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The Raney Canners Are famous throughout the Country, Fifteen years experience has made them perfect. Don't experiment, but buy THE CANNER WITH THE REPU TATION. We supply you everything you need in the business. Let us send you our catalog. Chapel Hill, N. C., and Texarkana, Ark.-Tex. The Raney Canner Company, TexarkanaTex The First Consideration in Life Insurance is SECURITY The Equitable Life Occupies a Pre=eminent Position as to Financial STRENGTH il. C. ELDER FRANK L. LEVY Special Agent General Agent, New Orleans, La. TAX COLLECTOR'S SALES State of Louisiana vs. Delinquent Tax Debtors of the Parish of Plaquemines. By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, I will sell, at the principal front door of the Courthouse in which the Civil District Court of said parish is held within the legal hours for judical sales, beginning at the hour of o'clock 11 a. m., on SATURDAY THE 12TH, DAY OF JUNE, 1909, and continuing on each succeeding day until said sales are completed, all immovable property on which taxes are now due to the State of Louisiana and'Parish of Plaquemines, to enforce collection of taxes assessed in the year 1908, together with the interest thereon from the 31st day of December, 1908, at the rate of two per cent. per month until paid and all costs. Brown, Mrs. Lucy; assessment $200, state tax 1.00, parish tax 1.20, levee tax 2.00, acreage tax .15, interest and costs 2.68. A certain tract of land on the left bank of the Mississippi river and designated as lot at Bertrandville. Baptiste, Charles; assessment $180, state tax .90, parish tax 1.08, levee tax 1.80, acreage tax 15, poll tax 1.00 road tax 1.00. A certain tract of land on the right bank of the Mississippi and designated as lot no. 20, at Oak ville, Brown, W. J. estate; assessment $1.40, state tax.70, parish tax.84, levee tax 1.40, acreage tax .15, interest and costs 2.F5. A certain tract of land on the'r ght bank of the Mississi.pi river and designated as, lot at Ircnt& n. tadro, Julian: assessment $109, state tax .50, parish tax .60, poll tax 1.00 interest and costs 2.36. One building Port Eads. Loyle, Jos.; assessment $550, state tax 2.5, parish tax 3.30, levee tcx 5.50, acreage tax 1.00, poll tax, 1.00, road tax'1.00, interest 'and osts 3.60. A certain tract of land situated on the leit bank of the Mississippi river, measuring one arpent front by forty ar pents in depth, bounded above by lands of Mrs. A. Walker and below by lands of Fanny Plant Doyle, Jos; assessment $180. state tax .90, parish tax 1.08, levee tax 1.80, acreage tax .15, interestand costs 2.64. A certain tract of land on the left bank of the Mississippi river and desig nated as, lot at Bertrandville. Edgerson, Mrs. Clementine; assess ment $100, state tax .50, parish tax .60, levee tax 1.00 acreage tax .10, Int eret and costs 2.47. A certain tract of Iand 4n the right bank of the' Miss ilaplpp river and designated as one lot at New Texas. Good Intent Lodge, No.88; assess ment $200, state tax 1.00, parish tax L10, Ievee tax 2.00, acreage tax .50, jntebest ae acosts 2,72. A certain tract of Iad, .situated on the right bank of the Mississippi river, measuring one bhal arpent front by twenty in depth, bonawed sbqve by lands of B, Wilson OGaeen, Mrs Lucy; asseassment $50, tat ta , z, parish tax .S0,leveeta .0o, aepegp ax .10, Interest and rte 2.I6. Suildino g at s e. Sophie. HEADQUARTERS FOR LOUISIANA ORANGES 4OHN MEYER, (Formerly of Weinberger & Co.) Fruit an4 Produce and General Commission Merchant. 110 Poydras Street, New Orleans, La SEEjD POTATOES A SPECIALTY. Special attention given to produce shipments of all kinds. XAorresponde me solieited, any reference furnished on application. ;-: E. 0. & F. B. GIQ RDANO, :-: AGENTS FOR Brook's Improved Hand Pump A most vplpable apparatus for extinguishing fires, spraying trees and watring gardens: . Address: 0. E. & Ft. B. GIORDANO, Jesuit Bend P. O. La. Agents for Plaquemines, St. Bernard. Orleans & Jefferson Parishes. Fuweral Panor and Stable PHONE ALGIERS 22, Cumberland Connections, JOH N A. BARRETT, .3- Und e rtaker. . oERRVALL.ET -PELIOAN AVE. 81I3I R? 1 ALGIERS, LA. 1'..;ý i ' u .y and below by T. '. Wilkinson. Guenin, J. B. and Peoples Bank; as sessment $550, state tax 2.75, parish tax 3.30, levee tax 5.50, acreage tax 2.00, interest and costs 