OCR Interpretation

The Madison journal. (Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.) 1888-current, June 05, 1920, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064430/1920-06-05/ed-1/seq-5/

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I VTV Y f:r. wee'k i. th:
"Saturday Evening Post"
the mnrkers of Eagle Shirts are
tellhng t-i story of thee ine shirt
product of America. Eagle
!hiLts are rina..: for t e men cf
- t otay, but in the creating of th
pattern,the dyeing o the yarnm
ti': v::aving cf the cloths, the
gre.t l:istory of weaving gives
inspirat on for distinguished
Put tLCL; advertisements to the
LI test. Demand in Eagle Shirts
handsomer patterns, finer tex
t: res. We know you'll be
" esatfied
a ~.-' sinrt the utmaIse
" :i n v a l u ,
in iuc
& CO., Tallulah, La..
" -
Lhr. Co.
sv. Tah.e. Ia.
-- /
-- -,,  m l
ySprioiek Tires
Automobile tires, like eggs, are of
several different kin, bad
and indifferent. The low-price tire
or the bargain egg may appear to
offer a saving, but the fact remains
that the man who buys the bst is
i ,1111111 11111111 "iill; 11111 111ii111" 11l-I iI i!i
|eitial aUt a Prsona efor
J grad
Mr. A. J. Sevier returned last night Sch
from New Orleans.
Miss H. B. Caldwell left for her Mone
home Tuesday. here
Miss Iumblh left Tuesday for her
home in Aonroe. M
Mr. George Morris left during the
week for Georgetown .
Miss Elizabeth Kell has returned Nic
tfroeem Vicksburg after a successful
year spent at All Saints' College. lula
Mr. Lancaster Kell and Mr. Wil- ho
liam Bowers have returned from their Vc
Mrs Fred Johnson and Miss Eloise
Johnson left Thursday for their home her
in Shreveport, La. pla
Mrs. W. H. Carroll and children par
have returned from a mose pleasant ne
visit to relatives in Texas.
Mr. Tom Noland, of Lake Provi- Bri
dence, was a visitor in Tallulah on
Tuesday. nd
Mr. Robert Betholl, of Anguill., 'e"
Miss., was in Tallulah Tuesday and o"
attended the dance here.
Miss Thelma Vossa left Friday for las
Little Rock, where she will visit re- wh
latives. bus
Mr. George Peterkin, of Bastrop, Mr
La., was the guest of his cousin, Mrs. too
Stanton Bettis, of Tallulah, last wei.
Mr. Julian McVay, of Greenville. Me
Miss., was a visitor last week to his his
uncle, Mr. Stanton Bettis in Taltulah. int
Mrs. W. L RLountree left today for t
Natche,z. where she will visit at the
home of her parents. Sm
Miss Margerite Wilkins, of Farms- the
dale, Ala., is enjoying a visit to Mrs.
J. L. Cason in Tallulah.
Mr. C. H. Bratton, Mr. W. H. Wa9d, the
Jr., and Mr. Noland Harvey left f6r in
Vicksburg Friday, where they attend- wil
ed the dace in that place,
Miss Lacile Otey is the auest e ab
SMrs. Neal Holt at her home here. The U
friends of Miss Oter are glad to see OP
her in Talt"h again. me
Mrs. Erwin Cook, and son, Master 'mt
Harvey Cook, are the guests of is.Tb
cook's mothe Ins. W. !. eai *. any
n Tallulah. .
Mrs. Tom Lucas ad son, Bedford. T
eft for Lake Providence Wednesday
e'e Mrs. Lucas we to speuperate M
ah he retest at. w
ds4 Mr. Tom Norteo, o Vicksbrg, th
wre visitors in Talulakh Tuesday
and attended the dance.
SMrs. Jos. M. Reeves, of Vidalia '*
La., and M. Monroe, of Texzs, were
visitor ef their sister, Mrs. L T. PFr. VI
eill in Talulah last week. a
. .m. s.aL t...  ..a A* w R a
T- rd frq Relu Rad , Ark., where
Mar Re sa TMuadar at E
, Miss Annie Purnell left Thursda1y
for her home on Bayou Vidal, after
graduating from the Tallulah high
t SchooL
Mr. George Montgomery spent last
week end in Tallulah. He joined Mrs..
er' Montgomery and her little daughter
here. They, returned to their home
near Delhi on Sunday last.
Mrs. Robert Ammons., cf Missis
sippi, and her mother, Mrs. Nico:-..
left during the wee', for Mrs. Ai.•
mon's home in Mississippi, where Mrs.
Nicols wil spend a while.
Mr. Ivon Green arrived in Tal
lulah Tuesday after a visit to his
home in Texas, where he spent his
cir vacation. He arrived in Tallulah just
in time for the dance.
Ttere will be a good ball game
1" here tomorrow when Tallulah will.
play Ruston. We understand that the
park has been smoothed out and the
ait new grandstand finished.
Mr. Cedric Starrett entertained the
Zvi- Bridge Club last Thursady evening
on t the home of Mrs. Noland Harvey.
A jolly evening was spent at cards
mnd dancing, after which Mrs. Harvey
ills, ierved the guests with a lovely lunch
and 'on.
Mrs. Andrew L. Sevier returned
for last Friday from Baton Rouge, La.,
r where she spent the winter with her
husband, Mr. A. L. Sevier, while he
was going to school. We understand
Mrs. Sevier took a course at L. S. U.
ll. too.
Mr. Noland Harvey left Friday for
