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E EREADY FOR "FLU" . eep Your Liver Active, Your System Purified and Free From Colds by Taking aslotabs, the Nausealeu Calomel Tablets, that are De. lightful, Safe and Sure. Physicians and Druggists are sdvil hlg their friends to keep their systems ptrife4 sad their organs in perfect working. order as a protection against the return of influenza. They know that a clogged up system and a lazy lMver favor colds, influenza and serious emplieations. eTo et short a cold overnight and to :r vent serious complications take one talotab at bedtime with a swallow of water--that's alL No salts, no nausea, S s griping, no sickening after effects. lEzt morning your ecld has vanished, ear liver is active, your system is puri - e ,d and refreshed and you are feeling `s with a hearty appetite for break teat. Eat what you please-no danger. Calotabs are sold only in original sagaed paelkaes, price thirty-five cents. Dvery druggist is authorized to refund ear money if you are not perfectly dlighted with Calotabs.-(Adv.) Loets of pelle would rather say sething than speak a kind word. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Lekl at tonguel Remove poleone freeom stomach, liver and beowels aatiforaia" Syrup of Fig for the name Californala o 41aek ttha t you are sum yolr Shming the best and most harm 4btht eor physic for the little Meie and bowels. Chlldrer defleious fruity taste. Full asr child's dose on each bot. he it without fear. I Yoa must sy lCaliermla.' A-I apt to take affront if m to take a back seat. Reward, $100 a local dlseae greatly lsu eastitutional conditions. It gIu~ies constitutional treat IS CATARRH MEDICINE .titernaly and acts through the th Muecous Surfaces or the Sys WJL CATARRH MEDICINE Ohe foundatoan of the disease. tie t strength by imaproving heelth and amists nature In work. Wn.O fbr any cese of tant HALL'S CATARBR fatils to cure. Io. Testimnenals free. & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. gae is t always the best man at He gets tb.h C*in. AUGUST FLOWER Io avwtes other troublee ems speedrly unless quickly and overcome by Green's W'leier whicb I a gentle iaxa btaee digestiona both 4a ltestlaea, cleans and stomach an alimentary the liver' to -secrete ties from the blood. l remdy Used in many ibtIideoldu all 'over the I for more than half - V *-seee who have sauffeared aert.s dygepperl 4ePleVap of food. pal paton gnd other In Sold by druggists lerywhbere. Try a b o&_. -at hep boarders. a~lt aprnvuv, or I aEde "M NORTH LOUISIANA WEALTHIMOREASES FOURTECN OIL WELLS COMPLET ED IN A WEEK-THIRTEEN ARE PRODUCERS. CLAIBORNE IS 100 PERCENT Production Raises From 73,353 Bar. rels Per Day To 83,810-Big P;Fe Line Has Ceen Complcted. Shreve;pcr:. La. - Fourt'-n comple titons ecitinirisd the week's record of the North Lo4,i-i:ina oil fields. Uf the:se thirter. n were producers, giving the iel.ld a recori of nearly 93 per cent. l:ot the ('laiborne aud lied liver parish pools cane through IU0 per cent, the former yielding sevt.n new welis with an aggregate new produc tion estimated at 14,350 barrets per day and the latter fourjew wells with a total added new production of about 400 barrels d::ily. Most imprecsive in the week's devel opments was the jump in daily actual production of the t'lathorne oil field. which rose from 73 3LU barrels pi"r day from the preceding seven days 83.810 barrels. Another important develop ment of the week was the completion in the ('laiborne by the White Oil Cor poration of its pipe line from its Oakes lea esio its tank and loading track on the Louislana and Arkansas railroad. at Russell, midway between Sibley and Minden. La., a distance of about twen ty miles. In the Wild Cat division, at the well of Bosseau, Etal, in Bossier jari.