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V 1,, paRPIN mTHE /A !O O R A t Us Have Your TML VLA COMMERCIAL ~t---.- LIWPRINTING THE MADISON JOURNAL Ou Prices A Rht L ,JOURNALO O AI IsL oICu Jr Y iu~ oIL O i D[ISTRICT LN BOARD OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF MADISON PARISH SCHOOL BOARD OFFICI JOURNAL OF THE VILLAGE OF TALLULA W. L. ROUNTREE, Publisher TALLULAH, MADISON PARISH, LOUISIANA. SATURDAY, MARCH 5,1921. NEW SERIES, VOLUME 9, NO. i8 . . m u au so auiu1 A I u.. - I P. Wi n._, tr- -- -l ALWAYS NAVIGABLEn WITNESS TESTIFIES S ate "r4 STATE SUES CADDO LEVEE DOARD FOR FERRY LAKE iN bi OIL PROPERTY. Ch ln eel Inb y ' IOUENCE IS DOCUMENTARY 1 C0e " :jLgMeeat of the Case Will Probably be i Early in March-Show Manner e il Which Caddo Levee District Obtained Title to Property. ba Ipie he inrveport, La.-The case of the go of Louisiana against the Caddo Board, involving title to several me d acres of valuable oil-produc- co property in Ferry Lake, Caddo mt went to trial before Judge loc is the First Judicial District The State is represented in the I by Attorney General A. V. Coco ra enu r Gov. Luther E. Hall, assist- bea nitnmsy general. Sidney L. Her- thi and . H. Randolph are defending for nterests of the Caddo Levee geur G ov. Newton C. Blanchard, cee at witness placed in the stand PeJ late, gave a history of the an tracing through the parish his extending from the Texas Jl$4gslea line, near Jefferson, to I and espeCially the Ferry pe $seperty involved in the suit. va e lachard testified that the hez Lee District, according to the the e file into he general land of- ye aUuied what is purported to be wa trem the United States gover Is several thousand acres of the rry Lake. I had, said the witness, was noe ib the Levee Board to the Gulf des Comparny, and some of it has 'c to other oil comanies, Isv ther are between 1,200 and eitl gmdleings on wells on the prop- coo Ime wells were drilled in the to I tie lak. which is now and has been a navigable stream." Blanchard stated that the We the bed of the lake, now dot. el derricks for miles, is from per to ,0,000.000. He further and t the Guof Refining Company lae $1,000,600 worth of oil property and has paid to the sro Levee Bard 3.000,00 in royal- H ?SIt is admitted to be the best the f the Cpddo oil field," aid res afar governor, "and produces der trade of oil. The lake has are bees dry, and has never been fins as not being navigable. The one swhat is known as Caddo Lake hst been in a classiflcation as r ,dried up lands, afd any L t to the contrary is a travesty Sue the truth." " Cho of tho evidee after that of to t r Blanehard was documentary, ry traa fps of records, maps inta data, showing the manner wer the Caoib Levee District o.- note to the property in question registrar of the general laad at Wmlas ton itle was obh 12, W the Levee Board in July, other lands that have been stated that trial of the uit mat Semeluded soon. Argument of au' probably will be Mateh 9. two eaommlsslmer of the State o is present at the trial a T ia the ase. de Ipost r JU3BMED READERi manl , hilr. em of buketb ll hLm or the Forest Hill re I a4 the Bolton Higtth of whhich relted 1 to~i s e, Are 88ce1 Turner Post No. 57, ,Iongl, was o raalsed last pie a membership of MIty, but here Soetig to the scarcity of of 25 k all purpoees they were town uit aitble headqurters. park -At a meeting of the Ro- talua er e wkly luncheon with as th prsident, presidlas, a took place with Th1 b the rates now being part t pheublic service com- City tory r --Considerable activ borted in the Vinton oil when ( rde Oil and DevelopinLt ig a Si sttit a rig 2~ miles about The Owl Oil Company dux. I eolher hole on its Gray L ter, Ji rturned from Shreve 9 of e appear d in federal Ited. arguments concern- the ta *Wleh the state attor Co. I to collect in the trict ·-qm Olrp~o assessment lapl utatute '/, iSteitoehes Chap Hon r of the Conted- prletol ie.. prise of $25 i Ho b_ a hol student who the Ie c entaaini more x. J. ds on Ro beRot the otl ~attesA from the i Ba E S parish, which structl wedge from near f the tton ames b 1S~bug to th bin P Forest Hill.