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3.:- -- - - - -~ST* -i .. *.* *-' .~ - $ Let Us Nave Your COMMERCIAL < PRINTING --" Our Prices Are Right THE MADISON JOURNAL " AL OD ON FPAMtH CA-i1J U 1OAL JO1"L Ogr 01 DISTRICT LEVEE BOARD OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF MADISON PARISH SCHOOL BOARD OFFICIAL JOURNAVILLAGE OF TALLLAH IEE, hPublisher TALLULAH. MADISON PARISH, LOUISIANA,SATURDAY, JAN. 15, 1921. NEW SERIES, VOLUMJ E 9, NO. 11. ~~I I I" I I I l In •1 1 I I 11 • .m I Nachil resumed L I ~Nachbi Conrtrilg UZE TAX Normal, and Col Corini operate REIEVING POLICE river no ISUFECTIVE OR vertised uSW YEfo. Donal of the c APPOINTMENT hs s up " Donal rectors beard Is Composed rf Bor .f Aseessor and asd snbsrs of the cenoat pa oin Council :.y I Dona stockhc At N. 231, creat- ter is ( of equalisation, lg a t session of the Legis operative on the Dona year, when the duty adverti assessmeents will tfranchi )Orles Juie to the new market opened passage of the law, Sregaired to meet as- Dons of review and equal- the Ba t purposes as New I It was charged hold a nstatnces did the lag a t pl with the law. D a systeumatli a s mssesseects a Mtnr .eied to ase of ditr "ubh beards h* J seedpoe of three be selected by each Batt ied *ar=mber by the re AMirsNI The mW tia ai most o tbhe tart I ,ealt ye? to meat * the goo ra ew't mis an ma 0 be at Masday esmanem~ maca aesessrin' His Is an M bQ1 heads re sa SPel daetals b a told 1 mu a e stook. for tb test ea ad tog- A sbitu popet? 0 * e s, o a to tebto e sio -lac a their oa* bas the boars pgl eas Chai a Y __ a beoarus beas SO sge Pie by *a ad rCd. I' pie f Otlseas the bear. a 1 goL emposesof a* ties a -mel aw mel, lode ass o r h feas f lan ofa the eelbs e be- s * ambsm " of saltoma - s mea bY the as. We ettie- bear. of se the ow bet Of as mair gambw ato A&W Mr ek the 7 _s Y e -b We u med . 1 orb rofrrp ý ay the t gumoe l e -se to a mawl -emon USee wa bsenste now ptor ae hetap·aw ftl AP4 i at i Am weenisae, who Uethabt -. taI~r meeast a the o- Croe tbe depamrtmn both r WI-tm p Ni ree ages 'Pd r3rV SL hse this Nad enLtes of 'or. L P1mer, weD was was elected bnre sew, rSerary her Sttrie Court at to I ineesetary. Mr. was S aeobr f th emot secretay. -m elemS dews bee. -at atl to pimmen eae s cam a3W pea at the m to" a un WW$siy -e toe -s bed bea ea atbe 3 me a wahP sear aams we a a wa rrq g te at uk toCl Nachitoches.-The Normal schosi resumed regular work recently. Nachitoches.-Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Courtright, teachers of music at the Normal, spent the holidays in Dallas and Corsicans, Texas. Covington.-A ten-year privilege to operate a ferry across the Tchefuncta river near Madisonville is being ad vertised by the police jury. Donaldsonville.-The paved streets of the city are being repaired and put in thorough condition. Prospect Ganel has supervision of the work. Donaldsonville.-TThe board of di rectors of the Commercial and Savings Bank met last Wednesday and de elared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent payable January 1. Donaldsonville.-A meeting of the stockholders of the Community Thea ter is called for January 11, for elect, ing a board of iAve directors. Donaldsonville.-The city clerk is r advertising Ar sealed bids for the - I franchises ofhe river wharf and city r market for one year. Bids will be TO opened January 8. Donaldsonville.-The stockholders of the Bank of Gonzales, situated in the a New River Section of this parish, will I hold a meeting January 11 for elect- ORGa e tain a bard of directors. Al Donhldsaovilld.-The annual meet ting of the stockholders of the Com mercial Savings Bank for the election of directors for the year 1921, will be We - he'A January 1L ti decis h Baton Rouge.