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The Lower Coast Gazette. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE LOWER COAST: AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. VOLUME I. POINTE-A-LA-HACHE, LA., SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1909. NUMBER 10. PRESIDENT TAFT'S STRONG ADDRESS INAUGURAL DELIVERED BY NATION'S NEW CHIEF EXECUTIVE. TRA SESSION IS PROMISED congress Will Meet March 15 to Take Up Tariff Revision-Adequate Army and Navy Urged-Panama Canal Heartily Approved-Southern Race Problem and Labor Legislation Discussed. Washington, Mar. 4.- President Taft, having been sworn in as chief executive of the nation, delivered an inaugural address that was listened to with great interest. In part it was as follows: My Fellow Citizens: Any one who takes the oath I have just taken must feel a heavy weight of responsibility. If not, he has no conception of the powers and duties of the office upon which he is about to enter, or he is lacking in a proper sense of the obli gation which the oath imposes. The office of an inaugural address is to give a summary outline of the main policies of the new administra tion, so far as they can be anticipated. I have had the honor to be one of the advisers of my distinguished prede cessor, and as such, to hold up his hands in the reforms he has initiated. I should be untrue to myself, to my promises and to the declaration of the party platform upon which I am elected to ofce, if I did not make the maintenance and enforcement of those reforms a most important feature of my administration. They were di rected to the suppression of the law lessness and abuses of power of the great combinations of capital invested in railroads and in industrial enter prises carrying on interstate com merce. The steps which my predec sor took and the legislation passed on his recommendation have accom plished much, have caused a general halt in the vicious policies which cre .ated popular alarm; and have brought about in the business affected a much higher regard for existing law. More Legislation Needed. To render the reforms lasting, how ever, and to sequre at the ssme time freedom from alarm on the part of those pursuing proper and progres - she business methods, further legisla Utie and executive action are needed. Relief of the railroads from certain re strictions of the anti-trust law has been urged by my predecessor and will be urged by me. On the other hand, the administration is pledged to legis lation looking to a proper federal su pervision and restriction to prevent ex cedsive isdues of bonds and stocks by companies owning and operating later. state commerce railroads. Then, too, a reorganization of the department of justice, of the bureau of corporations in the department of commere and labor, and of the fnter state commerce commission, looking to .effective cooperation of, these agendles, Is needed to secure a more rapid and Certain enforcement of the le1s affecting Interstate railroads and lndustrial cimbianations. I hope to be able to submit at the fIret regular session of the incoming congress, in December 'next, definite suggestimons in respect to the needed amendments to the anti-trust and the iterstate comimeree laws, and the cha.ges required in the executive de Spartments concerned in their enforce Promise. Ixtra seseion. A matter of most pressing impor tase Is the revisadon of the tariff, In scoa.L#te ylwth the promises of the plbtfor apon whiceh I was elected, Ssball call eongrens into extra session, t e t ontt a.tbeUfteeanth day of March, Ia neder that consideration may be at 0 l e anlv to a bi revislot the Dng I: f a t This qhould secure an ado e :, tOreveieu and adjust the duties L tuib a maner a to aford to labor i aillt. aidutstries taIn this country, tee the foam, mine or factwry, .seltm!aton by taul equal to the dif '; si !~betweM n the eet of production !om 4 aia the eot of production S 'et ,!t hg a proi slon whlih *hl ni p eatno fnQorm t upon secutive of cetals facts, a htgh n :·bltanm tarif agaInst those uuatvte W whoe trader policy toward re e .qui tl requries such diseCmi astho I t I hmouMt ttthere, has bees a hb a change lncondItions since .ht4 pf the Digley aLt, uIBts astilarly protective prim p o t the maeasure of the tarlff ab.y. Mated wfll permit the reduetion of ratila In acrtain schedules and will i ¾r *e the advnaiieneat of toew, if -U the p:rescnt and future generations in accordance with the benefits derived. at may well be submitted to the seri ons consideration of congress whether the deepening and control of the chan nel of a great river system, like that of the Ohio or of the Mississippi, when definite and practical plans for the enterprise have been approved and determined upon, should not be pro vided for in the same way. For Army and Navy. Thin, too, there