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I The Lower Coast Gazette. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE LOWER COAST AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. VOLUME I. POINTE-A-LA-IACHE, IA., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1909. NUMBER l3 ,I... . . . . . - A- n.. 'It'- I Crowlev.-At a of the board ROOSEVELT OFF FOR GREAT HUNT EX-PRESIDENT SAILS AWAY TO DARK CONTINENT. TO BE IN AFRICA A YEAR Then He Will Travel and Speak In Europe-Three Skilled Naturalists and His Son Kermit Accom pany Him. New York.--Theodore Roosevelt, ex president of the United States, sailed out of New York harbor Tuesday on the steamer Hamburg of the Hamburg American line on the way to his much heralded hunting trip in British East Africa. On the dock was a large assemblage of Mr. Roosevelt's friends, who had gathered to bid him God-speed, and who cheered him as he stood at the rail of the steamer waving his hand and smiling with delight. Beside him stood the .three men selected from hundreds of applicants to accompany him and assist him in collecting the specimens of African fauna which he hopes to send back for the enrichment of the Smithsonian institution. These fortunate individuals were Maj. Ed gar A. Mearns, J. Loring Alden and Edmund Heller. They comprise the Smithsonian's expedition. The fifth member of the little party, and not to be considered of least importance. was It f CAIRO. ;tt Pi~j? dNCON A II CO' " _AC KHA 0/14! OV'V R TIS BPITI2N. QPa ASTL %%.'d I L A·· I;', ALBRIP IBIRA -YBnTFIT/3b 9~· VW CT ý ROUTE OF THE ROOSEVELT PARTY IN AFRICA. the espresident's second son, Kermit, t who will be the official photographer ti of the expedition and, next to his fl father, the chief hunter. tl To Mombasa Via Naples. Mr. Roosevelt will go via Gibraltar to Naples, where he will board a steamer of the German East African line for Kilindini harbor, the port of Mombasa. At the latter place the party will be joined by R. J. Cun ningbame, an Englishman of long ex perience in Africa, who has been en gaped as general manager and guide. 'The party will spend a short time in Mombasa and then proceed by train as the Uganda railway to Nairobi, headquarters of the administration of British East Africa Protectorate, a city of 13,514 inhabitants, of whom 579 are Europeans. On MacMillan's Ranch. William Northrup MacMillan, for formerly of St. Louis, owns a large estate near Nairobi and his big, lux arious farmhouse will be headquarters for about six months while the hunt ,e and scientists make trips of vary ,nlenlgth in all directions. It is In this section that Mr. Roosevelt hopes to obtaln most of tiL specimens, for It 'bounds with animals of all kinds. The smaller mammals will be trapped. The supplies of the party are packed I tl.lined boxes. These boxes when they have been emptied will be used as peaking cases for the various spec-. :: meas. MAy valuable natural history alkumens have been spoiled by ants i aa other Insects, it has been found S rgn experieace on ether expeditions, , ,4 it li too guard against this that the tin-lined boxes are being taken about. i Car. rng for Specimens. When the specimens have been pro. pe , they will be carefully packed in ,mss l s.b anpd shipped to Nairobt, States. One of the taxider r.. will always be with Mr. Roose sa sooa as &y: big game oa 1 Itlit; bt sklned and, i'' oo tl -wrill;be greatly din * hefAl 0to kill several % thei Erbinper living ally to the type of the extinct Tichorine or woolly rhinoceros which lived in England at the close of the Glacial period. Journey A.ross Uganda. Leaving Nairobi in October, the party will proceed by the Uganda railway to Port Florence, on the shores of Lake Victoria Nyanza, where a short stop will be made; then a steamer will be taken to Entebbe, 150 miles away. There a caravan will be formed and the journey across Uganda to the Nile will be begun. It is expected that the White Nile will be reached about the first of the year n 1910. Lake Albert Nyanza will be touched at Kibira. In a general way the course of the Nile will be followed to Gondokoro, and thence to Khartoum. At this city Mr. Roosevelt and Kermit will be d joined by Mrs. Roosevelt and they will continue down the Nile slowly to Cairo, visiting many points of interest on the way. it To Speak in European Capitals. Plans for the remainder of the ex ;e president's two years' tour have not Ad been decided upon definitely, but the d time will be spent in Europe, and sev ie eral matters of importance have been id announced. He will visit Berlin at the m invitation of Emperor William and m while there will deliver an address ly upon the one hundredth anniversary le of the founding of the University of le Berlin. nt From Germany he will go to France se and deliver an address at the Sor d- bonne. It has not been learned how