Newspaper Page Text
.NOit4CE To Unkown Delinquent Tax Pay ers of the Parish of plaquemines. In conformity with section 52 of Act 10 of the constitution of 1900. you are hereby notified that the taxes, State, 'gish and levee on the following as sessed and described properties for the year 1908, are now due ar:d unpaid un less same is paid within the twenty days I shall proceed to advertise the said properties for sale for the amount of taxes and penalties due, as the law directs. Brown. C. F. Jr. estate assessment $200 State tax $1, Parish tax $1.20, levee tax $2.00, acreage tax $2,1+0, Plaque mines East Bank tax $2.00, acreage tax $11.90, interest $2.85, A certain tract of land on the left bank of Mississippi River and designated as two arpents front by seventeen ar pents depth, bounded above by lands of Mrs. M. Buras and below by lands o! W House Burnett, Norton Mrs. assessment $1100, state tax $5.50, Parish tax $6.60, Levee tax $11.00, acreage tax $5.00, Plaquemines Parish East Bank Levee tax $11.00, acreage tax $26.25, interest and costs $6.45. A certain track of lana on the Left Bank of the Mississippi and designated as five arpents front by fifteen arpenýs in depth bouuded above by lands of A. E. Scott and below b3 lands of J. E. McDonald. Fowler John W. assessment $320, state tax $1'60, parish tax $1.92, levee tax $3.20, interest and costs $1.78. A certain tract of land on the left bank of the Mississippi River and designated nated as 320 acres N 1-2 of section 4, Township 16, South Range 15 E. Moran, James Estate, assessment $700 state tax $3.50, parish tax $4.20, levee tax $7.00, acreage tax $2, interest and costs $2.58. A certain tract of land on the left bank of the Mississippi River and designated as two prpents front by forty arpents in depth, bounded above by lands of Mrs S A Butler and lands of Mrs. S Glorioso. Moran, James Estate, assessment $50, state tax 25c, parish tax 30c, levee tax 50c'acreage $1, interest and costs $1.41. A certasn tract of land and the left bank of the Mississippi River and designated as Section 17, Township 19, South Range 17 E. Morrison James E. Dr., assessment $160, sta:e tax 8oc, parish tax 96e levee tax $1.60, interest and costs $1.51. A certain tract of land on the Left Bank of the Mississippi River and designated as 160 SW 1-4, Township 16, South Range 15 E. Noble, V. A., assessment $490, state tax $245, parish tax $294, levee tax $4.90, interests and costs $2.0T. A cer tain tract of land on the Left .Bank of the Mississippi River and designated as 490 acres all of section 21, Township 15, South Range 15 $. Ogden, Joseph, assessment $2560, qtlet tax $12.80, parish tax, $15.36, le vee tai $25,0, idterests and costs $5.55. A eertain tr4ac of land on the left bank of t4le ississippi River and designated pie0 acres, ,jetionas.5, 9, 17 and 18. Township 16, South Range, 15 E. Pierce; J. B. assessment $1620, state tax $8,10, parish tax $9.72, levee tax $16.20, interests and costs $3.97. A cer talJ tractofland.on the left bank of Oh Mississippi River and designated as 1620xacres, Sections 5, 6 and 7. Town *hip 10 South Range 16 E. Schaule, Henry Mrs. assessment $330 state tax $1.05, parish tax $1.98, levee tx, $830, acreage tax 50e, interest and I.::.Costs $1.8 A certain tract of land on the right bank of the Mississippi River and deauignaed as one half of one ar pent,i front by 40 arpents in depth. md above by lands of Mrs T. Bar :j s uad below by lands of Mrs. B. Thompson; G. C, asswsment $5050, stge tax 204$85, pariah tax P80,34 levee tax $6050, interest aud.costa (678. A certain tract of land on the left bank p: f the Misslsippi River and designated as a6 crs all of section 1, 2, 1, 12, lpind 14, elnseou sld 25. Townships lO South Rang. 1tE. Tysonalacin e anti Peter Robinson, smuolut $100, stte 'tax 80c, parish tax 9 e, ·interest and (oeta $1.89. A ".u4at a' t ofland on the left bank r e Miie s~sulsippt River and designated s :: 1*O-1 mcres, radiating section 10, ::` o Inl