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TFhe Lower Coast GaZette. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE LOWER COAST: AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. I•VOLUME.I POINTE-A-LA-IIACHE, LA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1909. NUMBER 9. VOLU ME, . . .. . . . . . , , , , ITI@ 1r CT'r I " , .IEw STRENGTH FOR WOMEN'S Baton R LA t l nent stat U .fiiiIW IAS J lislied at IN LOUISIANA Washingt, tor a ser CONTRACT LET FOR NEW $57,000 throughot CONRT HOUSE. Rod rivet lecturers Three Thousand Acres of Cane to Be futiolhcd tion, and Cultivated on Penitentiary Farms. United S Sure. Til OIL COMPANY TO SINK WELLS ccndStaeCt i stitutltfS Board of Education Meets March 17to month ol Make School Book Contracts. ottan, tl Assessment of Timber Lands Made at Baton $5 Per Acre. tiers of for a co Plauchevil'e.--J. D. Jeansoune, a Orlean farmer of upper U'houpigne, near the purr Hickory states that he intends to de- to the e crease the cotton acreage on his farm and wor this year from 6G) to 7T) per cent and sible bel plant Irish potatoes. connecti The - Melville.-The warehouse of C'. C. nessee, Johnson, one of the leading merchants lina, Ge of this place, was destroyed by fire. sissippi, The origin of the fire is a mystery, Virginia as the building was isolated and no vited to one had been in or around it for sev- point d eral hours. bor unit -- and wt Alexandria.-E. L. Morgan of Winn- out the field is here to make arrangements for the erection of the big stave factory of the Dalton-Clark Company. The rates for shipping out the produce from i of the mill have been satisfactorily A. Sarr adjusted with the railroads. This was State E the matter that held back the erection increas of the mill. lands resider. Crowley.-A mass meeting has been called by the president of the Cro*- as fIe ley Board of Trade to be held at the by the city hall for the purpose of ascertain-f ev ing what can be done by the citizens accepts of Crowley and vicinity toward secur- acre bi ing the location here of .the rice ex- had ri periment station authorized by last lands General Assembly. No appropriation ion of was made for the station, but it 'is ment understood that appropriations now amous available for experiment stations are quite sufficient to provide for the mainten ance of a station, and it 1s expected have 1 that the community securing the sta- tion a tlon will provide a site and part of the funds neceksary for the erection Jeni of the buildings. of th Baton Rouge.-The state peniten- and lN ttary will have planted nearly 3,000 Natiol seres of cane for next season, and will also ( Increase this amount a thousand acres partm for the following yeAr. The board has was c Mont wound its planting on. all rice ".i'e o the. pl'tations. The last of the'work will be done this week. The adds( board of control 'will have 1,500 acres in cane under cultivation on Hope Carle plantation, 1,200 under cultivation at secur Oakley, and 300 under cultivation on have Angola. On Hope the seaspn has not five been entirely favorable tb planting, perm Sfor the reason that the drought has ed. ' been too prolonged ; there, and some cane planted this year has been lost asces th, rough this fact. The 300 acres be planted on Angola this year will be exprt used entirely at the end of the sea- the I ' son for replanting. 1, wl k Will Baton Rouge.-Except in those par i::: ishes where electio are to be held Br the registrars of voters are complain- selet r g of the slow progress that they of t . 'are maltking in the registering of vo- ado -. , terts, Under the laws of the 1906 leg- d S Islature there must be a complete the ). ,new registration of all voters. Wheth- the oer they have registered in the past agre ' tlAkes no difference. The registrars Gov ii: point out that if the voters put off tenc S. egistering until the sixty days be ther fore the election that it will be a difB- afte Scult task to register them all. Theret i.. s some work involved in the regis- the I".' tettring of a voter. A blank must first Ta Sbe filled out in which the exact data boa . regarding birth and place of residence boo must be given, and this must be sworn con . to along with the party affiliation. The gral Sdat*t a s transcribed to the registration frs .bookL. thiu Whiteeatle.-'lhe Board of Direct- e o ors of the White Castle Oil and Gas P panmy held a meeting here and ap : otiated L. J. Clay, P. L. Viallon and pot Simo, n Levy as a committee to receive t blItds for a drilling outfit and pipes, also bids from oil drillers. A charter tIso now in the hands of a printer and tio :,te ompuy-expects to be in opera din a few days. Several experlen; ed drillers haveoalready visited this goled.. atfd claim there is every sign ri :- .and ladieatlon of oil, and are conti- th t that a field of considerable pro - tiuo esg be developed. The White i C 1stleOl ad (-as Company is capi r$e00,000 and $10,000 has al "/ ly ibeen suebscribed to begin work.h q ..