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he Lower Coast Gazette. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE LOWER COAST: AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. )LUME I. POINTE-A-LA-IIACIHE, LA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1909. NUMBER 6. -,_ , 31 ILW 3 of Congress fromu L strrggling to get Cc SLOUISI the commercial im, IN LO ISIAN ter-coastal canal am propriation sufficient the Sabine river, a Inquest Exonerates Boy for poration has, at i Killing Father. dredged out a smalli --- the Calca :ieu river I GIVEN MRS. BOOTH. merely for the savin its own business. cmen Injured by Collapse of a Scaffold. Crowley.-District has made a new dep en Insane Women Placed in ishment of juvenile Pineville Asylum. parents of the five Sjail charged with ste ood.--The Eureka Rice Mill Rayne have been no 'ith about 30,000 bags of will come to the par in sight.. They expect to administer to their 60,000 bags for the season. thrashings the yout of rice buyers are on hand. be released without -- ings. The father of od.-Western Acadia parish appeared and, in' the ) earnest about the good district attorney, tl rement, and has asked the the boy was releas stes government for all the of the other boys I of any kind they can give. do likewise. I experiments will soon be Shreveport, La. zens of Shreveport leans.-Conductor Burr Hall work earnestly and ras and Pacific railroad f*as bilities are that the killed by a negro passenger Fair will go away fi ain, near Walls Spur, in Association is in a ipee parish. The negro was condition, and Presid iy passengers and members has appealed to th ,in crew, and carried, with final effort to save is of the conductor, to New Knockers and lack parish seat. the indifference of leading business m( `onstitutes. a Perfect Stand the President cites When Fighting the Boll ing to the fair, and is the subject of a bulletin that unless somethin the Department of Agricul- the life of the fair w nmigration by Wilmon New. and probably lost. ary of the state crop pest i. The department, in this Jeanerette, La.-V advocates planting cotton the new Catholic chi Ither, something that has ing erected here fou advocated before. meeting with a fata were at work on a v La.-A. B. Stevens, who is were atwork n v canning factory at Stutt- whichproperly placed, wbeen o ls here at the request of perly placed, w gave way. The mel e Progressive League, as. and were covered by organizing a factory for their fellow workme The factory will be to can vegetables and assistance, antd, stra them were not at - will be connected with the one had a rib brok :anning factory, an old in- was slightly injured was slightly injured Both the injured me -A movement s on foot and will be able to r tablish a large corn ware- In a short while. Is place for the sale of corn this and neighboring par- Baton Rouge.-As a- Nutrileee Feed Company General Stafford has I to take a carload a day pleted arran7--tents nufacture of nutrilene, and Governor Sanders a dealers agree to buy the staff will make to W rrent market rates, instead of March, to attend of William Taft as 4' and Western corn. of William Taft as United States. Som le, La.-The right of way eral Stafford address a cleared for the Intercost- members of the Go` Contractor John Anderson vising them of the i few days, resume work at of Governor. Sander( of Sooner Bayou on Ver- and inviting all men y, and will push the work to go along with t ion. The work of dredging large number have suspended' for more than a will go, and it is hig account of trouble in secur- special coaches will 1 occasion. Iht of way. occasion. -Dave Lemle had a narrow Baton Rouge.-St~l im being killed while out Harris has given poi ring with Poncefort Cann. to the fifty-nine Pai I down by the side of a ents of Lousiana that Sa nap, and when Cann be allowed to teach opie. tfte later he mistook do not either hold a turkey and took a shot at ficates or a diplom load of buckshot, One of certificate. The rul strucik iermle a glancing forth a protest from forehead, inflicting a pain- parishes, but will b gerouas wound. There Is a law agains _.__ " ' °employed who does 'ane.