-Gravel is being placed I now in the road bed at this place on the Pelican Highway. De Ridder.-The Phil Simon gents' furnishing store has been transferred to the Greenwald Co., Inc. Isadore Greenwald and his son Ellie will oper ate the business. VgF lake Charles.-The newly organ- . ised Housewives' League of Lake Charles held its second meeting re. cently with a membership increased by eighty-three persons. WY Natchitoches.-The first rain in three weeks fell in this section re cently. However, farm work is still greatly behind. A fair acreage has bly been planted in Irish potatoes. or Houma.-The fact that Houma banks are lending money to the planters and farmers of the parish, has its effect to instill confidence and the good cheer in business circles. addo Forest Hill.-A series of Methodist I reral meetings began here recently and will wh due- continue several days. Several more ddo ministers are expected to help the adge local minister with the meeting* Cc a the Houma--In the manufacture of mi Coco granulated sugar great strides have of sist- been made by the three refineries in ta Her- this parish which have been equipped se ding for making this high grade of sugar. Houma.-Lee P. Lottinger has re -c ard, ently sold his entire interests in the an and Pelican Lake and Oyster Company, ot the and in the store near Dalgleville, to b rish his associate in business, Theodore e ex Engeron of this city. I, to Houam.-On account of the long c erry spell of warm weather which has pro tel sut. vailed in this sectoin, the farmers ov the here are expressing uneasiness as to le the the fruit and early track crop this I o- year. They fear the present cold a e be wave will have. the effect of destroy- a ne- lag the crops. a the isi De Ridder.-That De Ridder is fui was florishing in a business way is evi- Pr Glf doened by the fact thbat new business qu ha concerns sad persons seeking business s, investments are locating here and no and either buyinl out established business st sop. concerns or else looking for locations co the to open new lines. al has a' De Ridder.-The Coco Cola Bottling to te Works has been transferred from at 8. W. Holland to D. D. Stevenson and cej rom partneus, who have taken possession her and will manage the plant. Mr. Hol- rei land has severed his business connec- ti oil tions in De Ridder after many years of tic the successful operations. yal- Hounma.-ood weather has enabled be Jst the planters to make satsifactory prog- an laid res with their planting operations St ce during the past week or two and plans ha are being carried out, as far as the let n financial situation permits to plant for The one of the largest sugar crops in the . she history of the Industry. lahe as ey say lake Charles.-The absence of in- i lty flensa and pneumonia from Lake ve, Charles this winter is most likely due red of to the extreme mild weather of Janu- be ry, ary to March 2S, 1920, 1,220 cases of a ape Influena and 75 cases of pneumonia on nor were reported. This year there is a nee ob. notable absence of these diseases. sua obn abl n Porest Hill.-Crawford Willis, aged ti .b 12, a pupil of the Forest Hill High and School, while returning home from ia school recently picked up a dynamite cartridge in the road and applied the match to it. When the smoke died of away and cleared up it was found that Co ! two fiagers of his right hand were cras gone. Wi' s Thibodaux.-Postmaster Albert Boa- the dreaux, havingl found that closing the and posetoffilce tafter distributig the 6 p. m. in mail was not satisfactory to many - patrons of the office, wrote to the 1S1: B postal uthorities for permiseion to Bry resume the former plan. He had al Sscreens and wickets placed in the of. o r ice, us a safety measure, and the of- p3r Aee remas iopun until 3:30. vei Lake Charles.- The lowest ess t prices in any years was estaMished ut here when retail stores hung oat signs C: of of 25 cents per dosen. In the smaller quol re towns in the outan portion of the sta pariah the eggs are brising only 20 to cents a dosen. Hens are being main- whi - tained by farmers at small cost now, emp th as they are being fed crushed ric .