hiI21, South Range 19 E. :: U .Unhown, assessment $500, state ta 50 paish tax $I8, interests and costs Ilitb Wi~ta trrct of of land on '- ft bankly of the 'Idisisslppi River ipddssl nated ~a 1599O100acres, radi res of Rice Land P. ... . . ..... B i Co., 339 Carondelet St. Ssw r : ea*t "air, Loulana.. Cumber an Comneotions. HN · BiARR TT, 0r, A . ,1. ~,,·4 PEUQA AV 4r AL;Ii9t, IA. Unknown, assessment $500, state tax $2.50; parish tax, $3, intererest and costs $1.69. A certain tract of land on the left bank of the Mississidpi River aud designated as section 10, Township 20, South Range 18 E. FRANK C. MI:VERS, Sheriff and Ex-Officio Tax Collector Parish of P'iac emines. F'cub 20-27, Mch 6, State of Louisiana, Parish of Pla quemines. By virtue of and in obedience to an order of sa!e to me directed by the Board of Commissioners for the Grand Prairie Levee District, in and for the Parish of Plaquemines, dated September; 17, 1905, and affirmed October 12, 1908,' and in conformity with Act 215 of 1908, I have advertised and will proceed to sell at pubiic auction at the Court House at Pointe a la Hache, on Satur day, March 27th 1909 at the hour of 11 o'clock a. mt. the following described property: SOUTH~xASTERN DISTRICT - EAST OF RIVER. T. 18 S R 15 E.. all of sec 1 320 acres .. .. .. 2 300 " " 11 600 " " 12 350 " T. 18 S R 16 E. all lands rear of River Lots, except fractional S. 1-2 Sec. 34, S W. 1-4 Sed. 35, and all Sec. 16. T. 18 SR. 17 E. all of Sec. 5 640 acres .. . . 6 640 " ." . . 7 640 " 8 640 ." . " 12 640 " " 6 " 13 640 " 4 " " " 18 640 " . " . 20 640 " ." 21 640 ." . " 25 640 " " " 26 640 " .. .. 29 640 .. . '" 30 640 " " " 31 640 " .. " " 32 640 " 66" " 85 640 " " t " 36 640 " T. 19 SR. 18 E all of Sec 17 640 " " " " 18 640 " .. .' 19 640 " " " " 20 640 " T. 19 SR. 16 E.--all lands in rear of River Lots between North and East boundaries, except section 16 and ex cept the entry of Jules Lapene for N. W. 1-4 and E. 1-2 Sec. 2. and all frac tions Section 3 containing 880 acres 2320 All lands as near of river lots embraced in said town ships except section 16. 9600. F. 19 SR18 E all offract'l Sec 7 42.37 A N 1-2 of " 18 319.12" Lot 1 of " 17 32.- " S 1-2 of and S 1-2 of N. 1-2 section 26 451.48 " E 1-2 of S W 1-4, SW 1-4 of SW1-4, E1-2 of NE1-4S W 1-4 of N E 1-4 and the SE 1-4 of section 27, 400 Acres E1-2 of NE 1-4 SW 1-4 of NF 1-4 5, 1- of S W 1-4, S W 1-4 oi SW 1.4 and 8 18.4 Section 33 388 Acres all of Sec 34 640 " .. 35 252.44 " T. 19 SR 19 E E 1-2 and S W 1-4 ".29 480 " SE 1.4 of E 1-4 "'30 40 " SE 1-4 of NW 1-4,.NE 1-4 and' and S 1-2 all of section 31 520 " all of section 32 640 " Terms of sale cash, not less than Twenty (25c) cents per acre, in lots of not over One Huudred and sixty. (160) acres, the purchaser to assume any ex pense incident to surveying or locating the property purchased, the vendor parting with its right, title and inter eat in and to the property avertised and sold, as the same has been .acquired from the State of Louisiana, the sale to be made without warranty or restitu tion of the purchase price. FRAmK C- MEYERS, Sheriff. Murray Hill Club Whiskey SOL LEVI, Agent. March ;, the Field, Vegatable and Flower Garden. Steckler'; Garden Manual for the r Southern States gives the following in structions for March plantings. In the field sow sorghum, kaffair corn, dhouro, Milo maize and Teosinte for green feed, also lespedeza and all varieties of clovor and grass seed for hay and grazing. Irish and sweet pota toes should be planted, as well as field corn and broom corn, cow peas, Can ada field peas,soja snd velvet beans. In the vegatable garden it is time to sow beets, raddish, early cabbage, kohl rabi, all varieties of lettuce, spinach, mustard, carrots, Swiss chard, leeks, celery for cutting, parsley, roquette, cress and chervil and towards the end of the month endive.Bush and pole beans may be planted and towards the end of the month Limnia beans. Squash, cucum qers, melons and okra should also be planted, waiting till the end of the okra, Peas may still be planted and tomatoes, eggplant and peppers shouki be set out and seed sown for a later crop. Sweet corn should be planted. In the flower garden sow balsam, -zinnia, amaranthus, tornia, bahlia, cockscomb, cosmos, portulacca. hrow allia and sunflowers. Plant all bulbs as directed for January. Set out chrysan themums for fall blooming. Muskrats. The GAZETTE having received sever al inquiries from citizens of this parish concirning the trapping of muskrat, 3 We furnish the law on the protection of Fur bearing animals, Act 79 of 1906. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the State'of Louisiana, That it shall be unlawful in this State r to catch, trap or kill, or to pursue with intent to catch or kill, between the first day of March and the 15th day of November in any year, any otter, beav er, mink, raccoon or oppossum. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc,, That any person or persons violating the above provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall on conviction thereof be fined not less than $10 nor more than $100, or impris oned in the parish jail for not less than ten days, nor more than ninety days, or both at the discretion of the court, for each offense; provided, this shall not apply to farmers or others, killing minks, coons or opossums about their premises or cultivated lands to prevent depredation. Section 3, Be it further enacted,, etc. That any person reporting to any of ficer, authorized under the laws of this State, to institute a prosecution, any violators of this Act, shall receive as a reward for such report one half the fine levied and collected from the per son so reported, and the remainder of such fine shall go to the public school fund of the parish in which the offense was committed, f There is no law forbidding the trap t ping or killing of muskrats. We are of _ the opinion that the destruction of the muskrat should be encouraged, in order " to prevent the vast amount of depreda tion which they are doing to our lands and our farmers. The Police Jury of this parish has passed an ordinance pro tecting the alligator on that account being an enemy to the muskrat. We say to the trapper of muskrat. Keep up your good work, and as long as there remains a vestige of the muskrat, "Let us have his hide:" River News The great ball announced in our last issue to occur at Manuel Oscar Buras' on Mardi Gras night was pulled off in grand style despite the bad weather. Mi. Buras' new\boat, the Standard was utiliked by Mr. Buras in bringing the guests of the occassion all the way from Bures to Port pads, the guests were all greatly delighted and didn't "'go home till morning." The school teachers from far 'down the river parts are reported to all have gone to New Orleans to meet Rex and his retinue. Hon. Simon Leopold, who is always a hustler and now directing the closure of the Baptiste Collette Gap, reports that the work will be completed within Sten days. The opening in the river f bank has done much injury to the oys termen in that section and its closure Sis welcomed by them. ; We are glad to say that the orange r groves of the parish generally have not been appreciably injured by the recent freezes and we have now every promise 1 of an abundent orange crop this year. SThe success of the reinforced cement revetment used to protect the levees built by the U. S. Engineers in a few Splaces on the Lower Coast is leading to its more general use here and we shall hope for many miles of it within a few years. SMore Plaquemine Enterprise. The steampaceket boat, El Rito, mqde her maiden trip in the Lower Coast trade on Thursday of this week. Captain Charles Straud was seen on the bridge and we understandhe is to have full command. Doc Shuppert- the well known river man is to have charge of the books and clerical force and the new venture starts out under faiorabled aus pices. The new boat is about 100 feet long by 30 