%. In 21-19-13, Fullilove No. 1, a good a s - ing of oil was obtained with probau.ii ties for a producer. The well will be thoroughly tested as soon ast tour ana one?half inches of casting and pack er are set at 2600 feet. The meeting of John M. Parker, gov ernor-elect of Louisiana. with inde pendent and pipe line operators at Shreveport, completed a week crowd ed with events. The probaole result of the metings which were held over a two-day period will be the definite shaping of laws for presentation to th' Louisiana Legislature when it m-ets a chaud, next lieutenant governor or few months hence. Hewitt tanan Louisiana, also attended the sessions, oil men from all parts of the state and operators in the gas fields attended the sessions. Completions in Claiborne field for the week were as follows: The Gulf Refining Company, bringing in Chat man Number 11 in 30-21-7 with an in it'al estimated production of 8,000 bar rels, led the list. The production was found in the deep sand at 2059 feet The Gulf Refnihg Company also completed its Langston No. 6, flow irg a 11100-barrels produc:tion from the shallow sand at 1145 feet, located In 19-21-7. The Standard Oil Company of Loui siana completed its Shaw No. 7, flow ing 3.000 barrels from the, deep s;na in 2~73 feet. The well is located in 30-21-7. he Vanada Oil Company brou-tit ti its Langstron No. 7, on the tract ac quired from George O. Baird, in 25 21-8. flowing 1(;0 barrels from 1082 feet The Keene and Wolf Company om pleted Norton No. 1. in 13 21-8. flow r - 204 barrels by heads from 1376 feet. Alexandria.-The sfe in the oefle. of the Humble Oil Company. near t:e L. and A. fr- igFt depot. South Alex andria-was blown by vegreen. It us rresumed that nltroglyccrine was used. Tallnlah. - M. Pruett. mester patnt er ,f the fir r'of Pu-,tt & East of t It rlacee, tiffered a tall wh:ch resutod in tr ~Pl-iR both bones just atove oie srkle. He was carried to a sanitartum In Ike Village. 4afoerette. - A'5brt Pol bonuswre. for r'-"v yearn a ' 'k"r 1h I ncnIy ~Y. his bourht a reto of t'fr'-sr fUo r ago on' J ff-ir~non street rrorn , .- Jhls Alecatoro. of Nev Orleans for a bakery and confectionary. Batrn Rotire. - S,!perinten(1nt T. H. HsA'rl; Ottr the other meImbers or the educnt'o"nl t de--rtment who hvore ee atendilng the N ?tional Edutca'o - a. toeiatlon c onvention in Cleve land will returnl ooL .'' St. Rose.-Mrs. Emile ('respo, was g; om*it4m ed at h-r home lere. : n I Sr txPgn*i ee- atten-lid to by : 1 - c-' l tIdla waas hurried to New t twttment. kan- ~ Interest is being tlmf~'lsd ' d % eral ri-' t. o0 t'e lamds ktrsad Packten of thsll p.r sh. where it is generally believed oil wl I be found. Lakttt. - Leopold Werl has ac -i-red the sole owaernhip at a sales stable i Lafayette. He purctascu rtie laterest oth!s brothers Jules and Jak - Weo. M AtL*:-ille. The tearss is * the~latgste of its kind A the .' -ib sa le of propest ef le ry sbUi deceased, was h< bihare re . th. te3 acre* [arts b:1 pun. at 1116 t Cwci e ala =r whle tprtces Ior tauck an4 f atm im the todta is tiek. e II*seident *MorCk Alexandria. - A check for $1,309, 725.28 was given on the First Nation. al Bank of Alexandria by Joseph A. Bentley in payment of a portion of the $2.000 0 0 good roads bond issued by IPapides parish and purchased by him several months ago. The check was turned over to T. C. Wheacon, presi dent of the Rapides parish police jury, indorsed by him ind turned over to Parish Treasurer D. S. Flower. Lake Charles. - The rice acreage on I Indian Bayou Canal system in c'alca. si,'u parish will be approximately S. 0110 acres this season if weather per mits. The irrigated lands lie north of Pell City, Havye and Rosignol. Con siderable improvements were made to the canal system during the past win ter. Lafayette. - The public schools in Lafayette parish will have the first rrlly day exercises since the war May 14 and 15. Superintendent Bittle has called a meeting of the principals for a meeting when the programs will te mapped out. They will include litgr ary exercises and athletic events for which prizes will be offered. Lafayette. - The fair given for the benefit of the Broussard Church netted $3.350. The program will be conclud ed with the presentation of the drama "Evangeline" by the pupils of St. Ce cilia's Parochial School. Rev. Father Massebiau recently installed an elec tric lighting plant for the nouse or worship at a cost of $2.000. Polnte a la Hache.-The State High way Department has a field force of surveyors locating the line of the new shell road in Plaqueminee parish Road District Nos. 2 and 3. that extends from. the Orleans parish line on the west bank of the Mississippi River as far down as the United Stats reserva tion at Fort Jackson. Monroe.