id long Mr. Roosevelt intends to stay in he Berlin and Paris. After his visit in th France, Mr. Roosevelt will go to Eng to land, where a reception of great as warmth undoubtedly will be accorded to him. He has accepted an invitation to deliver the Romanes lecture at Ox ford university and in all probability ci the honorary degree of D. C. L., which a Oxford has bestowed on Emperor Will iam, will be conferred on Mr. Roose- s velt. t The versatility of Mr. Roosevelt will t be shown by the fact that he will speak German in his address before the students of the University of Ber. Uin, French in his lecture at the Sor t bonne, and English in delivering the t Romanes lecture at Oxford. Pays His Own Expenses. Mr. Roosevelt will defray the ex. penses of himself and his son on the i African trip, but those of the scien tists and the cost of preparing the specimens and shipping them to Amer- 1 SCa will be paid out of a fund secured for the purpose by the Smithsonian institution.. One of the objects of Mr. Roosevelt e in taking this trip is for the purpose SI of collecting material for writing sev s eral books regarding his experiences t During last summer he contracted with f Charles Scribner's Sons, of New York. n giving that firm all the rights for the 6 serial and book-form publication of ir whatever he might write on his visit . I to Africa. It is said that the contract d. price agreed upon is $1 per word, d but this never has been verified. No Slaughter of Animals. A Even if the British colonial govern A- ment should offer to throw open to Mr. y Roosevelt and his companions the Af ta rican game preserves under its con id trol, the ex-president will refuse to 1s, take advantage of this opportunity. at Like other true sportsmen, he believes Dn that the utmost protection should be given to wild animals on reservations and that permission to kill them r should not be given or accepted under in any circumstances unless, possibly, b, when predatory animals are becoming he too numerous. e 'Moreover, the killing of animals for e** spert is not the main object of his trip. is Mr. Roosevelt hopes to send back to ad, the Stmithsonian institution two adult speefisenm. one of each sex, and a ii:- specimen of their young, of animals rat he mets -with on the Dark Continent, Ws Beyond this the killing will be im . . to -the demands of the O- mis . ice: COOPERS CONVICTED SHARP ACQUITTED Nashville, Tenn.-The jury in the Cooper trial, at 10:05 Saturday morning, reported the following verdict: Duncan B. Cooper, guilty, second de s gree; penalty, 20 years. s obin J. Cooper, guilty, second degree; penalty, 20 years. r The trial ju..t completed has been one e of the most remarkable murder cases in the history of the South, not only be ecause of the prominence of the princi l pals in the tragedy, but because of the 1e reasons that led to the killing. 111 Sharp Acquitted. to Nashville, Tenn.-John D. Sharp was at Friday acquitted of the charge of mur dering former United States Senator E. W. Carmack, but the jury reported that an agreement had not been reached as ot to the two principal actors in the now he famous tragedy, Robin and Col. Duncan B. Cooper. The receiving of the verdict as to Mr. ad Sharp came after a morning of nervous ss ness and suppressed excitement in the ry courtroom. Judge Hart opened court of promptly at 9 o'clock and began his us ual grind of hearing criminal cases. The ce court had announced soon after court or- opened that there would be a verdict in aw the Cooper case during the day, but it in was a quarter after 12 before his honor VOU] in turned his attention to the case and g.- sent the sheriff to bring the jury into oat the courtroom. The jury, instead of ac- Ten led companying the court officer on his re- Fe turn, however, sent word that they were unable to agree, and saw no necessity for their appearing in court. Par But Judge Hart summoned them any- tion i way, and soon the result of the delib- a gre erations of the twelve men was known. this i As soon as the court had heard what tanks the jury had done, he ordered the dis- city, charge of Mr. Sharp, and ordered thd is fu jury to return to their room for fur- by d ther deliberation. This occupied but a inhur few minutes, after which court was ad- Fo journed until 2 p. m. The verdict in lives. Mr. Sharp's case was received with in- and difference by the defendant, but once ered. outside the courtroom he was compelled Ad to hold an impromptu reception and re- the c ceive the congratulations of his friends. fami Judge Hart sent to ask the jury, at whic 12 minutes after noon, if it wished to ferin report. Promptly the word came back was that no agreement had been reached. The a co court considered a moment, and said: Ti "I will bring in the jury anyhow. with Bring in the defendants." the There was a hustle and scurrying of houn