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THE MADISON JOURNAL A TH E RPRINTING ..= EARUS. .6M. .1V O 3IaDRBD OiQa OURNAL O 7msOTo VUWco B Jun1torT VMAL ODISON PARISH SCHOOL BOARD OICI I , L ROUNTREE, Publisher TALLULAH, MADISON PARISH. LOUISIANA. SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1921. NEW SERIES, VOLUME 9, NO. 1. r WORK BACKED BY NEW ORLEANS HRENCE IN , THtIODAUX TO IMPROVE HIGHWAY LEADS TO ACTION. IDER WAYS AND MEANS Orleans Wants Assurance That slod Could Se Used at All Times -Appoint Committee To Co. for Over Matter. TJhbodauz. La-A conference In abs under the auspices of the -satourche Association of the meeting having been b the Good Roads Bureau of New Orleans Association of Com resulted in a decision to raise ad of $,000 to make a good dirt around what is known as the L'Ours loop on bend in the road Morgan City and Gibson, a of some ten miles. The com appointed to deliberate upon Natter determined that the money be raised upon the following 5$1,00 by New Orleans, $1,500 So parish of Assumption and $100 ilm the parishes of St. Mary, and Latourche. meetting was called to order by Payne, president of the local of Commerce. He stated be meeting was called to consid and means of securing a good between Morgan City and Gibson tourists might travel the whole h_-et interference or delay sedeBd upon A. L Winkler. of to submit a plan, which tdersutood had been worked Mr. Winkle said he had noth to offer and then George president of the Assump Jur. stated that, althoug Sstretd of road in question is his parish, Assumption h terested unless it was decidd peon the old road that fles yemr L'Ours and not go (beCarolse Cut Of, becaO se Irdeeats of Assumption par. galg the present roadway m ivres aloung Carolinel Cut iraubhaar, president of the Association of arose sad asked Mr. Dodge to the Carolnae Cut Of, be be declared, around the prey es distance is ten mues, aesro the other way it is only on ths eaour muss. Besides, ovr $1,00. contriabuted by of Lafourbch, Assump. Mary and Trreboane, had upon the Carollne Cut Of ed he thaought that a good reply, Calvin Wrslor, of arse and said that be elt ema s p-rishe shoauld to the wishes of Assumption the re ae dng the round S la tashe The migration eeoh to Iser nesting N o elat se tbets of l thle aupd er t areeseafg Into e ' *d t teb.hermen w m e s drSdeo wk re Sdupwtr dres bsed P - the rnep teswt thertJ. a or the Ime. * blhad metwit rIsh S ouslento dred is r therersr hirt. b f the eltr no it pe lkd mee It wit busic -The predited n Clee Idn to ds ue pr MIY themomn here . aneY wstaion wa tla haSarrve and isd VI of gave th Eunice.-MIss Dorothy Stockton, perish health nurse of St. Landry, went to New Orleans to attend the conventio of parish and state health nurses which was held there recently. Pointe a Ia Hache.-Thirty town lots have ben sold in Solomonville, the ne gro settlement on the lower end of the Cedar Grove Plantation. It will be incorporated and governed by na gro oficers. Lake Charles.-Ofacers of Group "C" Louisiana Bankers' Association, which includes all banks in Southwest Louisiana, met in Crowley, March 16, to arrange a program for the conven tion to be held in Lake Charles. Lafayette-At a. meeting of the Civic League recently it was arranged to hold "Cleanup Week" beginning Monday, March 7. The state conven tions of the Woodmen and Woodmen Circle will open the following Mon day, bringing 1,000 to 2,000 visitors to the city. Monroe.-An appeal will be taken to the State Supreme Court in the case of Walter O. Kirkpatrnce Vs the City of Monroe, in which the former consulting engineer seeks damages for $26,666 against the city for abrogation of his contract, attorneys for the plain tiff announce. Pointe a la Hache.-The grand Jury was called in special session, with J. R. Carlisle as foreman, to investigate several imptotant matters, including an assault case at Boothrville. Judge L. H. Peres will also convene a sea sion of court to try several criminal and civil cases. Natchitoches. - Professor L J. A.I; leman, of the Normal Extension De partment is in Washington, D. C., at tending the National Council of Nor mal School Presidents, from which he will go to the Superintendents' Con. ference of the National Education As sociation at Atlantic City. Lake Charles.-A municipal elee tion will be held in Vinton in April when a mayor and Are aldermen will be elected. Those who have already announced are: Val Williams, for mayor; D. 0. VIncent. . LI Wynne, Athan Perry. C. G. Veaissatt and A. W. Whitlngi aldermea. Grand Isle.-The large cucumber crop planted on the island was un harmed by the cold weather. Ample warning of the cold wave was sent to the plantation by the Algiers Naval Radio Station to the lifesaving wire. les station here, thus saving a pleat ed crop of over $10,090. Moroe.