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A Republican Reliance. Three-year-old Norris is fond of the Twenty-third Psalm, sometimes repeat ing it Instead of his regular evening prayer. Last autumn the name of the successful presidential candidate was to often heard at the dinner table, and be Norris unconsciously fell into the hab- oi it of rendering one passage of the Psalm in this reassuring fashion: "Thy rod and thy Taft they comfort me."- n Lippincott's. The churches in the Hawaiian Isl- al ands number 101. and the membership N is 6,903, but the accessions last year s1 were only 595-less than nine per 0 cent. - ---p SICK HEADACHE " Positively cured by L these Little Pills. n In LE from DyIpepsia, In l i gKt ionaud Too leat rty IVER ti,!I. A perfect r:m- a P1 eoily for Dizziness, ~ au Kea, Drowiinciess, Bad Tastr in the Mouthl, Coa;t ed To n:ue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature ITTLE IVER REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, COLDS CURED IN ONE DAY Munyon's Cold Remedy Relieves the head. throat and lungs almost immediate ly. Checks Fevers, stops Discharges of the nose, takes away all aches and pains 1 caused by colds. It cures Grip and ohl stinate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia. Price 25e. Have you stiff or swollen joints, no mat ter how chronic? Ask your druggist for Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy and see how quickly you will be cured. If you have asy kidney or bladder trouble get Munyon's Kidney Remedy. Prof. Munyon has just issued a Magazine Almanac, which will be sent free to any per son who addresses The Munyon Company, Philadelphia. BILLION SGRASS ss0s tos- awscrsr sed. Kostwonderfnlgras of the eentury,ylelding from Sto 10t tons othay peracre and lotus of pjasture lbe sides. It slmply irrows, grorow rows I Cu t I t today mad in4 weeksl It look for bthe mower agsin. alv so on. rows ad lourishes everywhere, on every farmnn tAmerica. 'heap sdirt; luxurlantastlhe boIttom lands of Egypt. Big seed catalog tree or send bO0 In stamps and receive sample of this wonderful rls,aSlsof spells, the cereal wonder, Barley. Oats, Clover,. Grasses, etc., ete.,and eatsq log free. Or msend 140 and wewill add a sampa farm seed novelty never seen by you before. IALZER SEED CO., Bos W. L Ceros.e, Wi. 4 E6 TE S b m " it d ton to el to consumer Hills toney & Tar etI), and Dl-Col-Q (lhnment). 0% corn e isxperen unneoery. Big money. One bottle each, circular and particulars sent pre. r Don't we unles you /v f time to this work. Address O DRUG CONCRBN, New York City. S astant booktaeS eb elerks afeeIt Adde0 s A., t.K.-F (1909--9) 2271. ti 81 We know of 'no other nedicine which has been so suc . afil in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so SI any genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound. - I ,I alihopt every community you will find women who ' bae been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg ' able4 Compound. Almost every woman you meet has S her been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. I In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con ,"ning over one million one hundred thousand letters from women" seeking health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by thkirg Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compounds Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved "many women from surgical operations. ' LdiaL F inukhan's Vegetable Compound is made ex S.luswively from roots and herbs, and is perfectlybharmless. SThe reason why it is so successful is because it contains ). rlurnients which act directly upon the female organism, itoring it to healthy and normal activity. y ". Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such ' *,the following prove the efliciency of this simple remedy. o tlas, .s-.-I wasa great sufferer .from female ecaused a weakness and broken do*n condition I rad much of what Lydia Pinkham's uand had done for other suffering women, I felt helpme, and I must say it did help me wonder th ee months I was a perfectly well woman. $ ~ant bies mae Weto show the benefits to be e. 's egetable Compound." `ý 01 , 91 15 Secon4 St.North, Minneapolis,Minn. '+-Women who are suffering fromn those distressing ills ciar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts dou dbt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable to estore their health. The Oaly Genuine Kuwsir Ins~ravrs in Arkansas SFor WHJSKEY S ad DRUG USING A n D Ur U I of -ot S ring Baths given ea ch patient. Write tifolsatin... Correspondence Confdentiat. -=XASTATE LAND '-f ' aof re!toola 3azt tenu byob -o pus ee oiiiy oaw o rfietb `LP~ia Pinhams Vgetale ompund as avI ~ims woe 4rmsria oeain IS BALDNESS DOOMED? Baltimore Specialist Says It Is' Un necessary, and Proves It. Baltimore, Feb. 21.