feet beam and contains comfort able quarters for passengers and fine large freight room. The motive power is got with 150 H. P. Fairbanks Morse gasoline engine. The enterprise has be hind it some of. our most active and able merchants, truck growers and oyster men and promises to be a success from the ,beginning. Notwithstanding this new venture we believe there will be a good b sjness for all, and we must standby our old friends while we wel come the new, Advice. Give not vain hope a willing ear, Nor ovei idle fancy brood: To wise thought give your care, * Lest despair be thy bitter food. Think well before you act, Think twice before you speak; The sooneq you grasp this fact,, Sooaer wsil peace you seek. Shobld friends you forsake Or ideals be irudely shattered, Let not bitter thoughts awake; Still have faith-all's n6t flattered. Remember, e'en though our way, _Ihs etrewn with malya thorn,. T rb are roses in lifes spray Whiceh 1ill greet.tes era the morn. Let. our faith i.emain unaiken. Hope sfistain us oe'r Night's wave; Then, in time,we shall awaken In tthemo rn thatwe now crave,. Tihen; whl wif car fS peast regrets, N.~ sighand tears and pattiece ~~ :I·$o t lethe Official Directory. Representative 1st Congressional Dis trict--Generfal Albert Estopinal, St. Bernard Po Senators Fourth Senatorial District-- Hon Adam Estopinal. St Bernard p O of Hon S V Guillotte, New Orleans at Parish Representative-- Hon Simon th 14 Leopold, Phoenix P 0 hi Twenty-ninth Judicial District- Hon fo R Emmet Hingle, Judge, rointe-a-la of Hache P. O. of District Attorney-Hon. N. H. Nu-! is nez, 407 Morris Bldg. New Orleans. 'ta PLAQEMINES PARISH OFFICERS. F. C. Meyers, Pointe a la Hache, dE sheriff. A. P. Alberti, Pointe a la Hache, Pi Clerk of Court. ni Marc Cognevich, Assessor. Nairn P. ,l, O. Dr. H. L, Ballowe, Coroner Buras'n p.0. of Joseph Savoie, Treasurer, Nero, P.O. th Dr. V. O. Schayot, Health Officer, h, Pointe a la Hache. PLAQUEMINES PARISH POLICE a: JURY. si Julius Strack, First ward, English cc Turn P. O. cc Adrian Leopold, Second ward, Phoe- it; nix, P. 0. E. A. Schayot, Third ward, Pointe a !at la Hache' iul . Thomas Brophy, Fourth ward, Nep- fo tune, P. O. rJoe Bernard, Fifth ward, Venice, P. ac C.Grabert, Sixth ward. Jesuit's Bend P. O. Roselius Perez, Seventh ward Jesuit's Bend P, O. Dave Withan, Eighth ward, Diamondi i P. O. Frank Giordano, Ninth ward, Home 0 Place P. O. s J. B. Fasterling, President, Tenth ill Sward, Buras, P. . of PLAQUEMINES PARISH SCHOOL at BOARD. h J. B. Babington, First ward, English Turn P. O. at Wm. Dymond, President, Second to I ward, Belair P. 0. fr Jules Savoie, Third ward, Nero, P.O. ?i F.M. McLaughlin, Fourth ward, Pilot t Town P. O. 0s Miegs Childress, Fifth ward, Triumph a P. O. pi Louis Jeanfreau, Sixth ward, Jesuit's s Bend, P. O. m F. J Giordano, Seventh ward,Jesuit's 1'1 s Bend P, O. r B V. Treadaway, Eighth ward, City Price of - P.O. n f N. B. Cannon, Ninth ward, Happy- at 1 Jack P. 0. B W. H. Chauvin, Tenth ward, Narnm b P.O. P Edwin C. Kohn, Parish Superinten- ul f dent Public Schools. P'te a la Hache. ti PLAQUEMINES PARISH JUSTICES p of the PEACE. pt s Julius Strack, First ward, English gi E Turn P. O, D Henry Meyer, Second ward Bertrand- P t ville, P. O. m V Adrain Leopold, Second ward, Phoe- of p nix P. 0. e John B. Hingle Third ward, Pointe a la Hache. Martial Castiex, Sixthward, Jesuit's Bend P. O. cE Clem Lartigue, Seventh ward, Nao- dI mi P. O. t Geo. V. Groleau, Eighth ward, Dia- e` mond P. O. t0 Geo. W. Delesdernier, Fourth ward, to Burrwood P.o. Ernest Fellon, Fisth ward, Venice, vi 1 P. o. . ... .s 'Rene Rouiselle, 14inth ward, Happy SJack, P. O. Clovis Hingle. Tenth ward., Empire P.,O. t tl For Rent.. STwo hundred and thirty acres L e of rice -land. In good condition. gi s Best rice lands in the state, t r Lower Bohemia: Apply. s E. Y. James, Pointe-a-la-Hache, La. e h b OOW$, HItORSES, MULES and SWORK OXEN. Apply to S. LEOPOLD PHOENIX, P. O. LA. II- -- - --- ----r 11 . Notice