deputies through the corridors, and the aslec defendants entered. The courtroom was T' nearly empty by this time, the throng the disappearing gradually as it seemed that fore there would be no report. Mrs. Burch fror and Mrs. Wilson, pale and wan, were plu with the Coopers, and faithful Mrs. Chu Sharp was, as always, at her husbands' botl side. The The jury was polled, and Judge Hart for said: mai "'Have you reached a verdict, gentle- in men " wei "We are hopelessly tied as to the an Coopers," said Foreman Burke, "but we hot find John Sharp not guilty." '"You will retire, gentlemen, and re consider further as to the other defend ants.' Is there any reason, Gen. McCarn, e why John Sharp should not be dis charged ?" tation "None, your honor." tee Lt Ox- "Mlr. Sharp, you are discharged from sid rbility custody-acquitted," said the court, with mi which a smile. m Will- Sharp sat stolid and indifferent. Not loose- so his wife. The foreman spoke in a low tone, and for a minute she didn't grasp t Itwll the significance of it. When she did, t a will her eyes filled up, and she grasped her an before husband's left-arm with both hands, and w f er seemed about to break down. Her sis- re ethter soothed her, and others seated near them shook hands with Sharp. fo "We want the exact words of the jury he ex recorded," said Judge Anderson, of de- in on the fense. "We understood the report was in scien hopelessly tied?" Ig the "I do not recall the exact language, Amer- but I am told by the clerk and a news cured paper man that those were the words. Isonian Let the clerk so record them." "Is that a verdict, your honor," said Ci osevelt Anderson. urpose "It is a verdict as far as John Sharp n sg sev is concerned, but it certainly is not as Y lences far as D. B. and Robin Cooper are con odwith cerned. I sent the jury back for further t or consideration." ior the The defendants' counsel advised to. s visit gether for awhile, and assented. Then ontract Judge Hart adjourned court until 2 p. m. e ord Sharp, accompanied by his wife and Led. sister-in-law, fatner and mother, the lat a. ter two reaching the jail after the ver govern- dict, went to the room he has occupied to Mr. for several months in the jail, and then the Af- held a little reunion with the Coopers. Its con With tears of disappointment in their fuse to eyes, the two daughters of Cooper still rrtunity. congratulated the Sharps heartily upon believes their good luck, and listened in return to uld be the good wishes in their own behalf." rvations 1 them A., B. & A. RECEIVER NAMED. Hosibly, H. M. Atkinson and S. F. Parrott Get ecoming Permanaent Berths. New Orleans, La.-H. M. Atkinson afd mals for . p. Parrott, the latter president of his trp. the Atlantic Compress Company, of At back to lants, were Friday appointed permanent an receivers of the Atlanta, Birmingham & animal Atlantic Railroad, by' Judge Pardee, .of ontinent, the United States circuit court. Mr. At be 1m- kinson is already one of the receivers. Qmi- Mr. Parrott will succeed Preston S. Ark .wright, rice president of the road. "A FRIEND OF TIIE PRESIE ENT u. I LO in 1s - -- e - rt Taft-Give Her Your Utmost Consideration, Gentlemen. TANKS FLOOD TOWN TARI r FOUR KILLED, THREE AR1E FA- WILL d TALLY HURT. Ten Houses Completely Wrecked, Fight Forty Others Damaged as Re- Ta -e sult of Peculiar Accident. y - Parkersburg, W. Va.-An entire see. Was' *' tion of the city was swept away before was re b a great deluge of water at 5:30 o'clock commil this morning, when two immense water tives it tanks, located on the heights above the origins is- city, and from which the city's water hers o he is furnished, were wrecked, supposedly twelve Ir- by dynamite from the hands of some bill at a inhuman fiend. mittee Id- Four are known to have lost their Indi in lives. The bodies of Walter Waggon have in- and wife and small child were recov- Few I Ice ered. ion or ed Added to the death and horrors which is hel re the deluge created is a threatened water ment 3. famine which the city is now facing, and tion. at which may cause the most intense suf- Al to fering, as the city's entire water supply itance clk was eont0ned in these tanks.- Beth are ble t he a complete wreck. have The awful avalanche of water came in lam )w. without a moment's warning, and when inheri the great majority of occupants of the onero of houses that were in its path were still made the asleep and utterly helpless. in th vas The first buildings to be caught in Th ang the wall of water, that gained terrific and I hat force, not only from its volume, but Repri rch from the steep declivity down which it here sere plunged, were the St. John's Lutheran sime Irs. Church and the summer school building, be C: ads' both of which were completely wrecked. breal These, in a measure, checked the terrific Denm [art force of the rush of waters, and the re- in mainder of the houses that were caught on h tle- in its path suffered less, although many were torn from their foundations and over the jammed with terrific crashes against the vani we houses next in the path of the water. r CAPERS MAY LOSE HIS JOB coal end- with arn, Personal Friend of Taft to Be In- alar dis- ternal Revenue Collector. Washington.