· C ne~ e;--The Cheneyville High ·ebono b\tlling was totall detroyed y re here. . Th re blaze caught be twr~ the cellain and roof from a de 'taoe Se in ad was too far ad Svanced te dontrol when discdvered by /Mrs..a.L D. Lewis, one of the high a bo teachers. Through the heroicb Sb the mpils and facalty the -lookls. and bokmcase were saved, AII of the ocupants were out on remes and no one was in FOrtMately a new higli school mfl ngdern structure, costing S at .jut been completed; .and feay for occupancy in a few • - Last year several cars poi'tatoes were shipped tron 1 th Northere mErkets, .aid by the parte received the Baton Rouge.-A boll weevil experi ment station will probably be estab lished at Vidalia, La., by the United States government, as a result iof the recent visit of Dr. W. R. Dodson, di rector of state experiment stations, to Washington. Dr. Dodson has arranged tor a series of institutes to be ield throughout the Mississippi and the Red river bottom lands. Two of the lecturers for these institutes will be furnishedt by the state experiment sta tion, and two by Dr. Kr.ipp of the United States Department of Agric ul tur'e. The exnosures of the institute conductors will be met by the United States government, and the farmers' institutes will be held during the o month of March. The lecturers will talk diversification, early planting of cotton, the growing of corn, etc. at Baton Rouge, La.-Gov. J. Y. San d(ers of Louisiana has issued a call for a convention to be held in New a Orleans. on March 29, 30 and 31: for ar the purpose of taking action looking e- to the establishment of uniform child n and woman labor laws, and the pos sd sible betterment of conditions in this connection throughout the South. The governors of Kentucky, Ten C nessee, North Carolina, South Caro ts lina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mis re. sissi'pp, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, ry, Virginia and Missouri have been in no vited to attend in person and to ap ev- point delegates from the various la bor unions, manufacturing enterprises and woman's organisationz through nn- out their respective states. for o 'h Mansfield.-As no appeal was taken Ie, from the recent decision of Judge Don rly A. Sarrelle, in which he held that the REQ was State Board of Equalization could not ion increase the assessment on timber lands owned by a number of non resident taxpayers from $5 per acre, en as fixed by the assessors and approved Washi the by the police jury, acting as a board assert ain- of reviewers, the tax collector has harder I tens accepted their taxes on the $5 per ritory. cur- acre basis. The board of equalization enue ag ex- had raised the assessment on these partmer last lands from $5 to $12, and the decis- of $150 tion ion of the court reduced the assess- or $23,( t is ment roll for De Soto parish to the increast nOW amount of $400,000, which will cut bureau are quite a figure in parish finances, as on ace ted both the police jury and school board have made their budgets in anticipa It of tion of this revenue. It coni tion Jennings.-Prof. W. R. Dodson, priatior of the Louisiana Experiment Station, the list iten- and M. A. Carleton, Cerealist of the the So 3,000 National. Agricultural Department; distille will also C. E. Chambliss, of the same de icres partment, are in the city. A meeting $350 Ihas was called to discuss the matter of a n. all rice experimental station here. .,Prof. Thiso t of Dodson set forth the purposes and The advantages of 'the station. Prof Hope Carleton stated that in order to )a at secure the station the people would onil a in on have to furnish from sixty to seventy ,s not five acres of land and also whatever The iting, permanent improvements were requir- oral e t has ed. A committee was appointed to tion c some ascertain if the necessary funds can than cres be secured. They are at work and ThL ill be express themselves as confident that consti sea- the money can be raised before March canal. 1, when the authorities at Washington appro Will decide an to the location. carrie e par- propr held Baton Rouge.