w is hereby given in accordance I - with Act 17~6 of 1908,that I am ap plying to the Police Jury of the ig Parish of Plaquemines for per ~- mission to conduct a barroom at I e City Price La. Br J, C. COSSE. -e d B. I le 1 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC SAll Year Tours -TO- 1 California Msaico Oregon See the most interesting cities in America: the nost beautiful seer.3ry in all the Norld; travel on the most comfortable train in the United States to Nsw Y andil Cuba S on oneo of our SOUTHERN PACIFIC'S magniftlcent steamships provided with all conveniences of a Modern Hotel, Cuisine unsurpassed. If you are undeded see e; any Agent of the Southern Pacific snd he will plan your trip; .,/' "' w Ts FORe itaIRATURE e F.E. BA'~URSG.P. A. . New Orleans, Las, .-' ,...- : " , . . _ . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH : OF PLAQUEMINES. t BE IT KNoSwN, That on this 12th day i of the month of December, in the year1 of our Lord one thbfisand nine hundred and eight and of tlik Independence of t the United States of America the one hunlred and thirty-third (1,3rd), be fore me, Ernest Alberti. Deputy Clerk a teof Court of the 29th Judicial District of the State of Louisiana, for the Parl -Ish of Plaquemines, and ex-officio No-.1 tary Public, and in the presence of the p witnesses hereinafter named and un- e dersigned. personally came and ap-a peared t:he ,everal persons whose,t names are hereunto subscribed, whoI declared that, availing themselves of f the laws of the State of Louisiana and b of the costitution thereof reh]tive to I' the organization of corporations, they I 'have agreed and by these presents do e ,agree and bind themselves, as well as -c such persons as may hereafter- be come associated with them, to form and constitute a corporation and body pol itic in law for the objects and purposes and under the clauses, conditions, stilt- d ulations and articles hereinafter set a 'forth and expressed, which they hereby i. adopt as their charter, to-wit: a a ARTICLE I. The name and title of this corpora tion shall be, THE LOWER COAST GAZETTE CO.. and its domicile J shall be at Pointe a la Hache, in the Parish of Plaquemines, State of Louisiana. Under this corpor ate name said corporation shall have the power and authority to exist and enjoy a succession for the full term and period of ninety-nine years from the date hereof. It shall have the t power and authority to sue and be sued; to make and use a corporate seal aand the same to break or alter at pleasure; to name and appoint such managers, directors, officers and em ployes as the interests and convenience rum for the transaction of business and of this corporation may require; to.' make and establish, as well as alter and amend, from time to time, such by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper management, conduct and reg - ulation of the affairs of said corpora tion as may be deemed necessary and proper; to own, hold, receive, lease, purchase and convey, as well as mort gage and hypothecate property, real, personal and mixed; to consolidate or merge with another corporation, or own and hold stock therein. ARTICLE, II. All citations and other legal pro cesses shall be served upon the presi dent of said corporation, or, in the event of his absence or disability, on the vice-president, and in the case of the absence of both the president and vice-president, upon thle secretary of said corporatio.n ARTICLE III. The objects and purposes for which this corporation is established and the Snature of the business to be carried on by it are declared to be the printing and publishing of a newppappr, dgvQted to the agricultural and other interests of the Lower Coast and of the State of 5 Louisiana; toconduct and carry on a general newspaper business, with all things connected therewith, and by the sale of such newspapers and other printed matter published by said Com pany, to disseminate news and all mat ters of general