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The Lower Coast Gazette. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE LOWER COAST: AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. VOLUME I. POINTE-A-LA-IIACIIE, LA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1909. NUMBER 4. lU- - ·- - ·- I nmm i"- nm- .. ; , Ill,, - ,, , in~ .i~ _I~ i~ i_ q, lllnl 11nn mil1•pnI ml innmj . . ..i i i ilinl.. ...n il . .llll l I -- ...iI . . n... l ilII I I mil I1 11 1 11 II I n i iiJ•l i• ili nIiim I Ill LAIESI NWS IN LOUISIANA Weevil Does Not Hibernate. Shreveport.--While dliscussing the probable effectrs (of the present cold snap upon the "hibernated" boll wee vii, Captain W. B. Marslon, Prezi:ehnt of the North Louisiana Cotton Plant ers' Association, and former member of the Louisi;ana Crop Pest Comuis sion, declared there is no such thing as a "hibernated'" boil weevil. Iic said: "There never was such a thing as a hibernated boll weevil. This is the greatest nmistake the ent:)mologists have made. The boll weevil is a tropi. cal bug and its daddies and mammies never knew what winter was. The boll worm hibernates and goes into the ground and stays all winter and comes out with the warm days of spring. The boll weevil is like a house fly or" mosquito, or a partridge, or dove- It takes shelter in bad weather only. You can find the boll weevil out in Texas and this State any warm day in winter, feeding and drinking any thing they can find, and they don't 'emerge' as late as June. The Keatchie demonstrations, upon which the entomologists base their conten tions, proved that the weevil emerged (?) as late as june; the truth is the, were in those cages, but some of thex were possibly not found until Junt Early in the year they found a lo of 'emerged' weev:ls and marked them with red ink, and these same weevils 'emerged' again very much later in the year. That the winter weevil will survive until June'is true, for I myself have carried them until the 18th of June, but I watered and fed thegn from the 10th day of March onI tton, Bermuda grass, etc.,. the toe" to the contrary notwithstand '-' C" UCTOR HARRISON KILLED. 11 on the IcS,at Monroe and Falls S Beneath Wheels. roe.'- W.L. Harrison, one of th best-known passenger conductors o the Vicksburg, Shreeeport and P c Railroad, running between burg and Shreveport, was run o by his own train here and badly led, from the effects of which he in about an hour. Both legs cut off near the body and he badly bruiser otherwise. As his caule into the passenger depot he jumped off before it stopped. depot platform was covered with and sleet, causing him to slip fall under the wheels of one of coaches. i Planters Warn Labor Agents. Iexander.--'Tbe farmers and plant of this vicinity held an indigna S ameeting and passed a resolution trig labor' agents to desist their 'eratfons in enticing negroes away .r ,the plantations to Arkansas and EaI'ippL Cottaig Destroyed by Fire. Sezaandria--Fnur cottages in the ' .pre Addition of this city were med and the occupants lost every f !a that they possessed. The houses ' outside of the limits of the city E .., ,,were not within reach' of the l rg- wrks. A heavy north wind Sdthe buninlg fragments of the mld~ half way across the west rt-et'10 of the clt and endanger- I t]i large plant of the Red River I, oinmpay and seed warehouses, 'Itk' were fn the track of the gale. other fire alarm were sounded c £ the aight from other portions t f the city. Will Diverslfy Crops. .FWasblngton.--Mr. Jofirlon, an ex- * o rlO th potato culture, of Rapides e ?a"tsh,, addressqd a well-attended r -penlug of farmers and citizens of l ,t town at ,the Ploasky Opera House t ~fV ayn ago. The formers were t vo ib Impressed and will doubt- t (I. tae the good advice offered and , 1.iW~ ietivate a few acres of Irish j, I*o~~* thie~tomlng seam0. This' ii tii.le promise of good deal of i iug'u~ caine that wil} be planted, will j. i ethe much-needed diversification ~i ~:jw~i pe, an4rpwUI in a great measure, ~t4Ekoirime ~tlsEetects of the boll wneevil, t] YK; ?-usa4Mvesl/evd~td.4iOaOtVtedd to RCLe. i, .dane'fllle,--: new departure in the~t , qltt~te ,ine Is to be strated at ane * date. Joseph B. Perez, of Drey- tI , has', cattacted with the 8 e"o the Ziauada and Auckland sntst~lou to plant 1,000 acres of rice. ~ A htl ilbe- made at an early s IY"~ preare the land, install the u 'an,;d lay off lateral ditches. et -wili be Watched with consider- aj :5ht.iteret, Trhoeas contemplating w Sotton thIs year are doing T . grave fear of, the results, w ne" w . enture, proving pr! ei , wil open .a new Aeld in the 0 ItWagic, , gi. bis;:" ,Rog.