-March 17 has been There plain- selected as the date for the meeting howe hey of the State Board of Education to ond I S- adopt the school books to be uised in and pet the public schools of Louisiana for ized Theth- the next four years. This date was Th Spast agreed upon at a conference between be it strars Governor Sanders and State Superin- Pan it off tendent Hdrris. The board will, from YS be- therefore, meet as early as possible a dim- after Governor Sanders returns from Therethe inauguration of President-elect tfir s Taft. The committee from the state tt data board continued its hearing of school Cott idence book agents. The hearings will be sworn concluded Friday. The committee will N n. The grade all of the books submitted into ly tration frst, second and third class, and in I this shape will report to the state busi i bbect- ard, but will make no specific rec nda ommeddations to the State Board ofrp and p Education. This committee is com in and posed of Superintendent Harris, Insti- me o eeve tute Conductor Allemen and High ie School Visitor Weber. res charter Grand Cane.-D airles in this sec- the tion are becoming more numerous app opera- and 'more profltable. Stonewall, which We perienc is near here, has about twenty and bet they are all doing well. These dai rg ries ship more pure Jersey butter dic than any other point in north Louis- pi ibleDo- lana. About three years ago J. M. ev White Rogers established a dairy here and th aa- stocked it with full-blood registered is h rs Jerseys. He said that his profits bu have exceeded his expectations and tal that he, would continue to improve cer le High and enlarge his dairy. Last minth th be received by express ,n additional str fght be- blood registered Jersey bull, this n a de- being the finest and most expensive v ar ad animal ever brought to Grand Cane. T eedb This bull's father sold for $10,000 high and his mother for $10,200. W.B. leroic Milner has recently moved from IllI al ult y the nots to this parish and has establish- t s erer ed a dairy and stock farm in addi- tl we tion to his regular farm, which is four miles west of here. Mr. Milner ghchool is making handsome profits on his Cti dairy and also on his stock. Last si Saf year a colt he raised took the first in a f prise at the colt exhibition here. l ble authority that Isadore Hessinger reral ars of New Orleans has purchased the ped otdh propeirty of the Rose Hill Sugar Com kets, slid pany, Ltd.,'on Bayou Vermillion, four e eved the miles ratbh of Abbevllle, and that he a " i douled will immediately take tcharge of the hvve' a- "p'perty and operate it. The landse - ':h benlong to the-plant, amounting ,to a eL et hundred acres, have been ten- i St ,u~ for iht yehr, and it is the , rr intenton qF the new purchaser to the cane raised on these ~ di, ma woi as other gene surround 13~t :ha the gre~tin, to be manufactutred 1ae0H' I refaery. The plant nest it the state hAiM t! 2'J "A FRIEND IN NEED'' F - 3.· --I NI , , it Is Cw~tP oNS * A,.L -- LuS A 5001i L C e n1 a-, a- - ,r;~ -~ lva "· es en Journal. ie nU REQUIRES MORE AGENTS. TENN Prohibition Has Increased Work of South Revenue Department. Washington.-Ilnternal revenue officers Wasi assert that their work is being made Civil « harder by the increase of prohibition ter- the So ritory. C. W. Trowbridge, chief of rev- and co enue agents of the treasury in the de- as now partment, in asking for an appropriation as stal of $150,000 for the coming fiscal year, battles or $25,000 more than last year, said the will bE increased appropriation asked by the and a bureau for the coming year was largely United on account of the prohibition sections. more i At present there are about fifty of the officer revenue agents under Mr. Trowbridge. Three If congress allows the increased appro- and a priation, about twelve will be added to the 11 the list. These men are largely through Doyle e the South, making raids on moonshine souri; distilleries. ing ti g $350,000,000 APPROPRIATED I aho a Nelso This Is the Amount Carried by the Pantl d Sundry Civil Bill. Fre Washington.-The house committee a in Ld on appropriations reported the sundry tl . civil appropriation bill on Friday. ids] sr The bill, the largest of all the gen- phi r- eral supply bills, carries an appropria- in to tion of $137,022,007, or $26,000,000 less Cain, n than the estimates. thal id The largest item in the bill is for the at construction of work on the Panama sey, oh canal. For this purpose $33,638,000 is man Dn appropriated, or $4,000,000 more than is carried in the current sundry civil ap- I propriation bill for that expenditure. n There will be a deficiency this year, to however, of about $5,000,000. The sec I ond largest item is $19,574,514 for rivers and harbors construction work author- W rae ized by law. tee The amount of bonds authorized to has en be issued for the construction of the rese n- Panama canal is increased by the bill of 1i, from $130,000,000 to $160,000,000. stre ble STRADE IMPROVEMENT SLOW Cl ate ool Cotton Goods Show Marked Increase vell be in Demand. tio will New York.