-F'lnal plahns for the new hotel to be built here were accepted by the directors at a meeting with Eu gene J. Stern of Little Rock. The city ist growing so fast, however, that it was decided a six-story building would be inadequate to add two more stories to the plans and resubmit them. Alexandria. - Sergeant Robert Mc. Cabety, who was arrested several days ago and subsequently released on bond on the charge of having slander ed Prof. D. F. Huddle, of the West End Grammar School, has again been arrested and incarcerated in the par ish jail. Lafayette. - Improvements costing several thousand dollars have been made on the Sc'ott Catholic Church by Rev. J. V. Moateillard. Among them is the installation of a valuable or gan. Reston. - S. B. Ritchie, local rep resegmative at the meeting or the Per shing Way promoters held in Little Rock, Ark., reports that the route from Little Rock to Alexandria, La., was esatblished. Baton Rouge. - The State Associa tion of Parish Fairs met with Harry D. Wilson, commiss'oner of agricultnur for setting dates for the parish fairs, fixing uni'orm entry tage and uniform puemlum lists. Bafon Rolige, - More than $495 was collected on Thirs.treet recently for the Near East' Relief Fund. This -'sgs the total of the parish over $1, 000. Mai.kaviltl. - Senator A. O. Boyer of Avoyelles has been re-elected as s"nnAtor from the Fifteenth Senatorial li-*r'ct of Louis'rna and citizens are gratified of the result of the election. Pointe a la Hache. - Prenaration of lard for an increas'd scroe:ge in rie aed c-ne this season is actively go ing on. I:Tton Rouge. - Announcement is rPade ,f the organ'zat!on here of a whotesale c:rar concern to be known as the Interstate Cigar Company. Lake Charles.-C. HI. Fnlley, ri, farmer. -as purcI-se4 a .!, ternm at lova frorl the Nor't Amer n Land ('omp;ny. pay:ng $21,00'. There is a dr'p water well and improved bu;Ildings on the farm. I.:,!- Charles.--('. E. B'rdon and Jo'n H. Po" F .. e n,--.h:"od a lot on rynn street and pro' os- the 'o rtru t'on of an "'ttt"no-:t hour- of I r ek or frame w'·-ch aill contain about eight apartments St. Francisvll113. - An elect'o- h-ld in rod(l district No, 2. WVst F ll la a er "''. on the p"-no.: ten to I |y t 3-mn11 tax for five ye-rs *o raise funds for ro-d work resu tod in its ad-pt oi w'ithOt a dissenting vot". I&.e Charles. - Po'vell Glass of Lyrc',hurg, sen of Fe-ator Car er lass,. is visiting J. )f. Booze of IRon .. . ""et at the Lake Charles Rotary Club. Lke Charles.-Frank A. Crippen. field organizer for the I ou'siana Cot .-'oxia'ilon. is in the -'ty for tC e ,urpose of for,-!ng a Southwest Lous iana organization. Lafayette.--Stanley Lemarie, secr tary hif the Loutiiana Motor Leagu , was in Lafayette gathber'g data ato t the system of good roads already co x structed and those under way. TI r-n-:ended this section for its prog ress. Baton Rouge. - The distribution of the French memorial eertific-tes is in t~t-- h-nds of the local post ot "he American Legion. A committee has Se. u appointed and plans for presenta tion of the certificates throughout this district are being discussed. Baton Rouge. - The shortage of school teachers has developed into menorrous proportions all over 1h United States, according to Superin tendent of Education T. H. Harris. who has jut returned from the co ve ition of the National Education Assoelation. AOledrlia. - Reports raching here froma Hot Well, near Boyee, are to the eect that an explosion occurred the well followed by a considerable Gew o ell, whck easme up throagh the ges and e.O the bath tubs of the Mel W*ean nces "*et1 Eureka J; a ~I Eue~oI" I ~jL~j/ / II; Ni WOULD REORGANIZE FEDERAL EMPLOYES COMMISSION WILL REPORT RE. FORM PLAN TO CONGRESS IN NEAR FUTURE. Washington. - A serious move to reorganise the vast civil service of the federal government on a scientific ba sis involving a rclassifcation of jobs and the elimination of inequalities of pay, taetffcienqy o management and political inulence, at last is in prog ress. The joint commission on