-Th merchants are cate, but it develops 1 shipments of farm imple- every parish in the bvery train and farming is one or two, o" perha , in deed earnest. All who who have not certi to raise Irish potatoes for tehdent Harris hold e either planting or are must be obeyed by a lant. Warmers throughout those teachers who are takia advantage of cates must either si oather and excellent coidi- and secure one, of 1 soil and are making rapid get out of the public Spreparing the land for the era. - Delhi--A sad trage ia.--Thirty-seven white fe- when John Cothran, ats of the Louisiana Re- years old, shot his fi loase of Detqntion in New instantly. The fatl we received and admitted went home drunk, a p1a11 for Ibnane, near Pine- up from his drunk alt a!vralaements had been smashing lamps and ir. Job N. Thopas,-the su- wife, after helping 1 at, for their admission; in drunken man's mothe their coninh, and the hos.- of his drunken rage, and attendants completed bor's and the boy i ain lees than an hour from revolver. The man car in which the patients a razor and tried to ) rouglht. Ilng in that, he went t - to get a gun, but the a.--Ben 8. Lee, a well- there first, had got t ang man here, while hunt- his gun and go an Intally dropped a revolver, then returned home fall it was dicharrged,; the ,volver. John loaded i_ him in the shoulder and buckshot, \and told rounding him. This is the had smashed enougb ident of the kind that has father said he migi here in the last few days. on the boy, and shot uton, Jr., accidentally di-a boy then shot his i a shotp a few days ago heart with ffteep ed ;erious flesh wounds in hin instantly. The I rm, but is slowly recotei- held that the killing -s.. Balllgtom Booth met Amite City.-Ideal etlon at Alezandria after has prevailed here -y of her address at the month of January, a i5.. The leading citizens strawberry crop is fi In, ,v their wives and advance of the seaac were podd to eatertain ries are on the local ase getat a magi- of _the truckers are p#a lt~thigtel Beuti, number af crates. (wi. 4W6ai8a; ste of * witilt spt the crop far ~3I Sju s a~t present no sin - i%; :jasit; itable gardens this a ne4I4s4etbofh'e~ - >.~ .-While the members IT'S UP TO THE onr Louisiana are still ,et Congress to realize imp)orLance of the in- President Approve al and to make an ap- Line Resc ,cient to construct it to \Vashington.--The er, a private land cor- proved the reisolution at its own expense, of alissisilpi and I. smaller waterway from the jurisdlictioi of oft. iver to the M1ermentau thei .Misi.sil,l,i river, saving it can effect on bhoundaryv tines betire ;s. Since Mliis~isippi % wh isky .~ller~ at nun strict Attorney Robira the river. not;ibly at : departure in the pun- ia, have started busi enile law-breakers. The pose of the measiue five boys who are in state to reach the ec th stealing cabbages at tGov. I)onaglhe of en notified that if they clorsedl the imeasure, ie parish jail and there co-opleiratE for Ilississi their children sound Senator Clarke of youthful culprits will cured the passage of ithout further proceed- able Arkansas and ' ier of one of the boys in' the presence of the have been introluced ey, thrashed his son, released. The parents men for localities wi loys have promised to ters from boundaries IS HARAHAN TO La.-Unless the citi ?port get together and May Be Made Gen and fast, the proba- New York Cea it the Louisiana State San Francisco, Cal. Nay from here, for the it that E. E. Calvin in a gloomy financial President S. H. Bolinger tral, anld that Ilar'ahat to the people as a save the organization, eral manager of the lack of interest and to serve under Presia e of a number of the messages were sent hi is men, these things man to Hawaii, recall cites as causes damag- II. Bancroft, and order and gives a warning in New York as soon tething is done at once Calvin is general ma fair will be endangered ern Pacific lines west )st. Sparks, Nev., and B manager of the Oregoi a--While at work on 'rThe story on the : ie church which is be- Harriman offered Hi e four men came near year to go to New Yi fatal accident. They anxious to put the Ce n a very high scaffold, physical shape. lie w n overloaded and ira- cago and it is probabl I, when it suddenly croft in charge in San e men fell in a heap, ed by the timbers, when BLIZZARD MOVI orkmen came to their strange to say, two of Coldest Weather of at all injured, while broken and the other jured about the head. New York.