-Among the most es- bill. from teemed federal jobs in Washington, out- S, with side of a cabinet place, is that of com- ge missioner of internal revenue, and it is fee Not highly probable that from the number repr low of applicants for the place a change in ore that office is soon to be made. A cer- also rasp tain Ohio man has aspired to the place, The did, and it transpires that when this name ing and was urged President Taft expressed his r regret, according to the story, saying MI near that he had picked out a personal friend for the place. jury John G. Capers, of South Carolina, the f de- incumbent commissioner, was appointed in the summer of 1907, the announcement being made at the time that it was aaf uage, temporary appointment. Soon after ward the office was proffered to Pearl Wneos Wright, a New Orleans merchant, who min held in abeyance for a long time his de- for said cision whether he would accept. tee Somehow Capers was permitted to re Sh main, and made himself useful to Cortel t as you and Hitchcock in the rounding up of tel SSouthern delegates for the Republican fe convention of 1908, being ostensibly a third term advocate. There is no doubt ar d tofrom expressions heard that vigorous of Then opposition outside of the Southern ref .m eree system particularly, as it involves o Sand men in the internal revenue service will le lat- join the opposition to the retention of th e ver Capers, in the event, it is pretty certain, P that he will soon have to give way to cupied President Taft's individual choice. )ers. Life Sentence fpr Kidnaping. c m their Pittsburg, pa.-Preparations are un- o sr stil der way to have a law passed by the C "pon legislature making kidnaping an offense a urn to for ivhich a sentence of life imprisonment C If." can be given. lED. $8,750,000 Case Decided. Cincinnati.-Being so instructed by tt Get United States Judge Sayler, the jury C in the district court returned a verdict on aid for the defendant in the case of the Mc lent of Kll estate against the Chesapealnke & t of At- Ohio Railroad, an action to obtain $3, 5anent V50,000 on ap alleged coal contract. The ham & court's conclusion was that the action I dee,.of was based on a contemplated, rather fr. At- than an actual existing contract. The 1 eeivere ase has been in the courts for over 1 S. Ark* three years. It .is said it will be ap. d. ipealed. TARIFF BILL REPORTEi du t ishes WILL NOT HAVE PLAIN SAILING the p THROUGH HOUSE. tick fi inforn C. E. Fight Will Be Made on Inheritance Depar Tax-Steel Men Are Making been Vigorous Protests. icatio Unite Washington.-The Payne tariff bill Linco e was reported from the ways and means with k committee to the house of representa- retars tives Thursday without change in its ernor e original provisions. The minority mem- for tl r bers of the committee were allowed but again twelve minutes in which to consider the three ,e bill at the general meeting of the com- Pest mittee. ing ii ir Indications are that the bill is not to for a ,n have plain sailing through the house. din, r_ Few members care to express an opin- of t ion on the bill at the present time. It are ,h is held to be the most confusing docu- cattl ar ment ever put up to them for considera- It wi id tion. year: . A fight is to be made on the inher ly itance tax on the ground that it is dou- Nt re ble taxation. -Thirty-six States now of t have the law, and protests are coming the ne in large volume urging that the burden Sch( en inheritances now carry are sufficiently pres he onerous. There is to be an attempt nes ill made to include an income tax provision furn in the bill. in The greatest protest is over free hides aP fic and the cuts in timber, wool and sugar. to t jut Representatives of these industries are The it here in force. Should the movement as ,an sume definite shape a party caucus will vice be called by the Republican leaders to acce ed. break the combination. Several. Texas wet ific Democrats show a willingness to join the re- in this movement in the interest of a tax plai ght on hides. for S Western coal interests are up in arms a fi iid over the coal schedules and the Pennsyl- ing the vanians are restless under the cut and tioi the possibility of free Canadian coal. alr With this import duty removed Canadian No 08 coal will enter into active competition wo with- the output of American mines. e The grain interests of the West are ag' alarmed over the grain schedules as af- am fected by the drawback provision of the es bill. out- Steel men are protesting against the om- general reduction in steel schedules and Co t is free iron ore. The steel trust is not aber represented in the lobby. It owns large L ore ranges in Cuba. Charles M. Schwab A3 cer- also has heavy ore properties in Cuba. F lace, The smaller independent men are mak- ca lame ing the complaint. ini Shis ying MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOOMING to -iend - re Levees in Good Condition and in No se ,the Danger of Breaking. cr mnt Memphis, Tenn.