the re-clas sifcation of the 106,000 federal em ployes in the District of Columbia will report to Congress within a week a comprehensive reform plan, worked out with the assistance of a staff of experts tfri Artphur Young & Co., the Chicago aeounting concern which re eestly reclassified the government postofice of Canada. "Equal pay for equal work" will be the rule IT Congress adopts the prope sals of the commission whose report will form the basis of oonsidererat on of a readjustment of salaries to meet the increased cost of living, a cendt tion which has been" dealt with crude ly In the last two years by voting a bonus of $240 a year to each civil em ploye. It has taken the Chicago experts a year to survey the intricate mase of the federal service in Washington and find out "where the government is at" In its own household. Perhaps "mess" would be the more accurate descrip tion of the haphazard methods and employment conditions found in the multitude of bureaus and commistsions created by the heodge podge legislation of more than a century. The experts set out by ascertaining the character of the work performed by each employe, who was required to fill out a questionnaire. Some of the questionnaires were returned blank and subsequent investigation failed to throw much light on the work or du ties of the .epployes in question. One questionnaire was returned with the notation: "This man has been on the payroll 30 year;. but is an invalid and has not been at his desk for the last 10 years." Railway Strike in Spain. Tuv. Spain. -- 1 11 the employes on the Portuguese Railroad have struck. There were some violent incidents. It is believed that all the postal and tel - graphic emrloyes will strike in sympa they with the railroad men. who de mand increa.~ed wages. Italians Are Seeking Loan. New York. - A delygntion of Ita'ian bankers on a mis'ion to the United States in connection with the propos ed loans to Italy arrived here on the Prit'sh steamship Imperator from Iv-j erpool. $6 Oil Seems To Be Near. Pittsburgh. Pa. - Six dollar oil was-' almo, t ir eicht when the See, Pur chasing Agency announced an advance in the price of Pennsylvania crude of: 15 cents a barrel to $5.90. U. 8. Debt Is Decreasea. Washington. - A decre:se o' $264, (L57.387 in the public debt was eft ct ed in February, the treasury a-nou e ed, leaving the total debt $25,404,331, 707. Dissolve Bulgirian Assemb'y. Sofiia -The government decreed dissolution of the Sobranje, or ratio-t al assembly, because of the diffeal tses caused by the Socialists. Chinese Premier Resigns. Honolulu, T. H.-The premier of chlna has resigned, rccording to a sMecial cable from Tokyo to Nippu -nji. Higher Rates Are O'posed. Ner l' ork. - A plea for !ower pas senger rates and a readjustrrent o' freight rates in such a manner as to provide "equitable d'stribution" of revenue from commodity tal.Es wias made by Frederick D. Underwood, president of the Erle railroa" On Wings of the Wind. Turin, Italy. - LIeut. Brakpapa ere ated a new speed record for an air plane with four passengers. flying 16 miles an hour. Suffrage Sill Is Defeated. Charlestown, W. Va. - Ratifleat'e of the national suffrage amendment was re'used by the West Virgilnia Sen ate recently. Rail Official Is Elected. Chicago.--. E. Bryam was elected president of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad. French Strike Is Ended. Pas.-The strike on the U'emeI aAreads has been eded. NEW RAILWAY LAW S TO BE GIVEN TRIAL e. UNIONS AGREE ARBITRATION PLAN SHALL HAVE A i FAIR TRIAL. t a t Washington. - Definite steps were 1e taken towa;d settlement of the rail . road wage controversy, which has e been pendin since last August. R p Sresentatives of railroad workers, af h Sthe dexception of one group, agreed to co-operate with the government and the railroads in giving a trial to the s. new transportation law with its arbi tration clauses, President Wilson. in 11 letters to both the Association of Rail a way Executives and the heads of the d 15 workers' organlsations requested of that they select representatives to sit o * on the bf-partisan Wage Board. The . president urged prompt action in order it that the negotiations between