are expenditures of government absolutely necessary ir our country is to maintain its proper place among the nations of the world, and is to exercise its proper influence in defense of its own trade interests, in the maintenance of traditional American policy against the coloniza tion of European monarchies in this hemisphere, and in the promotion of peace and international morality. I refer to the cost of maintaining a proper army, a proper navy and suit able fortifications upon the mainland of the United States and in its depend encies. We should have an army so organ ized, and so officered, as to be capable in time of emergency in co-operation with the national militia, and under the provisions of a proper national volunteer law, rapidly to expand into a force sufficient to resist all probable invasion from abroad and to furnish a respectable expeditionary force, if necessary, in the maintenance of our traditional American policy which bears the name of President Monroe. Our fortifications are yet in a state of only partial completeness and the number of men to man them is insuffi clent. What has been said of the army may be affirmed in even a more em phatic way of the navy. A modern navy cannot be improvisesd. It must be built and in existence when the emergency arises which calls for its use and operation. Asiatic Immigration. The admission of Asiatic immi grants who cannot be amalgamated with our population has been made the subject either of prohibitory clauses in our treaties and statutes, or of strict administrative regulation secured by diplomatic negotiation. I sincerely hope that we may continue to minimize the evils likely to arise from such immigration without un necessary friction and by mutual con cessions between self-respecting gov ernments. Meantime, we must take every precaution to prevent, or, fail ing that, to punish outbursts of race feeling among our people against for eignerS of whatever nationality who have by our grant-a treaty right to pursue lawful business here and to be protected against lawless assault or injury. This leads me to point out a serious defect in the present federal jurisdic tion which ought to be remedied at once. Having assured to other coun tries by treaty the protection of ont laws for such of their subjects or citizens as we permit to come within our jurisdiction, we now leave to a state or a city, not under the control of the federal government, a duty of performing our international obliga tions in this respect. By proper legis lation we may, and ought to, place in the hands of the federal executive the means of enforcing the treaty rights of such aliens in the courts of the fed eral government. It puts our govern ment in a pusillanimous position to make definite engagements to protect aliens and then to excuse the failure to perform those engagemnts by an explanation that the duty to keep them is in states or cities, not within our control. Monetary Laws Need Change. One of the reforms to be carried out during the incoming administra tlon is a change of our monetary and banking laws, so as to secure greater elasticity in the forms of currency available for trade, and to prevent the limitations of law from operating to increase the embarrassments of a financial panic. The monetary com mission lately appointed is giving full consideration to existing conditions and to all proposed remedies, and will doubtless suggest one that will meet the requirements of business and of public interest. We may hope that the report will embody neither the nar row view of those who believe that the sole purpose of the new system should be to secure a large return on bank lng capital or of those who would have greater expansion of currency with little regard to provisions for its immediate redemption or ultimate se eurlty. There is no subject of eco nomie discussion so intricate and so likely to evoke different views and dogmatic statements as this one. The commission in studying the general in huence of currency on business and of business on currency, have wisely extended their investigation in Euro pean bankldng and monetary .methods. The incoming congress should promptly fulfill thp promise of the Re publican platform and pass a proper postal savings bank bill. It will not be unwise or excessive paternalismn,. The promise to repay by the govern. ment will furnish an inducement to savings deposits which private enter prise cannot supply, and at such a low rate of interest as not to withdraw cUstom from existing banks. It will substantiaally increase the hids avail able for investment as capital in use fig enterprises. It will furnish the aIbsolate security whieh makes the proposed scheme of sg9ernment guar anty of deposits so allurting without its ernidtous results. Panama Canal All Rlht. "Ih Panarta caal-will have a most