-R. G. Dun & Co.'s week- ord to ly review of trade says: do. In Improvements in the structure of fate business is much more pronounced than wa Ireo improvement in the activity of business. to m- While financial and political develop- Ir msti- ments, both in Europe and the United fro igh States, are distinctly better, the prog- mn ress toward the eagerly expected re- pr' vival of trade is slow, and especially in an sec- the iron, copper and coal trade, is dis- Re rous appointing. Cotton goods are firm. hich Woolen goods are chiefly active in the fel and better grades of fancy worsted. w0 dai- Continued firmness of raw material in- di atter dicates little likelihood of a revision of ouls- prices in cotton goods and some lines M. even show a tendency to advance, al and though trade generally is quiet. There ca red is no resumption in the export demand, vi rofits but the fact that China has already al and taken 50,000 bales since the first of De- h wove cember, as against 80,000 bales during ianth the entire year of 1908, materially ¶ lonal strengthening this branch of the market. this PENSION BILL PASSED, ane. Takes 35 Minutes for .Senate to Appro- ii 10,000 priate $160,000,000. d . B' Washington.-Thirty-five minutes was r S1111- all the time required for the passage by I t adsh- the senate Friday of the bill carrying a ohdl the appropriation of $160,000,000 for I lner the payment of pensions for the next I his fiscal year. An amendment was adopted I Last striking out the house provision for one first instead of eighteen pension agents and leaving eighteen agents as now fixed by law. d the Forbids C.. 0. D. Traffic. , TWalshngton.-The Humphreys amend at he ment to the penal code, which/was adopt ofted by the house, has been sent to confer ag to ence. This amendment provides that all n tea- intoxicating liquors which are entered as as the articles of interstate commerce must be er to plainly marked so as to show the name oud of the consigitee and the kind and quan tired tity of their contents, and -must be de: plat. livtdd outy to the bona -d consigne. Ie A It also forbids al4' Q . D.Jbusiness in storroating l r ma inetris. 8 TENNESSEANS WITH FLEEI FARM South Figures Conspicuously in the Souther Present Navy. Washington.-N-ot since before the as Civil War have officers in the navy froir o the the Southern States been so numerous nis le g and conspicuous in responsible position!s aterial as now. This is manifest in commands mtaen a a as staffs of the'vessels of the returning og farm r, battleship fleet which on February ':cordi we will be greeted with thunders of salutes thore of e and a review by the president of the ern Stal y United States. Tennesseans will be er t s. more in evidence in high command than national ie officers from any other Southern State 'Total e. Three Tennesseans command battleships United - and another one on the repair ship of In 190 to the fleet. They are Capt. Robert lt 170,469, ;h Doyle, commanding the battleship Mis ber an1 ne souri; Capt. Wm. B. Caperton,.eommand cows, o ing the battleship Maine; Capt. James The M. Helm, commanding the battleshil Carolin 0 Idaho, and Commander Valentine Ca Keg Nelson, commandipg the repair shis sciapp he Panther. and Ts From Arkansas: Midshipman Edward in fan Lee .T. Foy, Lieut. Walter B. Tardy, Cap 1900 t tain of Marines James C. Breckinridge The Mlidshipman Samuel L. Henderson, Mid animal en- shipman John L. Dixey. to 190 i- From Mississippi: Ensign John S.e forthe a Cain, Lieut. John M. Enochs, Midship Thel man Elmo H. Williams and Cary Wal mals i the thall Magruder; Ensign Louis D. Caun lIor ma sey, Ensign Arthur IH. Rice, Midship cows, isman John G. Latham. co. ap- ROOSEVELT IS REBUKED POLl ure. Secu ear, For Permitting Trust to Absorbl siers Tennessee Coal and Iron. tl hor- Washington.-The senate subcommit. Lily tee of the judiciary committee, which text to has had in consideration the Culberson fair, the resolution asking whys and wherefores police bill of Mr. Roosevelt's consent granted the MIiss street trust to gobble up toe Tennessee of w Coal and Iron Company, has signed and plant filed its report. of th Its "effect is to condemn Mr. Roose this I ease velt and find him guilty of a usurpa- bride tion of authority in what premises he beer, eek- ordered Attorney-General Bonaparte to lund do. the e of The presidential excuse was that it TI than was necessary to permit the steel trust meni ness. to take over the Tennessee Coal and raids elop- Iron Company 'to prevent the country uors nited from being swept by a panic. The com- tion Po mittee denies the legal right of the havi p re- president to anticipate panics, and inti of a Fly in mates, if it does not say it, that Mr. will s dis- Roosevelt was elected the president, not E irm. the prophet of the country. To inter the Sthe fere in the matter, one way or the other; bidi was to step outside of a president's al in duty as outside of his right. S No Lid for Chicago. Fri :e al- Chicago.