3.60. A certain tract of land situated on the right bank of the Mississippi river, measuring two arpents front by forty in depth, bound ed above by lands of S. Henderson and below by lands of Leon Despeaux. Hamilton, Mrs. Susan; assessment $140, state tax .70, parish tax .80, levee tax 1.40, acreage tax .15, in terest and costs 2.55. A certain tract of land on the right bank of the Miss issippi river,designated as,lot at Ironton. Kelley, Hugh; assessment $300, state tax 1.50, parish tax 1.80, levee tax 3.00, acreage tax, .50, poll tax, 1.09 road tax 1.00, interest and costs 5.93, A Certain tract of land situated on the left bank of the Mississippi river, measuring one half arpent front *by forty arpents in depth, bounded above by lands of F. J. Blaise and below by lands of F. Adolph. Kinkella, Jos; assessment $150, state tax .75, parish tax .90, levee tax 1.50, acreage tax .50, poll tax 1.00, interest and costs 2.61. A certain tract of land situated on the right bank of the Miss issippi river, measuring one half arpent front by forty arpentsin depth, bound ed above by lands of Aug. Buras and below by lands of E. Jeanfreap. Machella, Matteo; assessment $500.00i leevee tax 5.00, acreage tax 26.00, in terest and costs 5.35. A certain tract of land situated on the left bank of the Mississippi river measuring thirty-six acres front and Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Township 20, South Range 18, East. P!gniola, J. B., Sr., estate; assess nm:nt $1,7(0.00, state tax 8.50, parish tax 10.20, levee tax 17.00, acreage tax 5.50, interest and costs 6.37, A certain tract of land situated on the right bank of the Mississippi river measuring five and onewhalf arpents front by forty arpents in depth bounded above by lands of J. R,Pignio la and below by lands of J. B. Figniiola, Jr., estate. Pigniola, J. B., Sr., estate; assess ment $50.00, state tax .25, parish tax .30, levee tax .50, interest and costs 2.35. A certain tract of land situated on the right bank of the Mississippi river and designated as parcel of land at the Chauniere. Ramsey, Mrs. Mary; assessment $150.00 state tax .75, parish tax .90, levee tax 1.50, acreage tax 1.00,Plaque mines parish East bank tax 1.50, acre age tax 5.60, interest and costs 3,37. A certain tract of land situated On the left bank of the Mississippi river meas uring one arpent front by forty ar pents in depth, bounded above by lands of Haspel & Davis Co. and below by lands of Mrs., E. Simms. Taylor, William; assessment $180.00, state tax .65, parish tax .78, levee tax 1.30, acreage tax .10, poll tax 1.00, road" tax 1.00, interest and costs 2.53. One building at Ste. Sophie. Tucick, Mrs. Angele; uassessment $660.00, state tax 2.75, parish tax 8.80, levee tax 5.50, acreage tax 1.00, inter est and costs 3.50. A certain tract of i land situated on the right bank of the Mississippi, measuring one arpent front by forty arpents in depth, bounded above by lands of Mrs. A. Tucick and Gilmore and below by lands of M. Treadaway. NON-RESIDENTS. Burnett, Mrs. Norton; assessment $1,100.00, state tax 5.50, parish tax 6.60, levee tax 11.00, acreage tax 5.00, Plaquemines parish East bank tax 11.00, acreage tax 26.25, interest and costs 8.78. A certain tract of land sit uated on the left bank of the Missis sippi river, measuring five arpents front by forty arpents in depth, bound ed above by lands of A. E. Scott and below by lands of J. E. McDonald. Black, James E.; assessment $230, state tax 1.15, parish tax 1.38, inter est and costs 2.50. A certain section of land designated as, S. 1-2 of N. W. 1-4, N. E. 1-4 of N. W. 1-4 S, W. 1-4, S. 1-2 of N. E. 1-4. S. E. 1-4 of sec. 24 T. 21 S. R. 19 E. and W. 1-2 of sec. 11 T. 22 S. R. 31 E. W. of river. Bluck, James L.; assessment $550, state tax 2.75, parish tax 3.30, levee tax 5.50, acreage tax 1.00, interest and costs 3.50. A certain tract of land situated on the right bank of the Miss issippi river, measuring one arpent front by forty arpents in depth, bound ed above by lands of J. and L. Evas sovich and below by lands of Mrs. A. Wemple. Bluck, James E.; assessment $250, state tax 1.25, parish tax 1.50, levee tax 2.50, acreage tax .50, interest and costs 2.82. A certain tract of land sit uated on the right bank of the Mississ ippi river, measuring one half arpent front by forty arpents in depth, bound ed above by lands of Mrs. A. Wemple and below by lands of P. LaFrance. Bluck, James E.; assessment $3,000, state tax 15.00, parish tax 18.00, levee tax 30.00, interest and costs 8. 