-The waters of the Mississippi crawled up another tenth of a fer a foot Friday, reaching the highest stage T earl of tne present flood, 38.2 feet. Accord- tt who ing to the prediction of S. C. Emery, the tl s de- forecaster of the local weather bureau, f the river will reach a stage about 38.5 feet. ortel- The flood is reaching New Orleans, and the stage there is 15.8 feet, only two- e up of tenths below the flood stage, which is 16 ican feet. o Ly a So far as the levees about Memphis , ou are concerned, the continued pressure a oros f the flood against them seems to have Sref- had no effect, and there is no alarm felt olvefor them. The government officials are Swill keeping in touch with the.situation, and on of the first sign of weakness will be re- I rtain, ported. ay Mrs. Cheatam Weds. Louisville, Ky.-Southern society re ceived with surprise the announcement re un- of the marriage of Mrs. Nellie Garrard my the Cheatam, wife of Dr. William Cheatam, ,ffense a noted specialist, to Bruce Hatch. MIrs. inment Cheatam is around the half century mark, while Hatch is in the thirties. DERELICT RUNS ASHORE. e jury Captain and Crew of the Cleopatra Were verdict Drowned. he 3e- Pensacola, Fla.-After drifting about Lke & the gulf since Jan. 28, when her captain lin $3,- and every member of the crew were at. The drowned, the derelict schooner Cleopatra action has landed at St. George Island, accord rather ing to information brought here today . The by sea captains who sighted the disman tr over tied vessel. The bodies of the captain be ap and crew were washed ashore on Hon. duras Island several weeks ago. LOUIISIANA IAPPNL INSU of director Associatioi Covington.-A traveling salesman the 1909 f for a prominent New Orleans whole- and 19. ¶ sale grocery house, who reached here begin the from a trip through Washington par- catalogues ish, gives a most graphic account ot board wer the recent storm in that section. He appointed says he was near Zona, in a buggy the rules when the storm struck him and that just discr before he could travel about one ish exhib block the water was about three inch- offered the es deep in the flat woods. He pic- was adop tures the rain as a veritable cloud- open to 1 burst, and says that over a large area which shl the crops that had been planted were ors of no actually washed out of the ground, the any one t cotton and corn ridges being washed only. Sp flat. He says teat the farmers of that to Acadi. section will have to replow their fields Col. J. F. before they can replant, the ridges Gilfords I being washed away and the ground mittee to being packed by the heavy rainfall superinte of nearly six inches. The rain was partment accompanied by a very hard wind, ed from which tore limbs from the trees and solicit sl did other similar damage. The police jury has received a com. Baton munication from W. N. Patrick im re- jumped gard to the coinmmon disregard of the the chari law relative to the disposition of the Weevil I carcasses of cattle dying from dis- organize( ease and praying for relief. The pe- ficers: tition was referred to the grand jury thy boll for action. master 1 ty mast( Baton Rouge.-That the cattle in- art, fina dustry in Lincoln and Claiborne par- ris, reco ishes has been greatly advanced by peter, n G the partial eradication of the cattle Burchell tick from these two parishes was the George information brought to the city by Dr. worm; C. E. Mauldin of the United States ton boll 6e Department of Agriculture, who has lent As been in charge of the cattle tick erad- wto ha, ication work which the state and the the wee United States government is doing in elation, ill Lincoln and Claiborne. Dr. Mauldin, care of with Commissioner Schuler and Sec- not boll a retary Newell, of the Crop Pest Com- associat its mission, held a conference with Gov tm ernor Sanders and discussed the work Abbe' for the coming year. The campaign crops I ut against the tick will reopen in about farmer: the three weeks. "With the State Crop ceed th mn- Pest Commission we have been work- been pi ing in Claiborne and Lincoln parishes A larg to for about two years," said Dr. Mhul- planted ise. din, "and we have about turee-fourths but the in- of the ticks eradicated. The people in the It are raising more cattle and better as soor cu- cattle than ever before in their lives. These era- It will probably take about two more Ventre years to complete the work." the mo her- that p Lou- Natchitoches.