-a a toj Thibodanx--O. Saos, of the lowee uem part of this perish, wuent to Morgan . City and dismantled the cannings fac tory that was located in that towra, and shipped ti eantire outft, via e Scanals and bayous to this perish, - iI where it will be rsbuilt at the thrlv- h.d Sing settlement of Golden Meadow, wi * about forty-seven miles below Thibe 43:1: Lydal ulO Lake Charles.-Judge ThFoe. P. Po ter, Jr., in district court recently held d that the Parvlew School District No. S9 of Allen Parish was illegally cra- To Stated. This decislon was rendered in appo 1- the tax suit of the Leng-Bell Lumber houe r- Co. vs. the Allen Parish School die- resl * trict. The Judge held that No. 9 over. "lntr t lapped district No. 8, contrary to the with statutes of Louisianas . Hirol Houma. - Ernest Callouset, pro. I- prietor of the "Whfteway Restaurant" a a Houma, has bouht a half interest I n I the LeBlane Restaurant in Thibodau xto 5X. J. Brien, also of this perish, own a.s t the other half interest in the place. De Ridder-Three new buildfgs ter C SIn East First street are under eol-J an i Utructkn, sad will be opend in the ir $1( 1 nr utare. These changes in mSI I bespeak ir Do Rider an activeL Ibuies in the oa1rci1 AMn, end liS -s e Lwe g te i s " " " ; ' -i - Splace U. S. NOT BOUND BY on gents' ansferred 'JAPAN'S MANDATE Sorgan- CLAIMS INTEREST IN P'TITION of Lake OF FORMER GERkMN eting re' POSSE881ONS. increased rain VYAP NOT RELINQUI ISHED action re k is still eage has Declares That United States as One of the Principal Allied Powers Houma Has An Equal Concern and to the An Inseparable Interest. e parish, lence and Ms. Washington.-The American govern methodist aent has taken an unequivocal stand and will with regard to its right to a voice in more the disposition of the former overseas help the possessions of Germany. Secretary Colby, in his note to the Council of the League of Nations, cture of made public, submits that disposition tes have of those possessions "cannot be under nerles in taken or effectuated" without the as equipped sent of the United States. sugar. He says that the United States "as one of the principal allied and asso has re. ciated powers has an equal concern ta in the and an inseparable interest" with the company, other powers in the territories taken eville, to from Germany, and "concededly an Theodore equal voice in their disposition." Declaring the American government the long cannot regard itself as bound by the has pre terms of the mandate given to Japan farmers over the Pacific Island of Yap by the s as to league, the secretary requests that the rop this Council, "having obviously acted under ent cold a misapprehension of the facts" in as destroy- suming that the United States had approved a Japanese mandate over the island, reopen the question for "the Idder is further consideration which the y ip evi- proper settlement of it clearly re business quires." business . Officials declared that in acting ere and now the present administration had business strengthened the position of the in. locations coming adminlstration. The opinion also was expressed that there may be a conference of the interested powers Bottling to discuss the question. It is under, Wd from stood that such a course would be ac ,son and ceptable to the United States. issession Referring to the Yap mandate, Sec. Mr. Hol- retary Colby's note said that at the conneo- time of the discussions of the ques years of tion at Paris Presidcnt Wilson "was particular to stipulate" that it should enabled be reserved for future consideration b d prog and that subsequently the United erations States, in notes to Great Britain, d plans France, Italy and Japan "set forth at Sas the length its contention that Yap had in plant for fact been expected" from the proposed a n the mandate to Japan for the Pacific is lands north of the equator, formerly held by Oermany. e of in. "The information was further con a Lake veyed," Mr. Colby states, "that the kely due reservations which had previously of Jana- been made by this government re ases of garding the island of Yap were based I sumonia ol the view that the island of Yap I are is a necesarily constitutes an indi;pen es. sable part of any scheme or practic able arrangement of cable cbmmunica- I is, aged tion in the Pacific, and that its free c l High and unhampered use should not be I s from limited or controlled by one power." I ynamite lied the Prominent Arkanean Dies. e died Little Rock, Ark.