55. Certain sections of land designated as all of section 13 T. 21. S. R. 30 E. Buck, C. C.; assessment, $1.000,state tax 5.00, parish tax 6.00, levee tax 10.00, interest and costs 4.35. Certain sections of land designated as lots 1.2. 3 and 4 and lands rear of lots 1.2 and 3, T. 21 S. R. 30 E. Buck, C. C.; assessment $1.000, state tax 5.00, parish tax 6.00, levee tax 10.00, acreage tax 10.00, interest and costs 5.5~. Certain sections of land designated as all of that Sec. 31 W, of Tigers Pass, T. 21 S, R. 31 E. W. of river. Buck, C, C.; assesment $400, state tax 2.50, parish tax 3.00, acreage tax 5.CO0, interest and costs 3.30. Certain sections of land designated as that por tion of N. W. 1-4 of Sec. 6 W. of Ti ger's Pass, T.22 S. R. 31 E., W. of river. Curtis, Ed. Earl; assessment $800, state tax 4.00, parish tax 4.80, levee tax 8.00, interest and costs 3.93. Cer tain timber rights, rear of Bertrand ville or Woodlawn. Lewis, Mathilda, Estate; assessment $200, state tax 1.00, parish tax 1.29, levee tax 2.00, acreage tax .15. intersst and costs 2.20. Designated as, lot No. 37, North of' St. Nicholas avenue, at Bertrandville. Morrison, Dr. James E.; assessment $160, state tax .80, parish tax .96, levee ta* 1.60, interest and costs 2.58, Certain section of land designated as 160 acres, S. W. 1-4 T. 16,S. R. 15 E. Massie, Jessie H. Estate; assessment $2,000, state tax 10.00, parish tax 12.00, levee tax 20.00, acreage tax 3.50, in terest and costs 6.80. A certain tract of land situated on the right bank of the Missississippi river and designated as 1320 acres, all lands in T. 21 S. R, 81 E. except small lots. Noble, V. A.; assessment $490, state tax 2.45, parish tax 2.94, levee tax 4.90, interest and costs 3.27. Cer, tain sections of land designated as 490 acres all of section 21 T. 15 S. R. 15 E. North Louisiana Co. Ltd.; assess ment $1,440, state tax 7.20, parish tax 8.64, levee tax 14.40, interest and costs 5.27. Certain sections of land desig nated as all See. 10 3X4, T. 14 S. R. 22 E. and fractional See. 19, 20, 47, 50, 51 and 53, T. 16 R. 31 E. Ogden, Joseph; assessment $2,560, state tax 12.80, parish tax 15.36, levte tax 25.60, interest and costa 7.62. Cer tain section of land designated as 2560 adres ,Sec, 5, 9, 17 and 18, T. 16 S. R, 15E. Orangedale Colony Co.; assessment $600, state tax 3.00, parish tax 3.60, levee tax 6.00, acreage tax 2.00, Plaquemines parish East bank 6.00, acreage tax 14,00, interest and costs 5.71. A certain tract of land situated on the left bank of the Mississippi river measuring two arpents front by forty arpents in depth, bounded above by lands of Mrs. R. Martin and below by lands of Haspel & Davis Co. Orangedale Colony Co.; assessment $600, state tax 8.00, parish tax 8.60, levee tax 6.00, acreage tax 2.00, Plaquemines parish East bank tax 6.00 acreage tax 14.00, interests and costs 5.71. A certain tract of land situated on the left bank of the Mississippi riv er, two arpents front by forty arpents in depth, botnded above by lands of Haspel & Davis Co,, and below by lands'of Henry SatcheL. Oraegedale Colony Co.; assesment $0, state tax 1.00, patrh tax 1.lU, levee tax :3.00, acreage tax 1.00, Plaquemrnes parish East bank tax,8.0; acreage tax 6.&0, inter'est and cost.91. left bank of the Mississippi river and ( measuring one arpent front by fortyI arpents in depth, bounded above by lands of Haspel & Davis Co. i and below by the lands of Frank C. t Mevers. Orangedale Colony Co.; assessment $300, state tax 1.50, parish tax 1.80, levee tax 3.00, acreage tax 1.00, Plaquemines parish East bank tax 3,00, t acreage tax 7.35, interest and cost4.01. A certain tract of land situated on the left bank of the Mississippi river, measuring one arpent front by forty arpents in depth, bounded above by i by the lands of Haspel & Davis Co.and below by the lands of E. A. Schayot. Orangedale Colony Co.; assessment $7,520, state tax 87.50, parish tax 105.12, levee tax 175.20, interest and.1 costs 39.03. Certain section of land designated as 17520 acres, Sec. 25, T. 16 S., R. 14 E.; Sec. 26, fractl. Sec. 1 19, Sec. 20, T. 16 S, R. 15 E.; Sec. 21 1 & 22, fractl. Sec. 27, fractl. Sec. 28, 1 fractl. Sec. 29, fractl. Sec. 30, Sec. 31, 1 