,.` ;ma(
With Farms Inundated and Water to (
Still Rising Flooded Farmers bI.
Have Practically Given Up. u. IV
Red Cross Sends Seed. 1
Moreauville. La.- With a 0.2 rise
per 24 hours for the lait three days Al
in both Bayou des Glaises and back idui
water, litt!." land is left uncouverold Goal]
In that .setion and at Mloreavill" rect
proper on the north or unprotected whet
aide of the bayou. Fronm this point to The
Simmesport fully 10.000 acres of cul- ed v'
tivatable lands are under water and sUCcI
fully 500 families in distress. This spre;
amount comprise fully three-fourths build
the population of Bayou des Glaises. surer
The rural mail delivery, school trans- Ha
and general traffic have been and
There is still an ascending current comr
the bayou and the seepage water othe
a up considerably on the pro- Shah
side of des Glaises from Voor- ing
to Bordelonville and to Simmes- lion
rendering the use of the road tion
dlmost impassable in some places. At appent
:' Simmesport, It is roported that there Fede
Is a defect in the levees. The point
wee this is more noticeable is at the Ha
juetion of the des Glaises and Atcha- to m
talays levees. The water seeps sease
theg considerably and with a con- some
tihaed rising river and with inclement farms
Wether, great fears are being enter- glean
.iled for a break there. whic
With their farms under water and a the fi
astimnaal rise, with the river still ris- crop
o iadlcatang a strong pressure of fields
:i_ l 1er from above, with an advanced .t4e fi
- mason, the flooded farmers have prac
-ily "'thrf6wn up the sponge" and Rutl
-5 .ableu to make any further ad- oo
~r of supplies.
t: h Red Cross Soclety has liberally
.: e54a seeds and foodstUfs to the n
~ilated farmers, but it is feared lit. ispa
;, WW that will be applied since so lit
- lpisatlag is expected fo be dnme. blws,
S.- J. Covillon, physidcian, and T.
A mm. merchant, have wired to under
Iatortg Ranadell and Gay and to
.ss Aswell to obtain, if poe- Ha
governmeat aid for the flood rains
One d
., s;lte. - That a wave of priospewty ets,
a*t ad is sweepingl through $2 an
,,parish s more pronouno
the iaortsutlon given out t. Lab
- b J 3. HEmalt Warner clerk uty e
SNreearder, that for the Iert half of depar
-ressdt month "eortgage Uttiag" the N
bie a eature in his oftee, and lake
oft bch otligatioas have been J. Leg
ears of and erased from the rec- GeIse
f Waithe peas. spent
- . A -Depat
Pog, owud by Capt. P. Shrt
oillMe with a frhat vessel its far
ae te ulft seeatly. A ,large eeat
Se the ter was toer away and ways I
re ihad to be throw ovrboard haing
s the smack farm skIn. No again
l, I e,,b The t was towed fctive
a s L _ Wf a l fone r rs aitrr. ber 31
Jealer Blsh s l were ar 9m1
Sa ie ebol sdaterime W~ae>n ere n
1n , p-g
atried eat: Musical selee. the tfr
=* ut ro selections;)arst
SIs Mach-The Plaune Hni
Is bast ted has saled tarse
it o Distrcet No. 1, "straw
ien the S " Berrd perish UeatoI
,o 3h t paqitoa ona the strawb
af the rve, to vote on a uted.
ot $.n for bulding and who is
hhe pha
- A cam of Jersey aseh mch
ies has been shipped byj
resry Company of th Oma
wher the wll aruond
amsthe U arniers. A hen
way t have a ear- eontly.
Jersey shipped Fruit 1
Usuthwest lauis- Co., on
a the dne. test tral mm
eqetioa and coates
for do coadith
are bgia. amesuc
as in BgS
suvll the po
te rangt nualce
5 t . erises
ha eeeel
" _
-W. ia
Bogalusa. - s1xty thousnd sower
ing plants will be given away to the
womo not Bogalusa by the Great
EE Southern Lumber Company soon. The
ladles are requested to call at the hot
house of the lumber plant and receive
a supply. This generous offs r is
made with a view of ent ouraging "the
city beautiful" idea, and it is ce t:,in
that the ladies will be out i,. full f rc FEI
CD AT JUNC- to receive the plants which are varied. I
4LAYA AND all of thr-m being suitable to local
LEVEES. climatic conditions.