-Mr . Favrot retires FrC gree'sat the end Of the pres i 1beo p, a while he haas madp - >ubnonnPoaeuIrto his plansj 'i vi8', 'tht e wllmove to~ New g-a *eaahad several, very (~e *e.ra " tTog o tot dIferent li , , ~a detao ine to considerr C ~ Lt4~i~srin I p femovd rom at A~Z 'e-l~aiend be FISHING CUT SHORT. By an Error of a Date in Marston Amendment. New Orleans.-Over 6;, 0c) fishermeu tlhrcughoiut the State will be affected by the mistake of Senator Muarslon in the ht'ilg an amendment passed to Act ld No. 121 of 1896,, instead of Act No. 121 ef 1906, at the last session ,if the ct Gmndlral Assembly, and no green Int trout can be caught with hook or ber line dtring the months of February, March, April or up to May 15. t'hcn Senator Marston passed his e annerliment it was for the purprose of allqwing green trout fishing through sa out the year, which is prohibited by the Act No. 121 of 1906, and through his sts mitake in makling the amendment to Act No. 121 of 1896, which does not ies dea, with the fish or game laws in 'he the least, his amendment becomes deal and forces the Game Commission to enforce Act No. 121 of 1906, which forlids the catching of green trout fly durhg the months mentioned above. Siecila Attorney Amos L. Ponder, of tie Commission returned from Ba in ton Rouge with the facts as related lay abovi about the act, and the officers of tie Game Commission stated that n't they would see that the act of 1906 'he was enforced in every particular anti ich eveq one caught with green trout en- wou1 be arrested. ,ed , Bones and Relics Found. et :1e roe.-Representatives of the nE P'hi:.Ilpihia Academy of Science now lo loti it; for relics on a prehistoric race emi of ,snd builders discovered a wagon ils loan; of bones buried underneath a in n, luing of shells in Captain A. vil My.: a cotton field just back of the SI st~,or The shells were underneath he he, :rtust of earth, just below the ed d('pt t of the plow. By the side of on enit head was a small pot made of he burnao clay. The skeletons were laid Id-. ortti and south, or east and weat. thea kgn of every one were crossed. the rimains of men and women were 0, ike'n from the heap. A number of Sises of different shapes were recov II: ered, ill beautifully carved. Deputy Sheriff Arthur Grant, who was down of the river, brought back several >rs small relics. He says the bones of nd the eseletons were soft when first en taken out, but soon hardened when un the air-reached them. Mr. Grant says Ily some d the vases are work of art, he be:ag eautifully carved. gs he To promote a Drainage System. is Dlt¶-The Board of Levee Commis. I ot sionkttof the Fifth Louisiana Levee td. Dist tc met at Delta. Major Frank *th M. $e , Cbief State Engineer, and lip his aatant, Walter H. Hoffen, ap of pearut ad discussed conditions. A I resol, - was passed that President I McC, n c~ll a mass meeting at t an e- date at Tullah to consider It- a tho, survey of a comprehensive ta- drain;, system, and all police juries on and c ouncils throughout the Fifth Dir Distrl attend. Another resolution &Y pledge he revenues of the Board id for ; - and 1910 to procure neces, funds for building, repairing and e ged such levees as are necessa A rule was made that per. he sons Pwht ant to grow rice and cross re the leve with a pipe or syphon must Y apply t the President. President es McClen report detailed the levee LY and rev ent work now under way le by the te and Government. e W Large Attendance. st Baton uge.--State Superintendent ir- Harris i ending a letter to the parish ~school ra and also to the parish s, superint ents regarding the meeting e. of the artmet of Superintendents o id of the lonal Educational Associa-i 1s tlon, w t is to be held in Chicago t on Feb. 24 and 25, in the Auditor- I turm H "t State Superintendent Har. I ris is & ous that all of the parish c - supeirS tt ents of Louisiana attend 2 8s this m' g, and he is writing them 1I d re gardi it. 'He has also written f to the WIh school boards urging a Sthem assist the parish. supertn- o e tendents paying their extpenses to a t the me g, as he thinks that it t d would B oney well spent and a good h invesmt for the schools of the par- e a ish for superintendent to attend t t this c: i:\once. n; Cr cta to be Made Boon. , Batot ouge.-The contract with I the bt that were selected a little over t weeks ago by the State a Board" - quidation as fiscal agents d e will be i e in the near future. Gaovy. ' ernor has officially notified I' these i i of their selection as fiscal e agent has advised them to make n d arran at for their bonds. The - contr.n s 'these banks and the e: Y State ioulsiana has been drawn P e up and uitted to the Attorney Gen. f • erals' for approval. When it is t1 Sapprovl 'd received the contracts l I will be -' .ed by Governor Sanders. 