-The crusade to close Chi- is o There cago saloons on Sunday received a se. m mand, vere setback when the Supreme Court bet Iready at Springfield handed down a decision ital of De- holding that it has not the power to as during compel Mayor Busse to close the sa- Iro iarket. loons on the first day of the week. art Favor Children's Bureau. New Orleans, La.-Among the most Apro- important matters passed upon at Fri. day's session of the national congress of a was mothers was the adoption of a resol vi age by tion approving bills before congress, at rrying suggested by President Roosevelt, pro- in 0 for viding for a children's bureau in the t e next federal department of commerce and la- d sdopted bor. for one bThat thbe day for orphan asylums had 8( fts and passed was an expression of sentiment ve S which apparently, met .with the sympa- it iged by thy of the majority of the members of tla the congress. BISHOP HOSS OUT OF DANGER. amend- Rests Well and Stiffers But Littlea sadopt- a Pain. " confer- Baltimore, Md--The condition of P that all Bishop Hoss Thursday was improved, e eered as and both Dr, Young, who performed the F mst be operation at:the Johns Hopkins Hospital ( he name on Monday, and the prelate's two sons I ad quan- aremore thanr pleased. The bishop now i 6 be de rests well, and outside of a few pains .nsigneie coensequent %o the operation he suffers ees s in no otb hr ill eif ects. He is now believed 1 '···-.~: II. FIVE LAWYER'S IN CABINET STATE J. M. Dickinson Will Succeed Luke Wright as Secretary of War. DEFENSE i ~SIDE: Plhiladellhia, Pa.-P'remithat-elect T[aft arrived here Imor'inl from t in cimnnati, and with M11rs. Taft who camne Pistol "o over brnm New York to )join hinm, is the Dead S guest of Dr. S. Weir Mitihell in his \Val taut street holme. Mr. Taft admits he is making headway Nashville in the selecthion of a secretary of tlh State witni treasury. bu.*, maintains the place :, not of the def vet filled. Frankliu Mac\ea-lh and My- procedure ion T. Iledrick are two of the men uinder Saturday consideration. With this exevpltio t th ie he murde Taft cabinet is complete, and when offi- (armack. cially promulgated shortly before his in- that it re auguration will be found as follows: the d-fens Secretary of state, Philander C. Knox pare, and of Pennsylvania; attorney-general, ;eo. Attorney-t \V. Wickershami of New York: secretary that some of war, J1. M. D)ickintion of Tl'ennessee; here by t secretary of commerce and labor, (Charles offer their Nagel of Missouri; secretary of the navy, The ita ,eorge von L. Meyer of Massachusetts; fering tes secretary of the interior. t11. A. Ballinger (airieck of \Vashington; post master - general, can II. C Frank H. Wilson of lowa. he heard .J. M. D)ickinson of Tennessee, who ae- were witl cepted the war portfolio at the hands of prior to Mr. Taft, will give up the position of gen- had been eral solicitor for the Illilnois Central rail- lays the way system, and a salary of $35,000 a spracy year, to become a cabinet minister. He The S is between 54 and 55 years of age, a the dee native of Mississiplpi, and served three General months in the Confederate army as a four wit boyo. . score. FARM ANIMALS ON INCREASE for rebu sued a s he Southern States, According to Crop will be t Reporter, Progress. By not Vfro ashington.-The annual crop report aes. erou of the department of agriculture fur-nae u nishes gratifying proof in part of the Thle and, material progress of the United States, tion ing giving as it does the number and v'alue by imp y 2 o farm animals on Jan. 1, 1909. Ac ute cording to this repart-conmpared with pocket f the those of the last census 1900-the South- tornews ll b ern States have supplied a remarkable weeks tha proportion of the inunmmense addition to tied national wealth thus received. ate ship Total value of farm animals of the the se hip United States in 1900 was $2,012,000,000. in the rt o In 1909-Jan. 1-their value was $4,- counsel i 170,465,000. The figures stand for nunm- on th mand ber and value of horses, mules, milch NEG James cows, other animals and sheep. es The Southern States-Virginia, North se Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, (Geor shgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mis sissippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana Tusi dard and Texas-increased their total values Natioi a in farm animals from $178,162,371 in S. P. ap i1900 to $1,036,554,000 in 1909. scian nidge The total increase in the value of farm that animals in the United States from 1900 vanna to 1909 was 222 per cent; the increase 2,100 .M for the Southern States was 237 per cent. ureme ship The average value of these farm ani- have al mals in the South in 1909 was: air s CD Hlorses, $43.07; mules, $54.33; milch quent shipcows, $22.46; other cattle, $15,76; sheep, room $2. "I ED POLICE SEIZE WEDDING WINE o 6x8 Secure 1,000 Bottles Beer, 8 Barrels Thes bsorb Whisky, 200 Cases Wine. Atlanta, Ga.