Ruston. - McFarland Post No. 4
ASCENDING and i,. i. IPo.-t No. 49 of the a;n:te ri RE
can Legion will c lebrate Me.morial
D-O. t 1i ; ;',l After m a ting in the
Astor Ti,. at,.r the membels \ill nmarc:i DisI
td and Water to Greenwood Cemtery where a.ftr a I
ed Farmers bzrief program a squad will give thi
Given Up. u: Ial :alute over the grave. ir. S.
Is Seed. 1.. \hite,. commander of M 'Farla;nti
Post invites all ex service mni- to Le
ith a 0.2 rise redt
a;t three day· Alexandri.--A two-story frame res
iscs and back idcnce owned by Dave lit hey at 19lJ5 the
aft unc(overodl Gould avenu was destroyed bh fire seet
at More:vi.ll. rect utly. The roof was In flame s its a
•r unprotec.t*d when the occupants were awakened. tion
Ra this point to; The building was practically destroy-. pre
D acres of cut- ed when the firemen arrived. They no c
der water and succeedrd in preventing it from resp
distress. This spreading to other buildings. The At
three-fourths building was worth $5,000 and was in- and
u des Glaises. sured for $3,500. wita
sc-hool trans- I fact(
Hammond.-The scarcity of labor wide
c have been and material is delaying the comple- bar
tion of Hammond's building program situa
rnding current commence dearly in the spring. With The
seepage water the erection of the Williams-Hrothers- has I
on the pro- Shaheen store and the Perrone build- ducI
In from Ver- lng on West Thomas street, this see
d to Simmes- tion will take on a decidedly business publi
ef plaes. road appearance and add much to the re- rul
te places. At cent improvement made adjoining the rl
ted that there Federal building.
as. The point place
sable is at the Hammond.-This week is expected sis a
sea and Atcha- to mark the close of the strawberr* dicat
water seeps season. Regular shipping stopped cond
ad with a con- some time ago since which time the ford
with inclement farmers have been bringing in the relat2
a being enter- gleanings to the preserving factories, more
e. which are paying 13 cents a pound for easer
or water and a the fruit Recent rains prolonged the Ra
river still ri- crop slightly, buj in a short time the coun
I pressure of fields practically will bb denuded of from
an advanced -tloe fruit. vents
ern have prac- to m
sponge" and Ruston. - The attendance at the notic
tr further ad- commencement exercises of the Lin- mu
coin parish Training School for no farm
has liberally groes was unusually large. J. Boat- whicl
hasts liberally r Carter delivered the commence the w
fstufes to the ment address., There was an/excellent Re,
4 since o lit- display of canned fruit and vegeta- direct
4 6 be done bles, weaving from pine needles and has
sclan, and T. woodwork by the students. The school repor
cave wired to under the management of C. A. Adams In ad
Gay and to is doing good work. the v
obtatn. if poe-, Hammond. - While the torrential cUriti
ror the flood rains P1tarded considerably the har- there
vesting operations of the farmers. nt
One day's sunshine dried up the fields l p
DERSL . sufficiently to permit of a gQod bean The 1
picking the next day and three car- has b
loads were shipped to Northern mat- ment
of prospefty kets, where they are bringing between one a
ping through $2 and $2.50 per hamper. count
are pronouns- the re
lves out rs- Lake Charles.-W. P. Ramsey, dep- intent
Warner clerk uty collector of the internal revenue i stre
e rst halt of department, has býe transferred from lines
tage lifting" the North L territory to the the b
Is office, and Lake Charles office, joining Deputy P.
as have been J. Legender. Chlef Deputy B. B. Mc
from the re- Geasey of the New Orleans office. Wa
spent a day bore in conference with at ex
Deputy Legender. 000 h
by Capt. P. Shreveport. - Authority to increase ance
truat Vessel its fares from the traditional nickel to t eas
y". A ,large I ents was given the Shreveport Rail- fexi
an away and ways Company by voters recently, 934 meres
a verboard hlng in favor of the raise and 891 comps
shlaing. No against It. The increase will be e- matel
it was towed fective from June 1, 1920, until Decemn
lr repaira ber 31, 1923.
