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Orton Mule Co. i Mules.! In Mules! Mule s! Jil Mules as Big as they Grow! I 100 Head Log Mules d WE HAVE 100 HEAR OF LOG MULES. WE GUARANTEE TO n SE.LL YOU BIG MULES $23O0 PER HEAD CHEAPER THAN ANY HUMAN. WE HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION TO PICK FROM. Each Mule Must Stand up Iti and do your job WS aNOw NOW TO ur LOG IMULES THAT CAN o IN THE !pos. AND sTAND THE JOB. WRITE US, PRONE US OR t Cais TO UE US OUR LARGE BARN IS NEAR THE LEVEE. Mule Co. SCWOND LEVEE STREET L8I10M *ta LAKE PROVIDENCE, LA. .ke Talulah State Bank tA Safety Deposit Boxes ralasIy 8.0O per annum. Evey person who has ,.uamble .pere should obtain one of these boxes -IAR[ ARE AND fARM , IPLBNBNTS - rr In mark for depaefo Hadware i I ms t ibeto your inter ·lA to ear beayin efgsiewU e '& C ompharc B ners, domC ns, Rae and new - & -m ,imn u., What YOU Want i ewa - s o maur mzvrom iUn STOCK IS fl.L AuL THE wE ARE ALWAYS GL.D Te meH rqu CAM GEt Aust As !'& Company e PRocEEDINGS OF rPO,Ic JuiRY do (Continued from page 1) a ss River lying north of New Light landing in Tensas perish, and extend- T in to the V. 8. A P. Railroad cross ing in Madison Parish is uas a matter,s - of fact never navigated and has not I W been navigated for many years past;t T and, 19 WHEREAS, that part of said ye stream lying within the points above mentioned is as a matter of fact not a navigable and there is no necessity th either from a standpoint of naviga- 8< tion or otherwise why it should re- Is main under the jurisdiction of the at War Department of the United cj S States; and WHEREAS, in the development of se I that part of Madison and Tensas Par- re ishes, Louisiana, which lies north of In New Light landing it will be neces- j, sary to construct divers public high ways and roads, and that in that con- th t nection the Tensas River must be * bridged in several places which under Jj existing conditions will require ex pensive bridges with a sixty foot draw and skilled watchman to operate this draw, as required by law, even though as a matter of fact said draw would O0 never be opened because no boat would ever peas through said bridges; JI and F, M WHEREAS, Madison and East Car- M roll Parishes have under way exten- A sive drainage projects which ultimate- I ly will require the straightening out J! p and use of Tensas River which cannot , be done so long as said river between A the points above motioned is under 8 the jurisdiction of the War Depart- O ment; and N WHEREAS, the future develop- D gg ment of the country adjacent to the river north of New Light will be re 3R tarded until the timber in that terri E. tory has been removed, and for that p purpose it will be necessary to croes A said river in several places which, J if draw bridges are required as now i at each erosing, said removal of $9 timber would be expensive to thes ph pbhibtion; and D WHEREAS, the material progress D and improvement of Madison and C A. Teases Parishes will be vastly aided N should said stretch of said river be declared non-navigable and taken from the jurisdiction of the War De partment ofet the United States u BE IT RESOLVED, That this Po- I e Jalry, epresenting the citizeIm o the Parish of Madison, respect : _rqmueat Honorable Joseph El Rndall, Units States Senator from stbi 00 and Honorable Riley J. Wiytl memter of th Hose of Rep resests vs from th IMfth Coangre desn District of this State, to request the War Department to make the l- i vestigatll d t report on avigable eedlea prvaih soid Teness8 River eetb of New Light landing, and if such report is favorable to the i Senatr and Congressman be request I a ed to intreduce and procure the ps. sage of an set of Congress declaring said river men-asigable from New Liaht lnding northward and taking m said rver out of the jurisdiction of the War Department of the United An applicaln was received from the Thlulah State Bank asking for 1 appointment as Fia Agent and De- 1 S tery for Madison Parish, and pro penlag to pae nterest, t th rate of 1 2 per cent pr annum ed allf tuds de psited. On moetin of Mr. Wright ids prpea was acceptaed and the . Tabelsh State Beak was appointed y I A, ent ed Deputry fotr Mad I p parkh. An application was xreeived W. 8. Ciir asllg tofr orappoitment * Tramer e Madisenr Parish at a S salary ef $SS.W per nm provid ed, howevr, that if the Iterest paid by the