i~mprtant bearnlag upon the trade be e thw eatfig tid ed the far western wetrfoasr oivas eputer and willgreat. ac~a tb aaethe f lteis for transport t b dthe easritrsadwest b0d n OB I7 r vo. to increase the trade between the east ern seaboard of the United States and the western coast of South America, and, indeed, with some of the im portant ports on the east coast of South America reached by rail from the west coast. The work on the canal is making most satisfactory progress. The type of the canal as a lock canal was fixed by congress after a full consideration of the conflicting reports of the majority and minority of the consulting board, and after the recommendation of the war depart ment and the executive upon those reports. Recent suggestion that sorme. thing had occurred on the isthmus to make the lock type of the canal less feasible than it was supposed to be when the reports were made and the policy determined on, led to a visit to the isthmus of a board of competent enginers to examine the Gatun dam and locks which are the key of the lock type. The report of that board shows that nothing has occurred in the nature of newly revealed evi dence which should change the views once formed in the original discussion. The construction will go on under a most effective organization controlled by Col. Goethals and his fellow army engineers associated with him, and will certainly be, completed early in the next administration, if not before. South and the Negroes. I look forward with hope to increas ing the already good feeling between the south and the other sections of the country. My chief purpose is not to effect a change in the electoral vote of the southern states. That is a sec ondary consideration. What I look for-' ward to is an increase in the tolerance of political viewsof all kinds and their advocacy throughout the south, and the existence of a respectable political opposition in every state; even more than this; to an increased feeling on the part of all the people in the south that this government is their govern ment, and that its officers in their states are their officers. The consideration of this question cannct, however, be complete and full without reference to the negro race, •its progress and its present condition. The 13th amendment secured them freedom; the 14th amendment due process of law, protection of property and the pursuit of happiness; and the 15th amendment attempted to secure the negro against any deprivation of the privilege to vote, because he was a negro. The 13th and 14th amend ments have been generally enforced and have secured the objects for which they were intended. While the 15th amendment has not been gener ally observed in the past it ought to be observed, and the tendency of southern legislation to-day is toward the enactment of electoral qualifica tions which shall square with that amendment. Laws for Labor's Benefit. 'there is one other matter to phich I shall refer. It was made the subject of great controversy during the elec tion and calls for at least a passing reference now. My distinguished prede cebsor has given much attention to the cause of labor, with whose struggle for better things he has shown the sin cerest sympathy. At'his instan e, con gress has passed the bill fixing the lia bilhty of interstate carriers to their employes for injury sustained in the course of employment, abolishing the rule of fellow-servant and the common law rule as to contributory negligence. It has also passed 's law fixing tBa compensation of government employes for injuries sustained in the employ of the government through the negli gence of the superior. It also passed a model child labor law for the Dis trict of Columbia. In previous admin istrations an arbitrary law for inter state commerce railroads and their employes, and laws for the application of safety devices to save the lives and limbs of employes of interstate ral roads had been passed. Additional legislation of this kind was passed by the outgoing congress. I wish to say that in so far as I can, I hope to promote the enactment of further legislation of this charac ter. I am strongly convinced that the government should make itself as re sponsible to employes injured in its employ as an interstate railway cor ]oration is made responsible by fed eral law to its employes. Injunctions in Labor Disputea. Another labor question has arisen which has awakened the most excited discussion. That is in respect to the power of the federal courts to issue In junctions in industrial disputes. As to that, my convictions are fixed. Take away from the courts, if it could be taken away, the power to issue in junctions in labor disputes, and it would create a privileged class among the laborers and save the lawless among their number from a most need ful remedy available to all men for