- elas of Hama. - Several realty transfr dent a
Se-- were mlmportance that have taken place Compa
tm Wedne. hbre recently indicate biglindunstrlas had di
ra mwas o- developments m this section. Two of
lical sel the trasters were of plantation prop holder
Tht lrsal erty and oea the site of one oa thede
alections; largest oyster shucking plants in
Pho PlMoe Hammnd.-The tnlttail ntmber o W
U ha led tured on "the Man ohe Nw A." port o
strict No. 1, "Strawberry Items," a Hammond pub- i w
mad pariah lication devoted to the interests of the th
ia en the strawberry growers, is being distrib. d
n vote on a uted. Managin Editor W. J. Clarke,
buiding ad who is in charse of the local offes
has prpduced an Interesting magazI , Ark
dealing primarily with the industry in 2 ,
ore lh TanSipahon perih. ase
a shipped by killed
ipany of this Omaha. - A four-mile strip yIg Arde
se they will armund Barlington, a sai tIowmn soth biE
rmers. A of here, was devastated at erope re
a have a - oeatly, when a terile hall storm fell
y3 shipped PFrit is rined and other crop s a Wql
baten into the Pround. exprt
ehia-tey in Polate a la ache-U- E. od thema
hwest lai- Co., ownersm of the Bradthewaith e- dared
Sdn teat tral mgar factory at aglish Trn, ralysis
eistle and ont.mpltes putting their factory sch tIn
"l- for de condition for retning fooi and do
Sa1m beI- matic sugars for net mseason.
"B~iorTho c€ommittee reprsmnt
mmt has ig Bo Lodge has d med
f--very the plaee of bholding the seconmd an- t p
Slargsat anal celebration for the benefit of the that
4 fnitere Dlol City Hospital, to take place ro
July L bonda
SBllk--WRith a graduantng cuas o
m twenty-eigh t meersm the annual ox New
S. ecrises ot Im will be held in the a- daed
SditerPur ot the nBot Central school, re in
eing a moe of the most successal United
s)MbL esee term in the history of the ithet
1 b Ibvreeprt. - Td eompletition to
dte ielde Cantineauna A. and P. vi
sl yrs Rtebln B--, m asection 32-3
3 £ in River. M0 barrels at 279 be
mW ;Sltasni Lii Compay's Shaw 0
s .m 99-. -Cl-aborine, SW0 hat em o
- -=l .a Ce. J.C. B. aUllar.
Set iel servie aot Wash
-oi, Aar. who as bees . s, the
is ee r ahrt fuutleuh. Presidet
and exc
·LbSethb Inbalb wll
' au amiss eat Tole
badit s
Il8b Sahael tN anSk
'; l Lu
t tle hort
ging the
is c t t:in
st No. 4
1g in the
i11 !marc(:h District Reports Show Trend Toward
A :ftcr a More Careful Buying and First
give ti~ Hand Economy-Labor Situa
ir. . tion Difficult.
q-n to Le
Washington. - Despite the recent
antme ros- reductions in prices, little el,ef frº.m
at 19,,5 the general r·ign of hlgh prices is
b: fire seen by the 1Federal Reserve Board in
flames its analysis of 1May business condi
vakened. tions, made public. The board ex
destroy- pressed the view that there has been
. They no change in the underlying conditioul DI
It from resposible for the high cost of living.
;s. Thue Asserting that while "store sales"
I was in- and a tendency to lower prices balrs
witness to the presence of "disturbing
factors" which suggest the advent of
if labor wide alteration in price levels, the MI
comple- board declares it cannot accept the
program situation as a whole for its face value.
