Thle Lower Coast Gazette.
Baton Rouge.-It is estimated that
fully 1,000 school children will be in
Baton Rouge M1y 1 attending the
state high school rally. Five hundred
school children will be here as con
testants and as many more will be
here as spectators of the events. In
addition, there will be some fifty or
sixty school teachers in attendance.
Baton Rouge must entertain these
teachers and children. Prof. Stum
berg of the Louisiana State Univer
sity. is head of the committee on en
tertainment, and, with his assistants,
will in the next few days begin the
securing of homes for the children.
Fifty high schools throughout Louis
iarna will be represented at the rally,
and contestants will take part in both
the athletic and literary programs
that have been arranged. The rail
roads In Louisiana will give a rate of
one fare plus 25 cents fcr the occa
sion, and all of the children who at
tend and the teachers who accompany
them will be entertained in Baton
Rouge homes without cost. The de
tails of the program, now being work
ed out, provide for two classes of con
tests, literary and athletic. in the
literary contests will be debates, spell
ing matches, compositions, declama
tions. In the athletic program will
be races, shot putting, high and broad
jump, pole vault and championship
games of all kinds. Scholarships,
cash prizes or medals are offered to
winners in all events.
Plaucheville.-The district agent of
the agricultural bureau, who was here
recently, stated that in his opinion
the situation is much more favorable
than last year at this time, the farm
ers having taken the best preventive
by cutting and burning stalks early
in the fall, and breaking land imme
diately, Subagent A. H. Rabalais said
that some farmers were reporting
weevils found in the yellow blooming
weed known as pissenlit, a winter
grass, and It was decided to settle
the matter right away. At a meeting
on Bayou Choupique the weeds were
examined and somei wormi were
found in the roots, but having no re
lationship to the boll weevil. At the
same time a visit was made to a near
by field aid explanation given as to
the best final preparation of soil. The
agent stated that a meeting will be
held here April 14, when he will lec
ture to the farmers on the various
methods of preparing the soil, the
, .....~proaper time, and the best way of
Alexandria.-The work of building
the model road from Pineville to
Camp Stafford is assuming shape. Ma
jor F. M. Kerr, 'state engineer, has
arrived to go over the subject with
george L. Cooley, who was sent here
by the United States. government to
superintend the construction of the
road. Major Kerr, City Engineer Syl
vester, Mr. Cooley, T. C. Wheadon and
Bertrand Well left for Baton Rouge
to confer with Governor Sanders.
They expect to ask for 100 state
convicts to be sent here to do the
work of building the model road. The
parish of Rapides is 'to furnish the
necessary funds and material, and
the United States government to fur
iah the expert. Mr. Cooley is to su
p' erintend the work, and it is expected
. that active work will be begun on
the road soon.
Alexandria.--An important agricul
t 'tral meeting convened here recently.
Di'. S. A. Knapp of Washington, D. C.,
Sthe chief omiial of the United States
Department experts for this section
If the country, being present, and
. A. Evrans, district government
*gent, having the work in charge for
Sthe states of Louisiana and Arkan
.sa, being in attendance and presiding
over the meeting. The meeting was
wha.t might be called an executive
- serasolnt at which all the government
expert gents and farm demonstrators
Swere preseiit and reported to their
bChiefs. Some :365 or more of them
•fom all overt th~ state were in at-'
. .tiadace., and their reports were of
* highlly interesting and helpful na
Stnre. Dr. Knapp held a public meet
$+g: . after the conference msan d spoke
!- to a large attendance of planters.
-Ntehltoeb es.-The Parish Board of
J:. Health met with Dr. J. B.1 Hargrove,
parsh health ofleer, presiding, and
P., P, E. Prtulhomme, W. W. Page and
Isaao Raphiel, members of the police
'ajry, compoping the board, to confer
on the health situation of the,parish.
: Reports from all sections show a most
sttif~tttry condition. The smallpox
situation is much improved, the dis
ea:se havling about run its course and
hs been remarkably mild. The board
- iMs takenl every means to hold this
e-. se in cheLek and Its work was
abbe hn to be ewiective. More than 3,
-:"- -school children have been vaecd
aat4 throughout the . parish. The
S- 1eagitest treuble the board has expe
st in getting the people and
7 camt& report the existence of
Swhicks if dole promptly,
STiaclftat the board greatly in
"++ " ~if*'.rtL - + .
