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The Lower Coast Gazette. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE LOWER COAST: AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. VOLUME I. POINTE-A-LA-IIACHE, LA., SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1909. NUMBER 12. DEATH LIST INCREASES Work of Terrible Cyclone at Brinkley, Ark. Mayor Appeals for Aid-Stoves, Building Material, Food and Bedding Badly Needed. Brinkley, Ark.--Brinkley is wiped out. The proud and prosperous little city of 4,000 people is a tangled mass of wreckage. Not a building in the busi ness section of the city has been left intact, not a residence but that has suf fered in a fearful cyclone which swept the place Monday night, leaving death and desolation in its wake. More than fifty people are known to have perished in the storm. Damage enormous. The property damage is enormous. Conservative business men estimate the damage at more than $1,000,000. More than 2,000 houses were wrecked, or par tially wrecked, by the great wind. Every business house is in ruins, every church, save one, is destroyed, and there is hardly a home that has not at least suf fered the loss of roof or wing. First Work One of Mercy. The first work was one of mercy. Mayor Harry Jackson took command of the relief committee, Dr. E. D. Mc Knight was assigned to the position of chairman of the doctors' committee. Be fore it was hardly day, relief commit tees were coming from all directions. Each brought physicians and nurses, armed with medicines andt supplies, eager to help in the work. In the few houses still standing it is well nigh impossible to start a fire, be cause chimneys were among the first things to go and the situation is terrible in the extreme. The Catholic Church and the Green lee building, the latter minus a roof in parts and otherwise damaged, have been converted into hospitals, and here the doctors are 'Working with the injured: Many of the citizens are badly hurt, but detcmined to help those worse off than themselves, have refused to go to the tempotsry hospital. . ')ii t of the, dead 'were caught in the wrecked buildings, and erpshed almost beyond recognition. The family of Isaac Reed was almost completely wiped out. Reed, his wife., and their two sons, Rus sell, aged 16, and Raymond, aged 12, S rrd, instantly killed. Miss Murlie Reed, a daughter, alone escaped death, but she S is seriously fljured. Did Cyclone Stunts. Straight across the city from the southeast to tlhe northwest swept the warring elements, leaving death and de structien in their wake. The tornado jtmpqpl, turned, writhed and twisted like a thing endowed with life, judging from , the wreckage which marks its flight. : It let . no path, as is usual with ey elopesj ; but spread itself out over a wide area and embraced the e-',re town w:" -tbia Its deadly grasp. It ilrst struck the residence portion of the city. Cottages, two-story frame and - t lfit. dwesllinags crumbled beneath the smighty rnus h of the winds. Trees were ":> iuprootld sand carried hurtling through the asir for hmundreds of feet, crashing through filmsy wooden walls as if they . .b-heen so much cardboard. Telephone pale were snapped short off at the i grIJil and tossed abot, timhe streets lr. lpipe stems. Its ruck the bbuiness. seetion with evier-uereaslng violence. Solid brick and I, oarete storehduaes fell crashing to the S ground before its fuiry. Heavy awnings, ~ tedhtsO hd even the front walls of many stoes,; tin roofs and flying debris of all kinl;d:t t tbhe air, while the elements . rag. : a-nd a, rain fell in torrents. , People Panmc.Stticken. SMen, women and children ran scream lug knd terror-stricken into the streets. Thbh city was in. total darkness. The " riakley igbht .and Power Compan' was e .e iof the Arst plants strucek by the storfa., It was 4emollased and its wires, --_ iei ,w.with the telephone and telegraph ydIrg~ spread over the pound In a ver athi: snetwork of steel, iron and copper usir, bands sought for wives and wives S oueght for children. Brothers cried . loud to mothers and sisters, and as the Ib iury of the wind died away to a Steady and ominous roar, their screams, ith thoee of the injured, rang " ot .'plereingly In the ilmost Stygian arkness, Strong men paused, shud dar'ed sad khew not What to do or where o ge Wesoen sank down in the streets, i kh biad become veritable torrents, brjn ~their -ehldden to them, and up mi* prayers for the deliv - 'of their lfers, i- )* reation wnae in another moment. :sntw sad teaees were secured. Ttm a linmajain Woman Golfer. seated before the are Ia lof the eaty celub, -io oked aTlpP t h ela thd t greens and ail-torwia at thler alit sits. cod -at t -o their w."at. auiuppleUse' sad to their I~~iae~i· andi Searching parties were organized, and at 1:30 o'clock a myriad of flickering, flaring, fitful lights danced about over the scene of unspeakable desolation and ruin which unfolded itself to the eye for brief moments as the brilliant and vivid flashes of lightning pierced the sombre. heavens. The rain was pouring in