t. With The explanation is added that there
trothers- has been only a slight ircrease in pro
duction and there is no greater dis- 7
this see- position on the g&rt of the general co
public to economize and invest than mu
tn t ruled heretofore. me
"The changes that have taken lea
place, therefore," the board's analy- wit
expected sis says, 'cannot be loked upon as in- to
awberr* dicating a modification of underlying rca
stopped conditions. They may, however, af- ma;
ime the ford a basis for changes in business '
In the relationships that may broaden into for
ictories, more far-reaching alterations of the Rel
tund for essential price structure." mel
Lied the Business in every section of the por
ime the country has suffered considerably neg
uded of from rthe freight jam which has pre- on
vented normal movement of products F
to markets. Efforts of the tie-up are riot
at the noticed in the agricultural districts as dr
he Lin- much as in the industrial areas and the
for no farmers are not the smallest class ent
1. Boat- which has sought more bank help in the
amence- the way of credit as a result. G
icellent Results of the board's action in the
vegeta- direction of restricted loans already the
les and has begun to be evident, according to imp
school reports to the various reserve banks. the
Adams In addition to a general reduction in
the value as well as the volume of se- tile
rrential curitles tra4d in the financial centers, G
he ha- there has been a general revision of up
rmers interest rates affecting both commer- at E
e Aelds cial paper and call money, it is. stated. beet
,d bean The labor situation during the month that
a c. has been one of the outstanding ele witt
rn mat- ments of "doubt and difficulty," and is reps
etween one of the problems with which the Indi
country is expected to have to deal mos
the rest of the summer. In addition to join
7, dep. intense shortage of farm labor, sporad- gle
-venue i strikes have occurred in many fact,
Ad from lines of manufacturing, indicating in Ti
to the the board's view, continued unrest. whe
puty P. vare
B. Me Trade Balance is High. Islat
office. Washington. - Although the value rest
Swth of exports to Europe fell off $10,000,- ance
000 in April, the nation's trade bal- jat.
lc e ance against the old world was in- legla
ekel to creased $254,000,000. The total value the I
rtRail-o tfeports, the Department of Com- an a
ty, 934 meree announced, was $395,000,000 as It
ad 891 compared with imports of approxi- of
be et. mately $111.000.000. Burr
Decem - I the
Declare Big Dividend. to r
Akr, O.--F. AL elberling, presi fact
iaser dent of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber repol
1 plce Company, announced that directors eral
utrls had declared to stock dividend of 150 to rs
w per cent, payable to common stock
prop holders of record June 14. The divi
o the dead totals $31,133,250.
Its in Ms
Agre On Water Power. m
or of Wuashington. - The conference re
port on the l pending water power e
d p bill was approved by the Senate and days
of the the measure nov goes to the prel store
dent. The vote was 45'to L b
ofaq Youth Is Killed By Train.
a Arkadelphia. - Willis Hurst, ed
rtrl 3 ,was run down b Missourli Paclqc
psmenger train No. 5 andi lnstantly .Lo
killed. Hurst was on a trestle near Soves
lyig Arkadelphia wen the tram struck decid
south him feren
-s w- . ~Majol
n te. Ceel Embeerge is Urged. . e
Sa Wqshilagtoa. - An emhbargo on the acord
export of bitnminous coal was rged
D~qmerat, of Massachusetts. who o
S in & i the Seate by Senator Wallace, L
S5- clared the country faced industrial p ed ti
Tuna, ralysis for lack of coal unleas some a
Sisuch step is taken." prts,
U. S. To Be Arbitrator. musk
Paris. - Ambassdor Wallace In
formed the council of ambasusadors
that President Wilson had announced
the that the United States would accept N
the roll of arbitrator In fixing the
boundaries of Armenia.n i
20 1-2
s ol Lever Act is Upheld.
al New York. - The Lever act was do
e a eladaed constitutoinal as a war mass- Ne
Ehool, mre in an opinion handed down by the d "
el United States Circuit Court of Appeals off S
theIn the cae of C. A. Weed & Co., B pilot
falo clothiers. plane
on t Ladon. - The Lettish and Boishe.
SP vik peace delegations at Moscow have
reached an agreement by wlhich Rue Hon
I sla recogaises the complete ladepen Tohid
eacne of Letvia, according to an aL. tl co
clal cl tvlan source In London. to t
lard. *dde* g*te Wimea.
Ws a Wahington. - Sir Auckland Ge
e dos, the new Brttish ambassador, Lo A
in mall preseated his credetals to Alea
P Psident Wilson at the White Houe,
and exchansed with the executive as
ee esages of good will and amity.
l Held Aleged Bandit,
S t Toledo, O.-Peice are holig a
man alleged to bae been the twoagm
bamit who led four other mre ie e
S the 82 d alght holdup o the Da which
. " a.. • with I
In the Land of the Cactus !
r I wo
- ..,~ ,eu
s been
uent of
in pro
r dis- Washington. - Advices from Mexi
eneral co indicate the revolutionists have
than much to do before a stable govern
ment can be established. Military
taken leaders are reported at various points
analy- with small armed forces, either loyal
as In- to the Carranza regime or for other
rlying reasons hostile to the defacto govern
r, af- ment
siness These groups are a possible nucleus
into for the organization of new revolts.
the Representatives of the new govern
ment, however, minimize their Im
the portance. saying that part of them are
srably negotiating for terms while others are
a pre- on the defensive.