Sec. 32, fractl. Sec. 33, Sec. 1, T. 17 0 S., R. 14 E.; Sec. 2, Sec. 3, fractl. Sec. 4, fractl. Sec. 5, fractl. Sec. 10, fractl. Sec. 11, Sec. 12, fractl. Sec. 13, fractl. Sec. 14, fractl. Sec. 24, fractl. Sec. 4, T. 17 S., R. 15 E.; Sees, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 1S, fractl, Sec. 19, fractl. Sec. 20, W. of Sec. 21, N. W. 1-4 Sec. 28, fractl. Sec. 29. Rectangle Ranche Co.; assessment $5,000, state tax 25.00, parish tax 30.00, levee tax 50.00, acreage tax 10.00, in terest and costs 13.75. Certain Sec tions of land designated as 44608 acres all lands T. 21, S.. R. 29 and 30 E., S, E. and S. W. of river except lots 1, 2, 3, and 4. T. 21 S., R. 30 E. Stevens, D, B,; assessment $2,550, state tax 12.75, parish tax 15.30, levee tax 25.50, interest and costs 7.60. Certain Sections of land designated as 2550 acres all of Sec. 17 S. W. of Bay ou Terre Aux Bceufs; 630 acres, all of Secs. 20, 28, 29, T. 15 S., R. 15 E.; aT also Secs. 7 and 8, T, 16 S.. R. 15 E.; all of 20, 28 and 29, T. 15 S., R. 15 E; also Sec. 7 and 8, T. 16 S., R. 15 E. Tyson, James, and Peter Robinson; assessment $160, state tax .80, parish tax .90, interest and costs 2.42. Cer tain Section of land designated as 159. 95 acres radiating Sec. 10, T. 21 S., R. 19 E. Unknown; assessment $500, state tax 2.50, parish tax 3.00 interest and costs 2.80. Certain section of land designat ed as 159.95 acres, radiating Sec. 15, T. 21 S., R. 19 E. Unknown; assessment $500, state tax 2.50, parish tax 3.00, interest and costs 2.80. Certain section of land designat ed as Secs. 10 and 11, T. 20 S., R. 18 E. Unknown; assessment $160, state tax .80, parish tax .96, levee tax 1.69, in terest and costs 2.58. Certain section land designated as lots I and 2, Sec. 44 T. 15 R. 12 E.160 acres. Unknown; assessment $50, state tax .25, I arish tax .30, levee .50, interest and costs 2.35. Certain sestion land designated as Sec, 38 T. 15 R. 12 E. 47. S0, acres. Unknown; assessment $80, state tax .40, parish tax .48, levee tax ,80, in terest and costs 2.41. Certain section land designated as Sec. 39 T. 15 r. 12 E. 79.43 acres. Vucasovich, Bosoco; assessment $50, state tax .25, parish tax .30, levee tax .50, interest and costs 2.35, Certain section land designated as N. E. 1-4 of S. E. 1-4 of fractional N.W. 1-4 of Sec. 9 T. 21 S. R. 28 E. On the said day of sale I will sell such portion of said property as each debtor will point out, and in case the debtor will not point out sufficient property, I will at once and without further delay, sell the least quantity of said property of any debtpr,which any bidder will buy for the amount of taxes, interest and costs due by said debtor, The sale will be without appraisement for CASH in legal tender money of the United States and the property sold shall be redeemable st any time for the space of one year, by paying the price given, including costs with 20 per cent. thereon. FRANK C. MEVERS. Sheriff and ex Oficlb Tax Collector. May 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12, 1909. NOTICE To MORTGAGE CREDITORS In conformity with section 53, Act 170 of 1898, notice is hereby given to all parties holding mortgages upon real ea tate located in the Parish of Plaque mines on which taxes for the year 1908 have not been paid, that I will begin the sale of same at the Courthousle door on Slturday, June 12th, 1909, and that a number of pieces of property so delinquenta re now being advertised in the newspaper, in conformity with the law, preparatory to suehsales. The at tention of Mortgage Creditors is es pecially called to these advertisements of Tax sales, and they are warned to take such steps prior to the sale as may be necessary to protect their rights. FRANK C. MEVERS. Sheriff and ex Officio Tax Collector. May 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12, 1900. For Sale, Choice Honduras seed rice at $5.50 per barrel, apply to, M. WALTZER & CO. Bohemia Plantation. Nothing Better Than Work. Recently a man wrote to the New York Times saying that he was a little I more than fifty years of age, and hav ing worked all pf hia .life to acquire enough money to make him indepen. dent, and having succeeded, he had re tired, and was now trying to make himself happy with nothing to do. He passed five hours a day in reading, three hours in exercise and eating, which left him eight bours, which