the defeat of the bill in Con gress or its veto by the president. Representatives of the railway in vestors announced their satisfaction with the financial provisions of the measure. There will be strong oppo sition to the conference report in the House, where it is to be acted on afte. five hours' debate, buL the leaders are cofifdent the measure will be approv ed. The Senate is expected to act on the bill on Tuesday unless the House should reject it. The only conferees who refused to sign the report are Representatives Barkley of Kentucky, and Sims of Tennessee, Democra,'s They will lead the opposition in the House. The outstanding feature of the pro posed law is the direction of the l:i. terstate Commerce Commission to es tablish rates that will yield to the carries in each ratelmaking group a net railway operating income equal to 5 1-2 per cent of the aggregs:t property value of the roads in such rate-making group. The commission may add to the 5 1l per cent one hahl per cent for additions. b.tter ments and improvements, which Undaer the accounting rules of the commis sion are charged to capital accoaut. Dranings in excess of six per cent will be divided equally between es', carrier's reserve fund and the federal general railroad contingent fund. which will be administered by the commission in aiding the development of transportation by loans to carriers and the purchase 4f equipment to be leased to carriers. The percentage of return as prescrihed in Lte bill will remain in ifeet for two years beyond March 1. I$20. The bill gives the commission the power to prescribe miah,.um rail rates. This provision will give the commission authority to prevent the carriers from engaging in "rate wars." Want Wheat Guaranteb. Washington. - Representatives of the largest grain exchanges in the United States including the Chicago Board of Trade, urged hte Senate Ag uicultural Committee to abandon the Gronna bill repealing the billion-dol- lar wheat guarantee. To Withdraw Roumanians. Bucharest.-Withdrawal of Rouman ian troops from their advanced posi tions along the Thetas River in Hun gary to the line fixed by the peace conference last fall has been decided upon by the Roumanian government Chinese Minister Reslgns. Washington. - Lou Tfens-Tsisan Chinese minister of foreign affairs and Chen Lee, vice minister, have re signed, according to a dispatch to the State Department from Peking. No particulars were iven. Transport is Captured. Flume.-Two war vessels attached to the forces of Capt. Gabrielle d'Annundo have captured an Italian transport having on board 1.000 re ar troops in the Gulf of Lrune Carranas is to Step Out. Mexico City.-President Carran , deaying in a igaterview given El IDemocrta, rumomrs that he intended to refuse to turn over the presidency to his successor, said he would not remain Mexico's executive "one day after December 1." Pollard on Trade CommiseIon, Washington.-John Garland Polhrd of Virgtnia has been selected by Pre ident Wilson as a member of the Pd el Trade Conmmiulon. Will Vies All Land ODeals.k Laredo, Tex.--ereafter the Mex an Department of Agriculture wi not recognise transactions in Mexican ands a unless the department previou i to coaslted, the Exielsior of Ma is City y. Uemphiss Tuem.-The factory at -e lumber plaut of Dugger & Goehorn inNew Sth Memphais, a maa re sukrb of this city, was m hadi Im.. by re. The lss is at - etsum ENTINTE REPLIES TO WILSON NOTE SUPREME COUNCIL HANDS AN. SWER IN ADRIATIC AFFAIR TO EMBASSY. London.-The Amer;can embassy is engaged in coding and forwarding to Washington the reply of the Supreme Council to President Wilson's Adriatic note, which it is hoped will be in the hands of the Washington governmen. soon. The council made it known in its daily semi-official communication to the newspapers that it does not pro pose to make public the correspond ence, so that the question of whether the text of the note will be given to the world rests with President Wil son. Since the main facts are public property, namely, that the president strongly objects to the solution of the ItalianJugo-Slav problem by the applicaton of the treaty of London thereto and objects so strongly as t. contemplate America's withdrawal from the Versailles compact as a p:s sibility, and that the council object: to the reopening of the question, the undecided point is whether the argu ments exchanged shall be published while the controversy is hot on the anvil. The statement from Washington confirming the frst reports that th president had intimated that rejet tion of his policy might be follower by diplomatic reprisals furnished an. other surprise to the politicians and the public, who, outside a small but important circle which meets twice daily in Downing street, and the ad visers in the confidence