-The second month this se tow of the spring term has closed with trampl Ling the largest enrollment the Normal far as -den School has yet had. The grounds qtly present a beautiful picture of earnest- Lafa mpt ness and industry. The first car of been 1 sion furniture has arrived and 300 opera necess chairs are being added to the seating councl ides capacity of the auditorium, and the gambl: ar much-needed equipment will be added ever, to the laboratories and class rooms. were are The sewer and flushing plant has been he onl ill completed and is giving excellent ser- er to vice. The plumbing system has been der tc 9 to accepted by the architects, the deep "socia exas well is rapidly nearing completion, tically join the water tower and the electric light The o tax plant are being erected, the material ity In for the concrete walks is expected in peal 4 Trms a few days, the painting of the build- practi nsyl- ings will soon begin and the addi and tional 42 acres of land added to the Bat coal. already beautiful grounds will make recei dian Normal Hill a good place to live and of W ition work. The new school gardens tor that . the model school and the classes in from are agriculture have aroused new interest being s af- among the students. priso f the -Felic Schriever.-At a meeting of the Up- after t the per Terrebonne Drainage District the and Comnission bids were opened for the horsE n purchase of $12,000 bonds by a quo- here, not rum of the board, composed of J. P. state large Landry, president; L. L. Toups, A. J. have hb Ayo, together with their attorney, R. state Cuba. F. Butler. The bid of R. J. Braud, offlc mak- cashier of the Bank of Lafourche, be ing for the taking of the entire issue at par, at the stipulated rate of in- New ING terest, 5 per cent, being the lowest pans received, a motion was made and duly trail n No seconded to accept the same. The com creation of this drainage district is bull St for the purpose of dredging Bayou larg Sth Terrebonne from Houma to the upper date portion of the parish, one mile from sen stag Thibodaux, when it is expected that mis: ccord- the parish of Lafourche will carry on far y, the the work to connect with Bayou La- moc ureau, fourche. bets , and Baton Rouge.-Governor Sanders Is t expected to call the meeting of the Kni Louisiana State Board of Liquidation of Sis for the purpose of taking final action and on the state fiscal agency matter. rec e nphis The present 13 fiscal banks only r ressure agreed to act as depositories of the b ohave state for a month's time on trial, a mm felt claiming that at the rate of interest ere a ls are fixed by the state board, 3 1-2 per cent e o, and on daily balances, the banks would be re lose money because of the amount of bond which the banks had to give for the full amount and because only wo 7ty 5 per cent of the sum could be put hot et eent out at interest. When the board is dr( Garrard called to meet by Governor Sandrs, wa hat it will either reduce the rate of in- wa .eatam, terest to 3 per cent or attempt to we cnr secure other fiscal agents. The lat- de ntur. ter course will likely be adopted. wi E. Baton Rouge.-Cadets from the NE Louisiana State University will enter m SWere the intercollegiate rifle practice which aC will be conducted by the United w g about States government. Captain Sorley of ye ptain the United States army, commandant w a were t the L. 2. U., made the students a th leopatra talk on rifle practice and the inter- Y caccord- collegiate contest. A number of stu- at r today dents will be in training for several to disman* weeks. At the end of the week the i ccaptaia best ten shots from the list will be n on Io n placed in the rifle squad, and they will I train until spring. Crowley.-At a meeting of the board of directors of the Acadia Parish Fair Association it was decided !o h ild the 1909 fair on November 1l., 17, 18 and 19. The secretary will at once I begin the preparation of the premlium catalogues. Seven members of the t board were present. The committee 3 appointed to suggest a revision ot the rules that would provide fo- a t just discrimination between the par ish exhibitors and the professional - offered the following resolution, which was adopted: "All classes shall be I- open to the state, except poultry, a which shall be restricted to exhibit e ors of no more than live coops to e any one exhibitor, except for display d only. Special premiums shall apply ,: lt to Acadia parish exhibitors only." is Col. J. F. Shoemoker, J. 1. Foley and Gs Gilfords Hains were appointed a com d mittee to select suitable persons for l11 superintendents of the different de Is partments. Committees were appoint d, ed from each ward of the parish to id solicit special premiums. n- Baton Rouge.