torrents, lashing the face and hands with sting ing force. Daylight Exposed the Horror. Not until long after daylight had come to add horror to the desolate pie. ture of woe and ruin, showing in start ling relief the terrible havoc wrought by the tornado, was the body of Charles Frenz, the fifth victim of the business district, found. Frenz was purchasing a pair of shoes in the Foote & Gazola store when it was struck. His body was found about 10 o'clock, lying crum pled into a heap about midway of the ruins. There ere were thirty funerals in Brink ley Thursday. Coffins are arriving on every train, and undertakers and their helpers kept busy preparing for the burials. Two Hundred Convicts. A special train loaded with one hun dred convicts arrived from Little Rock, making two hundred prisoners now here. They will be put to work cleaning up the debris, and the work of rebuilding the town will begin at once, as soon as materials arrive. The Cotton Belt railroad has 300 of its carpenters and brickmasons from dif ferent points on the system rushing here to assist in the work of rebuilding the town. The Rock Island sent out a call for a similar number of workmen from along its lines, and they will be rushed here. Stoves Are Needed. Aside from food and bedding, the peo ple most urgently need a car load of stoves on which to cook, tarpaulins to cover up the front of their stores and to hide the leaks in the roofs of the houses yet standing, andt tin roofing. Martial law prevails with all its rigor. The soldiers will not let any one through the lines who does not possess a pass signed by the provost marshal. Food Now Available. The soldiers hav, established a large cook tent in the middle of the town, and all those who have no means of sub sisting are being fed at the expense of the State and the relief committee. Mayor Jackson Calls for Aid. Mayor T. H. Jackson has issued the following appeal: "To the Public-In response to many inquiries concerning the terrible calam ity which has befallen our city, I would like to say that the list of dead, so far recovered from the wreckage, numbers 35, and wounded over 200. There is not a house in the city, either business or residence, that has not been damaged by the cyclone. The entire business por tion is lost, and only three buildings are left standing. "In response to many offers of assist ance, I would suggest for immediate temporary relief, that furniture, some bedding, blankets, tarpaulins, shingles and other roofing material be sent us. The latter is in urgent demand because there is not a dry roof in the city to protect the wounded and homeless. "In the way of permanehit relief, I would say the greatest benefit could be done our unfortunte people by shipments of building materials, such as lumber, shingles, roofings, brick, sand, etc. Many of our people will be able in this way to assist themselves, and start living, with the prospect of regaining lost for tunes or, at least, preparing places to shelter themselves. Both the Rock Island and Cotton Belt railroads have .greed to bring to our relief, all con signments of this, or any other nature, free of charge. It will possibly require several hundred carloads of buirding material to repair our city, as there is not a mill or factory that is not com pletely destroyed. "T. H. JACKSON, Mayor." DONAGHEY'S MESSAGE. Arkansas Governor Quickly Acts After Visit. Little Rock, Ark.-Little Rock parties returping from Brinkley say they never Witnessed a more desolate scene in their lives than what hey beheld theire. It is impossible to describe the havoc caused by the storm. At the request of Gov. Donaghey the legislature will at once appropriate $10,000 for the relief of the sufferers. Gov. Donaghey's message ask ing for the appropriation follows: "To the Thirty-seventh General Assem bly: "I have just returned from Brinkley, where the recent cyclone has eamsed so much loss of life apd property, and I find there is urgent need for immediate relief to those. who were maimed and crippled, tbgether with the remaining in ,habitants, who are suffering for lack of food and shelter. "I therefore recommend that you make an apprbpriation to be immediately avail able to those entitled to the same of the mumnof $10,000." journaliet, "look litke the deuce be side you men! You men have a regu Irtion golf suit, just as you have a regulation evenaing dress-. But we womees disfigre the linksLin an old skirt and a sweater. Where Is the future Worth or Paquin who will in yent for women a golf dress at once nrea~ t an.d elega.t" Popular There. Jn ;a msanof any agrat ubas e ll et B elf"* WHITE SNUBBED TAFITS 6MBASSADOR TO FRANCE WILL BE LET OUT. Story of Taft Honeymoon-Whitt Refused Honeymooners Ticket to Court Function. Washington.