-William F. Mc. I ad were Combe, former chairman of the Demo- ' cratic Natioal Commnttee, President Wilson's campaign manager during f art Boap the latter's rst race for president, tn_ the and a native of Hamburg, Ark., died 6p.m. in Greenwich, Conn. many Mr. McCombs entered politics in to the 1912, when he and William Jennings lon to Bryan entered the Democratic aation r e had al convention at Baltlnora Md., and the of- overthrew Wall Street's control of the the o- party, nominatin President Wilso over Champ Clark of Missouri. a t qg Pla Federation. blshed It signs Copenhagen. - Moscow dispatchee a smaler quote the soviet organ, Isvetria, as oif the stating that soviet Russa is working aly 0 to create a federation a all the statee maia- which formed part of the old Reasan a it now, empire and since, have become de- a e taehed from it. The object stated is a to prevent "the growing entento I tl lowerw uencos" in those countries. Lorgan SSteamer is Disabled. tow., Boston. - The Shipping B t, via steamer Federal Bridlge reported by prish, wireless from mid-Atlantic that she thrlv. had lost both her propellers and was-t -dow, waiting for a tow. Her position was e hiub 43:l1'north, 3:~O0 west She is bond ai to Glasgow from New Orleans an T r Po Irleston. y held SI ct No, New Jap' Functionary. y ere- Toklo.-Baron Nobuaki Makino was red in sppointed minister of the imperial umber household. Baron YuJro Nakamurs 1I die- resigned the post as a result of the A over "intrige" which arose in connection S to the with the engagement of Crown Princ wI Hiroblto to Princess Nagako. . Big Mill. Destroyed. artt" Haselburt, G --A terrifc explob st ha don of undetermined origin set ire St d to sad completely destroyed the lre th own mills, a large amonrt of otton agd dl C and manuatctued products of the Car at Ia ter Cotton Oil Company ere, eausing wi an estimated damage of appoximate a athe omP WiW bek active Perie o selr. SmO Vleas-A peste athr e d* S tg g -k' Smyee vs [JAn Elephant On His Hands ITE nON ...ýýýAUKS IED wIi;. One 8rs vern stand De in reeas ,the e to the pn REDS MAY BATTLE ie under the s- JAPAN IN SIBERIA ates "as bd asso- CONCENTRATION OF THE SOVIET oner TROOPS BELIEVED TO PRESAGE is taken MILITARY CAMPAIGN. edly an ernment Harbin, Manchuria.-Military opera [ by the tions by the Russian Bolshevik against o Japan Japanese forces in Siberia are be p by the lieved to be foreshadowed by concen that the trations of soviet troops in the eastern ad under end of the country. There were 50,000 B" in as- Bolshevik soldiers in Chita recently ites had and more are said to be arriving at over the intervals. Units are proceeding to tor "the points further east, assembling prin ch the clpally in the Primorsky district and arly re- along the Manchurian frontier. While badly clothed and fed, these soldiers acting are well armed and under severe dis ion had cipline.. the tin Eighteen thousand troops have ar opinion rived at Verkniedinsk from Moscow. may be At Khabarovsk, on the Amur river, powers about 40,000 Bolshevik troops are con s under centrated, and these are gradually be d be ac Ing moved south to points on the Iman and Usser rivers. The official reason ite, Sec- given by the Bolshevik for dispatch. : at the ig troops to Khabarovsk is that there ie ques- are large supplies of grain there, suf S"was ficient to maintain the troops for a t should year. However, reports from there feration indicate that the supplies available United are sufficient for about a month. Britain, To increase the regular and guerilla forth at forces, the Bolshevik authorities