he found hard to dispose 'of. His letter was in the nature of a lament. His I bubble had burst, What he had dreamedof being able to do all his life had come tnrue, and was ans empty vaniity. Fooillahman! The independence that moniey brings with it is the least of our j zbepidei~cies; . Gazette Wins in Supreme Court. Some time ago a suit was instituted by F. S. Hingle against the Police Jury of this parish in an endeaver to compel that body to elect his paper, the Plaquemines Protector, the official journal of this parish at a price which he claimed was worth to him the sum of $600 per annum. It is also of record' that the Gazette received the prize, having underbid its only competitor by a considerably safe margin. Notwithstanding a decision by Judge Hingle adverse to the Protector's in terests, followed by the Gazette's elece tion as official journal, an appeal was taken to the Court of Appeals, which in due course of time was disposed of to the discomfiture of the defendent as follows: "State ex rel, Felix S. Hingle vs. the Police Jury of the Parish of Plaque mines-1. Repeal by implication is not favored, and, unless they are irrecon cilable, the two statues should, if pos sible be construed together and their differences harmonized. 2. Act 138 of 1894, if repealed and superceded by section 22 of Act 184 of 1908, on the same subject matter, and the latter statute remains the only muniment of authority for parochial action in refar ence to the subject of public printing. Affirmed." The Supreme Court, that august tri bunal of last resort, was next invoied under an application for a writ of re view of the entire record. This is a remedy in law sought by a chagrined party litigant when he verily believes that a great wrong or injustice has been done him by the decision of the lower appelate court. He generally recites in his application the great injustice inflicted upon him by the district and appelate court and winds up with a tearful appeal for a rigid inquiry by the Supreme Court aforesaid, to the end that all wrongs might be righted. The case we are discussing was last Monday considered by the Supreme Court briefly, pithily thus: "Felix S. Hingle vs. Police Jury of the Parish of Plaquemines. In re Felix S. Hingle, applying for certiorari or writ of review, to the Court o! Ap peal, parish of Orleans, State of Louis iana. Application denied." Thus perish all the claims, and ambi tions which our contemporary may have had to the official journalship of Plaquemines. Thus perished Carthage The Nerve of Him! "Well, did he pay you?" asked the wife of a dentist who had been to col lect a bill for a full set of false teeth that he had made for a man almost a year before. "Pay me!" growled the dentist. "Not only did he refuse to pay me, but he actually had the effrontery to gnash at me-with my teeth!" In Memoriam. Pointe-a-la-Hache, La., May 11, 1908. To the Honorable the 29th Judicial Dis Strict Court, in and for the Parish of Plaquemines: On behalf of a committee of the bar of Plaquemines parish the following resolutions are presented to the Court; SThat the memory of the late E, SHoward McCaleb, so long the foremost lawyer at this bar, in indissolubly linked with everything that isnoble and good in the history of this parish and Sstate; That we remember him as an able, rearnest, dignified and courteouslawyer, Ias a charming and talented companion, and as a gracious host, who, in years Sgone by frequently entertained the 1 Court and other members of the bar at his country home near the court Shouse; t That whether as a young soldier f in the late civil war, a valiant champion Sof the liberties of the people of the rSouth, after the war, or as a political Sleader of the people, he always stood rfor the right and did well his part; That during the anti-lottery cam paign, though his largest clients were interested in or, on the side of the lot' tery, his influence, ability and power were all exerted for what he believed was right, and his action on the Young Committee put down the lottery and helped to change the history of the State; That his religious faith and devotion to his family and kindred were beauti Sful examples to those who kaew him Sand who admired and loved him, and in Sgrief and sorrow your committee now moves the Court to have this report spread on the minutes and to adjourn out of respect to the memory of the late E. Howard MCCaleb, who will long be well remembered here; Be it further resolved that a copy of these resolutions be given to the press and sent to the family of the disceased. JAMES WILKINSON, Chairman; EDWIN C. KOHN, JOHN DYMOND, JR., NEMOURS H. NUNEZ, S OLIVER S. LIVAUDAIS, Committee. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of Plaquemines. By virtue of and in obedlence to an order of sale to inme directed by the Board of Commissioners for the Grand Prairie Levee District, through its SPresident. Mr. I. L. iHaspel, in anld for the Parish of Plaquemlnes, dated April 15, 1909, and in conformity with Act No. 215 of 1908, I have advertised and will proceed to sell at public auction, = at the Courthouse at Pointe-a-la-Hache, Son Saturday, the 29th day of May. 1909, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. mn.. the fo01 lowing described property in the fol Slowing lots: OC'THIEldASTERN DISTRICT.-EAST OF 1,. th~ N.E.r4 ,of 1. eest". 150 in 18 " 15 " I ". s.a. '" 2, " " " 14 5" 5. " " 2, " 11 " 18 " 1 " ," .W "2 " " 18 " 15 " 7. " N.E.i " 11, " 1 " l' i " 15 " , " S.F.. " 11. " 10 " IS " 13 " .'. " ..i" 11, " 1.; " is" 1:" S" S.W.'. " 11," 4" 18 " i5 " It. " N.E.L " 12, t" o "18 15 " 12. " .E.1 " 1 " 11 " l" 15" :1, "' NW.'. " 1, 6 " 1 " 1.' " 1:,. " N.E.. " 1. " hi l1 S. 16 E. 1 , ", S.4E. . " I. " 11i0 " 1I " 1 " 17. " N.W. " L " 1" l " l " 1 , ~. . " 1t " 1. . " h' " 12. " N.E.', , 2 ". " "' 1. 1 6" 21. " N.E.', " 6. " t " 1 " 1t " . N, " S \'.'W, " , 0. " 1l " IS " '1i " :1,. " S.E.' " :1. " 1t " is "' l; " 2.5. " N.. . " 1 " " 16 " 2", " S.,. " 4. " 1I0 " ' " It; " 1. " N.W.I " 74, " 1t " Ih' 16 " 42, " s.W..' " 4. " ltti " 18 " It; " S" . " . " 4. " 160 " In " 1'' " :t., " W.', " 9 . It " 1 ,0 Is 1i; " 31. " N.1.' " , . " 1i " i " 1t;" 1 " ,E.W1 "' ,, " t0 " 15 " It; " 3. 3, " N.\.'4 " 1. " Iit " ' 18 " I " 9. '' N.W. iO 10 " 1s ' " i,. " N.E.'.t " T t " 1h0 " 1i " 1; " 41. " S.E.1., " 6, " 120 " i " It" 41, " N\.W.{ " 1 " 16 " is " i " 441, " S.W.4 " 1 , " it " " l0 " 1i t; 43 , N ".E.ti " , " 1th1 " 1 " it" 4. " SW.E. " , " 16t " 1X " It; " 46. " S.W..i " P. " 10o " Il " it " 47. " NS.I. " , , " li : " Is " 1(;" -46. " S.E. " ' , " 1I;0 " 18 " 1I " i., " SN.E.'.! " , 160 " 1i " 1i " ,It. " S.W.' " 10, " 21ta " 1 t " ,1. " N.E.'4 " , " 1 0 " 18 " 1t 72. " N.W.t" " I1, " 1i0 " 18 " 11 " . " 11, " S.'i."+ " 10, i t;" S "' 141 74. " N.W.1, " 11, " 160 " 1s " i " 70. " N.'W.I" " 1, " 172 " iS " 10 " il1. " .E.'i " 1l. " I70 " I " 16 " i., " S.W. i " 11, " 10O " Is " iti " 2. " N.W. " 1", " 1ito" l " 1l " .4 " S.W.14 " 1', " 1;0 " IS " Ii; " T, "' N. .t " 123, " 1tt " 18 " Ii " 1611" is " it; 5l., " NS.W.' " 12,. " 1t0 " 18 " 16" ,':. " N.i.'4 " 24. " t100 " 18 " 1t " .8. " S.W.I "' 12, " I1'; " 18 " 16 " 50, " N.W. " 14, " itO " I1 " 10 " 601. " S.1.' "4, " 10 " 18 " 16 " 13,. " N.E.1'. " 1. " I;0 " S " 10 " 9C, " S.1.1; " 1' . " II0 " In "it " ;9. " N.E.4 " 14, " 100 " IS " 16" 97,. " S.4'. ". . " 1 " IS " 16 " 71), " N.W.L" 14, " ItI " 18 " i " O2. " N.W. " 14 " 1 i0 " 1S " 1' " G7. " S.E.' " 17 " 15 0 " IS " s ; " 1S. " S.'.""l" " l1 " 18 " 1 " 71. " W.' " 12. " 7210 " Is " 1 " 7it " S.E.4 " L1 " 160 " 18 " 16" li, " N.K. ",I, " 1, 4 " I " 10 " 72., " N.W.I " 1i. " 151.20 " 1S " 10 " 7. " SN.E1. " 17, " It50 " 1S " It " 10, " 13.E. " t.. " . t2 " 1S " 14 " i,, " N.W.4 " 2, " 11 ;O" 18 " 10 " , " .All 2 " 1.0 " 18 " 10 " 7, " ~.iN:.E., " 21, " 160 " IS " 16 " 72,. " 2.. , " " 6O " 15 " 1 SO, " N.E..4i " 2 " 1t0 " 18 " 17 " 801, " S.E.'y " 2 " 160 " 18 " 1" 2.1, " N.1i.'4 " , '" 100 " "I " 17 " 18, " S.W.t.' " 2, " 1;0 " 18 " 17 " . " N.E.W'4 " , " 160" " 1" "1" 190, " .E.WI. " . :, " 160 " 1 " 16" S9, " N.W.i " 2.1 " 10t0 " 1s " 16 " n9, " s.i.'A 2,, " , 160 " 18 " 1 " 4. " N.FW.. " 24. " 1130 " 1S " 16 " 1.2 " S.E.'! " 24, " It0 " 18 " 10 19:. " SN.W.l " 2, " 160 " 18 " 1' " 93I. " S.W. ", " " 1 " 10" 1 " I1 " 91,. " SN.,. " 21,, " 1t0 " i8 " 16 " 1. " S.F.l " 276. "' 160 " 18 " 16 " 91:2, " "S.W. " 2, " 160 " i " 1" 1.". " N.W." '4 " 72, " IS " 17 " 104, " S.E'; " 26, " 2160 " 18 " "6 12T. " S.E.% " 13, " 100 " ix " 1 " 1 N. " . W.% T . 5, , ' " 10 " is " 18 " 17S, " S.R.' "18, " 160 " 1s " 10, " N..", " 160 " 18 " 17. " lo0, " 4.W.4j " 27, " 170 '" 1 " 16 " 10, N.W. . " " " 16 " o12, " S.W.Eh " 23, " Ii S " 18 " 1 " 104, " NE.i4 " 3, " 1i60 " 18 " 1 " 104, " s.W.