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The Lower Coast (Gazete. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE LOWER COAST: AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, FISHERIES AND COMMERCE. VOLUME I. POINTE-A-LA-HIACHE, LA., SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1909. NUMBER 20. DRAINAGE SCHEME ENDORSED ELECTION AT HOUMA SHOWS PEOPLE APPROVE PLAN TO RECLAIM 20.000 ACRES OF LAND FOR HANDSOME CITY HALL Monroe to Erect a Building to Cost $100,000-Will Enlarge Agri. cultural Station. Drainage Plan Carried at Election. Hlouma.-An election was held in the Prairie Drainage District of the parish of Terrebonne last week for the purpose of voting a drainage tax of 25 aents per acre on all of the land comprised in the district. The board of commissioners of the drain age district met and canvassed the returns, showing that all three prop ositions submitted to the voters were carried, to-wit: First, to cut and maintain -ea level drainage canal within !the distr,ict, t, be Ilocated between Bayous Terretonne and Blue, to empty int othe Barataris canal at Canal Belanger; second, to impose a special acreage tax of 25 cents per acre for ten years on every acre of land in the district; third, to issue bonds therefor to the amount of $15,000, bearing 5 per cent inter est per annum. An effort will be made to start the dredge at once on the canal. The undertaking will reclaim some 20,000 acres of valuable land, some of which lies immediate ly north of the town of Houma. Be sides putting this land into use at once, the reclaiming of this land will increase the assessment of the par ish considerably. Will Build Handsome City Hall. Monroe,-The city council has de cided to begin the construction of thb new $100,000 city hall at once. It is stated that there is money in the treasury to the credit of the im provement fund and with the tax .due in the fall work could be begun and continued without the sale of the securities until later if it would be necessary at all. The council au thorized the mayor to make the ex change of property agreed on with the parish to secure new quarters for the city court and different city de partments, and to advertise for seal ed proposals for the construction of h~Ce at dcty.:halt Se0en bricebtWid-. nlags will have, to be torn down, be sides several old frame houses. New quarters will have to be secured for the city court, city council and cler ical force of the water, light and traction department. Both the par ish and city jails will have to be torn downy and provision made for the care of the parish and city pris oners. The Are department will also have to be cared for. The council appropriated $2,500 to aid in the con struction of a model road from Mon roe to Calhoun. To Enlarge Agricultural Station. Baton Rouge.-Accordlng to a re port which the commissioner of ag riculture and immigration has made to Governor Sanders on the selec tion of Crowley as the site for the ezperiment station, the United States Department of Agriculture, through "Its bureau of plant industry, is not only going to cooperate with the stationl in the rice experiment work, but will conduct practicly all of its sdcientific rice. lnvestigation for the Southwest at the Crowley sta tion. This work will increase the importance of the station, and give lamore authority to its experiments. SDesire Change in Freight Ratie. New Orleans.-The entire yellow pine lumber schedule of rates in the c6oJnI nwest, of the Missssippi rv r tis involved in a complaint of ex cesulve rates flied with the Inter state Commerce Commission, at Washington. The complaint was in atituted by the Louisiana Central Lumber Company and 13 other lum ber manufaoturlng concerns in the ,Southern yellow pine territory, against the Chicago, Burlington and Quinlcy Railroad Company and 31 ,o'ther'l aterstate carriers. Reduction t rates on yellow pine from Louis is Arkansas, Missouri and Texas to Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming is demanded on the ground that -they are excessive, unreason able and unjust. To Belt State With Model Road. Baton Rouge.-It Is said to be the aim of Governor Sanders to belt Louiatana with a system of model roadd, building a highway on each aside of the Misssissppi river from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, and at the latter point diverging to Sims port, Bunkle, Alexandria, Monroe, aRustos, Minden, Shreveport, Mans eldMy,any, Leesville . to Lake uCharles, and thence along the South ra Paificc back to New Orleans. Fifty-four Members Initiated. SNapoleonville.