are had in mobilizing the population of the Rus reposed sian Far East. This step would have iSc is- the double purpose of increasing the ormerly military forces, and of disintegrating, by calling into service of the existing Ler con- government, the men of the Kappel bat the and Semenof anti-Bolshevik armies, viously still more or less intact beyond the lent re- Manchuria eastern frontier. Mobil a based Isation is meetint with some opposi of Yap tion from the people. Idipen- Troops are distributed, along the practic- whole line of railway from Chita east munica- to the Manchurian frontier. At Man Its free chull, on the border, Bolshevik organ not be isations have been formed and are power." smuggling agents through to Man charia for propaganda work. Activity a is noticeable in the movement of loco F. Mc. motives and cars from the Usseri rail Demo way (connecting Khabarovsk and esident Nikolsk) to the Amur railway, which during forms the connecting link with Trans asident, Balkalia through Russian territory. F, died Pood supplels are being moved by mail from Vladivostok into the Pri i in morsk province, and attempts have ,ints been made to smuggle arms into these ation. regions The Bolshevik fear that the 4., and Japanese may create an opposition I of the "bufer state," in the Primorak region I wilo, by spring, in which event they might make use of the Kappel and Semenoff troops. Appointment of the Japanese Gen- I Iral Tachibana to command troops in 1 tehe Siberia is considered signifcant. rlaas orhing Deicate Sale Perfected. states 8ctokholm. Professors Peterson asslan and 8troembergt respectively of Goth ne d eaburg and Stockholm Universities, ited is are said to have perfected an inven ate it tion which is called the "microscale," E which, it Is said, is capable of regist- ' ering weights as low at one three- C millionth of a milligram. Board r ad by China Will Help U. S. Sshe Washington.-China will stand by Ld was the United 8tates if this country is n was ever in need of a friead to aid agalinst bound any enemy from across the sea, Dr. a any Teyhi Hsieh, secretary of labor of Chai na, told a gathering of congressmen I gad business men here interested in Chinese relief measures. * a peral Fire Wrecks Store. inura Darlintton, 8. C.--lFIre of undeter mi the ained origin which for a time threat ction oBed to destroy adjoining buildings, ric wrocked the A. Hymans departament L tore here, entalling a loss of $150,000. a Aircraft Are Necessary., epl. Wuashingto.-Unles the United Sre ta tes is willing to place itself within 11 large the power of Great Brltiu it must a agj develop naval aviation, in tIe opinon tl o CUao Read Admiral Bradley A. Fiske. t us'ag who expressed his view on naval a mae aearoautics. Kames LMe- Pert. S ., wohih arriuetd hbre ?ebmsey a *1M .Im~Mu.6· aW. U--~ir Itu w ~ · HARDING COMPLETES IA CABINET SELECTION ET EDWIN DENBY OF MICHIGAN AP. IE POINTED SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. ir- St. Augustine, FIa.-President-elect net Harding has reached a tentative deci be- ion on every place in his cabinet. en- and unless there are last-minute mrn changes the official circle of the net O00 administration will be composed of tly these men: at Secretary of state: Charles Evans to Hughes of New York, former gov, 1in- ernor, justice of the Supreme Court ad and Republican nominee for the preas1 dile dency. era Seeretary of Treasury: Andrew W. Lis- Mellon of Pennsylvania, a banker and financiar, member of a family report ar- ed to be among the wealthiest in this )w. country. er, Secretary of war: John W. Weeks on- of Massachusetts. former United be- States senator and in 1916 a candidate ian for the presidential nomination. ion Attorney general: Harry M. Daugh ch- erty of Ohio. who manages the pre ere convention campaign resulting in Mr. at- Harding's nomination. a Secretary of the navy: Edwin Den. wre by of Michigan, a former member of ble Congress, who has served as an en listed man in both the Navy and Ila Marine Corps. ire Secretary of the interior: Albert as. B. Fall of New Mexico, now a