-New T !d men are doing well, was the playground S e to resume their work ter of the terrific wi le. zard which has eros -from the hoary Nort .-Assistant Adjutant struction and sufferin d has,. practically corn- was .accompanied on ents for the trip which gr-eat city by a heavy .rs and his military blinded the pedestrian to Washington the 1st of every kind dangero ttend the inauguration At Pittsburg and p t as President of the ginia, Western Pennsy Some time ago Gen-- Ohio the country has dressed a letter to the zero grasp of a.snowsa e Governor's staff, ad- the Northern points t the contemplated trip far below zero, and tl inders to Washington, of the present winter i members of the staff all the country east ol pith the governor. A tains and in New Er tave replied that they from the blizzard. is highly probable that will be secured for the COLDEST SNAP -State Superintendent Atlanta Shivermng n positive instructions of 16 Above, *e Parish Superintend- Atlanta, Ga.-The c a that no teachers will section has experience each in Louisiana who .4 below was registe bold a teacher's certi- on the South Atlant lploma recognized as winds, fro o e ruling has brought i hour, played ha from anbe td uon te and telephone commt gainst a teacher being down poles, mixing oes not hold a certil& much delay and doi lope that in practically through the urban diel the State there are degrees above zero wa: )erhaps more teachers weather bureau, and certificates. Superin- thermometer had retr holds that this law further to 16 above. by all altne, and that indicate freezing wath who have not certifi- Snow fell in Nort er stand examination Alabama. , of they are able, or ublic schools as teach- TRYING EMMA Two Police Court Vi. tragedy took place here native by ran, a boy of 19 or 20 Asheville, N. C.--r his father, killing him decided to try the eff father, Ed Cothran, uel movement on habil Ink, and after waking has.given two men b drunken sleep, began on the charge of into a and furniture. The of taking treatment ring the boy hide the C. McCready, rector of mother out of the way Church, or working t rage, went to a neigh- streets. The men pro boy hid the gun and they would try the ct man finally found a to the preacher for tr - to kill his son. Fail vent to a negro's house NEGROES NOI t the boy had reached got the negro to take pringfield Leagne Wc o away. The father .coln'-s ome and found the re- Springfield, Ill.--T aded the shotgun with and Order League, an told his father he groes, adopted resolut onugh f~irniture. The demning the Lincoln ( might as well finish tion for excluding neg ishot him twice. The bration to be held in ; his fkther under the ory of thb; 100th birt eep buckuhot, killing Lincoln, declaring th The'-~i ar's ianquest absolutely in violatio. lung was jtusatifiable. eiple for which Abra --- •,hardest. Ideal spring weather CLEAN SWEEP here all during thi Secretary Wilson andm. ry, and as a result the . Alone May is fully six weeks in Washington.-The season, The ripe ber- can be made that Jam local market and some retary of the interior, are shipping a small her of the cabinet of ;es. A cold spell now tration. Neither will p far-bebiid, but ther sador, to'a foreign eu -sign of winter. Vege" most as goo ~d authorl his seasona have bees there will be'a clean I an therd ba been a. abinet unle it a " f. ae . -..-. ofirAgrileual.V: W ils THE STATES, NOW "WHO--lME? WI troves the Boundary Resolution. -T he president had ,p. Ition allowing the state ,nd l.oui.iaina to settlk iTf ffenses comlmitted onl river, where, forms the ,etw\een the states. ppi went dry, Jan. 1. t nulllerl' lls phw'es xlonl V at Vicksbtuirg aid Tun. 1 busiaes,. and tlhe pur) iSlie is tio empower) " the the evil and stop it. y of Arkansas has in cure, and (;ov. Noel will ississip1i. :e of Arkansas has se e of a resolution to en and ''Tennessee to malke nent. -imilar measures luced by other congress es where navigable wa aries of states. I TO LEAVE I. C.? General Manager of k Central Lines. , Cal.