-Hundreds of mem bebr r adjoining camps were here several days ago to attend the inl tiatlon of 14 candidates by the Wood , iaes of the World. t" e . P@robe Proilbition iolations. : e ":: : ley.-The May term of dis ena01: oiurt kas opened with Judge G ampbell presillig. in his 5' " ~·I To Relieve Hog Cholera Epidemic. New Orleans.-Col. Charles Schu ler, commissioner of agriculture and immigration, and Dr. W. R. Dodson, director of the slate experiment sta tion, recently he!d a conference and decided that it would be impossible to ,establish a sanitary live stock experiment station near Shreveport as was requested by J. H. Fullove and Dr. White, but they have decid ed to give what immediate relief is possible to the live stock raisers of north Louisiana. especially around Shreveport. It is estimated that $4,000 worth of hogs have been lost during the past several months from hog cholera. Dr. Dodson will write Dr. Conway, director of the Missouri Experiment Station, and secure vac cine points for the vaccination of hogs In their immediate neighbor. hood, and will secure estimates of the cost of immunization of the hogs in that section of the state that have been exposed. This work, both Col onel Schuler and Dr. Dodson agree, belongs to the State Live Stock San itary Board, but that board has no funds with which to work. Fast Truck Service Arranged. Denham Springs.-The first large shipment of truck was made from this point last week by the local truck growers. Ari'angements have been made with the Illinois Central rail road for the Baton Rouge and Ham mond train to take the truck to - Hammond, where the fast through vegetable train will be held long enough to get the shipments from this section. This will give the Liv ingston truck growers the same di rect service to Northern markets that is enjoyed by the truckers on the main line, and will be the means of making the truck industry all along the line a paying business. New Fighting Equipment. Ruston.-Superintendent E. S. Gray is installing $2,850 worth of new electric appliances in the city pow er house. These include a 100-kilo watt two-phase Westinghouse alter nator and an automatic transformer for a 25-light arc lamp circuit. The new alternator replaces a direct cur rent dynamo, and will be used in con nection with a single-phase alterna tor, which has heretofore been used for the incandescent lights. The ad ditional equipment will provide for I the town's needs for the next 15 1 years. For Louisiana History Day. New Orleans.-Miss Verona Keen er of Lake Charles is inOeresting the Daughters of the Confederacy and the state officials in a proposi tion to have a day set aside for the teaching of Louisiana history. It is the plan to have one day devoted by the school children to the history of their town, community, parish and state, just as a day now is devoted to the study of birds and the plant Ing of trees. The proposition has the approval df Governor Sanders and State Superintendent Harris. Check Holder Gets Verdict. Mansfield.-The district court has rendered judgment for $535 in favor of Ella Schwartz of New Orleans against a prominent planter of this parish, based -upon checks alleged to have been given by defendant while in such an intoxicated qondi tion that he did not know that he signed them. The case was appeal ed. Spend $500,000 For Improvement. Rochelle.--The saw mill of the Tre mont Lumber Company at this place was started recently, and is now in operation on full time in all depart ments. Over $500,000 has been spent on this plant since its purchase by the above-named mpany in 1907. Will Contest Appraliser's Figures. Baton Rouge.-It Is reported that the Pullman Palace Car Company will file a suit against the Louisiana State Board of Appi'aisers contest ing the assessment of the Pullman cars in Louisiana for 1909, which were assessed by the board at $12, 000 a car, an increase over the past year of $2,000. STATE BRIEFS. P. P. Van Vleet of Memphis has enjoined the disposing of stock of the Evangeline Oil Company at Lake Charles, claiming the company is be ing wrecked in the interest of the Standard Oil Company. Count Louis Skarazynski is in New Orleans studying liquor question on behalf of International Leauge against abuse of alcohol. Elmore Williams, a negro, con victed in De Soto parish of invol untary manslaughter, was sentenced to one hour in the state peniten tiary. It cost $20 to transport the prisoner, who received $5 cash, a