Iducts Francisco Villa, whose force is va
p are riously ostimated at from a few hun
eta as dred to several thousand, is reckoned
s and the most important of the independ
class ent leaders. He is not in accord with
Ip in the new regime.
Gen. Candido Aguilar, the late
n the president's son-in-law, who during
ready the past five years has become an
ng to important military leader, still 'is In
an the field. Gen. Domingo Arrieta, Car-!
ranzista governor of Durango, is hos
of se- tile to the revolutionists.
iters, Governor Alfonso Cabrera has set
on of up the state government of Puebla
tmer- at San Miguel-Tefango, and there has
fated. been nothing in the news to Indicate
sonth that he is not acting as governor,
ele- with troops at his command. He was
reported to have 2,000 men, all Puebla
Indians. Luis Cabrera, one of the
most astute politicians of Mexico, may:
on to join his brother and aid in the stru'
gle against the Obregon-Gonsalez de
"y7 facto government.
sg i Trouble is reported In Colima.
where the Carranaista governor, Al
vares Garcia, impeached by the leg
islature, has had several deputies ar
ralue rested and is trying to obtain assist
',000, ance in Mexico City t6 force the legs. I
l- lature to restore him to power. The l
In- legislature has secured the release of
alue the imprisoned deputies and appointed
Com- an ad interim governor. I
)0 as It is beljeved a part of the army i
of General Diegues, reported to have 4
surrendered to the rebels, escaped in t
the hills and is awaiting opportunity I
to resume activities against the de
rest acto government. Disorder has been t
bber reported in San Luis Potoqi. and Gen- I
-tors eral Obregon has sent 500 men there
151 to reinforce the revolutionists forces.
S Start a General Strike
Madrid. - A general strike effect- s
ing all trades was started in Barcelo I
na as a protest against the detention '
of prisoners who have been on a hun
e ger strike in the Jail there for several a
days, according to dispatches. All i
stores are closed, no newspapers are,
being published and electric light
wires have been cut.
eed a
Foer a New Irish Peolicy. h
al .London. - Important charges in the e
ear government's policy in Ireland were t
m. decided upon as a result of the con
ferences between Viscount French,
Major General Macready and the gov
ernment officials in Loddon recenuy,
the acording to the'Loandon Times.
SReds Capture a Fleet.
London. - Bolshevik forces captur- b
le ed the entire White Sea fleet, con- C
Dmie srsting of six cruisers and seven trans
ports, following their oecupation of
EnsdL accordiang to a Bolshevik com
munication from Macow.
Advanee Suglar Prices.
SNew Orleans. - The American lu- pi
the iar Refning Company here announed m
a Inerease in granulated sugar from ti
20 1- cents a pound to 1 1-2 cents. 114
Pick Up Hydroplane.
SNew York.-A hydroairplane mark
ed "No. 12" was picked up at ea ki
ls off Scotland lightshp by the steam ti
pilot boat New York. The hydroatr- P
plane was ap sloee own and tnere wI
were no traces of any ocepants. 01
are Jp Mikado Is Stricken.
Honolulu.-The mikado of Japan,
ad- Yoshito, suffered a physical and men- D4
tal collaipse about April 1, accordingln
to the Honolulu Paclic CommeUial th
Advertiser. so
"Judge King i Coealrmed.
Wuashlgton. - The nomaination of
to Aleaader C. King. now solidcitor Satn- i
eral, to be Judge of the Filth Federm pt
CIrcit, was confirmned by the mearse of
tin opa seesion uapon the rnquest ofdn
enat Smith. Democrat. Georgta. the
meemh Io ecoramted.
aome. - Walter Deaurmmch. direeter
of the New Ytork Symphony Orchestra v
wiash Is visItisg Roen, was decorated on
wRltkh e Okrder of the Crews of Raly el
rseeam the rukt of rL. .