the protection of their business against lawless invasion. The proposition that business is not a property or pe; cuniary right which can be protected by equitable injunction is utterly without foundation in precedent dr reason. The proposition is usually linked with one to make the second. ary boycott lawful. Such a proposi tion is at variance with the American instinct and will find no support in my judgment when submitted to the American people. The secendary boy. cott Is an instrument of tyranny, and ought not to be made legitimate. The issuing of a temporary restrain. ing order without notice has in sev eral Instances been abused by its In. considerate exercise, and to remedy this, the platform upon which I was elected recommends the formulation in a statute of the onditons unader wch -such a .temporary :reietr~idag order ought issue. A statute can and o~agt to be framed to embody tlhe beut mod praetice, and, can brIng th asubject so closei( to tite atten LATEST NEWS IN LOUISIANA GOVERNMENT MAY ESTABLISH DEMONSTRATION FARMS IN EAST BATON ROUGE. CROWLEY TO HAVE FIG CANNERY Gas and Oil in Paying Quantities Re. ported to Have Been Found. Carload of Babies Distributed Among Catholic Homes. Alansfield.-The Texas and Pacific passenger and freight depot at Mans field Junction was destroyed by fire. Part of the cotton platform and the agent's residence escaped destruction The loss is about $15,000. Baton Rouge. - Information has been received here that the Amite River Outing Club's tugboat and houseboat sunk on Amite river Tues day. This is the third time the houseboat of this club has found its way to the bottom. Alexandria.-Material is being placed on the site for the erection of the big stave factory of the Dalton Clark company. The factory is to be built on grounds adjoining the Arantz Bios.' hardware mill, in the south enl of the city. Alexandria.-A novel sight to Alex andrians was the distribution of a carload of babies at the Southern Pa cific depot. The passenger train had a special car attached to it contain ing 40 babies, which are being dis tributed in Catholic homes by the New York Foundlings Hospital. Gand Cane.-Messrs. Markley and Elamr, representing the St. Louis Gas and Oil Cdmpany of St. Louis, were here a few days ago taking options on oil lands. They secured 5,100 acres a few miles east of the town, on which they will sing test wells. They believe this parish contains the con necting link between the Caddo and Jennings fields. Shreveport.-G. M. C. Massey, aged 60, a Methodist minister and farmer of Pickton, Wood county, Tex., plead ed guilty in the Federal court to cir culating counterfeit bills. Judge Boar man suspended sentence. Dr. W. L. Baber testified that the old man was mentally irresponsible. A brother, two sons and several Wood county neighbors were here in Massey's de fense. Covington.--Manager Cassels of the mill at Folsom, lately purchased by Cantrelle & Sons of this place, left here to look over the property and get everything in shape to begin operations on about March 1. Mr. Cassels states that there is standing timber enough near the mill to keep it busy. for over 20 years. Covington.-Peter Didian, an em ploye of Jahuke, and living with his family on the Jahuke place, just be low town, was here with his family to view the carnival and then started home with his family in a small naph tha launch. When nearly home he lost his balance and fell overboard and before the boat could be righted he had drowned. Covington.--During the past week several thousand copies of a small pamphlet entitled "Souventr of the Ozone Belt," were distributed among the visitors to New Orleans hotels, and already the good results are be ginning to be felt, The past few days the arrivals have increased to a marked degree, and among those who have registered are many people from the North. Estherwood.-The Eureka rice mill has closed down for a few d~ays. They are getting in more rough rice stock and will make another good run. The rice market is active. The Midland rice mill is at rest for a while, await ing more rough rice stock which is coming in. D. Romero, near Mermen tau, La., has nearly 300 acres plowed and most of the land prepared for Cane planting is nearly completed in this section. Baton Rouge.-Charging that the chemical preparation used by the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley railroad had killed six of his cows and four yearlings, Davis S. McHugh has filed suit against the railroad for $240 to recover the damage which he says he has sustained. The bill recites that the railroad used this, chemical to kill grass along the right of way of the road, which wts not fenced in so as to keep cattle off. The cattle were in good, healthy condition when they went on the road's right of way to graze, and in a few days after eating the poisoned grass were taken sick and died. Baton Rouge.