4 I The th e New Orleans fical banks si '. will ha- t, give a bond of $293,000 st '- each, an ' tle, fiscal agent banks in the I Scoluntr ptrishe.t will each have to P give a 1 ,'i of 188,000. tl B *Negro iayer Sent to Gallows. ' Tulhla Jim COller and Andrew B Washiagt 4 neg roes, have been con- U : victed ,of trde:"in. the first degree R " at thin i o' the Ninth District a] r Court,: 'al ~ lave been sentenced by SJuiid~ge F. X Ra sdell to be' hanged. r' Collier Iti it his father at Delta Pointi :abuit t '? ars ago ln a most, brutal :]ie, to n was captured while re- w ) 411m14 t" e some oflhis crime with 'tb: ,SYOW .arp.,se of killing his wife, " .· hi 20 DIE WHEN TRAINS HIT tor. Fire Starts in Wreckage, But Extin guished With Snow. ted ,linter, (ol.--T enty persons lost 1, I1hir live, and blitween 40 and 60 oth Act cr, wer injured, some fatally, in a No. lead-on (oli,5ion bot wOI we'st btounttl the Denver and li, (;4rande passener train ee No. 5 and easthonndI double-header or fr'-ight t.o. (i6, late Sunaay nighlt, 18 try, iiles tatt of ih'niwood Sprin, ., because Gutstav OI.a \eteranl engilner of the his eHyIvur, failed to obey, orders. of The wreckage caught lire, and the gh- holrror- of a Ihlol'east were otnly avert bY el by tihe uninjured psseins, and meml his hers of the train crews, who used shov to els ard boards to throw snow upon tihe lot tamies, putting them otut before they in could cat their way through the debris tea and eosu.w the dead and living. And, to makllii matters worse, a second wreck ich aoirured east of (;leniwood Springs, after out the tirt relief train reached that city with the injurred, marooning the second ter, relief train carrying other wreck vic tumis and the bodies of nineteen dead, for nearly ten hours. ers ,io6 CUBA LIBRE JANUARY 28. 3Ut Cubans to Be Given Second Chance at Liberty. Havana.-On January 28 at noon the Cuban people will come into their own the for the second time at the hands of the ow American government. It was on May tee 20, 1902, that tlhe American flag, hoisted ;on after the war with Spain, was hauled a down in favor of the blue-striped, single A. starred ensign of Cuba. .he th This republic, for which the Cubans he vainly fought Spain for so many years, of lasted little more than the period be tween presidential elections in the aid United States. In September, 1906, a ,;t, company of marines landed at the pal ed, ace from the United States cruiser Den are ver and halted a victorious revolutionary t of army on the outskirts of Havana, and ov. American intervention, which lirst came 1 ity against a foreign power, was once more wn a reality, this time to set things right ral among the Cubans themselves. - of rat TROUBLED OVER SALARIES en .r, Congresie Raised Own Salary, Why Not OthersP Washington.-Congress is worried over what to do with the salary ques is- tion. The worriment of the statesmen ee conies about in large part because, hav- 1 nh ing cheerfully voted to increase their ud own salaries, and that not long enough ip- ago to be out of the mind of the pub A lie, senators and r'epresentatives cannot int with any grace keep from doing some at thing for their official brethren. 1 er Now along comes a variety of salary e ve increase propositions that, if carried out, es mean additional expenditures for the a president, the speaker of the house, the -d vice-president and the federal judges of a r all descriptions. c re T a The aggregate increase that would be re carried if all these proposed provisions 4r for higher salaries go into effect amounts a to over $4100,000. d tst nt TAFT TALKS TO THE NEGROES " ee.... 1Y Black Man Must Make Himself In- e dispensable Citizen. Augusta, (a.-Introduced to a big au- a t dience of men, cgmprising the negro Y. s sb M. C. A. of this city, as "the most pop- U h lar and conspicuous citizen of the United n g States; America's greatest statesman, t our uncrowned king, for whom we wish ( a a successful administration and a second p o term," by the famnous Dr. Walker, t ,r known as the "Black Spurgeon," Mr. c tr. Taft became greatly interested in dis- ti h cussing the Christian uplift of Y. M. C. Id A. work, and talked for an unusually m long time to his enthusiastic listeners. m Dr. Walker painted a bright present ig and a brighter future for the negroes 8 - of Georgia, who owned, he said, a million to acres of land in the State, and paid Staxes on $20,000,000 worth of property. o This report Mr. Taft regarded as most i d encouraging; it gave him an illustra- p tion for his oft-expressed belief that the f race question must be settled by the d negroes. making themselves indispensa- is Sble to the community in which they pi le lived. This meant industry, information te and thrift,.only acquired by constant in- t, t dividual effort. C 3,000 Houses to Be Built. 