Scountcilof Broussard has
stoeienad the esslio of their
~ t0b*1a seia metah loerger than usuaL.
to Rege,-Itgene Jastreaskl,
· werehe seats
+t+ h p6.pi a+
.tii~ C~~~~i
Baton Rouge.-State Treasurer G.
B. Steele is making his arrangements
to send to the publishing companies
that made deposits and who i. eived
no contract the deposits which these
companies made at the time they
posted their bids for the school books.
A number of the checks have already
gone back. Some of the cornm
panies are not getting their
checks back for the full amount of
the deposit. The state is retaining
$5:-a book to insure the faithful
performance of the contract. Up to
and above four books adopted $2,000
is retained. Where a company bid
on a long list of text-books, made a
deposit of $2,000, and had one adopt
ed, this cmpany gets back $1,000 and
$1,000 is retained by the state to
hold as security for the performance
of the contract.
Long Bridge.-The 10-months-old
daughter of Lange F. ('ouvilion met
death in a singular manner. Mrs.
('ouvillon had gone to her mother-in
law's to spend the day, and during
the morning the baby went to sleep
and was placed on a bed, at the foot
of which was a sewing machine.
Meanwhile the mother and grand
mother were attending to some duties
in the back part of the house. .Mrs.
Couvillon sent one of her mother-in
law's little girls to see if the baby
was all right. The little girl called
to come quick and see. The mother
and grandmother ran, and found the
baby hanging between the foot of the
bed and the machine. The fall must
have been so great that the child's
neck was instantly broken and death
resulted immediately.
Baton Rouge.-The disastrous show
ing for the past year of the fire com
panies doing business in Louisiana is
largely due to the heavy fire losses,
which the companies have sustained
in three or four large fires in New
Orleans. Throughout the state the
loss has not been greater than in past
years, but the New Orleans fires and
attendant losses have increased the
percentage. The figures given out
by the State Insurance Department
taken from the reports of the differ
ent companies for 1908 show that the
ratio of losses incurred to premiums
written was 87.28 per cent for the
1908 business. For every dollar of
premiums written in Louisiana dur
ing 1908 the fire insurance companies
lost 87.23 cents.
Mansfleld.-Albert Mason, Will
Frost and Dempsy Carlisle have been
arrested, charged with assault with
a dangerous weapon and inflicting a
wound less than mayhem upon Dunk
Cokk. It seems that the negro man
had been playing detective under In
struction from the officers, and that
he had caused the arrest and convic
tion of several parties charged with
selling liquor without a license. When
near the Mansfield junction, and
while plying his vocation, he was at
tacked by three men and badly dis
figured by being struck over the head
with revolvers and brass knucks. An
investigation of the case resulted in
the sheriff making an fflldavit against
the three accused white men.
Crowley.-Sheriff Fontent has ef-
fected the capture of M. B. Woods,
a negro "hoodoo doctor," who has
been a fugitive from justice for six
years, The charge against Woods is
breaking and entering in the night
time in Rayne about six years ago.
Since the, commission of the crime
many attempts have been made to
capture the negro, but each time he
'succeeded in evading the officers. He
has been heard from in several states,
and the sheriff's office has sent for
him a number of times and to a num
ber of different states. Recently
Woods was located in New Iberia, and
City Marshal Lyman Clark of Rayne
was sent to arrest him.
Baton Rouge.-Governor Sanders
has issued a call for a meeting of
the State Board of Liquidation to be
held in Baton Rouge on ADril 16.
This meeting is called for the pur
pose of taking action on the per
centage paid by~the fiscal agent banks.
The banks now pay the state 3 1-2
per cent interest on the state funds.
They claim this is too much. The
board will also take action looking
towards borrowing from other funds
sufficient money to take up all of the
1908 warrants, regardless of class.