infoimation. ARTICLE IV. SThe capital stock bf said corporation has been and is hereby fixed at the sum of Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars, to be divided into or represent ed by twenty-five hundred shares of ten dollars each; said stock shall be paid for in cash as it may be called * In by the Board of Directors, ard the calls for said cash payment shall not exceed fifty per cent. the first year axd Snot exceed fifty per cent. during the second year. Said calls for said cash payments shall not exceed five per cent. per month during the first year and "not exceed five per cent. per month during subsequent years. until the whole subscription shall have been e paid. AJR'PICLE V. SAll the corporate powers of said cor t poration shall be vested in and exer cised by a Board of Directors to be composed of nine stockholders. Said Boalrd of Directors shall be elected an nually on the first Saturday in May, beginning in the year 1910. All such Selections shall be by ballot and shall be conducted at the office of said cor poration, under the superintendence of two commissioners to be appointed by the -Board of Directors, and of which qlection ten. days' previous notice shall be given in a newspaper published in the Parish of Plaquemines. Each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote, to be cast by its owner, either in person or by proxy, and a majority in the amount of the outstanding stock of said corporation shall be requisite to elect, A failure to clect directors on the day above specified shall %hot dis solve the corporation, but the then directors- shall cause another election to be held withir thirty days, of which ten days' previous notice shall be given in a newspaper published in said. Par ish of Plaquemines. Vacancies occur ring in said Board shall be filled by the remaining directors and any direct or of the said Board who may be .ab sent from the Sta·te at the time of meet ings of said Board of Directors shall have thh right to appoint another stock holder as his proxy to sit and act in the. place of such absent member for the time being an4 such proxy shall jhave and4 exercie all the .powea~r nd " - --.. . - iinluiiities of siich la slnt. diri rors. Flive directors shall constitutll a qulo the Board of Directors at their first meeting following each annual election shall elect one of their number to be !: president and another to be vice-preos-': ident, and they shall also elect a sccre tary. Said Board of Dircctors. may ap point from time to time, and dismi.s at pleasure. such officers, clerks and agents and other employC s that they 7 may deem necessary ,for. the business andtl urposes of said corporation. Said Board of Directors shall also have full power and authority to borrow money, .9: exeeute mortgages, issue notes orI bonis. : and generally do all things pertlinelt, to the objects and Iurposv:s of said comr poration, as also to issu5e and deliver full paid shares of stock or bonds, or7: obligations of said corporation at not less than par \'alue in paymm~nt for laibor done, or mooney hotrrowed, or prol. erty or rights actually received by said 7 corport.ioll. 4: ARTCICLE VI. Whenever this corporation may he 7t dissolved, either by limitation or from i: any other cause, its affairs shall be liquidated by three stoc(kholders, to be ;: .appointed at a general meeting of the 11 stockholders to be convened for such purpose, after thirty days' previous , notice shall have been given by adver tisement in a newspaper published in S: the Pari-h of Plaquemines and a ma- ;1: jority in amount of the outstanding' capital stcck of said corporation shall be requisite to elect. Said commission erns shall remain in office until the af fairs of said corporation shall have been 4: fully settled and liquidated and in e-ase of the death of one or more of said commissioners, the vacancies shall be s filled by election by the surviving 7 commissioners. 