-The five Holden brothers were brought to the city .trom St. Tammany parish, where they were convicted on the charge of bur glary, and were placed in the state penitentiary. This is the farst time that five brothers were ever lodged in the. penitentiiy at one time.. They are sentenced to five years. The oth er brother was only on the 16th of this month released from the pen itenetary; He practically got out ,of iprson the.same da that his aire brothres were put it itripes. Plaquemine.-Suit has been filed in the Twenty-first Judicial District Court by Judge ('alvin K. Schwing against Rev. John J. Holtgrove and .James E. Dunlap, asking for $50,000 damages in solido for certain alleged libelous and slanderous articles ap. pearing from time to time in the Iberville Sentinel and the Daily Champion. Crowley,-Great interest has been aroused in this section in the subject of drainage and the result has been that a company engaged in digging ditches with machinery has moved its machinery to Crowley and is doing a large amount of ditching. The company is now engaged on the Lov ell farm, between Crowley and Rayne, where it has contracted to construct several miles of six-foot ditches for the drainage of rice fields. Many farmers of this section have contract ed for the construction of drainage ditches to drain their rice farms. Crowley.-J. B. Foley of Crowley, who has a thousand-acre rice farm in Vermillion parish, near Guoydan, has nearly 8,000 trees in all. He expects to plant 80 acres more next season. He will erect on his farm a fig can nery, with a capacity to take care of 200 acres of figs. He expects to pur chase enough figs, in addition to the 140 acres on his own farm, to run his cannery to the full limit next season. Mr. Foley purchased his trees in Tex as, buying the yellow Magnolia varie ty. which is said to be the best for cannery purposes. Interest in fig cul ture has been aroused in this section, and it is stated that a number of orchards of considerable size will be planted and a number of canneries will be built. Bacon Rouge.-The United States government, if it secures the proper encouragement from the planters of the parish and business men of the city, will establish a list of demon stration farms in East Baton Rouge parish and in other parishes east of the Mississippi. Dr. J. E. Evans, field agent in charge of the government demonstration farm work in Louis iana, Mississippi and Arkansas, made this statement. Dr. Evans was in conference with Col. Charles Schuler, commissioner of agriculture and im migration, regarding the demonstra tion farm work in Louisiana. He was accompanied by District Representa tive Perrin of St. Landry parish, who has charge of the demonstration farms surrounding St. I.andry. Jonesville.--The patrons and citi zens of this town and the surround I ing country have made up a subscrip tion list of $1,000 for the erection of another building to replace the high school burned here February 1, but on account of the financial condition I of everyone, caused by the extreme short crops of last year, the list and amount to be collected will be short, the burned building having cost $5, 000.. This will prove a sad loss to the town *and surrounding country as the wagonette system was success fully made use of and the school had an enrollment of over 100 pupils and - Prospects of an increase for the next Sseason. School is being taught in a Srented store building, but whenever ,the weather is cold sessions are sus 1pended, ,as heating is impracticable. SCrowley.-Investigation of the state I ment recently made to the effect that I two hundred families had moved from this territory since the adoption of prohibition shows that from Janu Sary 4 to February 24, inclusive, 32 Sfamilies moved out and 23 families Smoved in. The records of three rail (road offices also show 75 per cent of those moving out were from the ter ritory tributary to Crowley, and not Sfrom the city. Instead of Crowley los Sing more than 200 families as stated, SCrowley and its tributary territory has had a net loss of only nine fami lies since the adoption of prohibition. This loss is attributed rather to the Sshifting of families at the beginning rof the rice season than to the influ ences of prohibition. The figures giv en above are taken from signed statements by the local agents of Sthree railroads running into Crowley. Baton Rouge.