-Due to the fact thatI 7 the registration books failed to arrive I time the new registration id not dem e start here until today. A large eareoll K- m eat is e zpd tea l s SPatters-.-Wlliam Bowman was a a mile east e here Prlay night .the 1 a unconselous as a result of tajrliss. ease His lower litmbs we crashebd and his forehead ct. He rarried at once and over o told his name but could t as ccount CUM k, fer the acc aLe i C-a Arala--A lsamuet was given oas th the eve of the sew rear by W. D. IA off, saperlantem t aof the Baptist ga ir a y School, In hor of the yla oung Sp le's dclass, which was the first to ed, obtasn a ttea l e over 25 i tlhe the Pineer.-Many esars raveli eda ri are.bels t roeivrd or the construe he tie the nJ ersea Highway through me m. West Osrrfl parish and It is being a n ii, loaded aleg the rlghteirwy ander e thes drti d i aser Draew, pro. * sear toy to o tt* a' the Contrast. _ al-oned by Je Prl edader, mange ; s esltusst, has been destroyed by firs. sad a o The sos Tritlista ersage seed fo- oai s hry grafti stock for the deal Salinma erage is Irreparable. Or- it h angm do well hee, ad tabaid a am SSmith aof lwisbrg -h ke, who tioe has eroe beautiful fIhut, anks that a , grve of such oraged would earih the as ea who word giv tit roaper ar. ea m . ma ttcs..k-. . Ca triht andt aed s W. Wistead, wh o play respetively the vie and els, hove been Invitdole n to assist ia symphony eoseet at t Diem sin GOe Jahar e. The n m ae wi under the direction of H. t . b.hisu of L., U. mes Court " rtg asd atWbist e a to New JW ter ifler at awarts was t & ryed by Ufi L masmm endsg, togsthe with amb caseme. The wr y rrs sufp a nd a Wamrer m r s trhe l by 5. . - ma who hi a earboa mi sna drt plon 1ev. at Swarts The hilling msl eantate ,mont to P 9 was ciedhs. weDaths aup4 s hoe reteurm fe ao ad- lCrwlsy, Ia., where they agent the a 1.L holiays with retives. nei Naebtteohes.-Retie here have ara I Lis at Miss la la Saith ad ,th Na -htostes mw dmmett Pruya mm , a fomedty ad tae city. Miss Smith. Who mu- was attending abeel ears, l s for at to st. 'Al to m the groo, mwho Mr. was uable to leave his dutes 1mg the enough to make thrip ad they wr e S married at a Cathils * ther. sn ben ogalNsa, hek inch ,g Io t ast newt m i usae. . C. 30 t- d a s Ubheverir t d ml eagh Winle ia A a meat ls. The oe t ad the ere d.i sa pan, as set doth by the chartsr, hi a- to u ad sI, bill a rehull. sa mtiy regisr moter a oatd £3 s i ea d3,lu giaes, a all. M , etc" The aO Im2MWp all~rn ho. - o eean.. es.. . an .s ad Sm meais I as ... m .l snel bOi pe a. ago - e a s sU a mlb va A .4. o -I~JL mich Us ReCwlsha 3mprr·- S- ~J )b-~ ~' o Ipks"""""""""" u eM.i 3' *i '"l wea5 ~"r ·~ ?ue ~ adS [II Hounded il SI ylr 01 ree / Sc Sý - 0 TO ASK REPEAL OF IMh ANTI-TRUST LAW ORGANIZED LABOR LEADERS ARE ELLI AROUSED BY THE SUPREME SA COURT DECISION. Washinton.-Orfnized labor, its SAgting spirit aroused by the recent imi decision of the Supreme Court holding "lite secondary boycotts illegal, is how State planning to besiege Congress with a is in demand for repeal of the anti-trust ate i laws. l a Union leaders sad their leislative pro agents here are more agitated over ave the Supreme Court decision in thedo case against the International Ma chnists' Union than they have been rcte over the determination of Senator Cummins to push through the nextpr Congress the anti-strike provisleon of stat the railraod act lobbied to defeat by tion organised labor last year. and SLaders propose to make fight to theli regain, if possible the right of the com secondary boycotts which they claim ed was protected by a provision of the Clayton act which labor fought for car years to have incorporated in