Lake Charles.-T. A. Kelly, who
was arrested at Beaumont on the
charge of kidnaping George Hinner,
a boy, from the Baptist orphanage,
gave bond and will fight the case. Kel.
ly anya the boy is over 15, is his
brother-inrlaw and has a right to
choose Kelly as his protector. Kelly
also claims that he was arrested at
Beaumont, forced to board an east
tound train and return to Lake
Charles, even being refused the priv
ilege of notifying his counsel.
Baton Rouge.--I)ouglas Barnes of
Qrand Cane, 60 years of age, is said
to be the father of 19 living children,
The arrival of the nineteenth baby
occurred only a few days ago.
Dunbar--T'he oyster factory hbere,
after ~ successful season shipped their
foreigner laborers and families back
to Baltimore on a special train. Their
shell eruasher is crowded with orders,
it being necessary to run da? and
;.. beveport.-Capitaliaed at $800,
O0Oi, fith Leuisiana-Texa* Natural Gas
arly'bii~hat teen rganised here fth
C- .·~:~
:~-4ii 4;S aF~
, / "
Family of Eight Perish-After the
House Was Wrecked Ruins
Caught on Fire.
Dallas, Texas.-Twelve known (lead,
twenty injured, at least two seriously,
property loss reaching into the thou
sands of dollars, and possibly a score
of injured, is the result of a tornado,
cyclonic in its character, which swept
over the northeastern part of Wise
county Tuesday evening.
Several small towns w'ere visited by
the hurricane, but none were entirely
swept away, although each suffered se
rious damage. The greatest loss of life
occurred in the country districts. The
destruction of one farm house alone
caused the death rate to amount to
eight. This single tragedy of the storm
occurred near Slidell, near the Wise
county line, and located about midway
between Decatur and Gainesville. The
farm house of Ira Rice was crushed in
by, the furious wind, and the family of
eight members. pinned beneath the
wreckage. A light in the house at the
time of the disaster causell the ruins
to become ignited and, fanned by the
strong wind, the flames snuffed out the
lives of the helpless victims.
Forbids Testimony in Murder Case
Being Printed in Papers.
Amite, La.-Judge Ellis issued per
emptory orders Wednesday forbidding
newspaper representatives from sending
out, either Xerbatim or in substance,
the testimony of witnesses in the trial
of Avery Blount , for the killing of
Benjamin Breeland, his wife and daugh
He reinforced the order by the dec
laration that if it was violated all news
paper men would be hirred from the
courtroom, and, if necessary, sent to
jail. There are nine trials yet to be
held that will be directly or indirectly
affected by the present hearing, and the
securing of juries for the rest of them
may be made impossible, says the
prosecution, by publication of the testi
The judge's :action provoked strong
protest from the newspapers represent
ed, in view of the deep public interest
attaching to the trial. Tonight Judge
Ellis informed' the newspaper men in
attendance that he had concluded he
would not try to prevent them from
sending out their reports in full, but
that he had directly appealed to their
papers not to print the testimony.
Tragedy Occurred in Crowded New
York Thoroughfare.
New York.-Within sight of several
of her school teacher friends and pupils
on the way to school, through a crowd
ed street on the upper east side today,
Miss Anna A Mangano, a teacher in the
public school on East One Hundred and
Second street, was shot and instantly
killed by her father, a court interpreter,
who had been following his daughter
and calling to her to stop. As she kept
hurrying on, he drew his revolver from
his overcoat pocket and fired two shots
at his daughter. He then turned the
revolver on himself, but was prevented
from carrying out his purpose by a
young man, who grappled with Man
gano. Two more shots were fired while
the men struggled, but both went wild.
Mangano broke away, but was over
taken and arrested by two policemen.
Several school teachers who were pass
ing ran to the place where the girl fell
and immediately identified her. She
was dead when they reached her.
Will Be Called in New Orlearn Next
New Orleans, La.--The convention of
the Lakes to the Gulf Deep Waterway
Association will be herd in New Or
leans, Nov. 11, 12 and 13, according to
ananniouncement nmadh by the organism-.
tion in charge of arrangements here..
The offeial call of the convention will
be issied from St. Lotuis wiithin the next
fw ivekt. Repr~e intalve .of many
foreign atiooni wrill be invid n to *t
Agree to Work Together to Put Him
in Prison.