pair of shoes and a suit of clothing on completing his term. 8. C. Querean of Gueydan was ap pointed assistant director of the rice experiment station at Crowley. J. W. Taylor resigned as head of the public school system at Baton Rouge. Baton .Rouge has a proposition from Northern promoters to estab lish a hardwood plant and furniture factory. Two negroes went to trial at Franklin for the murder of Sidney Roblchaux. A boiler explosion at the saw mill of the Baldwain Lumber Company, aldWnll La., badly damaged the pant and caused sralous iljury to tfw naror hborer. BUSY. C - *I / .DIpLY N£U'$ I1 THE KILLING-MACHINE INDUSTRY 80 ABSORBING THAT HE HAS NO TIME FOR RESCUE WORKt MORSE IS PENNILESS GOES THROUGH PASS EVERY VESTIGE OF $30,000,000 I FORTUNE IS GONE. Says No Member of His Family Has Any Property in Which He Is Interested. New York.-Charles W.. Morse, the former banker, who is now in the Tombs prison, under sentence for violation of the national banking laws, has not a share of stock, a bond or a piece of real estate left of his fortune, which was estimated at $30,000,000, according to evidence which 'he gave in supplement ary proceedings made public Friday. ?Morse was at one time one of the largest holders of securities of the $60, 000,000 Consolidated Steamship Com pany and controlled three national banks. He testified in the supplement ary proceedings that he had given all his property to creditors to secure his debts. Mr. Morse said that the largest amount of bank stock which he formerly owned was hypothecated "in some twen ty-odd hundred banks" through Moseley & Co. He stated that he owed E. J. B. Berwind $1,140,000, and that he gave Mr. Berwind $1,900,000 of Consolidated Steamship stock and his residence on Fifth avenue, all of which, Mr. Morse said, was insufficient to cover his in debtedness. Mr. Morse said that no member of his family had any property in which he was interested. MUST SERVE PEt' :AGE TERMS Federal Supreme Court Denies Writ in W. S. Harlan Case. Pensacola, Fla.-Manager W. S. Har lan, of the Jackson Lumber Company, of Lockhart, Ala.; Robert Gallagher, as sistant superintendent, and three of the company's foremen will have to serve terms in the Atlanta federal prison, to which they were sentenced in the United States circuit court here three years ago on the charge of conspiracy to commit peonage. Manager Harlan is one of the most prominent lumber men of the South, and the mills at Lockhart, where it was al leged foreigners were held as peons, are the largest in this section. Mr. Harlan is a nephew of Justice Harlan, of the United States siupreme court. EDITORS BOARD BATTLESHIP Members of Louisiana Press Associa tion Guests of Mississippi. New Orleans.-Lying serenely at an chor in the great stream whose name it bears, after having journeyed through the passes and up the river without un toward happening, the U. S. battleship Mississippi was boarded and inspected by a throng of interested visitors Fri day. Among those who went on the big ship were a hundred or more Louis iana editors. They were passing through New Orleans on the way to their re spective homes, after attending the an nual meeting of the leuisiana Press As sociation, at Covington, La. Numerous tenders of hospitality have been extended to the officers and crew of the Mississippi during its stay in this port. The principal feature of en tertainment will be a banquet to the of ricers of several Southern states. Prom inent officials of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Association are expect ed to be present. Improvement in Texas. Waco, Tex.--Crop prospects have greatly improved during the past ten days. In Central Texas good rains have fallen from Waxahachie south, extend ing as far as San Antonio, and west to Brownwbod. While about two weeks late, cotton is practically all planted, a fair portion up and doing well. South Texas is about three weeks late, and while this section received seattered showers recently, more rain is needed. southwest, West and Northwest Texas are suffering very much from the drouth. BATTLESHIP MISSISSIPPI WEL COMED AT NEW ORLEANS. To Show Depth of River, Big Shir Anchors at Wharf, Almost Against the Levee. New Orleans.