-Monroe citisens are en deavorinag to secure a parole or par don for James Howard sad Tom Car ter, negroes, who were giaven one year in the state penitentiary for sething a hog ach. It has developed that both families of the negroes are starv ing and the negroes stole to keep their Eamlles alive. Polate a la HachekAt a session of the District Court Judo J. I. Peres -ustalaed the demurrer to the ease of Prosper Williams a charge of criml sal assault as returned by the grand Inry a the grounds that the grad lury was not present and was not polled by the letrk in open eourt when h iandletment was presented and I led. Judgment was rendered i the moess .on of J. a Iasterlag, die. hagSing Mrs. hateing as admias. I ratria. Natabitechs - The Natchtitdehes Ulh dchool defested the Marthavile, digh School In basketball at Marth Ile, Hgh Schol In basketball at arthaville by a sore oe 18 to 1. 1 his is the sth easeeutive vetory or the Nathiteithes igh team witth. Sa loss ot oa* ameo r the eat~o e-. Thi school has not lost a h--le athletle eontest during this --e-l yanr. Nachte0es High wIN lay both arthavlD eat ed mm nstt a the aear future. Nat*toeh ,.-The Deapmnt otf luase has Just publiMshed an elabate pie with Ihetraphes tihe teah- r rs e that dparument as ollaews: I. Caurtrlght, teaeber a vlom, diree r e the eashetra andstr er the * -ee ab; MsR. 3L Coutrlght, pub, aschos mule; Msas Ine Cfrter, p1 a- ad MIas ]rhaeo Oareenamr, Dedader.-Aa anetism sale was ta daeted onas the let h es the as Plt atiseani Bak and was the langeet a n sale thesebo se oewlr to t "ag tim or ermer to seleet seah abhiery and imilements as thr md. Thebo sale was esuseted nder a of the Camber eo ime- and the perish eSent, , Maroe-Saetbern Carbea Coer a otelals at Mearoe amoamee thes s asation·m e the Dereo erporatils a de the lawe of Delaware for ae ii poue ot Ibldigr a aplant I the mrae ld to decolerte eareena res rdte to bleach sgar. The erpore,. - will have a catalisatio m of $3, .00 and willn bild a plant eeastl in 0O.,0 at Fairks.. 0 B-r-eport--ALetl for Maro ha y, a citisea ao Cad paris, been & Blanchaed reeatly aled t4 Its In the distriet eours, elaimg t 'to rrahtb piop r tae towm a vsa. It was staed tat IU o tfhme its are In eaoure o preparaetion ad Sremainder wm be Sled witthin a rays. a rewd Isle.-D .Mas ahes oit i asse seisM meo a prement , o ,n, ,,e, I[J In The Skyscraper Class 6000IIE$S: Gw iEvS W a sum rIISUbloh oro CI0M ,E1 'RIES I. // AJ:4W· ' WILSON AND COLBY - TO BE LAW PARJNE[RS dry J. RETIRING PRESIDENT AND SEC ate RETARY TO UNDERTAKE IN Ing TERNATIONAL PRACTICE. ls* es l Washington. - With a brief an nouncement that he "will resume the AL practice of law," President Wilson gave that first indication of what he at intends to do after leaving the White House. he It was announced at the White House that Mr. Wilson would enter a A partnership with Bainbridge Colby of New York, retiring secretary of state, and the firm will establish offices in son New York and Washington. No in rit formation of the character of practice. rill Wilson and Colby will undertake was dy made available. Secretary Colby re For fused to discuss the subject. me, It is assumed that the firm will en A gage largely in the practice of interna tional law. Mr. Wllson's start in life was in the law. Graduated from the University - of Virginia, in his native state in de 1881. he practiced in Atlanta two to years, and then in 1883 practiced in ra Baltimore while doing post-graduate reI work at Johns Hopkins University. It was then his writings attracted first attention, and he wrote his volume on congressional government. He aban doned the law soon after, however, and began collegiate work. With the announcement that Mr. Wilson would practice law, official SWashington asked: "Is he physically able to do so?" Rear Admiral Grayson. Mr. Wilson's physician, said his patient could, and that he would be able to appear in the of Supreme Court "occasionally." Those ms who know his coditon think his prin. of eip activities will be as a counws lcr. d- It was said at the White House that ad Mr. Wilson will apply for admission to d practiee before the Supreme Court of ot the United States. o Probably no announcement has sar a prised Washington more during recent a months. Mr. Wilson kept his own a counsel eoncerning his plans up to the s. last moment. Much business for international law irms daring the next 0 years us Sdoubtedly will arise out of the World IS war ad ts aftermath. The wide e* test of Mr. Wilson's knowledge of In It side international affairs during the L las eight years is conceded. He has 7 a stre of data aon the peace eoares Sones an idts proceedings, which Is po Ssesed by no one else in the United " States. CLal Mom Make Semi, S idianap k Lad-Indiana coal epa. raters ader indietment on charges iof a f violating the Sherman anti-trust law a throg a cospiracy with miaers a a a. retailers to lacrease soft coal prices, a L surredered to Mark Storer , United . States marshaland gave sened of $0,- a s oN uch for their release. Mawr Firms mladleted. New Yort.