United ,e States senator. he Secretary of agriculture: Henry ig, Wallace of Iowa, editor of farm publi ng cations. eel Secretary of commerce: Herbert is, Hoover of California, former food ad he ministrator and leader in various iii- movements for European relief. i- Secretary of labor: James J. Davis of Pennsylvania and Illinois, a former he union steel worker, who has become mat the highest official in the %foose lodge. in- Postmaster general: Will H. Hays in- of Indiana, chairman of the Republi re can National Committee. n- If changes are made they are most ty likely to affect the appointments for o- navy, commerce and labor, all of 11- which have come to the point of de id casion within the last 24 hours. eh In regard to none of these has there is- been an exchange of formal Invita tion and acceptance, but in every )y case the selections made by Mr. Hard ri- ing are expected to stand. re Assignment of the navy portfolio to e Mr. Denby, who is a Detroit lawyer, ie furnished the first real surprise of n the cabinet situation, for his name n had not been mentioned publicly In ht connection with the place. It is said I that from the first he has been under consideration, however, and was held -in reserve for Just such a contingency as Mr. Harding faced recently when former Gov. Frank O. Lowden of 0 linols declined to be considered to' the navy secretaryship. Baptist Leader III. e Macon, Ga.-Dr. J. B. Gambrell, , president of the Southern Baptist con vention and former president of Mer cer University, is critically ill i Dallas, Texas, according to messages received here. His son and daughter have left here for Dallas. s Cadet Flyers Killed. t Austin, Texas.--Cadet E. K. Allen . and Virgil Beach, both of Kelley Field 1.No. 2, San Antonio, were instantly n killed when their plane crashed on Penn field, one mile south of Austin, as they were taking oft in It for Bar Antonio. S Exploeion Kills Four. Evansville, Ind. - Four miners ar , dad as a result of an explosion in the t Liberty coal mine near Francisco, 3 m. iles northeast of here. Frest Hurets Creps. I Corpus Christi, Tex-Heavy frost a ltn this vicinity did considerable dam. Sage to the truck crop and is reported a to have injured the fruit crop, a large .number of trees havtng bloomed be Scause of the recent warm wenther. mare cOmet ^ma Bdeste-A lss esttmated at $1. 900 yealte frem a t. vWelt detau. . ed the aNser bh ss the a . HARDWARE AND FARM IMPLEMENTS If you are in the market for dependable Hardware or Farming Implements, it will be to your interest to get our rices before buying elsewhere for what you need in this Stoves, Ranges, Charcoal Burners, Garden Hoes, Rakes, and Plows Tallulah Hardware & Furniture Company Select What You Want! Come in and see our stock before going somewhere else to buy your goods. Out stock is full all the time, and we are al ways glad to show it to you. You can get just as good material and prices here as from any mail order house. MAX LEVY & COMPANY TALLULAH, LOUISIANA THE TALLULAH STATE BANK -,HAS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For ely $3.00 per annum. Every person who has vjMi+ uable papers should obtain one of these boxes. THR Vicksburg Boiler & Iron Works Manufacturers of BOILERS, SMOKESTACKS, BREECHINGS AND TANKS In Stock for Immediate Shipment Boiler Tubes, Reinforcing Steel Bars, Stack Paint, Wire, Tube Expanders, Copper Ferrules, Fusible Steel Plates, Thin Sheets, Rivets, Angle Bars, Stay Beams, Patch Bolts, Machine Bolts, Threaded Steel Valves and Fittings. "Repair Work and Satisfying Service Our Long Suit" Phone 765 VICISBU •, - s w oau. ,.JV" SOULE COLLEGE NEW ORLEANS, LA. Should be given the beet tralnin prepare them for succeee IP g Jnese. Highest Courses. Beet ties, Personal Instructloa, lree f PI |ploym*nt Department, College Bank. College Store Wholesale Offices. No sentations to seacre a Through the success of Its 24 former students. Sonie Cell recogniseld everywhere as a Awake. Practical, Popular Worthy School 0Oe. SOULS A 50M Patreolze Our Adver'fsers They are all boosters and deserve your bustness.