% " 20, " 10 " 18 " 174 " 145, " N.E.\!. " , , '" 160 " 18 " 17 " 116, " 8.E.I " 31, " 160 " 18 " 17 " 110, " N.W.1 " 26, " 160 " 18 " 17 " 118, " 8.W.4 2 1, 160 " 18 " 17 " 112, " 8.W. " " i, " 160 " 18 " 71 " 11:, " N.W.,ý " 5. " 160 " 18 " 17 " 112, " $.W.4 " 1, " 00" 18" 17 " 1Il,, " N.E.'.l " . " 10 ' 1 " 17 " 121, " 5S.E.'4 " 5. " 10 1 " 1 " 1125, " N.WE.1 " ., " 160 " 1 " 17 " 156, " ' 0..W.% i tlO " 18" 1? " 12. " S.E.', " ., " 160 " 18 " 17 " 119, " NWA.4 " 0, " 160 " Is " 17 "' 120, " S.W.% " 8, " 160 " 18 " 17 " 11, " N.E.' " '0 " 160 " 1"17 " 121, " 8.E.% 0 " , " 160 " 1" 1 " S121, " N.W.' " 7, " 160 " 18 " 17 " 1:124, " .'.W.14 "1, " 10" 1t" 17 " 1.6, " N.Ei.% " 11, t1 " 18 " 17 " 107, " N.E.' " 3.' " 1;0 " 18 " ?17 " 17., " N.170, " , " 160 " 1l " 17 " 127.1 " 3.WJ', " 160 " 18 " 17 " 1372. " S.E.% " s2, " it0 " 18 " 17 " 130, " .E.'4" 35,. " 160 " I18 " 17 " 135, " N.W.,V " 3, " * t0 t " 18 " 17 " 170, " S.W.V, " 1:, " 160 " 18 " 17 " 177, " N.E.%, " 1o, " 100 " 18 " 17 " 112, " ,s.E'. " 23. " 160 " 18 " 17 " 179., "' N.W. " I), *" 100" 1 " 17 " 140, " S.W.'4i " :1. " 1i:0 " 18 "' 17 " 12,. " N.E.%' " 17. " 60 " 1 " 17 " 138, " ,.E.%y " 21, " 160 " 18 " 17 " 14, " N.W.'4 " 21. " 160 " 18 " 17 " 148. " S.W.'! " 18. " 1;0 " 18 " 1 " 14,. " N.E.' " 2', " 100 " 18 " 17 " 170. " S.E.i "25, " 181" 18 " 17 '" 158, " 1.W.¼ " J0. " 110 " 18 " 7 " 1]9, " N.W.4 " 19, " ItO " s18 " 17 " 19.1, " N.E.'!, " 21, " 160 " 18 " 17 " If, " 9 E. " " .0"1), " 1 " 18 " 17 '1 1115 ", N W., " 21. " 160 " 18 " 17 " 196, " S.W.% " 20. " 10to " 18 " 17 " 11,. " N.I.., "20, " 10 " 18 " 17 " itS, " S.E.' " 20, " 601 " 28 " 17 " 1It11, " N.W., " 20, " 160 " 18 "17 " 1t2, " .W. 2, 10 " 18, " 11 7 "1 15., " N.:.% " 0, " 122 " 18 '16 " 12,. " N.E.' " 11, " 10 " 18 " 17 '" S101, " N.1.% "11, " 160" 3 1 370" 1C0. " .W.% " io. " I* " 1 917 "i 1:.1. " N.E.', " 1. " 610 " 18 " 17 " 21)41, " N.E.', " 2, " 160 " It " 10" 1.3, " N.1,W% " 1. " 1(; " 18 " 17 " 1)i, " N.W.t4 " 12, " 160 " 18 " 17 " 1), " N.E..WA " ll, " 160 " 18 " 17 ' 12,, " N.Er.¼ " 3, " ;0 " 18 " 17 " 170, " 8.W. " aS. " 110 " 18 " 17 " 3 171, " N.WA " .22, " ltiO " 18 " 17 " 1it. " N.E.'4 " I3, " 160 " 18 " 17 " S171. 8.. " 3, " 0 " S.."183 " 1" I"1" 2 172. " N.W.A "1, " 1, " 1 " 17 " 10., " S.AW. 7 " :12, " 1 n0 " 18 " 17 " 1r I, " N.E. 36. " 160 " 18 " 17 " 178, . " 3.6. , " 16, " 180" 18"17 *" 171. " N.W.,4 " 18. " 1.0 " 18 " 17 " S180, " S.lW. " 18., " 1i0 " 18 " 18" 1 17. " . 7. "5 , " o10 " 18 " 1 " 1742. " s.q.'E. " 7. " 160 " 1 " 1I 8" riS, " N.W.4 " 1. " 18 " 18 "18" 1. " S.W. " " 10 " 18 " 17 " 177, " N.E.," IO. " 140 1 " 18 " 186, " 8. .'4 "20. " 2 120 " 18 " 1 " 187. !' ..W. 7 " 18l. " 890 " 18 " 18 " 10,, " S.W.% " 18. " 10 " 8" 18 "8" 181, '' N.E.%I; " 1, " 110 4" 18 "18" 1',2 " I .% " 17. " 160 O 18 " I " 191 " N.W4 " 19. " 1(0 " 18 " 1 " 127, " S.W.% ' 17. " 1o0 " 18 *' 1 ' 1, " N.E., " . 4 " 10 " 18 " 18 " 19t. " S.E.t/e " 2. " IO 1" "18 " I8 221, " N.w. 2 "8*' " lto " 18 ' 18 " i, '" S.W.\" " 2, " 160 " 1 " 18 " ,!1:1. " N.W.% " 1, " I100 " 19 " 18 " 10, " .E.% "l, " 100" 1" 1 " 21, " N.W. !' 10. " 10 " 19"1" 3,l ". W.El , " 11. " 160 " 1i " 18 " 201, " 8.E., " 2. " 110 " 1 " 1 " 28,, " 8,.W.i " 0, " 160 " 18 " In " i 10,, " .W.% "· " 1] 0 " 19 " I " . 217, " A.W.l " 12, " 150 " 19 " 16 " 10,. " N,. " T,. " It0 " n19o " 16 S2117. " S.%W " 10, " 160 " 19 " 10 " 200. " N.E.4 " . ' 16g " 19 " lfl " , 210, " NW., " 11, " 100 " I) " 18 " i 211, " S.W.%i " 13. " 15 " ID " I6 " 212. " Al% " 12, " 1958 " 19 " 16 " 213. " Al% " 7. " 42.37 it 19. 1 g1o 21L. " N.W.G " 12, " 180 " 10 " 18 " 215. " N.W.% " ]8. " 160 " 10 " 18 " 2 "0, " 8.E.% " 17. " 146 " 190" 1 " 217. " N.. . 0 " 1 " 16 " , "2.W. " 3." to .. 19 " 16 " 212. " s.A.l " 26. " 158 " 19 " 18 " 1 N.E. " 21 , " 100 " 1 " 18 " 21., " N..%" "18, " 117 " 19 ' 18 " '-217, " B.% of S.W.4 " 27, " 80 " 19 " 18 " * 21, " S. W %of s.W.4 " 27, " 40" 10 *' 18 " . 221, " k.% of S.W., " 2." 80 " 19 " 18 " 222, " I.W.W of 223, " R.S of N.E.W.Y " 33, " 18 " 19 " 18 " 232, " W. , " to " 18 " 18 " 1. " N.l.:.t :" , ice 19" 1 9" 237, " N :.', , " I; " 10 " 1 8 " S. l S.\C:., s, , " 1 3 ," 1 " 6 ." T •rs .E . , " 160 "h Io " than 2 n. ~ V.F.e, " . " 1C 0 " 141 b .c S '.", 4 241. 1'" t "' 1 9 " 19 I 2(4. " a.,..'." , t " 1( o" 1." 19" "i .