Norman, Okla.-"I shall not go back
to my home in Hollandale, Miss., until
I have seen Killaby behind prison
walls," said Mrs. Killaby No. 1, when
leaving Norman today, after a confer.
ence with Mrs. Killaby No. 2 in regard
to pushing the proseccution of Win. .I
Killaby, to wlhom both women claim to
have been married. "And I will help
you to put him there," sighed Mrs. Kil.
labv No. 2.
A year ago the romance started be.
tween Killaby and Miss Mabel Freeling,
of Norman, when both were coming
from St. Louis. He 'told of his vast
mines in Mexico, and a lively corre
spondence started, which resulted in the
marriage of the two here about seven
weeks ago. The happy couple left for
Mexico, and upon their arrival there
they found Killaby's. wife. His last
wife returned heart-broken to her moth
er here. Now, in the last few weeks,
another wife appears on the scene. She
is Mrs. Killaby No. 1, from Hollandale,
Miss., and she will u§uh the prosecution
of Killaby, with the assistance of Mrs.
Mabel Freeling Killeiby, of this place.
Whistles Screech and Guns Boom as
Hamburg Puts Out to Sea.
New York.--Waving a parting fare.
well with his black slouch hat, his face
beaming in the morning sun as he stool
on the captain's bridge of the steam.
ship Hamburg, ex-President Theodore
Roosevelt, now America's most distin
guished private citizen, sailed Tuesday
for his long-planned African "safari."
He left his native shores amid the
cheers of thousands of persons who
swarmed the Hamburg-American line
pier, the whistles of countless river
craft and the thunderous reverberations
of the ex-president's salute of thirteen
guns from Forts Hamilton and Wads.
Besides the figure of the former chief
magistrate, as the big steamship slipped
out of her dock, stood a young lad,
seemingly dejected as he wistfully gazed
at the cheering multitude on the pier
below. It was Kermit Roosevelt, son
of Mr. Roosevelt, who accompanied his
father as official photographer on the
expedition. Father and son, both clad
in brilliant buff-colored army coats,
which shone in the sun, remained on
the bridge on the trip down the bay, and
acknowledged with sweeps of their hats
the salutes of the vessels.
Had $9,845 in Satchel--Were on
Way to the Depot.
Cleveland, O.-In the arrest here Tues
day of a man and a woman having $9,
790 in their possession, the police be
lieve they have captured the kidnapers
of Willie Whitla. In fact, the woman
in the case, who is greatly excited, ad
mitted that she had been responsible for
the kidnaping. When placed in custody
at the central police -station she said
to Capt. Shattuck:
"I am the one who planned the whole
thing. There wigl be trouble for me
and hell in Sharon tomorrow."
Beneath the woman's skirts was
found $9,790. All of it but $540 was
bound in packages with the original slips
placed on the money when Whitla took
it from the bank, still around it.
Capt. Shattuck and Detective Frank
Wood made the arrests in the east end
of the city. When near the police sta
tion the man broke away from Detee
tive Wood and ran toward an alley.
The policeman fired two shots from his
revolver into the air and the man
stopped. The woman made no attempt
to escape.
Theatricai Manager Makes Willie Whitla
Generous Offer.
Cincinnati.-Managers Zeigler and An
derson, of the Columbia Theater, have
sent to the parents of Willie Whitla,
the boy just recovered from kidnapers,
an offer of $3,000 per week for an en
gagement of three weeks, to have the
boy appear at the regular performances
a their vaudeville houses here and at
Indianapolis and Louisville. The the.
atric l managers believe that the inter.
estaroused In the cuase would make the
1a a very vuluable attraction.
Order Effective April 10-Railroads
and Legislature Have Prac
tically Agreed.
St. Louis, Mo.-The 3-cent local ticket
rate and the 2,000-mile interchangeable
book will be put into effect April 10, ac
cording to an official statement issued by
the eighteen railroads in .Missouri Fri
day. The statement was issued after the
return of the railroad representatives
from Jefferson City, where conferences
on the passenger rate question were held
with Gov. Hadley, Attorney General Ia
jor and members of the railroads com
mittee of the legislature.