-Amibassador White is to step down and out diplomatically, and another is to have his place at the French capital. There is a moral in this pass ing of Air. White, and the story thereof "should teachl the reader to be caireful of the stranger within his gates, lest in that stranger he entertain all unaware an angel or one who is sprouting subse fquent wings to become an angel. It was in 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Taft had just been married and were travel ing through Europe, wrapped in those rainbow folds of sentiument folk call a "honeymoon." The Tafts in the course of their en raptured rambles came to Vienna. There they found Mr. White. The latter gen tleman was secretary of the legation for the United States. There was some function, whereof roy alty would be the center, coming off upon a near afternoon. Mr. T'aft asked Mr. White to see about an invitation. To procure such invitations was not among' things impossible. Mr. White could .have had thein at a merest hint. Upon; the morning of the royal func tion Mr. White sent a note to iMr. Taft. It ran in practically these words: "I am sorry' to inform you that I was unable to accomplish what you asked. The affair is very exclusive. The number of invitations is limited and they have been ordered sent only to per sons of imuportance and distinction. I enclose, however, tickets to the museum and trust that airs. Taft and yourself will spend a pleasant afternoon." Mr. Taft -still has that White letter. It has become, although not filed, the big document in what might he called "the case of Ambassador White." BISHOP HOSS HAS RELAPSE Wound From Operation Gives Him Trouble. Baltimore, Md.-It will be likely sev eral days, 'and it may be a week or two before Bishop E. E. Hoss, of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, is able to leave the Johns Hopkins Hospital The bishop underwent an operation for an internal trouble a month ago and it was said that he would leave the hospital at least ten days ago, but new complica tions set in last Saturday and since that day lie has had a high temperature and considerable pain from the wound which was made at the time of the operation. The bishop takes his relapse very much to heart and it grieves him quite a bit to know that he has received this sudden setback. WAR CLOUD IS LOWERING. Nicaragua and Salvador Assume, Bellieose Attitude. W'iahington.-Fouur hundred marines from Panama and 200 from Guantanamo are held in readiness to be rushed to, Honduras and Nicaragua borders in case, as is threatened, Nicaragua should at tack Costa Rica or use the Honduran territory, which is neutral, for the trans port of troops. The state department holds that the treaties existing between Mexico and the United States and the Central American republics demand that there "shall always be peace between these republics," therefore it is the func tion of Mexico and the United States and it is their right to forcibly prevent Nicaragua from making war. SCHOOL CHILDREN WORK. Prises Offered Result in Cleaning Streets. Charlotte, N. C.-Over 2,000 school children worked like Trojans gathering up every stray bit of trash, broken glads, pottery and brick bats that could be found high and low, in a contest for prizes offered by the Wonman's Club to the child raising the largest heap of rubbish. As a result many of the streets of the city hive trash piled waist and head high along the gu;ters ready for the city wagons to coniey to the erematory. The chief of the sanitary department states that it may relquire a week for his department, working with the full street force, to get rid of the accumnu lated rubbish. DEATH CLAIMS GEN. PALMER. Founder of Colorado Springs. His Es tate is Worth $16,000,000. Colorado Springs.--en Win. J. Palm er, founder of Colorado Springs, died at his country seat, Glen Eyrie, west of the city, late Sunday. Death came as a result of a fall from a horse in October, 1906, which resulted in breaking hiis back. Gen. Palmer often lias been called the foremost citizen of Coloralo. He leaves an estate valued at $15,000,000. Misunderstood. SThe Hobo-'Scuze me, ma'am, but I'm orful hungry, an' if youse'll gimme a ehanst t' work The Lady--Certainly. There's the woodpile and an ax. The Hobo-'Scuze me ergin, ma'am, but I was erbout t' say if youse'Ul gim me a chanat t' work youse fer me breakfast, I'd be much erbliged. Go' at Task Cheerfully. There Ii nothing so easy but i~t be eoaes.ditali!¢t when you do it with re. t eren -4erenlce. THE MARATHON HABIT lu4NT ý. -' ..ý rtarrAýSIRE' G I. A¶463 - ' ýtm u U"i,3c''Niiri/ rr1urn& ~~woo VOA ;WA) ?P D .Ai -'- it I " a W (II C~~T~L(RI~2Ar 1Y y.~T TAFT USES BIG STICK SEVERS DIPLOMTTIC RELA TIONS WITH NICARAGUA. Warships Ordered to Patrol Coast of Country--Mexico Is Acting With United States. Washington.--wing to the continued disturbed conditions in Nicaragua and President Zelaya's 4,ailure to make se rious efforts looking to the settlement of the Emery claim, the state depart ment has broken off diplomatic relations with that country. Affairs in Central America have been closely" watched by the American and Mexican governments, both of which have now come to an understanding that the time has arrived when drastic meas ures should be enforced to insure peace in the Central American republics. Ambassador La :Barra, of Mexico, spent some time at the state depart ment Friday, in conference with Assist ant Secretary Wilson, and the determina tion was reached that if the American warships now in ioati'agnan waters and to be sent there are not sufficient to im press President Zelaya that the treaty of peace entered into between the Cen tral American republics is to be lived up to, more radical steps would be taken to accomplish that result. PLEADS FOR RACE SUICIDE Ohio Leader of W. C. T. U. Wants Quality Not Quantity in Children. Cleveland, O.