9: ARTICLE VII. This Act of Incorporation may be modified, changed or altered, or said corporation may be dissolved with the 7: assent of three-fourths of the stock rel)- 1 esented by any general meeting of the I stockholders convened for such purpose, after thirty days' previous notice shall have been given in a newspaper pub lished In said Parish of Plaquemines. Such changes as may be made in ref erence to the capital stock of said cor paration s-hall be in accordance with the laws of the State upon this subject. ARTICLE VIII. No stockholder shall ever be held liable for contracts or faults of srid corporation in any further sum than t the unpaid balance due on the shares of stock owned by him, nor shall any mere informality in organization have the effect of rendering this charter null, nor cf exposing a stoclkhohler to any lability beyond the amount due on his stock. ARTICLE IX. Until the first election to be held under this charter on the first Satur-( day in May, 1910, the following named persons, or stockholders, shalj constii ute the fi~rt foard of Directors, witi all the powers hereinabdve enunierated, and 6hall continue in office until their successors shall havq been elected, vIz: F. C. Mevers. S. Leopold, Ben Michel, John Dymond Jr; Joseph Cosse, Marec Coghevich, Joseph Savoie, Dr. V. O. Schayot and Joseph Hingle with the aforesaid F. C. Mevers, as president and Simon Leopold as vice-president. Thus done and passed, in my office at Pointe-a-La-Hatche, on the day and in the month and year herein written, in I the presence of Messieurs L. T. Fonte nelle and Gustave Favret, competent witnessess, who hereunto sigh their names, together with the said appear ers and me, Notary, after due reading of the whole, the said appearers declar ing they placed afiter their signatures the number of shares of stock sub I scribed for by them and they likewise B adopt this as their stock subscription a list. F. C% MEVERS AND OTHERS. WITNESSES L. T. Fontenelle, Gustave Fayret. SERNEST ALBERTI, Dy. Clerk of Court and Dy. Ex-Oficio, Not. Pub. SA true copy of the original on file and of record in my office and recorded in Book 2, Folio 409 of Mortgoges of this a Parish on December 12, 1908. S(SIGNED) ERNEST ALBERTI, Dy. Clerk and Dy. Ex rDfficio Recorder, For Sale. e Some of tJe finest lands "r 3, State, on the Right Bank of the n Mississippi River a few miles be e low the City of New, Orleans, ,t within hauling distance of the o French Market, and constituting a the upper end of Belle Chasse Sand the lower end of the St. Ann SPlantations, in the Parish of n Plaquemines. h These lands 'are splendidly ad a dapted to Truck Farming or r- Orange Growing and will be sold r. in lots of one arpent or more front by forty arpents in depth. For Particulars Addrss ST. S. WILKINSON , Myrtle Grove - Postoffice, r or 311 Godchaux Bldg., a NEW ORLEANS, NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD. Time Schedule I Depart Arrive LOUISV'L,LE Iid1ASHVILLE R:00 p. i. N. Y. amti' N O .Limited 7:55 p. m. 9:K) pm. in. c. n. Baul Flurldlt Expre 7:15 a. m :05a.m. in 'nC nat'i., ~irao and New Yo k Express 8::35 p. m. (;:) a. m. Montgomery Accomtnlation 6:45 p. m 'Iulf ('oat Unmi'ed .15, p. in Daily Except Sunday 8:50 a. m. 5115 p. "u. N. 0.. Mobile Acccom 11:50 a. m. 7:J a. im. Sunday Excursion 9:.5 p. m. QU IEEN and CRESCENT ROUTE T lerninal Station, Canal S'reet. 7:30 p. m. Cin. and New York 9:05 a. m. 9:241. a. m. Cincinnat i 8:35 p. in m, 7.)30 p.m. St. Luis 8:35 p. inm. 6:414 a. in Mrid. annd In. PtD. Dily 4:30 p. m 4:501 p. mi. Meridian Local Dail -- - -I Hattiesburt Locdl )aily 8:24 a. m. Sunday ExcI'tiun. 7:25 a. an. Lumbxrton and ln. Pus. 7:30 p. m. ILLINOIS CENTRAL.. 9:15 a. inm. "The imited." Chicago. St. ,ouis, Louisville. and ('incin nati .. . . 8115 a. m. 7:10 p. m. Fast Mail. Chicago St. Louis and Louisville and Cincinnati 10.55 a. ra 5:30: a. i. Local Mail 6:40 p. it. 4:30 p' m. Northern Express 8:50 a. in. 2:5 p. im. McComb Accommodation 9:50 a. m: YAZOO and MISSISSIPPI VALLEY 7t14 a. m. Vicksburg Express 5:30 p. tn. 1:15 p. .. Baton Rouge A .'cogi . 