1 Washington.-An innovation in inter national relief measures is to be under- ci Staken by the American government in o e expending the $800,000 in money appro a priated for the Italian earthquake suf . ferers. Realizing that great need among is the sufferers will be shelter from the ele- a s ments, President Roosevelt has decided :. to send to Italy material for the con e struction of 3,000 substantial but necs O sa*'rily very modest frame house, supple- vi ei menting this by supplying civilian car :o penters to supervise the construction if this can be arranged, Whipped Judge Asks Damage. Paducah, Ky.-Damages in the sum of $50,000 are asked in a suit filed in the United States Court here by C. W. e Rucker of Metropolis, Ill., against 198 Salleged night riders of this section. The Smajority of the defendants are promi- fl neat in Western Kentucky. The plain tiff was police judge of Eddyville, Ky, when he claims the defendants called at la b his home on the night of March 15, 1908, compelled him to walk barefooted CE to thle Cumberland river in his night ti clothes, w:here they unmercifully beat him with clubs. THE FATE OF THE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION 3Cramr SJ -ov ~w' LEAP. 9 1( 9 '2 - rrE IEP 3tt*0AM Ap QlAl AM. P! I*u SPA? M5t L 6 'fIA IE UP 44 THEY u DAY flop, ýeý4f3C1T ( 3Tf.R " OMMI ýº HOW COMMERCE FELL OFF $400,000 to $500,000 Decrease Through Atlantic Ports. Washington.-Of the approximately $300,000,000 reduction in our foreign commerce in the calendar year 1908 when compared with that of the pre ceding year, nearly $40,000,000 was in the trade which was accustomed to pass through Atlantic ports. This is the statement made in a report just issued by the Bureau of Statistics and Labor. The falling off in the imports in the case of the Mexican border ports, ac cording to the report, is about 40 per cent, and that of the gulf ports about 14 per cent, while the falling off in ex ports from Mexican border ports is about 33 per cent. New Orleans fell off from $42,000,000 to $37,000,000 in imports and from $137,000,000 in exports. TAFT HONORED BY GEORGIANS Makes Speech in Which He Bays South Has Captured Him. Atlanta, Ga.-President-elect Win. H. Taft was in the cordial and hospitable embrace of Georgia all day Friday. Recognizing the climax of the varied and continuous dem6nstrations in the brilliant and imposing scene presented at the banquet in the evening, he ex claimed, with evidences of great feeling: "I had hoped to win the South, but the South has won me." The banquet was the most ambitious event of its kind the city has ever un dertaken. Though participated in by more than 500 of the city's representa tive men, it was gloried in by the en tire population. It and the preceding eloquence of welcome extended to Mr. Taft in his reception at the capital and at the Piedmont Hotel, where he was sought by thousands, constitute a bril liant chapter in his record of achieve ments south of Aason and Dixon's line. A little bunch of violets, plucked from the grave of Alexander Stephens and presented by a grandniece of the dis tinguished Georgian, touched a tender cord and brought forth a warm tribute I to the memory of Stephens. RECORD FOR LITIGATION. Standard Suit in New York Has Cost Trust $4,000,000. New York.-An unprecedented record ' of cost in a single suit and, a record of I words of testimony never before ap proached in la case, prosecuted by the federal government were revealed Fri day when the case, the object of which is to dissolve, the. Standard Oil Com pany of New Jersey, ended. ,The testiidony taken filled twenty two printed books.- The Standard Oil Company spent more than $4,000,000 to defend itself, and the federal govern ment spent about the same amount in 1 prosecuting. Sixty-nine companies de clared to be subsidiary to the Standard Oil were involved in the suit. Exactly 192 witnesses were called by t the government and 140 by the defend ant. The testimony consists of 4,500, 000 words, a greater number, perhaps, than any ever taken in a trial by the United States government of an indi vidual or corporation. If all the testi mony were printed and bound the vol umes would be more than seven feet high. REACTION AGAINST REFORM. Texas Frmers Will Ask Reopening of g Cotton Exchanges. Austin, Tex.