-Rumor here has alvin will succeed J.'T. _ rge of the Illinois Cen- SEVEN FEET trahan will be made gen the New York Central, 'resiuent Brown. Cable Railroad Traffic Blt ent last week by Ilarri- Mountai recalling Calvin and W. )enver, Colo.-Snow ordering them to report feet on the level and soon as possible. soon manager of the South-ssible. deeper is still blocking al manager of the South- on the Colorado railroa west of El Paso, and nd Bancroft is general & Southern passenger S been marooned near Oregon Short Line. tlhe street here is that days, is still in the st d Hran $0,00 a sengers have been brouj d Harahan $50,000 Rio ew York, as lie is most The Denver & Rio C ihe Central lines in good threeday blockade on lie wants Calvin in Chi- day and released the r robable he will put Ban- go passenger train. Southern road, howevi blocked. The line to 1 MOVES TO EAST blocked for nearly a Silverton was opened a ---- ten days. Some of th or of Winter Prevail- through were from thi Mahy Places. deep. The weather is ew York and the East nud Sunday for the cen- AUTOS ARE TOO fic windstorm and bliz crossed the continent Northwest, leaving de- Order Withdrawing iffering in its path. It Army tI I on its arrival in the .'Yashington.-_;Secreti leavy fall of snow, whiclt E. Wright is formtulati strians and made travel drawing automo'biles f .ngerous.. in Washington. He fi and points in West Vir- pensive and, besides, if ennsylvania and Eastern velt sets the standard y has been seized in a back and making abilit; nowstorm. At many of a day essential to goo ints the temperature is the further use of a and the coldest weather tend to nestroy the i winter prevails. In fact, way of exercising one's last of the Rocky Moun- onstrating one's enduri ?w England is suffering Military men are ini d. Taft. He was secreta lie met all the generals NAP SINCE 1899 jors. And it was duril - tion that the automobi ring in Temperature as a necessary append >ve, With Snow. These gentlemen thre The coldest weather this they must now go badc rienced since' 1899, when buggy. egistered, swooped down Ltlantic States Sunday. MAY HAVE POUN m forty to sixty miles I havoc with telegraph But Gompers Bays ommunication, blowing No Streak of cing wires and causing e York-"As go t doing minor damage New York.-"A go in districts. At noon 18 in jail as any of the ro was registered at the they want their pound and by 4 o'clock the have it, but they'll find I retreated two degrees in it." ve. Telegrams received President Samuel wather to the gulf. American federation , Noithern Georgia and Ethical Social League at the East Side par and the audience elms MANUEh L CURE. pers' subject was "Tra e it l Progress," but thI rt Victims Given Alter hiA speech was a defer re by Judge. and a guarded arraignl .-Justice Reynolds has that recently sentence te effect of the Emman- in jail. Shabitual drunkards and The Sherman law, , nen brought before hiti enacted to protect the E intoxication the choice machinations of great nent given by Rev. W. wealth, has been decide tor of Trinity Episcopal court to apply to orge ing thirty days on the and women. Any me a promptly decided that organization may now the cure and will report I federal court to a ye for treatment, and a fine of $5,000. NOT PLEASED. Will Build Ne. W San Antonio, Tex. e Port O'Conner syndical ,ln's Day. I.-The Springfield Law capitalized at $10,000,( e, an organization of pe. macontracted for the coms esolutions severely con* olan Centennial Assocla- Port O'Coiner, Rio Gr g negroes from the cele. railroad, from Port 4 Id in Springfield in mem- g0ui coast, to San A' I birthday of Abraham tance is 234 miles at ig that such action is cost $3,000,000. Wor lation of the very prin- May 1. A link will Abraham Lincoln fought Misouri, Kansas & Te giving that Duteh owl gulf outlet. EEP IN CABINET. Blisad in 01 Sand Postmaster Meyer Tulsa, Okla.--Great May Remain. been wrought by the Tbe definite statement which struck this sectic t James R. Garfield, see. oil region within four erior, will not be a mem- reported down or, with et of the next adminis. lings demolished im the r will he be an ambes- or this city, where dan pl country. There is al- is estimated at $50~000 ithority for saying thiat lmore. One dwelling Be _lean sweep of the pres- totally demolishef :aic s it s*ould be Secrettary have .been wreeked. I rilsdn and Postna town r.eports .amb ,de S . .