--The people of the low er Mississippi valley, especially those of New Orleans, are happy. The big bat tleship Mississippi, which has been brought from the naval station at Guan tanamo, Cuba, to receive a silver service from the people of the state from which she takes her name, Thursday crossed the bar at mouth of the Mississippi, entered South Pass and came up the river to New Orleans without mishap of any kind. The ear-splitting screech of myriads of whistles, the clang of hundreds of bells and the enthusiastic cheers of thousands of excited and patriotic citi zens who packed the river front in spite of the heat of an almost tropical sun, the big battleship. Mississippi, the pride of Uncle Sam's Navy, arrived at New Orleans soon after noon. As she rounded the curve below Al giers, the noise began, and for five min utes it seemed as though every siren and locomotive whistle in the state had en tered into competitioa: to see which could make the most noise. Quick to take advantage of the suc cessful trip through the passes, those who made provisions in New Orleans for the reception of the big ship had her tied up to the Jackson avenue wharf, almost against the bank, instead of per mitting her to apehor in midstream. Even this close in there was a hundred feet of water under almost the entire ship. TO IMPEACH RATE JUDGES Murphy Incensed Over Telegram From Hagerman. Washington.-Formal charges of im peachment against Federal Judges Phil. ips and McPherson, of the western dis trict of Missouri, are to be filed by Rep resentative Murphy, of that state, who made announcement of that fact Thurs day. Incensed over a telegram to Attorney General Wickersham by Frank Hager man, attorney for eighteen railroads, in which Mr. Hagerman characterized Mr. Murphy's resolution of inquiry into the official conduct of the two judges as "an outrageous tissue of misrepresenta tion," Mr. Murphy held the attention of the house with a repetition of the charges which he had made in his origi nal resolution. His colleague, Mr. Rucker, corroborat ed all that he said in denunciation of the action of the two judges in connec tion with Missouri's 2-cent passenger rate law and the maximum freight law, and remarked that Judge Phillips ought to have been impeached twenty years ago. TENNESSEE BOY KIDNAPED. Lad's Mother Believed to Be Behind Scheme to Get Him. San Bernardino, Cal.-Kidnaped and furnished with money by an unknown party, young Bryan Alexander, the 12 year-old son of I. J. Alexandey, was stolen away from his home near Red lands, and placed aboard the Salt Lake limited, bound for his old home in Mor ton, Tenn., where the boy's mother re sides. Alexander, -with his clhildren, came to California for his health. His wife refused to follow, and is believed to have furnished the money to start the lad home. Hargis' Sorrows Increase. Lexington, Ky.--Sorrows, are coming in battalions upon the house of Hargis. Beach Hargis was sentenced to life im prisonment .last week at Irvine for the murder of his father, Judge James IHar gis, and now comes the threatened men tal derangement of Ensign Edward G. Hargis, of the United States navy, who has been at the home in this city of his father, former Senator Alexander H. Hargis, on sick leave, but is now with relatives at Jackson, the seat of all the family's troubles. TOBACCO IN TEXAS E PRODUCT OF 'HE FIRST QUALITY ASSURED. Experiments Have Shown That the a Proper Soil for Growing the h Highest Grade Is Found in the State. After experimenting for several V yoars with cigar leaf tobacco in Texas, c growers now believe they have found the proper soil for growing first qual ity tobacco. Through the courtesy of S A. H. Prince, formerly connected with c the bureau of plant industry as ar tobacco expert, the following account I of conditions in the Lone Star state is presented: t The 1908 crop of Texas tobacco 1 proved beyond all possible doubt that 1 the Texas grown product is destined to become one of the principal types of cigar leaf. During recent years the acreage planted in tobacco in Texas has been diminishing, rather than in- . creasing, but during this time new i soils were being tried, and the finding of a soil that produces a superior I quality of tobacco has resulted in the industry being transferred to a new t section of the state. 