-The intense in- g terest in the wonderful work that is being accomplished in Baltimore and other cities by Wm. Chas. Keene, pres ident of the Lorrimer Institute, con- F tinues unabated. Many cases of bald ness and faded hair of years' standing have been remedied by the remark able preparation being distributed from Mr. Keene's laboratory, and its fame is spreading far and wide and thousands of persons are using this remarkable hair food with gratifying results, t 'What makes this treatment more popular is the fact that free trial out fits are sent by mail prelaid. Those who wish to try it are strongly ad vised to write to I1r. Keene at the Lorrimer Institute, Branch 212, Balti more, Md. They will receive the full trial outfit free of charge and much useful information about the hair which will put them on the road to a rapid and certain improvement. e THE BUGVILLE BASEBALL GAME. Jim Ant-Run, fellows run! Bill Beetle-What's up? Jim Ant-Why, here comes the fly cop! Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or consti. tutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take f Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in Sternally. and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medi cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers. acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful re lults in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sid by Druggists. price 73c. T."ke Hall's Family Pills for constipation. How Lorella Was Interested. While the visitor told how he had % ridden 30 thrilling miles on the cow catcher of a locomotive, five-year-old Lorella listened attentively. As he concluded, she asked: "Did you catch the cow, Mr. Blank?" For Colds and Gripp-Capudine. The best remedy for Gripp and Colds is Hicks' Capudine. Relieves the aching and feverishness. Cures the old-Headaches also. It's Liquid-Effects immediately-10, 25 and 50c at Drug Stores. Hands Upl Winks-Were you ever in a railroad W holdup? Blinks (seasoned traveler)-Yes; I ne always go standard Pullman. No harmful drugs in Garfield Tea, Na ture's laxative-it is composed wholly of clean, sweet, health-giving Herbs! For con I stipation, liver and kidney troubles. It's a good thing to have opinions and it's a better thing to keep the lid on them sometimes. Prol PASSING OF TELLER tific it phase: SUCCESSOR ELECTED TO COLO. lustra RADO'S BRILLIANT SENATOR. acter birth card Has Unique Record in That He Has meani Served 18 Years as Republican of dre and 12 Years as Democrat manic Without Interruption. ures, it is a Washington.-Press dispatches re only cently announced simply that Charles will a J. Hughes of Denver has been elected memt to the United States senate to succeed partle Henry M. Teller. Literally that was Farm, all. Politically there was much more. tricts It was that the election of Mr. Hughea invali marked the passing of Henry Moore It N Teller, the grand old man of the free Rockies. REM] During one-third of a century Mr. PHIA Teller, to a greater or lesser extent, has been continuously before the eyes of the nation. For a large part of that At time he held high rank in the councils an e! of his party. Few abler men have ture come out of the west and none who lain 1 longer held the affections of his peo- fore ple. Yet when the final summary was no m made up, the only mention he received befor was that his name was among those entered. Farsve Mr. Teller's entry into the senate origina was coincident with the entry of his state into the union. His record is Cai unique in that he served in that body get I 18 years as a Republican, and then without missing a day he served 12 years more as an independent and a Democrat. A few older men bave been elected to the senate at different V times by political parties of opposite beliefs, but a period intervened in which they waited for the people to experience a change. Mr. Teller re- I pudiated his old affliliation and took ke up with the new without interruptions nIn his service. Since Colorado has been a state one n. half of its representation in the Unite States senate, except for three years, has been Henry M. Teller. The other bI , ,ý, Senator Henry M. Teller of Colorado. half varied, as one term followed an other, and the ability and character of that representation likewise varied. Born in New York state in 1830, Mr. Teller when he became a young man, studied law and was admitted to the bar. He sought the great west in 1858, and as Illinois at that time seemed to be a long way toward the setting sun, he came to this state and began the practice of his profession. He only remained here two years, however, as he foresaw greater possi bilities in the territory of Colorado. That his judgment was good when he decided to take the long the new and little known land in the Rockies was piroved by the later events In his life. Fifteen years afterward, while the nation was celebrating its centennial, Colorado was admitted as a state, and among the first acts of its .legislature was the election of Henry M. Teller as one of its representatives in the Utnited States senate. Chosen as a Republican, he served In the senate until in April, 1883, when he was called to President Ar thur's cabinet as secretary of thle in terior. Here he twice honored his state--binging it an important cabi net post after only six years of stath ) hood, and being the instrument by which this distinction was given to a state beyond the great American plains. N Mr. Teller