-The wedding of Miss tin mmit Lily Cohen and Samuel Loeb, fixed for of s ttwhich Tuesday night, will be a "dry" af- enor fair, owing to the activity of the Atlanta cuo reforee police in enforcing the prohibition law. ed the Miss Cohen and Mr. Loeb are memliers eessee of wealthy Jewish families, and it is planned to make their nuptials the event of the season in Hebrew social circles. To this end Morris Cohen, the father of the usurpa' bride-to-be, ordered a thousand bottles of ises le beer, three barrels of whisky and two was prte to hundred cases of wine, to be served at the wedding feast. that it The police heard of the large ship- wam e trust ment of drinkables consigned to Cohen, o al and raided the storage place, seized the liq- tiol cu ors and carted them to the police sta- aw The corn tion. Cohen was arrested charged with me nt having the liquors on hand for purpose nd of sale. Cohen gave bond in $2,000 and tat Mr will bring suit to recover the liquors. it, not Even Judge Broyles, who will pass on ei o inter- the seizure of the liquors, is one of those ag te other bidden to the feast. a rsident'e b - __.-- ___- - - so< Minister in Trouble. Reedsburg, Wis.-Because Rev. A. E. n( Friederi'eh, formerly a resident of Mad- be se Chi- ison and a graduate of the University of oi id a se- Wisconsin, refereed a basket ball contest fc me Court between time Madison and Reedsburg mil decision itary company, he may lose his position St pwer to as pastor of the Methodist Church at of e ethe sa. Ironton, Wis. The church board is up in o eek . arms, but Friederich says he will referee. li ADLAI STEVENSON ILL. the most Activities of Recent Campaign Too Much h on at Fri- of a Strain. u cogress of Chicago.-Adlai E. Stevenson, former a resolu- viee.president of the United States, is ill congress, at his houie in Bloomington, Ill., accord avelt, prin ing to reports received. The activities of a in the the recent campaign in which he was re and la- defeated by his Republican rival for the 0 ,llums had governorship is said to have proved a se sentiment vere strain on his 74 years, and he has, the sympa- it is stated, visibly weakened during the members of last few weeks, Asks Taylor's Pardon. DAGER. Louisville, Ky.-Kentucky's most vex uut Little ations political and penal problem has thrust up its head again with a petition ndition of presented to Gov. Willsdn by Caleb Pow improved, ers for the pardoning of former tlov. W. roormed the S. Taylor, former Secretary of State ins HHospital Charles Finley and John L. Powers. The c's two sons paper was signed by 15,000 citizens of bishop now Kentucky, regardless of party, affew pains Powers, who is himself a former see nhhe suffers retary of state of Kentucky, was freed now believed by Willson's pardoning prerogative some months ago. \ STATE RESTS ITS CASE INEW S -I How to M DEFENSE WILL PRESENT ITS SIDE IN COOPER TRIAL. Women , . bearing dov SPistol Holster Found in Pockst of Dead Senator's Overcoat---Who 1. Placed It There. ' -. y oNash ille. 'oenu.-.\hence cf some, II tate witnr"5s". and a cde-ire In l part it of the defenlse t ;arrangei' it: plan of 3 procedure causetd an adijourt' t until er Saturday in the (Cooper-Shlarp trial for lieve I wo lie the I uirdelr of former Senator l . VW.s sy says Mrs. I S(';au'ack. The State first annmuleI poor, h suff 1"' that it rested its eastc in chief. \\'hen leadaches, muy E'E's, a the defense asked until Saturday to pre- dizzy I w o0 pare. anti the continuance was granted, thing for i'" attorneyv-t;eneral .Metar anniounced weak and ry that soni missiniig witesises' wou s be over to but ;here by that time, and that lie would get around clS offer their testimony. Doan's IMie T' T'li State has satisfied itself with of- the first, a ts; fering testimony to prove that Senator cally well e'r 'arn:ack was slain 1by Robin .1. and l)un- Sold by al', can B. Cooper, that Joihn Sharp. -hen Foster-Mil' he heard the shots, knew what they ac- were without looking around, and that Sof prior to the killing several conferences Unkind II Zi- had been held. This, the State contends, pri lays the foundation for proof of con Sa spiracy. A dishe The State stops here and waits for for liquor P, a the defense to offer its case. Attorney- "speak et bree General MeCarn has subpoenaed sixty- himself a sa four witnesses, and has used scarcely a he owlisl score. The others will be held in reserve Suddenly (SE for rebuttal. The defense has not is. lapsed in sued a sununons, but says its witnesses moment I wrop will be present without court process. A hurective By not issuing subpoenas it prevents the few c State from knowing its witnesses' head in fur-names. "Oh, I the The only incident of Thursday's tes- come out ates, timony was the State's attempt to prove Preser atlue by implication that the pistol holster smoking Ac- found in the dead senator's overcoat blinked with pocket was put there by one of the at- "Hel outh- torneys for the defense, when, a few "What's kable weeks ago he went to the morgue and slumber )n to tried on the overcoat. Two witnesses mYer testified it was not in the pocket when ained, f the the senator was killed. It was found pl tow, 0,000. in the pocket by Gen. Washington of s $4, counsel for the defense, when he tried num.