-', ,mia s . - : E? WHY, I'M THAT NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTON" TWO CO Leigh Hated Carn Is a Di Nashille, Tenn. and 11. P. 1.lackn 1mon11ing from inurl ('oolier.ShiarI jury first for the pre;ji pre.sion lie usel amniied. .haik.onkn quest of the Stat ilou.sel for the del after the testiiiinr had been heard. ]iut ' oi the w t lroiiught into the c(o cday, .luzdge liar showled so plainly Senator ( 'urnlltek, a as to how li he had believed had thi brought out when eaxniined, there \( reasons for chlillel since t lhe juror ha unquel'stionled bihs, the court that the i he affected. and fo excused. f rThe Leigh case of the ease agains called. The first i Burkhart, who is a .. .I ..... 1.... I L.. ..} ET OF SNOW. WON'T GO TO W Blocked in Rocky Roosevelt Will Go untains. York After Ina untainu. -Snow from seven to ten \1ashington.-Preside I and drifts many feet not follow the custom eking many of tile lines the White House on railroads. The Colorado successor in office. N uenger train, which has front the capitol after near Jefferson for two Taft takes the oath of the snow, but the pas- station and take a tra 1 brought to the village. The president's purpose Rio Grande broke its in accepting the invits le on ('Cubres Pass Sun- York county counitte the snowbound D)uran- act as her personal e: ain. The Rio Grande from the capitol to tile however, is still badly l''bis invitation was Le to Telluride has been resentatives Parsons, B Iv a week. The line to of New York. The ened after being blocked will have 500 member of the snow slides cut will form east of the gi m thirty to forty feet capitol, will go with ti her is intensely cold. train and return to on the return march. TOO EXPENSIVE TO DEVELOP CI wing Machines From Secretary Wilson Di -my Use. Investiga Secretary of War Luke Washington.-It is t mulating an order with- resentative Sheppard o Files from military use cotton is suitable for a Hle finds them too ox- uses than those which des, if President Roose- therefore he introduced lldard of riding horse- noon directing Secreta ability to go fifty miles stitute an inquiry into to good military form, bill authorizes and dire of automobiles would to make an investigat the popularity of this and substitution of ray one's muscles and dem- articles in various mal endurance. Lnited States, and cat are influential with Mr. gated a report thereor ecretary of war. There covering details of IT nerals, colonels and ma- which raw cotton may during his administra- the cost of using cott( ,omobile was introduced articles for which it mi ppendage to the army. and other informatior threaten a revolt if used in a campaign foi o back to the horse and American cotton amont era of this country. 'OUND OF FLESH MISTRIAL IN MA; Says There Will Be Ten Stood for Acq for 1urc lak of Yellow. Union City, Tenp. As good u*n have been -for sixteen hours, the )f the three of us. If .farshall night ridei pound of flesh they may Thursday morning the '1l find no yellow streak agree on a verdict. "Do you think you ,uel Gompers of the days, or six months tion of Labor told the Jones. amgue this at a meeting "No, sir," was the i le parish church's hall, man, and the jury - e cheered. Mr. Gom- charged. They stood "Trade Unions and So- and two for murder : mt the greater part of gree. defense of the boycott With the close of nraignment of the court Marshall, the ninth n ntenced him to a year murder of Capt. Quit officials announce that law, Mr. Gompers said, charged with the san et the people from the tried until the May to great combinations of It is their plan to d decided by the supreme oners among the jails o organizations of men circuit. The soldiers, ny member of a labor duty here since Octol i now be sentenced by charged, with the exe . a year's imprisonment half of whom were qa )00. half at Camp Rogan • id New Road. WOULD BURN CO Tex.-Representing the indicate of The Hague, Senator Blair Would I 0,000,000, D. C. Wiede- homa, luemsn Winnders have Guthrie, Okla.