The statement also announces that ac
tions to test the validity of the 2-cent
laws in adjoining states will be brought
at once. After stating that the most
cordial good feeling existed during the
conference at Jefferson City, the state
ment reads:
As the matter now stands, as between
the railroad proposition and that of the
executive and legislative departments,
there is a difference which might be clas
1 sified as detail.
In other words, the establishment of
the 3-cent basis for through and inter
I state rates will not be objected to, and
a 2,000-mile interchangeable mileage
book, upon a basis of 2 cents net, is ac
ceptable to both sides. Tle state fa
vors a 500-mile book, good upon an in
dividual railroad and for bearer at 2 1-4
cents per mile.
The railroads offer, in lieu of this, a
500-mile book, good over all of the rail
roads in the state and for bearer, at
2 1-2 cents per mile, and upon an indi
ridual railroad a 500-mile book, good
for owners only, for 2 1-4 cents per mile.
All mileage books in both cases to be
good for one year.
Men Restored to Bame Duties Per
formed Before.
Washington.-The last remaining ves
tige of the Roosevelt order taking ma
rines off the battleships and cruisers of
I the United States navy was swept away
Friday, when President Taft, after the
matter had been considered at a cabinet
meeting, directed that an order be issued
restoring the marines to exactly the same
duties they performed prior to being or
dered ashore. After congress had placed
a provision in the navy appropriation
bill to the effect that a certain percent
age of the marine corps should be as
signed to ship duty, an order was issued
the day before President Roosevelt went
out of office restoring the marines to the
ships, but placing them under the orders
of the captains of the vessels on which
they were to serve.
Under the old order of things, the ma
a rines were given specific duties. One of
these was to man certain guns of the sec
r ondary battery. The order placing them
under the direction of the ship's captain
made it possible to assign the marines to
any sort of duty and to deprive them of
manning any part of the ship's bat.
r Mrs. Culberson Not Slain as Was at
a First Suspected.
S Vincennes, Ind.--Irs. Jessie Lee Over.
eton Culbertson, woman of mystery, sad
d hearted bride of three months, was not
9 murdered, but self-slain. Of this there
a is no doubt. Her husband and relatives
Stearfully acknowledged that their suspi
Scions that she was killed at the instiga
tion of another woman for jealous re
venge were unfounded.
The body of a miniature skeleton,
which had been attached to the skull
found beside Mrs. Culbertson, when she
was discovered gagged in the shed near
her home last Wednesday, after swal
lowing carbolic acid, was pioked up late
Stoday near the scene of the tragedy. It
lay concealed beneath a pile of debris,
where the disheartened girl had placed
Sit, after she removed the head and at
r tached it to the threatening letter which
she thought would lead the authorities
to believe she was murdered for re
U. 8. Supreme Court Will Pass Upon
SBucks Stove Case.
· Washington.-Declaring that the dis
s trict court of appeals erred in modifying
k the injunction of Justice Gould restrain
ing the American Federation of Labor
Sand President Gompers, Secretary Mor
d rison and Vice President John Mitchell,
of that organization, from publishing the
name of the Bucks Stove & Range Com
pany, of St. Louis, in the "We Don't
SPatronize" list of the American Feder
B ationalist, the St. Louis concern,
a through their attorney, made a motion
It for an appeal to the United States su
preme court.
Will Discuss Matter In His Next Me
Ssage to Congress.
e Washington.-President Taft has giv
, en authority to have his name used as
, favoring the ship subsidy. He talked
- Friday with Representative Fassett, of
e New York, who will deliver a speech on
s this subject before the National Mier
Schants' League at Cleveland, O. The
Spresident will discuss the ship subsidy
Sin his message to the next regular se
sion of congress.
Senator Aldrich Opposes Inheritance
Tax-Finance Committee Against
All Forms of Stamp Tax.
Washinigto.-That a dleftermTined ef
fort will be made to reduce publlic ex
penditures to such an extent that gov
ernmental needs may be nft by reve
nues deriv(edl front duties on importc, and
without resorting to any of the special
taxation sc(,hemes that have been sug.
gested in connection with tariff revision,
is indicated by a remark made Tuesday
by Senator Aldrich, chairman of the
sentate committee on finance.