--"Let's quit raising chil dren till we can take care of those we have. Let's abolish sentimentalism and substitute common sense. In race sui cide, so-called, lies the salvation of the race." Such is the plea of Mrs. Sarah K.IL Meredith, recording secretary of the Ohio VW. C. T. U., who has stepped to the front as an advocate of race sui cide. "Quality, not quantity," is the key note on which Mrs. Meredith bases her arguments. "I believe it is next to criminal," she says, "to scatter the doc trine, 'Marry and raise a family,' with out taking into consideration whether the man and woman are fit to marry, and whether the future of tne children -at least in a measure-is assured." BOUND, GAGGED AND ROBBED Former Hotel Keeper Roughly Treated by Masked Men. Galesburg, Ill.-W. L. Bennett, a for mer hotel keeper of Hot Springs, was taken from his boarding house here Thursday night by three men who pro fessed to be United states deputy mar shals. Placing loaded revolvers at his head, they forced him to go to a shanty in the outskirts of the town, where they bound him with copper wire and made this fast to screws in the floor. They {hen robbed him of diamonds val uel at $500 and a large sum of money. Left there, it was some time before he could break loose and make his way to the nearest house, still partly bound with wire. FRANCE FACES DEFICIT. Paris.-France, like the United States, is confronted with a big deficit in her revenues. The situation is rendered the more serious by the large number of socialistic projects involving heavy drafts on the treasury. The budget of 1909 necessitated the issue of $12,000,000 in treasury bonds, while the regular esti mates for 1910 show a deficit of $45, 600,000, and this without taking into consideration the proposed workmen's old age and state railroad' employes' pension proposals, which together involve the sum of $37,800,000 more. BISHOP HOSS WORSE. Unexpected Complications Causing Great Pain set Up. Baltimore, Md.-The official state ment is made that Bishop E. E. Hoss, who was operated on at the Johns Hop kins hospital more than a month ago, his for several days not been resting so well, owing to the fact that an un expected complication has arisen. While this will delay: his eonyvalescence and entails a great deal ot pain, his physi cians consider, it of A.a temporary na ~turez, TRUST SLASHES PRICES EFFORT TO CRUSH INDEPEND ENT STEEL MAKERS. John W. Gates Will Probably Head the Independents in Fight on the Trust. New York.--In its rate war on the in dependent steel makers, the Steel Trust Thursday made further reductions in the price of its products. It cut the quota tions for tin plate from 25 cents to 30 cents a box, or $5 to $6 a ton, and for steel plates it made concessions of $1 to $2 a ton on the reduced price of $i a ton. In brief, it put the prices to a level on which it was said few inde pendent manufacturers could exist. The reason for the extra reduetion, an official of the trust said, was "to get business." The cut to $6 a ton for structural pieces and steel plates had brought out some orders, but the inde pendents had met that cut and were getting their usual proportion of busi ness. Similar conditions obtained, it was added, in other branches of the trade. Under these circumstances, the trust decided to make further reductions and to carry on a relentless war against the independents, underbidding them wher ever possible. With all these threats in the air, a rumor was circulated that the independ ents could combine under the leadership of John W. Gates in an organization for self-defense, if not for aggression. Gates, it is known, has never for given the Steel Trust men for the man ner in which they forced him to sur render his holdings in Tennessee Coal and Iron at the time of the recent mone tary panic. PLAN BIG LAND SALE. Government to Hold Applications Until Next Fall. Washington.-If the present plans of the department of the interior carry, there will be one of the biggest land sales in Oklahoma next October that the new state has ever witnessed. The new plan of the department is to hold up all applications for sale of the surplus lands of the allotteel until that time, and bunch them for a big land opening sale. The present system of selling the lands of the restricted Indians has never been satisfactory to the government. It is believed the land-opening idea, coupled with the payment plan of four annual payments, will draw thousands of farm ers who want to make homes in the new state, and will make the lands bring higher prices. WILL BUILD FOUR DREADNOUGHTS. London.