u______ _ _and
T h
Mexi- Berlin. The present Polish cam- th
lave paign against the Uolsheviki is the on a
overn- most important event in Europ,. now. ers c
ilitary It is more important than the Spa or resoli
points any other conference. The outcome tempi
loyal I will mean the defeat of the Bolslhevr and
other! effort to overrun all Europe or give the i
overn- the Bolsheviki of all countries te nec- woult
essary encouragement for anotlher f- litical
ucleus fort. Like all events in Europe today, Repul
evolts. this combat is not isolated, but is con- the ft
overn- nected with events elsewhere. The
r im- Undoubtedly the Kapp revolt sur- whett
m are prised the Russian Bolsheviki and Ger- treaty
res ar man Communists into planing a later but he
outbreak and caused the action before the q
is va- Its time. Russian agents were in va- Statei
r hun- rious parts of Germany working up the rest c
koned plot They were particularly active natior
pend- in the Ruhr district which has plenty the tr
I wt of gold bar not coined. The uprising The
was planned to spread froin the Ruhr Reput
late line east, meeting the Bolshevik ao- close
luring vance, which was to -4egin with an of- ord vi
s an fensive against Poland. tion.
Is In The Bolshevik offensive against Po- House
Car. land was sprung shortly after the with c
hoe- Kapp revolt. Probably the Bolshevik rision
March offensive was launched sooner cussio
Sset than originally planned. One Indica- again.
tebla tion is that all the troops used against The
e has Denikin had not 'yet reached the Po- public
iicate lish front. A considerable number ar- would
aruor, rived only after the fall of Kiev. The two-th
was; Communist outbreaks, we now know, he Se
uebla originally had been planned to hap- the pr
the pen simultaneously with tne other
may parts of the original plot.
ttru'- The Poles had been trying since the Chic
,z de armistice to benefit the three parts erythl
of their country so long under three coal, f
lma. separate and very different rulers.
Al-1 This territory includes the scenes of sguar,
le- I some of the heaviest fighting of the d
ar- World war. The economic ocndition is are
sslst- was serious. For these reasons, they
legi- understood perfectly their critical con-ace, v
The dition. and naturally turned toward pubeventl
se of the allies for help. public
inted The French gave material aid, or
ganizing and equipping the army. The
rmy Poles complain that the'British, while Gran
have offering them only linlted quantities the Le
nd in of arms at considerable prices, sup- the V
unity plied Yudenitch, Kolchak and Denik, ment,
de with large quantities of equipment Preblde
been and arms for nothing more than on but lit
Gen- promises to pay. countre
here - In rasa
red. Mob Fight Is Serious.
Rome. - Three persons were killed
and many woubded in a fight between
rect. a mob and police officers at Canoes, rt
celo- province of Apulia, according to as- of Det
Ution vices to the Giornale ID' Italia. The
bun. disorder was the result of a dispute Scd whet
reral over local affairs in the city, it is said.
All! Order has been restored. Centre
of here
light League Council Meets.
Ronme.-The bouncld of the League San
of Nations held its last public sitting be the
here. Leon Boqrgeois, who presided, ight
the expressed the giatitude of the council passeng
were to Italy and to Rome for its hospital- Kelly I
con- ity and to Signor Tittoni, president of dington
mch, the Italian Senate, for his services. feet wit
wny, Steamer Beret On Fire.
New York. - The woocen steam- El Pa
ship Boret, formerly owned by the mer Me
United States shipping %oard, is on e4 Stat
fire in the Gulf of Maelco on her way presider
back to Tampieo in tow of the steamer eat rev
cn- Cabrille, according to wireless ftoi peoed i
ns mation received here. govern
em- Radole Plan Is Continued.
Washington.-The House adopted
unanimously and senat to conference a YakLn
resolution authorilng the Navy De- mg the
Ku- partment to continue operation for not pe of
eed more then two years of its radio sta- Ralroad
rom tlon for the mse of the general puo- was cle
a lc. pollte e
- Albert i
Auto Crash is Fatal.
r. Shawnee, Okla. - One woman was
Skilled and five personas were injurd Washi
am two perhaps fatally, when a Sante Pe
air- Dpssoengertraln struck a motor car in
ore which they were riding at Wanette, i 2
Okla. about 20 miles south of here. feen
Approve Wilson -Regime.
ea, Colambia, S. C. - South Carolina Washi
len- Democrats, in state convention here, late n
Ing in speeches and resolutions approved.
isi the admalsitration of Woodrow WU. of the T
son. Sttes, ti
* mittee of
Pay Sill Boome Law.
of Washington. - President WilsO1
e- signed the army and navy pay bill
raz providing for a temporary adjutment
*e of pay scales for officers and enlisted codia d
of men pending permanent legislation who add
the subject tt a later date. the Am
Shepmmn eo On stuk.
er Roanoke, Va. - Approximaately 800
tra Vitinia railway shopme. walked out Miami,
led over a dilereane with the mater m amid es
iy chale at the compan'. M tre who
(W. Vs) shoa diane ha
_-4 -. ..