- on the overcoat. milchl NEGRO WORKERS CONFER. Geor- Race Has Not Learned Value of , M Sunlight and Air. lisiana Tuskegee, Ala.-At the session of the values National Negro Workers' conference Dr. 371 in S. P. Lloyd, formerly assistant city phy sician of Savannah, made the statement f farm that 7,000 negroes in the city of Sa n 1900 vannah are living in a space of 1,500 by icrease 2,100 feet square, this by actual meas ýr cent. urement, whereas every person ought to 'm ani- have from 500 to 1,000 cubic feet of air space. The health commission fre- Pert mnilch quently found five persons living in one would sheep, room eight by twelve feet square. Peal "In the district in Savannah to which thing W I refer," hlie said, "at least 400 two-room Fil houses, whose actual measur:ements are In 6x8 and 8x10 feet, are being erected. Fahre Barrels These are not houses, but death traps. of the "e. "We have not succeeded," he cowlmomE f Miss timued, "in teaching our people the value in rej ixed for of sunlight and air, the result is the were dry" af- enormous amount of pneumonia, tube~r- tists Atlanta culosis and diseases of children." nOW ion law. - ards. neer WOULD CONDEMN GOVERNOR Prose ud it is -__*_ reai he es Ati-Saloon League Has Bitter abled rle. To teWrangle. was ,ottles of Louisville, Ky.-A spirited wrangle re and two was precipitated in the Anti-Saloon d erved at League convention at the Coliseum Thursday afternoon, when a resolution Om was submitted to send to the legislature chit Ce of Tennessee congratulations on the a- sch Sthe liq- tion in passing a State-wide prohibition D i- law. It was also proposed to send a Mar ge sitli message of censure to Gov. Patterson it. r PiPOSe for his refusal to approve the action of like 2,000 and the legislature. 10 State Superintendent West and Presi. mar uor. dent Beauchamp led a victorious fight and a to against the measure. No little feeling was aroused, but the wave of trouble soon rolled into a condition of placidity. The committee on legislation recom eev. A. E. mends that the governor and mayor t of Mad- be clothed witlh power to remove from iversity of office the chief of police or other of- pri all contest ficial not enforcing the law. tro Isburg mil- A law making posiession' of a United is position States tax receipt *rima facie evidence Gri Church at of guilt is also recommended. The rec- fa. rdris up in ommendations of the committee were cot 'ill referee. heartily concurred in. tis LL. Tornado Cuts Wide Path. ret San Augustine, Tex.-A tornado near at SToo Much here last night cut a path alout 100 of former yards'wide apd several miles in length ion, former through standing timber, uprooting ga itates, is ill many thousands of dollars worth of w Ill., accord- pine trees; wrecked a sawmill and scat- it ctivities of tered luniber over a wide territory. ih he was About seven miles southeast, tlhe home ival for the of Bench Russell was wrecked and Rus proved a se- sell and his children were buried in the a and he has, debris, escaping with minor injuries. A b 1 during the number of small farm houses are re S ported wrecked, but no casualties. n -. A SUMMER WHITE HOUSE. 's most vex Landis Would Have One Constructed at problem has West Point. V th a petition Washington.--Representative Landise SCaleb Pow- of Indiana, wants a suimner White mer etlov. W. House constructed for the president. 1 ry of State He has introduced a bill to appropridste Powers. The $250,000 to erect within the United itizens of States military reservation at West rty÷ Point, N. Y., a suitable residence and Sfo frer se office building as an official summer y, was freed residence and executive office. The otgative some building is to be designated "the coun try White House." NEW STRENGTH FOR WOMEN'S BACKS. How to Make a Bad Back Better. Women who suffer with backache, bearing down pain, dizzy spells, and that constant feeling o& i' of dullness and tired ness, will find hope in the advice of Mrs. ;Mary Hinson of 21 me Strother St., Mt. art Sterling, Ky. "Had S ' I not used Doan's t i Kidney Pills I be far lieve I would not be laving to-day," \. says Mrs. Hlinson. "My eyesight was L poor, I suffered with nervous, splitting. Iell headaches, spots would dance