the federal statute. tem V. 8. Bauthier, Executive Board i ti member of the International Machin- emb Ists, Indicated that there would be a prol fSght to repeal the sati-trust laws. Ear The Republican Publicity Association said issued a statement praling the ded- of t Seon of the Supreme Court In the boy- "I Scott ase shie I "The repeal of thae Sherman act," 1 said Mr. Geathier. "hems to be the it i Sonly thing let. It was ezacted to fao Sdeal against unfar combinations and thai It has been utildsed, together with tts T L amadngs Clayton act to the rgula- of t Stim of trades unions." tha "A new and vital chapter," mid gril h the Republican Pblicit Association, pho . commatlang e the Supreme Court de- Z i sido, "has been- written In the see of I ma ae history of this country by the are Sdecisi a of the United States Supreme of ourt that labor unions and their members ar scouentable under the anti-trust laws when they depart ! from tb normal and isuitimte o fct engagIe tn actual comebim s ts or conspiracy a restraint of I the * Eastern sank Cleeo. An Shelto., Ct.-The Shelton Bank and r r Tst Compe capital $100.000, did p 1 ot open its doors. An official state- o meant y the state banking eommir Me L goner gave the cause as "depreeiation ,* t reeuritise kld for loans and lack et securities which can be turned Ia Sequck asss." o iRoe Plant Rweewp . o - Lansing, Mlch.-The Bee Motor Car vi" a Company has resumed operations after w a week's Idlenes for brventory. The w eatire goree of .199 arean are work Sna bhait time. The Olds Motor Weap here also are working on a part tU, bas. , SPlIemiki Improves. SWrsaw.-PweMeal t Pilsudski, who r n eferg from a a ttack of lain- o S man, was reported slightly better. He ol saitm hop to earry out his plan of l leaving Warsaw be Paris ona January a Fleet steam Sse& as W dS toa.--e en by destroy eas te Adsaeas Seat is stamie>n ~ southwared m Virginita eap to th eeet IMs sitr aimda from the Pa- t e al E te wrm waerst d Penam t ea emk @eLenes l Sen S e7or a s nsham e me st known. 3 a nMsd Cal. ats lamte, ,who b m tme eMf Ja h a4doate o eoutt m-er mslr Veamisls - a ,e sad uas· ta n a t t toM-sasn het an I, oa, .' a a a Ra .as e so j up eals ' ax o as o im-,m m*. rn . ,2, Sen IMMIGRATION IS A Joinew MENACE TO U. S. I and u ly wii I ELLIS ISLAND COMMISSIONER In SAYS SHIP CAN'T TRANSPORT over ALL THE ALIENS. the c or Jo to be ' Washington.-Testimony by Com- intern t xissioner Wallis of the Ellis Island back immigration station that Europe is gso S"literally moving to the United ment a States," and that a "flood" of aliens third is imminent, left members of the Sen- ,nia ate Immigration Committee still doubt- Bena e ful as to action upon the Johnson bill dr, I ir prohibiting immigration for one year. Th 0 veral members frankly expresd tia doubt whether any measures to stop after a or restrict immigration will be en- o'clo acted at this session of Congress. am The committee obviously is im- bua lpressed with Commissioner Wallis' a. m A statement as to the need for inspec- Tb ' tion 'of aliens before leaving Europe and for more rigid examinations after Ipro their arrival at American ports. The 1 commissioner recommended petti - t laiy that facilities be established, t overseas for such inspections. and i Fdc Sclared that 90 per cent of the Immi- e 'e grants arriving under the existing sys-, ta ter would be denied permission to sailT rdif they were examined at the ports of a_ n- embarkation by American officials. A r. a proper system of examination inwe -| Europe and upon arrival, Mr. Wallis J e | said, would prevent an Imminent flood Jt - of those diseased in body and mind. 7 "-Fortuntely," he added, "the steam- the ships of the world can bring only E " 