Occdlock On PacI.- Prc-rc.m ,ild Caon
troversy W:ll bcccr,l, CsmpI1j
isue-May SaJtmit tht Trtay
To th. Sei.te.
j L
i. ! !i'd I ll , . ý iJ , u , , .;r" '
t:would iln i 1., I .i..abi ' :
To r li t !. sii ," ll it.1 ii:1
wi Ould I)lth n "I ", 14.; :l 'lC ;CU . i ,II
-Ur of tha iigltis of l, 1 ,, ,. Sl, i
'c far ao rt-hiili .,h all t,." jitih ~,j...".
which wkrd elbd, Ia~ in thIu eta t" d
treaty of Versalll, s.
The pre..ulent .. a, t :)ppar, ntly
brought to a lnal d allc.k tiortu of
cam- the president and (onglless .o ) i to e
the on a peace program. ftiepublican lead
now. ers conceded thlly (couhl not pass the
a or resolution over thlle V to, though an at
ome tempt will be made 1i' the Hlouse soon,
evr and on both sides it was predicted that
give the issues of the treaty controversy
nee- would have to be fought out in the po
f- litical campaign with Democ(rats and
day, Republicans blaming each other for
con- the failure to effect a state of peace. it
The president did not indicate
slur- whether he might again submit the
Ger- treaty to the Senate for ratification,
ater but he said the resolution raised again
fore the question of whether the United
va- States cared to draw a part from the
the rest of the world or join with other
tive nations in attaining the ends to which
mt' the treaty was framed.
lag The veto had been expected an
uhr Republican leaders made plans
a- close the incident promptly by a rec
of- ord vote on repassage of the resolu
tion. The message went first to the
Po- House, where its reading was greeted
the with cheers by the Democrats and de
ivik rision by Republicans. Without dis
ner cussion it was agreed to take a vote
Ica- again.
Inst The general prediction on the Re
Po- publican side was that the resolution
ar- would fall by only a few votes of the
The two-thirds necessary to repass it. In
ow, he Senate, however, it was conceded pe
ap- the prospect was altogether hopeless. WI
nor k th
Prices Are Going Down. g
the Chicago.-Prices in practically ev- so
irts erything, with the exception of labor,
ree coal, food, which of course includes
irs. sugar, are on the down grade and gain
ing daily momentum. Old Mi Cost
t is due for a slump all arodnla which
is already setting in at a satisfactory ye
ey pace, according to the report of the yo
on- seventh Federal Reserve bank, made An
ird public recently. fa
Treaty Is Gupported.
ýe Grand Rapids, Mich. - Support of yo
es the League of Nations covenant and del
the Versailles treaty without amend
I meat, and "unfaltering support of
President Wilson, who has given all
but life itself in the service of his to
country and the world," were pledged it!
in resolutions adopted by the Michi
gan State Democratic Convention.
Locomotive Bltows Up.
en Bay City, Mich.-Two enginemen,
m Robert Smith and Harry Washington
of Detroit, were killed and Fred
Schnelpp. nreman, Detroit, was injur
ed when the locomotive on a Michilan
Central passenger train blew up south
of here.
New Altitude Reord.
*s San Antonio, TeL--What is said to
ng be the world's record for an altitude
d flight with an airplane carrying three
il passengers and pilot was broken at
l- Kelly field when Liet. Harry Wed.
o dlngton reached an altltude of 20,081
feet with three men in the cockpiL ,e
Will Exile UonIllas,
a- El Paso, Tex.--Ilnaelo Bonillas, for- .nB
eI mer Mextean ambaessador to the Unit- dir
ln 4 States, whose candidacy for ,the mce
y presidency of Mexico caused the pres- Col
Br eat revolution, probably will be ex- tab
- pel)ed from Mexico by the de facto sell
government, revolutionary agents here t
said- ne
SCear Theft Mystery.
a Yakima, Wash.-Mystery surround- E
e- tn the theft of $10,000 from the ex
press office ain the Great Northern a
a Rallroad station in Spokane, Wuash., a
was cleared by a confessilon which the r
police said they had ebtalned from sC
AIlbert MeGirt, arrested here lately.