depeaitery r fircal Agent on a the tfudns depeatd in the rglar, - ameeeut and the slakin fund aonat shold b les then $W~ . StheL salary of th Treasurer sh d S and l w tamen equal to te e meat peid by the Fical Agent S Depiry as ateraest on the funds G depesied adsid aceouna On motio of Mr. Galemy, this prpesal was i aeepted and Mr. W. . CnIr was -ppetu ed Tharmaw, sad was d Iru sh bend in the sum i of $~ which was thw ameunt i themishod by the former W. S. CRAIG. TALLA.LA l tlreueele wt 1 quick hydvugis, Ote., as mixed lan Ie ik eye wra. Ow man's ys were sa out pai. Twor apicatios reBnd i We summatee a md bottle of Lay. alk to ilp AltY CASr of we,. steamed or b~amed er-.GLad Leneu eDu Cb B kIh,. La., May 26, 111. mat hl epesls, odede n Us the 16th de of May, I6, with the eiBuian (memen prmess: s.. ent T. V. Ward, Mmle. W. SWred. 1. hpmaC, O.. Win RY defend the eaid council in a suit, if port a suit should oocur, providing that deb" council decides to close Walnut Street prof t d-between Sidney and Thelma Streets. dole The motion was unanimously carried. Moved by Mr. W. H. Ward and er seconded by Mr. Montgomery that P. ten not W. Byrd be elected principal of the prol t;Tallulah High School for the session any 1920-21 at a salary of $2,000.00 per maid year. The motion carried. eov Moved by Mr. W. H. Ward and She not seconded by Mr. J. B. Robinson that I sity the school board sell the Islington Tal iga- School Site to Mr Geo. W. Sevier for $150 instead of $200 as agreed upon the at a previous meeting. The motion ited carried. 1i Moved by Mr. W. H. Ward and her t of seconded by Mr. Montgomery that the tmo Par- rent for the old school building in Fal- for a of lulah be $60.00 per month beginning thai e- July 1st, 19120. The motion carried. the sigh- There being no further business, 192 con- the board adjourned. pro be T . F. WARD, President. tiha ader JAS. R. LINTON, Secretary. law raw TREASURER'S REPORT mei this Eureka Home Benefit Society. wa ugh Organised May 26, 1914. tsal ould Talula·l, l)h. boat Collections for year 1919: She es; January-------- ---------$ 38.75 3 February.. ------------- - 28.80 Car- March .................-------------------.. 388.10 ten- April-.....-----.....--------- ---- 36.60 ate- May ......-- ------------------ 32.50 out June .............. ------- 92.09 not July-----------..........----------....... 42.10 een August.................. ----------------37.35 nder September.. ------------............. 40.75 part- October--........------...--- ......------- 51.95 November (No meeting), clop December ..............---------------.. 117.95 the re- Total -----------------$5856.94 erri- Di`rsomeat that Paid Recording Secretary...$ 22.00 rom Assistant Secretary--------....... 4.25 , Janitor ----------------................. 7.50 now Rent for Church---------.......... 11.00 Sof Sick Committees----------.......... 1.00 the lncidental expenses--------........ 2.10 Donatin .......----------------- 4.00. re Diging graves-- ---------- 7.50 and Castles ----------------- 99.00 sided Work-----...... ------.50 rbe Sick Claims.------------ 233.00 aken - Tota -----...------------$412.85 Balance Cash----------.............$144.09 I Po- Brought forward---------.......... 137.31 Pet Total Cash-------------...............$281.40 h Liberty Bonds------------............. 50.00 from _ Y J. Total For Year Endinr......81.40 Collections for year 1920.,,$189.25 aost Total Cash----f---------$520.65 a ts for year 1920.$152,45 mn Balsace caslh--------------$368.20 ,and Report From 191SS thel 1915, Colletton-...... ,..-......f5 ridY 191t, Collection--------....... . 449.65 Pest 1917, llete----------.......... 468.7 pa- 1918, Collection.- ------- 460.45 sring 1919, Collection----------.......... 556.94 Now 1920, Colleetion up to date kin May 27th-------------.............. 189.25 n of ied Total collections---------..........2,1.2 1915, Disburements-......$ 62.25 from 191, disbursements---...... 386.56 Sfor 1I Dis berseaents-------....... 303 08 T I De 1918 Disbursements------- 436.90 pro- 1919 D rsemeut.......------ 41.85 s de- ' .. . rig Ttal """...-----$1,814.09 I the Total raised--l----------$.182.2 Inted Total Disbursed.......... 1,184.09 balaneo.e had-------$.S 368.2( Respeetuuly nbmltted, Pet P. WyCHE, Secrtar,. at a l. PORTER, President d Sargenes aree that in cases of 8 on euts burns, bruise and wouands, the l .r Mrt treatment is moos important oea Wheq an effidcient antieeptic is ap- pre Siad uraptly, there Is no da.r ol u .