-It is learned today that the farmers of Texas have secured their fill of the law that banished cotton ex- r changes from the State, and they are a going to come before the present legis-i lature with a petition asking that the law be repealed so that the cotton ex- t changes can open again. It is claimed d4 that then farmers have lost $3,000,000 in 1 two years since the law went into ef- , feet. 0 F DE SAGAN HIVALS BONI. me Iaking Effort to Best Count in Matters of Fashion. ly Paris.--Ielie de Sagan, in order ti gn show that he is quite as worthy to be ,0S the husband of Anna Gould as Boni de re- Castellane, has created two sensations in this week. One was having judgment ss pronounced against him for 650,000 he fracs due a money lender on a note ed signed on November 29, 1907. So far r. as the agents of the money lender know, he the only property of De Sagan consists c. of 100 new waistcoats. Tuesday he cr visited a fashionable tailor's establish ut ment in the Avenue Champs Elysees, .x- and, taking up a book of samples, said: is "Make me one of each." There were exactly a hundred, of all 00 different designs. Prince Helie 4ls not yet equaled his predecessor, Count Boni, who one day ordered 200 pairs of trousers. S FIGHT ON SALARY INCREASES Ps House May Show Opposition to In. crease in President's Pay. H Washington.-That the senate amend. dle ments to the legislative, executive and Y. judicial appropriation bill, increasing the ed salary of the president to $100,000, of he the vice-president and speaker of the ed house of representatives to $20,000 each, x- with an allowance for a carriage of o: $5,000 each for the vice-president and le speaker, are-not to be approved without some opposition, was shown in the sen as ate when Senator Borah of Idaho, first .n- made a point of order against them as y new legislation. Mr. Clay of Georgia, a- also asked that all proposed increases 1- of salaries of judges, aggregating $328, i 500, be dealt with in the same manner, r. and they will' be discussed after the id other portions of the bill have been dis. s posed of. : QUEEN LIL ASKS $250,000 . | n Claims American Marines Wrested id Country From Her. s- Washington.--After years of vain en -r deavor to obtain compensation for the Si loss of her kingdom, Lilioukalani, former queen of the kingdom of Hawaii, Thurs day appeared in person before the house committee on claims to press her claim. The queen is willing to accept $250,000 as a complete settlement. She contended that only by the as sistance of American marines had the d kingdom been overthrown and the crown lands wrested from her, and further that she had a life interest in them entirely e independent of the throne. Nothing in the dress of the former ruler hinted of regal splendor, unless a large bunch of aigrettes in her little black hat might be considered queenly. A brown velvet dress trimmed in bladk and partially concealed by a loose coat clothed the diminutive figure of the claimant. After the hearing the former queen held an informal reception. .All the members of the committee were intro duced to her, but she did not get her I money. The committee will consider ythe subject later. Shiveley Wins Senatorship. Indianapolis, Ind.-At the Democratio caucus of the Indiana legislature, after twenty ballots, choose former Congress-i man Benjamin F. Shiveley of South Bend for the United States senate. The last ballot stood as follows: Shiveley 42, I Kern 35, Lamb 5, Menzies 2, Charles 1 Maas 1. WANT '%ARD LOCAL OPTION. Indiana, Getting Local Option Down to Unit of Representation. S Indianapolis, Ind.-A bill to repeal the r county local option law passed at the recent special session, and a bill for a township and ward local option law, in keeping with the Democratic State Splatform expected to precipitate the most warfare of any measure during the session, were introduced by Representative John Sweeney. The act simply proposes to wipe the county local option law from the statutes.' HAVE COMMERCIAL SERFDOM Declaration of Governor Johnson Used by Lecturer. ('hiican.-'"ln til Kremlin fea':r of revolution blancllhs tle cheek ofi the: czar: in the UInited St at s the r is umtkt. that might he fanned into Ilane.'' This statem'nt mnade' hr 4ov. .