the em ployers and employes might not be e longer delayed. P The group of worers which has not t entered into the agreement to "go n along with the president," was the it Brotherhood ot Maintenance of Way I Employe sad Shop a. utrers, which Srecently withdrew from the confer a ences between union heads and the I- Railroad Administration. Committe.: men from the locals of the mainten a ance unions, however, will meet ia Si Chicago soon, and it is believed th. y d will follow the lead of the other unions in compliance with Mr. Wilson's re 'quest. In a statement explaining their po d sion the union spokesmen said that e while they could not approve of the s transportation act. they had agreed to Si aid in giving the law a trial "in th' interest of the railroad labor," and 9 "as American citizens." Ii "Notwithstanding the fact that la- n D bor in general and railroad labor in it a particular, with the full co-operation c k and support of other bodies rep ese .: o ing American citizens, urged the Cob re I' gress not to pass tne railroad bill, and the president to veto it and return it I to Congress" the union statesment a said, "we are now officially advi ed S 5 the president has signed the bill and a k it is the law." c si p U. S. Consulate Is Bombed. t Zurigh. - A bomb expodeii under it d the porch of the American consulate here. seriously damaging the buildi'g, t but injuring no one. Police authori ties are believed to have secured clews t( as to the guilty persons. J b Army Flyer is Killed. h Riverside. Cal. -j Lieutenant Ray- t nmond P. Pearson, i United St"tes army aviator, was killed -at March I field, near here, when his airplane went into a tail spin too near the ti s ground to recover. s1 $90.000 Cotton Loss. Dal!as. Tex. - Fire d st oyed 3,000 9 bales of cotton linters bell rg ne to the federal government at th- Trinity Products C(ormany plant, six miles south of DalVas. entailing a loss esti. - f mated at $90,000. b Three Flyers Are Burned. 01 Fort Myers, Pla - Capt. R. C. M, Page, pilot. and two passe,"g-rs were burned to death near Everlades. Fla., in the fall of a seaplane which caught fire. London.-Peeresses who attended the state opening of Parliament this month wore dresses with low ne-ks, -"but without feathers and veils." This w as by order of the lord chamberlain, who has charge of all state functions. Turkey To Lose Navy. London. - The Supreme Council of tie allies has decided that Turkey shall have no navy. Only a few reve nue cutters will be left her. Attack On Regent Denied. Washington.-Reports from Trieste that an attempt had been made to as sassinate Prince Regent Alexarder of Serbia and Premier Protitch were do a nied in an official dispatch from Bal grade. Senate Confirms Payne. Washington. - The Senate has con irmed the nomination of John Parton Payne. chairman of the ShipingH I Board. to be secretary of the inte-ior t to succeed Secretary Lane, resigned. p Strike is Extended. I Brussels. - The strike of coal maa Sers called a few days ago in the SMona fields i protest against the ner bread prlces and for higher I wages, has extended to the central p district of La Louviere. t More Radlcals To Leave. New York.-Three more soviet ais are to leave New York in the near futoture with Russians deported for ariial the use of violence to over thew the Uniated Statesr Governmat U TO SEEK WILSON'S DEMOCRATIC SENATORS DEC'DE TO SEND EN JOY FOR PER SONAL COiFERENCE. DECISION IS Iir;POTANT, Final Ded; rck. With Pact as Cam. pai;n l: ue, Hrg.-s Upon Exccu tives" Snci-Ask WIscn To Confer W th Simmor:s. S-hii-: ::. - V~With anothr f:tlure to ratl.f tl,e p.ucel, tre:llt i;t .i .i ; I)eluo. , i .:ic t s. , tlors d~. i ,lii to s, 'k COI:n'llt a tion with PrI-, +.,ht \\" l ntn hre fore the de!iivie ate i. tak nI. '11 y wished to knuww how fitr lhe w\ou;d gu in a cnlpronmtts.-. and also to clearly undt, rstalti lht i vws on the treaty as a campaign lisslue holl I an L other Senate deadlock force it into politics. Sorme TDemocrats were said also to N wish to know what mlreasures the pros ident would expect t'oiigr.s:; to take to relieve the coiuntry froti a w ,r status while decision at the polls on the treaty was awaited. The move for such a co iference. e started long ago among som ' e!