of this group, experienced the greater surprise be cause it came close on the heels of other Washington messages, intimat ing that only American retirement from its part in the policing of the Adriatic was intended. The council issued an emphatic de nial of French newspaper reports that it was persuaded to modify the first draft of the note to President Wil son by intervention of Viscount Grey, Lord Robert Cecil and Austein Cham berlain, chancellor of the exchequer. The susceptibilities of the non-British members of the council formed one of the factors behind this denial, be cause the story was calculated to give the impression on the continent that the British were dominating the con ference. The feeling at Italian headquarters in London with respect to the presi dent's action Is strong. Unofficially, it is spoken of as an attack upon Italy, and his memorandum is describ ed as an ultimatum. Father and Sen Slain. Forsyth, Mo. - Thomas Cardwell, aged 60, and Benjamin Cardwell, his son, 26, well-todo farmers, are dead. and Henry Hunt, 32 years old, is in the Taney county Jail here without bond as a result of a quarrel over a damaged plow between the two Card wells and Hunt. Dividend Is Paid. Youngstown, Ohio.-The Republic Iron & Steel Co. has declared the reg ular quarterly dividends of 1 1-2 per cent on the common and 1 3-4 per cent on the preferred stock, payable April 1, it was announced at the c r pany's office here. May Treat With Russia. Paris.-Premier Lloyd George is in favor of opening peace negotiations with Russia through Maxim Ltnivof. Bolshevik representative in Copenabg en, and is supported by Premier Nittl. To Drill Test Well. Golt~-Drll)lg of a deep test well will be started three miles east of Colt by the FPorest Oil Company of Pittsborgh, Pa, it was said. Freight Train is Derailed. Florence, Italy.-A freight trainla go lag from San Lorenszo to Bergo was derailed while crossing a bridge and plunged into a deep chasm. Newspa per reports state many personas were killed and inJured. Train Derailed; One Killed. Richbmond, Va. - Conductor J. H. Barkdale was instantly killed and several other persons were shaken up when a Danville & Western train was derailed near Buford, Va To Seize Hearded Feed. Wuashinagton. - Hoarded foodstuffEas only will be seied in the govern meat's campaignL to reduee the cost of living, Dpartment of Justlee oftclals aMid after their attentim had beer caUlled to reports on the Chicago gnai market. Bostoe--Players of the Bosdton mymphoy Orehestra have made a jolat request tr iaereased wages sand have takes stages tonWal jelAlg the mnldmas' ia. SOLONS DEPLORE DELAY OF PEACE BOTH SIDES PROFESS A DESIRE FOR COMPROMISE, BUT THE DEADLOCK REMAINS. DEBATE BEGAN A YEAR AGO Party Leaders Expect To See the Treaty Made An Issue in the Campaign-G. O. P. Is Obstinate. Washington. - The question of par ty responsibility for the paace treaty deadlock was threshed over in mili tant fashion on the Senate floor, with both the Republicans ond Democrats seeking to wash their hands of the Senate's failure to act and of any con sequences in the political campaign. Although both sides professed an earnest desire to compromise, and squabbled for the credit for past compromise efforts, there was a note of hopelessness in the statement of the treaty's irreconsiliable opponents that party leaders said they might as well put the question of ratification out of their minds and turn their at tention to legislation. The debate brought out a disagree ment as to which side originated the bipartisan conference in which five Democrats and four Republicans sought to work out an agreement. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, th Democratic leader, started the fiareup by denying that the Democrats want ed the treaty in the campaign. He said his party had gone "nine-tenths of the way" to a compromise and that the Republicans had stood solidly for acceptance of their own reservations "without the dotting of an 'T' or the crossing of a 'T'." It was the minority, he said, who had instigated the blpatrisan move ment and who now had submitted two compromise Article 10 reserva tions which many Republican sena tors believed were identical in sub stance with the Lodge reservation on that subject. Claiming credit for the Republicans in originating the bipartisan confer ence, Senator Lenroot of Wisconsin, one of the mild reservation Republi cans, charged that Senator Hitch cock had stood out against compro matse so determinedly that the Re publicans were driven to agree on the best compromise they could among themselves. Senator Borah, Republican of Ida ho, speaking for the irreconciliables, said the two sides were no nearer agreement than they were when the League of Nations debate began a year ago, and that further discussion was a waste of time. The treaty, he said, already was so far in the cam paign that "you can no more keep it out than you can stop half way over Niagara." M. Polncare Retires Paris. - President Poincar, who re linquishes his office to President-elect Deschanel, said good-by to the cablmn t. He thanked the ministers for their co-operation and told them his best wishes accompanid them in the weighty tasks they had to accom plish. Radical Bureau Is Planned. Amsterdam.