served as secretary of the Interior during President Arthur's term, but iear the close of the period there was a sensational election, in Ci r Colorado, and he'was offered his old in seat. He accepted it, and when his work as cabinet member ended on March 4, 1885, he walked over to the Scapitol and took the oath of ofice as a senator. A few years later the money ques tion began to mlake trouble for men in public life, and what was destined tl to be Mr. Teller's greatest political at sorrow beg4I to take form. A financial c stringency, followed by the repeal of the Sherman act, precipitated the free y sitver controversy upon the country, di and Mr. Teller, an ardent advocate of ki Sfree coinage, found himself in conflict wRith many of his political associates. F Subsequent developments are of too recent occirende to require recount gin here. Mr. Teller was approaching ai the end of his thfild senatorlql term. a His state was overwhelmingly'for sil ver, but a majority of th leaders of b the Republican pairty in the country at large w`ere bendint their effbrts to ob- tl tailr a declaration for the gdld stand Sard. The crisis for the Colorado man was near at hand. It came with the Republican national convention at Stl b Louis In 18968. Making Sure. " "Did you charge that man for that steak?" asked the butcher. p "I think so," replied the clerk. "Well, charge it again and -be .a tire." \ "That wouldn't be rihtL" 'Perhaps not;: but I'd ra~ther charge Sit twice than forget it once.'--Yonfkera SStatesuma . "Do you believe in 51545?" sh laske& 't' do," tMl yout tna i siA; I'·gh~~ y!]hd~ jfaptr ig eawhiess. . An· $faibht that vdung man fAedl Professor Munyon has Just issued a most beautiful, useful and complete Al manac; it contains not only all thescien tific information concerning the moon's phases, in all the latitudes, but has il lustrated articles on how to read char acter by phrenology, palmistry and birth month. It also tells all about card reading, birth stones and their I meaning, and gives the interpretation of dreams. It teaches beauty culture, manicuring, gives weights and meas ures, and antidotes for poison. In fact, it is a Magazine Almanac, that not only gives valuable information, but a will afford much amusement for every d member of the family, especially for d parties and evening entertainments. s Farmers and people in the rural dis- I tricts will find this Almanac almost a invaluable. e It will be sent to anyone absolutely e free onl application to the MUNYON REMEDY COMPANY, PHILADEL r. PHIA. Invention of Porcelain. t At a display of porcelain in China an exhibitor said that Chinese litera e ture ascribes the invention of porce o lain to a period some 25 centures be f. ore Christ. Foreign experts are by no means certain that the art existed d before the seventh century of this era. Allen's Foot-Ease, a I'owder Fors'vollen. sweatin.cfeet. tivesinstant rlief. The :e original powder for the feet. '5e at all Druggist& Is Call a spade a spade, and you may ýy get it in the neck. STl-E VALUE / PERSONAL KNOLEDG Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate possessor in the front ranks of The Well Informed of the World. A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort. A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of-Syrup of Figs-and has attained to world wide acceptan as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna-as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of--Syrup of Figs-and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company -California Fig Syrup Co.--printed on the front of every package, whether you call for- Syrup of Figs -or by the full name-Syrup of °" &Figs and Elixir of Senna. 1 ,-,,, SAN FRANCISCO.CAL., ,ooRPORATED LOUISVILLE, KY. LONDON ENGLAND. NEW YORK,N.Y Musical Note.-Signor Harmonetti Is at Present Engaged in Composing a New Heir. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle, of CASTORDA a safe and sure remedy for I infants a d children, and see that it Bears. tie Signature of In Use For Over 30 ears. The Kind You Have Always Bought. The Only Way. Mrs. Sunflower-Pete Green am get. I ting to be quite an artist. Dey say he am wedded to his art. Do yo' think yo' I could be wedded to yo' art, Sam? Sam Sunflower (with a yawn) Wall yeas, if art could cook a good dinnah en take in enuff washing to keep me in tobacco money. For Headache Try Hicks' Capudine. D Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous troubles, the aches are speedily relieved by Capudine. It's Liquid-pleas g ant to take-Effects immediately. 10,5 and 50c at Drug Stores. Each person lives best who does his best for one day at a time, and then Lt refreshes himself for his level best the next day.-Robertson. I -. - n A Cough. if neglected, often affects the Lungs. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" give relief. 25 cents a box. Samples sent free L. by John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. What you call temper in your wife you call temperament in yourself. lMrs. Windlow's Boothing Syrup. For children teeth, softens the guas, reduces I0. mamsUoeass p, cress4dcollw. 