-Taklng the volume of business done by the feedstuff and fertilizer inspection department as an Sindication, the amount of fertilizer which will be used by the farmers this year on the crops will be larger than ever before in the history of the Sstate. Both the inspection depart Sment and the chemists of the state experiment station are busy as a re Ssult of the season's business, which Sis now well under way. Samples of Sall fertilizer shipments which are t made into the state are inspected and Sanalyzed to determine whether or not [they come up to the guarantee of the makers. The fertilizer is being used more generally this year because the boll weevil has gotten over a larger territory, and intense cultivation, with fertilization, is necessary to raise a crop, with the boll weevil in the field, by the 1st of August. Many.-It is reported on good au thority that gas and oil in paying Squantities have been found at Colum r bus, Sabine parish. "he prospectors - have guards around tbe wells, and Swill allow no intruders. They have Snot bored for three we-.ks, and it is I now reported that they propose to get r into Houston, Tex., and New Orleans - with pipe lines as soon as possible r so as to ge! in before other compa nies, and nearly all the land in that t neighborhood has been leased and no Slands are leased unless the title is passed on by competent attorneys. WHEAT MAY O TO $5125 TAMES A. PATTEN, KING OF PIT, MAKES PREDICTION. Has Squeezed Nearly Three Million Out of Four New Yorkers, and May Get More. Chicago-Wheat went to $1.19 a bushl el Saturday, but it is expected to skip by that point within the next foorty eight hours, under the careful guidan'a of .lamnes A. Patten and the shorts who have not covered their lines are expected to scramble wildly from utter extinction, for Mr. Patton has said forcibly: "Wheat will go to $1.25 per bushel." In the meantime, while the Chicago shorts are vainly trying to seek a hole whereby they may escape, there is con sternation among the "wise men of the East," including Reginald Vandcrb;'*, W. II. Moore, Jesse Livermore, Jr., J. Brant Walker and others of the million aire plunging set who inhabit Wall street. When wheat touched the $1.19 mark on Saturday the Eastern million aires faced losses of millions, and if it goes to $1.25 a bushel, as Mr. Pittten predicts, the WVall street bears on wheat will find themselves pinched as they never have been pinched before. The four New York millionaires are :said to be short about 20,000,000 bush els. Their combined losses are now ig ured at about $2,720,000. This is based on the calculation that they sold short at $1.001, and could cover at the present tinme at $1.19 at bushel, showing a loss of 13 cents a bushel. PACKERS SUED FOR MILLIONS Charged With Combining to Control Price of Meat in Arkansas. Little Rock, Ark.-Alleging violations of the anti-trust law, suits to collect penalties aggregating $19,800.000 have been filed against six big packers in the second division of the circuit court by Attorney General Norwood. The defend ants are Swift & Co., Jacob Dold Pack ing Company, Cudahy Packing Company, Morris Packing Company and the South ern Beef and Provision Company. A penalty of $3,300,000 is asked for each defendant. A penalty may be exacted for each day the law has been violated, and the enor nious sums asked are based upon that provision of the law. The packing companies are alleged to have been in an illegal combination to control prices of meats in Arkansas and defeat competition. The combination has existed since Jan. 19, 1907, according to the allegations of the petitions. LIFE TERM FOR 46 CENTS Chicago Highwaymen Get Full Ben efit of Illinois Law. Chicago-Theft of 46 cents, accom plished with the aid of revolvers, brought quick and severe retribution to three highwaymen. They were sentenced to life imprisonment in the Joliet peniten tiary. The severe punishment was made po sible under the raw which provides life imprisonment in cases of highway rob bery committed with the aid of deadly weapons. The defendants were Harry Dalrymnple, Edward Schillhorn and Robert MeGants. An hour after the robbery one of the robbers was arrested. He confessed, and in another hour his two companions were captured. The next day two of them confessed. The same day all were in dicted. They had been in the county jail only a day when they were taken into court and placed on trial. LUKE E. WRIGHT NOT SLATED Report That He Is to Go to the Bu preme Bench Is Denied. Washington.-"The report from Mem phis that I am to be appointed a judge of the supreme court by President Taft shortly after inauguration is all bosh," declared Gen. Luke E. Wright, secretary of war. "I am not elated for any govern ment position in the next administration, and it is my intention to return to Mem phis a few days after March 4 to resume the practice of law. The statement that I have taken a five years' lease on the house I now occupy here is not true," added Secretary Wright. DEATH CHANCES MAJORITY. Third Member of Missouri Legislature Dead This Session. Jefferson City, Mo.