Mr. Aldrich was asked to give his
opinion of the plan erroneously accred
ited to President Taft to place a tax
on dividends detlared by corporations.
Mr. Aldrich replied that he had not
given thought to it, and added that he
would not concern himself with any of
the various plans to raise revenues by
special taxes until it could be ascer.
tained how much revenue could be pro
duced by levying duties on imports. and
whether the running operations of the
governmtent could not he decreased so
as to make special taxes unnecessary.
Great significance is attached to the
remark made by MIr. Aldrich. It is as.
serted upon what is thought to be ace
curate information that a majority of
the members of the finance committee
regard with disfavor the proposed in
heritance tax feature, the proposed in
come tax, levies upon dividends of cor
porations, tax on cotiee and practically
all forms of stamp taxes.
It is recognized that in the form in
which the Payne bill was reported to
the house from the ways and means
committee, sufficient revenues to pay
the running expenses of the government
cannot be collected from duties on im
ports alone. The inference drawn from
Mr. Aldricn's expression, therefore, is
that the revision of the tariff must be
of an upward trend, and that the con
gress must curtail the tendency to ex
pand annual appropriations at each sue
ceeding session of congress.
D. H. Duncan of Pine Bluff, Killed
by Diseharged Employe.
I Pine Bluff, Ark., March.-D. Henry
Duncan, millionaire and vice-president
'and secretary of the Bluff City Lumber
I Company, one of the largest lumber mills
I in the South, with plants at Clio and
Kearney, this county, and general offices
here, was shot five times and instantly
I killed at the boarding house of Mrs.
Lucy Throwers in Clio Monday. The
a killing was done by Jone Day, master
mechanic for the company at Clio. Day
z is under arrest on a charge of murder
at Rison, Ark., having surrendered after
the tragedy.
Duncan's body was brought here and
prepared for burial. The tragedy has
athrown this entire section into excite
a ment, owing to the prominence of both
a parties. *The cause of the tragedy is not
t given, but Day is believed to have
blamed Duncan for his resignation, which
was asked for in a letter last Friday,
written by John F. Rutherford, president
Sof the lumber company. Day claims self
defense and declares that Duncan reached
for his revolver after telling him that
one of them must die.
s After Four Days in the Wilds of
the Mountains.
Los Angeles, Cal.-After one of the
mast harrowing experiences in the his
tory of ballooning, Capt. A. E. Mueller
and his five companions who ascended in
, the big Ferris racing balloon, America,
I at Pasadena, last Saturday afternoon,
a and became lost in the Sierra Madra
r mountains, arrived Tuesday at Switzer's
. Camp, on the slopes of Mount Wilson,
a unharmed.
t The men passed through a series of
, hardships, the details of whicl have not
1 been learned. Arriving at Switzer's
Camp, they were provided with horses,
t and began to descend from there to Pas
* adena over a tortuous and slippery
c trail.
Railway Tax Case Settled
Atlanta, Ga.--ilne case brought by
tihe State of Georgia against the Cen
tral of Georgia Railway, for back taxes
due on 15,000 shares of Western Rail
way of Alabama stock, was settled here
STuesday by agreement. The State gets
$42,086.82, the county of Chatham $62,
r 772.80, and the city of Savannah $120,
140.34, which includes ahl taxes on stock
up to and including 1908.
Train Blown from Track.
S Topeka, Kan.-At Edson, in Sherman
county, last night, a tornado struck a
Sfreight train on the Rock Island. Nine
cars were blown from the track, two of
them completely off the right of way.
Girls Whipped in Court.
Atlanta, Ga., March.-Sallie Ogles,
Saged 18, and Hattie Hood, aged 16, two
white girls, were soundly whipped in po
lice court today by order of Recorder
Broyles. The girls had been brought be
fore the recorder on charges of being un
ruly by their parents. After the re
corder heard the story of the parents
he said: "I won't fine or imprison these
girls. A good whipping is what they
e need. That will do them more good
P than a fine. A great many girls might
Sprofit these days if they were given a
taste of the switch."