1,.00,000 a year to the United States.. ate be It is tn the limited transportat-ida to faciliMes and incr d examinations of c at that we will ge the best protection." Its The commissioner declared repbrts Cas Ia- of the Public Health Service indicated Set that eastern Europe today "is in the rat ad grip of four epidemics-typhus, tyr Ha m, pluold dysentery and tuberculosIs clay t- The war has undermined the health -h e- of those countries and their emigrats U he are "dangerous to the public healt) Cia me of the United States," he added. ape dr of the May Returnm To Melxtoee San Antonio. - Gen. Pablo Gon s. le, oem of the leaders In hte move meat which gulainsted in the over throw of President arransa last May, and who later beame estranged from the new Mexicran goveram t, lft San t Antoalo for a border point, where it ir da mad reported be will coner with asuens eI le did President Alvaro Obrego in regard T oe- ,to restablishing his residesee ' ir t Cis Mexico. ion to Cotten Mills Repen. Charlotte, N. C.-The managemeci of the Chadwick-Hoslins cotton mills. operating 1v plants. iur in the vicin ity of Charlotte and one in. Martinu ille, Vs.. announced a resumption of operations after an Idleness of six 1a weeks. The mills employ approximatate ly 1,000 persoas. s -gma For Inauguratie. Washington. - Fifty thousand dol lars was the figure set by the Sen" awo ~f rules committee as necessary for t fn- Congressional expees in oasnect&on a He wth the nauguration of President Sof Harding. Chatrman Knox introduced ta y a resolution opoesi that as a mas tb isum trd:" I Premiers Meet Janry 1. roy Pars.-The allied premers will mng meet in Parts January 1s to diseuss to thCubieet of German disarmament, t Pa. theŽ em questidi and tan o. f m tsoe "of t~ almi es towM d " . D.-The first State wn, Daa k of Crystal pi wth a otl steek or sl*, , el dol -s d , - mtt scttly, O: . !V e, stll bemak amlew, ameumed. Lcsemcilve feer Pets SLondom--An Ameies Rusd t A. 4 'tee mianiebutsm report frem Warsaw as s ria tat urangels are beig mad the whsears the a adEwn ooeejthv at Weor s or d hmaknas will fwmb s lthe Psl iM. leesmative ia mIsge ; : earp , S. ti--se rrest tr - rallam 1 I RKANAS ASSEMBILY FOLLOWS SET PLA SENATE READY TO RECEIVE CER. F aO TIPICATION OF ELECTION OF NEW SENATORS. ORGANIZATION IS PERFECTED Stol SoundIng "Economy" as Keynote Lee Cazort, President, Called the Up. per House In Order In Reg- Tall ular Session. Little Rock, Ark.-With every out. ward inlication of harmony, both houses of the Forty-third General As sembly of Arkansas were organized with unusual rapidity shortly after their meeting. Senator Lee Cazort of Lamar, John son county, and Representative Joe Joiner of Magnolia, Columbia county, were elected president of the Senate and speaker of the House respective ly without opposition. In his address, Senator Cazort told his colleagues that the "economy in government" should be the keynote of the coming legislative session. Speak or Joiner also admonished the House to be diligent in safeguarding public m' interests so that there may be no nd backward step. is Sounding "economy in govern d meant" as the keynote of the Forty - a third General Assembly, Lee Casort, n-; unanimously elected president of the bt Senate, called the upper house to or )ill der in regular session. ar. The Senate perfected its organiza tion in executive caucus, during the LPafternoon, and adjourned at 3:46 n o'clock with all machinery in readi ness to take up the regular order of Sbusiness. The Senate will meet at 10 e The session was called to order by oeSenator Ben E. McFerrin. president For pro tem., at noon, and prayer was of Lt- ered by the Reve B. H. Greathoues4 , u, former member of the legislaur. As ae temporary minoftel enator Mo iperri appointed Ira Langley secre Stary Richard Emerson aMssstant, soil Thomas Ward journal clerk, Jerry of Hand sergeant at arms end the Rev. A Mr. Greathouse chaplain. SSenators Emory, McCabeand Cal l well aptied Secretary of State Tom j. Terral that the Seust was ready to receive certlaeation of election' em. the new senator, Mad Chief Justice -nly E. A. McCulloch, eseorted to the Sea -., ate camber by Senators Woods. M n Farlin and Roddy, administered oath Ieas o orife to the members. ."