-nlmenls of the party in the Senate. took deft a nite form whetn Senator l!itchcock of Nebraska, the administrati n leader, sent a letter to the White House ask 0 ing that the president talk ov r ithe Senate situation with Senator Sim mons of North Carolina, in charge for the Democratic side of the new move meant to negotiate a treaty comoro miss. It was indicated, however, that the appointment with Senator Simmi us if one was arranged, would be only pre liminary to a conference vwith a (om r mittee of senators chosen to take up with him the whole treaty problem. In some quarters it was Intimated that t snators from both political parties eventually might meet with the presi dent in an effort to reach a compro mise. In conjunction with Senator Watson of Indiana, acting for the Re publican side. Senator Simmons has I sounded out the sentiment of all the Senate elements, and when he goes to the White House he will know what the Republicans would accept. Senas tor Hitchcock's letter did not reach the executive offices until late In the day, and no word regarding the president's Intention was forthcoming from the White House. It was Indicated, how ever, that in appointment probably would be made. Hondurans In Revolt. t San Salvador. - Revolutionary forces in Honduras have sacked a number of unprotected towns, accord- . ing to an official dispatch from Tegtit cigalpa, the Honduran cap:tal. and the war supplies now in the hands of the rebels were taken from these towns. C Will Fight Boll Weevil. Baton Rouge. I-a. - The Louisiana I State Council eof Defense. at its .rst I annual meeting since the war at the suggestion of Gov. l'l,'asant. appro priated $5,000 to be used in fightini the pink boll weevil, which has made its appearance in Cameron Parish. Barge Leaks Badly. Beanfort .:. C. - The tug Welling ton, be'und fronm Newport News for Jacksonville 'iih two coal laden barges l.1 tow. put into Cape Lookout harbor with the barge W. J. Iarman leaking. Guardsmen Are "' Drill. Washington. - Sixteen days' field trnon:rg and not to exced four days' special inatnuei:ons for offlcers anti selected enlast d mincn re provided in 4 this 'ear's National Guard ta:i..ling a program. 150C Miles Over Wire'ess Phone. New York. -- \Virle s te',ghone conv(rsa~to'"'s have been carried on Stoir-n (o : !irt., N. Y. ind points in North linkota and -, nn-as. a distance of approxn mat'ly 1.500 miles Milan S'rike Is Ended. Milan. - Tbh" a noral strike fCe'a'- ed here as a result of a de,'onst'ati g crowd, in which two civilians were killed was ended Work has been re sumed throughout the city. Biq Egg Sh:pm-'·ts Made.V San Franc'eco. - F. teen car loads of eggs , (8t 000t in all, were shtped from Petaluma. near here. to New York city. Two Persons Are Killed. Biliao. Sp-in. -- Two persons were killlrd and 1( ethers wounded In a street t!',t etween national and pa triotic groups. Jews May H-ve Wine. HPrtfo--d. Ct. - Plfteon gallons o( wine a ye:rr is the maximum quant'ty a family of Jewish faith may rlce've for rellg'ous reremonles. according to a ruling received by local revenue of ficers. Special 8-usion is Called. Seattle, Wa ah.---ovenor - Louts Hart called the Washingtcudn IpIsIlature to meet in a special session at Olym pia March 22. to connid'r action on the federal suffrage amendment. To Open Petrograd. London. - Active preparations are I being made to open Petrograd to nav- U igation, says a Moscow wireless dis patch. Merchant sh'ps are being fit ted out t4 resume relations with West- * ern Europe. Typhus in Servia. Belgrade. - Typhus tever has brok on out in Servia ano is being spread r wt.h alarming rapidity by refugees oeeg from o the Bosheriki on tbo c south Russian treat. URIC ,Ci~) I'. R EAT CLCGS THE KiLNEY_ Th.Re a GClss of Salts if Your 1 Hurts or 6i' :acer Botr;,"s. TIf t .. It n 1, : ! ':r ' ";t p r ' 'h". iI.. a . '! i1,, y I l'. ' \1' : . , ' " e O k .:l1'l 'Y! ;. 1 l: : I. -+1 11 ," I " """\ 1(x frt . I!zn T ,,s 1·."1 ...; . ' '? I ... ! .h is l:11 y. ,Ii 1!:i1 .' 