-Sena he construction of the senate in all seriousi io Grande & Northern that body burn the cot Port O'Conner, on the by the State of Oklal lan Antonio. The dis- created a decided se ileo and the estimated Blair's remarks came Work will begin by ne of the most vigoro will connect with the present session of the & Texas at Smithville, after favorable bailotti h owned road another bill, which makes it ii new counties. I in Oklahoma. German Count Hel -Great destruction has ico.--Chas. L. Sthe terrific blizzardL. eti rid ry asserts he is a German e section Friday. Every rest charged with gran four miles of here is with other lease build- ed by a New York womr i stole $500 from her. i the lenarool south in North Clark street I re damageby the storm had traced his bagg 50,000 and maiybe much woman whom he is all ing house in Tulsa was tinized is Mrs. Julius ed and other bluildings York. It i- declared ed. Everytiieighboring money in a ieal estate pujierles from -fl~ig Mulster is impressive h I s dignified beaiin and who has lived newle 0 WHITE HOUSE years. He testified the good blacksmith awhen Go Direct to New to work, but that in a r Inauguration. he had known him he rInauguration. of his being sober. 1 'resident Roosevelt will trate the methods of istore and ride back to was customary for h on March 4 with his horse to put the first i e. He will go direct leet for them and walk, after .President-elect a bottle of whisky be th of office to the union put on the other two a train for New York. said there were nume: irpose was made known this. He also said t invitation of the New quently found him d muittee to be allowed to scious by the roadside nal escort on the way unusual to see him " o the depot. At the conclusion of was presented by Rep- nesse udge Hart annou ons, Bennett and Oleott received a commnunicati The county committee of Juror J. M. Whitwc iembers in line. They said that the life of the great parade to the in danger because of rith the ex-president to ailments. She aecom] arn to their place in line by statements from tv arch. cians who have attend( past ten days, in whi COTTON USES was expressed. Judge out opposition, he we )n Directed to Make lease. The defense c istigation. two plhysicians will 1 It is the belief of Rep- testify in the case be; tard of Texas that raw made in regard to WI for a larger variety of KISSED GEORGi hich it is now put to, ISSE GEORGI )luced a bill this after ecretary Wilson to in- Mins Thompson Caul into the matter. The Railway 81 id directs the secretary Brunswick, G(a.-A ustigation into the use planted squarely on I of raw cotton for other elect .Joseph M. Brown is manufactures in the Thompson, a pretty i id cause to be promul- Brunswick, threw the I hereon embracing data confusion and caused of manufactures, into hasty retreat. The ep may enter; facts as to the depot, where "Litth cotton compared with ernor-eleet is familiar: I it may be substituted, waiting to take a trail nation that might be was about the govern gn for increased use of to him talk. among the manufactur- Suddenly there war rv. there's Governor Br( Thompson came rush MARSHALL CASE crowd to the governor her arms about him a Acquittal and Two to his. The governor. Murder. as soon as he could, ar 'enn.--After being oat girl, rushed into the a, the jury in the Ed show himself until the rider trial reported Ig that they could not PUTS TEDDY ABI you could agree in two Joe lolk Says Bo00 ionths S" asked Judge Strenuous P Chicago, Ill.-"Prel the reply of the fore- has been the most vig ury was at once dis- tive these 'United Sta stood ten for acquittal even excepting Preside Lrder in the second de- Mr. Taft, the preside one with the manner ii e of the trial of Ed paring for the office," nth man tried for the Joseph W. Folk .of Mi Quintin Rankin, the The ex-governor, w] that no more of those torney in St. Louis br e same crime will be grafters, big and littl lay term of court. Missouri, arrived in ( t to distribute, the pris- for the annual dinner jails in this judicial Real Estate Board, at tiers, who have been on chief speaker. October, will be dis- "Mr. Roosevelt," he me exception of forty, stand out over Presil ere quartered here and cause hlie has hit out gan at Reelfoot Lake. than the other strenui Army Bill N CONSTITUTION. Washington.