ille. Memphis where he will again take up
his his cotton course in schooL He was
lah. interrupted in his course some time
ago by illness. We wish him success
for this time.
Friends in Tallulah of Mr. Joe
Smiths will be interested t- learn
Is- that he and Miss Ray Markham, of
rs. eat, were married onJune 3. They
expect to be in Natckes next week.
Mr. Smiths is at present engaged in
the oil business with his home office
or in Atlanta, Ga., to which place he
ean- will go from Natches.
One of the largest and most enjoy
L o able dances of this year was given
he last Tuesday aight at the Tallulah
Opera House by some of the young
men of Tallulah. Shipp's Band was
ngaged and as usual thle entire even
mter ug was spent in enthiiastie dancing.
There was a large number of "stags"
and all the girls report btood time.
Mrs. Wade Newell, ef Newelton,
La., was the gues f Nr T. P. Kell
• Tuesday. She was to Vicksburg at
which place she met her daughters, I
r Miaes Irene and Mary Kirk Newell
who have been attending Alt Saints'
. College for the past sessien. Mis
Mary Kirk Newell eas agraduate of
that school this year.
_dy ..,
Children affected b'º'orams are
i ,rale and sickly and liable e tocontract
were woe fatal dieas e. tIS CREAM
Per. VEKgIFUGK etpelitiis preptly
and puts the child on the road to
esith. Sold by GuenardLcas Drug
Attentials called to maps showing
ar Red Ctree Peae Time Aetivities in
left Lo ians whicbk-have been displayed
hr in public places in difeent parts of
s the perish. We are told that in all
at Bd Cress work Lesisla is near the
top and in evem resmsets Loulsiasla
leads the entire United States.
SProm these maps can be .readily
pseen that the work of the Red Cress is
ceuntinug aleBhe line of the Pub
ie Haiat Nur, Classes in First Aid,
and Ems Htgiene and Cse ef the
tal haleyr ted Cres Axiliaries
ad eataed Homem Servie.
It will be seen that Madison
* Mrsh as.had a F t Mi Clas and
as exteAded erviee to cvlian
fEmilies. We were net givn credit
fr Juadhr Aszliac reps r hade
net hee ust a wh thee mape
wre mis. 'The trty peieutol f
Iula ftn saidisd' the sta ees
were sded fa ieal needs. The
hh HKIh Scheel was  qalpped
ws ula nee aed lhait A Suppliga.
Thepe supples ma kept In a esinet
made b the Mmml Tanig Dseart
met mn ar e ead ahet daily whiBe
The foP ring replt was oent to
Dvia a Hesdquartaers by the Hoeme
Service Sctn of Madeon Chapter
far th meath af May:
Selilear famimes dealt with 27;
cri an famies delt wth 16; Lu*a
During the mm meuta the Red
hrm emse Tafklul tate BRank
wu i be o pen frem 9 to 12 a.
m., and I to 5 p. m., Tuesday, Th~r
da and Saturday.
,A reula amorng par t of th
b ptb yes in fine shape feyr the
day's wer. If 'o. si It yes feel
ussftertble and eanuet pet r ina
to Fear mevemets. Fer all bowedl
irregularIti s HERlIN is thesrme
Gumrd y aead- s)I r
WAMTaf t Meud, Lesal n:
1amb Catws Cyuses and ard
u eed e ha a cmi ..d pr
- *w u , d ni hs. Pa,
With acksotwledgsmts to K. C. B.
"How I saved
a 2=8cim~nnO j~
EVEN TH-E ^-7r DID SMELL good.
WERE TIRED t:,it morning. AND I followed him.
AND THE Te. INTO A store.
D " n b HE THREW down two dimes.
DIDN'T FOOL:r. cne bit. ".
" AND SAID "The same."
BUT WHEN after breakfast. . S
* AND SO did I.
MY CIGARETTE t~stud awful. . . .
* A4ND SO I'm still smoking. ld
IT WAS too cmu . * .
* AND STILL keep that.
AND A grouch 1t. rted. *
1 A OFFICE BOY and I let that.
AND WALKING t, work. *
I SWORE offA 1.;: :. * "
AND I'M going to boost.
AND DECIDED to fire. * *
* . • THAT MAN I followed.
BUT JUST beforo I dxcided.
" FCR REALLY tboao cigarettel.
TO KILL a po:li :~. . * *
A MAN passed :^.
* :A" UIST a whiff of that spicy aroma
SMOKING A cig'rette J of fine Turkish and Domestic
S * t,,bacces will make you hungry fotr
AND SAY but tho smoke, this "satisfy" smoke. There are
*** bklens ad blends, but none like
THAT DRIFTED back. this one. ChesteriAeld's blend is a 1
d * " secret and it cannot be copied.
IMadison Grocery & Grain Co., nc.
AM nounces that they are now prepared to make
-- prompt shipments of
Gilt Edge Flour
Orders can be filled promptly from our
-Stock at Tallulah
. Your Tire Bills
SY dr tube, thi' year.
ha iYsu Fr , l mo nme Si eafl b-n-- I- C4 aI
Te*r saving.an tube., al. will bring down nthe
Laee ?unctueeProofs to about that of ordinary
. t Lee ?luare-Profs on your car.
,t.O K w, e.a.ne en cL wat you ire and tube e
: ais wl be fur the nw e twelve months.
In additm--ye a ve time, temper and ihe an"
any.m e d tihfC les t he reeLd.
Ta '
T a-ll* ulah l -a s. -
,.... - Corst r
, r .L .1
'•t7 'mAitsH M l.-

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