*ohn ston of M.inniota to l)). Sant iii' F. Johnston, formerly head of the depart mnent of political economy, ('niversity of Visc,)onsin, was iquoted byv the li a:tter in an address before the politieal science club of the 'niversity of 'hiiago. "'ITh'e govrernor told me that it is our duty as a nation to 'prevent ctnilaigra tiou Ity stolipiug the manufacture of such intll allitmlt material as the trust-. and spec''ial privilege,'' said )r. .'iihn' ston. "11t said that the plrice of gtood government is gotod citizenlshipl, ev en at the sacriti.e of party afliliation. "Mlininsota's extcpltivi' said that the principles of \\ashinigtin. ,l'etrson and Lintoln have been supplpanted Iby the in of Ilarrimnan. A:\rnour and lRoctkef'eller, andlt that \Vashington foutndedl a nation of freedom which now sullllits to c'Ollllllrc(ial sel'fndotl." DISPENSARY FOR OKLAHOMA Election at Which Dispensary Was Voted Out Held Illegal. Guthrie, Okla.-In an opinion by Chief Justice Rubert L. \\illiams, the State Su preme Court \\'edne'sday held that the liquor dispensary, or state saloon sys tem, which was disapproved by a vote of the people on Novembler :3, was illegal ly submitted and therefore the systeni is still in force. '1The opinion sustains the decision of Judge iHuston in tile district court here. ''The submission was illegal," says " udge \Williams, "because tile proposition contained two separate and antagonistic t questions, tie repeal of tile system, and an amendment to the constitution com e pelling tile voter to give but one expres r sion on the two." Following the election on November 3 0 Gov. Haskell, by proclamation, had de e clared tile dispensary system defeated, but the court decision today holds the proclamation a nullity. KERN CHARGES TREACHERY S Defeated Candidate Says He Was Victim of Double-Dealing. Indianapolis, Ind.-The selection of B. F. Shiveley of South Bend as nomi nee for United States senator by Demo cratie 'members of the State Legisla ture, was followed by a statement from John \W. Kern, who was Shivcley's strongest opponent., Concerning the secret ballot, against which Kern made a hard fight, he says it fiade possible not only the betrayal of constituents by ,-eir representatives, "but all sorts of treachery, double dealing and corrupt practices. It is a matter of great re gret that under the cloak of the secret ballot so many representatives were able to defy the will of their constitu. ents. I have in mind several counties where the sentiment for my nomination was practically unanimous, and that sen timent was well known to their repre sentatives, and yet those representatives deliberately betrayed the people and votd for a man who, in any primary, would not hlve received a handful of votes in those counties." THROWING EGGS CHEAP. Cost One Dollar in Arkansas to Cast an Egg at Jeff Davis. Little I cek, Ark.--One dollar and costs is all that it costs to thlrow, an egg at a United States senator in Ar kansas. When Senator Davis was stumping the State during thle late gubernatorial race in the interest of At torney General Kirby, he barely missed getting egged at Bellefont, four miles east of Harrison. Walter Cantrell threw an egg, ihtending it for the senator, but it missed the mark and hit the gentle man accompanying Senator Davis. For a considerable length of time no one knew officially who threw the egg, but finally thile truth was brought to light, and young Cantrell was arrested. He was found guilty today and fined $1 and costs. BILL 'it FIX JURISDICTION. Representative Humphreys Wants State to Agree. Washington.-In order to settle the' jurisdiction of crime committed on that section of the Mississippi river separat ing Mississippi from Arkansas and Lou isiana, Representative Humphreys of Mississippi introduced in the house two joint resolutions giving Mississippi the power to enter into an agreement with each of the other states named to fix a boundary line. The resolution also grants the right to those states to cede, each to the other, lands that are separated from tne main body of the state by the waters of the Mississippi. Pardons 250 Convicts. Guthrie, Okla.--ln a special message to the legislature today Gov. Haskell submitted the recommendation of the state board of control, who are members of the Kansas prison probe committee, that all Oklahoma prisoners now at Lansing, whose terms are more than two thirds expired, to have less than one year to run, or who are under 18 years old, be paroled. Such a course, if pursuedl, would free about 230 prisoners andl enable the. acconnmmodattion of those remaining at the temporary penitentiary at MkAle.ter. M DO TREES INCREASE RAINFALL? Prof. Thomas Shaw Thinks Further oD Data Is Needed Before Deciding. of The opinion is very prevalent that he the relation is close between the pres k ence ior absence of trees and rainfall. It