25cabotJa. A womag probably feels blue when she is green with envy. . r e oýeos@so ivy, ýIyý goray hairs. Use "LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER.O PRICE, ShOO5 retail. r. ' " , . 1 . +.' •.. . -,..,. *.~r~aaa .l0,ral Sounded Funny. "The young man is smitten with you, Jeanette. He says you radiate happi ness." "Gracious!" "And he also said you radiate beauty." "My!" "And wisdom." "Dear me, how funny." "What's funny, dear?" "Why, he must think I am a radia. tor." Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remcdy. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians. Con forms to Pure Food and Drug Laws. Mu rine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain. Try Murine in Your Eyes. At Druggists, 0 Happy Beast! Johnny-The camel can go eight days without water. Freddy-So could I if ma would let me.-H-arper's 1Bazdr. Stiff neck! Doesn't amount to much, but mighty disagreeable. You've no idea how quickly a little Hamlins \\izard Oil will lubricate the cords and make you comfortable again. If a woman had any other excuse than "because" for falling in love with a man she probably wouldn't do it. ONLY ONE "HiROMO (QUININE" That is LAXATIVE UIOMO QUININE. Look foi the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. Some men have no excuse for being sober when the lid is off. 5 Acres in Oregon Will Do A fruit farm of 5 acres in any of the great r Oregon apple, peach and pear districts, puts money in the bank for you, and gives you your living besides. You can care for five acres of trees yourself, without help. Orchards each year yield $500 an acre and upwards. Prove this by sending for our free book on the Pacific Northwest, or, better still, Come West and See All the land there ever was-or will be-was created ages ago. But population keeps increas* ing-a baby is born every minute. All the free land worth having has been taken up. All the good land, at low prices, that's left, is going fast. Soon land chances, like those in the West today, will be gone forever. If you want a fine farm-or fruit ranch any where in the Northwest, get one now before the price gets too high-write to us for our free book. It is costing you money to wait-write today. E LL LOMAX, G. P. A. Union Pacific Railroad Co. Omaha, Neb. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES laorewo mgbteend Doslr uthi anyotberdy. Onel 0oackage colorsalliAber. They dyeim coldrter beter tftt lan hffa de e.undi l tlboaatWippraotp f.W ritokrfrabei*H -M3tofe. WUcbSandMixC@iit. MONROE DRUG 006. OuDauy. I/I /ob. DIorE PER Pink Eye. Epizootta A man is never so utterly unoriginal OFor shppinky Fever as when he is lovemaking or praying. & atarrhal Fever 1D DISTEMP R Ctarrhal Fever PLES ED IN 8 TO 14 DAYS Barea preventtve, no mtter hoo t ane re nfed o Pok1 OINM BNT Is gplaranteed to cure any case .. yen on the tongue; arts on the Blood a ULnde; ep te of Itcblng Blind, Bleedig ods rotraLng iles In Pooultrmy l fron . the tod . Cure istenlr in gps and dheupand.hle eein o II dasr o1' mone~r ruded. t0c. dlt f. ow to 4 olneneo ddrIsnea.Lt.wwwdu . Cr y. (re mooe, - m stlc rred' tand ciresasfine id rend. wanted. The common people believe without SoandHture" IAL Cthemtriotste.n 60SHEs, iN., BU. S. A. proo..-Tacltus. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. t SHEN, IN., U. S. A, Nervous Women For nervous, tired women, we recommend Car dui. Cardui is a woman's medicine. It acts specifi cally on the female organs and has a tonic, building effect on the whole system. It contains no harmful ingredients, being a pure vegetable extract. If you suffer from some form of female trouble, get Cardui at once and give it a fair trial. TAKE CI It Will Help You itrs. W. W. Gardner, of Paducah, Ky., tried Cardui and writes: "I think Cardui is just grand. I have been using it for eleven years. I am 48 years old and feel like a different woman, since I have been taking it. I used to suffer from bearing down pains, nervousness and sleeplessness, but now the pains are all gone and I sleep good. I highly recommend Cardui for young and old." Try it. AT ALL DRUG STORES COMOLKS For eczemas, rashes, itchings, " ~ -NOTHINGR LITTLE OR FAT FOLKS Most grateful and comforting is a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointings with Cuti. cura. Thispure, sweet, econom relief and refreshing sleep to skin. tortured and disfigured little ones and rest to tired, fretted mothers. For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irritations and chafings, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are worth their weight in gold. Solmm throunhout the world. iepots: London. 7a Chartertinue q. hParmles. Ruede Pali; Aust. Ia. . Towns &d Co.. Sydney Indiad. B. K. Paul. Calcutted Chin Hoang Koideng Droy Co.; Japan FOR SALtd. RUG TO: RFcrrel,. Mosw Po TPAer Drug ChID BCorp.. Sole PMAILrops.. on -NTHE OTHIPATON LIKE IT FOR THE FREE TEE removing tart from the teeth, besides destroymi allerms of decay and disease which ordinary tooth pepuartion nt do which collect i the mouth uu ore bad teeth, bad beath g mouh n. THE EYES and bu may thei nt dY relieved and strengthened by Patinte. Bamination and atop the diay'rrge. hmra