The Queer Legacy Left to a Paris
Paris.--In all ages devout Catholics
have bequenthed leg;wies of differing
size and description to popes, cardinals
a and archbishops, but it is safe to say
that no prelate ever was more thor
oughly astounded than the archbishop
of Paris when he awoke some time ago
to find himself the possessor of a cele
brated racing stable.
"1 beg pardon for intruding," Monsig.
Amette's secretary came into the
archbishop's study with an air of much
perturbation one morning, "but
a woman, the Viscountess de Raine
e Monseigneur Amette, the Paris Ar-c
stobishop Who Fell Heir to a Racing
. Stable.
ra woman, the Viscountess de Raine
y ville, has just died and left her fortune
of several millions, Including a racing
secr stable, to your excellency."
o When Monseigneur Amette under
is stood that the legacy was left to him
y personally and not to the church, he
t refused to acceputthe just after his
thsecretary had left the archbishoprac
n to communicate Monseigneur Amette'
s decision to the executors of the will,
e word came that the court had ratified
mucthe bequest, so there was nothing to
mandydo but to accept the legacy, ncluding
the embarrassing item of the race
The archbishop Immediately gave or
ders for the sale of the stud, also of
Srathe viscountess' properties, that hcomprising
much real estate, a breeding farm and
d a historic chateau at Allonville in Nor
mandy. The legacy, converted into
cash, will be used for various chasoont
ycable organizations.
it If the august and unwilling owner of
r race track favorites fancied that he
is could wash his hands of proprietary
Id duties so easily, he soon discovered his
out mistake. His man of affairs soon
y came to him with a complication. The
s. horses were to be put at auction at a
te big establishment in the Rue de Pon
.r thleu. But some critics had pointed
out to this man of affairs that the auc
,r tioneer was a Jew. Was this a serious
r enough consideration to warrant the
intervention of the archbishop? It
d evidently was, for a few days later the
honor of auctioneering the horses was
Sawarded to a rival establishment,.
e where the sale is to take place shortly.
h The collection consists of 25 horses,
t and by a curious coincidence the De
re Raineville jockeys always have worn
h violet-the archbishop's color.
Y, During the last years of her life the
It viscountess, a woman in her seventies,
f- very naturally had not taken as much
'd interest in the horses as her husband
Lt had done. He was a staunch royalist
deputy and his wife apparently was a
strong sympathizer with his anti-re
E publican ideas, for she delighted in
giving names which were caricatures
of prominent governmental personali
d ties to her horses. Clemenceau was
transformed into Clemencette and
Caillaux became Caillautette.
Because of the viscountess' lack of
interest in race track triumphs or de
feats, very few of the horses which
i will be auctioneered are particularly
a, celebrated, although former victories
", of the De Raineville stable still are re
ra membered in sporting circles. Since
S her husband's death the viscountess
n, has paid more attention to the rearing
of blooded horses than to racers. Her
f farm at Allonville is one of the best in
t France and many of the De Raineville
' colts are sold during the summer sea
i son at the fashionable resort, Deau
The Selfish Hosklns.
Prof. Charles Zueblin of the Univer.
city of Chicago was discussing his re
cent lecture, "The Family," wherein
n he advocated a compulsorysix months'
interval between marriage license and
il- marriage.
"Marriage is entered on too hasti
re ly," he said. "The six months' inter
val should be an interval of thought.
,- Thought would cure many of the ills
Sof marriage. Unselfishness would per
k haps cure more.
"Selfishness in marriage is on the
man's side. Too many men look at
every question from one point of view,
n the selfish one, only.
a "!t is like Hoskins of the Lake
e Shore drive.
of "'You are willing,' said Mrs. Hos
kins, 'to lay out $1,000 a month on
your wine and cigar bill,but you grum
ble like a bear when I want a few
H hundred for a dinner gown.'
bo "'Well,' snarled Hoskins, 'can I
> smoke and drink a dinner gown?'
Missed the Spot.
n- Giles-Swiggs was told to rub whis'
e·- ky on his bald spot and it would re
ti store his hair.
se Miles-Did he try It?
y Giles-Yes; but he didn't follow the
d directions. He invariably got the
hi whisky about six inches south of the
a bald spot.