-Consid ould Thus Punish Okla. army appropriation bi homa. the house Thursday. -Senator Blair in the bill carries an appropr riousness moved that 906, which is $,687,2 estimates. Mr. Hull he constitution adopted esue r. Oklahoma. His words measure in charge. xd sensation. Senator being laid aside, Mr. came it the close of the presen policy of r vigorous debates in the the a Iin now Ixed f the upper house, and benefit of hn offiernm llotting on the Thomas benefit of an officer's m it impossible to foirm as he was able to pro duties. Farmers Ma at Held Por Theft. Frankfort, Ky.--Tlhme . L. Von Mulster, who construed the pooling man count is under ar- farmers may pool crop' grand lareeny, preferr- prices, but manufactL woman, who alleges he combines may not uni her. He was arrested price of their product treet by detectives, who value. The case at is baggage there. The monwealth against t is alleged to have vie- Harvester. Compny. Julius Dannay of New sustained the demurre ¢elared heobtained the that the indictment fa estate transaction. Von the harvester company asive in appearance and value of the machinem aning. , value. I JURORS LET OUT PERUlNA TONI; armack and Jackson Drunkard. CO C In.--loth J. S. Leigh ,on were dNiriilsied t his rilt her ice on lt l e "v h. Judge lhrt. Tlhe .':u icet'+l and bias,le cx i while heing r,,ss ex n W1a1 dismissed by re. aite, in whiuh ret uest defonse likewise joined, tilouV of two a ,tine.e-'`, stand, when hle was coulrt rcom on WedneIlls ilrt e'\xllineld, Leigh ly his prejudice against , and boasted so Olipenly ad fought him, that he this knowledge ieeiU ten the juror was first would have been ample hienging for causec, ilnd had displayed such ani s, it was the opinlion o JOSEPH HALL ie rest of the jury amight for this reason lie was Peruna Drug Co., Col Gentlemen: I hay and find that it cannt se having been disposed a tonic, as well as a c inst Juror Jackson was colds and catarrh. t witness was Dr. .I. L. You are authorize photo with testimonia .s a neighbor of Jlacklson, lication. ed near him for twenty Joseph tied that Jackson was a 804 Tenth St., Wa i when not too drunk Cold and La I at in all the years that Mr. C. Happy, Hardi tim hlie had never known writes: "I can safely ber. le said, to illus- runa as a remedy that ds of .lackson, that it tarrhal tha troubles. for him in shoeing a "It was of great bent firtor h i shoe n, clg acured me of catarrh of firtst two shoes on, col- I took a very bad c id walk to Nashville for grippe last February. skv beifore returning to throat and lungs. I t er two shoes. Witness of Peruna and it cured "I highly recommier numerous instances of are sick, and I am gla, said that he had fre- dorsement to that of oi himi drunk and iunlC- Pe-ru-na for oadside, and it was not Mr. L. Clifford Figg hiin "down drunk." Marshall St., Richmo don of the morning busi, that when lie gets a col anna na, and it soon drives i announced that lie had temn. For several ye tunication from the wife entirely well, but Pei Whitworth, in which she cured him. ife of her husband was People who object to can now secure Peruna use of certain physical For a free illustrated accompanied her letter "The Truth About P rom two eminent physi- The Peruna Co., C attended hint during the Mailed postpaid. in which a like opinion Judge Hart said, with- We Buy he would order his e;d fense objected, and tlhe FUR will be sunnoned to Hides and ase before a decision is . Wool to Whit worth. PeadthierTaow, s _GoldeaSe al],(YdllowRoc ORGIA GOVERNOR wi G ",, o Luisl"-and asdo bt n Causes Sensation at ama aor aomi4n me.nd way Station. ar Bank in Lot . . adu~list and slipi Irag. 'a.-A resounding kiss *1.* SblC &a y on the lips of Gov.