-The eagerly awaited British naval estimates were issued Friday. A compromise won the da3) for (Le rsti mates provide for a total expenditure of $175,713,500, an increase of $14,116,000 over the estimate of 1908-09. The new building program provides for four Dreadnoughts, six protected cruisers, twenty torpedo boat destroy ers and a number of submarines, the lat ter to cost $5,000,000. DICKINSON TO GO TO CANAL. Niw War Secretary Will Familiarize Himself With Work. Washington.-Secretary Dickinson, it is expected, will soon be sent to Panama to familiarize himself with the canal and all conditions surrounding it. This statement is made by a high adminis tration official. Soon after he comes here President Taft, Col. Goethals and Secretary Dickinson will confer about the canal. Some changes in the organi zatitn are expected. Japs Return Home. New York.-K. Yamasaki, acting con sul general of Japan, announces that the report of the department of foreign af fairs of Tapan, which has just been cabled to him, shows that during the month of February, 1909, ninety-four more Japanese returned home than en tered the mainland of the United States, and fifty-two more Japanese returned home than entered Hawaii. Mr. Yama saki said the mode of travel showed that the largest proportion of those Japanese returning home were of the worklnag e~lsh TEXAS ASSEMBLY IN CHAOS One Member Expelled and Speaker Asked to Resign. Austin, Tex.-The senate of the Texas legislature expelled Senator Thomas as a embenlr of that body by it vote of 21 to S, on grounds that he had maliciously maligned members of the senate, charg ing that they were grafters and corrup tionists. The house, by a vote of 71 to 48, asked Senator Kennedy to resign in con sequence of alleged official misconduct in drawing money for clerks not in attend ance upon the legislature. Instead of complying with the request Speaker Ken nedy mounted the rostrum, assumed the gavel and announced the official hour for adjournment had arrived, and he de clared the legislature adjourned sine die. die. (Gov. (ampbell issued a proclamation reconvening the legislature in regular session, and Speaker Kennedy after ad journing the regular session, announced the special session ready for business. PRAYERS BROUGHT CYCLONE Revivalist and Congregation Asked Warning Catastrophe. Cuthbert, Ga.-The cyclone which struck this place Tuesday night, destroy. ing over 300 buildings, killing six per sons, injuring twenty-eight, and leaving 300 families homeless, came in answer to prayer, so the church folks assert, and was sent by God to warn the town to eschew evil and purstes righteous ness. For a week before the cyclone a great revival was in progress, and there were nightly prayers for God to send cyclone or earthquake to warn the unrighteous. On the night of the cyclone nearly 1,000 persons were present at revival service and the cyclone came while a fervent prayer was being made for God to send storm, earthquake or some other sign to waken the wicked. When word reached the elurrch of the awful wreck and the appalling property loss, the preacher made a strong appeal to the people, and in the darkness cries and supplications went up to God min gled with shouts of victory. Thursday a praise service was held that God had answered their prayers and melted the stony hearts of the people. KENTUCKIANS AFTER REWARD Ex-Gov. Taylor Was to Be Gagged, Bound and Shipped in Coffin. Indianapolis, Ind.-Ex-Gov. W. S. Tay lor of Kentucky, still a fugitive here, heard for the first time Thursday how narrowly he escaped from being kid napel, bound, gagged and nailed in a coffin, to be shipped to Louisville, where the ventilated coffin was opened and Taylor arrested, charged with the murder of the late Gov. Gobel. The plan was laid bare by Col. Burch, field, of Lexington, Ky. It failed, said Col. Burchfield, because the Indianapolis poTce, who were friendly to Taylor, got wind of it and furnished guards night and day for the Kentuckian. Lured by the $100,000 reward for the refurn of Taylor, several soldiers of fortune of Kentucky, came to Indian apolis, rented a vacant house to which Taylor was to be transported in a cab any opportune moment he could be seized and stored the coffin in the vacant house. In this house Taylor was to be bound and gagged and nailed in the coffin. An inquisitive real estate agent who wondered why the men who rented this house, did not move in, spoiled the plan. TO RESTORE 3-CENT RATE Representatives of Eighteen Rail roads Meet in St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo.-Representatives of the passenger departments of eighteen rail roads met here Thursday to consider the advisability of restoring the old 3 cents a mile rate, made legal by the decision against the Missouri 2-cent fare law rendered by Judge McPherson in Kan sas City on Monday. J. M. Johnson, vice president of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway, who was chairman of the con ference, said that the railroad men hlad received a communication from Attor ney General Major of Missouri, asking them to appoint a committee to confer with him before definite action was taken. Women Still Missing, New Orleans, La.