--The boll weevil has e- jumped from the cotton fields into ie the charitable associations. The Boll he Weevil Benevolent Society has been is- organized here with ...e following of fe- ficers: J. L. Robin, past grand wor ry thy boll weevil; E. P. MlcHamilton, master boll weevil; Ed Thomas, depu ty master boll weevil; :Beverly Stew in. art, financial caterpillar; Rugus Har ar. ris, recording caterpillar; J. H. Klein by peter, master cotton worm; Charles tie Burchell, master creeping worm; he George Reymond, deputy creeping Dr. worm; Richard Banks, master cot tes ton boll. The Boll Weevil Benevo ias lent Association is formed by those ad- who have had some experience with the the weevil. It is a benevolent asso in ciation, as its name indicates, to take in, care of the sick and bury the dead, lec. not boll weevils, but members of the am. association. ork Abbeville.-The practical failure of ign crops last year has stimulated the out farmers to intensive efforts to suc rop ceed this year, and farm lands have ark- been put in first-class cult for a crop. hes A large acreage of corn has been hul- planted already and is coming up, rths but there is a scourge of blackbirds ple in the country here that destroys it -y tter as soon as it peeps above the ground. yes. These birds are protected under the lore Ventress game law, but they are the most disastrous birds in the farm that planters have to deal with in Dath this section of the state and farmers with trample the law under their feet so rmal far as pertains to the blackbird. unds nest- Lafayette.-About 20 negroes have r of been tried for gambling, but it was opera necessary to discharge them, as the sting council recently repealed the anti the gambling ordinance. The mayor, how. dded ever, warned the negroes that they Moms. were amenable to the state law, and been he only regretted that he had no pow ser- er to fine them. The negroes, in br been der to evade the law, are organizing deep "social" clubs, two now being prac Ation, tically in operation, or soon will be. light The officers report considerable activ terial ity in gambling circles since the re ed in peal of the ordinance prohibiting its build- practice within the city limits. addi a the Baton Rouge.-Sheriff Randolph has make received a letter from Sheriff Clack a and of West Feliciana parish, requesting . tor that Henry Jackson, who escaped es In from the officers of that parish while terest being brought to Baton Rouge for prison, be turned over to the West Feliciana parish officials. Jackson, Le UP- after he escaped from the custody of istrict the West Feliclana officers, stole a )r the horse in this parish, was arrested a quo- here, sentenced to two years it the J. P state penitentiary, and will .probably SA. J. have to spend the two years in the ey, R. state prison before the West Feliciana Braud, officers can get him. he, be issue Covington.-The St. Tammany and of in- New Orleans Railroad and Ferry Com lowest pany has received its first two open d duly trailers. The cars are from the same The company at Three Rivers, Mich., that rict is built the other equipment. They are Bayou large also and will easily accommo upper date from sixty to seventy-five pas e trom sengers. They will be placed in com d that mission immediately. They will go trry on far to relieve the demand for accom rou La modations on the road on Sundays between here and Mandeville. Ider is Jennings.--The uniform rank of the idation Knights of Pythias, Company No., 4, ation of Jennings, gave an athletic contest maction and races at the Jennlngs fair grounds matter. recently. Twenty-five of the leading :s only business firms of the city gave prizes a the ranging from a fine umbrella to a n trial, barrel of flour. Over 500 people gath nterest ered at the grounds and thoroughly er cent enjoyed the occasion. amount to giie Oak Ridge.-G. W. Sherman, who Ise only worked for S. McDuffy, fell from his Sbe p-t horse while going home and was oard is drowned. The supposition is that he Sanders, was drinking, and falling in the e of in- water, was unable to get up as the empt to water was not over a foot or two The tat- deep. He was found by some negroes pted. who had been sent to look for him. Baton Rouge.-The Louisiana State om the Normal School will hold its com rillenter mencement exercises in May, and, ce which according to President J. B. Aswell, United will have about 80 graduates this Sorley of year. This large number of teachers imandant will be the greatest turned out by udents a the Normal School within recent he inter- years. Dr. Aswell reports a splendid r of stu- attendance at the Normal School, the r several total enrollment to date for this ses week the sion being 7'37. Mr. Aswell is also t Mill be making arrangements for the sum they will mer normal, which will be held this year at Natchitoches;-