-Two tndletmets coe tatting namas of nearly 60 corpora tI ses ad Indivduals included in the membership o the Marble Cowtr. a i isra* Association were returned by the ' I January Grand Jury. Violation of the state anti-trust law was charged. Trouble At Peae Lames. Washingstem - A demonstration against the Puama consulate at Port Lie., Costa Rica, occurred recently, aweerdia to a report received by the State Department from the Americas s cmesul at Port JUmom. The dispatch Inaleated order had boen restored. Hamburg a ey Pert. lambmrs.-FIve hundred sad brth thra vaessels, havins a tomUage total lag P2',S, arrived durias g eruary. d OI these 32 Sew the American flag. Neremka0 ahk Clsed. Incoln, Noe-The Radar, Nob., State ank, crryla deposits of more 1 than $3e,W, was losed by order o b the state departmeAt of trade ad commeree, with the disovery by a bak mnmor lW a appareat hor-. age io i8,i i L~mbm-ry l S-Isms I CHAMP CLARK DEAD AFTER LONG SERVICE VICTIM OF COLD AND INFIRMI. TIES OF OLD AGE-CONGRE88 MOURNS ITS LOSS. Washington.-Death has closed the career of Champ Clark of Missouri, for more than a quarter century a tower ing figure in national politics, a stal wart of the Democratic party. He died in the shadow of the capi tol, Just over the way from the hotel where he has lived many yealu. House and Senate seethed in the closins hours of the Conlress of which he was an honored member and leader. The stir of legslative battle was with him to the end. He lived again In memory, as his pulses flagged, days of the eight years he wielded the speaker's gavel in the House. Those sorrowing at his bedside heard the old chlef matter in his last delirium "The question is on adoption of the conference report" By mandate more btnding than any written law, Congress baely halted in reverence to mark the passing of the aged member. Knowing the vital urgency of time in the closnng days of a Congress, the farmer speaker seant word to both houses, from what he knew was his death bed, that no halt in public business should be made at his death. In obedience the House halted a half-bhour in adjournment then march ed on with its crowded program. In that pressing work Mr. Clark took active hare up to a little more then 10 days ago, advising. his party colleagus as Demoerate leader until a cold struck him down to become a victim to the infirmities of his 70 years of driving life. His death threw a shadow over every fce la the bhamber when Representatve Rucker if the Missouri delegation arose to Manoune it, his voice choked with emotion. It was a halthing brief ulo _ heo pronouaed, but he drew hera members sigs of sorrow more ele it thean words. Sr Weeden Strustues. Washington. -Authority of the board of public works of San Fran deco to prevent maintennace of I soode structures within the city are imits was sustained by the supreme i Okhiuma Bank Robbed. Piedmont. Okla.-Three ummshed aS entered the First State Bank I re aad robbed the girl cashier, I assie Wadaeheek, of C,0 ina cash I ad $10,000 n Liberty bonds. She was ione in the beak. The me eeaped I Sa waiting adtomoble. In Crease. Wls--The iee has mre. I 4 out of the MihssissippI here 20 i rays earlier than last year and the artiest sInce 1878. No Hepe Fer Usnage Washlbbtoa.-Hope o enactmaent at his session of Congress of the solder t ons was lmahndoned by its propo I outs. t No Lmtenmnt Osuerel, Washingtoa.-The RHose has re·in ito aree to the Senate amenmenta m the my apre hog leon MU pMrs - se the uoma the a m d a eat emt asseeahb U COGBRESS WILL REDUCE TAXATIO WILL ELIMINATE EXCESS PROF. ITS AND OTHER OBJECTION. ABLE TAXES. PROCEDURE IS UNCERTAIN Appropriations For the Next Fiscal ear Cut One-Third Below Depart meat Estimates-Chance For a Surplus. Washington.