-A central Compunist propaganda bureau for the Western hemisphere will be established in Mexico, it was annononced in a reeMo lution passed at a secret international Communist contrence held here early In Pebruary, according to the Handel. bland. To Suppress Rebellion. Madrid.-Dispatches from Melita, Morocco, say it is reported that opera tions will be started shortly In the Spanish milltary zone against rebel lions Moroceans, who recently have caused the authorities considererable trouble. To Bar All Undesrables. New York.-A plan to prevent un Lesirable foreigners from obtaining Ammerican citisenship by investigating applicants through voluntary commit tees was urged in a statement issued by the American Security League. New French President Paris.-Paul Deschanel became the tenth president of the French repnb blic, succeeding laymond Poineare, who laid aside the robes of office af ter one of the most critical periods In the history of the country. Denial By SuBnar Law. London.-Andrew Bonar Law, gov ernment spokesman, denied in the House of Commons that a harsh reo ply to President Wilson's Adriattic note had been originally drafted but later revised. Five Cent Loaf Can't Be. Washington. - Increased produe. Lion and distribution costs would pro hibit the sale of five-cent loaves of bread, even if the flour wree furnished free, said Harry T. Tfpton of Brook lyn. New Orleans Gets Road. New Orleans. - At a meeting of the tirectors dOf the Gult Division of the Boone Trail Highway Association bere it was decided to make New Or leas the terminus of Gulf Division. Rallreads To Merger. StBL Paul, Minn.-Merger of the -reat Northern, Northern Pacific and Burlington railroads into one great treas-eonatlInental system shortly after vrve.rametal control is relinquished his maonth was forecast in high rail road circles here. Rome.--Oovernment orficials occu pled the offices of the newspaper Idea uizaimale, it being alleged that it had printed a artice hostile to Prance ad ans a- heb intormatio. BACKACHE ? RHEUMATISM ? RUN Those of as who are past min are prone to eat too much meat consequence deposit lime-salta i arteries, veins and joints. We suffer from twinges of rhe lumbago, sometimes from gout, hands or feet. There is no long slightest need of this, however am new Prescription of Dr. Piercei, uric," is bound to give immediate as it is many times more potent lithia, in ridding the impoverished of its poisons by way of the kidney can be obtained at almost an store, by simply asking for Dr. Anuric for kidneys or backache. It overcome such conditions as rhe drosical swellings, cold e scalding and burning urine and ness due to constant arising from aif yo wish to give 'Anuri' a send Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, N. Y., ten cents for a trial write for free confidential advice. Many of Your Neighbors Say the Same Al -"I took Pierce's seaveral and I lieve that i1 I am living- They are a he claims to be."-M'a M.ra 308. New La.:-"Fa eadche algish liver and potion I find-Dr. Pierce's Pellets to give immediate relief recommend them very highly."' AazuA HowAxoonsax, 5430 lemu F or the Sking a ing 2 i d 1a0 Taoms, The man who V mkel the biggeT cess Is the man who knows how to along with other leople. GET READY FOR "FLI the m aeilr e lotL -u Foable that are DeSkin agh2 O DrIa is anr, Theman who makes the biget os id the man hir organs ihow along with other as a proteotle. the return of ntflutena. They To t ort a sl overnight *Otw PrPifet an free veld ri ' complhatlo l at bedtime with a wa, at'- all. No salts, no no griing d nou leoln afe y their tiv, yor sy tem ir led and reresh and yo are i the with a ihearty f Teh t-s. Nat what yoe peasem that a and favra te am tolda ad a ClTo etabs are sold ov inht pr even t seri is athorlie to 'lt at bedtime with a It's a mighty poor son t mother won't stiek up for. One shousd learn to talk Shen ts well ot to talk. Y HLCONVENIENTMIC a Irua psmt thraoum C..scarets never #rrpe, sidI. nel o harsho Pl l a F ie bal wlet D we't stay sk, billekt Vhey, omstlpated. Remove Head dsy, yr tongue ae breath bad and stomach a et . meot spend a few ents for as toearets and enjoy th ckest, acative-catedrt.e you ever andedT They work while you can't trunform nlekelts itoI Sure _ Relief BLL.-A R ISel wt l l . CONVE.I