- E. Market St. I Brown by Miss Mildred _ retty school teacher of w the next governor into caused him to beat a IMPUDENCE PE The episode occurred at "Little .Joe," as the gov amiliarly known, was a train. A large crowd governor-elect, listening re was a cry of "Ohl, .r Brown," and Miss . e rushing through the (overnor-elect and threw him and glued her lips vernor-elect broke away )uld, and, blushing like a ;o the train and didn't itil the train pulled out. - Robert Rustler-Wi Y ABOVE JACKSON was the title of your: Successful Chorus Boosevelt Was Xost "The Proposal." ous reidnt. Robert Rustler-Ant o--uPresident RoosSveut Successful Claorus L -"PresidentRobert Rusfler--B ost vigorous chief execu would you- like to cha ;ed States has had, not in A fiat? President Jackson, And president-elect, impresses DIDN'T K anner in which hlie is pre- Coffee Was the office," aid former Gov. of Missouri. Many daily habits, nor, who as circuit at- eating and drinking, a ouis brought low all the lowing our elders. rd little, there were in In this way ill hea nid in Chicago Thursday tened upon children. dinner of the Chicago "I had been allowet urd, at which he was the ever since I could ren as a child I had a It," he continued, "will which frequently ref President Jackson be food. t out in more directions "The taste of coff strenuous executive did. mouth all the time an, out later, the cause of ny Bill Up. belling against food. -Consideration of the "I now see that it w .tion bill was begun in lowing the example o sday. As reported, the I formed and continue ppropriation of $98,396,. habit of drinking coffe 5,687,261 less than the remained poor, nerve Hull of Iowa, had the quent headache, and . Hull Preiof h pect the true cause. Irge. Previously to its "Another trouble wu , Mr. Holliday attacked complexion for which cy of retiring officers at money for creams, wa fixed by law. lie con- without any results. rnment should have the "After I was marrie flicer's services as long try Postum, and woul to properly perform his I, an old coffee toper from the very first. . -according to directi eras May Pool. and it had a most dell .-The Court of Appeals at once quit coffee, u ooling act to nmean that results. ol crops to obtain higher "I now have a perlet nufacturcrs, trusts and skin, fine digestion at lot unite to enhance the headache in over two Iroducts beyond its real "There's a Reason.' e at issue was the com- Name given by Pol liat the International Creek, Mich. Read,"T' any. The lower court ville," in pkgs. lemurrer on the ground Ever remd the ahoy' tent failed to state that one appears ftao tim mpany had enhanced the aterest. tachinery above its real 'ONI FOR COLDS, CATARIl H HALL CHASE Co., Columnbus, Ohio. I have usied Peruna It cannot be equaled as II as a cure for coughs, Lrrh. ithorized to use my stimonial in any pub Toseph H. Chase, St., 'ashington, D. C. and La Grippe SHardin, Ray Co., Mo., i safely recommend Pe ly that will cure all ca at benefit to me, as it arrh of the throat, and bad cold and had la ruarv. It settled in my s. I took three bottles t cured me. 0oiumend it to all who am glad to add my eu iat of others." a-ma for Colds -d Figg, Jr., 2929 East Richmond, Va., writes bts a cold he takes Peru drives it out of his sys .ral years be was not but Feruna completely bject to liquid medicines Peruna tablets. istrated booklet entitled bout Peruna," address Co., Columbus, Ohio. w w. aeswas. Cbss. .. YelowRoo, )Ma Apple " etc. We as dealers 56-"Oer hul a aesar Ph mIado better for ydisen ini. Weris far wasIt bel & Sons, St. LOUlSVIILE, II, =E PERSONIFIED. ler-What did youe say. f your new song? Thorus Lady-I call it - er-And the key? iorus Lady-B minor. er-B mine-eh? How . to change it for a key )N'T KNOW Was the Calus. habits, 'particularly 4i iking, are formed by fQe1 era i. oef ill health is often tas. Idren. A Ga. lady says: allowed to drink coftee ' old remember, but even iad a weak stomach, tly refused to retals of coffee was in my ,me and was, as I foun ause of the stomach re food. hat it was only from fol *mple of my elders that continued the miserable ig coffee. My digestion ·. nerves unstrung, fre and yet Idid not sus. e uble was a bad, muddy which I spent time and reams, massaging, etc., sults. married I was asked to Id would you believe it, e toper, took to Postum first. Wae made it right directions on the pkg., ost delicate flavor, and I olffee, with the happiest a perfectly clear, smooth ition and haven't had a 'er two years." teason." by Postum Co., Battle mead, "The Road to Well to above lettere A new emo time to time. T .e - rue, ted telu er hmes coffe. Mdigetion