-w leea wod to ond begans ti hall healt at nce. For use on man or .beast, oroone ist the ideal Antisep Stie d , a agent. ua y By it now and bteO ready for an emrgeney. Sold by. mnds Guenard-Lucas Drug o. w STATE TAX SALES OF was IMAMOVABLE PPRTY -m State of Lelsss Veres Delinent sent Tar Debtsr., Madhem rish, La. Traser -- * s - My vir oft the authority e ted in me* by the Contaition and law oa the Snte ot Leislas, I wl sel at the ci f swt de o te Coustheese ZTais% Madison pariLa., b LTS 11 e 4a. a., on b gn~at nil mes arecmpleted t whib tams am n de to the State e as ~ ma, · ad Pau i et Madi se, to eferc of taxes meteg la the per of 1918, and In edtetat~~tJ. t.tea per cent per ok, Taes, 1S1S.-....------$15.40 me Itest ad eas to aedded. HOGG tT HISNI n estKn ot let of mdi. 25, trwaship 16, north, msage 12 east. an ntemt and eate to b added. J J. K., Legtr Plaes ," w.e S; afsthaf s ac utla sT .se. 26 OUISIAlWA _- SE - . . if portion of said property as each a debtor will point out, and in case the debtor will not point out sufficient at property, I will, and without further delay, sell the least quantity of said property which any bidder will buy d. for the amount of taxes, interests and nd costs due by said debtor. The sale will be without appraisement in legal P. tender of the United States, and the he property sold shall be redeemable at on any time for a space of one year by ier paying the price given, including costs and twenty per cent thereon. A. J. SEVIER, JR.. nd Sheriff and Ex-Officio Tax Collector, mt Madison parish, Louisiana. on Tallulah, La., May 8, 1920. or Notice to Mortgage Creditors :on Office of State Tax Collector, ion Parish of Madison Louisiana. In conformity with law, notice is nd hereby given to all parties holding mortgages on real estate located in he the Parish of Madison, on which taxes al- for the year 1919 have not been paid, ing that I will begin the sale of same at d. the principal front door of the Court house the 12th day of June, A. D., "' 1920, and that a number of pieces of property are now being advertised in tibs newspaper in conformity with the law preparatory to such sale. The at tention of mortgage creditors is re speetfully called to these advertise ments of tax sales, and they are warned to take such steps prior to the sale as may be necessary to protect their rights. A. J. VEVIER, JR., Sheriff and Ex-Officio Tax Collector, .75 Madison Parish, Louisiana. .80 Tallulah. La.. May 8th. 1920. .10 .60 .50 .09 .10 .35 .95 '.95 ..94 .25 .00 :.o YOU IWHEN MYOU WEAR .00. .501 "KRYPTOK GLASSES" .50 8 liS. J. Frankse e t 11.,9 Op andt and Optiia~ n .3 S yer Sle. k Tahuies a , La. L.40 ).00 h r 1.40 to$ 1.25 1.65 1.65 ).4F 3.94 1.25 1.56 1.08 THI WONDERFUL "HARTEAN', 1T90 TRUNK 1.85 Not a wrrLp e at the man of th trQu Misom yarh clothe. at hoe, or es - Poses freds d84 to eS ap- preseeutod. Thls applies espeelay to orn -. S. ln.ANC1Z & SONS. The woman who has found the of Youth has found the secret of Bea The wam who has found the seret will of, but nothing accentuates It tell you this-"Your gre tells your age". muc as an ill-cosmeted Bare. Vaimu things caitrblate to the appearance Stand before the mirrorin any oneoft GOSSARD CORSETS The erigmnilue a Frst Lmnhg Cmsse l designed for your iusre require. feding of restraint-you walk soweawyom r gM,, is sitgr dlprop l: Wep and thh rdu e The apart adce of our highly t as if by .agc; the back and front line are .. anro ou the aGo0rd beat the Istraighter lis of youth; your body toyor needs. Youca bya boorraecdruiedameswinwithemass kdsas2.7Suptoansy pplay a Tallulah Mercantile Co., Inc., Agents Tallullah, La. f - _ .·'-...E: .,.i;] ,e , :! . .'., -. . . - . --. . Monroe Furniture Company MONROE, LOUIS WH14OLEfSA LfE! FUcNITURE, RUGS, TRUn"KS. CO.IMFORTS, BLANKETS, UNIDERTAKEKi' SUPPLIES ASK .YOUR LO(.AL DEALER TO SIHOW YOU COMPLETE CATALOGL Vicksburg Boiler Iron Works .aufacture ofs c Boilers, Smokestacks Breechings and T anb Ib Stock for Umuedate Shipnent eller Tubes, Reinforcing Steel Bars, Stack Wire, Tube Expanders, Copper Ferrules, Fusible 8teel Plates, Thin Sheets, Rivets, Angle Balks Bolts, DeBems, Patch Bolts, Machine lBolts tI, 8teel Flanges, Valves and Fittings Uaeltpr Work and S~th Service our Ltce8" ut 6066 If uUUAWST im C -:g fs" o~t e, A IL II*~ L~ eart ri