may be that suchl is tIhe fact, but S Ihe evidence is not so clear on the whole onl this question as could be de sired. Tl'ake, for instance, the story told by the weather records kept at SIismarek, N. N ). For the ten years contmnencing with and including 1875, ti' the annual precipitation was six inches lmo)re than it was during the ten years 'or following. During the first, period 11 almost none of the soil had beent ot broken up. During the second period, t- quite a pIroportion had been broken iii up. The trees in the locality were, od about the same as during the first ll period. During the third period the trees had increased through the plant ;1 ing of groves and yet the average in crease in the rainfall was only six inches. nd During the first period referred to. on the lakes in the Dakotas were filled to overflowing. The water in Devil's lake at that time came up to the site of the present tolwn. The water in tloe lake bed is now at least five miles A from the town. Is it not easjily sup-' posable that a period may tome again as wlen the rainfall will agdlin be ,as great as it was in the'ten-year period commencing with i875. If this were ef to happen, doubtless Devil's lake u- would fill its banks again. I'e The same line of reasoning may by - applied to Minnesota. In 1894 and to one or two of the years 'following, 1l- the weather was so dry that many of; is the shallow lakes went dry. On every he hand the statements .were made that" ct dry seasons had came because the Minnesota forests were being cut vs away. But what happened? During oi seasons following these lakes refilled. c The present season 'he greatest flood tl took place in the Minnesota and Mis - sissippi rivers that has occurred for many a day. It 4is ell,. t'o look for further data with .rdferericd'tb the re lation between forests and' ralrifall. le d, CONCRETE BENCHES. he e. . How They Can Be Madeby the Farm. er Himself. The accompanying sketch shows the construction of parts to build a con as crete bench for the greenhouse. The parts can be made in a metal or wood of en mold and reinforced with expander metal. The side rails are. made in au 10 ým "I`AL de et COM Co. I mosNCN re Made Entirely of Concrete. s angle as shown and are about six feet in in length. The bottom pieces are 1 n' Inch thick, eight inches widle and in e- any length to suit the space. The posts es are two feet high and hav6 one side Id perpendicular, and the other three , sides inclined to make the top four of inches square and the bottom eight inches. The straight side is placed toward the walk or wall, whichever it may be. A correspondent of Florists' Review says that .the weight of the soil and plants holds the side rails so st firmly that an ordinary man has not strength enough to pull one of the pieces out,. S HORTICULTURAL NOTES. to There are 2,815 members in the t. Wiscohsin Horticultural society-the Slargest, we believe, in the country, S It cannot be said that the Japan plums are rushing many fruit growers it nto great profit. It is a fact that trees, along .high; ways, trees in towns and citie and. trees. in groves anid agricultural. ret gions render the atmosphere purer. t They by their foliage absorb hurtful gases, which would otherwise be Ic breathed by the inhabitants of the d densely populated cities, thereby mod' ifying diseases, lessening the dangers of epldlmics and in many ways Im proving the healthfulness of communi. ties.-New York Farmer. t The time for the production of ashes is at hand. Now the wood ashes le 'should not be thrown out in the back Lt yard, the middle of the street, or any t- place, just to get rid of them. Un u- leached wood ashes makes an excel A lent fertilizer for blooming fruit trees, ro and should be preserved for this pur le pose. Keep them under cover, in a h safe place where there can be no dan. a ger from fire, and next spring there Swill be plenty of valuable fertilizing material to harrow in under the fruit trees.--Vick's Magazine. A New Sulphur Wash. During the past season the depart ment of agriculture has made an im portant discovery that the self-boiled e lime-sulphur wash is not injurious to 11 peach foliage when properly made and e will not produce russeting and other ra injurious effects on apples. Further more. it has been found to be about as effective as a fungicide as the stand ard Bordeaux mixture. Exteusive ex periments have been carried on daring the year by the department on n-ar.iy e all of the common fruit diseases which id are preventable by spraying an:i it io has been demonstrated that the above io mixture is a very useful os"