-Eiimination of the excess profits and other objectionable taxes, the reduction of the tax burden generally and a simplification of the tax system are the prospective out standing features of the revision of the-revenue law by the sixty-seventi Congress, which President Harding SE shortly will conv6ke in extraordinary session. duced will depend upon the margin MI. of prospective revenue over prospec tive expenditure and such refinancing of government obligations as may be decided upon. The appropriations for the next fiscal year were cut one-third below the the departmental estimates. Even so, for the total, including the 11 measures er- passed and signed by the president, Al- the army bill passed both houses but killed by a "pocket veto," and the ,p- naval bill which was flibustered to tel death in the Senate, ran above $3, 800,000,000. Included in this total is abut $500.000,000 for the postal ser vice paid out of postal receipts. If no other expenditures were to: be made during the fiscal year and if no funds were to be used toward the retirement of the floating debt there probably would be a surplus of about $1,6500,000,000 out of anticipated reve nue. The problem confronting Congress Is whether this surplus should be used I toward wiping out the floating debt as was advocated by former Secretary of the Treasury Houston, whether obh Jectionable taxes such as the excess profits tax should be repealed and no substitute provided, or possible con tingencies, including the enactment of soldiers' bonus legislation, make it ad visable to impose new taxes in place of those repealed. The revenue in prospect outrlng the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1921, and ae ending June 30, 1922, for which ap ag propriations were Just made, totals he aoout $5,350,000,000 on the basis of r. present laws. Afte_r taking into ao as count the greatly diminished returns In caused by the slump in business so d tivity the Treasury Department has he estimated that the present schedule a of internal taxes will yield approxi e mately $4000,000,000 for that fiscal year. he Fall May Net Aeocet. my Santa Pe, N. M.-That United i tates Seator Albert . Palt, of New Mexico, may not accept the post of asecretary of the interior and may serve out his term in the Senate, was t delaed by Attorney Mark B. Thomp 3son, of Las Crces, cloe friend of eat ator Fall. Shipyard Cuts Wages. Newport News, Va.-Tbe Newport News Shilpblldina an dDrydoek Cos pany announeed a general vwage redu tien averaging between 12 and 15 per eant, eRective March 16 The redne tier 8 ects appreimately 5,000 work man and is said by otcilis to be In proportion to the drop in the cast eti Iving In this city. Inqgylre Ints IukIalg. Washington.--A naval eourt of in ury nto the siatki of the United States detroyer Woolay by the steamer Steel Invenstor, oft Panama, has been orered by Admiral Hagh Romdam, commander-cket the Pacific et. a Two Aviatmrs Killed. a- Meaotomery, Ala. - Use. verett ail l lirkptrick of Miami and Pvt. * (.1ye w. Pratt of St. Andrmws, la., * were killed Instantly when a piane ia which they were fyin fae nere Units Agalt Seviets d Udapest. - A defmeive aflane k againt the BolshberHikl has been en r, tered into by Poland, Ramana and b Hangary, sad thei treaty a atance a was signed here recently, according Sto information feom reliable sarees. Wileens Keep Tapoestry, washtntona - 1 75,0 tapestry r* premsented to Mrs. worife or the l0 prlesident, during the peace eonite e eI me, will find a plakce in the new home of the Wilsons. Will Explore Arotic. t Chrlstinas--Sir Ernest 8hackelto, r the Antarctic explorer, will leave ia > May or June on a new expedition to the Arctic. He will take with him a dose men at former expeditions and stay ahout two years. a Kuppe G tt Cetremt. llr ea s mest the mase eme he so mis el jae a ee HARDWARE AND FARE IMPLEMENTS If you are in the market for dep e dwarble Hadware ,Fannig Implements, it will be to yoe interest to get sel rks before buying elsewhere for what you need in We Storves, Ranges, Charcoal Burnerq: G Hoes, Rakes, and Plowg Tallalah Hardware & Furniture Select What You W Come in and see our stock before going somewhere else to buy your goods. Our stock is full all the time, and we are al ways glad to show it to you. You can get just as good material and prices here as from any mail order house. MAX LEVY & COMPANY TALLULAH, LOUISIANA THE TALLILAH STATE BAK -HAS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For only $3.00 per annum. Every person who has able papers should obtain one of these boxes. THE Vicksburg Boiler & Iron Works Manafacturers ef BOIhERS, SMOKESTACKS, BREECHINGS AND TANKS In Steck for ImmedIam Shiaent Boilar Tubes Reinforcing Steel Bars, Stack Pl-. Wire, Tube Expanders, Copper Ferrules, Fusble Steel Plates, Thin Sheets, Rivets, Angle Bars, Stay Beams, Patch Bolts, Machine Bolts, Threaded Steel Valves and Fittings. "Bepair Work and Satisfyagn Service Our aLong Suit" Phoen 75 semes, SOULE COLLEGE NEW ORLEANS, LA. shoatls be ges the khel oees Hiesoet s, ties. Persmal Imstrse.. - etthio smenset - ThJLrea tt-e _**-_* e former stesoatae Sanl Werth . lbes&L Platrale Our They are all boosters aund deserve your businOSS