\'., " -'. " L; " 19 " 19 '" "2 E.1', of X.W., "31, " 40 " 1,11 " 19 " 244. " N.E.t , " :1it. in iltrO 1 9 " 245',. a" R..t a". ", " i;0 n "l 19" 21;", .~ )." '" 1· "1 l 11 11" 2|;. " N.\..t " :(', "· :It0 " II,11 " U" 241', .:" .E. " :;, " 1 " 1 " 19 " 241'.t " N .W .' 2. 32 "tel 1 19 21, 13 S.W .14 ',, " ; "I'" 11 "9 '9" Terms of alht cash, not less than twenty-five (25c) clnats per acre, to be sold in lots as above numbered, the purchlser to assrmne all expenses in cidt Ital to surl\t inVtug and locating the prtlle'rtty polr(ihasd,. tite Vtildor pRTtiltg with its i' title andr interest in andl to tlie proel4r.ty ad vertised and sold, as thie same ihas he,-n .taqluied from tile Statie of L,ouiislat, the sale to be made withoult wrrai'Lntv Or restitution of the Ipurclhase price., ;tnd no title to be given to the i rll't'haser tto any of the water bottoni siuitalble fr oyster culture if there be any on thle .inds herein ad FRANK C'. MIEVERS, Sheriff. Apr. 24. m ay 1-S-15-22-29. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 29th Judicial )istrict Court, Par ish of Ptaquemines. No. 716. David G. Wire, Jr. et. als. vs. Frank Flynn Wit* and Clarence Gardner Wire. minors. By virtue of and in obedience to an ordb of salt to me directed by the Honorable. the Twenty. Ninth Judical District Court in and for the Parish of Plaquemines. dated the 5th day of April 1909. in the above entitled cause, I have advertised and will proceed to sell at public auction, on the prem. ises at Happy Jack on Saturday the 22nd day of the month of May 1909., at 11 o'clock. A. M.. the following described property, to-wit: Ist. A certain tract of land situated in the Par i5h of Plaquemines on the Right Bank of the Mis. sippi River as about 52 miles below the city of New Orleans, having and measuring One(1) arpent front, on said river by fortv(40) arpents in depth. Bounded above by lands belonging to Isidore Sofle and below by lands belonging to G. A. B. Hays, together with all the improvements, rights, ways, priveleges, and appurtenances thereuhto attachbi or in anywise appertaining. 2nd. One sorrel horse. FRANK C. MEVERS: Sheriff of the Parish of Plaqueminea. 4-17-24-5-1-8-15-22. Notice. Notice is hereby given in accordance with act 176 of 1908. that I am applying to the Police Jury of the Parish of Plaquemines for permission td conduct a colored bar room at Ironton, La. L. ARNOLIR. Notice. Assessor's Office, Parish of Plaquemines. Polate a-la-Hache. La., May 8, 1909. All persons liable to taxation upon any dMcdp tion of property, whether real estate or movables, are hereby notified in conformity with law, that the assessments for the year 1909, for this parish have been completed, and the lists will be exposed in my office at the Courthouse from May 10, to 30 (holidays and Sundays excepted) as required by See. 4 of Act 182 of 1906. All Taxpayers are earnestly invited to avail themselves of the opportunity to make known their objections to any assessment, if any, and to test the correctness thereof in the manner pre scribed by law. M. COGNEVICH. Am.mor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. N. 1. NUNEZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 407 Morris Bldg., New Orleans. District Attorney for the parishes of Plaquemines and St. Bernard. Office Hours 10 to 12a.m. Phone M, 3378 JOHN. DYMOND, Jr. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 339 Carondelet Street. New Orleans CIVIL LAW A SPECIALTY Practice in State and Federal Courts. JULIUS STRACK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE St. Clair Plantation, English Tlurn P. O0 Collections and Other Legal Businesal promptly attended to. JAS. WILKINSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 137 Carondelet St. Fourth Floor NEW ORLEANS, LA. Take Elevator. For Sale. Some of the finest lands in the State, on the Right Bank of the Mississippi River a few miles be low the ,City of New Orleans, within hauling distance of the French Market, and constituting the upper end of Belle Chasse and the lower end of the St. Ann Plantations, in the Parish of Plaquemines. These lands are splendidly ad dapted to Truck 'Farming or Orange Growing and will be sold in lots of one arpent or more front by forty arpentsin depth. For Particulars Addrses T. S. WILKINSON Myrtle Orove Postoffice, or 311 Godchaux Bldg., SNEW ORLEANS. Murray Hill Club Whiskey SOL LEVI, Agent.