before my eyes, and at times I would be so pe- dizzy I would have to grasp some thing for support. My back was so wed weak and painful I could hardly bend over to button my shoes and could not Auld get around without suffering severely. Doan's Kidney Pills helped me from 1 of- the first, and I continued until practi ator cally well again." I)un- Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a boa. %-hen Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. that JUST CALLED HIS ATTENTION. ' - Unkind If Clear Truth Told to Pro ends, prietor of "Speak Easy." conl. A disheveled man, much the worse a for for liquor, staggered out of a Maine rney- "speak easy" and laboriously propped mixty- himself against the door. For a while ely a he owlishly surveyed the passersby. ,serve Suddenly his foot slipped and he col t is. lapsed in a heap on the sidewalk. A tses moment later he was snoring. scess. A hurrying pedestrian paused, re ts the flectively surveyed the fallen man for a few seconds, and then poked his head in the door. "Oh, Frank!" he called. "Frank,. 's tes- come out here a minute." prove Presently the proprietor of the joint, Iroster smoking a fat cigar, emerged. He 'ercoat blinked in the bright sunlight. the at- "Hello, Hud," he said pleasantly. a few "What's up?" ie and Hud jerked his thumb toward the tnesses slumberer on the sidewalk. twhen "Yer sign has fallen down," he ex found plained, and briskly resumed his wall' tof up town.-Everybody's Magazine. e tried WHERE HE STOOD. FER. due of /. 1 of the mnce Dr. ity phy- -t. atement of Sa 1,600 by al meas ought to feet of sion fre- Percy-Do You think your father ig in onle ould object to my marrying you? re. Pearl-I couldn't say. If he's any to which thing like me he would. two-room First Fahrenheit Thermometer. Ients are In the year 1714,one Daniel Gabriel erected. Fahrenheit brought to the chancellor traps. of the University of Halle two there he cot mometers which agreed so perfectly the value in registering temperatures that they It is the were considered marvels. All scien ia, tuber tists were amazed. His method is ,, now one of the three accepted, stand ards. Fahrenheit was by birth a Prussian, but after his fifteenth year hERNOR he lived a long ,lfe in Amsterdam. His great skill in working in glass en I Bitter abled him to carry out his ideas. iHe was an original thinker, but for com wrangle mercial /reasons kept secret his meti Lnti-Saloon odi of manufacture for 18 years. : Coliseum Margaret Was Logical. resolution One afternoon I overheard my two legislature children tqlking about the Sunday on the ac- school lesson. prohibition Dick, who was much smaller than to send a Margaret, believed all she said about Patterson it. So he asked her what God looked a action of like, and she quickly answered: "God - looks like a stalk of corn, because and Presi. mamma said he had ears on all sides, ous fight and a stalk of corn is the only thing rioue feeight I know that has ears on all sides.'"- : f trouble Delineator. f placidity. PRIZE FOOD ion recom- Palatable, Economical, Nourishing. and mayor move from A Nebr. woman has outlined the r other of- prize food in a few words, and that f rom personal experience. She writes: of a United "After our long experience with cie evidence Grape-Nuts, I cannot say enough in its d. The rec- favor. We have used this food almost nittee were continually for seven years. "We sometimes tried other adver tised breakfast foods but we invariably Path. returned to Grape-Nuts as the most pal ornado near atable, economical and nourishing Sabout 100 of all. es in length "When I quit tea and coffee and be uprooting gan to use Postum and Grape-Nuts I Sworth of was a nervous wreck. I was so ir till and scat' ritable I could not sleep nights, had , no interest in life. sterritory. "After using Grape-Nuts a short time st, tanle Rusome I began to improve and all these ail keed nus- r.ients have disappeared and now I am buried in the a well woman. My two children have injuries. A been almost raised on Grape-Nuts, usues are re which they eat th'ree times a day. ualties. "They are pictures of health and HOUSE. have iever had the least symptom of stomach trouble, even through the onstructed at most severe siege of whooping cough they could retain Grape-Nuts when all itive Landis else failed. nmer nWhite "Grape-Nuts food has saved doctor he president, bills, and has been, therefore, a most to appropridte economical food for us." the eUnited Name given by Postum Co., Battle. tonat West Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well trsiien c andt ville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." iicial summe: E ver rend mthveabe lCtte? A tnew appears from time to time. Ther office. The ,e genolne, true, ani fun of humao ed "the count. Interet.