1'. .: . .:' I "'( j . i, r t:e' lri (1lh r ., . " 1 ' " . lll irrita? t e, l. ,el.? }'n 1 r . l ",.,, . e'fl . two or tiihre,. t"Im1 t 1 f. : ,: Ili, ht. To rlitltr: li7*' thte:,: ir ; aiit id to leai' the kiI . }inex ::,,I fllush -n the body's rlnuo ta : :at f e ournces f i il Salts fr'm nally ps,. niai V ll'r : ftake. a ''. i,,. f o il in gla'.s of wn'tir before hr:lekfast for a few ulava twl meyir k1ida,.: w'ill t! act fine. This fartllons sa:l< is made from the n,'idl tf rtp.s .nd lend juice, combined with lithia. and ha been used! ftr re'ne'rnt!lr.n to fli and siinlllate s i ;lC:ish kIliirlnel~.t l e to neutrnliz P the :aids in urinie o no lonier irritates, thus r.nlinebladd w'efa k ni's.. Jn(l Salts is ines.pi'ee: e cannot I jure, and makes a de'li.htnfl effer__ cent lithia-water drink.--Adly. The little cur is alt\ley trying it get ev'en with the hit di,;. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COL Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opn Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief-no waiting, Iyl clogged nostrils open right up; the yr passages of your head clear aat ui can breathe freely. No more bawkl-, snuffng, blowing, headache, drylug No struggling for breath at dglt; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Balm from your druggist now. a little of this fragrant, antle~sp healing cream in your nostrils. It p. etrates through every air pnlagl the head, soothes the inflamed or sag len mucous membrane and rellef ea--s Instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stnfhe i with a cold or nasty catarrh.-Adv. Cultivate a cheery disposition. FRECKLES Nlew l eL Tim . Got Rid of These UJly psrts. There's no longer the slightest teed t feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othllt -double strength--s guaranteed to resall these homely spots. Simply gset an ounce of Othlne--dsh strength-from your lirugmriat. and apply a little of it night and mornina an I_ should soon see that even the worst freerr have begun to disappear. while the 1Is anes have vanished entirely. It is selo" that more than one ounce is needed to pletely clear the skin and gain a besilI olear complexIon. Be sure to ask for the double st",gg Othlne, as this is sold under guarantee money back It It t fall to remove freckles. Iele'hes are cool. envfen drop pers. WHERE MOST SICKNESS BEGINS AND ENDS By FRANKLIN DUANE, M. D. It can be said' broadly that mag human ills begin in the stomach and in the stomach. Good digestion mesh god health, and poor digestion mels ad health. The minute your stomaA. fails to properly dispose of the food ye eat, troubles begin to crop out in vanrl forms. Indigestion and dyspesia are tls commonest formn, but thin, impin blood, headaches, backaches, pimpl blotches, dizziness, belching, c i tongue, weakness, poor appcti, lep - lessness, coughs, colds and bronchitis almost as common. There is but onel to have good health, and that is to i and keep your stomach in good ad' This is easy to do if you take L)r. Fieua Golden Medical Discovery. It is a we derful tonic and blood p.rifier, and is q _afe to take, for it.ia made of route al herbs. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y stands behind this standard mediek and it is good to know that so db guished a physician is proud to havse MI name identified with it. Here is what Mr. A. R. Brows, Meridian, Mis.., says: eWill I have used Pierce's Gold Medical DiscoY. and can fully S recommend s n. Swould recommea the 'Discovarj _ any one in need a good blood teel and the 'Fatl, Prescription' ,' womam's medicine. Have used n family and know their \o nrative powers. There is nothing Dr. Pieree's remedies. There is no drggng t1rough life when you aim i hke'Golden Medic al ;ad 'Favorite Prescription' at an store. They will curea you and ma worth while."-(Signled) A. It. Route 2. Box 136. Meridian, Miss. PLUG TOBACCO_ Known as "that good kind' Tnjy it-and uo = wuil know idl ' The poeerfel. leisa s neerve rgaci veel fes rs leere l lees... .e . so .e-lre utiW**ll ~ ers duel, i.:n.r uatn .le l l.. , nt e( Chan upln l ltttr Il tduce.r. .:5o eC5 ClacinatL Two hletr c,,r nl nt ,eli, a69a. de hver*c: prev e lt, oU t · - nflkle, eauaranteed free from re, siamlih. Ppers free; delivery r_' Y8eseems l )C'ela C,. Dog 162. n Is