9.40 a. m. 3:15p. nm. Northern ExprS, 4:10) a. in. SOUTHERN PACIFIC 6:30 a. m. Houston Local 5:10 p. inm. 11:55a.m. Sunset Express for La. Texas and California. . . 6:45 p. m. 3:00 p. m. Lafayette Local 11:10 a. i i 9:1W p. in. Texas Express S:35 a. m. TEXAS anti PACIFIC 8:55 a.m. El Paso and Cal. Express 5:45 p. m. 3:55 p. in. New Roads Iocal 11:55. a, n. 6:30 p. m. Ft. Worth and Hot Spgs. 8:30, . m. NEW ORLE N1S SOUTHERN RAILWAY %vO. (Formerly N. O.. Fort Jackson and G. 1. R. R.) 8:05 a. m. Sunday Only 7:36 p. m. 8:40 a in. Daily. Except Sunday 7:0) p. mi 1 4:00 p. in. ly. Ex. Sat, anI Sun. 0:45 a. an. 5:31p. nm. Saturday and Sunday 9:45 a. m LOIIISIANA SOUTIIERN 5:310 p. . Daily, Except Sunday 8:510 a. m. 8:45 a. m. Sunday 10:05 a. m. 7:1) p. in. Sunday 6:00 p. m. 9::30 a. m. Saturday 4:30 p. in. GULF and SHIP ISLAND 4;30 a. in. Jackson 2:10 p. m. 6:50 a. m. Jackson 7:35 p. m ::25 p. m. Jackson 11:15 p. m. 1:18i a. i. Hattiesburi 7:58 a. m 10:07 ain. IHattiesburg 2(1:24 a. m. 7:0)5 p. m. Hattiesburg 6:45 p. m. 7:33 p. im. Hattiesburg 7:18 p. m. 7:30: a. m. Gulfport 11:00 a. m. 11:30 p. m. Gulfport 2:55 p. mn. 1.15 p. mn. Gulfport 10:00 p. m. NEqW ORLEANS GREAT NORTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Terminal Station Canal Street. 6.55 a. m.) Columbia Jet.. Ioga (6:40 p. m. .*.:3 p. . . lusa, Franklinton. (10.15 a. m. Daily .55 a. m. Mandeville. Abita Springs, Folsotn. Covingtaon 6.40 p. inm. Eaily. Except Sunday. 1 5.25 p. inm. Maneoville, Abita Springs. Folsomn. Covington 8.40 a. m. Sunday Ixcua.lon 8.(5 a. m. Covington. Ablta Springs. Mandeville 7.40 p. m. LOUISIANA RAILWAY and NAVIGATICN COMPANY. (Carrollton Avenue Station.) 7.00 a. m. . . . . . . . . . . 9.50 p. m. I - " III I ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. N. iH. NUNEZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 407 Morris Bldg., New Orleans. District'Attorney for the parishes of S Plaquemines and St. Bernard. - Office Hours 10 to 12a.m, PhoneM, 3378 JOHN. DYMOND, .Jr r ATTORNEY-AT-LAW .. -339 Carondelt Stree-.. New Orileana I, CIVIL LAw A SPFCtAere:iV Practice in State and Federa Cio ir. JULIUS STRACK, n JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, n St. Clair Plantation, English Turn P, O. ! Collections and Other Legal Business promptly attended to. JAS. WILKINSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 137 Carondelet St. Fourth Floor n NEW ORLEANS, LA, Take Elevator. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA; 29th Judicial District Court, Par' ish of Plaquemtines. Id No. 702. s CHRISTINE MIGUELLA VIARD and OiqsU LA ANTOINETTE VIARD. vs. KATIE FRANCIS VIARD.a, and FRANcIs a AUGUSTINE VIARD, Minors. By virtue of and in obedieuce to an Sorder of sale to me directed by the Hon orable, the Twenty-Ninth Judicial Dis, trict Court in for the Parish of Plaque, mines, dated the second day of Febru. Sary 1909, in the above entitled suit, I have advertised and will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Court House Sat Pointe ala Hache. on Saturday the e 27th day of March 1909, at 11 o'clock a, m., the following described property Sto-wit; e First. A certain or tract or portion of land together wi'h all the buildings and improvements thereon, rights, ways lf privileges and appurtenances thereto f belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the Parish of Plaquemines -on the right bank of the Mississippi )r River and about 65 miles below the city Id of New Orlearts, having and measuring e one half of one arpent front on the said river by a depth of 40 arpents, bound ed above by lands of William Hingleand below by those of Luca Rainodeni, ' Second. All thatportion of land knowvn as the west 1-2 of section 20, Tow hip 19, S. R, 28 E., Southeastern Distrietr e, west of the Mississippi River. FRANK C. MEVERS, Termsof sale: Cash Sheriff of the Parish of Plequemwies Feb 20-27, Mchb-6-1~-0-2. ··:.