-E. M. Kerr, a representative of Hickory county, died Sunday. He is the third member to die during the present session, and leaves the Republicans without a majority in the house. Seventy-two votes are required to pass bills, and, while the Republicans originally had one more than this num ber, they now have one less. The Dame. crats also lost one by death. The Unattainable. Beeking the unattainable is for a man to try to find a corner in the house for some undisturbed readingl without its having to be dusted ten minutes after he begins.-New York Press. About Gossiping. "Talk about women being gossips," said a woman on the car the other day. "When my husband and two or three male friends get together, no man's reputation is safe."-Detrdolit Iree Press. "THE MARRYING SQUIRE." Justice George E. Law Has Broken All Records. George E. Law, Justice of the Peace, 131/ Franklin St., Brazil, Ind., is known far and wide as the "Marrying Squire," from the fact that he has mar ried more couples than any other ofll cialinIndiana. Judge Law wrote a letter in 1906, recommend ing Doan's Kidney Pills, which he said had made a bad back well, enabled him to sleep bet ter nights and feel more fit for work. The treatment also cleared up the urine. On January 5, 1909, Judge Law confirmed his previous testimony. "I shave recommended this remedy to many people since I first used it," said he. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ROUGH STUFFING. The Tiger-It was bad enough to be cut off In my prime, but to be stuffed by an amateur taxidermist is really too hard to bear! HAD AWFUL WEEPING ECZEMA. Face and Neck Were Raw-Terrible Itching, Inflammation and Soreness -All Treatments Failed. Cuticura Proved a Great Success. "Eczema began over the top of my ear. It cracked and then began to spread. I had three different doctors and tried several things, but they did me no good. At last one side of my face and my neck were raw. The water ran out of it so that I had to' wear medicated cotton, and it was so inflamed and sore that I had to put a piece of cloth over my pillow to keep the water from it, and it would stain the cloth a sort of yellow. The ec zemaitched so that it seemed as though I could tear my face all to pieces. Then I began to use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and it was not more than three months before it was all healed up. Miss Ann Pearsons, North field, Vt., Dec. 19, 1907." < Potter Drug £ Obem. Corp., sole Props., Boe They Meant Business. A Chicago stage manager was tell ing of amusing incidents of blunders and errors caused by stage fright. In a romantic play, recently revived, one of the minor characters, a dairy maid, comes forward at the end of a recital of a love romance, and comments as follows: "Hope filled their youths and whet ted their love; they plighted their troth!" But at one of the performances the girl who played the dairy maid was ab sent without notice. At the last mo ment the manager gave the lines to a shepherdess, who had never had lines to speak before, and who was ex cessively nervous when her cue came. This is what the astonished audience heard: "Hope filled their trough and blighted their love; they whetted their tooth!" Down the Old Road. The big autumn moon rolled up above the frosty pines. "You like to go out driving?" ha said after a long silence. "Yes," she answered, nestling cloe er to him. "And you always like to go with a young man who knows how to handle the ribbons?" "Well, er-sometimes I like to go with a young man who knows how to drop them." And after that the old horse jogged along unguided. NEW IDEA Helped Wis. Couple. It doesn't pay to stick too closely to old notions of things. New ideas often lead to better health, success and hap. pinejs. A Wlis. couple examined an idea new to them and stepped up several rounds on the health ladder. The husband writes: "Several years ago we suffered from coffee drinking, were sleepless, nervous, sallow, weak and irritable. My wife and I both loved coffee and thought it was a bracer." (delusion.) "Finally, after years of suiffering, we read of Postum and the harmfulness of coffee, and believing that to grow we should give some attention to new ideas, we decided to test Postum. "When we made it right we liked it and were relieved of ills caused by coffee. Our friends noticed the change -fresher skin, steadier nerves, better temper, etc. "These changes were not sudden, but relief increased as we continued to drink and enjoy Postum, and we lost the desire for coffee. "Many of our friends did not like Postum at first, because they did not make it right. But when they boiled Postum according to directions on pkg., until it was dark and rich, they liked it better than coffee and were benefited by the change." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well ville" in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A ewa one appears from time to time. LThey are senscle, true, mad full of hums l-terest.