1 In east Texas lies what is known as I the "red belt," consisting of a strip I of land from three to five miles wide s and extending some hundred miles or ( more through the counties of Sabine, ( San Augustine, Nacogdoches, Chero kee and Anderson. The largest area of this soil is found in San Augustine county. At first sight this land ap pears identical with some of the red clay soils )f the eastern states, but a closer examination shows it to be en tirely different in character. This soil consists of a rich, sandy silt loam, whereas the red clay is stiff in its nature. A peculiar feature of the red lands proper is that, al f though they lie 150 miles or so from the gulf of Mexico and at an elevation approximating 400 feet above sea level, oyster and other sea shells are found in the deposits of marl which e underlie the belt. The geological evi L dences that this land was at one time I submerged are unmistakable. i, When it was discovered that this e soil was identical with the Cuban to p bacco soils experiments were at once begun to determine the character of a tobacco leaf it would produce. In 1908 about 200 acres were planted at f widely separated points in the belt, . and this was the first crop that could e be considered of commercial impor tance. These 1908 crops were a dis ' tinct success, the quality of the leaf a being excellent, and leaving but little, V if any, doubt in the minds of those competent to judge that the product - would take well in the tobacco mar ' kets. d Prom 700 to 1,000 pounds per acre 1' were made from the first crop, while d in some cases a second, and even a third crop of 500 pounds was secured from suckers. This tobacco sold e readily at 15 to 20 cents a pound, ,r bringing the gro'er from $100 to $270 r an acre. A good percentage of wrap f, pers possessing a perfect burn and a rwhite ash was selected from these r. crops. d Preparations are being made for a C much larger acreage this season, and planting is now going on. Packing houses are being opened up in which this tobacco and future crops will be handled, and sweat and small cigar n factories are being established to manufacture same into cigars. 1 1. Good Roads. - The big public question this year o will be road improvement. It seems 5- strange that there should be any "op position" to those who want better y roads, but if you think there is no . opposition, start a road campaign in n your locality and find out. As a mat r. ter of fact, the road problem is of far more importance to the farmer than either the tariff or silver question. A good road costs money. It is a busi ness investment requiring a large out ly of cash at first, and the interest on this investment comes back not only Sdirectly in the form of cash, but in directly, as the farmer along the road • is able to save horsepower in hauling f his crops to market. The chief ques c- tion is how is the money to be raised? r Who is to handle and pay it out? It v, is a financial matter rather than a t question of engineering skill. It ought s to be debated and redebated in every schoolhouse in the land.-Oklahoma 'armer. Education of VWlue. The school garden has no equal as an aid to nature study. It brings the - child in close touch with nature and a nature's laws. It can be used in cor Srelation with all other branches taught e in the school room. The practice in r- measuring and marking out the gar e- den, systematically planting the seed, n, teaches the child to put into actual is practice the mathematics he has id learned in the school room. Much lan rt guage can be taken up in connection with it, as can also writing, painting, drawing and geography. In many in stances the products of the school gar 8 dens are taken to market and sold S* and the money deposited in the bank, n- thus giving the pupils some idea of me everyday business methods. r n- For the Head of the Herd. i. Whatever the character of a dairy o herd there should be a thoroughbred sI mre at the head of it, and he should . be of the dairy and not of the beef h type. Once in a while you may run e across a "dual purpose" cow, but na ture does not provide dual-purpo'se bulls. BOOKKEEPING ON THE FARM. Agriculturist Should Know Cost of Production and Profit on Every thing He R uiscs. To he up to date ti, I... . .. plan ahead. If he is wise i:, ' i an account in his ledger for e( - he raises, including horses. c:',. sheep, swine and poultry. lie wui have a system of bookkeeping that will show him at the end of the year which crop paid a profit and which created a loss. It will be a great satisfaction to know how the potato, the onion, the general garden, the hay and the straw crops paid. His ledger will show how many days his teams worked, credit. ing them with such amounts as he would have had to pay had he hired I teams to do the work. Against this will be the price of feed. There need be no item for labor in attending to the horses, as the manure and the use of the animals for pleasure drives will offset that. The income from the cows and the sheep, the swine