Penslon lII is Pase, a
Washington - After less than three
mlautes' consideration the enate
Spassed the annual pension bill. carry-.
ig $279,000,000. The measure now
goes to conferbace for adjustment of
differences with the House draft. f
a Washington. - Lower shoe pricesl
late next winter and spring were pre. ,
dieted by Edward A. Brand, secretary IoW
of the Tanners' Council of the United .
8tates, testifying before a Senate n. et
mlttee of inquiry. ese:
Many Houses Are Needed.
St. ILous, Mo. - The United States
needs 3,340,000 additional houses, ac-.
cordlng to Nelson Caulff of this city.
who addressed the sprnlg meeting of ,,,
Sthe American Society of Mechanical ther
Qlapawe Ba Devil Dane.
MIami, Okla. - A devil's promenade
amid beatig of tom-tonie was the fe.
ture when bead -n of the Quapaw In.
diasm held a mediel dance, the Omr
see of the yesr oft.
I Before Ta~ki-j " !ack.
Missouri L y Was Tr
NoR With CosttIation, He
ach . e : Cad Taste
i n th.
T l','g- ', t0f l
.; i t " ,
'i ,] h:. l I " ,:'n T t
,' : , In the1
. " as all
I r " : , I be.
Stin tIt re 'l11m,-1
hniv:i , r, ,. l t, .f the hu
1,,. I 1n ,. mrt f n l i on a new n
S I" you get t :11 in the mdorln]n:
t,,, a tirel n' yet f i when ryout
hced-a, hy. catti I to,,ue, bad
,,, ndm .uth. .all ,mplexion-t
d liver is inot done its full d
ntl your st"tnt lli hbstorbed the
` which your liver .hould have
are awry.
ead An neonclonal iloae of Th
the Black-I)raught will help thisp
tant organ to function p
, Get a pnackage of Thedforts
Chat Draught liver medicine today.
trsy Druggist sells it. or cap
Do. 'o.-Adv.
and Safe Position.
for "In 11ik ;lii 'erous reform i
iang to the roIt'."
S "That'l right. I'll hack yoea
on, READ
tea SYteM Purified d 1
de- Colds by Takng
US,- the Nausealess
ote Tablets, that are
lilhtftl, Safe aml
Re- Sura.
the Phystlcans and Druggists
In ag their Irieuds to keep
led purifed and their orgass In
as. working order as a proteetir
the return of influenza.
that a clogged up syptem
liver favor colds, influesas
erv- omplications.
or, To cut short a cold
les serious complictleus
in- oab t bedtime with a
water-that's alL No alta
s o griping, no siokenin` aft1
ch Next morning your cold ha
ry your liver is aetive, your
he fled and refreshed and yeou
de fine with a hearty appetite
fast. - Eat what you p
Calotabe are sold o i.
Eaerd paes, pricet
Every ruglgst s ath
of your meowse I asre t
d eleightedwitht
of The Theatrical
ill Son-Father, my new revae
Is to be produced. There's a
ad It!
ij. Father--Whoe? ,
" ae "Baye r" onwhich
Sdlreto to reeve
ta Bayer Tablets et
r- "Bayer package" which
1 lstrade mark Bayer M
Meetleeldester of Sally
Liquid Gymnastigar
Electrician-Sh! Keep
Q. T., but 'tim rumores
barde, our new acrobati
bard at work trying to doper
scientlfic substitute for beIr.
S Prope-A, I see! T
out bow many hops it
a kick, eh?-Flm Fun.
F Ntl, a the h s Gd
f1i, Usie See
Thebe's so toser the
tesling aahame4 of yoer f
--4eble atreagth-ta gsa
shee homely spota
5 5lnply get an ounce of
strelgth-from your drtggMI t
Ittte of it anhht and
ab hold soon ue that even the
hlave begu to disappear,
I ease have vanished entiret.
that more tha one ounce is
pistely clear the skin and
eoear complezlon.
Do sure to ask for the
OthLes. ua this Is sold su5
moser baek If It falls .o
Her Object.
"Mayme chlnugetl emut
I sew her at the Ie':iUfty
"Satnurally. That is ~h
there for."
IdofatterAdtle. Ata
r ese o