* In his address nominating Senator brt Casort or president of the Senate ated Seator Charles A. Wai)s of IEmoke the referred to the nrecord made in the t1 House by hi5s coleag who, he. do eGare. is the oly man to have nith achievgd thi distinction of the late ats United States Senator James P. alt) Clarke, who had held oie both as speaker of the House and preedeat of the seate. The nomination was secsaded b Senaters Collis ad Bone. On roll call Senator Casrt received a unanimous vo B ay pew Perish In Fi. from Knoaville, Tens. - Two women sa St Sea two chldren perished n a re which it is destroyed the home of Baud armer. -s ._ laerber a fiur a ea urgearSouvl ard Tear. armer's wife did non at VI .r tempt to rene her two chldrn Mad her moster, a whom w ere barned to•th. To ringl ArIelaSa. Mobile, Ala. - Settlement of Sh OW0 Armiagnes, now ezled in lurope Sdepeadet upon America charity tldr food on unused Soathern erm an is the plan of Hag.o Bogi glan, a former Dhstoa exporter saM a member of the Near Eat Rele As sociation. Dogigan is now' in Mobil bon o viLa the situation- - oI. Agee, On Wage Cut. " Pueblo, .CoL--By agreement o y to tweem employes d the manaement, Itoeeeted here,n a redetia of 15 me lect det in the wa esll l beeomae ele tive Janary 1 in the local plant Of te Colorado Fuel ad Iron Compae~y. 8t Brrynrmewe .IL u acrm e s su .I ert on sm am-e - n ustt has ieaeled her roetainS a Sgagemoets io his eity. See mya h - cempallel to remlat i CiselmaM a era1 weeks I Twalve Ase Orewas tate leunsr, tuarg.Y - A metOer lanmpi unh a wm aNasits ahoul easr k reeentl at egheId steer, at m Warralm eel hirLsrm Trwe wre M resadeL Cal-C-. W eiam Ot la Angeles was dt i I ploe - out n r havtIn pid a peay blmp - ev eTorhant ri dukti the s Univerity or Cafuerab4h mate SottmhR .Ye Iew eal, Dy at an elevateln ires the n t ee t. I-,5 · r HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS If you are in the market for dependable Hardware or Farming Implements, it will be to your interest to get our pices before buying elsewhere for \what you need in this Stoves, Ranges, Charcoal Burners, Garden Hoes, Rakes, and Plows Tallulah Hardware & Furniture Company Select What You Want! Come in and see our stock before going somewhere else to buy your goods. Our stock is full all the time, and we are al ways glad to show it to you. You can get just as good material and prices here as from any mail order house. MAX LEVY & COMPANY TALLULAH, LOUISIANA THE TALLILAH STATE'BANK S- HAS o SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES ýt SFor only 3.00 per annum. Every person who hea va e" uable papers should obtain one of these boxes., aur d BOILERS, SMOKEBSTACKS, SBREECHIN(S AND TANKS ' , " In . Steek for Imme4Iate Sp ant BoIler Tubes, Relnfordng Steel Bars, Stack Paint, Wire , Tube xpanders, Copper Ferrules, Fuosibe PsWi S stel Plates, Thin Sheets: Rivets, Angle Bars, Stay * BrBenm, PatchBolts, Machine Bolts, Threaded Steel .le. . S"Repair Work and Satisfyng . Service Our Long Suit" bS< NEWo O LA. S shous a the * beat ientatiome to oeee former stiadiemtU, Sote 0o * . et deserve your 1* __ _ __'__"_ C . -. ..., I '. ... .. I.' - O lL S-O' -:''- ' .. .. -'! ;'' "" .: _/, .=? -