and the poultry would have to be the cost of feed. The writer knows of a progressive farmer who follows that system year after year, says a correspondent of the Oklahoma Farmer. His daughter keeps the books. He reports each night the sales, the purchase, the hours the teams were at work, etc., and thus is he able to keep a record of his doings and knows exactly what each crop means to him. Beginning the new year, the farmer should lay out his plans for the spring operations, the size of the vegetable garden, the varieties to grow, the in crease of the small fruit plots and L the additional trees to the orchard, the changes and the repairs that should be made to the barn and other buildings, not forgetting improve ments on the old homestead. There are a hundred and one mat. ters that can be planned for 1909's op erations, and no better use could be 1 made of one's evenings than to map out all these matters. The latest catalogues of reliable seeds, nursery and implement houses can be secured, and profitable time may be spent in carefully looking them over. Lists of seeds, trees, tools, etc., should be got and ordered before the general rush in the spring. This e will avoid delays, errors, and vexa. tions generally. I The farmer Is a business man and each year the farm is becoming more important to the welfare of the coun try. The farmer is no longer the sub ject of ridiculous cartoon, but the em blem of prosperity in all the high-class publications. The whole world looks to the sturdy tiller of the soil for the means of maintaining prosperity in the land. e The Little Pigs. e - a The little pigs should be encouraged d to eat at as early an age as possible. d The dividing of farrowing pens, so 1, that the pigs can have access to a 0 shallow trough away from the sow, is r of great value. Keep everything scru. a pulously clean, or serious digestive e troubles will likely result. Feed only in limited quantities, and a allow no old feed to remain in the d trough from one feeding to the next, g If the little pigs and the sow are con h fined inside all the time a few sods e and roots will greatly benefit them if r given every two or three days. o Young pigs fed in this manner will not fall away in condition when they are separated from their dams. In fact, they will practically wean them. selves by the time they are eight or ten weeks of age. Abundant exercise and frequent feeding are essential to the best Sgrowth and development of the young pigs. By the time they are ready to Swean some kind of forage crops or t- pasture should be available for them. The gains made upon pasture and green forage crops are not rapid, but A are very economical; and the pigs' di. Sgestive powers are greatly enlarged and their bone and muscle are better a developed by the time their fattening period arrives. A good variety of for Sage crops and pasture is necessary to d provide plenty of grazing during the season. Alfalfa, clover, oats, peas, rape and Srye may be profitably utilized as pas ture and forage crops for pigs. Land a that is utilized for hog pasture will it gain rapidly in fertility, and will be in excellent condition to produce larg a crops of roots for winter feeding. Seed Breeding. The profits from any crop are large ly dependent upon the reliability of Sthe seed from which the crop is d grown, says R. N Blinn, of the Colora do Agricultural college. A mixture in t the variety, or a poor quality in the Sseed of some crops may be a very se rious injury; but with a special crop Slike cantaloupes, that has markeL de al mands to meet, the use of poor seed may mean the total loss of a season's - work. On several occasions in the a early days of the cantaloupe indus. Stry at Rocky Ford, when the growers Sdepended upon the seedsmen for their r- seed, entire fields were worthless on d account of mixtures and unmarketable k types. Cows that are to calve In winter or early spring should have about six quarts of some vegetable every day for two weeks before calving. If this Scourse is pursued there will be no milk d fever nor any of the other many trou Id bles incident to calving time. an There is always a market for the a chicken from the time it is a month 3e and a half old till it is ready to die a natural death. RACE SUICIDE CHARGED ONE BIRTH DURING YEAR IN CLUB OF 400. Women Deny That Their Club Work Distracted From the Life of Home. i 1.0:_ TOn 1: of the large fash. ionahl , . . .1 of t hicago the stork in the ia . ": ' tatl onl! visit, mId only one,. 