--In their efforts to find three women, the wives of well known men, who hare been missing for days from their homes in New Orleans and one of its suburbs, the police admit that they have been unable to obtain the slightest clue that would lead to the solution of any of the mysterious cases. SThe women are Mrs. E. W. Blaker, Mrs. P. II. Thibeaux and Mrs. John S. Edmonds. Mrs. Thiebeaux's husband himself disaplpeared from home Thurs day. Would Boom Country Life. Guthrie, Okla.-The Southwest Inter state Commission on ('ountry Life, called at the suggestion of the National Com mission, "*to create new interest in farm life and to improve social conditions in the country." began a two-days' meet ing here today. Missouri, Kanas,. Ar kansas, Texas and Louisiana are repre sentedl. I;reat interest hIh bee,, imani fested Iby the people of (Ikihoma in lthe meeting, and farmers from surrounding counties and towns are here to discuss their affairs and to formulate somej scheme to better their conditions. MECCAS FOR ARTISTS CAROLUS DURAN TELLS THEM TC GO TO PARIS AND ROME. Famous Painter Says One Has Time and Chance to Think in the Eter nal City, But He Goes to Paris for Sensations. Paris.-One cold December mornint a wondering maid, rubbing her eyes brought coffee and hot water at an unearthly hour while the fashionable world of the Bois was settling itselD for a final sleep, and I took an hour's journey across Paris over to the Latin quarter to see Carolus Duran come up from Rome for a few days in France. For many long years he has been at the head of the French Aerd emy at Rome, teaching, but painting as well, as is testified by the long list of great pictures, among the best of the present centrry. It was only nine o'clock, but he wat i already in his studio, the one he keeps always in Paris for his frequent vis its. He was at his desk opening let ters, giving directions to, his secre tary, and receiving one by one a lit. tile coterie of old friends and students. They had been there for some time waiting for him in a small reception room where a kindly concierge had made a bright fire on the hearth, giv. ing warmth to a room already peo. pled with living canvases of the mas ter, hanging on the walls. After the others were gone, and the letters all opened we had a little talk in the big studio, a small pipe organ at one end and a grand piano at the other, draped with a curious Indian shawl. Large canvases'and small of lovely female forms and. masculine faces full of dignity and character A V caught the attention. But only mo mentarily. The master himself was there, sitting In a high-backed .l@ chair which might have come from a Florentlne palace; an erect fiare gracefully carrying its weight of yearu The personality of the man filled the room, the personality of the master. One felt that whatever other permo might happen to be thereg Carotus Duran would still be the one toward whom all eyes would be turned. Awl one felt that it he gave an order, it would not be disobeyed. One could readily imagine his pupil, John Bar gent, great enough himself to be ranked among the masters, bowing htis head before Carolus Duran and doing as he was told, But Duran does not want to be al ways obeyed. He insists upon his pu pils following their own initiative. "Each person mupt march alone Ift he is to accomplish anything," he said. "In painting, the most difficult of all arts, he must learn how to take his steps, of course; he must study long and patiently and learn how to walk, and he must learn this from others. Then he must go his own way as he sees it most clearly. "I come to Paris often, although I have been in Rome over 40 years. I do not think Paris is better for an atr tist than Rome, or Rome better than Paris. Each gives its own. "Paris is better for the beginner. He learns in Paris how to feel, and no one can paint or write or do anything in art who has not learned to feel, to have sensations. I came to Paris for its sensations, for the new world of thought and activity centered here, for the plays at the theater, for the books that are being written, for the men and women that make Paris what lt is. "But in Paris there is too much bus tle and business for me as a mature artist, too much electric light, tele graphs, telephones, hurrying trains and rushing people. "I go back to Rome to reflect upon what Paris has given me. Rome h tranquil, with the peace of ages rest ing upon it, and a message from its stores of antiquity that falls upon the soul sweetly, soothingly. One has time and chance to think. "But certainly one must not be calm and tranquil too long. One must not stay too long in Rome. There are the voices of the present. "Let the artist learn his grammas in Paris, let him come then to Rome and learn how to speak. Then let him give his message to the world stamped with his own individuality. Something so much his own that he got it neither from Paris, nor from Rome, nor from any other place, but from the depths of his own souL"