'The \Wevst End \\ o.. . iiu. with a ilenlberslhip of ,;i, bo a ' ,, v , w,, '"culb i,aht "' for the year, anl! 1 ',." s:iw: is trtue of the Chicago ('ultlmre Cth.! ' :1) nlembers, and tilth Social 'Econoh ", f'lub, whose nlmembers number 1:3. This startling commentary on I he birth rate among fashionable w,omen was dis closed following the receipt of a dis patch from t)tmbah stating that of the 400 nmemhlers of the Omaha \\'oman's Club, onllv one htad hbeeonle IIa otlher dhr ing the last year. The secre<'tary report ed at the annual meeting that Mrs. D):* yid E. Mcl'ully, a former officer of the organization, had given birth to a boy since the meeting a year previous, and that he was the first and only club child of the year. Despite the C(hicago and Omaha sta tistics, club women here indiignantly .e nied that their club work distracted from the life of the home. CUTS OFF ARM, SAVES FATHER Georgia Girl Will Get Carnegie Medal for Heroism. Bowdon, Ga.--Fifteen-year-old Mamit Price, who lives near here, will be pre sented with a Carnegie hero medal. The home of her father was wrecked by the storm and all the inmates except the girl were buried in the ruins. She pro cured an ax and guided by the groans of the victims, proceeded to cut them out of the debris. Her mother died before she could be released, but the girl res cued her baby brother alive and unhurt; Her father was caught under the heavy timbers and his left arm was mangled. The girl cut away as many of the tim. bers as possible, but could not release the arm. The father, however, decided that the arm would have to be amputated any how, and at his command, the girl brought the ax down on the mangled member, thus releasing Mr. Price. Thei aided by her father, she made a rude tourniquet that stopped the loss of blood while she went for help. LOOKING FOR POT OF GOLD Population of Layton, Ky., Expect Treasure to Be Dug Up. Cincinnati.-The work of excavating for the structure of St. Francis Church, in Dayton, Ky., a suburb, is being watched by a large portion of the popu lation of the town, who expect the work. men engaged in the excavating may dig up a pot of gold which tradition says has lain buried under that site since the raid of Gen. John Hunt Morgan and his band of Confederates near the close of the Civil war. The property formerly belonged to the late Matthew McArthur, a noted South ern sympathizer. The old homestead was famous as an udnerground station for Confederate refugees. As the story goes, there was a subterraneon passage leading from the house, and it is here the passage having long since been filled up-that the treasure is supposed to be. The money was left there, it is said, by a Confederate spy by the name of Caldwell, who had been sent North to pay the troops of Gen. Morgan, then in this vicinity. He stopped at the MeAr thur residence, and his presence being discovered, he secreted the gold, said to amount to several thousand dollars, and escaped, intending to join Geen. Morgan, tie latter being killed in Tennessee about the same time. 15,000 ABOARD BATTLESHIP Big Fighting Xachine Wu Sunday Attraction in New Orleans. New Orleans.-It was demonstrated that the big battleship Missis sppi can accommodate five thousand vii itecs at once and not be overcrowded. The jackie who stood at the gang plank all Sunday with an automatic recording machine in his hand, registering every soul who canme on bonai, swears that tlthere were that many on board at once several times during the day. Whern night fell and there camne a lull in the huge stream of gaily dressed and smil ingly perspiring people, the register had ilicked over fifteen tlhounsand times. It was a patriotic and happy throng, too. Every man, woman and child in it seemed to feel not only a pride in the grim machine of death and destruction, but a sense of part ownership in the craft as well. All the gun decks and even the turrets were open to the callers, She only parts of the ship not available to visitors being the state rooms and luarters below. To Punish Husband. Louisville, Ky.-Mrs. Perry Campbell, wife of the erring shepherd of the flock st Stamping Ground, Ky., who was ar rested in St. Louis with Josie Hosely, mne of his choir singers, announced that her husband's former congregation had raised money for her aid. She will rent and keep a rooming house for her own maintenance. "I have decided on a fit punishment for my husband," said Mrs. "Iampbell. "HIe wants me to secure a di. force, but I shall refuse. He must re main in his present relation to me."